The Omaha Morning Bee VOL 62 NO. 73. I Man m tmt em It. ism Mm M, Ista. ! a p. a. um A t t, itts OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1922. St mat il (4 t MsM il (hH n UUit. tt. . lit. attti. la. 41 IM. TWO CENTS i m ti iwii est MM), iwnr . a- "r JV "r JV "r JV re SOULS for , SALE By Rupert Hughe. Story of Girl's Ini. tiation Into Movieland and Her Eventual Succeta To Appear Serially In Tin Morning Bee. CHArTER I "Lo Angclct!" the sneering preacher cried, at Jonah might have whinnied. "Nincvchl" acid with eiul scorn. "The Spanish niitsionaricj may have called it the City of An- ....l. !... it. tii.ifciii.f iii.'luri. bai-e t hanged name to ! liaMo.! For il it the ontral factory of Satan ami hi minion?, the enemy of our hi met, the corrupter of our young ii'cii and women the ch(Ml of crime. l'nle il reform and .oon! sorely, in God' good time, the ocean will rie and swallow it!" Though he was two thousand tnilc or more away a far away, indeed, a the hank of the Mitsissippi are from the C'.ilifornian thorr the Rev erend Doctor Strddou wa o con xinred ly hi own prophetic ire that he would hardly have hern surprised to nrd in the Monday morning' pa lter that a benevolent earthquake had taken hi hint and shrugged the new Babylon off into the I'acific sea. Rut of all follies, next to indicating ratifus, et'rsi'ipr c'i'es it the vainrt. And Lo AiiKtde lived on, ittite un aware that its crime were being dc nounced in the f;ir-o(f town of C'al- ! erly. The sun itself took two hours ; to make the trip, and though it wa i black nr,'ht outside the little church , ... . . ..... 1 in Caiverly. it was iiisi sunsei in i.os j Anuelc. There wa scarlet (ire along the ocean of oceans, whose lazy waves stroked the coast with lakelike calm. Over the wide-sprawled city was a smooth sky all of a banana yellow, save for a stain of red grape at the hem where the sky went down be hind the sea wall of the Santa Monica Mountains. Among the multitudinous gardens, alonj the pahn-plunied avenues, the twilight loafed. 1 he ilay ceeniea to be entangled in the jewel-hung tit i uses, the fig trees, the papyrus ch'.ters. the hedges, foaming with a surf of Shasta daisies, the spendthrift waste of year-long roses, and the smother of vines rolling up white walls in contrary cascades and spill ing a froth of flowers along the roofs of many-colored tile. To the north lay Hollywood, the particular Hades of the cincniaphobes. I tit curiously demure and innocent in the sunset. From certain surfaces there and in Culver City the light was flashed back with radiographic brilliaifce from acres on acres of the glass walls and roofs of huge factories, strange workshops where the enslaved sun and the chained lightning wrote stories in photographs. Millions of miles of tiny pictures were taken at a rate of a thousand a minute. Tons of spooled romance went rolling all over the world, so that the girl and boy wjio embraced before one camera were later observed by coolies in Shantung, by the llisharin of Egypt, 1'iul the sundry peoples of Somalil und, Chilkoot, Jedda, and Alexand ropol where not? Wherever the sun traveled and the moon reigned they could watch this reeled min strelsy gleaming for the delight and indignation of mankind. Even when the sun had lett this ciipi'al, of the new art, some of the Muiiios would glow on with a man made day of their own. But most" of the factories were closing nqw, since the toilers had begun betimes in the morning and were scattering homeward for rest or study or tnis- (hiet, Los Angeles, the huge .Spinner, was finishing: another day of its ; traffic in virtue, vice, laughter, love,, and its other wares. liven Doctor Su ddon, if ho could i... i.. i... ..I.:.. ....I nave scc l ie rraiui it uujui x ntn. i i,i I,,,. ,,-,.- tb..t the dev l 1 ad . certain grace a, a gardener and j that his minions were a handsome. happy throng. Hut Doctor Steddon had never seen Los Angeles and had rexer seen a moving picture. He knew that the world was going to wrack and ruinas umiI and h: ),;id the blame on the m-artst novelty as usual. Hi daughter tad heard him lay the blame in previous vrar, on other 1 activities. She wished he wouldn't. Hut then he had imt escaped I Maine herself, and she was in a nur t vt diead now of a cloud of oh- j Imply l.nur't'g bo hrr and cnu-! r.'us with bjlitmiig At yet the isngrt gallon had iunnd ; i o ive f iu't vish Ivrr rst'i nt a t rr-' n n ovetfervof in the hwuns, llcr xin Ml a t.xt manifest hran, alniiis! optl,c ifil, It Ihmtej (imi h sii of te Vi'ltiiiK'i'f their .-me ) whom w.iuUI luxtf have I it?(t4 (t t' rt lu l not vs'i"" fectd Nim'ry U.x$ it i I wieinbtf I' il lwt it w it tut ti!t tn.U't tor tut-fa'tisuUrly t'! i fi n- !-iff- . ' nni, h 14 lvt" tnt.t thin h I m Hut V'lliH, IvjI'iiii u n t,-M Nfi t IS i.l 1 t'i lit tli'l ttflVi 4 ..f4'vi m" . I,. !... k rj " l ah..,l "i-'i , ," ut ' st'H - ir' i ii hf -t -i " a I i ft.) tf . i" ' iU ' ' v e' ii til I t ivi ' !-- '- . . I, h I I I . . t 11 I ' I l'l. ' . t het4 il n. t , i 1. .'I l. t t , lnw First Lad - Able to Get Some Rest Official Bulletin From White Ilouae Mr. Harding tiend Fairly Com fortable Day. aeM m Improvement Indicated Washington, Sept. 10, Mrs. Hard- . ... t ' ..11 i a nig .pent 'a fairly co.nioriable day, Iht official bulletin from her attend- '" physician at 9 tonight .aid. and ! the derision relative to whenever it j w,mld he necessary to operate hat hern H.tponed until further concil iation Monday morning. The night statement follows: "Mm. Harding's condition tonight i a follows: "Temperature, 100.5; pulse, l6; respiration, Jo, ""lie had a fairly comfortable day with such indication of a slight im provement that the decision relative to surgical relief was postponed until Signed Monday morning. Signed C. K. SAWYEK. M. D." Word From Bediide. At 3 litis afternoon the first official work from the patient' bedside since BM last night) came in the form of a brief bulletin from Brig. Gen. Sawyer. White House phy- K"n, which said Mr. Harding condition continued critical .although "physical appearances indicat- slight improvement over yesterday." Tli ...v. .-.f 11-. C. ..n...n.... ' -" i'ukhhui follows "Mrs. Harding' condition at 12 noon follow: Temperature, 100; pulse, 102; respiration, 32. "During the early part of last night, patient was nervous and rest less; latter part of night and early morning, quiet and sleeping greater part of time. I'hysical appearance indicate slight improvement over yesterday. Condition still critical. Consulafion with Dr. Charles Mayo, who arrived at 10, and John Fin ney has not yet been concluded. "(Signed) "C ,E. SAWYER, M. D." Physician in Consultation, Previous to issuance of the bulle tin Dr. Charles Mayo, who came to the White House from Rochester, Minn., to confer on surgical aspect of the case, was in conference almost continuously from the time of his arrival, at 10, with Dr. Sawyer, his son, Dr. Carl W. Sawyer of Marion, O., Dr. George T. Harding, jr., of Columbus, brother of the president, and Dr. Joel T. Boon,- naval phy sician of the Mayflower, the presi dential yacht. Dr. Finney, a Baltimore special ist who previously had been consult ing with the White House staff, had (Turn to rnet Two, Column Two.) Gage County Men Are Badly Hurt in Collision Beatrice. Neb.. Sept. 10. (Special.) Lewis Chipman of Plymouth may lose his sight as the result of an auto collisfion near- Ellis with Charles Christ of Harbine, who was also severely injured. Both are in a hospital in Beatrice in a serious con dition. The right eye of Chipman was removed by surgeons, and it is feared he will lose the sight of the other. His nose was badly man gled and he was otherwise injured. Christ's right hand was so badly mangled that it had to be amputated. The cars met headon. Both were running without lights because they were short-curcuited as the result of a rainstorm. Award. Offered for Two Best Stories in Knglicl ...i. New ork. Sept. 9 1 wo awards " nd.$4.K). w, be made by C olumbia university this year for the best stone published in the English language, here nd abroad, j during the last five years, on the history, geography, archaeology, ethnology, philology or numismatic j of North America, it has' been an- j noumed at the university. The.e , Iwlard, known ... the. I-ouhat , Pr,lfj '? "c1".' JT" r. l.oubat. . A .. .i ...n i inir nrinor ; ih,.,iim.. v. Get Ahead t Kverjr ambitiou. Urt p tlm U un the lookout for n-me mrai t inera his income. 1 Th "Warl Ad column of Th tmah Pre ah.mnd In hundred cf timely hint fW th prn h want t t ih-ad investment ppprtnni ti"hisr Jth -g a i n f I trna-tisiv vt mny kind. f T h ftr Unity it th puts ef hi tru ejipHnii' lk ad f The t'mSe t "Ul'" Ad. Kmmhr. The 0a V "Wt' Ad Vttiit B.tter i Uw I nt. HtilJ t.Hr 1 every JjV. VtM wdl fl'ij t.W it frit' fJV lSv"sion on Kail Merger Tentative Flan ContfiniilateK Creation of AH Koail of. Country Into 19 Systems. By GRAFTON S. WILCOX. Omaha lie. Ur 4 M lr. Washington, Sept. 10. The Inter Kate Commerce commistion is pre paring for reiumptiou of hraringt on the important itsuc of consolidating the railroad of the L'nitciJ State into ,. i -.1 ...... t-i.- a oi.iocii iiuitiurr oi pym hi. i iic I roinniiioi'a tentative i.h... .ont...i.. plate, the creation of 19 systems into incorporated railroad of the country. With the wisdom of such a con summation emphasized by the indus trial conflict which is still wugiug member of the commission are anx ious to renew the hearing and to get along a rapidly as possible to a point where a final plan and recom mendations can he prepared. Henry C. Hall, the commissioner directly in charge of the consohda tion problem, is now planning series of hearings to be held in the far west, to begin next month. The in itial heariupt held by the commission here dealt with the three consolidated svstem proposed for the southeast The majority of the main line that would be affected by the proposals Ur that region either entered violent protests or suggested different con solidations. , Opposition Strong. A in the southeastern hearings, the commission will encounter opposition I to its plan rvrrywhere, it is expected, hut this will not deter the determina tion to work out a comprehensive consolidation scheme, The controversy resulting from the order of the supreme court of the I'nited State directing dissolution of the Southern Pacific and Central Pa cific properties will be injected into the hearings to be held by the com mission. Advocates of continuation of the merger of the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific lines and proponents of a dissolution of the properties and a merger of the Ceirtral I'acific with the Union Pacific have waged a bat tle ever since the supreme court handed down its decision. .California Divided. . The state of California i divided into two camps, one urging dissolu tion and the other fighting for con tinuation of the present arrangement. An interesting feature of the situation is that the commission, in its tentative plan, put the Central Pacific with the Southern Pacific, while Prof. Ripley, who prepared the report from which the commis sion made its tentative plan, thought the Central Pacific should be linked with the Union Pacific. The California Producers and Ship pers association has been active in opposition to consolidation of the Central Pacific with the Southern Pacific and in urging that the deci sion of the supreme court be car ried out. This organization has issued statements from which the inference has been drawn that it be lieves that the Interstate Commerce commission will be bound by the decision of the supreme court and forced to divorce the Central Pa cific from the Southern Pacific in any consolidation plan devised for the railroads in the far west. Could Form New System. Against that point of view is the belief on the part of many that the transportation act gives the.Inter statt Commerce commission the authority, in adopting a plan for consolidations, to disregard the anti trust statutes on which the supreme court based its decision in the Southern Pacific-Central Pacific antitrust case. It is conceivable that the commission could form a system of roads in the west which would include the Southern Pacific and the Central Pacific. The Union I'acific, through coun sel, has issued statements designed to show the advantage that would accrue to the shipping public if the Central Pacific were joined with the Union Pacific. Charge Traffic Diverted. The Central Pacific and the Union Paiifie connect at Ocilcn and thnr consolidation u n one Mr... -... make . Uirough ; '' Autuijir i - i - - I....-., ,. s.,A,nti,..n I'aeilie inc ir.iuiinj - - is to divert tratiir from the Central Pacific to the Southern Paciiic' southern route I'nnjrr.i hit lit.'B fliMided With petition (or and aimt the con ! tmuaiK'n the Southern I'aulic j Central I' nurifir Cummer. ' c org4iinii'ii in towns a F ; title served tv lHe Uiit 'U Pav'l c in llit wct!rn tt itct h ts Idrd : tiuny st thrte ntitn)i I onv uifnl M'-,"'Jtwnt u '' tn'jj I ;.M l l 4!.lriH4 ' " 1 1 rrMi'ol hi I ';.t"ut ol lh nu-rf, wl,,, fU'dae " ij4i(.uMH ."n !'tf'o hne wt.'fd ' " '-"'f rnl ft t'i ' ' ! if..n it n. r""' ,h -i S t '""' IV' Trrinr Fantttt KiUed l lli Tram f Hore j i,t..tfH K.a.Vr, 4t. liMr. liSfd IK I , It. ltV. ' ivt. li-U ii(t(lni h"( It ; inl im ! tl.tiH ' ' et en S.,.!tt i h--.'l 'n j t iiiir, t. H h '"" li.ttt tH I ' I 4 t k '1 tl ..4MMi4 i U..I-- ( h . i ''. a iGreeks Are owepi v rom Asia Minor One Hundred Thousand I'ri oner Captured in Omitia tion of Smyrna Civil Ad ministration Fitahlihe!. City Hotbed for Plague Constantinople, Sept 10. (By A. K) One hundred thousand Greek trnrna tmu 4iiiiHi.J C j ."Tu.h ciV I adminim.. Z "h. i'aru. .Vpt. lit. (Ily A. I'.) The luikish liationalislt. ending the two ... nn.i iKn. nave wept the Greekl out of Asia Minor and the Kemalists, who Saturday entered Mnyrna, took prisoner the rem nant of the Greek force remaining neiunu to cover the wild flight of me ureck army that a month ago held securely a larire oarf of western Asia Minor and talked of marching through Thrace into Constantinople. The Turks ran a race with the dip- lomair, tneir leaner ay, and won the race, for Turkish arm nettled in a few day and settled finally, ac cording to Angora advices, the proh lem of how Asia Minor is to be di vided, a problem with which diplom acy nas neen struggling for three years. Hotbed of Plague. Smyrna, which lias been in a state of chaos for three days, since the Greek high commissioner took to a warrhip in fear of hi life, is now a hotbed of typhus and plague and is crowded with thousands of refu fjees without food. The allied consuls and naval con tingents, including the Americans, had begun the restoration of order as soon as thev arrived but the Turks have taken charge of Smyrna and their first efforts have been directed toward stamninir out eni- demics and relieving distress. Smyrna, which has been the coal nf the nationalists, as Angora was that of the Greeks, soon will witness, according to despatches from An gora, the ceremonies and triumph ant entry into the city of Mustapha i Kemal Tasha and . other of the Nationalist government. Venizelot May Return. The seething ferment of Asia Minor now seems to have trann- ferred to Athens through the re turned troops, despatches from the Greek capital say, and there is much talk of Constantine second descent from the throne and the return of Venizelos to power. The Greek soldiers evecuatcd from Smyrna, were ordered taken to islands in the Aegean' sea, there to be disarmed and demobilized, so as to avoid possible trouble in Athens, but the soldiers are reported to have threat ened the ships officers and com pelled them to steer for Pireaus, the port of Athens, where they disem barked and marched through the streets, shouting insults to the ing and demanding the return of Venizelos. A despatch to the Havas agency from Athens, dated Sunday, says that M. Kalokcropoulos has aband- j oned the task of forming a new Greek cabinet and that King Constantine has requested former iMnister of the Interior Trianta fillakos to assume the task. I New York Police Install Broadcasting Station New York, Sept. 10. The first broadcasting station to be used ex clusively for police purposes has been installed at police headquarters here, it was announced. Police boats and inspection district officers will be outfitted with radio equipment and with the adoption of radio by other large cities, the au thorities hope to be able to send out an almost instantaneous description of criminals. Farm Home at IJroken Bow Is Destroyed liy Fire Broken How, Neb., Sept. u (Spe cial). The farm home of Guy Skin ner was entirely destroyed bv tire. The family was away from the house when ihr fire started and it was dit covered jul in tmie to save a very few oi the household good. There was no inturante Cithena ot Marion Stunned bu lltneaa of rreaident'a W ife ' Vf it ion, tliinni :ii. II. Sept, III. Marion r of be critical n( Mm. Hard ng ca ne t luulition a. sH- h lit in", woim n n'td iSilttrn ot her h'-i-'C til), tor Mrs- lltnln tt uudintil!y lie n'O'l'sw.n kt M Moil !" Noirt. .v.nbsi s .il tlut Mar sm hat ft r I ii,i t.i t It luaiie tirf .1 i j ' ishi tn tfti..fcl nrt ai'pear. o le h" ind and t l.v. re ' t tl : r I'liint it ,.! t ' ! tioi.ti't no l rtrll. t ! ',Nv .hJ t.-r l'rt'-U'i lt-'w .t in the Ihahi pirt be n I for Mrs lli'l's rr . VI It v.t .f" w ' ' ,.tfr4 tf l'4i It H 'fta-t t. f ,ll..ttt)l,.lll .. I4 h e tftt't.OI Vl f...ttt IUiJ ' i n..iM,t.i '. ! r. . ! s.stt I Vt 1 1 1 ! c s t I t m.i s 4.trsH,s . ttt.M .)' m. I I'um f U a.l M.-sis.'. Mi...l .t I !, I I II t .1 ' ,.t l! ?!' I- j? I, '' t'wrtaM. 11. fPPipwsM When you are tired thinking Asia Minor, and chool board acandal, it i refreshing to turn your thought to the brilliant flight of one ot our army aviator. League to Pursue Hands Off Policy in Asia Minor Row Not Expected to Interfere Un less for Protection of Frontiers After Peace Terms Are Fixed. Geneva, Sept. 10. (By A. P.) The league of nations, it is generally conceded, will not interfere in Asia Minor affairs unless for the protec tion of frontiers after the govern ments have fixed peace terms be tween the Greeks and Turks. The first phase of the third as sembly of the league ended today with the close of the general debate on the council's work, without giv ing any indication as to what the assembly may do. The tone of the speeches, including thore of the lead ers, such as Lord Robert Cecil, the carl of Balfour and M. Hanotaux. tended to show that they were con vinced that the league at the present time, was unable to make much prog ress in anv direction other than to ward what is called "moral disarm ament." Cannot Do Much. This' will consist of the prepara tion of the minds of the peoples throughout the world for abandon ment of force as a means of settle ment in international dispute. Lord Robert Cecil, one of the most active of league enthusiasts who have con tended that the league must go ahead and act on all questions within the sco of the covenant, say frank ly that under present circumstance the league cannot do mum cut con- Pill con j lent itself with what it can do pend- ina Ihe tune when the political titu si. ation will allow the government? tu look at disarmament trout a differ ent angle than today. I. emt Houigeos and the rail of Hallonr, who haxe been in constant consultation, argue that the wodd i not iely lor me important mi jlhe I...!" l " "a ,h' lie prrsoit assembly mut he sletrcd cliur oi world piol l. i i. t ui, watneti u- Mj.n,t too ant t tpet tt't t. A !htii4l c nifMi'ter. hvt'l, an It efratir ti i.i lh' s.tll 'mutsD oi Iht tl ltU t l l.-.t I 'ii K brl"t plot ol ninmiehUl tf mn In the pr..l-sti'M l tr Hi Wilt 1 (....jOsO, Iht l'f ul 1 lit U'd Un silhsf il.' u4l. i' fe- i Uiit lt I s t . i t lt"S ll. , IK "d 'he iiIiiiiiks tl V- i HU'iit t. t! omi ts . it !h It ! Ilin k i t s)o n-'t it . .in. t t ) " . I ... ! ts,t, tiiV ts'll ! J B t. til ( tr" m tt-.tHis i a the urt.t,.,.t Stt tli t oi.xs ..' t I ..,.. ..t .o I .f 1 t:4e oi the t.. uiiw- m . -t tin i.f i4i l.i t e niS i it (.,. mil I (S i . ..inn ( utt iHti sti-t't 't ItaJe What Doolittle c&lj ARIZONA j jCtlLtFORNlA ' about coal hortaee. rail strike, injunction, diatrew in Europe, war in Lines Sharply Drawn for Fight On Injunction Government Agents Prepare for Railway Case Hearing J in Federal Court at Chicago Today. . Omaha lie l?uard Wire. Chicago, Sept. 10. Battle lines were being sharply drawn today and tonight by the United States gov ernment and the striking shopcrafts' union fo rthe hearing Monday on making permanent the Daugherty injunction against the strikers, re cently issued by Federal Judge Wil kerson. The goyerumcnt is prepared with three truck loads of evidence, to show a gigantic conspiracy on the part of the strikers to cripple the railroads and paralyze the transpor tation facilities of. the country. This evidence, it is said, will include the murder of 25 or more men. It also includes scores of confes sions of sabotage, bridge burning and dynamiting, pulling of spikes nnd removing fish plates from rails, to cause wrecks, putting acid in engine boilers and emery dust and iilings in the bearings of locoinatives and cars, tampering with food at various shops and many other crimes against which the temporary injunc tion was aimed. The government de sires to make the injunction perman ent, but the unions will fight to have it dismissed, or at least have its teeth pulled in many respects. Daugherty in Chicago. Attorney General Daugherty ar rived this morning from Washington, , COiliiaiiieil hv l.inin A (.' !.. ria, lwiUn, f cm,rBe of antitrust ... " " pioircuitons; iinver fc. rag an. m dietmtnt expert; John V. H. Grim, atMMitiit attorney general; HUrkburn j 'H K't nothing and b left in very haitrrlmg, assistant attorney general, j fcd filiation which will endanger all and C. J. McGuire, a tpscial attor- l r.urope. iity. j "At the fall elettiont, the almwi- Attorney General Daugherty anjltrttiun will have to answer for ti i: ......... l.ii . i . 5 . ..!.:.... i ,(1....ih anil rotuituttion. Unh X A. McLaughlin, special at- , ,,,, , 4,,,nry gt,,f4 ; 4la representing ihe tilits. admin- n 4"i4iiis iieui mud iiinu'rriii. ii,.,m but it, ttiiimialion it ! to, I ilui no ti iirmrut w.iui.l k. i given ttot Mr, Dtuifturty tt.d the part of It t tit. U ttlUi.te, Amr. goeruiuei.i t .fl t prosred it hd 4 fhoiC. Wilhunt involve, ttilh Us molu.n 1st hi At the in i too--. mrnlt ol an hud. to end tbe daaj l...n prrtttaitrHt tint 4. trtt e.t tsiihil.Hh .tA'olue r'H' rd tttl tfi in.,. I i winin.iiirf etldeitre tht ' 4tket ! O'lf limit and l. tolts. Ir.t l. !... .rt ,tr th sselur tf i tt s I ig prnet lit Amtrlt tttJ. lh pu'-l.t. lie M'd r.ptsl lied bs'tt 1 u.1 it Utgel Am H lh tii 61 nude lor UMtiitinn t.l lh re , Ih't fliwiitilt . ti n.i nf.lrf. whi.rt i.t.trf. whi.rt s.hiM htte hdiii tmiN.n iu iiior proper tir ht f't t it I ..iir hs t I i isott'-l 'l t tiihtii!t lit lite Kistrt, 't with iKe evtitcH. r. lit. U'ttlkrr Killetl Keartwt. .N.'t. Kttit.. N . '. t lit ..( . ,l 1 . ' s.o Mlt t t t ! "'i't h'!'4 !- , . r.i."i-.f h 'tit su1. 4 r t4- f i k 1 1 1 I ' htkttt t ill t .!. It V H Mn 4 Ms4 Did Prosperity in U.S. Must Come First James M. Cox Says Says Matter of Association to Establish Peace Must Yield to Question of Eco nomic Order. New York, Sept. 10. (By A. P.) Re-establishment of prosperity in the United States must be given first place in the thoughts of Americans and must be the preface to discussion of the entrance of this country into European affairs and into the league of nations, declared James M. Cox,-"' former gov ernor of Ohio and democratic candi date for the presidency at the last election, on his return from Europe on the Paris. Mr. Cox went abroad to study old world political and eco nomic conditions. Discussing the issues in the con gressional elections this fall, Mr. Cox said that the international issue would be "the failure of the admin istration, both in the mora and un selfish view on the one hand, and the practical and selfish view- on the other, to participate in the affairs of the world." "But," he added, "the matter of governmental association to promote peace must yield to the matter of establishing economic order in this country." "Reparation." Mr. Co declared, "is the one question in Kuroupe to day and America hold the key to the reparation tituation. If a de cisioii is not reached, German will collapse and with her will go Austria. Ami it l.ermanv eol!pe. rranc ini. vi ...... i--.-.. - While ihe paramount will be an international' one. lh doiueslis: and iiitemaiUm! unot ctnnot f!lr separated. Ihe eon.iioc i iti wtuld. Bot one country, ,y The Weather t.n.l ttf nh r' fnt kilvtiet foUv llostiiy Ttinptrti It t s . m, tt J s e I... se I t ,... . tt l . m .4 t . M v t It . at . t as , M It M tt I 4 t , Cremation Is Tried to Hide Crime Mystery Surround' Death of Smelter Employe Mining Seven Week Oiildren Heartbroken. Woman Held by Police The body of Joe Davis, American Smelter' employe, who had been milting for seven weeks, wa found yesterday partially cremated on the dead embers of a bonfire, secreted in the weed near Sixth and Burt streets. The condition of the body and evi dence gathered by the police yester day indicat thate Davit wa mur dered, according to Mr. Verrtu Crane of the ('rant mortuary, who took chtrge of the body. , Attempt to Hide Crime. Mr. Crane laid that only the trunk of the body wa burned. The head and the leg were not even eorc.hed. This indicated, ihe said, that the man wa placed on the bonfire. Police are now working on the, theory that Davis wa slugged and the body placed on the bonfire to be cremated, to cover tip the killing.. The first arrest in Ibe mystcriout death was made shortly following the finding: of the bony, when police took into custody. Mr. Maggie May,. Fifth and Seward street, with whom Davie resided for the past two years. Police are now seeking Mrs. May's husband, from whom she has been separated. ' When questioned concerning Davis' disappearance, Mr, Mav said that he often (aid he was going to leave her home to go work outside of the city. She said he had been talk, ing of oging to work in the harvest ' fields, ' and that when he failed to teturn rhe thought he had left. "For that reason I did not seek the aid of the police in locating him," she said. " On the day before he left her home Mr. May' husband, from whom ht is separated, but not divorced, visit ed at her home. She said that the, Davit and her husband. ate dinnea together and that everybody appear ed happy, . Her husband left about 4 in fhft afternoon. , ' Davis left at 2 the next morning. According to the tory told by Mrs. May, Davis went out of the house to get a team of horses, which apparently were untied and were roaming the place. Kisser Her Goodby. "He walked out of the yard and never returned," she said. ' Before leaving, he said 'Goodby, Maggi dear,' and kissed me. Since then I have waited patiently for him to re (Turn to r Two, Column One.) Alliance Academy Head Is Promoted Alliance, Neb., Sept 10. (Soe- cial.) Mother Superior Gerard, head cf St. Agnes academy here for two. years, has received the appointment as mother provincial of the North American mission and "wilt establish headquarters at Stella Niagara. N. Y.. according to word received at the academy. As mother provincial, she will ha the official head of the order of the Sisters of St. Francis . for all of North America, and her duties will include periodical visit to all con vents throughout the territory. Hef appointment to this high post cornel as a distinct promotion and as the reward of faithful and efiicient serv ice. She came to Alliance from Lo Angeles two years ago. Her new appointment was made at the annual session of mothers superior at New York City, which she attended. She will not return to Alliance, except a called here by her official dutie. Mother tierard will be succeeded here hv Mother Pauline, who hat been transferred from St. Marvst, academy at Wintock, Wash.. w;ilt' which the hat been connected for ihe last eight yean. ' 1 ii mi (J. 0.I Chairman Confident1 of Victory in Maine Monday Washington, Sent, KWConfidrnee of elcciin olid republican t4t and ntnonal ticket in Maine Mondav wat expressed in a tatemet.t by John T. Adatnt, chairman of the re publican national committee. He added, however, tht he taw "nrt re. tn to rpevt a trpublican vote in Main a hey at that nf the repub lican Unittlide in PO.', herause t lh dechue of intrre.t in "off ver" 'itinnt at eoitip4red wilh, presiden tial ra'itp4int. "Mime, til Hough ttWy reput. li. ." 4't Mr. Adam, "it not over- hftrtontf! so. In l'i rtidpt'tfn just thi lb hv rH M K'HSil t jM ail aVaig ll tin TaXrrt K it la Min Arttnn Afin County $Utvtt. NtH, iit H ive. s! I - -t vf l I cirrien 4 Nh t !titttt, tint msi IK. rur Hunt ( iT-"'''tliv ft M it. el uwtv IK rtlr iwifii It fottal tretiSHtr ' DM '! I utti. art. it.iH.f4 t-l at M t lt't A'Wa h sttitt tt ait i a t.wl t.l ait t 4 ! tHtitr a, isiiio l ii 1 l.t . riu'Mf th. U.ii!,it io ) rl-t-l "g