8 A THE SUNDAY HKE: OMAHA. PKPTKMI.EH Ju, 10--. The Sunday Bee MORNING EVENING SUNDAY THE ll ft'tUlHIHO COMFAMY mijom a urouK. rnuk.. a. mcwer. c. wm. kuuch or the auocutco run tW fillip fnm. a.KS TW Bat k a BMatkar. a) Mlalatf Mix I Ik Ma nt mill af til mmm twaiii araaiu M H a a wma MX la iki Mef. a u tan eaa aa"aa . nsaw J maHina a at ant mki aa aw. , Nat averef iKulaliea) l Ta Oawa , Aafu.l. 121 Daily 72.378 Sunday. .. .76,519 MfWCR. Caaeral Mwir llMl i. ROOD, CmvlaiMa Maaaer I. ara to 4 a4ecrlead hatare m tkie 14 Ur IMS. iSaall W. H. QUIVtV, N alary fualM a n.i.i la vi . auaifca- af la a.H .ra at nnaialMa. faeajana. aaiaerUr aa anaaiau-a aaSMa, aa Tka i atmuawas la ear.. Imij aaans M laaw a El TLLintONU Prl.aia Breara I ! Aak f"t the Dar'al a rnl Waat fat NUei Tall Afler 1 t- M l t4itnflal tertt. AT leti Itll ar orricu Man OflW-ITtk .a f.rnaal Staff .... II fil . ik N.w Yark-tlt fif'a Wa.a.r.U . . 41t ius BMg. Ckmi . I'M wgar BM ana. Fnae 4t Km St. Hesare Ca Tka set !.( d.llf lrtuliu.a of The Omaha Hm fr July, 111. ' of n.iii ' Jir sf 7ae i"l a.ra iuaSar .Ir.ulatloa of Tha Uatah lira fr July, I2J. U.IIJ, a n It.SaS aar Julr !' Thla la a lara.r lain thaa that i4e bt any ar dally of Huii'Iav Omaha a.w.papar. Th pltitnf itratntsa f da huuaewuea, tha timpl gowns of tha womtn in ofhVet and shops hav mora tearing on whether or not American. ar well drd. To cut tha cloth of tvsryday existent to fit tht Pari, tian model is nut a laudable ambition. Amerira, with a ciimat differinif much from thai of the French capital, can with propriety disregard or delay the adoption of Taria itylea. Women of the United State may Indeed bt tha beat rowned in tht world, but if to it ia not becauat of their imitation of M. Poiret'a designs, but only that they temped their dress to their environment. "A CHAPEL IN EVERY HOME." An eastern Kentleman, of whoae aincere piety thert ran bt little doubt, accepting hit writing! aa proof of hit devoutnrM, ia conducting a cruaadt for tht entub liahment of a chapel in every home. According to him: The auifllnn la not fr an rtuhorale fldltlon to the houae, but to tuke on room, email nr large, aa i lrrunialani i a fnuy permit. If only alx (ert by four, iut It anlilf, call In your nilnlnter anl ennavcrat and d.dl'at It to Alnilahi 'oil aa tha "I'loevt" for prayrr, tli rhapel In the home, an audience rham lr for the King- of Klna. Punuing hia argument a little farther, ht drawa an unpleaaant picture of tht condition! in tht Amer ican home, at regarda matter, religioua, aaying: There la nothing n.w In the thouaht of a rhapel In every home. In the day of the Apoatle I'aul he peraonally recorded that there were church In the hoiiiH of Nytnphua, J'rlmlllu and Aqullla, and Apphla. Paaan Home had houaehold temple for her Idol god. What haa I'hrlatlnn America In her home for the Only Living (Sod? In many home you could not find a Ilihle. We expect everything, health, happlneaa, rlchea, honor, but w Rive noth- ' lug. Modern rcllKlon la more of a Habbath ohaerv ance than a recognized dally need. There la little or nothing In our home, or home life, to rem Id ua of (jod. Family prnyera are a thing of the pant. Ornce nt meal time U a rarity. There la duet on the family Jilhle. Realizing tht difficulty of bringing proof, wt make told to dispute these conclunioni. We do not believe that Americana art a Codleia people, that they are no remit in their religioua dutiea ai this writer would have ua believe. Follow hia conclusion to their logi cal end, and wt become a race of unbeliever, akep tica, wont than pagans, for they do worship some thing and we nothing. ' American habitually' and instinctively turn to Cod. Tht nation rests on the declaration, "In God We Trust." That motto finds exemplification in all our works, public and private. Grace ia said before and thanka are given after meat ih so many homes that it is a mistake to label them "rarities." In mil lions of homes the family altar stands an it did in days of yore, and around it kneel the family in worship of a Divint Creator. Statistics furnished by the churches show a steady gain in numbers of professing Christians each year. A chapel in every home would be a splendid pros pect, for it would mean a nation on its knees each day; but it is unfair to suggest the utter lack of piety on part of the people to support an argument in behalf of the plan. It would bt far better to suggest that the devotion now existing be extended to include the chapel. And still "prayer is the drawing of a breath, the lifting of an eye," its efficacy is not in its words but In the manner of its utterance, "and thy lather, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly." A COMMUNITY INVESTMENT IN HEALTH. Health ia now thought of a a community problem as well as one concerning tht individual. It ia leas coktly in lift and money for tht tntirt rommunjty to support nurses and other speclali. ts to help keep peoplt well than for each person or each family bt left to its own fate. Viewed m this light, tht tag day collection to bt taken In Omaha next Wednesday for tht Visiting Nurst association it not an added expense but instead represents an opportunity for actual saving. Those who contribute to this fund receive more in tht coin of humanity than they pay out in real money. Seven hundred babies art now being cared for at tha fivt infant welfare stations maintained by tht Visiting Nurses. Every call for nursing cart and ad vice Is answered by them. In tht last six montha 24,930 nursing visits havt been made by these sympa thetic, efficient women. Last year 43,375 visit wert made. Such is tht Immenst task for the support of which $20,000 is iought. Its field has grown steadily in the 26 years of its existence. When its founder, Mrs. II. M. Rogers, returned to Omaha after graduation from Johns Hopkins she set out alona on her work of ministry and now there are 24 well-trained nurses, A babe with infected eyes is saved from blindness through 30 visits from a visiting nurse, A working man'a leg ia saved by proper cart after an accident. A woman recovering from confinement is given much riceded'advice and attention that saves her life and that of her infant . Crippled children are given their chance to becomt whole. Tht ravages of tuber culosis art held fn check all through these nurses With thanks in their hearts tht people of Omaha shoujd welcome the opportunity to contribute to this splendid service. "From Stateand Nation19 F.ditur'mU from other S S "l There's niie HiIh- .,nit 'The Ja-lamnnl tf I'lutia," .y Alia. (iilj l(h"lt.. Ilia m m rnr Ml ( ate not 1. ii Ulna III m o,uhil.-a ot Ilia Itiiiiultuutl oa.uii, Kir fkamplr, ;ilttt, ilia arilmii lnil IhiiiiMo l.urr f III li klliaf hllnaelf !-).. lr. I .y ('Inula, la golna a o. Iliimhly ) a.ka lirr Hllll kilM Mulllll .iv if ll ttrlo l aak lirr In k i.a IiIiii L'tto.llii'. 'itM, .1 lii.rli.li. ilfh . . .t I...., Tha rhun h member who fjil to f, i,.i,,,i , drew linull ..m. lent. In 'The riiinil rhofj" and iliri j mi.i, .y jt,lin Innipfl. ruill.h4 j by the fin. 'f.. i l l oMipony of i...ii.n. Willi tha fnllowina- v,ua nr I.OUU. Mmlrnow tlrilli -atea hia 'The Caiannt anJ fiihe I'naini" ihe' iritrti enii.pari)) in ju.iue imi l. iian.JrU; (iia- in t huei lt. Tim lha ra N.aa IVu.a Kvery mmibar tf A ihuch who diw not aiirnd wrvice at lt ni' aviir rfuiiil.iy la falling In a, i me I ho full niraatira of l-n, ni ih.it la i l,t il-rufd frmn emllniinn with rhun h oieniliaiiMii. A Stranger' 8 Message An I .llli.rl,.l li a N.'hra.ka line Dial Wmi lltiiMiiabl.1 Mm, lion III llw I'rtili-aKlnlial I'lilllral of 'II10 tMlialia) IUt; WHEN THE RAIN CAME. , An empire had sweltered and baked under the breath of the simoon. Fields were withered and parched, plants drooped, and trees bowed and swung in the blast, as their leaves shriveled and curled under the intense heat. Men and animals alike sought in vain for shelter from the pitiless rays of the scorch ing sun, and day and night sought surcease that did not come. A hot wave was on the land, and millions felt the fierce blast as it mercilessly beat upon all that live under the sky. Summer culminated in one intense drive of burning zeal in a material as well as a figurative fashion. And then, when it seemed endurance could bear no more, that the test was complete, and the sun god had won his way, came the clouds. It was as Elijah fore told to Ahab, and as Ahab's servant a cloud no bigger than a man's hand; yet it was a cloud, and with it came tht curtain that shut out the dazzling, burning rays of tht sunlight, and in mercy promised the relief. Finally, tht blessed rain, and such delight of cool fresh air that living things forgot the discomfort and misery of tht heat wave, and knew only the delight of the shower and the promise of rest it brought. And these things are all the result of the universal law, coming from God as an emanation of His divine will, a proof of its certainty and evenness of opera tion. Tht blistering breath of summer simoon, and tht paralyzing cold of a winter blizzard comt from the jama cause, subject to the sama Immutable rule that brings tht rain to relieve tht ont and tht thaw to soften tht other. Man may toy with but can not control tht ele ments, lit must takt tht cllmatt aa it comes, but even tht most thoughtless rejoice when tha sky let loose tha stored-up vapors to end a "hot spell" with a grateful shower, THE BEST GOWNED WOMEN. Taut Poirtt, high prie.t of fashion, ennndet tha opinion that American women art three year be. Kind tht styles, Thence to tha rescue comes Frank lia Giddmg, a New York roitumer. "Tha American woman is tha beat dre. In PUTTING LIFE IN THE MOVIES. Over in tha children's room at the public library is an old-fashioned stereoscope such as used to be found In the parlof of innumerable grandmothers. Tht double photographs art thert also, and as one views them through the stereoscope the two pictures combine in one, giving an impression of depth and form that Is absent from the flatness of a single picture. It is from the principle of the stereoscope that the next great improvement in moving pictures is antici pated. A successful showing of anJnvention to give me io me iiims nas recenuy Deen given in inicago. Harnett W. Harris, a picture play director, obtained the new effect by making a few minor changes in motion picture machinery and providing the specta tors with simple instruments resembling the eye piece pf the stereoscope. The picture had been taken with two cameras, set in positions corresponding to the right and left eye. In the development of the two films are double printed on one film. In its projection the film is run through a machine with a double aperture which throws two images on the screen, one above the other. "The great thing has happened," said Prof. F. R. Moulton, a scientist of Chicago university who has made a deep study of tht moving picture act. "The first great change in tha motion picture has been brought about by Mr. Harris. All the motion picture houses will need when the process is introduced will be a phonograph attachment to make motion pictures the equal of the stage." Perhaps this is over-enthusiastic, but certainly the introduction of a device to relieve the flat shadows that flit across the screen would be of high impor tance. It is conceivable that the public might tire of the movies as they now exist, and an improvement such as this is sure to add new zest to this amusement. attend the aerthes lint only iar. Ill brraimal beunia at-curei) by at lendlnt' dlvlii wor.hlp, but ha ali leavea an lniiri-..inn on thn.o hu tlu nt billing- that ih twrvha are not really worth while. Moat men of prominent' tl la as In atti-nd church at at one mm U Mil nil ay. They prefer tha tnornlna wrhli. aa It awma mora rutin In utilia Ih rwalnnln of tha day In pilbllO wor.hlp Km nk K. l-'ehtman, prealdi-nt of lha New York Ailv.ni.ln rhib, re cently In an Interview uv hia rea anna for liktrtar t ttnd church. The point mad by Mr, Krhlinan are; "I et phyalcal rnmfnrt from at tending church. It la quirt and lhre are no nolar. I reins. "Kew neoole reallui that Ih Itlble l the 'beat m-ff today. I Ilk to h.iir a trained man talk about thla Book. "It doe m Rood to look In the fnre of men and women who have Son thrnush eiiecen and fiilhire, but who have retained their fnlth and belief In the blaser and ttntter thins. I nr mora of them In church than I In any other pine ! go, "I do not understand all of the mualo I hear In church, but 1 enjoy the annua that I fir.t heard when I wa a hoy, and no ont crltlda. my slnrlna;. "I have never attended a church at any time that I did not Rrt nt liaat one rood Idea which helped me tliroti.h the week." ' Ilui k I p! Prom tha Oram! I.Iand In4.pafl4.nl. When a mnn In I'ennaylvanla loel hi job and couldn't find work he went noma, built an addition to his home and sold It for double what he paid for It. Today he makea more moiiy hiilldln hoiiNc than h ever did In the shop. Advernliy I good fur u If It makes ua think. The Sieateat honks have been written un der adversity. The greatest Inven tions are the children of adversity. Aabestoa was Invented by a man Riven time to think by an accident hrr hauda imr her nioiiih lillbvit, ai't rptina Una il, i ..n it limit pro Irat, made to tl"- Then hrr hind flnahril nut nil. I irt,lnvl lilm. flia Kitve a .!! Hut a half n iv, and In H inmiiriit, linay imild lurdly be ill'!, she wna ...lit.iurf in hi arms ' "'I'll, lillb.ft, d'Hl't!' In n't" ahe brought out niuld h-r fi-ara. 'Whnt Imve ymi ilnim in we? I can't, oh. h. It' Uliln rtlul'l,'!' t'harla. ymi mut know, I ri-allv a lady. daiiKlit-r of lird ISliurlimd. To earape a nnMa but imlnvd lover h hue left home and l "on her own" aa a typll when, by nrcldrnt. aha meet firorae Wlrm hun, widower, SO, nillllnnitlre Ininln rtnan. home from t'min.l i In hi ri-lntlvea. Hrailian n!n t dippy over Pliarl nnd aeema to have n r-ar truck until the humbl". paaalonato and ever-renoiini'liiR tlllliert mini'" iiprtn lha ecrne. Thean three .rlinlml rlnir utera are rattfr well drawn arid th proner llrltl.il nwe la nilrcd for 111" nnb'e vouna- lAdv aa well na hor nilrhiv UioiibIi rilhir fm-l.le pupil. Lord Idmclnnd, who .finde nmal of thr time In the offlmr. aheddliiR- thn effultti-nce of hi title upon mere commoner and millionaire. However, the lir nk la rntertalnlnv, and. a It code wHh the weddlna b.lle. we need not worry a i to whether Ollhert i an hold up nla m.r.nnlilo aentlmenla and naeKton- nte Inve-mnklnR throiu-h the year of matrimony let nhenrt. The fieorne H. Imran company, New York, puhllahea the book nt n fit'liilMl ra I . I I.Hl.l ll hf l.,.il t,l ...(, Ial Ih mm. i. in, ...,r,( i.nrt. l. im4 ih. ca.t.li.H i,f a .,ni.hi a,Hil, Tka lu.fr i.f . a am, in hn. Ami !... Il.e n.1.,.r ia Ih. r c 1 I-.'. Vi, l 1-r.. I ttt hia !.. aa.iH A" l I' I tr I'Iim'.I , ..i rr Ih Hi. , i..l I 'f " a aimn li1. f-nt rn.n I'ruf. Wlllliini l.vnn 'liel,a baa wriiien'Hn Inim.lai 1I..11 in th InMik of inM iiie, In which h anya: "Aa n tender I am amieful in the author fnr e(prratlii hia Hiublllona and ron. vb-ilnne wtrli an. Ii Cervntir and l'ellc f If- M The iiiblicnti n of tin vnlinne h ia been linlled aa nn event In the liter ary hia'nry of the Jewish peopln. Around Ktbraska firand latamt Im1jeniienl: A mail In t'lilraso bousht a wife for and ah lan away. A man In Crand l.land bukht a seconl hand car for II5; and It didn't. Willi 4.llir.. A If In aeuri h of th.it whh h wua lo.t, lie wandered In iiuiny ( l.n e., ailenl, tlinusllKul, nliiv.ini. until eveinutf t-uiiia and ha w.i. weary, He. Utii- out the hum of a t'om llmil I'ltlsen, about Who.u ilnnr little rluldren wain pliiylna, ha iinner.i'il with bla hi'.ta and 14 peiu a im'li aa they hud ner known fell upnn that hniiaehuld. "Tell ue who oi are and wheme ymi mnie," they niiilrrd, , ' l.uten, and you ahull know who I uni." replied the eiraimer. And aa hn talked the children, at- The kef-ret Aone of the Rrenteal trui brd hy hia kindly voice end nwiii- enlylnna of ilia mo,rn a. Thel tier, anthered i loai-ly about him. Iloy. a bnred III an Intere.itnif and "Today." eiild the alranaer. "I hnve woithwhlle manner by Arthur Kd- vlxlted ninny pl.nia and foiuiil iiim li win Itnl.erla, execntlva of the ('In- strife and uiihniiplnee. I aiopiied I'lnnml liny H-outa of America. In hia in the murla of timlu and fnund there fi. book. "Kmanrlpntlon of Voui h" men i he.iiinK nnd l trite for sum. I (Kleinlna- It. Itevell cnnipnny) The j vlalleil IcKlal ilivn InilU Mini tiler book la alvn hlrh prnlMe by Jiimea K. Weal, flibf acout executive. f,ew Vmk t'lty. nnd W. A. 'row b-v. -aletsnt profeanor of phlloaophy at the I'nUer.Hy of I'lndiiniitl. tlr K, U. Job.., Alha Tiw Ilal4 Into a eiiire-iorn world cma certain an aniier, aimiila ot rb and aenile of manner. In culm nuinte. A I 'Y daiiper flnpped In her flapper- nun i a) aalow Willi the pe.ue of run-1 t"h w.ty. leiitinvnt, and yet. withal, tlnaed I Nr herded tha "caiiilon" tifna ril by the way I .Uc 'Mia l.in.l.. I a home, and has fl.p- I pna her own. While mulden fihiiil. aluli and with an i n rntv aman. j The ft i .er a aed.ile mw and vows I lh.it her child Hl.sll arnw up r fliid - ahull never I nn w lid .And I lin(l.Uy think he will hold down lha lid ' A well. in. nil. hitter, than her I cirena 1id ' h i all lu .i hie lime, why worry or ctit.e, M'nna (inmlea hi- ft i i jie r and moat I In. n Wnrne J(n Vive t'ipppr. e aweel tl I'iiik h. KelieAih ii"iiii and lip ailck w kllnw yoil'la r.l aluff -f'l-iy I'enter ftun. "Ituealtina Ahrnnd and Other Htoriea." bv Muriteiy Miiyn I Ktnit 1 fnrdl, roiif.iliia one Intnf atnry, the ! title e'ory, nnd three ehnrt oiiea. I'ulihiitv N V-cordlng1 to the wer men who hud fniimttcn iheirl1'"'' Aiiei.a t. iintnei. tunii Hnr duty tu he peoiiln, riuiirrellnK and i riH"n' "f "re nr ! fune In Ne. blckertiiK (nr peiMouiil ml Viint.iv l'ika, la now lni"K m Cianada tut where en ,I r i-1 unit labor hud met I ''irk. t'nl , wheie he will erect a nnd fuiiitd llii lr e,id ia biil-rlv r-1 ounilntund an. I he. mm, ,i imnd Lived iianlnat one another. I attend- I '"der. If lie hn a aulaii.d hand ed M. iniifereiice of nation, while "' '"' ' "" 'ibanlulely dominate their reoieaenliillvi a wi re m hetninif ! nietnln i he i ,y ,uk n nnd lnulk-iilti In act that which did i "' "r " "f I"; oiheiwle the new rn What Styles Will Ik that confined him to hi room and he had no funds. Jerome tran.lated 'the Illble when laid aside from hia ( work. Ooeihnla was slek In a tins- ; pltal when ha discovered how to ex terminate, momtultoes and overcame malaria In the tropica. Ftryant I wrot Thnnntopsla when he 'could i not return to colleen for lack of I funds. Hilton was blind when he (wrote "Parndina I" and so was I Carlisle, when he wrote "Partor Re anrtua." Cheer up! Buck up! Some of the (treateat opportunities are found In hnrd times. MAN'S HUMANITY TO MAN. Down in the Argonaut mine, almost a mile below the surface, more than 40 men were buried, almost beyond hope of recovery by an accident. Hundreds of feet of solid rock and hard packed dirt inter vened between them and any possibility of rescue. Faint hearts might have turned back from the task, but not the men of the mines. These had but one thought. Their friends and comrades were in danger, and to save them heroic work must be done. The whole story probably never will be told. Another Stephen Crane might find here material for another "Red Badge of Courage," and set out in deathless sentences how the men and the bosses, miners, doctors, experts of the rescue forces, pitted themselves in the struggle against the inexorable power of Mother Earth. How shift after shift pushed drill and pick and shovel to the urge of desperate hope that a way might be found to the living tomb, and the victims reached before death overtook them. Here was no question of eight-hour day, or union card, or any of the inconsequential things of life. Men were buried and would die unless by dint of their utmost effort other men might reach them with succor. That was all, but around it may be framed one of the most impressive pictures ever set before tho world, glorifying the devotion of man to an impera tive duty when another is in danger. "Man's inhu manity to man makes countless millions mourn," wailed a poet, who had his eye on the sordid, seamy side of lift when peace permits selfishness to sway men's motives. Man's humanity to man is the saving grace that marks tha raca as of divint origin, for when danger threatens or disaster prevails, tht su blime devotion of strong men to on another is Cod like. . Only man can do such things as were done at the Argonaut, and havt dnt many a time, because only man will dart tht elements at their worst to relieve thost who are in jeopardy and helpless. t Tht Beatrice Kxpres urges mort respect for officers of tha law at a step toward diminishing law. breaking. It is a wholesome thing for all public servant to ba given to feel that tha people stand back of them. If a. II. I Irtl lift ha atnrv about his being a tha world." sayt ka. "Not only does she shine here. ( j( U( fof pmuln, j. r,.,!y exaggerated. II but at tht teat tf fa.h.on sh. surpaMe. tha French ,,auM,t ,ppTfWM being k.r '-P. in style. At tka races, on tka boulevard, in the swart, cafet af Paris, the I always smarter I.K.kii g than tht IrtRva waman.' Concerning tha ability f Amerwan wnman tu 4ra It) aecerdsare i'h the H-iuin there it u 4tt. Ia Pari they may nt enly d i as tht Parisians, rat ae et autda them. That, hr, It realty tka sss'.lt fart ( it. Ta inprt.tly few J tl 4M U sHIat ia tht smart rM.nnt retort., Ta ttlaa af tha ti af Amefuaa wr.) It ta ea aner4 br ?frve .wltt mil uait U 1st e4t-a ( iy ii sver. Nations ara reducing their fighting forces, a .cord- Mne the war is j li'g in reports made t Geneva, ! really er, On Second Thought M I It . ( - M m rhild'.H ! I I ' ' ailli. a. it,, a) k.i.Mt r..l Ik. nt t' l-n IllUlSlnl. Old-Time Conrtlng. Frnm tha Platta Valley Naw. (Sco'tt. tiluff With a Wlrttful thought of the pant, a number of people were dlscunninR, the other evening, the ways of court Ins: in "their day." They had listened to seme of the jargon of the present-day "flapper" und "cake-eater." They had heard, with something; clonely akin to grief, young men and Rirla whom 'fliey knew and liked, talk flippantly of many dates, of petting parties, or crushes on thla one or that. They had seen Ray auto parties leave the city, to return at late hours of the nlprht. They had read of the lack of reiipect most youths held for the grand paagfon that In their day led to a formal eourtHhip, a happy engagement, and then a marriage destined, as a rule, to last the rest of the life of thoae who were wed. Are the old days gone? Is there no longer In young men a shy and reverent respect for the girl whose heart they wish to win? Is there no longer In girls the excited waiting for the "one man" to appear? Have the old days and the old ways gone, never to return? These are the questions that are bothering Jhe fathers and mothers of today, "when they think of the time of their courtship. Their book of remembrance Is filled with the thought of the faithful horse, who could be driven, let us say, with one hand, or with the lines wrapped around the whip. They think of the country flowers, offered so awk wardly at the shrine of the girl, and the fudge and other candy com pounded in the kitchen to delight the boy. They think of husking bees, of quilting parties, of long walks In search of the first spring flowers, of going together to church and re turning by the long way. They think of these things, and they wonder whether the old romance, the old love, was dead, and whether in Its place had come a light nnd frivolous attitude toward the tendor things of life. Who can say? It Is always the tendency of age to reject the Im pulses of youth. Yet there Is much to be said for those who believe that some of the finer thlnRS of the older days have been lost In the bustle nnd hurry and Independence and frank revolt of youth. Tho Hlcyole. From tha Dr. Xtolnea Trlbuna. The New York Hernld finds that more bicycles Sre being used. Thus, census figures gathered in 1920, and affording the latest data nvailable for the whole country, show that In 1919 the value of the bicycle output was 112.277, .HI. This represented 470.675 bicycles, ns ngainst 299.029 manufactured In 1914. : The peak of bicycle production ' wna In 1S99, when machine com manded fancy price nnd the value of the output wn IJt.ono.niiO. This value dropped steadily until by X'i'H it wn only 3.0tl0,00. The blcyclo was pronounced a fid nt first. Illcyclo club were fnrmed everywhere, and for a lime "wheels." aa they were called, were regarded as carrjInR much the same li. unction that automobile titer carried. , , Th fd panned, but workmen "d , boya found a certain inllitv In the bicycle tht quickly restored .lumped j nlu and v some stability to: that l.'M'le inukrt. It W. '! I Ih-it: Ih aulnmnhlln would put the bicveta j .ml. and whan thla aeetne.l trt fill that tho nintorryv I would Mm Hie j r'' Hut In tl prodii. -tli.n ahwd a) i maika l lncr... and U llr .1 , Ib.lltvr thit tin. hi b.en aci.t-j j aixied alnc I lull bva led the "' 1 hiiav .f mir i.,nifri and rout' hi-, l.n.ea. It km b ' lUlin.l lhl in.' R.M-.d bile fi t b i i l t"t nl lha fiiiimn i.in.nia he.-i.i It 1 4ff 'ida irl!n a l ' ' i la l IhuM who ara n-'t I I " ; i il,.ii,a w.ia a ltd at " II"1.' I hut wn w.mnn "f irl : ; k. .. In ht 0'il-l 'f l.nii ' ' ' lkf .l,.mr i.f klil. ', wltl, are a lu.lfil fi-ini -f l'l.,,ei I i b I a If -.'.'I ti I'.'.i I' fi.i I i. ,. w a ah I I t iid l!. at. a , in li l t -I hn Ki. lli'i'ii il ti ii w .-. , , - r I t l - i'i u..l Ih n, i. ..,tif f . t -fl , f.r.in t,.hnMii who made null a reputation In thlif country with his f.in,. ft eannlhal and savage of some of the I'nclfle Inlander, baa .,,.i,ii.l,,.H bin record of a trip be made with hia wife and Ms camera vw Hebrides Islands, "Cnn- n iv.. i fjinri" MIouEhton Mifflin) Is of the bent of summer rending. It read well. It shows that Mr. John son knew people and that he rot to know well those fast-dlsnppenrlng repreaentntivi! of the Melnnenlnne. who Inhabit Van, Tnmmnn. Mnlekul.i and Ksplrltu Panto. There nremnny thrllla In the narrative. There Is little sentimentalizing over the suv agea or the hardships of the Journey. And the 25 photographs in the vol ume present things ns they were seen a frcnr.led dance of painted primitive, a cannlbnl feast, the practice of the head-curcr's art. the savage chief and his prime minister, among other things. "The Cryalnl Heart," hy rhlllla Rottome, was one of the best books of hint year. "The Kingfisher, ner latest novel. Is Just as strong and beautiful. The power, for good or evil, of love is a sttbjet near to mis author. In this instance is make a man out of a ne'er-do-well. Published by Doran. "I'm no saint I'll take the devil. If lie's there to help me out," sings Netele P. Allemong In her "Our Ready Ally," one of th poems In corporated In her newest book of verse, "The Harp of Mfe," fresh from the press of the Stratford com pany of lioston. Jn the homety themes presented, the author's ex lerlence hs wrung from the harp of life, the human noul, those melodies of Joy and grief familiar to every one. Why sympathy and good will need not be dissipated into unprevalling wishes or regrets, but how they can be put to practical, telling use in prayer for others. Is told In "The Force of Intercession," by Conrad H. Goodwin Ohe Strntford company, Boston). The book Is a thoughtful and deeply spiritual study of the philosophy and power of interces sory prayers. The old familiar story of human tragedy and triumph is told In clear and limnld language, voicing some of those feelings which master every thoughtful soul, with optimism and a plea for justice prevailingly pres- Rrem 'tie I'arla inf.. nf tha lry Onoda J-:, en'ifnl.l. The tialit-nttlng bodice, full dis tended hip. Mini thi. hm it, full skirt of the Venetian l!enals.ince period meant are making n rather sensa tional reappearance for evening wear, while In millinery, draped I'ernijm titrl,Ann nurmoiinteil bv ..,..,.. a.t ,,. I I...IIII..... nnl.,,1 ' are being shown by Oeorgette among her new winter models. The Venetian Influence, In so far sa the silhouette la concerned, means tlght-tltted bodice, distended hip und Innir, full nathered skirt, and under thla heading may be in eluded aa well the Victorian, the Kecond emplm nnd even to a certain extent tho 130, In till of which periods tight walsta and full skirts predomlnnfed. Many straight line gowns In Orn-k and Kgyptian styles, with the drapery caught on one. hip by hand some Jeweled motifs, snd with fiat, straight bnek, were also noted. Quantities of drosses In metal lace,, In silver or steel and In tarn Ishfd gold over shiny' black satin slips, were worn. Oenerally speak ing, It may lie said that In the effort to break away from dull finished crepe fabrics, designers nre plunging Into a mad use of brilliant metal tissues, which doubtless soon will lend to a revival of Interest In the satin finished fabrics. Thla use of metal aces and metal fabrics la particularly pronounced In millinery nnd veils. In the new linen of veils being shown for tho winter by the French manufacturers, metal nets of a sheer, filmy cobwebby mesh em broidered In the metal take prece dence over all others. not belotnf to them. was u visitor In houiea where love hid fled nnd ill-cord had entered. I would have counseled with thosn whnpl found In these places, but they in mild lint hear ine. Kvery where aelflifhncsa and strife Wera nppaiotit. "And now, na my Journey ends, I huvo come here, to Ih home of a Common tit men, to leave my mea sure, for only throUKh the liven of the common people ran the salva tion of the world be hrouuht about. I 'poii parents rests the Kient rcsnou- i m lil 111 y human redcmptlnn. tnrougn the guidance or their chil dren, by precept uin' example, In the ways of truth, kindness, purity, nil- selflahne m oil things. Thus will1 atilfe be oven otiio and peace u,nd contentment bo established fur nil mankind. " The atrnnger arose to go. "Hut you have not told us who !"r.r.r Is dimmed In (in tn pieces on Hie rocks of illrM-uslou. it li nliMnlufcly ItnpiiKsllde for I In l rlmm to dn leuin wink Willi any bunch of men. Norfolk News- Th Aannclafed In . report that Dure wua a mna si'ie nt Herein, III, has seemingly been vindicated. A rrand Jury has been called tn Inveatlu ite the rumor you aie nnd wheme ymi en me," sitd Ills hosts. "My name," said the stranger, "was clven to the world nineteen d-nturfi ngn ly one who said. Whatsoever ye would that men ehould dn to oil, do ye even n to them" I hnve been Inng upon ih earth, but the world has forgotten li e, as H has forgotten llltn -i lia t aenlt nie. "I am the Golden liule." CENTER SHOTS. The latent buy wonder is "How long before school?" Nashville Ten It Isn't advisable to order beef steak In a restaurant that Is careful to keep Its knives sharp. Indianap olis Ftar. THE CONTRAST. Tha 'sun soei down beneath tha western And dark'na hang! o'er tha face of tha earth. I Ynu lie upon your couch at nlsht to reel, And thera you lleten to tha croaking froie. Tha katydids, the chimin crlcketa. and The owl. that hoot In doleful melody. When you awake, the early morning aun I. playing here and there about your room. The golden beam. Illuminate tha aky, And fleery rlouda move alowly and serene. Tha heavens are aslow with changing nrpnei, Th. handiwork of God, munificence. Birds fly about tho hranchca of the trees, And alng in .weetct tmii-a of mHoriy. H. M. HOPEWKU,. A nickel Isn't as good as a dime, but It goea to church more often. llarrlsburg Patriot. Wffl some one please explain why a girl ma v wear knickerbockers and call herself "miljo" or "Jack" with out losing face, while a young man wearing a skirt and calling "himself "Ann" or "Angela" would be laugh ed out of town? Wheeling Heglster. Amundsen Is likely to find on the North Pole a sign reading "No Parking Here," and four Fords hitched to It. Minneapolis Journal. When n man remains engaged to marry a girl after he has aeen her eating corn on the cob, that Is love. Chicago Daily News. VOSe Small Grand A notable contribution to piano art the Vose ideal, expressed in material of pro nounced superiority in design of perfect proportion and in craftsmanship of exqui site stvle. rtTASLIasHES This small Grand Is so scientifically made, that for its size, its tone vol ume is remarkable, so remarkable, in fact, that a comparison will compel a choice in its favor. A model designed to meet a dent And for a Grind TUno ihti nootid not ppejir dispmporitofule In a mask room of limited floor iptce. . TERMS. PRICE $885 TERMS: $50 CASH, S2S MONTH Aaloc$peo The Art and Music Store 1313 Douglas Street 1PM I PIANO& TUNt.D AND aR REi'AlRCU All Woik Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO. 1511 rteutlae Tel. Dauf. SMS PIMPLES ITCHED Ai BURNED On Face and Neck. Very Sore. Cuticura Healed. "My far snl netk wei ftect4 with pimples l"i MVM.l .i, 1 hty It.i.ieJ ai4 tvip ! ". aci W.ha4 and bmn.4 J bally l r.tit I h.l was ltip-il'' lef I it klmp. suited In t.l sputa, nl Mta aft4 ttnut rnr I. a mt netb am una ui U Atin. ThyiuM4 4n"4i.iiieflU " I a4 ta JitiMn4nl lot Cutl. ui Hup and Utnirnsnt "4 set ba a tia asm e la. I xmKa.eJ sat shaf asms taia takes l Cull cut H- an J lam ie id I ulxui (.itlM.,l k.ld f1inJ) Mia Ktflh HeyawlJa, ilaU, IX UCliw'tsU Wiiel fulkwaaa, .. I ,,,,, r a hkwn a... ,., ' Sm -I jkgi,l ! ek,e 1 Imm FAIR PRICES ON GOAL; HO ADVANTAGE TO BE TAKEN OF OOAL SHORTAGE CONDITIONS On April 1, 1920, the contract with our miners, carrying the war bonuses awarded them by United States government commission, expired. The miners went on strike to continue these wages; the operators resisted, in an effort to reduce wages to a peace basis. The lonu continued strike depleted stocks of coal and brought nhout a condition which was se rious to public welfare, and settlement was made with the miners on tho basis of last year's con tract, to run until April 1, 1923. Tho CENTRAL COAL A COKE COMPANY will continue its efforts to supply the public wants at tho lowest possible price, based on the presi-nt cost of coal nnd freight rates from the mines to this city, and announces the following prices: BONANZA SMOKELESS LUMP $13.75 BONANZA MINE RUN 10.75 ROCK SPRINGS LUMP r 13.50 ROCK SPRINGS NUT 12.50 CHEROKEE LUMP 12.00 CHEROKEE NUT 11.00 CHEROKEE MINE RUN qsfr BEV1ER LUMP 10.00 BEV1ER NO. 1 WASHED NUT 9.50 It wilt bm imptnmlil to maintain thes prices, untes w lecure an nicrr.--l Vnluma of business which will Irnrii our ovrrhca.l roH. The mines in th um.hlirl full if this entire munlry have heeti idle for five rmnlh. Th r ar nnly ien Wnntht In th )mr In prn.lur twelv month.' supply of coat. The vntmimicf puMie will have to di li part In UVinf In rvgiUr manner, s that tha mihet ran run funtinunusly ta their utmusi capacity, if lrn.p.irtatinn irrU i avail shl. Ihi re l! he an Inevitahl far h nUge, whi.h will (urtker cnilail r,u(lion. I I f Solicit Your Onlrrt Genis al oal & Soiic So. 4U South 15th St. Phone DOugU 0309