Till: SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. SKPTEMDEU 10. 1922. 7-C sou: LS sLa OR SAL! A Girl's Redemption Through Acting in the Movies m Ruppert Hughes' master novel starts Tomorrow, Monday, September 11, in knmTI T fl T7T jl&iti mi 4.' 51 ? "VJrv J Not merely as a startling revelation of real life in California's inner circle of Movieland, but as the most searching, the most illuminating study of a girl's soul life; such is the thrill and absorbing fascination of Rupert Hughes' newest and greatest novel. The intimate adventures of Remem ber Steddon her birth in a small mid- west town, her narrow life as a clergy man's daughter, her rebellion at hated conventions, her life midst Hollywood's movie stars all lead to an amazing climax. V: tvas astounding 1 0 Remember I o find what a change clothes make in a soul. The conscious' ness of her beauty gave a lilt of bravado to her carriage. You come to know this all-too-human girl, to pity her, then admire her. How she becomes a great woman in spite of obstacles is brought about by a means never before employed by a novelist. No more tremendous emotional ex periences ever fell to the lot of a gjr! than are hers. To her there is but one thought, one hope, one prayer Re demption. No truer nor more intimate revela tion of a struggling conscience can be conceived. Nothing else that Rupert Hughes has ever written possesses the soul-searching qualities of this master t story. ; An Eternal Question From the first 'page, in which Remembers clergyman-father un loosens his wrath against the iniquities of the films, until the end, wherein the films themselves provide the means of his own daughter's remark able rehabilitation, it is a story that you and two million others will read with deepest interest and concern. It promises to be the most discussed novel of the year. For it brings out anew the theme uf two thousand years' discussion: Can Good Come Out of Kvil Can Right Kmerge From Wrong? This wonderfully interesting story of Movieland will appear only in , The Omaha Morning Bee It itarU tomorrow morning. Ouler your copy early Monday and the first installment will lv ent you by ppeciat delivery. Starts Today "Mklnae! CoUks' Own-Book" Dictated by himself Written by Hay den Talbot (First Chapter ton Page 10, First Section) rym p-1 Hit brother officers acUd guard of honor when body of Michael Collin, lay in alala in cily halt, Dublin, following hit murder from mbuth. 1 I'll Tell It to You, You Write li ter Ireland" Thus did Michael Collins, the George Washington of Irish freedom, sum up in a terse sentence his desire to tell the world the stoiy of his personal 'straggles for the freedom of Ireland. Fighting, he forgave; for giving, he stili kept up the fight. The first chapters of "Michael Collins' Own Book," dictated by himself, but written by Hayden Talbot, are published in The Sunday Bee today. Further installments will be printed on the following Sundays. You Can Always Get a Real Laugh From The Omaha Bee Comics MORNING-EVENINGSUNDAY NOW THAT ANDY IS RUNNING FOR CONGRESS there's liable to be a mixup at Washington that will shake the Capitol to its foundation. His popularity is growing so rapidly that he may be elected as Congressman in November not only in one, but in several states. 1 WJten our popular idol goes to Washington as the people's choice how will he vote his many votes? OH, MINI OF course! oonT y "think I know they're OUT?? y'DONfT S'POSE I'D 60 ns.,.in orccDiN rr PAV TH' BILLS IF t THOUGHT THEVP BE IN, DO VJ Family Financing As They Do It in the Funnies Home's Unhappiett Moments Exposed to View by Winnie Winkle Daily in The Evening Bee Has He Anything on You? Natural kuU art the most entt rtain ing "bijr-time Huff in the world. Gene Byrnes Rctf'lar Fellers 1 apiH'.nrinj; ibily in THE EVENING BEE