The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 08, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Medill McCormick
to Stump Nebraska j
Every Day Mow Brings Big Crowds lo tine Sale of the
Qdredge-Reyinlds Stock of Fine ierchaiise
!tJ V
m )
Budget System's
Author to Stump
Stale for C.O.P.
Prrry'Announrpf Senator Me
f'ormii k ami (!. Frank Hravit
at Fjrtt of HqtuMican
Lincoln, Stb., Sfp'. 7. Srilator
MkMI M.Coimiik, father t( llir
llfil'ill l(tl'l,;-t iviirin. Hill ttuk kl
ij'uhi 'inii in Nrhr4l4 on iu
IkiuI to ir during the rainjmKii, it
iinuiiiurl today by K. It, I'rrry,
( I'.nrnun l the rrpuliln an tuic cm rolimiittfe, following liirttiug
of the ute orrulive iniiimiitr.
'fin- rxiK'r Utr rf McCorniiik't
M'trdiit Mill l) (lrlrniiiiinl in
liort Inn, Chairman I'rrry ail,
I rrrv ltd aiiiioiimril llut C, Tunk
Kravit, former conurf miuu, lud
lotuntrcrcd In rprnil Iwo urrli
I'lmping in Nrlralu tit lidulf it I
the national it ml 1 4 1 .- ticLrti.
Kravn, w In lr in rnrigrrat,
n.r'iilirr of a ronarrkioiul invetii
lion commiitre thai Imrrd to tli
loimlry the g.nlic (rand Hid
tr at j)rprtra!'l during tiie ar in
awarding and fulliilliiitf contractu.
J lr it rxpniI to recount the finan
iiiil trinlif tnartrd, and outline
the RigintiC tri-k of reconstruction
and 1 urtailmcnt of expniaei falling
oil the uliouldrri of the republican
administration. 'I he atate and na
1 1011 a I candidate, in .'dira-.ka will fill
a regular (peaking tchrdule to be
arranged by 1'irry at placet where
apeakert are denied. Other peakcr
will be .uplifted.
I jnunripalioii Proclamation
Issued liv Mavor Dalilinan
Mayor Oaliimaii went to Lincoln
S attend the tate fair yesterday.
Acting Mayor Oan Butler wiped a
trickle of prripiration from ht brow
and itued rn oral proclamation that
straw hat may be worn until Ihr
tnow fall.
(More leaving Mayor Dalilinan is
ktied lint proclamation:
"To lha popl nf Omaha:
"IMI nljr 12, Hi roloffrd pa.tpla or
thin nty will rHal.rala Kman.-lpntlnn day.
FlldnK li ji v l.-n arrantfl anil
vry man ai4 weinan of th cnloivl ra a
will wl.h in ba wrant I KouM
apvrtfully jr Ihat amployars nf rul.nad
hrip arranaa lo lva ih.m their ltJum
il lha aft-Tnonn f (hat (lata, tn vn
ahla lham in partlrlfinla In tha air
r in. 'I lia iiy h a dp anl tvily all
nifiranra to lliaa paopla and thsa of ua
who ran n.l milt anabla thun to otiaarva
It In a tilting manner ar h'-lpim to
lata lha ntinilarit tru Amarii-anlam."
Sen.KedUl llcCornuc
Regenerative Set
Tuned With Ease
$100,000 Manufacturing Plant
I Incorporated in Fremont
Fremont. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
The Midwest Manufacturing com
pany, incorporated for $100,000, i
the latest addition to Fremont' list
of industries. Mayor C. H. Green
is president of the new company; B.
C. Whitmore, Valley, vice president;
Bea:h Hinman, Fremont, secretary;
John Monnich, Fremont, treasurer;
vX A. Mogal, Omaha, director. L. P.
Ejars, Omaha, ha been chosen
manager of the plant. The company
was organized following the pur
chase of the defunct Nebraska
Foundry and Manufacturing- com
pany some time ago. The organiza
tion has $50,000 paid un stock.
High School at Fremont
Has Record Attendance
Fremont. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special)
The attendance record at Fremont
High school was broken this year
with the enrollment of 569 students,
83 more than registered the first
day last year. Superintendent A. If.
W'atcrhouse is confident that the roll
of students will reach 600 in the high
school before the term is well under
It is expected that Fremont's new
$100,000 junior high school will
be ready for occupancy by January
1, relieving the congestion that ex
ists at present.
Two Men Seriously Hurt
in Car Crash Near Ellis
Beatrice, Neb., Sent 7. (Special
Telegram.) Charles Christ of Ply
mouth suffered a fractured arm and
Lewis Chapman of Sarbine a badly
mangled nose and other serious in
juries when their cars crashed into
each other on the Goldenrod high
way a few miles west of Ellis. The
injured men were brought to a hos
pital here. It is said that both cars
were running without lights, having
been "short-circuited" because of a
thunder storm in the Ellis vicinity.
Columbus Lets Contract
for Municipal Improvements
Columbus, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Spe
cial.) Zucrlein & Woerth, local con
tractors, were given the contract for
rebuilding the city pumphouse and
putting in the new wate." concrete
foundation. Their bid was $12,700.
The Omaha Steel works was
awarded the contract for erecting the
steel tower and storage tank on its
hid for $lo,yO0. J. V. Devlin of Sioux
City is to construct the extension
to the torm sewer. His bid was
Irrigation IMtthe Are
Cloitil Due to Pry Hive r
Columbus, Neh.. Sept. 7,tSpr
Uiual drouth condition, that have
rult-d in complete drying up ni
the North VU"t nvrr near it June
t on wiih the South PUtte. ld today
. the doting, by order of the Ute
irrigation t'epaltiiirut, of ill dilchi
01 tin Villey Nrto priorities are
nWfumt U Jsv-4.
hn it rot tupeclrj K fuvt
tfimut rlitH i trops, moat Cl
tnen hvi nutuu.t
Correct Method of Operating
Complicated Receiver Not
Aurora, .Yf6., I'aator
Quid rout Wo Faith
in Old-Time litlighn
Aim t , Nab, gap. ?. J t, M
Buaivr, in ttmnt vom.
pnym tu tt toaixjit at mm
nt W th MituOii 1 rott ski hai,
t r-otl K has Kali (, ,
d.Ur4 thi "t tnJiti
ivt pfi(t m tiUfo t
wtli Mi , a4 tMtt
"lr 1 tiiitatlatlotl p:i'i
I M M Uiitl IK h 1 1 km .
I I .'V HvKB tta.Ul4-
K titt ' J'Uif I't
1 ( ih
it tn tvt . li ivah,
i titt4t IMU.H el II M I t
n ih M whi,'
The way to tune in a Mation on a
regenerative set is as lollows: First,
heat the filament of the tube; second,
set the primary inductance witch on
a Ifiven contact ami vJr .1,.
. . ' 7 WUII-
ilfiiser in the antenna circuit very
slowly throiicrlinnt ita ranir Tf Um
desired station doe not come in set
the primary inductance switch on an
other contact and vary the condenser
as before. Third, alter the station
conies in set the condenser at the
point where it can be heard the loud
est. Then vary the tickler coil on
the variometer until the signal comes
in with suitable loudness.
Where honeycomb coil are used
first heat the filament and place the
honeycomb coils which five the ria.
sired range of waves in the coil
mounting. Set the mnvahlr rnlli z.i
about .10 or 40 degrees with the fixed
coil. Second, varv the antrnna mn.
denser .lightly and then the second
ary condenser throughout its range.
it me acsireu station does not come
in Varv th antenna Int1rtanaat mn,.
and the secondary condenser through
us range as neiore,
The Inter-City Radio club will
meet tomorrow night at the radio
station in Krug park- in conjunction
with the amateur radio snow being
held at that place.
VV hen you are soldering- the
wires from the taps on your coupler
to the switch points, and it is found
difficult to hold the soldier, Iron and
wire at the same time, remember
this kink:
Procure some acid , core wire
solder, schape the insulation from
the wire for about one-quarter inch
and slip the hollow wire over the
end of the wire. Flatten the solder
on the wire with pliers. While hold
ing the solder with the pliers, break
off the solder; place the .solder and
wire on the contact point and apply
the hot soldering iron.
A. B. B., David City, Neb. Q.
What should be the size of loop
aerial, flat type, for two-stage radio
frequency detector, two stage audio
and 600-meter short wave?
A. Four feet square. Start with
four turns of ordinary bell wire and
add a turn at a time until best re
sults are acquired.
The Omaha Bee's radio program
Wednesday night from station WDV,
featuring Miss Lucy Hill, soprano
soloist, and Miss Pitzer at the piano,
afforded invisible audiences cheerful
entertainment. Miss Hill's selection
of song numbers was distinctive and
carefully chosen.
Last night's radio program by The
Omaha liec from station WDV fea
tured Mrs. Walter Rouse at the
piano with a varied repertoire of
classical and popular numbers.
Mrs. Bertha Coffey Assmaii and
Miss Agnes Hritton will broadcast
ongi from station WAAW at 8
o'clock tonight. when Th
Omaha Pee presents another' radio
concert. Hoth ar singer of de
repute. Their progtams will b tn-
Mounted by radio.
Dehle r . Auta Accident
Prohrd lijr Coroner' Jury
HtSron, Nr!, H 7 tSptiwI
Telegram A coroner' jury inv
tigtting ihe dtAth ol Mrs Henry
Mruvt nd ton i tfth!r in tn U'
tomotnte tiii!ii tat etV.
!r ti lirtrrniint the u f t'
ardent, ,
Trciuh Diigrr Injured,
kraftlft, N.'li, .'''I't . tllUI)
-K'i'H Joi.ct mil rioti:y iithlttd,
pc!y l' 1 1 t !'!( Mti wh'tit h
fOOfkift "f 't 4'l!g b
tont i i ft 'oin f
Hat,, H S fmi I J l t !
t! l- ' h' tJr-
nih II miiita.J t oKf
t., ) t t I t- x .
Ilrltl an Natutoft Cha)rj;e,
lUaluc. N. !' f "
If S(it W. A. Si l " ot I ib
i n N. fcluMiM ' I
.. !, I 14 t.l t '! jl n.
HH ilt ta h .r
(!" lrt tla i if J
tt DiM., Kan. fct i. t i
and Greater
O Reductions
H I iiiiiS
hi iui uc 3anmn a i u -v . i, sTVani . r i c
mm Hi h m mm ra m
If .li.tV IL lutsssV 1 LJl II 1 iaW M L aV K fc. i MV 1M KW M MUT M a
M ' tn K ' 1 1 (l ill 11 PIWPTtalSlv i It L SW , wWWj . WWIrWsWW , j I If I Hill ffwtkltalilaWt, 1 HiWVIHMbW NtttT tF 1 1 1 lsWBitW aHBri ! f 1 1 a L, WMHMH i imWtMWttKtltMW bBMMWw ltlBtB(a l
rm J i hi. ,ii,:i i h Mm t.i .i.-'sn Ill l,li a. u ,m II I I i iili.i.M. I ; iif III li liiiiii ihi ih illiiilil 1 1 iiiinii i 1 1 m HH'iiii i.l II ' i;. ,. " ,. !:.
Will ill1 mwm in w:ii
,1 ! HII
i ii : i
mm i
Some Sample Prices in Our Ready-to-Wear Sections
From hundreds of wonderful bargains we have taken at random a few represen
tative samples of the unusual values in our great sale of the Eld redge-Reynolds
stock. Read every word of this advertisement. You will find your time profitably
spent, for it offers you an opportunity for money saving on your fall wardrobe
7.50 to $12 Dresses for Women and O A A
Misses Of Imported dotted Swiss Jj
20.00 to 30.00 New Fall Dresses.
Of silk and wool cloth
20.00 to 35.00 Summer Silk
Dresses Special at
35.00 to 49.00 New Fall Dresses.
Of silk and wool cloth. Special
15.00 to 25.00 Suits for Women and t A A
Misses While a small lot lasts tlUU
'20.00 to 40.00 Coats for Women
and Misses While they last
25.00 to 29.75 Top Coats For
women and misses. Special
39.50 to 55.00 New Fall Coats.
Plain and fur trimmed.
1.95 to 3.00 Blouses Lingerie,
net and odd silk blouses. Special at
Second Floor.
a 5.00
The Eldredge-Reynolds
Children's Wear
Was one of the strong points upon which
their favorable reputation was built. We
still have a quantity of this stock left; in
sizes 6 to 20; in which are included:
1.00 to 1.59 Children's Gingham Dresses.
Kilty Skirts and wash waists. KQo
Special this sale, at each tltL
3.00 to 5.00 Girls' Dresses. 1 7Q
White lingerie frocks. Special X I V
10.00 to 25.00 Girls' Cloth Coats and
Dresses Sizes 6 to 16 years. A AO
Special for this sale only. Each VO
5.00 to 7.50 Silk Blouses.
Very special price
4.95 to 5.95 Flannel Blouses.
Specially priced for this sale
3.95 Wool Slipover Sweaters.
This sale only. Special at
7.95 to 12.50 Silk Tuxedo Sweaters. A AQ
jvviuty 2v''x v !.,' ijwsv
19.75 to 29.50 Pure Silk
Sweaters, Tuxedos and Slipover
3.00 to 6.00 Women's Wash Skirts Gaber
dine, tricotine and novelty wash
fabrics. Very special at, each
1.50 White Sateen Petticoats.
Double panel back and front.
5.00 to 10.00 Bathing Suits. All
Wool. Priced for this sale at
Second Floor.
Read About These Hose
The popularity of the many famous brands of Wom
en's Hosiery in the Eldredge-Reynolds stock has
been proved by the immense demand for this mer
chandise when it is possible to purchase it at far less
than regular prices. Such names as Lehigh, Victor,
Eiffel and Gold Stripe, are the great drawing cards.
Which are making our sale a big success.
Listed Below Are Splendid Values Friday
Eldredge-Reynolds 2.95 and 3.50
Thread Silk Hose, 1.95
A splendid assortment of full
fashioned silk hose, plain, lace or
embroidered clocked and chiffon
hose. Most of them are silk to tho
top. Black, white, brown and
other color?.
Eldredge-Reynolds 2.50 Pure Silk
Hose, 1.39
Full-fashioned thread silk or rIotc
silk hose with double soles and
spliced hecN. Tn Mack, white and
Eldredge Revnold's 1.00 and 1.25
Lisle Hose, 59c
Full-fnshioni'd hose in resnilnr and
extra sue, I Hack and white.
Eldredge-Reynolds 1.65 Silk
Hose, 79c
Eiffel and other brands in a semi
fashioned hose, silk to the knee.
Blaek, white and colors.
Eldredge-Reynolds 1.50
Hosettes, 59c
(llove silk hasettea with shirred
elastic cuff at knee, some in con
trastinj; color. In tans, jjrays.
white and black.
Eldredge-Reynolds 1.65 Pure Silk
Hose, 1.00
Lehigh and other jrood brand in
panel back, drop stitch and front
embroidered stvles. lUaek, white
and colors.
Mini foef N&nh,
Lingerie and Negligees
Shopping in the muslin underwear and negligee de
partments during the sale of the Eldredge-Reynolds
stock is a most profitable occupation. The silk un
dies and negligees are so pretty and of such good
quality, that they are irresistible. And best of all, the
prices are so low that buying is real economy.
Listed Below Are Splendid Values Friday
5.00 and 5.98 Silk Gowns and
Of Rood quality crepe de chine; made in
many attractive styles, tailored models
with hemstitching, lace trimmed models
with narrow lace insertions, elaborate
models with wide laca yokea and inseU.
The decorations are dainty ribbon rosettes,
perky bows and dainty touches of em
broidery. In pink, blue, peach, Q QQ
orchid, preen and white, Each, Oat0
1.50 Silk Camisoles
Of erepe de chine and Matin lace trimmed
or plain or net band across top; with dain
ty lace insertions, ribbon trim- AP
mod j pink, blue and white. Kni-h, tt)l,
7.00 Gowns and Teddies
Of heavy quality crepe and satin j in new
and original styles tailored styles which
depend upon fine hemstitching for decora
tion, other models with dainty lace inser
tions and rosebuds in pastel shades; little
touches of exquisite embroidery appear in
unusual ii signs; peach, blue,
pink and orchid. Each,
3.98 Silk Gowns and Teddies
Of pood quality crepe do chine; plain
band top models with hemstitching ; wid
lace yoke models, models trimmed with
narrow laeo edging; ribbon or laee straps
or strnpsi of self material; in jvach, blue,
white ami orchid, special at,
Negligee and Japanese Kimonos
A collect ion of many hiuh-priccd trannents in assorted styles,
frinu'i'd, ruffled and tailored model, in a n
variety of materials. All go at 2 CG
Third Floor Center,
Don't Forget to Visit Our Infants' Wear, Knit Underwear, Women's
Shoes, Men's Shoes, Handkerchiefs and Umbrella Sections Where
this Stock Is Being Sold at 33, 50 and 60 Off the Eldredge
Revnolds Prices and in Some Instances at Even Greater Reductions
i S m m '. M Tu li .i m i 1 , , , i , r.U