The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 10, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Many Countries
Report IJediiction
in Fi!itiiiLr Forres
Fi?urr lioHing Ittirii tioii in
Military IMrriigtli Vrtr ntr!
to Guiiii il if I.riigur
of .jti.ll,
Prize Winners at Nebraska Stiate Fair Baby Show
liriirta. f I ' fi'.j A. I' )-"!
ri'U jtit.riilril t ruiimil of III
li j'iir nl H i!. on. nil ri"iii limi rt
rni4inai! i v -fi iH iy'k n-,.i..n
D( r llnrt miiiIi.' ) tltr !i 4(iif
lu lit fiinii' iImii nine of
.ulii.luii wlsii It lurni hc iKHtr, f'f.
in,H..ii (it fit i lit y i.iilluy lu It
K in
I. teat I'-riUiil ffjdltrll frdiKti'.tl
il $5 per flit in Hat! l'in.iK,
t -Kiirr .Vi i'rr rnt. Italy rent
if. J4ufi i't ,tr tnii.
In UipI mitunii nt I nine frnrt-i
4 mini-Unit (it .'IKI.IKIII turn tinrlrr
arm and shortening fi I tie Ir'flll .f
t.iil'Uiy srrvir. hy iic htf. Swrilm
! r jHifift ihe runni'i ti( it ttnli
l4iy service in two. ItJy reduced the
rnod ol service and sti)rc..ed M
luiultom of infantry; I'dIjihI reduced
H army from l.fXHI.IHKJ men to nhnut
.Mi.noO; Japan nude reduction but
fjtled lo nivf the fitfnrrt, while Swil.
trUnil reduced (rum 70 per cent lo 55
jirr cent, Ih proportion of men rlii
l)lc lor in il jl a r y service.
lUili liMik the (rout unk in ttie
debates nf I liis Hmrnilily wlirn llrlc
V4r lli'lli'Kurilr imU the llnor mid
Ifude the iiioft rlo'iiirnt speech of Ihe
losinn. lip rcvit wed the work of the
Council (lid i!i ni.iil'Icd 41) investigation
of lh on-riiin ff a puitiiive rxprdi
I loll prut hy the South Airujii ov
rr it it'll t some time kfcrt n.iint tin'
natives 'r( southwest A frit' 4 iiterri
lory, for which South A (rim ha live
Mlclmrl Tsee,
lleutll. e. Neti Mlihael TyniT, S, nM
tr i--mI i.f tt,.llifc county, living; nvar YVII.
l.r. died hi a lmtiftl h'-rr. tin 14 itr
ili't hi tim wliliiw ami nlur ihllilrm Tho
boiljr -i" Iiiki'll lu Willirr fur limlal .
Mr4. Mury Mrtiiiin
It'klilfi'. N li Mm. Mary Nliiimn, T.
i.!i r il -HI nf tiifhi rn 'liiica tuunly. ill'l
hi h r hum" at AurnratiMi. Ilir hilinti'l
nlf'l 'lll'Ut two iuii iiu
Mr. A. W. DoKiirc.
Auiiim, Nili Mi A V. Down. r.
r..iil-lt nf Aut'orn frfirp lil. dli-il kt hT
liuii.i Kuii' tul Krvira wi-ri iii i limir nf
lit v.'1 . i' luiliiii uf Ih i.'hiillnn c-huri li of
vl'lill 1i IniMiii-y I n h iiirmli-r
,ni . lh ml. Mi" Imtrnry 14
Kini Kl I hi r huaiiainl iiml l"iir hiNlren
lltrl Jim Iniliiin.
HmiHiili'li N'b H"l tim iinon. n-
i . -,..,,,11, i nf IMi-ri r mumy ilii-il kuililniiy
nf h ail filliir hil ciiilu'il In I'K-Ulli-t
Will on K l' Limi nai lnilt
' -i'i aoiitttwi st if hi ri. Tin- limly vm"
" " n f hta hnm kt fiainmi'l fur liurial.
Ilia fiimtly aurvlve him .Mr. Ilin lunmi
IihiI Imi"i innnilniint k" i-iiiiimlaaliiiii-r
i-.kI T4 merp rr "f I'll no tuuiny fur
millik tlnir.
Churl hrlnirily Adiinia,
Mrfooli Nh Thu boil of (harl-k
K'-nnixlv Xitam" arilvtil hrik from I.lrrt,
I'oln.. unit burial w ma'lk In l,iiriKV0W
tvinctary of thw -lly.
AUrrJ rrbnfc.
B'atrlit, Nb. Thu fuiinrnt of Alfred
Ovi-rlifik. farmsr of th Kiln vlnniiy,
heiil from tho horn ami almi th
llmrv KiIivii rhurcb Burial In
the rhur, h remetry. Mr. Ovmbei k ml
a "on of Mr. ami Mr" Hciiry Overbu k.
anil wai nrmiarlna; to tki a, iharca with
lha I.uiharan church, havlnif atudl. d for
Mra. Bualx Htwrt.
Baalrlra. N'b. Mr". Knila Htewart
if of William Btewurt. a rMloVnt of
Dfatrir for 3 yr, rluU at a local hoa
intal afli-r prolomfil llln Hh' I"
auryhed by her huabanil and aevral chll-ilrrn.
I.i-lil K. Hi-nlt.
SiiilH, Nfb I.fII K. Scott, 71. rtlod at
hia hum" In Hrotla Sciitcinlier 4. lie emm
to Urtnly county, Ni'braftku. In April 1S&3
and Hallril la the om.niUaliiin of (Ireely
county In Oiiolicr, 1S72. lie la iurvive
by hia widow and one aon.
Mrr R. I.lvlngluiuna.
Mii'lHon, Neb. Mary R. Llvln;hou.
a rem. lent nf Miidlaon all her Ufa until
arvcral ynrg airo, illed at hor home In
caat Lincoln. Funerul acrvlrea were held
at the M. K. church here with Interment
at Crnwnhlll cemetery. The deceaaed la
aurvlved bv three itauKhtcra and an n;ed
Mother. Rev. fhamli.'rl.iln rami from
tha Annual Oinfcren.e at Omaha to tuko
charKe of Lha acrvicea.
F.ilna Thiinma.
rallaway. Neb. The funeral of Mlaa
Tdna Thoman, daukhter nf Mr. and Mra.
Charlca Thomaa. former resident of Calla
ay but now of the eastern part of the
iat. waa hi'lS here. Tho youiid glii died
t hoapltal In Lincoln,
Mr". DiXiy lounil Thonina,
Pavld City, Neb. The body of Mra.
Pftiny Younie Thoinaa "was lirousht to
Pavld t'lty for burial front rtenver. Colo.
fhe le.ivea three chllilren. John, Duvlil,
mid Irene, alao four Mletcra. Mrn. 1. M.
Ityinan of Colby, Kan.; Mra. Sarah Mc-
Scientific Cleaners
2217 Farnam Street ATlantlc 0343
Men'a Two or Threa-Plere 1 Cfl
Suita Cleaned and Prea.ed,
mar Mztfc
i ... Nk '-n. x v rt i J av fV I n t v i ir x J v
1 f -KHtV'
I'hotoi by Mai Ijunald, Lincoln.
Upper row, left to .rifht: The
grand champion, Jack Morcland, who
had been acclaimed Lincoln's best
baby; the best pair of twins, La
Verne, left, and La Foi Otredosky,
of Cedar Bluffs; the grand champion
girl, La Verne Otredosky, Cedar
Bluffs, where she had won com
munity honors.
Lower row, left to right: The
champion rural girl, Susan Schobert,
Springfield; the champion city gir!
Anna Needham, Lincoln; the eham
pion town boy, DolavY Diedricks
Havelock, and the champion rural
boy, Mark Steinhauscn, Lincoln.
Telr of Denver. Mra. Myrtle Redman of
Council llluffa and Mra. Logan gpelta of
Amherat, Culo.
I'aul I'acknrd.
McCook, Neb, Paul., 8, aon of Mr and
Mra. Bum Packard, died nf c.rctiro aplna!
mi-nlnnltl". I'livato burial anil aervlcea
wero bald.
Mra, I). A. (irlfflth.
Randolph, Neb Mra. I). A. (Irlfflth.
resident of this vicinity for many yeara.
died here following an attack of pneu
monia. Hit husband, a civil war veteran,
died aeverul months ago. Funeral aer
vlcea were held at the home and burial
was In the local cemetery.
Alfred Ovrrbeck.
Bealrke, Neb. Alfred Overbeck,
ann o! lleurv Overbeck. living near Elll
died at a hospital It era following an op
eration. He Is survived by hia parenta,
two sisters and a brother. ,
Mllllum T. Lints.
Kearney The funeral of William P.
I.illtz, Si, wua held at his home In Hleaa
anton. Lints was taken suddenly ill with
severe headaches. Ho waa given treatment
but ahortly thereafter lppaed Into a atate
of coma, remaining unconscious until
Mra. T. C. llegi-ntun,
McCook Mis. T. '. ltrijeman of Mc
Cook died at her home here.
Mra. dune Schmidt.
Beatrice, Neb. Mrs. June Schmidt, 9.
for nearU 10 eara a resident tit llent
rice, died U her home in t hia City after
a lirouuib-ed illness. Her husband, C. J.
Vose&Son W "?.!:" $42o
H. P. Nelson iS.:. $185
lx lrg i, tln filmed P'l')'
Peerless vno
H ii rd m il n arl . $285
pp V mgrni)rcnt upflht, lltsht mar- C"A
Scliaeifcr wr,
IVi'l'ifut l'Ult ',
t. r'fCl f'i( !f1U ,
t " . . IWi'iful l:iut , VvAfi
Irving t'.i .M!ftu- suou
ft 1 C i-h I!lft :nt c ,r, :")!:. a!C l t C
liiirvara t ...... V. 00-10
Stcinway Grand 3CS1,125
111, It .! t ." I
ivjjytf ,,' i'H '"':iuJ!3'z!?"
Schmldr, who was Beatrice1! tlrt fire
chief, dlfd atyht yeitrs bro. Sh U sur
vived ly five rhildren, one of whom is
Mm. M. A. lirown of Kearney, whoe
huvband' 1b editor of the Kearnqy Hub.
Andrew Iloffiraurd.
Ravanna Andrew HofffraBrd, 75, early
trier and homti leader weit of ltuvenna,
died at his home.
M. A. IlAiiniRartner.
Superior, Neb. M. A. llttiim(twrtner
dropped dead of heart (Unease as ha was
working on the excavation of ths new
high srhool buUdlnfr. Ho leaves a wife.
John W. Thomas.
Beatrice, Neb. John W. Thornis, father
of Mrs. A. A Nicely of this lty. died
after a brief Illness. He Is survived by
three daughters.
II . J. un.
Beatrice, Neb. H. J. Bus?. 74, a resi
dent of Gnice county since lfitU, died at
hospital following an operation, lie 1m
survived by three, children. He made
his home with his daughter, Mm. Henry
Tetgmefer, nine miles west of Heat rice.
Mm. Margaret lnault.
Atlantic, la. Mra. Margaret Denault.
mother of Pr. K. V. Denault, a dentist of
Walnut, died while vMtintc at the homa
of her son. Her home was In Chicago.
Clement Ketiter.
Table Rocic, Neb Clement Router, 51.
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Renter, who
live east of ht-re. Junt across thrt line in
HU-hardson county, died at the home of
his parents nfter a brief illneM, He waa
stricken with eryslpeln laat Sunday. Fu
neral service were hld at the Catholic
rhunh in Stelnauer, and burial was at
lha Catholic cemetery.
muaic Hepartment at t'otnr university.
Mr. Fuller Is connetrd with a music
house In Columbus, Neb.
' ttrttliani-Mufford,
York Charles R. (Jrahsm and Jaa
Stafford have been gr.inlcd a man into
York Ralph I. Bowers and Edna
W'hittipmb, both of Hastings, were granted
a marriage license.
(j ut a f son -(i Uftt a t son,
York. HJttlmer OustBfson and Cora M.
GuHtiifBon, both of 1'olk, were granted a
Marriage Itcvnse.
David City, Neb. The marrlniie of Mine
Grace Stycr to Franklin Pottir of Lin
coln tpok place at the home nf the
bride'a parent-, Mr. and Mts. H, S. Styer
of Rising City.
Business Activities
and Lebanon Advertiser and will merge
them Into tho Marion KntcrpriSe. under
the tltie of the Benver Valley Beacna,
which will he at preaent printed at Ma
rian, but will ultimately be printed at
Klarfc New IJtikery,
Beatrice. Kxiavatlon work for the new
block to house tho Wilke takery was
Ft.-irtrd with ti large force of men. The
t:Iant will coat approximately ;JO,000.
I'liut II odd Bid.
Beatrice. John H. "Wakefield, build in,:
contractor of Omha, uccoinpanied by At
torney W, C. lorsy and J. W. bhotwell.
visited TlfMitriLP. where the former looked
over the old Paddock hole) ilt with
view lo bidding on the construction of
the new I'addock hotel, which will soon
be erected.
New Filling Htadon,
Randolph. Tha- Standard Oil company
han opened a flllinfr station here, with
Veter Laraen and charU-g Champlln In
rSeli York Market.
York W. Moomey has bought the
East Side, meat miirket furnierly operated
by Miio Mlsner. Mr. Moomey has been In
busineua In the Pity for a number of yearn.
He formerly was proprietor of the Farm
ers' Supply store.
School H wit inn riant.
Callaway All of the heitmrf equip
ment has arrived for the mnv wthool build
ing being re ted 'tre, ;ind will be in
atalled us rapidly as p(i9Ui4.
Ianivvm for Knj;laiHl Mrs. Earl At
kinson, 61i!) Franklin aiue, will
leave TuosH.ty on a trip tU her for
mer, home in Londnn, KriKland. Mr.
Atkinson Mill join her later.
Merge Three, l'ripera.
McCook. A. C-Furmati of the Marlon
Knterprtie has pun haaid the good will
and subscription of the Danbury News
We Dry Clean, Press and Repair Men's,
Women's and Children's Clothes of
Every Description
2217 Farnam Street ATlantlc 0345
Men's Two or Threa-Pieca t?f
Suita Cleaned and Prea.ed.
Nelson Orin I,. Goodrich anil liss Mil
dred Mauck wer married beta and left
lininedtately (or a honeymoon trip la
t'olorada. Mr. ttoodrlch ta litkhway com.
iitlaaioncr of Nuikolis county, and the
brale la the lUuahter of U. ! Maucy
and wife, and at ihla tint holds Ihe po.l.
lion of titri!ttendnt of a. bonis of this
county. Mr. iioMtrult ta tha republkan
tkndidata fur touniv treasurer.
tl.attlis Krkrst U Kll. :i ranama,
anat Je..s l llevUifi, Si, Pirkrsll, wera
uiairtsil at l.i m "in. I ks bn.ia ta a dausk
ter of sir and Mrs li.stsiu. old
r.aid.att tf Uais rwynty livtkg ar Pita.
Trase4ka(ee. l.atay Trai.l, ! sal
Mrs Maria kn.lf.i. II. k-.'k uf k,l.
Ksa. ytarn.d; hfa kv i'u..a-
js Jwdse MiHitiui.
iihk.a-tli, H.ska siii4 aa l
Karay aad kr.i4) k,s k..Mkee.
J..ti il-il, aat drartf4 a a
aaaatt Sailkk.
I It-t kil kk.aj.ra aa4 !. S.ilt-k
Ks .. Mairt4 . ta I nii4
tl'.iki.a kaisrt4a. k... W n
.- k.. K. Half'. 14 4 ' Jw
t fcl 1 ta ,, k
i kt... It I. t ,... t tk. i kti.
I. ill,. a
ft. kW k.tkM
- t t.,., t km a. I Mi I
ktk f tk, .. ta s.ii.i
k( t'.. II I I i
I laws
I I i . i . t .i ... .......
of I ,4 ... 4 W 4 a '
. .4. fc ,M l. 4 . .
l kt V ,i.
in I 4
I l4 k- 4. 4
Why Worry?
If worrying helped any
It should lie oncourauod.
Because worrying doesn't help
it should be discouraged.
If you worry while eating
you invite indigestion.
If you worry while working
you invite an accident.
If you worry while at home
you invite a family quarrel.
if you worry after you go ta bed
you invite a !eeple night.
Indigestion Aciitlent Family (jMiarrcl. and
Sleepier Night all Interfere with limnl Health.
WHY WORRY at all. Call AT Untie 9555 and
tliminat your vsorriei.
VompUte Insurance In Worry" Wont t'nrniy
'7j1 IrW Citjl fin.'"
iMiiUMt. Howard At lU-MinstH jis
INVf SIMLNt tu mm
.The Mens Shop!,;;,." 'swamswg-TT-gJJ. -saar-r rv 4v.M"t i "n "i ,.i siu
Sixteenth to Seventeenth on Hacneyj: Main Floor
Men's Suits for Fall
! ' EH VsslA c '
For Young "Men
Vouns .Mom's Sport Models in Nor
folk .md (lolf back styles made df
tweeds and cashmeres in the newest
autumn shade?. For the young man
who is poinjr away to school, or for
the your-jj business man who is seek
ing "snappy" styles these suits will
be heralded. Triced at
$25 and $30
Men ami Young Men
Semi-conservative and conserva
tive models for men and young
men. The newest materials and
shades are represented every suit
well tailored and excellent in fit.
$25 to $50
New Fall Hats
Your new fall hat is here. Our
stork consists of such famous
makes 'as Mallory, Stetson and
Croffut and Knapp. Included
are the newest shapes, colors and
combinations that the m?n and
young men favor for fall wear.
$5 to $10
The Burgess-Nash Special Hat
is a mighty good value. (PO Cfl
It is priced at. . . . .,. . yv JU
Bursess-Nash Man's Shop Main Floor.
Silk Handkerchiefs
Silk pongee and fancy silk
handkerchiefs. For gift pur
poses these handkerchiefs are
ideal. They are specially
Each, $1.00
Grenadine Ties
Silk Grenadine ties in a good
assortment of plain and fancy
l:iU'jrns. Priced at
Each, 35c
Fall Union Suits
Medium weight union suits for
cool September and October
days,. White and ecru; elastic
nbbed; closed crotch.
Each, $1.50
White Madras Shirts
. White corded madras shirts.
In collar attached or neckband
styles. These shirts are noted
for their good wearing quality.
They are priced at
Btirgess iVash Men's Shop Main Floor.
. .
dailg""liifii tlh Boy ? Bhp
The Boys' Shop is conveniently located on the Main Floor, right
next to the Men's Shop. Fathers or mothers may bring the smaller
boys here and shop under ideal conditions, for the department is
equipped with every conujiience. School outfits are here aplenty.
Come in and compare merchandise "-.'.! prices.
Boys' School Suits
S8.75 to $16.50
Boys' Suits in Norfolk and bdtftl rr.orlsk
Mailt- in plain colum r dark mixtures of ami rashmrrrs. Most of thua suits
hav two pnirs of knirkera, thus awtinnc
iouM ear which it so essential in auitr
tr the sturdy boy t.f todiy.
Boys' Caps $1.50 to $2
Every tv.) .rs a cap at nna tima er
ainihtr. Our r.-mplft stmk pf taps in the
tw f! wcik-Vs and cobra is ready for
yiur infn!. tiiiii.
Boys' Blouses, 75c
T'' kmj if Hiinri tht ery aVhoxl
fci'V rur !, t n or sUtpd iatlirfti
il af 4r,r,s mtf.a'4
"I'M k Msa's tkap.Ma t .
Burgess iv'ash Gompany
4'f 'li
1 14 HAr4
W t i , 4- 4 ... 4 k.
tk. a-.. I ,-4 - ..4.44
fct k
. ..s y