rilK OMAHA BIT.: .MONDAY, SKI'TKMIIKR II, Vtli. THE GUMPS...1,' MIL t0 Vovl TVmtC I LMr VUT Oka VTVTStMAMf - WUt TMMf riCTVtt ViTl . T e v - - iw pwiMVVb t ewee I A V 4kar-s-a'.x - . . . aw, bimi.1 i x (,OMgf tsmd Sn.ifl una (v .w . ... r. ........ j -v:.T l"tA i ' 1 a r-vw livxil' P0vrfiCB AMD MC SaatllV.ftaS VaA) kl.A4 BRINGING UP Mf LLO MTAJ. AfcOUT me: :.on to M.e a I MAX iiO IM BOINC! 1 1 '2VJ J'L' .f) lU T lNT'1. FITUIC IVlff. INC Financial NEW YORK TIMES. Omaha Hi lrl WUr. Ntw Vork, Sept. 10. Tlir nolum m it 1 11 111 11 liuii'Ml Hrtivitim will (trfine thrnikt'lvrt promiitly aiur lir day ha never licin justified by rxirrirnrc. ll i even rcason iililc llian usual to cxiii-rl t uch revival Mi the prrnent occasion, lu-n wc hjve yet to nettle Mirli cssrntial busi ncsi irobli'iiii as the uf f ic-iciicy of fuel uiplic for manufacture and the Kcleti;icy of railway facilities to cou th)! t all necuary tranf portation of lii'ncral mrrcli;nl;e while working I'lirtrr maximum prosurc to distrib ftis eoal. At the moment thce ob- i lr do not appear h insuperable as they were miaoued to be a few wfcki 8K", indeed, it is characteris tic of nuch episodes that the dangers mid hardships of a situation arfc al wavs exKK'r;'tcd at ils crisis. As ihe fuel crisis diminishes, fi l,;iticial discussion "in turned toward other considerations. Whatever else happens in the coming season, it will .test the hihly interesting question aslto the mcessary influence of super-abundant credit facilities of trade expansion, financial and industrial simulation, and the consequent course of values, Atl Itti-ir Miiiln Iwr. The mittuile of th Ktoi k Kx-hnnKe nn (hh f u- ii'in h ( no lime Mi In loiibt. fli nui!- of lh stu.'k niurkci. t ih crlnla of th trlli, niinlit tin rl v hnvd In. IK ut. d 01 met forciin at an tu tha early a-f Urn. nt i.f iho lalior Irnu tln wllhnut 1 1n niecllitol crininlirmlotl. Tint a t'liiulnuiius nclvMnce, euppclally In rmrpn of jn.liiso'iul companlea to tha li aJii'Bt iirlra f lli yar, nniat hava n.eatit aonn-ihlnK ni.n. Tha ullua'i.iii, na Wall slrfW m It, hi Ihul 1 ha fi'iliriil rewervo ayMtem, whrina riin llilor r. flu la lha iiutiiin wil IiiI of rr.clit. erifrinir th nulumn wllu anl'tanllnK redta.-.iun'a fiiiS.ii.iii.iMiii, aKnnmt l,5im,i)on,0l)0 a year usii wttli a riii h ri-Hervrt irreHtar liy $:a, imiii.Im'o, with n-nrv rallo of 71 1-3 r-enl. a enmrmrfil with Sti'i, ami with a surplus (on va In esi tw of legul ra qulremenl lir.O.ilOn.uliO Kioater Ulan 111 ih aama work of 10:1, and li,3ii.iioii.0im Kivalc r than In lSl, hm lln-r.) was vlr tunlly no aurplua 'i.itrva. L'n.lfr au.h i,iM.'iiinin.'- tlia iiiiirsm for .-panlon df crillt wa rhvioualy far ur-iilr than al any tirn-? ainca iha war. Ilmika In liOoil Shaiir. The failure of ruil'.aroulila to '.nrriae lliirtHK Ilia past fmv wi-eka. Imliratcit thar. private ban ii a haf not found a necfa a.iry to reaort to lha federal reaerve for fmanrln of Ilia eurly harvaat movailient, Thia being o, tha Infer.n'.a wua widely (H aw n that the un-al ina of un mployed cifdit. not under ip.UImon for vurimaea noinoil trade, wua hound to faillllate ep.ruiaiiva a.'t.vliy Tha Inf.-feiica la rmronahle In the I uhl. of exiit-rience always auppnalu! that ilia baii' .ondlliona of trade ah.iuid l of a lo WHi-rant audi aollvl u. a. A. . umulutloii of Idle bank wourwn r ill not atlmulate lnduiry when all olh r .Inriuen.ei are (mil revival; olher wi i aho ilrt ha' ae- n a hualn. sa boom In 'fvary ijr alior a iireaL finanilal j.,, rite, when tha fill In money ratea and Ibo ri anrplila hank reeerv.-a, ' ui of fni-.'eil li.ui.lniion, aie Invaiialile In. Id. ni of th' p-riod Mul tha l."P of diHinel revival at ilia Pi. .. nt iun. iuia has a (urihfr first In tha eon. I letton of Ibmldatlon of froen i-redlls-' unit the Ion eonllnued a'abil'ty of euernl prices; aeionl. In the it.lble leiidcney la val'iou. Ira.tea l ,i,.n,l..n ma p.n,-v of band to-m mh rr ihasea pureue.l alma il.e alio, a of l.n; Ihird In Ua ta.H iha lha writing rtown B( invnli.a b- le'v r'ntU''"' """ .aniea in a na-ii.en in b-n-lit reatlv ! i a ll of pneea iiet In lha abundant ,,,iasl h e', l a tune hn tha suielda world, to-.vtuelkm la far balow , ( ,ar, an4 f ua: ) verhap. Ill lha fa, t mat the i .. I summer a (PPi'hei.. .lone of n lodmitial eri.i or a a... lal 0. heaial hva I,- a wholit al.a.aled. KaaaaM t llj U Wet. Hub ilV. CepV Cet'le lla-epla. J (! head niarll f"f ' 'eea 1, 4ly lit.'iv lower: top, II .a; baia. t,l.."a ,ii fed b-'f.-i. .Iioa la t b.akel. ' b'ir HO HHK'. ' I., a .ldv tu rean.rB ll ).,., .ei;r Bl.l, b anl H.eiMl ..(hl as l !". Hea-- II .l 'a. t I '4 bead, marSel '' I .a .a . k.-a a. t aa pr.ra. l.tBi-. kt.ber tbaa lt"J aae. '" ad.. a. a NH 4 ! . l"f ' l,lfa. kn.a.a ik .a. a at l '. '"" "ai'ua.. I". a.. ...a .e..,M sad I B 'I aa.a. I'l- I, sr . b. e It .. . I Was. trt !! . ,. em la, . !!. , e's. . -!, asa.S't J as. e-eM .1 ! s'ea'B : ...,., s,l .,. I - at s '' ssst fe'a . ' ' 'V a i. '. , e. a I. .,,-. Si . ! S'. a.lkt )l, 1S I' I ' I t Fewwawa, .... S a i - ..". ' . f' iem I '-e ) I . .... ,4 " ) ' . ,fssi-a' n.t ska H. . ,rv t - p-aa, 1 i-i iff IT IN COU THE UNOAV at a A , M A tkLss.'sr. sv f T UMAN IktFl. . vri'"" ,B 1 I f .7 v wv-t,." ? 1 FATHER BUT I t ruuu or KAHAROOt T ,,M The Business TIi in U'rt'ls' Outlook in (lornriierte, Finance, Agriculture ami Iiitliihtry Haeed on Current Developments. H Thtodore tl. I'rlie. K.lllor I'omnicite ami Klnanca, Near York, (.'opyrlsht, lJ! Iii the last five weeks 1 have been across the continent and back, I have traveled over 8,000 mile! on six different railroads, the Pennsyl vania, the Chicago, Burlington & Uuinry, the Northern Pacific, the Southern Pacific, the Illinois Central and the Louisville & Nashville. On o.ily one train was 1 as much as an hour late. All the others were practically on time. This is evi dence that in so far as the passen ger service is concerned the roads have not been seriously embarrassed by the shopmen'! strike and it is, I think, plain that the unions have lost their fight unless the ill-advised injunction obtained by the attor ney general shall so strengthen their haiifU that they can command the co-operation of other labor organi zations in something like a general srtike. This is unlikely, but it is undeniably true that the drastic in hibition! of the Daugherty injunc tion are resented by a very large portion of the community and that its eftcct has been to widen and deepen the gulf between corporate employers and employes. On my trip, 1 vlatert Chliauo, Minne apolis, Hpukune. Seattle. Taioma. Port lund, Ola.; San Franrlaeo. Santa Bar bara, l.oa Anitelea. El Pano. Houston. New Urleana. Meiuphla and I'lnrlnnatl. In most of theae rules 1 had opportunity tu I;, Ik with many repreacntatlve bu'lneaa men, Ais f hava already reported, the feelillK on the Vaclflc coaat la almost unanimously opllmlatir. Thn i heerfulneaa everywhere nntb eahle N Inrirely due to the fait that from Waah Ir.Kton to aoulhern California the pro duce and merchants are enurmounly ad vantaKed by tha iheap water transporta tion tn Europe, South America and the Atlantic coaat now provided via tha Pan ama canal. With the abundant tonnage presently available ratea are ao low that lha rail roads no looser attempt to compete with them. The ' I'reaident Tafl ' of tha President Line" recently made the trip from New York to San Franolacu In 12 daya and IK houra, and there la every prospect that during the coming winter much of lha California fruit production iia well as a large part of the tourist truvel will be handled by the water route. In lime of courae the effect of the low rate will become an object leaaou In the ....... ..,, unon nrnun.,11, (, .'I.PBI. ' ..... r, ,!.. ih.l n.lll I...I .1.. o.mI nt the country In demand an eiiuallty of op portunity In ao far as freight ratea are concerned. WaHrlneea la Knowing, But because of Its great natural ad vantages, the Pacific ruaat ia nearly al waa cheerful and It can hardly be re garded aa typicel of ihe whole country. Kastward In the gieat MlBMlaaippI valley and In the aouthweal where the cotton la giown there ia Noma wearliieaa among thoxe who hava been watting for tha good times that have been promised. The price of wheat haa ht-eii disap pointing and Potion haa declined loaieaa; b! advancing aa the probability of an other abort crop le-comea apparent. Then tlirra ia the certainty uf very high prleea lor coal and the probability uf muca physical and Industrial distreea In the Frk Compartaoii. Hank fleering tH.a.treetil In thousands. Knd of last weak. le,76Mll: end of previous week. 5.S", '.; last year. S4.7S1.VS!. Rutiness failures, end of last week. 211; Security pricea. New lork block Bi federal Keaerv ratio Industrials : rUllroad 44 hond , Commodity prtras i Wheal, Setitembai deliver. Chicago .'era, Sevteinbar delivers, t'ku-aga ...... Heef, guoel ulivssed slear. Chicago I'ark, ribs, utenhr delivery, Chicago Sugar, refined. New York toffee. Hi y I. Mew Vork I'Mn.n, noddling. New lurk friat elotk. New Vork ,. , Mo!, doaaetli average. Sew York ,,,,, No. I aiaaklu. .Sew urk .... sWhbe, erwde. ftaacatiwu. New Y"tk .. H4e. aaek. k. I, New ark ........ Ii..a, ka i rkita4lpfcu (isli. kil.eit, l.iiikeiak . . sw iswa ladfea. j S- V"'. fha sua,.. . ... I'lKII ef . Bwlr.t .l'lo lil . e.i 4 Wiia I "- .I,, ' a. osia-t I t f1m tiaia .Tp rt ( isis' l 4t h a-a f tl. , ,i,toe-4 amiii a !'! tk,te a ae etli i . e'..e l"-o IS sie. .,.,., a.,cis s,4 fc4e.a k( aaa ssir i-o l'o-s. k..e ats gta tM.iS sikli e rfr4s Ik.t ssi ,oet at lis '' s.'S as a i-.w e.,ai 4,aa at -f aa mioe aa iw- e.aa Ike eg 4 e-'a k gket a ts . . e at S as4 ia .ia ; a.4 a( a al it.s. il I l I e,c.ia a. .a .-e aa- s.i.t ' ' ikea ' m Sa . e 1 a e i is , . fc , . ' . I.eae.r S i . , .. . U( life, i l I .". n,w H . 1'iktt leak ae Sis ii Sa '' I s a .-I . u ; f.-j l" i as k o-' t .a e s ,4. m.J f tiei w a s j . i BEHIND THE SCENES vrrvtc x f vt6-"H f wo tit Ml AM I NteVOOVCt "tOO WaXUc. A0UNT TTNb TO ICQ A 1 IvrPOlL THAT A V-OT Of V0T13 WOVLbN Y n ' lib hHHH Ui OCR VTnQ WELL THClR IMONd lb At COOD A.a 7 M ! 1 Barometer northern region whara tb winter tem peratures ar low. Kurd's announcement (hat he will shut dowa because lie can't get coal at rea Bonaole prices haa produced a profound Irnpreaalon In lha northwaat and whila there ia but llttia unemployment at prea eut a winter of fltacontent and Idlaneaa la expected In many of tha manufacturing iltlea of Ohio, Indiana Michigan sua WlBconain. Kadlrals ar Blamed. The -speeches of tha radical politicians who hava In many cases been nominated at tha prlmanea hava fostered this jie coiuent and tha exploitation of Kuropeen poverty In which many of tha candidates hava engaged by way of Justifying tha American laolatlun that they preach haa led many farmers to realise for tha first tune that tha price they gat for their crops Is if some anient dependent upon tha export demand. This la, J think, on of tha reaaona why tb cotton la being ao readily aold In Texaa and soma other cotton states. Costly for Farmer. The experience of tha last two year a haa hem cosily as well aa educational to the farmer and while ha doe no say much his actions show that the lessons he ha leurnrd are not yet forgotten. Ha la do Ing a heap of thinking. He feels that the future ia aomewhat beclouded and while ha I able to buy what ha really need hi piteent attitude la on that suggests cau tion and self-restraint rather than tha reckless expenditure that ia by some thought to be essential to good trade and luelnes activity. Therefore I sm not dis posed to expect a boom that preauppnae agilcullural opulence or extravagance. The oasic conuiiiona are lacking. ftarondary Inflation. Hut a one cornea further east and rets Inlo what might be called the financial and Industrial rone of tha country ha 1 tmprrsaed by the persistent belief In a period of what ha been so often called "secondary Inflation." This belief Is predicated upon (lis shondance of money and bank credit and the theory that high whki and high price for what labor produce muat In time cause an advance all along the line, It la expected that aa prices advance and Inventories or sales show profits accrued or realised people will commence to apund or speculate somewhat recklessly. Jt Is upon this theory that the stock market baa been sustained and advanced during the strikes, it will probably ba vindicated, for those who control the reaervolra and flow of capital accept It and art prepared to lend fteely. Aa a conaequence many large corpora tions, particularly the railways, are pre paring to apend hug aums for improve rr.onta and equipment, and thor 1 much new conalructlon In progreaa everywhere In the eaal. Aa one-half the population of the nation reside within 600 mile of New York City the dominant feeling In that comparatively amall portion of the country's area haa a profound effect upon tha whole and for the preaent at least it la probable that tha opiinilam which pre vails here and hereabout will penetrate and lighten tha clouds which hang over tha agricultural region that draina into tha Uulf of Mexico aud tha south Atlan tic. fm both the Pacific and Atlantic, alopes a winter of activity and rising pricea ia expected. The evpectation I reaaonabla. It will probably be realised, but it will be well tu remember that rising pricea do not create wealth. They aro generally a algn of decreaaed production and Impoverish ment for It Is only by Increased produc tion that the Individual nr tha world grow richer. Under the slniulu of easy moiie and the rapid distribution of revenue raised by taxation or public borrowing we may for a whtla be alile to aimulala .real proa pertty but the time fa rapidly approaching when hard work, economy, and the Intelli gent development of trade that depends upon tow-coat production will be essential to our commercial and Induetria! rueeeaa. end of previous weak, Is"; last year. Sua v 1 ge; , 7S.I : 2 '. a! l r, li o:. .U II II :'l.ll ti SJ l.TI ti 71 I t , I .' l ll't SJ', .IS 4 J. t.T .t.v 7 I V 7 , asa .; aa.l . I -l . i ,.asi J. t . ! , s s as 7tt nit , t j ; i s . ' !' Ill ! IS , ti It ' M St . .-I ..' . e e. a. 'tie ) I r,s a. tH,.at ..s,.i i f al ' tt. at la aa4 SVnsa a. .!-.!, a u . e s f ArpeM.a U..S-1 I i .. l'Jilll', e a Si e , a e's t'l tk , aa yiusai, 11 S -a a IMli 11 1 Bi a - klaiasl nili, I ee: ;lei,u I ii aaa , aS atoeala, I I ' I ,aa S . s I . i ..' H I. a!. ' II I I c Fa ! I . . k III S 14, St 'I tj, at, t. 1 laaftaaa Maasa kts l- , -Its s-wai aaali. Ii. a i ,s a. a we " s -" eaaua l-. a. k iliv aawas ikst ifcr k-l ;ll. l ia essea el ' .,', sa'a Is ,a aa s, use ' l III . a -.a a i aaaeaa IMS rewaSae a -sees ' a- e S -.( r .. . . , -i Men cam vevc TO TwtM t WfliA.b T ut 4 SEE JIGCJ AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF fOlOHS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Trade Review Br u. u, in nn a co. Daaplle holiday Interruptions end other Impediments, tha week haa brought a turn fur th belter in bualneas, Kecords of pro duction In basic IndiiMtrles discios the ad verse affect of tb labor unaeitlenienl, but th restraints are lessened a eoal mining I mora fully reauuied,, and repn. la indi cate Improvement In tha transportation Ituatton. bvidenc of recovery in iron and ateel manufacture, following da- ciaea aatoaca, la an.oursging, and thera now Seem reason to. beiiev that fewer ohstarlea to progress will ba encounter ed. In view of tha scop of th trlk nd their protracted duration, mora stability ha prevailed In business then might have been expected, and It la sig nificant lu this connection that th monthly statistic how a further reduc tion In number of failures. While mer cantile and industrial activities have been conalderably curtailed throughout th uinmer, th fact I not obscured that lha outlook la one of good promla and that a aolld foundation exists for subsequent expansion. With lha removal of draw backs that now hamper operations, con structive forces uch as tha large grain cropa and aaaier financial condition may conceivably exert a mora potent Influ ence, and tha comparatively moderate nierchandlaa atock In inot channel la a favorable augury. Th conservativ buying policy adhered lo by many Inter est I a reassuring feature becauaa un wholesome excesses are thus avoided, and the practice of limiting commitment to well-defined requirement tends to pre vent distunbng developments in prices. Scarcity of supplies resulting from re striction of output haa cauaed anarp ad vances In some markets, but there have been offsetting movements in other quar ters and the genersl pries level, as meas ured by Dun's Index Number, was little changed at tha and of August. Fewer Commercial i allure. It does not appear from th insolvency statistic that protracted strikes In im portant Industrie have had appreciable effect on th country' business mortali ty. Recent month have brought com paratively little change In lota's of fail ures, and th small Increase in number of defaults during July was followed by a moderate reduction In August. Ex amination of tha recorda show that the 1,714 Insolvencies of August are las than those of all months since lust October, while a decreaan of nearly 40 per cent Is disclosed lu compurlson with the 2. 723 tallures of January of the currant year. Moreover, iha August liabilities of about 140, not), Mil) ate fully 4S per cent below tha January figures. Number of defaults considered, tna commercial death rate I aUI! materially above that of a year ago; but the August indebtedneaa I I2,S'io, 00i smaller than tho aggregate for the corresponding period of JUKI. I'rloa lvel laiwrr. Despite an excea of advance In a com prehensive list of wholesale quotations dur. Ing August, tha general price level was slightly lower at ihe end of that month. Iiecltnes In some rommoditiea which enter luigely Into consumption more than offset price Increases in other srtlcles, and a small recession consequently occurred In Dun's Index Number. This compilation, wh ch makea allowances for tha relative importance of tha many different products Included In tha record, declined about one. half of l per cent, aa of September 1, and a little less than 1 per cent below the July 1 figure. Tha slight yielding during! the past month ia wholly accounted for i by the fact that all fooda together receded I IS per cent, the largeat Individual decline I neing una or s.D per cent In breadstuffe. Tha only slxable advance occurred In tha metal division, which rose S.ft per cent and reached the hlgheet basis attained in mora than a vest omsi Iron Output Reduced.' j Tha reslralnlt.g effect of the coal mining I and railroad strikes on pig Iron output la aliarply defined In the August alatVtlra. At 1,M.1JU Inns, laat months total A.ak. of Iron waa a9, 1 ( tone lea than that of j July, and dally average production, at II,-: lS Inns, declined ls.uoo tons. Not sin, ! last February has ao amall a.dally average . been reported by th Iron Ae, and only ' 144 furnace were on the active list wheal the current month opened. A turn for the ! better, however, haa come thia week, a! nun. bar of furnaces having resumed opera- i tlona and olhera ir-parln to blow In, and steal wurka are also legalntng aoina of lha ground recently lost. Improvement In : tivnsportatlen cnaditinna doea ant develop j rapidly, but general liidicatimia appear lu . b mora favorable, and Maptenihar iney bru g falrty aiibatantlat recovery in the iron and steel indusiiy, lrrgutnle rrt.e Maintained. Tb la, rv4a.. a'tlvtty in urtg"ois .le tttsad that developed prior lu the 'U. ' eme f u,e official nm..n rrp. cond.tloa ellma Isle leal week bea hot keen main, lefned After tb tspoii st,peare.l. sH'l ,ia b hoildsv iltiwriiil'lion, I urlo if dinuliMked. and i"t htneO-'N has Saatt i,,o. .4 aui cone pil ea isru. I eesiee V b H a full eeltleoisol of lel.Mf if...,He ia e(lid, aowater. u is fteit.d Ihet .'l!s lisottMt Will kit .!. as, , '..!(!, akta n.sir Saa lle sei i,i ! a' g.aa.l lot lais fail 4eii.r I'lvinw M -'. la edMtal.aa sirksa ai N-w ki'e aad ls,il idmii, st to.,osi,ai la iki ,. ti ta !- md .w.a v.s(,af, ' - o inittavl a x .Ii.mM l tb ler a fie i ,4f,t a -aaaa ike no'.. aaia fcm.-a "ai i f t ta- l-a at, I - I al.aa .. ',. i ih.iiN, t .a it . tlw I , a is l la . sv I list ia)i.iJaa ea .io..l -1 ea.yl a.l k ik lata s s le wtaaia' af Iks f . e ' a '..s I k'.ie a.k.t ka lks-a w.'w,a-a4. a.uiik 'e I a is sa-.s . e.ta. t i.aa.4 s( a. a-ai el 4.,4h, l--ta 4-.m.i, ri'i' e 4 kt,.s iii a " a 4 e-e. -ii i, w-a a'kB pic 4kaa - a. ,.-l -a la'e 4 , , i Iks -'. a .I aa tia,.l4 ki , la 4 , 'a i a.t,aa m . ea . k- !- , i, w .. a ,,.i. t..s. t, 44t''al i aa e i t is a I sa fa lei it tu ii ii s a,4 aea l 4- ,,e 't. -a (' k 4--' -ii s, it a a . ,i ..a s. a 4 i ..-iis w a .i i , IH.i ,,, -i - i ' t , a . - a -a " , a . . is - k- 4 -ft , a e. . . . , - v , - i i . a I . ,M tm I I ah: to jl 1 1 wCUU ,r )T.. ) Z-3T Drawn for The at, ewx out o PUT MX MP Twt. VKAt IT Otlfc TO 61- T rtOK Ml TO K)T NOW C WAN CCS foa CDH4tt Aht 10vm CVfPtwt TO B A MAA WYMOVT Oft TAVOK- A 6 MAM- YOW'P tKt AH ACYoK MAi CAU tt Drawn for The Omaha Produce (WHOI.KMAI.K I guotstlons furnished by th Department of Agriculture, bureau of msrkela and markstlng. BUTTKK. Tresnury Prints No. t. lie: S-lb. tube, lie; No. I. STc. Fresh packing stock, delivered Omaha. . Ic. Butter fat, shipping ststton, 'Ic; delivered Omaha, 12011c. EOfll. No. 1, delivered Omaha par case, 14 10; No. t, Mr; cracks, lie; freah Bggi. caa count. 11.40. Selling prlr fo retailers: No. 1 fancy, lie; sel.cls, 2;f2lo; No. 1, 21c; chscka, 21 22c. POUf.TRT. I.I va Poultry, Buying Price Broiler, 1 to I pounds, 20 if sic; over I pound. Sic, Leghorn broiler, KQMc; roosters, 10c; hens. Iltlli:; duck, fat, full feathered, 12tylEc; geeae, fat, full feathered, iOty 12c; turkea, ft, I pounds snd over, Suu. Rrrssed Poultry, Selling Price Springs. 27c; broilers, 10c; hens, 24c; ducka, 2c, roosters, He: turkos, 41c. FRUITS. Bansnas: 7c. Oranges,! Kxtra fancy California navels, 200 sixe and Isrger, per box. 110 40; 111 also, 110 0D; 260 six, 10.00: nt site, 1 01; 224 size, 16 00; Ii0 six, 14.10. Cnllfornla lemon: too, 360 alze, per box, IS.OO0l.tO t hoi re 900, a0 alxs, per box. s(otI.OS. Apples. Basket cooking, 11.00. Jonathans, per box, Z l)0J(2 26. Fancy yellow pippens, bhls. (sbout 140 lbs. net), 1.1.0V. California Hartlett Pears, box, f.Zi. Washington Bsrletts, per box, 12.704?. 00. Fancy Colo rado Bartletta, 60-lha. basket. 12.10. Colo rado Klberta Peaches: Per box, 11.00. Fancy Colorado KlbeHa". bushel basket, about 10 lbs., 12.50. California plums and prunes, 4-bssket crate, crate, Il.l0gc2.00. Malaga grape, 4-bkt. crates, per crate, I1.7I42.00. Horn grown early grapea. -lb. baskets, per basket, 200:12 14c. California fix: Jl-ca-ton, No. I, per box, 12 00. Cali fornia csnteloupc, 3. 46-slne. per rt-ate, 13.00. Colorado cantaloupes, standards, 13.00, Colorado canteloupes, ponys, 12.60. Wstermc-lons, crates, per lb., 2 He VEOKTABt.KS Potatoes: New early Ohio, No. I, sacks, per lb., lc. Potatoes, sweet, Virginia, bushel bssket, 12.00. Potatoes, sweet, Vir ginia, per barrel, $5.00. Potatoes, sweet, Arkansas, bushel basket, 11.60. New beets, csrrots, turnips, teppers, per bas ket, SOc, Hume-grown tomatoes, bssket, 50rj76c. Unions: Home-grown, doxen, 36c. White onions: per basket, 76c. Im ported Spanish onions; per cwt., 1:26. Washington yellow mlons par lb., gyje. Iowa red onions, pound. l'tc. Head lettuce: 13 and 4 per dozen), per crate, 14.00. Head lettuce, per doxen, II. 2610)1.60. New home-grown cabbage: per lb., l32c. Parsley: Dozen bunches. 45c. Sweet corn, per dozen, 154i,20c, Honey Dew melons, 6 and 8 size, 1 1 60. Casabas, 6 and I size. 12.60. Celery: Color ado, 0c; Jumbo, 11.26; Michigan, SOc. FEED. Th manufacturers' or Jobbers' pricea In bags per ton In car lots are aa follows: Public Service What our kind of Public Service means to you ! We are now operating two of the largest and most modernly equipped terminal elevators in the Omaha market and we offer the servicer; of these elevators to the public at minimum charges. e Tha Chicago-Grant Western Railway Elevator located 'at Omaha, with capacity of 1,500,000 bushels, and lha Chicago A Northwestern Railway Elevator located at Council Bluffs, with capacity of 1,500,000 bushels, are al your service. At ELEVATOR SERVICE CHARGES t Transfer (unloading?, elevator and reloading), one cent per buihel. Storage of Grain, per day, one-thirtieth of a cent per buihel. Storage of Grain, one cent per buihel per month. 4 We ere also la position lo uasack, clip, scour, a a ran I, glean, mis, separate end saaiiilien train and (Kr far service will bo quoted upon application. SUBJrCT TO THE TOILOWING CONDITIONS. I war all lua teswteas lava ikarg t k.fsverl ao all grain kaajl.d fcraw,k ee abated ta aw ttisv. V, Ltteos saisused Sa w la slag wilt Is kusaed wnk gra.w al lke (tad, w aiaiBia lk rd at 1 1 aaa al eel a tkral. t lias a) tax paaliiaa fas . tl k,a d'Mtal a ad el !'l lhl ftk, tk ksawtiig l g.ata twd I4we. la Ibis ft aaa Ik k-gaaa as . kle as Ika asvadttaaa aed saiaaksg l Ik grata akikj ka.d wsl asiaagesaaai Se aaaesaaet aa . l ktaaia 4V tn ,I4 aaaaaabl isa) adsaas al lagwla al tatft on I a, a Bias ad sa osar ttaa, t be PF M (kss txad Sasaraslswa ikaiges V4le Us far Fartaar Detail Vpdiltc Grain Corpomtion U MAMA Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith iLaringkt llii I ioje cgnohs .t V?UMAM- Omaha Bee by McManui In an; ll 00; middlings. Iii 0; brown shorts, IIS 1)0; Unseed no si. 142.76; cot tonseed meal, II per cent. 114 00; cotton, aeed meal, 14 per cent. 14) 00; No. I al falfa meal l medium), 121. ou; white hom iny feed, l.'lf.O; yellow nuiulny feed. 121 to; red dog, 2 26. HOSKIT, New comb honey: 24 sections, per crate. IVOO. New extracted Clover honey, 10 lb. cans, cans to caa, aer lb., 16c MAT. Average price being paid by Omaha buyer ar follows: No. 1 alfalfa, IS 00; alaniiard alfalfa. 111.60; No. 1 al falfa, 111(0; No. I prairie upland. el2.76; No. I prairie upland. $11. 2; No. I rralrle midland. $12.00; wheat atraw, $i. So; oat straw, 17.60. Ileef Tula. Ribs No. 1, Jlc; No. I, I7c; Kb. 1. 14c. Loins No. ), 2c; No. I, 2:c; No. 3, 14c hounds No. 1, I6V-; No. 1, 16c; No. 1, 12. Chuiks No. 1, He; No. t. tc; No. I. 'tr. Plates No. 1. IV,c: No. I, c; No. 1, 4c. HIDKH A NO WOOL. Current receipt hides, 12c and tic; green hides, 10c; bulls, Sn and 7c; branded hides, .:; glue hide, tc; kip. 14c and 12Vc, calf, Isc and 14 4c; deacons, 76c each; glu calf and kip, Ic; horsa hides, $4 00 snd $3.00; ponies and glues. $1.00; colts, 26c each; dry hides, No. I, 14c: dry salted, lie; dry glue, 7c; wool pelts, $1.00 toll 40 for full wooled eklne: spring lambs, 60y to 66c for late take off skins: shearlings. 2'lc to 10c for lata take off skins. No. 1 tallow, 6tc; B tallnw, 4Vc; No. 1 tallow, 4c. ' CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Vpdike Oraln Co. DO. 2427. Sept. . Art. Open. High. Low. I Clogo. Yea. Wht. Sept. Deo. May Ry Sep. Dec. May Corn Sp. Dec. Mny Oris Sep. Dec. May Lard Sep. Oct. Rib Sep I 1 AO I .SIM 1.00 f 101 44 l.OO' 1.024 1.024 1.02 1.02 4 1 02 4 1 1.074! 107S 1.014 1.02i, I 1.024 1.07 1 074 1.074 1.074 1.074i L074 .7014 ,70ti .764 .714 .71. .74 .70t4 .70 iu .714 .70 '4 .704 .7141 .764 .76 I .764 f .1 ! .24! .CI .664. .S24I .114 .6741 .674 l .6741 .OS I 66 I. .6 ,67'A .61 .164 '.3 6 '4 .364 .34 .04 ,61S .614 .364 .36 4 .36 V, '" .34 .14 4 .564 ' '.36 4 .34 .364. .34 4 ".87 4 ,36 41 .at .34 ilu 27 110.27 ll n so 110..16 .10.50 110.27 to, .to 10.32 111.33 10.37 ! 1.70 1 9.70 I 9.70 I 70 I 76 Chicago Produce. Chicago, Sept. . Butter Unsettled: creamery extras. 3i,ic; flrata, 3234r; extra llrsts, 36ijfJ74c; scconda, ioijj 31c; atandards, 344c Kgga Unchanged ; receipts, 1,336 cases. Poultry Alive, lower: fowl, H'ii2-c; spring. 22c; rooster, 14c. Nr-hrnsla ill Tflke Part in 1.1-iiin !si) Contest That Nibu-k vt;!l lA.- an aiine 4i in Ihe lutiuiial essay nMilct lor action! I'hililitn tu viliniii timet are oticfcj by ihe Aiueriian l egion tu the subject ul how the Union fan bel scut tic fuiifiiiiiiily, siute ami nation, w issnrnl by John M, Matni, sUi ruperiiiteitdent of pub lic instfut li'Hi. who said thai Ins tie urinicnt had sent nut thousands rif iiituldr tu the public school pun npals, city and county nipcriutcii dent and other in the state urging wide participation by .cbr4.k4 school clulilicii, and routaiiitng a stateiiirut (t the toiiiiittont of the Contest, 1 All niaii'ieri.t must be in the hantls ol county supenntenftruti liy October fi, Mr, Matc id, Crrigliloii lTiu frr-ity Kniuliiu.nt looa pi, In tba High s hoot. bepieiiii,r I, s and I, snd cla 4 opened aep!mlr s. All tba alaaeea are lined and appinaine hex had I be re fu4 for ani af ret Belly lu aci-onnv data tha large demand lie. 'red-ink J l.ansdon aaanrlala I'lo. feaeor bl suigsry In Ilia college of cine, Itaa bfen elected fellow uf lb Amer lien College of h.i. -"!. u, is an slum. Bus af 10111 111 Creightod lolleg of aria and a ieui m aiol lb 1 reighion Itudiial tfl'tll is tVortl hsa been received ftoin Cbailes lovn, H. C. 11, t p II k-an-.l). a t re.giitnn giadusie, at notmnated for lha leglelaluie of South Calullu ly a large vol in tb prunarira. Auauei IS The vote aa auffo lent lo ef,aui bl aleclloli o 111 body ll tiuesllon. 'I ho for the I: ovs.oiis building a,d endow Mielit fund aniloumed by Cretan ton in Pres. dent sicCoimi.k's rad.o ni'S I'll of September I, hsa alii tied favoranl loliunent from Influential peiaona In cnie ha, bull In public snd In private Tiler la ec.rv rw'taon to believe lhal when th rampslgll t a, lively laumbed nest Feb" ruaty iber will be a willing rpuiia, WVck'n I'ai!nrH Foe the five-day ,us.nes week caused by the i.liervalK of Labur day In the I lilted blal-w. a smaller number of gal I Ulea were reported tn K. fl, Ouil Co by ea h of the four ctiona. and Ihe total for this wei-u was .'v. as ageinst :iTS last week The five day week a year sso bad r detenus The insolvrio lea wlih lablllllca of I S 01,0 or 11. or.- in e. h r . did not del naae proportinrialelv , the number of theae de fsulta was 314, which waa SSI per Cent of Ihe total, whereas In tile prevloue Week, the 223 similar fallui'S were 1,1 I p,-r rent of the total. The 1 01 responding figures for the sain Weea, of last ear were 141 drfaulia and 49 4 per cent C.inwda'e faltuiea d'Cieastit finm 17 laat week tu fv 1 It tat week: a year ago thev totaled 42. Iiisnltin. lea Involving $i,noii or more in each Instsnce nuiiiio-r.'d 2S this w'k, a decline of 1 fioiu the pre vious week's figute. Ncliruska School of HtihiiichB Classes were dismissed Thiirrdut aft ernoon In order that tb studnia and faculty mUM visit the state lair. Silas Ma-la Feary Will be empltyed In the office of the registrar at .be I'm veraliy of Nebraska lha coming year. Miss A I vlna Ma a ha bn accepted a po sition In 'ba offlc of the bontd of edu cation of ih Lincoln city schools. Th registration of the first f-w dnya of the fall letm haa been very gratify ing. A second section wl'l lie tvganlxed NOW A HIT H A R O si D u'il 1 AW I ! A i Five Reels of Joy (l..D-:: "GRA II ll'I'O BOY" NOW PLAYING i The Drama Magnificent i i Augmented Orchestra Nighl Pricesi Balcony, 40ct Main Floor, 50ci Boes, 60. Matinees until 6:15, 35c, rrr: IW2 NOW PIAYINO A siwa.kiai sis-act kill with 3 Big Features Lillian Burkhart Rulowa Callet Noodles ft tin Wt4 iis) mnt. Hsfrfsaxsa; mprsss )m AaWos at 4MV ISOW IMUV. INU "Arabian Love" t ealwiiag i4 JOHN GILBERT A itii fotataoae ol lell Use September II, lor th aeconimudaina at ! taia .ii.ieie I A tr. e4 leputt from lha lil Pub. j lleittg I4.mi.ili) bl,ia Iba news 'kal ev. ,.i) siu.l.oi wbe tk lha "III. t.l ex. ..i.lh.m.n duiiog r al tb rlos f ba IaainiMer aes-ioa assrd lb 'witk k.nora," snd will te.ei taftifi le . toidiasly , Tna larultr aa offira forca bIv.i aa iiifotn.vl b"me.itiing rsiii,ta al Ibe hoi.. a uf I'rea.dent "d Ml ll.ake.lce. la k.a..r Miea slenba Wnler. who baa lost retarB.d fiuin a suiotaer tour "I 4 arope. ad Has feaumed her dulte ' : 11, atenograpbi.' fa. gitr of the B-bool. ; alias We.ler lalate many ,nt'ion stone of her Inp. epeeially auk fler 'en, la hr ins,. on uf lb ronimetei! e. hex la of M.nnhelin and 4loeIplngea. 1 tiennaar On iniereaimg edui annual r iuireinei,t of Ihe rvunliv I ihftt bust, i.s.a uaii.n.g Is y far ika tier ins youth, belwn certeia a'. I (liitncr Collet:. Piaa r being oniplt4 lor "Found er I., " istober I At ittia nni i Chart U I'ubbev nl Installed a ipr.s,.i.l of th colleg- Th. rommltla. on arisnsniienta roasiai of K. r 'knavelir. ibanman; t F, Duiiian. vlca I, bailment Or Avte.wotth, J K ahellen ileiger, Piaf. Moss, lialph Walker, Haa iliac Y"U"g and l-a sbtvrr of ILatrha 1 ha 1 on. .nit ee ass enisised lo In lud" tha : Blala mlBslonaiy seciilarlrs of lb slsta I of l.iloia.lo, ).o.iiia South I'ssotft sad I norlh Kanaas The tiiaiallallon of l're. I d.i 1 4'oi,bey will annulate with in !Se. I blaska k'al altnl'letlai aaaoiialion which .will I held 111 the Haitian chiirih that as o wek Tb committee plans for a , r eat lia Cntner a eiittra ter ritory. 1 'cp- rnueaea In ftd aneft New Teslstnenl blsloiy ars being (lightly r.,r ssnised and so.oe new malellal will be aade.l Thle ! la b-leg dona iii order lhal in. work al ' Collier will closely articulate allfi tba 1 work dona In rtoai graduate achools Ptof j I unite n ta offering a cuura In nln, iplsa New Tork Sugar. New Turk. Sept. (The summer holt d'B ere dlacnnlinued In Ihe ellgsr liad and the general market was open, al though litre of the im'I deaiera an nounced lhal their office would rontinu rto.d on Saturday for th remainder of lb1 month , The rsw sugar market waa quiet, and as no snlrs were reported, prlcee were tin ihnnsed If le for Cubss. coat and frelfhl. euiial to 4 c for cenlrlfiigal, There waa another eherp decline In rb aw sugar tnerket owing tu renewed liqui dation, pilncipaily In ierembr, with ac ute pualllona at one tuna showing de. line of 1 10 10 point Slop los order were encountered on th decline, whnh iitKd December In J 20c, or the lowest vet re.mde.1 en fur Oils year, but there .... e i,wri,si rjilv neir the close on cov ering Final price were unchanged t j 7 points net lower The market for refined I Sugar wes dull and prices were unchanged 'si ! Mn for fine granulated, although aee i on, I hand sugara war ubtsinabla below this level Unfilled future nominal. I. k. steel Orders AdtanrO New York. Sepi t The t'nlted Stale Steel corp. .ration had a total of I 4.l"6 lone r.r unfilled mdera on hand August It, II was announced Indsy Th's ts sn In ciease of 173. 44 Ions ovsr order on hsnd July 31 "OMAHA ! TUN CINTI!" "JyAsV. ' vaVr'tf PRE-WAR PRICE! srl Girls aa Hail Ikew Is Tswa Broadway Flappers SSXT CVTDR 0k t KELLY, 1st tlars af ttsw CA I KH Ysrk'i Faiaeai "Plsststiss Unas' Isats Klaei k.tuft 31 Well-Filled Itackl LsSisi' lickiti, IMerifie at Dally Mst., 2:l EARLY CURTAIN !A1uR0AY Sill I 00 L L Y D Please Attend the Matinees Now Showing fF! RODOLPH Tn VALENTINQ The Wonder Pic ture of the Year Pricei i Daily Matinee . Evening ....... 50t tk-rltUM CIRCUIT VAUDCVIIU Mat ll. lv 114 I very Nitkl, S H HARRY CARROLL and caaatsaay al 10 to Varieties af !f t4tf f Ituat STAN STANIKV "Hi,..' kl... Fi.ek W.Uew B C. HUMAM ti.e - Aay a f.klaa Faike Sewa Wai Vkl- 4 JS. lo. tea, l 4M. Lecture on Thee$cphy ar mv iisisa t rooria I la Aale M " S. It, a 14 p m . T.''iV.y an l the lie! t ttt! I'riais, Tu-sUy, knl. 13, I IS ft, nt Kieateit.rt j a I ot-t'en i hitia-i I , king' " I Ik A4ka 4 d-d-kaawsaa 110 taw.a B a Steasss IS. I -:.. I, a M Ii isvitllt 4 Ha) mt FsMees I aa i I .a I aai, a 4 4ni4 s . I i'-. a 4 i - i s. ! In I' . a '- a al a