Z-A WE SUNDAY lifct:: OMAHA. SKPTKMT.KR 10, o:Z Attempt to Kill Injunction on Jewell Fails U. S. Marshal in D. C. R. strained From Interfering With Rail Union Meet Koads Silent. Washington, Sept. 9 A temporary injunction restraining United States Marshal Snyder from interfering with , the meeting of the Intecnitioni Brotherhood of Electric! Workers, one of the striking rait shopcrafta, and from doing; anything 10 prevent trikc activities "in excess" of the Chicago restraining order was issued today by Justice Uailry fit the su prime court of the District of Co lumbia. The court denied the petition for a similar injunction acainst United Slates Attorney Gonln, hut withou prejudice to a renewal tit the appli ration after next Monday when the Chicago order expires by its own terms. Motion Fails. Chicaao. Sent. 9, (By A. P.) A motion to vacate the government's temporary restraining order against the shopcralts union, so tar as it ap plies to Bert M. Jewell, head of the railway employes department of the American leueration ot i.aoor, ana John Scott, was filed in United Stajjs ili.trict court today. The action was begun by Attorney Donald 11. Richberg on behalf of the railway employes department and was based on three general sue eatinnt: -That tin government had failed to make, a case; mai ine renei aiaeu and obtained on a temporary order was prohibited by the Clayton act, and that the rcliri was sought ana obtained wrfti ulterior objects and under misrepresentations. Cuyltr Says Roads United. Philadelphia. Sent. 9. Thomas De witt Cuyler, chairman of the A so rption of Kailway executives, in a statement today said that "the re ports emanating from Chicago, cal culated to create the impression in the public mind that there is a divi sion in the ranks of the executives, are absolutely incorrect." He said the "executives stand absolutely on the platform adopicd by them at their meeting on August 23." Bill to Restore Home Town . of Lincoln Is Introduced Washington, Sept. 9 Federal control aqrt restoration of Old Sajent, III., a feV- miles from the state capital at Springfield, ia provided for In a bill Introduced by Repre sentative Guy L. ShaW, Illinois, a measure which would restore the town to its architecture as it was in the days when Abraham Lincoln held wrestiing matches in the vil lage streets. The Shaw bill directs that the government shall restore the old mill, the tavern, the village store, the log houses, just as they were when Lincoln was a young surveyor and the village storekeeper. Play a tune in an hour on a CONN Brass, Nickel, Silver or Cold Finishes. . It is being done. You can do it. Even without musical experience you'll master the saxophone well enough to play popular music in a very short time. The Conn Saxophone is easiest of all wind in struments to play be cause of Ha simplified key system, easy blow, trig, perfect acala and superb tone. Come in and try one today, no obligation All Safe and Sound, But What a Scare! Armour troop No. 60. Boy Scouts of America: First row, kneeling, Joe Dasovich, Frank Stamen, Peter Waaigia. Matthew Macaicia, Ru dolph Baailoaich, James Vondrak, Here they arc all safe and sound: but what a scare, what a scare I They were sound asleon near a lake in the Arlington (N'cb.) fair grounds last Saturday night, when strange, threatening noises enveloped the scene. Deds were abandoned and Armour troop No. 60, Boy Scouts of America, made ready to defend itself. " sail right, boys: 'sail right, an nounced J. R. Byerly, acoutmaster, George Yacksich, George Olin, Milo Erb; second row, Lester Mosher, Maurio Dspret, Roland Grovea, Frank Pluviaa, Holgar H anrup, John Gaspar; third row, Frank Butkua, and his assistant, E. J. Novak, and the "battle of the screech owls" was a thing of the past. Learning all about screech owls was. Just an incident of the troop's trip, which was made possible by J. II. Hansen and I. W. Jones, who gave the use of cars. The youths swam in the lake cooked and slept outdoors and learned a lot of new things about the great outdoors of Nebraska. . I George Spanich, Joe Andelich, John Zadina. James Merwald and Jmi Bakke; back, C. P. Haseltine, office manager at Armour i; right, J. K. Byerly, acoutmaster. i i "We bnpe to make it an annua outing," Scoutmaster Hyerly said "Everybody had a bang-up time and we sot so well acquainted our ex ecutives are able to do much more for the boys.' ' Armour troop No. 60 is backed by Armour Be Co. under orders from Chicago offices of the big packing company. Most t the -hoys arc sons of Armour employes, but there is no rule to that etfect. "Farewell Flight" Fatal ' to Veteran Mail Pilot Walter Smith, Who Brought First Air Mail to Omaha, Killed at Indianapolis. Tilot Waiter J. Smith paid with his life for a desire for, "a farewell flight." Star of the first air mail flight from Chicago to Omaha; husband of an Omaha girl, Miss Vita Walsh, at whose request he gave up his dan gerous calling, Smith, last spring, completed a course in pharmacy and a short time ago purchased a little drug store in Chicago. Then the Indianapolis fair came Old "buddies" of the flying days urged him to come on Just this once more, he prom ised. And he never came back. His widow also mourns the loss of their1-infant, which lived but one week. , Mrs. Smith is a niece of Mrs. Nora L. Fenton, 3601 Q street, who has gone to Chicago for the funeral; and of Warden Fenton at the state penitentiary. Prior to her wedding two years ago to Smith, her child hood sweetheart in Pierre, S. D., Mrs. Smith made her home with Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Davis on the South Side. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wilson visited the Smiths in Chicago, this, summer. Smith was in the air service dur ing' the war and was photographed . M rj&r Doolittlc Flies to San Antonio Aviator Makes the Trip From San Diego in 11 Hours ' and 47 Minutes. Walter J. Smith. here, shaking hands with Gen, Pershing, on the day the local hang ar wa formally opened and "the first mail brought fron Chicago by Smith. Smith was well known to many pilots of Omaha, having worked with some of them. I Used ' nstruments it 1 and It Episcopal Dean Urges Licenses for Movies Portland, Ore., Sept. 9. Advocat ing a system of licensing motion pic ture producers in the manner in which the saloon was licensed in the pre-Volstead days, Dean Charles N. Davis, executive Secretary of the social service department of the Episcopal church, addressed the members of the Portland City club yesterday. His suggestion came in a denunciation of censorship, "Censorship has too many dan gers, he declared. I here is no standard for censoring. One board may sec good in a picture where an other sees nothing but wickedness. Then there is the danger of those in authority to use the films produced to further propaganda of their own desires. It is an inroad on tree speech and thought." Referring to the danger films of questionable nature may have for children, Dean Lathrop declared: "If parents do not care enough to guard their children as'uiust such dangers, the country i " grave danger. Par ents allow tltrir children la go to miotic two or three tunes a week without kiviitg what the picture is. I They would not think of allowing ! thrill to jitu-n.t tUge plays which I they knev imiliTg about." , hn Horn n w.m trn trnil.rr 1 M Mr nt Mia, Harry ' I'rtfoman, Sill l'rM lrl. Muriel McCormick May Sing in Opera Company of Father New York, Sept. 8. Miss Muriel McCormick will sail for Europe Sat urday on the Homeric and will prob ably sing in the new opera company which her father, Harold F. McCor mick, is forming to star his bride, the former Mme, Ganna Walska, ac cording to Miss McCormick's secre tary. Miss McCormick has been studying for an operatic career for several years, it was said by Mme. Mar guerite Sylva, prima donna with the Chicago Opera company. Another singer, Mme. Graaiclla Pareto, also of the Chicago Opera company, said that. Miss McCormick hasa beauti ful voice. Miss McCormick bas chosen for her aperatic career the name of "Na wanna Micor," Harding Commutes Term Philadelphia, Sept. 5 Kdward V. Dorec, w ho lu hern on leave here Irtiin the federal prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan,, to see his sick on, "liuekv," 5, received weird from W ashington that l'reident I larding had commuted his' sentence t tapirs at once, amounting vutual'y to a par don, Dores wai convicted during th war ri xioiaimg the eit)hnage act by malm sedition utterances, , St. Vitus Dance Conquered by Chiropractic Adjustments 1 Myrna S.horUer, ait4 9. 45 U iTth 8t., i of lh many e s f Mt. itut l4nc and Nerva n ln.ri!"'' that kava r.tirel t, wurwal ky t hirouractu? adjatmr.ts gmn by tr Unburn. T ) a wh. tt sgffirmf l'h any form vt BrMts iit yea I tnvf4til hi s ks 4vn t t ihi h. shit er ii tj,i( la yyr e t .i t.lui .'n t tr. V) atttliiU tl ff 110 ef 3'i f.r iii. Ut Uktry, I' t'n.Ut tf ,'iB,ll l".(ffl wf ft.. I V I lis th tV.ni, a tr l W I'stia t ag, Dr. l'rnV F, IWIiorn rsts4ia nt't in a. aa ia San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 9. Lieut. James II. Doolittlc, who cross ed the continent from Jacksonville, Fla, to Sail Diego, Cal., the early part of the week, within 24 hours, returned to San Antonio last night from San Diego. He arrived at Kcl- ley field at 7:47, having made the trip in 11 hours and 47 minutes. An immense crowd of friends and admirers lined the field in the vi cinity of Doolittle's hangar, looking tor the intrepid i aviator. Darkness settled and a light splash of rain fell. - Shortly after the big searchlights on the field had been turned on and while Kelly Field band was playing a concert for the visitor! the big De Haviland came from the darkness less than a hundred feet over the beacon and settled with the grace of a bird directly on the beam of light cast by the searchlights. After receiving the congratulations of his ciynmander, Doolittlc was whisked away to his quartcft where his wife, mother and two children awaited his coming. Fellow officers hardly gave him time to clean up and eat a bit so eager were they to press his hand before he was again whisked away in Col. Howard's car to the city where Mayor Black, city officials, army officers and thousands of others waited to welcome him and pay tribute to his prowess in con quering the air on his record-breaking .trip. Lieut. Doolittle and family were to leave today for McCook field, Ohio, where he will attend the engineering school of the air service. Heat Wave in Chicago Finds. Chicago, Sept. 9. The heat wave which in four days has been held responsible for 10 (l'eaths and numer ous prostrations was ended early to day. After intermittent showers, the temperature dropped to 72 degrees. The maximum yesterday was 96.4. We Repair Fur . DRESHERBROS. FURRIERS 1217 Fmm Straat AT Urn lie 0348 Mail's Tw r Thr-Plt CA SulU ClMntd and Pr...d, 1,JU Turkish Forces Heady to Enter City of Smyrna iPanic'Stricken Populace Flees Port Crttk SuMiert Hat tie Citizens for Places in limits. .Constantinople, Sept. 9 (By A. P.) The Greek disaster fn Smyrna is complete, ind Turkish troops are preparing to enter the city tonight or tomorrow morning, according to dispatches received here. M. Stergiades, the Creek high com missioner in Smyrna, left the city to day aboard the British battleship Iron Duke. The allied and American consuls will meet Mustapha Kemat in Casaabe today to arrange for the taking over of Smyrna. The Kemalist army occupied the towns of Brusa and Chemlck today. Hoth places are in flames. The al lied and American consuls in their conference with Mustapha Kemal Pasha will complete arrangements for the administration of Smyrna so as to prevent further disorder and blood shed. Surrender Demanded. Constantinople. Sept. 9 (By A, P.) Kemalist armistice terms ao rnrdirnr ta Turkish newspapers in elude the surrender of the Greek irmv as a hostase. the delivery of certain war material of the Turkish occupation of the Anatolian ports. the immediate evacuation of Thrace and the reconstruction of the regions devasted by the Greeks. I he allied tiiirh commissioners informed the Angora government of a request for an armistice. Mav Dethrone King. Constantinople. Sept. 9. (By A P.) A movement for the dethrone ment ot King lonstantine ot ureece and the establishment of a republic m renortcd bv the Greeks newspap ers to be under way on the islands of the Grecian archipelago. Nationals Bombard City. Athens, Sept. 9.-(By A. P.) Smyrna is being bombarded by the Turkish nationalists. Nine airplanes from the Greek naval base .there arrived here this morning, the air men telling of their departure from ine city unuer aruuery inc. As they left the Smyrna airdrome sn enemy shell damaged a tenth plane which was just leaving the ground. The machine, was unable to continue and the aviators were ignorant of the fata of their com rades. The city ia being evacuated amidst scenes of great disorder, according to refugees, 2,iW of whom have ar rived here. Panic reigns as the Turk approach the town, it it de clared, and the lirerk soidiers are contending with the rurfluns (or places on the outgoing ships. Kioting Among Troops, Rioting is reported amoa,' the troops in the lirti sector, in the north, where the tirerks are em barking at Mudania on the Sea of Marmora M, Kalogeropoulos, the premier designate, is expected to present the ramrs ot u ministers to King Con stantine tonight, "The only program we have is to try to extricate the country front the present critical situation," he de clared. The Creek met left Smyrna yes Unlay afternoon. The Greek com missioner of police planned to'em bark hist night, The allies prob ably will occupy the town today. Allied and American detachments were landed at noon yesterday from the warships for the protection of the foreign population. Naturaliicd Americans have been instructed to leave the town, Turkish nationalists vanguards have been reported IS miles from the city. 1 Additional Men Named in Herrin 'Mine -Massacre Twenty-One More Indictments Returned hy Williamson County Grand Jury Adjourns to Sept 18. Marion. 111., Sept. 9.-riiy -eight men, all but few of whom arc union miners of Williamson county, stand indicted for murder or conspiracy to murder, as the aftermath of the nuttacre of June 22, near Herrin. After rrturning additional indict ments naming 21 new defendants, the grand jury adjourned until September I,, when the investigation will lie re sumed. The rhief indictnirnt deturned vr teraay is S blanket charge naming 5H perMiiis, a'legmg iuiiiiuty to mur der The vh tin s of the rnattacie are aainrd or described in h docu ment. 1 he men now in jad and iho for whom the sheriif tt look ing have this new charge to itt. In addition to the original 37 de fendants these are nameo; Gerald rternard, Simon lliller. Noble Hell. Lew Cortan, Charles Hancock, Fruie Craig, William TrsveUtesd, V. R. Vilon. Henry Skeltther, Bill Culledge, Darby Bab bington, Hrookhouse, Sam la inne, Jesse Cbtlders, Orrie Kirby bar I Batter, Bill Clandrr, Has tings, Fred Cooper, Les Hereon and William Se liars. The original 37 and the 21 new de fendants were also indnted for riot ing, which tarries a penitentiary sen truce, 'I he 27 men named in the John Shoemaker murder indictment Thursday were regrouped in 12 new instruments yesterday. This was done in order to get separate actum against some of the narn sreuvd as leaders and members of the moli, Two new prisoners, Bert Grace and Alva l.oless, miners of Herrin, were arretted this evening, making 10 men in all in jail. A Comfortable, Smart Shoe There 1 no npefl to wear shorn that tiro your feet, cramp your toes, restrain una weaken yuur arch muHilfa. There la a Kood shoe whiih la smart In appearance as well a correct In aliapo the Cantilever Shoe. Itn primary purpose la to make the foot comfortable, nut It Is alxo good looking, and haa those excellent featurm whl-h nroUKht It the en doraement of health and educational authorities and foot sticcla lists. The lines of the Cantilever Shoe nre ho graceful that you would hardly imagine it possessed a nut nral sole line, room for the toea without crowding, good heels rightly placed, a flexible, arch permitting free circulation and free action of the foot muscles. The woman who risks her health by wearing poorly Hhaped ahooa Is nvlted to come and see the t'anti- ever models. Many women who have changed to Cantilevers for daytime wear acknowledge that good-looking shoes which are prop erly shaped are a aource of satisfac tlon and happiness. By wearing the Candlever Shoo rpu will have foot comfort and the cace of mind that follows when the feet are no longer a source of annoy ance. Try It. All giicHNivork cllinlnalcd : everv slum In now lilted hy A-my without xlrn charge to you. Slwii 2 to II, Wlilllm A AAA to For Men and Women. HOSIKHV. SI'ATS mill III'IIUKUS. Sold In liiiiuitit (inly hy CAM'II.KVKII MIOK N1IOP. New Jhx-iii Inn 17(18 Howard Strci-l, Oppiwlto V. . ('. A. Illillding. Write for Vriv linokM. SrS. 3 E fa; r-i BP i'4 xi m McKenney's Dentistry Lasts Hrldgennrk, ll.iNI Mcoause it is ni.n! uf .r,t ta. terUls by ep-rt tl-ntisu. M,s Keiiney's lientiMry carries a longtime guarantee-, t tut sttiafy the .U.-i,t lr h will !. rltangeil or nn, ovtr free t,f fharfe. All Our Work Giuran iee4 (or 10 Yean Plates 510 and t'p McKcnney Dentists 13J4 rrnm It, frer Jtth Crowns 22 K SJ03 To Make Women More Beautiful fC5 m HERE was adav ? when beauty too often was sacri' ficed to fashioa But that day is gone. A newer, finer ideal in spires the creators of our modes an ideal which tends ever to the enhancement of woman's natural graces! Even the fabrics which embody Fashion's fan' cies are truly won drous. Lace, satin, crepe, velvet, woven surfaces soft and supple elegant and expressive these are the mate rials the frocks of fall have chosen to make women more beautiful! $59.50 to $250.00 taiiiiwaiAaitiatlaSUK Fall Is At Hand Now is the time to get out your heavy clothes and have them put in shape for cold weather. You can easily make your old garments last another season by having them cleaned or dyed, repaired or relined. Dyeing Our dyeing: department is in charge of ons of the best dyers in the United Sates. We suc cessfully dye dresses (either ripped or whole), suits, coata, sweaters, men's clothing or chil dren's garments. Repairing, Etc. We employ only expert tailors and can make any repairs or alterations desired on either men's or women's garments. We put in new linings, put on velvet collars, put in new pockets, make new edges on sleeves or pants bottoms, alter Jackets, length en skirts, etc., at about two-thirds what reg ular tailors charge, . Dry Cleaning For garments that are not faded there is no method of restoring life and lustre equal to Dry Cleaning. Our new "Continuous Flow" system removes all dirt, greaso and germs and cleans linings aa well as the outaide. No danger of fading or shrinking the most deli cate fabric. Rug Cleaning Our rug cleaning is better now than ever be fore. Your rugs are cleaned through and through, color restored, resited and made to look and wear like new rugs. Send us one rug aa a sample, and If you are not delighted with the result you need not pay one cent for it. Remember, The Pantorium is the olJeil and bcsl l(noxvn Cleaning and Dyeing eslabUihment in iXebrail(a. For over luentyfh jjfan ne have been "building for the uure," jo &e can't afford tojurn out inferior nork Why Not Have the Best? Out-of-town peoplo can have the service of this bis plant by mr th Parcel Post. We pay return charpea on all order, and our price to you are just the same as to residents of Omaha. We have hundreds of regular customer, consisting of banker, lawyer, doctor, merchants and farmer, in the mal! town near Omaha. Many of them have been w ith tw fur year and year. Write u for price or any other infor mation yon wish. The PANTORIUM MGood Cltantri ind DjrmM 1513 Ia 17 Jonts St. rhont DOuiUi OMS South Omaha, 24th and L Phont MA tact 1293 Guy l.lflt. Pmidtnt for 25 Yean MICKEL'S IHH AM) UMT. l M Smw I'M B-M Ums SJ