The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 10, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 32

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    8 C
What I
the Theaterr
TODAY t the Brndi the
public will wiinrti Iht local
opening of Miuhert advanced
vaudeville, a rational amutement
tvitem organized under (lit direction
of Affiliated 1 heater corporation.
I ronunent in the buainn organna
lion art Lee and I. I. Shubert.
I nv pivvmuuni, wnun win cmil
prlte Shuhert advanced vaudeville,
Mill be quite unlike any production
ever before offered the gnu-rat public.
They will feature world renowned
, man, while aimulUwously offering
elaborate muMf-comedy revue, com
plete with aettingi, cotrumea and
Among the ur engaged arc
Weber and Field, tieorse Jeel. the
Courtney iter. eurgic Price.
Helen F'lry. 1'lnl Baker, Jimmy
' ifuMry, I'.ddie Xrhon, the Dc Wolf
liner. Herman Timber:. De Haven
l(y, 'Vatfn iter, Knurr
linhef, Johnnv Dooley and other
jut at well known to the variety
Miubrrt advanced vaudeville will be
presented at the Itraudei the firl
four day of each werk with matinee
da'ly mil will conaixt of five bin
ijnir lei and a niiioiiiil revue wilh .5
to 40 people, thi alone running
over one hour. The opening at
traction i entitled "Trouble of
ir with the t'ourtney iter fea
tured and will the local
(.cssoti iih a matinee today.
f. In all there arc more than i unit
in the nraiiirati(iii and a vetritablc
arniv of iiirr. dancer, coined iani,
Mrriihats, musicians and publicity
Harry Carroll componcd the music
and wrote the lric for the revue.
"Varietie of I9J-V dominant attri--t
itui at the (Jrplicuni thi week. I!e
i to appear in the Mellar rom. In
addition to the attractive chorist
er who come with him, hu com
pauy includea Tom Diniflc and Paul
'rlaiiev, and the l.o'e iter. vocal
ist and dancer. Another t n.M t
t-aUired in the ahow. openuu to
i;.v i B. C. HilHam. One ot Ins
beet known Brjrfdway mcrcssrs waj
Huddle-.1" In "Orisiiialities. a he
a'.tT h' own songs and introduces
hit of entertaining chatte. 'an
s-anlev on- of the most eltectwe
funutakers of the vaudeville MaRC
i- l.-r to he featured. In th: Prnior
rr episode he mesents. he i -hi.ted
by Art Knurra . and Hey
Maurice, In the oiierniK of Jack
d-orge. a pretty little French girl
hinirs French sours and erycs a a
foil for bis blackface co.nedv. The
Krowne sister. Mildred and Doro
thy are expert accordionists. Birds
It 'i..iiiia..t nliimanc do unusual
tricks in the novelty offering to be
.-..,itit hv Mm Merle
! Iteffieaers . v.
vo , T1 lV J
It'. T I - -. ,J '
N,-- ' ft x'u H Si r tvVfvir
I ' Couefucy listers- 0Mndcj? SVyj Sl-tvnadr'
I . ( )Li f -7
II J (rtTj f. I new songs beside several of his old
4T- wvm ":nl"-
f i H?:;. x. ' ' 'dW
Writr Words and
Mutle While lie
Actn on the Stage
Omaha Girl Says Movies Offer Liberal Education
to Persons Seeking Real Experience in the.World
A lariie part of what unuuetiiou
ably Mill be one of the coming tea-
ton uue,ful play it being writ
ten in thi city now by one of the
'vountry'i be.t known play-author.
The Mriter i B. C. Ifilhim. from
under Mlue imaginative finger
rolled the Ivrie. and much ot
the book ol 'Buddie," one of lat
vear's inuiial lomedy hit. "Sweet
William" i to be the title of hi
new show. Mr. Hiiham declared.
( oiucidrnlal with hi play writing,
the well-known author aUn i nr.
1 tl I , i , 1 II H 1 V . . ,.i k I. . .
iiic smigk raeh dav for other mem
ber of the irolriioii. Thre aie
ordered not only by performrra on
the Orjilif tun hill with him, who are
taking advantage of hi presence, but
iita by notublet of the ttage in all
part of tin country and Knjdand,
including fclsie Jani and ophie
Although doing hi oug writing
and appearing regularly tin week at
the Orplieuui theater, where be it
presenting his new art, entitled
"Origiualitir," Mr. Ililliam finds
time to work on his play both morn
ing and nights at his hotel, whete he
has a typewriter and a piano.
"Mu.ic ronie especially -easy for
Hie." Mr.' Ililliam say. "I write the
word along some certain line and
by the time the verses are done, I
find myself humming an air, wheih
then only require copying; and I
final tryout on the piano to ascer
tain that it is written correctly."
Trixie Friganza is coming a the
star of the Orpheitm show for the
week of September 17. Her travesty,
"My Little Bag o' Trix." was written
for her by Neville Fleeson and
Albert Von Tilzer. In vaudeville she
has been a successful as in musical
couietly. Sheila Terry in a romance
of seven scenes, "May and De
cember," will be one of the featured
attractions of the bill. Another will
be the unusual songstress, Jean
Granese. In her performance she is
assisted by her brother, Charles.
In the
KX.n.hip or frank Wilson the
feats lie pertorm w u
Urd withjnnds off the bars Again
this week Topic, ct the 1 wi II
be a screen feitufi to be followed
v,v the amusing, cartoon con il c
Aesop' Fables. The Pathe Weekly
will also be hown.
offer a specialty; Victor Kaplan, light
comedian; Shirley' Mallette, singing
and dancing soubrette; Vinnie Phil
lips, who leads numbers and play
leading roles; the Gilbert sisters,
singers and acrobatic dancers, and
Major Johnson, a midget entertainer.
Sixteen musical, numbers will be in
troduced with changed costumes in
each instance for the 20 coryphees
and singing chorus girls.
Theatergoers always look forward
to the annual engagement of Fiske
(J'Hara. This season he will appear
at the Brandeit heater for three days,
September 28-J9-J0. in his latest of
fering "Land O' Romance" by Anna
Nichols,, under the management of
Augustus Piiou. As usual O'Hara
i .i. -1 ii .
i i...wl PJy me fore oi a Koani vuuiib
Mi,, Lillian I'-urUiart. wno Vy , irishman and he will again have Miss
ille theaters ot tin.
country a. a headline feature, now
cotrta out of vetiiement to play, a
limited tour o' the Pantagcs cir
cuit in .a delightful comedy .ho.,
"flappers." called .'Mothers RirM
Here" This will be the headline
, .1,. w'nrld alt week. Jn
,er home eity.-Lo. AngeU-s Misj
Burkhart. "n private life Mrs. Lil
lian Goldsmith, is prominent m so
ciety and club circles, being presi
dent of the well known Civic, and
Philanthropy club of the California
metropolis. A company of tour sup
ports the famous star.
The new dancing star, Shura Ku
iowa. a petite Russian artiste and
her compauv of four girls, will ap
pear in a series of artistic and class
ical dances. Mh Rn'owa has been
h sensation in this, her first Ameri
can tour. , .
Noodle Eagan, a comedian of re
markabte ability, is also on the bil..
He has been toruing the Pantages
circuit for 12 consecutive years, buv
this is his firs visit to Omaha.
Three other standard acts com
plete He vaudeville section of the
bill Marian Gihncy is an original
comedienne: Jones and Crumbley are
couple of dusky fumuakers with a
new line of maietial; Lnnl and Wil
lie in a sensational novelty called "A
Tair of Eve Glasses." open the bill.
On the sreat World organ Arthur
Havs introduces a unique novelty
called ".Wounding Demonstrations
of Mental Telepathy," something
never done before in the musical
field. Larle Williams in a .omautic
coined "Fortune's Mask," is the
Four features arc a four-act bill at
the Eniprc this week.
Burton Brown, Nina Gardner and
Al Trahan in their "Passing Show
Kevue of Sorgs and laucs," are
presented in Oinaha tor tV.e firt
time, after having been featured on
the big eastern cirvuit.
Jack Upton (no relation to -t
Thomas! is a mimic l ability to
keep an audience in a roar. It i
what be does, t'al peak lor him.
A tiia!ioial novelty comedy
crli act u that oi Lrrevef Sykes
and h Cwhnj Four, omerd i
lua men and two women of great
peed and control on wUee
W' and frown, man and wom
an. "I h I'h You I w " 't
su gei. talk.r and dncer. Jost Its
kind e-l an act itut get the b-f ap
p!aue 1 th I : u.p"r.
J,hu Gilbft ' tr of "Ara
tiit I . winch ' heralded a
.1 iom! of barb4) .).tt
tf. " -
Trt - tatv lh!r Hit Be
ie..t ' KmIv ria-r"
ttH! ' It !"' . i to fr,,''
M b'ii!ts. M
I IUi l tH n 4
"i'pp't" t! rr.e usMrtia.
t h tf tw," 4 U ! ;
an! di e t1
4' ILfPr 1 "
' ., w a fvmu4 l '
t .' ( . .. lWI
i iim.-1 w ui vltde ..
hint m ! '' jCMsl '"' I"1.'"
It'!.' is !' 4 I1 i
i. n4 ! ti" ' !
? : so .t ul K t.k ! kk '
4 !t -r wtlH t '
" r'"''"'"
I .14 i Hx I'-' 4
iua 4k. i'A ivVii
Pat Clary as his leading lady, last
seen here in "Down Limerick Way."
he play is in three acts and Mr.
(J llara will be heard ina number ot
Once a Cripple,
Now a Russian Dancer
Here's to Limit in
Way of Cheap Skate
Marilyn Miller to
Star Wilh Hubby
in Screen Play
That condition in the movie col
onic of the Pacific coat at painted
by jade eyed cynic and so-called re
former, arc exaggerated, i
. . .
Both giil aie in close touch with
studio affair on the coast, having
participated in several production
More than that AgntV personali
ty won for her place in th clow
circle of Clara Kimball Young's af
fair, while again she was cast a
an uudertiudy tl Koscmary Thcby.
And 'lit not mange. Jut scan the
accompanying: photo of Aw'ie.
"The studio are tilled with hap
py-go-lucky folk," aid Mi Dug
gut. "Hut thry all have Ihrir caret
and worries, always striving for suc
cess. The world only hear of the
caudal am rnatious of movie
people, while their virtue and good
work are not exploited. Hollywood
i no deferent than any other eity
as far a moral are concerned."
Both sister have hope of return
ing to California.
Sennett to Star
Phyllis Haver
in Comedy Series
"Mail .eiiiutt ha teleticd P)lU
Haver to head icparate comedy
unit, and lit will .tar Mii Haver
in a eric ol full length corned
drama production which Mill U re
leased through Associated Firt Na
tional Picture.
In a statement ' emanating from
the I'iut National home office thi
week. Mitt Haver' elevation to tar.
dom under the aupitei, of Mack
Scuuctt i anteiMcd entirely to her
pmwd ability in pal produi lioiii on
the Srniirtt lot. From the walaxy
sertrn btaumt known as t!ie Mack
Sennett llathing Girl. Mit Haver
aroc and uccifutTy worked her
way ui to her pretent oition at
Sennett star, iler firl schiele. a
yet untitled, will be ready for pro
durtioil ibis week.
Mitt Agne Duggan.
asserted by Mist F.ileen and 'Agne
sent a year in and about I foil v
Duggan, sisters, 2t)24 C street, who
Now Playing -Continuous From 1 P. M. Daily
After seeing Shura Rulowa in her
flying dance steps at 1 the World
theater this week it is hard to be
lieve that this sprightly little dancer
was once unable to walk because of
infantile paralysis,.
Such, however, is the case and until
she was 4 years old Mile. Kulowa
was hopelessly crippled. Constant
work and practice keep her in condi
tion at present but in her early years
her parents feared she would never
walk and play as other children were
Some time following her debut as
a dancer Rnlnwa was under the
tutelage of Alexia Ruloff for five
years and frankly admits she owes
much of her present ability to his
instructions. Today Rulowa heads
her own company of four girls and
one man. J lie ballet Kusse present
ed by these dancers is filled with lite
and color.
"If you don't know any 'finale
hoppers' you haven't iniscd much,"
says Jack Holt, featured player with
Kulic Bernstein Itroadway Map
pers" at the Gayety. "The finale
Uopper is what slangstert call a
cheap skate. I know him well, for 1
have sren him operate in his favorite
habitat the dance halls of New
York's I! ioal way. He is an outcome
of the 'flapper' period; his associates
are girls who drest in the extreme
style that has been more or less
pleasantly ridiculed; girls who are
as cheap as their escort Admission
is charged at the best dance halls,
and in most cases an extra charge it
made for earh dance. The 'finale
hopper and his 'flapper saunter in
just before the regulation time for
playing 'Home, Sweet Home,' to
late that the ticket office it closed
and the entrance has been cleared
for the exit ofvdancers who have
'stuck it out' for the finale. Without
price the 'finale hopper' and his girl
dance this last dance and then pass
along to the next hall where closing
time has come. They keep close
track of the hours and places that
vary their time to stop the music
and frccpicntly are able in this way
to get several dances free.' They
then visit some cheap restaurant, in
dulge in coffee and cake and there
is where'the 'finale hopper' got the
added soubriquet of 'cake eater.' To
have acquaintance of a 'finale hop-.
per' and 'cake eater' is a doubtful
honor anion? people who 'play fair;
they will have little to do with them."
Marilyn Miller, the Flo Ziegfeld
star, and recently in the limelight at
the bride of Jack Pickford. may co
star with her husband for the screen,
according to an announcement
emanating from the United Artistt
headiiiartcrt in New York. Miss
Miller t contract with Ziegfeld, it it
understood, tcrminatet in September,
and it it not unlikely that arrange
ments will be effected at that time
to introduce Mist Miller at a screen
Marie Mikova Will Give
Piano Recital at Theater
Marie Mikova will give a piano re
cital Thursday niglit in Branriei
"The program follows:
I. e'hllrtren'a e'ornor ticbrunay
)r. eimdus ad Pirnawum.
Horenaile tor th poll.
Tim b'now la lani-lnf.
Tim l.iilla Hhavhrnt.
(iolllwouff a Cuka Walk.
II Varlailona Hrriruaea. . . . ,Mrnllalihn
III. Two Inventions Barh
Ktinrio In O Bn-thovan.
Canrlcrlo Hcarlattl
IV, In Han. Form. .
roiiiilrjr Uardrna Oralns-r.
Polka A Minor HmoiAna
Walu i'. Minor Chojiln.
J una Unt. ,
l.a-ni K Flat Minor Canipkatl-
Tiutnn Hleeplng Hawhantr Hahn.
Ciadilla Bona (tor a sir child)
Tim Hurdy-nurd Man Ooon.
llanh of th Wooden Soldier
Eivnlh Rhapsody Llar.t.
Sale of tickets began Thursday.
Facing Wild Hull
Soft? Not Much,
Says Valentino
Movie acting it certainly a toft
job! F'r instance, all Rodolph Valen
tino had to do for a solid month was
to get out in front of a mean bull
and wave a red cape in hit face.
'Easy sure. , but Mr. Valentino
wasn't bothered with a tremendous
lot of company during the lime re
quired for these warm and interest
ing scenes.
"Blood and Sand." Mr. Valen
tino's current picture at the Rialto
theater this week, wat adapted by
June Mathis from the Vicente Clasco
Ibanez story of Spanish life. It is
a i'red Aiblo production, directed
,by the maker of "The Three Mus
Scenes of the bull-ring at Madrid
with Mr. Valentino as a popular
toreador, provides many opportuni
ties for sensationally dramatic mo
ments. The coinr and nerve of the
anions snanisn sport are snown
minus the fcalt-rcs that are repel-
lant to American ideas. Gallardo i
is considered to be Valentino's most
vivid and colorful characterization I
since his Julio of "The Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse."
'" " .
George Melford is"finishing '"Ebb
Six great act baadod by th notad ta tar and
prominent club woman
' and hor company In a comady about "Flapper," antillctJ
A Notabla Theatrical Event
Marian Gibney Emil & Wille
in "By Proxy" "A Pair of Cla"
Th Dainty Sprit of th Dane
Brilliant and Colorful
Jones & Crumley Arthur Hays
Duky Funmakars en th Organ
He' Hera Th King of Comedian
"A Bright Spot ff Joy"
A Stirring Romantic Screen Comedy
With Earl William and Patsy Ruth Miller
- SEASON 1922-1923
Opens Matinee Today
Musical Comedy and High-Class Combinations
Matinee Daily
Ed. Davidow and Ryfus Le Maire Present
"Troubles of 1922"
By George Jessel
Comedy Satire on the Revue Craze
1. j : ? '
AnMIQCIrfiMt I1A,LY MATINEES 2.1c and 50c
HIUllOOmH, EVERY EVENING, 25, 50e, 73 and t 00
" AH ft, Tea
m lavs
Beginning September 12
25 Big Shows and Rides Animal Husbandry and Farmstead Exhibits
Every Afternoon and Evening Admission 10c
' AFTERNOONS. 1:30 P. M.
Running and Harness Races Auto Races Running Races
t Admission $1.00 plus tax Reserved and box seats additional,
EVENINGS, 7:30 P. M.
Ernie Young's "SMILES OF '22" MSti&r Sept. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Admission $1.00 plus tax Box seats additional,
C0R0NAD0 HI QUIVEnA, Historical Pageant, Cast of 1200; Sept. 18, 19
Admission $1.00, tax free Box seats addtional.
HANSEN vs. McGILL Wrestling Match, Sept. 21; Seats $1, $2, $3
Meitanine floor
1 5th St. at Farnam
14th St, at Farnam
18th St. at Douilas
South Oinaha
' iai a eaxtaua) t4.a a "ll taMf ' ' Ik
tut ( at ,tj ) a, eat 4ete4 I aaeat A4a Va..IU 4 MU
,! m4 ! U kali Ike I Ue l.,iil tUa imImmIxii ,