The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 10, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 30

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    6 C
Married Life of Helen
and Warren
Helen Subject Her Subccmsciou
Mind lo a Crucial Mtdnnht
"Hid you find them " wit Helen's
nuuus Mrcr(iiii.
"Noihin douiK." viciously V4rre11
Jbed hn tans into the hall rack,
Urar, 11 to late don I worry
about 11 any more tonight. Let's go
to bed and inaybt you'll mid them in
in morning .
Jn the morn ins;! That ease come
up it 111 II 1 dnnt beve those pa
pert," grimly, "I'll be up against it
Now In the library he 1mm an
ftther jumbling earth through the
"Oh, tliey aren't here! Vt been
looking all evening. You couldn't
have brought them home,'
"Then where the devil are they?"
Warren Hunk himtrfl inio hi chair,
''I've gone through the office with
fine tooth comb.
"And you look to tiredl It' after
12 you've been working down there
since B. Dear, you II bt sick come
on to bed now. Maybe, if you get
up fresh in the morning, you'll re
member where von put thein."
"I at chanre of that t Done nothing
all day but look for those blooming
papers. Well 1 gueit I'd belter turn
in, Tliia ln't gftting anywhere."
"I'll heat lome milk. 1 hat always
make you deep when you're nerv
ous.'' "Who said I wa nervous?" iralily.
"f can sleep without any dosinr up."
Hut at he gut ready for bed Helen
slipped out to the kitchen.
Js'o, you've had your supper." as
Puny-Mew brushed ingratiatingly
aga nut her. "And there isn't any
While the milk healed Helen looked
through the nrwspaprrs in the box
miller the pantry sink. Warren might
have left the long envelope on the
library table and Nora brought it out
with the newspapers.
Jlut these were all over a month
old. There was 110 clunre of its be
ing here. The later paper had been
Used or thrown'awav.
A sizzling overflow from the stover
miii tier Hying to shut off the gas.
Warren wa in bed when she
brought in the milk.
"Eh, what've you got there?
Thought 1 told you I didn't want
any I"
"Dear, do drink it. You know it
makes you !erp. And I put just a
touch of butler in it, the way you
like it."
"Oh, all rlRl.t," irritably. "Any
thin to get rid of you."
"Careful, it's hot! Jitft sip it I'll
get ready quirk as 1 can."
The hot milk had it usual somno
Irscent effect. But Helen lay wide
awake, worrying over the misplaced
As alway. everything appeared
more calamltou when she brooded
over it at night. And now the lost
paper loomed a real catastrophe.
From thi might come a gradual de
cline in Warren' professional
Just a some tr'rval thing may turn
one into the road that lead to auc
ccs something equally unimportant
may start one on the downward
Staring through the shadowy dark
ness, Helen pictured the gradual
dimini&hintT of Warren' practice and
income. 1 hat would mean retrench'
ments a cheaper apartment in a
cheaper neighborhood. She aw him
growing older and leas successful
gradually losing both energy and am
bition. Those lost papers! The importance
of their recovery now towered monu
mental. To her distorted vision
everything teemed dependent upon
them, .
She even thought of the impossible
'going down to hi office to search
for the rest of the night. But how
could she hope to find what both he
and his secretary had looked for all
day? And he had ! continued the
search until midnight.
Her subconscious mind! That
thought illumined her brooding as a
Rlint of lightning illumines a cloud.
The lecture she bad heard the other
afternoon on "Our Undeveloped
Over and over the lecturer had im
pressed upon his audience the latent
potentialtie of our subconscious
He had recommended one simple
method at which Helen now eagerly
grasped. To ask of the subconscious
mind just before you fall asleep
whatever you most wanted! He had
advised putting the request in writ
inj?. He had given a recent experience
of his own. ' One night he wrote on
a slip of paper. "How can I cure
my indigestion?" He went to sleep,
the paper clasped in his right hand,
and Ins mind concentrated on the
In the morning when he awoke he
was amazed to find hit feet up
against the wall beside his bed. Of
their own volition they swung hack
over hit head. This was the answet
a physical exercise!
Convinced that thi was hi rure
he practiced it night and morniny
and the indigestion from which he
had suffered for years, soon 'disap
peared. S he urged hit audience to try
this simple method of asking the
subconscious mind for solutions to
the problem.
Slipping out of brd, Helen stole
softly mtii the library. Turning on
the tight at the desk she is rote eu a
memoranda pad:
"What shall I da t help
Wtrrt ft ml hit lost f
peitr This was too long. He had nid
put 11 simply, as few woidt a pos
sible. "When thai! look for
the hut fiawr?"
Then t st'll further condmt ii.
th hnj4 "ttull took for" lo
're." Aaktw with fspeiUni y the
.t tik l bd.
Warren ilirrJ, tut the Hot ""Ik
ts potent, Kef he 4nl not awake.
Her Ihtuightt tom-utttrtud n
t)iifttx Ud t!ilfv IS) her raht
ruM HUi finally tlMt4 t '
"What in bUtvt U il trot? Vr
in m ruiopM rinniu sUnJ
i'i by lb bed, v .!" t "''I' ft l
Hi by uit pi ' ' (tons
R4is h a,4n )! !
Oh. l ti tHut ''' I'.'"
et'v t'i V, mu.n, t tK ' i
' Wmii t ki w;'"
M tftlis.sllt;. K' UJ
t' h ti ' fsmt
it torn:"
'Nat 4i,m sC i,A,n ft"
ridirule. "I they y If yon k
question of the tubcontriou mind
before you go lo sleep"
"The tubconscious mmdr with a
nort. "Thai your latest, is it 1
Vou're alway h'poed about tome
new lad."
"Now, dear, don't start that," dread
ing on ol bi tirade against "cults"
and "inns." "Any answer I mlght've
had you'll drive away."
"Oh. I will? Where d you expect to
find those paper when you woke?
lied to the bedpost by tome acconi
tnodattrtg spook r"
"I thought my (ubroiisciout mind
might suggest somewhere to look."
"Well now let your tubcontciout
mind tuggett a good breakfast. You
mosey out to the kitchen and rustle
it along. I want to get down to the
office early. Don't suppose it' auy
use to look, but MI take another crack
at It."
Obediently Helen instructed the
sleepy-eyed Nora to have breakfast
at quickly a possible.
And be sure to use an egg in the
coffee it was to muddy yesterday."
While lleien wat brushing her
teeth she thought of a letter, with
birthday check from Aunt Koa.
lost Jong ago. She had looked for
days, and had found it month later
behind a crowded desk drawer.
In her repeated searching the had
rone through that drawer many
timet, but had not thought of taking
it out and looking lulund it.
Uear, darling into the bedroom
where Warren was lacing his shoes,
you ve been so sure all along that
yon had them in your desk drawer"
.Now don t harp on that I ve had
everything out a dozen time."
") et, I know, but did you take the
drawer out and look behind it r
"They couldn't have gotten back
there. The drawer isn't full. I don't
keep my desk chuck full of stuff like
you do.
But un t it worth looking? I lost
Utter from Aunt Rcna once and
that's where I found it. And besides,
I feel this might be the answer to my
Oh, you do?' caustically, shrug
ging on hi vest.
Dear, you taid Miss Woodward
would be there early this morning-
that she was coming down for an
oihrr lo'A. Do you suppose he'
there now?"
"No, it' only quarter after eight
She lives way out in Jersey couldn't
get in before half-past. Come on,
now, move fast let' have break
At the table while Helen poured
Warren' coffee and buttered hi
toast, her thought were revolving
about the ton drawer of his desk.
When the dining room dork atruck
half-past, leaving the table the dart
ed in to the library phone.
A breathless wait after she had
called Warren number then the
sound of the. receiver being taken
from the hook.
"Mis Woodward? Thi 1 Mr.
Curti. I've been thinking about
those paper. Have you taken out
that top desk drawer and looked back
of it? , . . Well, do that now,
won't you? I'll hold the phone."
A she waited the wire teemed
charged with potentialities.
"Yet, ye ... You've got it?
. . . Oh. I KNEW it wa there!
I just knew"
"Eh, what' that?" Warren at her
elbow snatched the receiver from her.
"Hello, Mis Woodward? , . . Stuck
back of that drawerl Greatt . , ,
Be right down I'll take a taxi."
With thrilled exultancy Helen
waltzed him about the room.
"Now what about the tubconscious
mind? You don't believe itl You
ridiculed it, you "
"And I don't believe it now," el
bowing her away. "What' your
subconscious mind got to with this?
You happened to remember that let
ter from your. Aunt Rena. Why in
blazes didn't you think of it before?"
"You won't admit my writinsr that
question had anything to do with it?"
"Admit any bunk like that? I
guess not," he cof fed. 1 hat a all
rot. King for a taxi while I finish
my breakfast. Now I've found those
papers t ve got two hours worK on
Then with masculine ingratitude as
he stalked back to the table t
"Why the Sam Hill couldn't you
think of this yesterday? If 111 lost a
letter behind a drawer, I'd have re
membered it. Hereafter, if you ve
got any hunches don't wait till the
last 'minute to 6pring 'em!"
(Copyright, 1922, by Mabel Herbert
Next Week A Resurrected Wed
ding Present.
All Right for Men to Chew,
Edict of Enemy of Cigaret
Hammond, La., Sept. 9. Mrs.
Thoma Forrest, reformer, is on the
warpath again, seeking the scalps o
some undeserving citizens who deal
in cigarets and other kindred evils.
As a prominent W. C. T. U. mem-l-er
she threw a fright into Ham
mond busines men lat year when
she undertook to agitate against the
,ilr of cigarets.
The W. C. T. IT. backed her for a
tiiui'. Somehow or other, though,
just at it seemed as if she were to
re victory, the union withdrew its
iipKit, Mrs. Korresi was defeated
ainl, it i whispered, talc of cigarcu
Mrs. Forrest learned her Irtstut.
Thi vrar she hat tnnde a con
cession for the t ike of the men, She
continue Id be opposed 10 rtuarett,
com coli pips, white mute and lnot
lc ctcicr.
t s she it's tit light for men
to uke "ihisv" o tritcac-co three
tmirs 4 d.iv.
I loss 11 there Sey sy he idra it
cU vt r,
Oiloiuit .Not Ibngrrotiti
Heally Timid Crrntttr ;
I'arit, JifjM. 9 -h t,eu nt
duty It not dihtfc hhis, lull 11 i 1 snv !
(Mini ccIH',' tl.cUtts l'fo(so
ct fern ml vl lishviHs, lit t t!Uit;tt
l I I Art MHUIc4l ttHihf
of itifnit .. si l!w chi.iji.ui Unnlv ht
v..i Ci 01 Hp ) Kink cv' ul It
I n '; hion I intiiiv
" l ! ! l'i. Kls tlvftl.
! . ' s. ! ! 11 I.. 1 , .',,
t-t l c j'ui, ! . t t i t t
i.(t est l' tWit'otic mh4 1. ..nt ft
S anltfci," dcl.r, K ,iv.,.u
' I ht Kik l'i iMIiv .c
s,i n iihiHg la r i;,c vsUpus
A A 1 n
Jtwel Gift Shop Offers Holiday
Shopping Opportunities to Alt-8tr-Bn
NEVER lovelier wrrt the gift
disutsvd In lh Inlin llnrL.
ton Jewel Gift thop, Sixteenth and
Capitol. Diamonds, watches, novel
earringt and vanities, tilver services,
exquisitcly cut and engraved glass-
liftings make a bid for attention of
the gift seeker. Interesting indeed i
one large gift case devoted to tug-
gettiont for olleringt to the baby in
the question. Cunning indeed 1 a
Mother o' I'carl teethms: ring with
cluster of tiny sterling tilver bells
attached lo the tide. Dainlv marls
promise a gift of exceeding charm.
Tiny pins, with infinitely delicate
chain between, will be warmly appre
ciated by the tot's mother. Three-
piece silver set, knife, fork and
noon, are of the beautiful new
I'anthcon sterling silver design
which hat captivated the beauty-
loving public. Silver of all descrip
Hons will he found In
this lovely
store, flut and hollow wares in every
well known pattern of the day, silver
priced exceptionally low. You'll find
the well known llennckson busines
polity a rare satisfaction in gift buy-
ing their ervire unexcelled. Visitor
are particularly invited to view tne
holiday stock now on display,
Campaign on to "Keep School Chil
dren Clean."
ACTIVE choo! children find a
great deal of foreign dirt be
side the natural body excretion
which make their tiny garment
need to be frequently cleaned. In
structor and parent alike recognize
the menace to- their loved one if
clothe are not more regularly
cleaned. Drcshrr Bros., 2-'d &
Farnam, have inaugurated a sepcial
school clothe cleaning service, con
ducted along ultramodern processes
for which Dresher Bro.' establish
ment it noted, l'hone AT. 034 J.
Metropolitan Shop Opens Into the
OMAHA is quite to be eongratu
lated upon the opening of La
Botchin', IStfi and Douglas, the
luxuriously appointed specialty shop
which opens into the Hotel Fonte
nelle, a metropolitan feature in shop
circles. A dream of beauty i La
Boschin's, utterly satisfying one'
craving for the exquisite. Softly
shaded in cut crystal cascade are
the light, making even more love
ly the women who move slowly to
and fro before the long mirror
framed in ilver gray walnut. Fasci
nating chapeau creation to Kettle
upon glinting coiffures, witching
wrap for day and evening wear,
gown in which to meet every hour
of the fashion world. Especially to
be noted arc the cleverly designed
model for the large woman a
feature at La Boschin'.
"Sussex" Promises Great Vogue a
Choice for Early Fall Footweac
WHEN Baker Brother an
nounce that they've hit upon
a design which will produce an
altogether desirable bit of footwear,
one may be quite assured that the
will find it at the Tho. Kilpatrick
fit company noe department, lor
Mr. Tuttlc i ever on the watch for
the model to charm fastidious wom
an. In brown leather, solt and tilk
en, the "Sussex" model is noticeably
higher of heel than the big flat "scn
sibles" lo which we've been accus
tomed in our summer sport shoes.
A true, gracefully cut. Cuban heel
wnich combine well with the two
. , c 1 .j . f
which the upper part of the shoe is tru'y Parisian wrap, $145. If one has among them roomy new folding gently earned out. Flower are sent with, in colors borrowed from Is a- whef " e cty when Fily discov
fashioned Dull nearl buttons form to De ollt ' the cold winds she will trays for pencils and pens with little in the spirit of the giver, interpreted turc's softer moods. Long and drap- crcd the delightfully decorated Six
th fattenincrs Of a smartness ma-
darn. At the same price, $13.50, one
may choose the model in gray suede
and patent kid. For wear with the
long, crepey (Jinncr frock, witching-
ly draped, one may select satin
pumps ranging in price tront $iu 10
The Square Yoke of an All Over
Pleated Georgette Dinner Gown
Utilizes the Charmful Square Drop
WITH long sieves below the
shoulder line. Tlie shoulder
seams of the dainty little dinner
gown 01 ouie in process 01 pieanng
at the Ideal Button : Tlealing Co.,
3d floor Brown Block, 16th and
Dougla. are hemstitched in the same
shade of blue. The of the
1- ... .1 .1 . .-.i.
enure snccrness 01 me winner iroc
.....1-..: .1.1.. c i.ii .1.,.,.
ro 2 orZrfi
that you get your pleating orders in
Lessons on Shirt Tailoring in Print
ed Form.
A WORTHWHILE ue of time
sml energy the making of
shiits lor the nun folk of your fam-
1 1 y but aten't thry dilfiiult? Tbat't
hy to many are taking advantage
of thr pi lined ctutt made by I'm
Kss the Shut Maker, .M llcwir Kar
bac h I'.l'Hk, I Mil '!,( DougLis; it
tuioothrs atsty all diiiicultirs. I'ut
tup ,i (tinges on your shopping
bt while 111 the city (of AL'Sar-Urn
b slivilir ,
Tall Shopping ActivU
tie lion In,
WIIVN you thop h
I'cilly stn-l a i.ciccfilit tie
s, rtplittii "I )i(rifll; lit sd(l
i" 'u(i4t is
1 ht trst' I lie l H 14
rt c he lire, MsV out
fh. k jc.nhlv to (tltisf (.!
c t " .. J y I'l ii ci-sr. When
(.!; f,s Is !. t I. I c,l t" (1
I ' , .' IS I
i mi., f n d H
cut ii . t4!t tnd :M sr-l
) It Its b l"itt M, IsttUlts
b ol -r4itl sic IS) sums will
W Kiel Wisl If.JtHCl
Lot s (3) Joppin villi R)lly
f ve an ingle, ihady ingle, near a
Where the lighing zephyn mingle ttith the purling of the tlream.
Thre I m lhc lu"SlCl anl ,l malel me lnrtU ani tme
FT 1rom ctltf trident jangle at I angle, tmoke and dream.
Authorities on Questions Pertaining
to Hair and Scalp Conditions Htvs
Had 2o Years' experience.
TWENTY-SIX year' experience
dealing with hair and scalp con
dition gives one the advantage of
knowing how hair and scalp will re
spond under ditfereut treatments of
permanent waving. The Lanoil I'er-
mancnt Waving pr'ocest is not only a
treatment for the hair, but gives a
luxuriant wave never before arrorn-
phshed. All work pertaining lo hair,
scalp and skin in the Black and
White room, Ilurgrss-N'ash, the St
Ion de Beaute, Hotel Fontenetle and
lilarkttone Beauty Shop, is under the
supervision of Mr. Robert and Mr.
Franks. An expert chiropodist it si-
way in attendance at these shops,
Crepe and net surprisingly reveal
turfacc of lacey design.
Omaha Milliner Opens New Shop,
well known in millinery circles.
has opened a shoo in the Julius
prkln atore, 1512 Douglas, where
cr,e, helo of Mi,. Shanahan the
AirillE ITiMV ItnFITI Willi IflC (1
,oflily, I-riends of Miss Frances
Barker and Mis Gertrude Slyter will
,e delighted to hear that they are
j lm5 cew 4hop with Mis Shanahan.
0 ct0U(s tan inar Fashion' landscape when follower ol the Mode
The Parisian Not Yet to Be Per
suaded From Allegiance to Slender
Lines Supple Fabrics.
WOULD adore the coat model on
display at Orkin Bros.. Hotel
Conant lJldg., 16th and Harnev. a
chic affair whose Moused upper is of
lustrous Broadtail fur. a stunning
contrast to the full taupe fox collar
and cuffs. Corded tucks round the
rlnslv ranolit .LiVt niL .I.:- .
nai' wit" Joy a squirrel lined black
?" witn caracul collar and eulfs.change,
The buckle' bullous draw the fullness
'n(o a side drape most bewitching,
.14-,: Te Kussian influence in dc-
fignmg is indicated in a brown suit,
cionnicci, wnose wuie, run
sleeves and blouscd back are lavishly
broidcred in gold and chenille. Of
an utter simplicity is the short front,
long back suit model in red, black
fox trimmed, at $75. Of a surprising
lowness, that price!
Velvet Gowns for the Ak-Sar-Ben
Ball Assure Its Entire Success.
T7IVID rrli nrrunu th. f...l,;
y ., .,. ... i,r..!. . i.f...
n.. si ""."c..1
; Ji 1 ' " - -
ton block, entrance on Sixteenth
V Tmrsr .J n r ..
K,i.IKi'd,rfiveUl"M f ,,,Pm'
lor it 11 t rance alone who can nro.
j,,. .,,u 1 . - i
ncnn ecoiiiiouiy woven laortCS.
nMr P h?r Wful
"' or swings to one side the new
thiired drape from thoiilctcr to floor.
Unusually low in price one finds the
lovely dresses for the Ak Sar -Hen
hall much lest than one has hoped
Sporting Goods House Furnishes
iitaciquarteis lor Male Visitor. ,
VERY man ad bov visits
the AkSir-licit frsiiyitirs in
Otiuha is invited nuke Ins lu.ul
quarter at the Ont.ilu Mi.hIhij
ticunlt t'tuuimiiy, litliiceinH .11,
Harney. Hrie iue wilt I. ml all tir-tii-date
ttipp'iet 111 am) rump-
nirtii r i4kr hall and fini'tutl
with sji'cUt lin.uintt tit s, h..,,
tc nut. Smd fr tst''s t'ititiiuig
full it, c li 1, 'in, lllu .ir iti .iu 4itd
pile qtiUlh'Ct un g'HxIs neeil'il.
SWI I I'lNti t-ly ,t Hut
bwy It 'i a tsttb'tc 1 1 I it
olt M-.U'ty s ti tl Itt k r tit t slot I lit h i'l !. -t t"t iy tivtty 1 tadt p hi ' tl. tt l,t mot c ' .H tiodrttiiisi'a
ttttett. sA I" t , g nr cr i) . ,1-, I i, itl sitij., . l Is l tsfy i. .I.,i- t '11,41.4 h. t c,i,, ,l i,,, . ., w lu a t4itti
tt, .t Sunt. I l I 1! i H,n k twtt Us -s. K 1 4t t -tU- l..-stl tti I 1. 1, I V. NtltJ I .1 ., 44 Ml tt. 1. htS I s ts c ill v. I t k 'lit S)
t.liM 1, .. u t i, it t'l si- u'.l i 11 1 V ,.. 1. 11 In hi urn, , 'It I U, k M tc lcjos t tit t lt I tisit ly Ih. ir t4'it I' tt 1 tj k.ii, v i t lii IhiiM
t,uii tj"'-!'!. f,l " I ,1 t . It , . , at un , l tgi.t l tl Mt-at Is ti.acii t b tl..mj en 'ctrtj,"" ,(Mt ii miii tehi ii, 1, , l.Mt,
ttcpot t '! sm.I iKo 1 tt'ti it ,t sutlh lA ti; ih at htm. 1, it-,it,cr ,4H IM si tu-mi I- I (... In IK .l, .nji 1 (I.-sH.-w"
.lot e.s. ,4 Ii i- v e l IK trl ll ,et pl il. uUu.t Hie, u ynit II ti ci tiy l. t(le sn,tni ,,lu. iu tt.tit, (,tt n, tslmtt tt iht tuwt I
i tlste.lie.H kit Stte l I.SlH tlli lMih4 4sBS, t VV, ,Aetwtls UflOtSI la t, h d,icllili,.!4.4 tttult.
Jujjj bakv dingle
The Coiffure of th Day Demands
Artistically Arranged Marcel Wave.
IN MAKING your plans for the
Ak-Sar-Ben ball, the gracefully
arranged marcel is of paramount im
m t
wmn- Marcel snoppe, over
Fry s shoe ttore. Sixteenth and
Dougla ttreet. AT. 618S, hat ex-
pert marcel operators; marcel and
hair dress, $1; marcel and bob curl,
$1. 1
Pencils and Pens to Be Worn Round
Ones Neck on Narrow Black Rib-
NO more lost, strayed or stolen
pencils and pens for the up-to-
date collegian will carry pen and
pencil round her neck on narrow
black ribbon. The Omaha Stationery
company, 307 South 17th street, of- unusually lovel suggestions in
,u. .( ...knnt il, ; ...or
containers for car slugs and luncheon
Vivid little linen squares, hand -
' ' l l '
leaves of Autumn, and are seen in equal numbers.
. .
Meet Your Friends at tha Sheet Mu-
sic department nunng va-oar-
rnilKRR'S . iollw lilt of oonular
A. Im it,. i1,m ,1I mn.
inuaiw n mi; un v r,,v.
;.artment of the A. Hospe com-
Kit l U...I.J f ... 1,
1513 Douglas. One of the rea
sons why it't such fun to meet your
friends tliere during the weeks of
Ak Sar-Ben. liKidcnially the time
might be spent having these new
tungs played;
Blue ."V
Mary Flirt, .,
I imp Highway 1 h'c
fully ...J0
Wake Up, Little Ciirl,
cu'ie Dicaining .....'fv'
jolly group Iu Uke home with
yuu for ciiioymetii iluiiug the long
nettings ( r4ily tall
'I he Kimu tiote in bhiirtet is
linn It t,i be desired One ol the tirw
rd blouses, ern tiitc brd lu ti
liner bijih tol'cr with y pi mi
I ' intl fDiiliiiing thi full theirs,
Autumn Has Triumphed More Brilliantly
Than Ever Before
t'l tha New- 'l Moslti l'.V? I'l
it iicosto atlttfstutsitU sl t r4ito -
Through the treet til hear a tingle
And itt ting-a-ling'll mingle WiU tVie vhupertolthe breeze:
ltnouth F ve not a tingle tou, no potentate or k'mg'll
Make me jealout vhile ! angle in mil ingle 'neath the treet.
MODES 1022.
Well Known Beauty Shop
Marcel Operator.
ONE of the well known Omaha
beauty shops has put in a call
for an experienced marcel operator
to begin work before the Ak-Sar-Ben
rush begins. A splendid opportunity.
Call or write to Folly the Shopper
mit ueiau. 10 visitors in 111c 1117 uummk rue
s' Sar-Ben. Kneeter-made models
Quaint little chintz frocks adopt need no introdurtion. I he rxcelenee
the picturesque flounces of 1880. of his tailoring it well known.
don the clinging new trotteur of such
Florist Owes Popularity to Unusual
Service for Which Public Pays
mHE patron of the John Bath
Flower Shop, 18th and Farnam,
well understand the spirit of service
which every purchaser of flowers in
.1.:. .i. ...j . ' i..-u
. , a n.r
cnarge i tnaac, deliveries are
nrnmnlv made, instrnetlons mtelll-
through the medium ol the tlower
shop's service system.
rolled, are more colortul than the
tamers Jtair, bom and uxy, Man
lauoren 10 an cxcccumg onuni-
nest in Too Coats.
P AM EL'S HAIR, undisputed
choice for the tailoring of ton
coats, has been used in the majority
o( , ;t in n, M ,hc Vilco
... . . . .
& Allen shop, Seventeenth and Har
nev. Unusually , imai t in cut, solt
and warm, light in weight, these
coats ate silk-lined throughout ami
are otiered at very low prices. It
one preiert she may select iwced
r homespun in gray and black,
blue, while ami black or tome id the
1 in Mitel brcivtn culr combinations.
I cuts i( unii.ii il i" tl,
I ares stand high in Ih rank f
IM-1111I41.IV, particularly those ol
mualt ssmiI designs tt tilken nifihes.
.... . . r- .
II411 KrblcKktd nd Titmmtd to Fol
low Fashion fancy.
(1 F M HKKS, tun and maraUm
tlisfcd and remoiUli J a, th
KdHH-r Hat Mirtp, 'J I'trker Hl-ik,
a s(m. of iii.iiiuc set sue, i tosed tt
on S4tiitc!.
tv-'Stte t4 lesisniii puiul With wil
Sistn, tshuh tktssHtU a lull n'
tinging tounJ, a coxvhelCt jingle.
Velvet and SUk Domlnato th
Mode Point tx Hosiery Chosen as
C harmful Accessory.
FABRICS ol exceeding rkhnes
demand the ultimate in hotiery.
If you'd have the tlrnderired ankle
line to fascinating, select a pair ol
the i'ointex bote now olJ at Her
berg's, main floor, 15l' Douglas. It')
tlut dainty little point above the
heel which mak;t for smug trimnest
of fit, which tids to a graceful ef
fect only to be achieved by wearing
the I'oiukx, Mis Barten, well
known to fastidiout women of Oma
ha, it in charge of the depirtmrnt
and will take especial pleasure iu
suggesting color best suite d to your
wardrobe from the extensive line ol
thadet shown The pricet on I'oin- dastet. One of the new arrival in
tex, f J 45, 12.95, $J 50, 14 50, give exquisite fabiir at thi interesting
Wants one a choice of varying degree of shop is "Highland Lan," a clever
Reduced Tailoring Prices Offered
Ak-Sar-Ben Visitor.
LKNEETER, exclusive ladie'
tailor, 2d floor, loth & How
ard, offer reduced tailoring price
rare charmfulnes,.
Evening Gowns for Wear During th
- Festivities Attendant on King
- Ak's Coronation.
T OVELY new dress model for
the Ak-Sar-Ben ball and for
wear during the festivities for the
nt 'w week have made their ap-
pearance in the Lamond Shop, 17th
an" t'ar,lam'. Remarkably low in
prlce (rom $35 t0 t))(. new mo
am fashinnrrl in niatcriU In ronitirr
ed in line, beads are used sparingly,
rather to lend weight than as orna- Reese Jewel Shop, , Sixteenth and
mentation. The necklines arc charm- Harney. Creamy white, the back
fully novel, the most attractive a low ground for jade glas bud vases and
dropped shoulder effect with frill of
antique gold lace across the top of
the frock. Triple rolls of gold hold
the creation securely on the body.
Dresses of surprising beauty.
Metropolitan Dining Room Prepares
for Feeding of King Ak's Crowds.
OF extreme importance is quick
dining room service during the
day of the race beginning the 1-th
and continuing through the J3d
Prompt service is guaranteed by the
management of the Metropolitan
Dining Room, 18th & Harney, 1'aul
Christiansen and Ada S. Cooke,
widely known for their sincere hos
pitality and excellence of tervice, a
well at daily menus vailed to tuit the
' oi the epicure. During the
1 . it,., .1... .... ...ill I. -a.
next week the dining room wil! be
greatly enlarged,
Barred In black is a
drop stitched
sweater in sand yarn, lmg sleeved.
slip-over, it it very smart, 6.05,
Illustrious Paris Dictate the Lovely
Nw Coiffure lor Madam et
ISH Jfiinie Scluclt ll of the F, M.
badt II & Co, 15.'.' .Knight.,
ht, tcltMiud fioni tin east with the lUiisian t,,iu ption. ,,r int.
Ldy's toitiuie, I 'he bo'cs is ill be
Hoi II In he r, the iiMMie t, to.
(btts still uliiuc sluiiKilig li'i; ?4U
Ml totnlts lo.! tin!) ir4. h fii'in
"t tr In 4 I he Ndiculrll Shop ul
li ts a l4'Kc" hue ol I'ii Icmty toHiln
tl $4 and IS,
pti.hi Ht h ItttiMI twfl by th
tin- ti,' ul y
Silk Shop Offer Valuable Co-Oper
ation to the Teachers of Sewing
XiniAT is new, what wilt endure.
' ' what will make tli sewing
classes more interesting, are just a
few of the million worries which be
trt the teacher of designing and ew
ing m the' public schools of today,
tjurnioni 1, 1 importance which one
will do wrll to entrust to the clever
people of the Silk Shop, 1517 Doug
las. Men who know the silk game
in all itt intricacies, men who instino.
lively recognize the best in fabrict.
Sewing rlastet and teachrrt arc invit
ed to ask for the special service given
to Instructors and students of tewinir
simulation ol Scotch tweed, both in
weave and color combination which
will charm the most artistiraly in
clined; blue and black; purple and or
chid; black, brown and sand; king's
bin and navy; vivid mnhawk and
dark wine. Lustrous, lovely new1
wtave H'jS
Finery for the ball Cleaned Early.
VOL'R daintiest and prettiest eye
x ning gown, the most delicate
slippers, the frothy fan, sheer, gauzy
hose must receive the expert care of
master cleaners before the Ak-Sar.
Ben ball. And what a ruth there's
sure lo be. Why not be wise thi
year and call the I'antoriuin, 16th and
Jonrs, JA.096J, for early cleaning of
various dainties? Such a satisfaction f
You'll find their work of marvelous
For Your Convenience School Sup
plies Displayed on Main Floor ok
Great Store.
DOESN'T your blood stil! thrilt
to the call of bright pencils and
pens long about this time 0' year?
You'll find a splendid showing of up-to-date
school supplies on the majri
floor of the Brandeis Stores, a
grouping of supplie interesting alike
to teacher and student. Substantial
book bag are priced 19c, pencil sets
from 2Vc to $1.98, strap from 8c to
19c, and for the tot to show mothei
what the day' lessons have develop
ed different sized slates upon which
one might write or "figure" with
crayon, 19c to 58c.
Hartmann Features Legion Check
the List Against Any Other Trunk
Your Other List Will Lack Sev
eral Vital Feature.
TN buying a trunk, buy the best;
buy a Hartmann. Frcling A
L . , 1D.L I T- I S
icinic, joiu anu rniiu, uavc pre
pared a list of advantageous features
.outstanding in the Hartman trunk
which they're offering at the mar
vclously low price of $39.85. Very
impressive you'll agree after checking-
the features, 24 of them, all clever
addition to the lasting usefulness of
a trunk which appeals alike to col
lege boy or girt, the experienced
globe-trotter, the business man or
woman and the commercial traveler,
versed in the value of having every
thing in it place, a the Hartmann
trunk assure that it will be. Suits
unwrinkled, hats unbroken, a place
for everything and everything in its
place; it is a homelike bit of order-
bnes wherever it is opened. Other
Hartmann trunks are priced from
Tade Green Cream and Gold Refresh-
ing Color Scheme in Jewel Shop
OMAHA again is in the grip of a
heat wave, 110 degree 'most any-
tcenth street show window of the
wide flower bowl in which lovely
lotus lilies and pads, made colorful
nest for matchles diamonds. A
marvelously refreshing ight to find
at any time, especially to on a ho
La Garde,"
Hidden Away Pocket
"NLY the finest of leather, care-
fully selected, and conforming tu
an invariable standard of excellence,
are used in La Garde hags, intro
duced in Omaha by the Omaha
Trunk factory, 1318 Farnam. opposite
the W. O. W. building, Fourteenth
and Farnam. Beautiful cobra and
silk cowhides, luxurious caltrkius,
superb moroccos and queenly patent
leather have been used in making
the La Garde bags, each an example
of the skilled leather cralter art.
The hidden away pocket, a patented
inuraitce ol taiety, gives ailclilional
value to these charming l4g, whicil
make an ii resistible appeal to thorsj
who dm well. The prices range
from f 5.75 up, Send for illuitulcd.
folder with ptire quotations.
t t
I or the las' minute gilt a small
flat, silk ret w hich hoi Is miner and
ttmih, atlsvr inount. l. $4 i.
School of Bttstneta Ksceluil)t
BO. M S COLLI OF, FigtheentU
and lltiuey, is a tCTiif of
bu-y aclitity ilniins tin t'u.t
(.j, ese.kt t.t the (aH le riuv Fp
m ice tl ituttcic tuit ai toarsl, t'! rtet
t'ell llil li iils Inlet t !.' leer tlm
ICS lo Uke Up llltrif elilif Ktllle
In tl.e buiiite.s tt.iti I, .Mituiii.ft lite
lefltt hut tllllmteteil, ll It I K'
l w tfkt r h Isll Into, I si
t'e i tiler. An 1 j (tfeitun ly ,,t tn
toll ttseiy l.tttUy. tUmkUl ml
tiie.o iriiit ftttttj (tbltttlvit al
yutti '4'l,
0 '
I ut ut '-'U MiS4
rtet wit ats