A .HE SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. SEPTEMBER 10. 1922. Fall Festival Will Hav e Many New Attractions HUtoriral Pagfaut ami Pig Musical Show Included In 12-Vty AkSarlJen Program. The fall festival ( Ak-SarPrn. which opens next Tuesday for 12 days, will be such on Ak-Sar-Urn but never put on before, This 'r, lcMiSr the time honored Ml ami parades, there will be nunv other attractions. The Ne. lirj'ika historiral paifraiit, "C'oronado in CJtuvrra," the cvrtiinit of -r-lenilii-r IH and 19, at Ak-Sar-Ilrn lirlit. will he an educational and spec taruf.tr ptoc'nction, participated in by l,2"0 persona in C0tiiuifs. This pageant wis written especially (r tin' ot ration. "Sm.lrs of l1).'.'." AkS-ir-lien's bid niUMral show with new arts, costumes aiwl sceneiy, will lie shots n every evening; from Septriulii-r 2 to 16 at 7 .10 at Ak-Sar-lien f I.I. Carnival Discontinued. The atrrrt carnival, held f..r years at Fifteenth afreet ami Capitol ave Mie, will be there no more. Taking it place will be the Alamo .shows, which will be at Ak Sir-IWn field during the entire festival. Ak-Sar-lHi trark will be the arene f f rare. The Hreal Western rirenit hrnrs rare, three ilay. will be pn from September 12 to lo. Front September 12 to 23 there will be running r.icea daily with IJiMfX) in pnrjes. On Sunday, September 17, there will be automobile races. Temporary buildinc have been ererted on the field to show indus trial and agricultural exhibit. Per manent building will be erected In coming yeari until a great exposi tion ha J been developed. Wrestling Match. On Thursday evening, September 21, there w ill be an athletic program at the field, headed by wrestling match between Charlie Hansen and I'at McGill. The great electrical parade, en trance of King Ak-Sar-Ren into the land of Quivera, will be Wcdncaday evening, September 20, with 20 mag nificent float and 20 uniformed bands. The coronation ball will be given in the Den Friday evening, Septem ber 22. The annual reunion of the 89th di vision.. A. K. F., will be Septem ber 20 to 22. Reduced ratea on all railroada will help bring a record crowd to the new and better Ak-Sar-Ben festival this year. Beatrice Newspaper Man Dies in Hospital - Clark Perkins, Editor of Daily at Realricc, Dies Former Secretary of Stale Railway (!oiiiinir.ioii Sue cumlm Following Itrirf I II lion. Untrue, Neb . Sept. ".-(.Special), t laik 1'erkiiu. editor of the lieatrice Daily Kxpress and formerly t"f tary of the st.tte railway commission at 'Lincoln, died this morning in a lieatrice hospital following a brief illness of toxemia. Mr. I'erkin became ill in Omaha last week while attending tha con vention of the Nebraska State Press association. lirforc coming to Be atrice he was engaged in the news paper business at Aurora. He at one time was president of the ttate press association and alwayi was active in iti affaira. In atate politics, Mr. Ferkin also has been active for many years. He was an ardent republican. He was a director of the Beatrice Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Rotary and 10 Iks clubs. Mr. Perkins was 40. He is survived by hit widow and two sons State Fair Attendance 1,500 Less Than Last Year Lincoln, Sept. 9. The Nebraska state fair closed last evening with the total attendance for the week of 223,646, a falling off of about 1.500 compared with that of last year. Fair officials credited the decrease to the intense heat which prevailed throughout the week and the dam age farmers have sustained by the drouth in August. The Omaha Dee Congratulated on Rollins' Story" Feature Starting Today Will Be Received With Eager iicm, Say Omaha Irish Leader. Cliararteriiing Michael Collin, at sassinated Irish free ttate trader, as one of the world's heroes, Irish lead era in Omaha are unanimous In con gratulatinns to Tb Omahi lire in the pulilualKin ol towns own story of Lrin's struggles, starling today. Dr. W. J. MtCr.mil. state president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, said: "Collina story will be received with eagerness not only ly the Irish but by everyone, I am sure. Though the signing the treaty with Kuala ml wa unfortunate, we know that Col lins aimed at prare for F.rin in his heart, mind and actions. Hi story should go down in hitory.1 John Hush, an earnest leader in Irish affairs in Omaha, expressed ela tion over the announcement that The Omaha Hee is to publish Collins' story. "I am well pleased to know that the famous Irish leader' story is to be published", stated Mr. Rush. "The public will follow it with iuterrst, as Collins was in a position to give inside farts." Dr. T. K. Mullen, head of the Omaha branch of the Ancient Order of Hibernian, was equally glad that The Omaha Bee obtained the rights to Collins' own story of Ireland. "Fine," he said. "Collina may be ranked with Kobert Emmet and hit story will be most interesting." Archbishop J. J. Harty of Omaha also wat interested to learn that The Omaha Bee it to publish Collins' story. Striking Minister Is Given Reception Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 9. When Rev. Ernest Powell of Wymore, a Burlington division point, entered the First Christian church Thursday to conduct a prayer service, he found the building darkened. Turning on an electric switch he was; astounded to find the edifice jammed with peo ple, who had gathered to pay tribute to his leadership in the shopcraft strike. Speeches were made by J. W. Campbell, representing Wymore business men, and V. K. Marshall, representing the Big Four brother hoods. Charles Picric, leader of Wymore's 2(X) striking shopmen, pre sented Mr. Powell three automobile loads of gifts of food and other ar ticles donated by the crowd. Marble Floor Finish Wear! Wear! Wear! but it never touches the wood CDOUNDINO heels, kicking toes, X and banging furniture legs never reach the fibres of a floor varnished with Devoe Marble Floor Finish, Its deep rich glow adds beauty to the room. Its smoothness makes cleaning easy. Its toughness keeps dust and germs out of the pores of the wood. What a great help to good house keeping is a floor finished with Devoe Marble Floor Finish Varnish. Extremely durable. Easy to apply. Devoe Products are time-tested and proven,backed by the 168yetxs'experi ence of the oldest paint manufacturing concern in the U.S. Founded 1754. Sold by thtDtvM Agent in your community Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc. N'ew York FAINTS STAIRS VAMISHO ENAMEL Omaha Chicago IIUSHIS ARTISTS' MATIIIAIS 1N5CCTIUDU aaWBMHsjs T FRED PARK'S PAINT . STORE 24th anJ L St. ; J. B. LONG 29-31 South Main St., i Council Bluffs HERMAN V1F.RRECGER ! S220 North 24th St. E. MEAD 2202 Military Ave. C. C JOHNSON 606S Military Ava. KENWOOD DRUG CO. 30th and Ami Ava. VV. J. MANSFIELD 1322 Farnam St. DUNDEE PLUMBING AND HARDWARE 40th and Farnam Stt, HUNT A FL1NN 1914 Lak St. VINTON HARDWARE COMPANY 2310 Vinton St. This Building "Too Big" for Omaha 17 Years Ago lit W. J. MANSFIELD 32j2 farnam Stwt "TAe DeVOC Paint StOTe" Omaha, Nth. The building the late Peter E. Her wanted to build at Thirteenth and Farnam ttreett 17 years ago. Watt discovered tteam in a teapot and they laughed at him. Bell invented the telephone and they called him an idle dreamer. Back in 1905, only 17 yeart ago, an Omaha man conceived in hit own mind a skyscraper of 16 ttories and they called him a dreamer and laughed at him. The passage of time works wonders and nowhere is this more conclusively proved than in Omaha t 1922 skyline. The other day John L. Webster was rummaging through some of his effects. Hidden away in a corner, long forgotten, he came upon a little four-page pamphlet. The first pase dopicted an architect's idea of a 16 story building. Across the top was written "Railway Exchange Bldg." Nobody Would Listen. Seventeen years ago that pamphlet wat distributed by the late I'eter E. Her. It was his idea, his dream. A skyscraper for Omaha. He wanted to build it at the corner of Thir teenth and Farnam streets. He had an architect draw up plans, then pen a sketch. These plans and thia sketch he put into a prospectus, distributed and then called a meeting of capitalists, real estate men and business men. The meeting was held at the Omaha club and there Mr. Iter outlined his plan. But he dreamed alone. Nobody would listen. A 16-story building? Jt wat preposterous. J his wat Omaha, not New York. Her expostulated that Omaha was a growing city. Then he argued. And then he pleaded. But all to no avail. The middle west had no buildings reaching higher into the air than 10 stories and a plan to erect a higher structure wat regarded at the heighth of foolishness. ' Folds Up Plant. Disappointed and unhappy, Her folded up hit plant and prospectus and put them away. But he had the subsequent satisfaction of proving that a 16-btory building was not lust the dream of a bubble-blower. For in less than a decade the men who laughed at hit plans taw the. City National bank building rear its 16 stories info the air and admitted the town needed it. If he were alive today, even more satisfaction would come from Oma ha's skyline to the builder who was stopped by the ridicule of his fel lows. He would see the Woodmen of the World, 19 stories; the North western Bell Telephone building, 15 stoj-ics; the Hotel Fontenelle. 14 stories; the First National bank, 14 stories; Union Facific headquarters 12 stories, and the new Medical Artt buildinsr on its way to 19 ttories. And the contrast only 17 yeart ago they laughed at the man who wanted to put up a 16-atory sky scraper. Ford Agents Get Coal to Keep Plant Running Cincinnati, O., Sept. 9. According to a telegram given out here yester day by Ernest F. Heasley, president of the American Export and Inland Coal company, with offices in this cify, an agreement has been entered into with representatives of Henry Ford of Detroit by which a sufficient amount of coal will be forwarded to the manufacturing plants of the Ford company to obviate the shutdown that wat scheduled for September 16. Representatives of the. Ford in terests came to Cincinnati Thursday, according to Mr. Heaslejr and spent all day in conference with him. They returned to Detroit Thursday and the telegram notifying Mr. Heasley that the tentative agreement had been accepted was received late today. This, the telegram ttated, had been agreed to by Mr. Simmons, one of Mr. Ford's confidential men. Fourth Death in Shooting. York, S. C, Sept. 9. Fred Taylor, 22, fourth victim in the shooting at Clover on Wednesday when William C. Farris wat alleged to have shot six member! of the Taylor family, died today. Births and Deaths. Robsrt and Myrtls (Jsmpb.lU, hospital, girl.' William end Elltibeth Uorkop. hospital, tlrl. Ja ami Ha Prsalsr. hospital, bny. Antonio and Hsruiin Kruno, is: J No. llm H., flrl. Arthur and franrls Orlrr. honpltat, lrl. Uontroa and Klitsbsih Mt-lltath, how lal, bt William and Mlnnls Wslk.r. ITU So. tlth .. Blrl. M.b.atlana and l-urla Noclta, HOT Ho. ' JoI'h""snd Martha Krakoooakt, i:!0 Mo. tlth . hoy. t Anton and Vry llurfharat, 4sih and O lia, twins. (Iris. Aiilm and Tra Human, fort Crnea, vili i in and Dsrnlr Laslsy, 1111 la ltlu t. rl. Mlln and Clta HS, hoapltal, boy. kt.lfar and Sun W.I. k. h.plial. y. and Mary H.aa.a. Ita. list II . a"). Uaiiidca and M' tsrrsac, 3t Hickwy Vyr'"aa4 fUtsaca lwd, I'll ! 'lVma'' Hstal't llawlsnd. tilt a Hi , hey. UmISS. M m !Ma idfinttaa, Is , Ha Ml . ,. . Harry Willlaaia, t , tit C'atilM iarls Tn, II sars IIM "siawt Mask. Maal. ! ' it. .a tits'. I r-.is. kl i as t. slis IS saa hM.I Varatak . II '. "ITaMia) a sas. II ", a r.aak fa s'a. aal MarrU l icrntrt. w Httis, II. T's-ls. r s4 Viaa Aaswn. a II, s , n.kars . S, a. s ra ts- and i Ha.a si. ls, II, ttn.. M.k, 1414 af K INatata. ad a I M. I ia, IL, I .fc Wa M Mlswa. It, iNaaka. as ak II liar. It, s's, Ms't a arw. it, oshis, ai M. M. 0saa i ) ti Ituxiss ii. rsi , aal um'S u isiii.m. It, "saa , ! J.4a m '- it'i Is, a4 I O.i, r !. H a-.s i 's 14 u a. i'. ..., a.is, a 4 , la J.. .., si, 4J.., at, Omahan Named Head of Kiwanis District Sioux City, la., Sept. 9. Lincoln, Neb., was chosen as the convention city for 1923 at the closing session of the Nebraska and western Iowa district convention of Kiwanis clubt late Friday. Ray M. Crossman of Omaha wat elected governor of the district by acclamation. Sour lientenant governors for the rict also were elected, Don Holt of Sioux City; John Lawler of Hast ings, Neb.; Dr. Sidney Smith of Council Bluffs; John Laig of Wy more, Neb., and Mayor A. C. Scott of Fort Dodge. Rain at Bloomfield Breaks Drouth; Too Late for Corn Bloomfield, Neb., Sept. 9. (Spe cial.) The drouth, which has been in evidence in this section for a num ber of weeks and which has hurt crops considerably, was broken by an inch rain. While it did not get here in time to help corn it is sure to freshen up pastures and help with the fall plowing. Youth Breaks Shoulder Walnut, la., Sept. 9. (Special.) Melton Sievers, son of Walter Sievers, fractured his shoulder while playing football on the high school field here. Prayer Each Day HMlnr thsn thst w hava a great htch Srlfist, that Is !. I Into tha lisnvna. hiii tha Mnn nf Omt, tot us hold fnt our profsln. Fnr wa hava not an hiah print whl-h rannnt Is touch! with it" (.line of our lnflrmltla: hut was In all points tsmptsd Ilka as wa ar. tat with, out am. I.st us th.r.for rom hol,11v un to tha thron of griir., that w inav nb tain nisri-y, and find irns tu hrlp In lima of n. l Hob. 4 li lt O G"d, our loving Father in llravenl We look up to Thre now with reverem-t and trust and love. Wt thank Ihre for teaching us lo "fume boldly unto the Throne of With j'riiitrnct we conlrsa uur infulneii, and ak far (orgivenrs With trust we bring otir wcalnrss to Thee, and ask for strength. Vnh lovt wt hring our heartt tf Th, snd ask The to enter and pmsru. l ead u anward Hp ry strp. Or. drr tit thwav (I li( f.if ut Ihine t'wtt wistont and Ittvt shall see to he l.i. K-!p ui tit t ( "in l faithful throi(S(iut. llltit .lh us tr dear onrs, and ill (r whom t thoiiM priv. t i Thy pttct sii lr) ssor't Ma Thy kinfd.ifts fim, O i hnsl, tnw )uiiklyl .Ml lh ak in H d Aits of Jut our Mur, Aitirii, A si a. sj a ATf H MT IM, In! i .ii H V W.'ll Dy for You DRESNER BROS. UlAMM Ulf rra lUM At UaSM sUS Ma' Ts aw YWwa Ma St I K twt Cssaa.4 a4 rtaas4. l.sM Germany Makes Wireless Sets for Use in U. S. itadtu Fnihtiaiaam I Spread itig Rapidly in Onlral KurojM -Big Kitnt tion 1'Iantn'd. Ilirlin, Sijit. 8 Tlutusaiiila of radio instruments used by radio rn thtisiasit in the United .States were made in (irrmany, 1'hit fart brrame known when it wa Irarnrd ilut the (ft nun iruiiulji turns id raiho tela iilannrd to join mlirr nations in broadcasting wiftlt-'s eutrrtaiii iiirntt. tirrman nunuiji lurrrs also hop to supply the Kuglisli niarkrt. Wireless telrphone service is now nfjintainrd in 140 cities and towns. Limited financial news i transmitted by cipher. A general service of mu sical programs and other entri (lin ing items wilt be commenced nent spring. This fmliire has already awakened widespread interest, Amutt Factory Workers. Amuit-mrnt for factory workers hy iiirani of the wireless trlriihone it now projected. Many manufactur ers, especially those who opt-raie factories where the work is tedious and monotonous, have already made inquiries concerning the plan. In the textile mills and watchmaking estab lishments, where the workers are in clined to fall asleep while on duty, the interest in the idea is keen. Some of these establishments now offset drowsiness by engaKing choirs at conkiderable expense. Others use talking machines. Register Messages. Scientitic progress is said to have reached such a stage of perfection here that wirrless telephones can have a mechanical connection with the instrument to at to register the messages on a reproducing record. Thus, if the owner of the instrument happens to be away from home at the time that a particular message is received, the attachment will make a record of the message automatic ally. On the owner's return he can take the record and reproduce it on the talking machine. A private company is promoting Germany't broadcasting operations At present, the wireless news service costs the subscriber from 4.0W to 30,000 marks monthly. The installa tion cost 6,000. At the present rate of exrhange, the service costs from $3 to i$22 per month and the installa tion $4. Add ammonia to the water in which you are washing oily, greasy bottles. It will rut the grease and hasten the cleansing. Veteran Employes of Smelter Organize Mmpliiyra of the Omaha tf l lie Amrruan Sinrliing and Ivrl nu.g t'uitipany nirt in the plant auditorium I rnliv evening and prelected a vrt trraitt organisation of alt employes having at least IS yrart of continu otis service la their credit. Most rti those present have from ,1) la 4 rats' continuous service, Albert Hoffman and I ang l ive brrn with the Omalia plant amre IMMI; John Il.ilkovich. W. II. lc tiuwaii, John Miroslavich. Anton Sc mik, Matt Votava and M U Har have been with the company 37 yeAts and declare they are ginul jof .0 yeart more. The organisation eomprir al"ut 1K) men, including 4 penaitmrra. Among the oll.cial of the Omaha plant qualidrd for membership were Arthur F., Hall, manager; Simeon Jmiet, businetti manager; K, K, Judd, thirl clerk, and H. A. SalLtiidrr, pur chasing avrnf. Albrrt ll'itfnuil vtas rlrcted iresl driii; Joe l.ang, vice rireiilenr; K. K. Judd. irrastirer, and rrtt-r l i,nttly, srrrt tary, '1 he objeit of the 'iiK.ti.tiii i the priiniotKiii tif goiol will and cmit radrshlp Minong tlir old rm i li r , and the inculcation of a ;inl f( ! alty to the plant hy yntiitifrr u rn. inootli Liquor Salrhiiiitn (Jet 2"i fur Cold Tea Illimmfirld, Neb, S pt. '). -iSpc-cial ) A couple of local sports are a trifle wiser on the "hootch" proposi tion and al-o a trifle poorer in a n tuiirial yav. They met a iraiiKr who gave ihtm a tlrink of real "lik krr" and told thrm he had a couple of quarts M"t bkr it and which he would sell 'hem f,r $25. The boys pooled r -turret and bought the stuff first sampling earn bottle. Hut their exultant feeling were rudely shattered. The bottles were double-deck ali.iirs and each held about one good drink of real whisky, the lower compartment being filled with cold tea. - Crowliar Blainrd for Wreck of Section Car in Bluffs Blame for wreck of a Kf'line car in Illinois Central railroad yards at Council Ulurfs, August 31, was fixed Friday by a coroner's jury on a crowbar that fell rom the car to the rails. John I'hillips testified he saw the bar fall. Joe Sicurclla. section hand, was kilb.-d in the accident. Fire at Walnut Walnut, la., Sept. 9. (Special. ) Fire of unknown origin destroyed several small buildings, including the ice house and barn of Herman Mortr. city jail and the Sicffert Coal company sheds. I he loss has not been determined. Driving to Death ! leI of Relative, i Man Hits Youth Boy' Cotttliliiut Not DaiijjfT ott Wilnrtir Say Autoi-t Cuing Huly. While dris.iig to the iHside i f Ins dying f.iluMn l4v, titotgr l'rtrrson rn ibn a buy id 7 at 10 45 Sttir4v niurnmg, Hiighrr I'rMt'it, sin nf Walter Ftllrri, '5-7 Srth I'urty eighti ttrrrt, the youth, who was struck at Korty-cightli stmt and Military avruiir, was fiit hit by !rron's car and lli. n injnrid 4M;ii when hit head ttrtnk t' e pavrimnt lie wa urntd to Ins li'ini", but it no! in a ilinmui i utidiiiou. IVtersmi, wtin fi-idrs .it Jl.'.'l yortlt I ort) tiintii iimt, Sittii!y ni'-rniiiy rcmvrd ri tlut A Ii I'liili, M'o'tn VjIIi v, j, virit in a tling ii'inl'tiiiit He and Mr l'r trrson, I itih'a ilA'iKhler. imntrdiatrt atarted by niutur for Mmsotiri Valley. Witri'SHS confirnird the stjry toll by J'ftcrim it oolite Hint he v.. driving slowly and that tin- youth, who lud hrm plavinif'with some ol hit friends, ran suddenly from br hind a aiked motor car directly Hi hit path. Omulsans Nanii'd Offircm of Ncliraska Deaf Group Religious strvires under the direc linn ol k'ev. J. If. Cloud, president of the National Association of the Deaf, will (oik hide the Nebraska Deaf and l)ind u solution's con-' veniion in Omalia Saturday. The serviet will be conducted at the Nebraska School for the Deaf. Saturday's festivities for those at tending the convention centered ut Elmwond park. The following officers were electee) Friday night at the Hotel Rome ft,' Nebraska association: Thomas Scott Cuscaden. president; Oscar Trueke, vice president; Mrs. C. E. Comp, second vice president; Clifford Amies, secretary; Mrs, A. L. Hurt treasurer. All reside in Omaha. We Repair Fun DRESHER BROS. FURRIERS 2217 Farnam Straat AT Untie 034S Man's Two or Thraa-Placa CD Sulta Cl.ntd and Vrmtui, 1'u 1 The Brandeis Store Restaurants Will Celebrate Their First Anniversary Friday, September 15, 1922 Beginning at 7 o'Clock P.M. An Evening of Rollicking Fun Combined With a Table d'Hote Dinner Dancing Music by Randall's Orchestra Make Reservations Now Telephone DO 5653 si JUST one year ago The Brandeis Store Iiestaurants were for mally opened. That was an occasion that will long be re membered by the happy participants. Visitors from other cities mingled with the throngs of Omahans and tin-re were, on every hand, exclamations of surprise and .approval at the beauty of the Dining Kooms, the completeness of arrangements in kitch ens and serving rooms, the perfection of the service and the excellence of the cuisine. The reputation then otahlished has been faitbfullv main tained, and now, after the first year's trial, the patronage has grown far beyond the management's expectations. It will not be regarded as immodest on our part when we say that Omaha has a right to be proud rf theso wonderfully equipped dining rooms. That is a remark that has come to be quite eomnum among the people of litis citv. "I have seen noth ing finer any where," is the 'statement that often fall from the lips of e.xjHMieneed travelers. Theso restaurants were established as a IlrandeU Store convenience and, while the initial expendi ture was enormou's and the current ctt larire, it un all boen justified by the place these dining room have taken in the af fair of the uncial ami business world. We thank our patron for the wonderful Mipport given these restaurant during the pat year. Friday, Sptember 15, will, then, be 'The Iay We Cele brate" the firt anniversary of the ftaMihincnt of these attractive dining riMim. We extend a cordial welcome to you, to your friend and t jour friend' friend to take part in 'this celebration. J. L llmmbh Cf Sons arr t rr- i - iijz t ' t