lit. MMA. l.tfc: OMAHA. bKri'KMHKK 10. Datifilierty Holds Church Property Youngest Bank Official ' Here Began as Messenger IS rctCU ill Goujxcwiy Appointed Assis tant Cashier at Live Stock National Start ed Work at 16. What's What in Capital Attorney (Jerufal Acquiesce in Return cf S'ixiirr Mailt I'jr Alien . (.'ustodian During War. Vlatu..n. -i.t. V.iPy A P.) Il'iliiiim tlul m the fiiul aiulysis title to ilnifili projicrt y u tested in ti'.'l ami tlut it would I ir 4iri!riiuu to hti!i tint mi riii itiy intetrtt, Aitor hry ln'iirrjl liu.-hrttv, ill a opinion, )i.t hkjiik tf. in thr return liv Alien Prnpftty I'uttodi.tti Tliomat W. Miller of property srir by (TniT lirn I'tuprrtv tnttodun from (lit Krfornird llitirih of IIiitiR.iry in Amrrici, , "Who hold the ht Mii.'cul interest in tin Irustf" ti e uttorury general "If it it lirlil by the Diety, thru nur'ly it would lie tanilririoui lo hold tl.i re iii an i ncniy iiitcrot." 'J he question In fore tHf (irp;irt jiu iit, he i w,l'lir . I'l' thiinli could h.ive in property re lumed lo it, t.'ouM the cliurctt. lie skci, hr considered an enemy under thr trading, with the enemy act, and did tlic fact that qic of the contrib utors to the ihurth were enemies "taint lhi chore It property" to the intent that there could he no return cif the property? , ' The property, amounting to ap pri.xim.itry $0,IH)i) in inoriK.itfn ami certificate- of ji.iUltrdncss to the mother church tii Hungary, sr cnrcil by church property here, was M-ieil at t!ie outbreak of the war from the Uunuariiin (Jeneral Gcclit hank at , Cleveland. ii.liiiK at aRcut of tlie church in all financial matters. The decision in this cate will serve at a precedent in other church prop erty seizures. By taking a' little hit at a time ami rubbing over it a,.lru!,h lathered j villi so.ip and water one can clean aj ru at home vtiry successfully. Iitiiu lion cif bring the youngest bank cflicUI in Onialu i held by K. If. K forger, 24, who wa appointed iit4iit cashier vl the Live Stock National bank at a meeting of ill rector Wednesday. "I ttctided the public schools of Graii'l Itlaud, Neb . until I wa 13." said Mr. Krorger, 'ami then came to Omaha with my parents. I took a business course in a local business rolU-RC and thditly alter my loth biitlul.iy applied, in IV 1 4. for a job at the Live Stock National bank. "1 started at bank mrttcngrr, front which I was promoted to clear ing hotite clerk, then to transit clerk and thru to auditor, (rout which posi tion I was promoted to assistant i-jshier For the last three year 1 have been a student of the American Institute of Banking, having been consul for the Omaha chapter and at rrcsrnt am a member of the board of governors of the Omaha chapter. ' "1 always had in view the career of a banker and wa earnest in my efforts to learn every detail of the work. , I am satisfied that per sistent and well-directed activities arc bound to put anyone in tune with ' the world, with success as the re sult:' ft A Omaha Bridge Cuinpany Uvcrpuiil, Uoaril Lharges Lexington, Neb., Sept. 9. (Spe cial.) Suit was started in the district court of Dawson county by the coun ty commissioners against the Stand ard Liridgc company of Omaha, in which it is alleged that the company has been overpaid $31,278.48 for bridges built in Dawson county dur ing the years 1919, 1920 and 1921. AkSar-Ben Visitors , Buy your Piano, Player Piano or Phonograph this week and get an efficient Radio Set free. With the purchase of any brand, new or used Piano, Player Piano or. Phonograph in our immense new building, this efficient Radio Set will be sent at once to your home. Listen inj)n the instal lation we have in our building. Be one of the thousands in Omaha and Nebraska who own a Radio. A call at our store this week will convince you that we are offering the greatest piano values and the easiest terms in the middle -est. The fact that we buy in car load lots makes it possible for us to quote lower prices and more easier terms than can be had any other place in this part of the country. Make our store your meeting place. We shall be glad to receive phone calls for you, take care of your parcels and aid you in any way possible. $275 Buys this brand new Irving Upright, beautiful in tnc, appearance and workmanship. Complete with scarf, stool and FREE Radio Set. Terms $1.50 per week. -$365 Placet t bid brand new Schmidt & Schultz Flayer in your home. Com plete with bench, tcarf. 110.00 worth of Player Rolls of your own selection ml the FREE Radio Set. Terms $2.50 per week Premier Grands, apartment size, brand new, $650 PLAY AS YOU PAY. THESE BARGAINS MEAN MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. UPRIGHTS Kimball S9S.00 Schoninger SI 10.00 Boston SI 18.00 Sohraer 8125.00 Kinbury SIUO.00 Vote & Sen SI 10.00 Columbia Ho. p. Sl.0.00 Victor ... Sehffr S1US.00 Victor ... CabU-Nelton S 1 75.00 Victor ... Stager & Sons S10S.00 Victoria . Schmoller & Path Mueller S225.00 Columbia Price & Teeple S2HO.00 Columbia Kurtsma S2S0.00 Path ... Irt Pond iSo.OO Schmoller PLAYERS Mueller Mansfield SI 75.00 Regina .. Marthall S2U5.1H) Columbia Harrington S275.00 Schmoller & Mueller S3G0.00 Artemi. .'. . S 450.00 PHONOGRAPHS Columbia SI 2.00 Electric, S2 1 .00 ..$2-1.00 ..S2S.00 ..s::.".oo . s 10.00 . S52.00 . SUS.00 . S72.00 . $72.00 . SSO.OO . $05.00 $105.00 A Free Radio With Every Saxophone Our J. W. York Sons Saxophone, the kind used by pro. fc-vic-nals, fell fr $70.00 and up ' A Saxophone is ay to learn and easy tn play. Choose an inttrufl'rnt from our immeiue stock and rcuem the r'RUK Ull. Remember we stock tveiy musical instrument from a ritemway Concert tirsnj (u a Mouth Harp. You can g ! vou wniit at oar t.r f.r whut V war. tit pnV l( Te will net k ia Omafca ' lew aVl after reading Kit, hJ at a fcanna iatlntmeal, fill ia lata teupea. Name Allr s , .,. . .... . I Bv tn.trk-l h IHI;ul 1 am it ft. I in. 'leae r4 4ti:l t" MttUt i'M ait-l th Ttt vs,b! Iftoti Jtutt can m. haM I tw rebate an tnttrument, an Ci r ive ! K : K.-t... I'.'.rn" Schmolkr & ilfacflgr Ptcmo ft' Ur4KWl3'IXxiV SL OmAtm I Cars in Two Collisions in Falls City; Woman Hurt , Kails City, Neb., Sept. 9. (Spe cial). One car was ncaijy complete ly wrecked and one perton was seri ously injured in two car crashes that occurred three hours apart on Falls City street intersections. The first collision occurred when the car driven by Mrs. Dan II. Weber was struck by one driven by J. I Iichnicr. The second crash was heard for blocks around, one of the cars be inj, spun around several times, finally landing on the sidewalk several tort rway, while the otner, a heavy closed c.'.r, was thrown o,i its side, pinning its occupnnts underneath. Mrs. Catherine Wyllc, a passenger of the b'lg car, was the most seriously hurt, suffering severe shock and contusion. of her bead. Man Severely Hurt When Auto Crashes Into Ditch Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 9. (Special). Frank O'Donncll, formerly of this city, sustained a severe injury to his spine and was cut and bruised when bis car went into a ditch near Mc Cook, according to word received here. He is a son of Jack O'Donncll of this city. A car driven by A. II. Gray of this city crashed into a buggy occupied by Mrs. Herb Bitting and two chil dren near the bridge on the' Corn busker route, a mile north of the city. Although the buggy was badly smashed, the occupants escaped witli slight injuries. Man Charged With Auto Embezzlement Bound Over Columbus, Neb., Sept. (Spe cialsCharged with cmbcizling a Durant automobile which he had bought from Andrew Murphy-' ' & Son of Omaha on the installment plan, but to which he had secured no title, Walter Hendrick, former owner of a defunct bus line that op erated between Columbus and Nor folk, waived preliminary hearing in county court and was bouyd over to the district court tinder $2,000 bond. He was committed to jail until he can furnish the surety. Taxpayers Would Halt Enlargement of school Falls City, Neb., Sept. 9.-(Spc-cial). Injunction proceedings to prc vpnr ihp addition of a 10th' (trade to the course of School District No. 19 have been filed by taxpayers of that district. The petitioners claim that the motion to add 'the new Rrado, with the resultant engagement of a third teacher for the school, was illegally passed by persons not en titled to vote, and ask the district court to enjoin the school board from assessing their property. Platte County Pioneers Will Picnic at Columbus Columbus, Neb., Sept. 9. (Spe cial). The first annual meeting and picnic of the Platte County Old Set tlers association, which was organ ized at the time the new courthouse was dedicated, will be held -Wednesday, September 20, in Frankfort square. The picnic will be in a din ner basket style. Senator William V. Allen of Madison, a Nebraska pioneer, will give the principal ad dress. Farmers' Union Will Hold Picnic Near Table Rock Tabic Rock, Neb.. Sept. 9. (Spe cial). A Farmers' union picnic will be held in the grove of Anton Strrjc. one mile north and one mile cat ot Table Rock. Friday, Sep tember 22. It will b given umlrf auspices of the locals tit the vicinity of Table Roek. mid a proKram i btini arranged. There will be band concerts, a baseball game and ad t!reset bv prominent speakers. Heuy Court Dot Id t 'ttimhu, Nrb., Sept. 9. Sptv'ul ) Willi -'7 c'mI m f' dti (r braruiit bv iMncl .hid A, M Vtt, the liutirit d uket lit trveial seal a 'tle P '' ,h" Sep"V her juty oi the f-uit M hi. h ni bfgui M ndav, Sep tciitl'vf I. i.nur, .Si-'-.. rp. V-tpeiM. . J it. he ti.kt tuiaf .!' " I t.t i!-! n Whv.!ale "i' : ' i. (hit t ir ' tioWn ti.'m e Klt li'tn I tar m l' .!t b't MABELLE JENNINGS TALBOT. In spilt oi the obvious improbabil ity of his doing so, then is per sittcnt and iutittent demand that President Harding nuke t tour of the writ during October. Invita tions continue to reach hint from cities and towns all the' to the Pacific coett, ainl tome prrtotu in Washington believe lie should, if pos sible, undrrtake the tout. Within this week he was invited to attend the Nevada rodeo at Kcno. Mr. Harding did not go to the ett coatt during his campaign lor the presidency in 9.0. and the people of that section have been urging him to pay thrui a lie had hoped to do so in connection with his Alaskan tour this summer, hut the pressure of business in Wsihington forced him lo forego that. The railroad situation would srein to render a trip this au tumn out of the question, yet the president has been urged to consider it seriously should any sort of ad justment be effected in the tratitpor tation controversy. It would not, of course, be becom ing in the president to indulge in a "tlump speaking" tour in behalf uf candidates lor conceit, but by his pretence in many states under the aupice ( civic, fraternal or commercial org an nations, he could not help but have a stimulating elfrct oil the loitimrs of his party. Hit ad dresses would have to I'eal, nrresar ily, with problems of government and affairs at Vahingtoii and while refraining from technical campaign speeches, irpuhliiaiu m congrrtt be", lirve he could help a lot. Cohens Out! Smiths, The tribe of Smiths nmtt look to it laurels. Dure the top of the list in the New York Cily directory, ihe Smiths have hern ousted by the Co hens, And in Ihe lulls of congress, where they once held sav. the loncsrs, the Reeds and the Wattont have taken the lead in the senate. There are two Joneses and two Krcls in each house. The M cores have tlsree representatives in the home, while the Smiths ran boast of but one Senator Smith and two Rep. retrntativet Smith. In the preceding Congress, there were four Smiths In the senate from Arizona, (irorgia, Maryland ard South Carolina. Mr. Smith of South e ll III'! '' S I I' I I I I I I I I I I I- l-.M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M I III Carolina was the sole tuivivor of the drui. mane Waterloo ol CO), Ncbrstkant Favor Payment. At least two of Nebraska's repre sentatives m the halU of tongrcts, feel that the interest, if not the prin cipal of our loans to foreign countries, should be paid. Senator Norrit, when the senate had under considers! mil the orig nal adjusted compensation measure, ot tered an amendment thereto, direct, ing the secretary of the treasury to collect interest due on Ihe various loans made bv our overiimriil lur. iug the war. to foreign governments, which funds together with interest tubtrqurntly collected, should he uri to carry out the provitions of the act Representative . Andrew s computet that the annual interest-due on the Itrilihlt Itylll m?A ill annul payment under the adjusted compensation tun tiy more tnan Jo. m)M) and the interest due for .tl the bill by more than $50,000,1)0, Cepadiant Get Hearing. The Amrrirau Farm Bureau fed eration hat done an uncommonly graiyoiit tbuig in giving ptiblicity to the grounds of the opposition of west ern Caiudiau cattle growers to the pending prohibitive sihrdiitrt in the roruiiey-.icv iiiiioer larui uiii against uiipoitetMiii id foreign Jit do ing so It itkiiowledgrt a mutuality ol interest between American and Canadian raute raisers on many points, and having urged the adoption of the cattle duties in the tarnf bill, is willing U let the Canadians have S hearing before the American people. The primary contentions of ihe Ca nadians are that the depltied cattle ranges of Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota are now drawing on and wilt need to continue for sometime to draw on the range rattle of western Canada for k ing. That their grats-frd cattle are raw material for the American (aim-erss-to convert into tnarkrtahle beef hy com feeding, the lattrr not bring practicable in western Canada. The foregoing, it it argued, is especially applicable in view of the immense corn crop and "the profit to be ob tained by converting corn lulu beef." That is said to apply all thr way from Pennsylvania to Kansas and Nebras ka. The Canadians, to eliminate competition between. American corn fed tattle mid the Canadian range cat tle are willing to a 2 cents a pound duly on grain-fed finished calves, steers and fat cowt. Mil 11 FiMiinl Iniitrsoiialinp Officer 011 Omaha Strrrli Frie Albertson, 11$ North Fiftietl tree!, vtat rretrd by Detedivn Trapp and M until yesterday aftrr loon and (harped vtilh imprrtnnit ing a police odicrr, 1 ' ' 1 I-11 1 1 i l l 11 1 1 1 i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i i 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 V One funny thing- prohlhltlon has lra to women no lonifr are the only e to esi'tiang ret-lpei, Life. outlifitotrru Nrlirurl Club to Mci t Mrlla, Nib. S'pt, 9 .(Special)- Southeast! rn NYhuska 1'ir.s club it S.brdulrd 10 inert at the I'aik lml t in Humboldt Friday, September IS, A business testioil Will be Callid at ID and dinner served it I.' Jo. Jim occasion it the last day of the tture dav full festival at Humboldt. W. V. Norton of the Humboldt Standard, president of the Southeast, nil Nebraska 1'iest club, it arrang ing entertainment for the aflrrnoon, including a ball game and an au'.i ride to point o in trust in Humboldt and vicinity. filiform rate raids at rerommrnd ed hy thr National Fditoiul attocia I ion, political advertising and kindred subjects will be discussed at the bust nrtt session. S, W. Thin ber of the Trrumtrh Cliirftaiu is the president o' the rlub and Mist l iniiie Haskint of the Stel la I'lCtt, siurUiy Ireasillir. ' SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS Now howing new Fall tyle in a greater aiiortment than ever of medium popular-priced furniihlng Manufacturer have devoted more thought and energy to producing quality Furniture at a very low price; that they have succeeded is evidenced by the unusual showing on our floors, together with the exceptional values this season offers. We invite your inspection and comparison. n 1 ii n 1 '"IZ" "7 i ,1 ....... f 4 i a;- .... w K-ri f- S ? " ft' L ' ' Jk f V m " 1cwS mS Draperies . , Interesting New Curtains and Draperies Voile and Marquisette Curtains, ,t $1.00 Ruffled Marquisette Curtains, $2.85 Ruffled SwiBs Curtains $2.75 Filet Net Curtains $3.50 Duchess Lace Curtains $5.75 Fringed Tuscan Net Curtains, $7.00 Fringed .Casement Curtains $10.00 Fringed Filet Grandie Curtains $15 00 Filet Curtain Nets 50 65 and 85tf Imported Madras Overdrapery Materials $1.00 per yd. Guaranteed Sunfast Madras $2.00peryd. Beautiful Orinoko Drapery Fabrics, per yd.', $2.50, $3.25. $5.00 and $13.50. New Cretonnes, valance to match, per yd., 85c $1.00 and $1.25 Linoleum Our enlarged Linoleum Department gives us the long-looked for oppor tunity to take care of rapidly in creased business. Hundreds of new patterns added to our already large showing. Linoleum, all grades, all patterns. Inlaid Linoleum and excellent quality, where the pattern goes clear through, per sq. yd $1.50 Rugs Storage Chest j : -Priscilla Sewing Cabinet (Like cut) Special thowing of fine Wilton Rugs, French Wilton, Anglo-Persian and seam less Highland in all sizes. 0x12 $125.00 -8-3x10-6 8114.00 ' Extra Sizes 9x15, 8x18, 11-3x15 and 11-3x18 for large rooms, priced proportionately. Extra heavy, seamless Axminster, size 9x12 , $01.50 8-3x10-6 85-1.50 Unusual and different; substan tially built of birch, finished in rich antique brown mahogany. Chest is 18 inches deep and 45 Inches long $55.00 A Swinging Cheval Mirror to rpatch $32.00 V - " h 0 $6.50 Fitted with sliding lift out tray compartments for needles, thread, sew ing materials, etc. Fin ished in antique brown mahogany. New Low-Priced Dressers Built along , plain, simple lines of hardwood and splendidly finished in white enamel or old ivory. Price. .$37.00 To New Home Furnishers as well as those who desire to refurnish, we render helpful assistance. It is a pleasant task to the home lover, this furnish ing of the home, but a perplexing one, too one hungers for council, what color will blend best, what is needed here or there can I mix styles, can I use my old furniture with the new how can I dispose of the rest? Such are the questions we answer and lend that help which our salespeople of long ex perience are qualified to render. , You'll find our recom mendations impartial, un influenced by the possible amount of the sale, and they will assist you in harmonizing your present furniture with your new. We will spend any amount of time with you, studying your new'home and mak ing tentative selections for your consideration. A New Queen Anne Bedroom Suite in American Walnut at an Exceptionally Low Price. O ' C O e c o Storage Chest like cut, top 19x32, with liftout tray compartments ..$28.50 I j Vo ' oTo.. I 44-inch Dresser like cut, with 24x30 plate mirror, $15,00 Chiffonier as illustrated, white enamel, top 17x24. inches. Price. .$23.50 Simmons Steel Bed In American walnut, complete with steel spring and 45-lb. all cotton mattress $23.05 I 34-inch Dressing Table like cut, with one 12x 20 and two 8x18 mir rors $2i.50 Full size Bow-Foot Bed like cut, at $20.50 VS. Ms OlJ Its' VSt S4-t Mas ttaltv, last DRESIIER BROS. mm Itlt ttsat Iiihi Af Sta tM Mm t t w t't ftt. j rt Wl fMt) ft r..ss4. Free 30 Days Free Any Victrola In our stock sent to your home on 30 days' frre trial thvu if you decide yon would like to pur t hast, jou citn pay for it on easy monthly payments. This Console Victrola, $t 5.00 trnt to your home on 30 days' free trial, if )tn decld ti Ken it, you may do so l.y paying 4,00 down anil 15,00 tmmthiv. Trunks Ladiet' Oxford, full leather, b ather or silk lined. 10-I7-1H inch, $9.00, 110.00, tiaoo, US 00 and IS 00. Ladies' FiUed lUigt, IS and 1H Inch, 113 50. Ill SO, IJt OO, 12100, S4S 00 and 10 00.' r itUd t'atol. 11 to tijmhrt, in ivory and iMI, I JO 00 lo !V0 00. lUt liotet, IS SO, M OO, HI 00 and 131 00, full Uathf llottnn nt-. II 10, IITS, 1100. 00, 110 00, III 00 .i 114 00, A Full l iaa af Haelataats Trtiakt Hardrstha Tlvtnkt from tWamor tut l-t family ti, 111 IS In 1 1 00 00. full Ima f f fciml TviVt at m, traU ftica, HI TS U 0 04, Gift Shop Lrmonada Sets, there art only a few left, Six flaatea and jug, loput Slats and blue hndlet; . , $ 1.00 I'laAUd Set Slraiuht t.U.s.s and tpn Jua amber, crystal and tP ?U.5U pvcial Ftridft Lamps, beautifully mad shades, metal thtfttd stand ilh Us! Med bat In hninti.Mtjed rUrt, fxmplel 925.1HI Nw pitvet in tut.H Silver, This )tar St ptdml many nrw t. Urnt and sfes'KM Ihtt era s try split ill Buff.l t'0nip.Ut , Hit, (HI ll 'l pah fur tal.l.i. ., . JJ U Js.'s Oihtr piece t. at lrtl, shaker, ttudla sh.kt, (iiih tii, tic. C!"'jt!iiiutiLt JU; "i';7 lltrrick Refrigerators The lleirick Hefiijierat.rt for many year bava proven to b rtliabla r fnifi ratun, ii'iitiftially constructed lit prrtrrs i.rni(t'iis! in tpruct, hne eiiaiml bn.'d, rmn-iust shelves. ?:ii.r i up- Detroit Jewel Gas Ranie ' Htk.s B.iltf" Ct ii'-n frama and turntr datet, brtntiful clM'titta finiaH, tshita t-namrl p tie's aiui tliip pan, t ineh otn. , , S Ill.Titl d Up Lltterat !iinia en )uur old tt stiive. KJ Star Oil Stoves kav a t'oti.fK lt I, tst f lK. fai(iii ed ttastt fu-w. . JfJT,tM US O l M p, tp. ial ............. .sr a t tt ta IIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIMIIIIiniltllllllMMII