The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 07, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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A Man Kills Iirotlier
Fund for Milk,
lee Closes With
in Fist Fight
Over Umbrella
101U1 01 .1,10)
Ouarrrl Started When One
H roth rr Upbraiil Other for
Condition of IWrowftl
(. ricrfM. N. J, Sept. 6 John
Moneyo ft Clifton, X. )., s ordered
hrld mi ji here yeicr1y (or the
grand jury on charge of murderiiiB
hi brother, Charlm, printer, alao vi
t lifton, in row over the condition
in which the latter returned bor
rowed umhrella.
The two brother! quarreled and
fuiiKht with (it when Charles
in retaliation, iihrauled John tor
in glci tiiiR to visit ttietr parent, who
wire living with tharlr. Neighbor!
railed the police, who found I. liar In
(h ad on the floor of the dining room
of hi brother! home.
( ounty I'hyaiiian Arimtronsr, who
performed an autopy, laid Charles
had an abnormally large heart and
had been subject to heart trouble.
fe laid theae condition!, together
with the effect of a blow on the
head, caued death.
Hot Weather Hurries
Nft Corn at Sioux City
!iou City, la., Sept. 6 The hot,
dry weather of the week, just etnlcd,
hurried the coru ciop toward matur
ity too fait in numerou iiistames in
iiortheaatern Nebraska and South
iJakota. though there are few rrporta
of much damage in northwest. Iowa,
according to reports. In some sec
tions maturity of early fields hai
reached the Mage where light frosts
-would not injure, but in most placet
even early planted fields and earlier
'varieties will require tome more
Threshing is nearly completed in
II sections and yields, at a rule, have
been heavy.
Fall plowing is well advanced, -except
in a few places where the gfonnd
has been too dry for that work. Pas
ture! are badly in need of rain in
nearly all sections.
Prayer Each Day
WhDM pull-lh bin (runt In th I.ort
hall b mule Prov. 1! : iie.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank
Thee for this day with its oppor
tunities for service. We thank Thee
for food and raiment. We thank
Thee for friends, companions and
loved ones. We bless Thy Holy
Name for letting us have a part in
the great work of telling a lost world
of Jesus.
' We pray Thee to make 11s chan
nels of blessing this day. May the
radiance of our Redeemer he re
flected in our lives. May all who
C'-nie in contact with us 'take
owlcdge that we ave been with
'i ii'-e.
P.less us as we go about our daily
tasks. In the. home; in business; in
the classroom; yea, everywhere,
may we be true to Thee and to Thy
teaching. Whether ' we eat or
whether we drink, or whatsoever we
do, may we do all to the glory of
Be with our absent loved ones.
Pless our city, and those who are
4a authority. Bless our church and
our pastor. Bless all who arc en
gaged in Thy service.
Lead us not into temptation, hut
deliver us from the evil one. We
ask it all in Jesus' name. Amen.
Allen Fort, . n.,
Naahvllle, Tenn.
Births and Deaths.
' Hlrlh.
Barnard and Iioruthy Lincoln, 143! Car
ter boulevard, hoy.
Carl and Margaret Hupp, 3001 South
tin Ml., girl.
Arthur and Hartha Stark, hospital, boy.
Jnvo and Have Saeirh, WI4 R St., girl.
frank and Ludmlla Jake, 6634 So.
134 St., girl
Joe. and Mary llanjula, nil Brlggi St.,
Thoma and Allca Hargadon, 2912 Far
nam Ht.. girl.
Phil and Ooldle Brtaeoa, 16 IS Chicago St.,
Guy and Claudlln Davie, 3616 Jonea St.,
Karlol and Roaie Koltao. 1144 Fort St.,
John and Vera Whelan, honpital. gfr).
Harry and Jennie Prelaman, hoapHal,
jvter and Klna Pollrela, hoepltal, boy.
Oarar and Uraee Dnuilna. hoapltal, girl.
Paul and Anna Jenaen, 17th and N Sta.,
A. B. and Victoria Cllnyen, Omaha,
Neh.. boy.
Ola and Mary Olaon. Omaha. Neb., girl.
William and Clara Magner, hoapltal, girl.
Oecar and Maud Johnaon, hoHltal, girl,
William and Alma Shaw, hoapltal, boy.
John and Connthia Andrewa, hoepltal,
I'harlea and Margaret Zimmarer, hoapl
tal. girl.
John and Nellie I.ahd, 4011 No. !th
Ave, boy.
Percy and Maria Pataun, ttt Craig Are.,
Morton and Mary Bleveiia, 1143 Ho. JOth
St., boy.
Kleta U Hilllnee, 40 veare. 411 No. Jlth
charlra B. Ponahoe, II yeare, HIS No,
ftth St.
Martha ftvr.r, 74 ..are. J1J4 Walnut St.
Herri.... Iat-nitt Jl teara h.tepiiat.
t ail Hagen. I! laare iiti, Nn. i;h at
Marie Jenaen. 4T fr: 11)4 H. I4lh SI.
iharlre l Tower, tt ate. rmeiMlel,
' ,lam KeMv. 11 leara. 41' 4 R toil) ,
Mra M Marker. 47 eere. h..l!l.
Jeata 4' rtriam. U eeie. huei.iaL
c-r5j (&y
6 i '
Luther Rut bank, the plant wu'ard,
i shown hrre discussing with Nils
V.. Itorch of Oakland. C'al., the main
features of the portable broadcasting
station devised by llorch. The sta
tion, mounted on an automobile, wat
used oil scleral (crasion to broad
cast reports, and through this
medium, said to be the tirt of its
kind, Mr. Hui bank made his first
wireless lecture.
Spider Web Coil Forms.
Find nine equidistant points on the
periphery of an old disc phonograph
record, and draw a line from each
point to the center. With a hack
saw cut slotj one-half inyli' wide
along these lines to about two inches
from the center. Then weave the
wire between slotted pieces. By
making several coils of varying
sizes, a wide range of wave lengths
can be covered. Another way is to
mount a multi-tap switch in the cen-
, , 11
Ur of the record and bring down
t.ipt to it from the winding. The
circuits in which these coils are used
tre the same as those for l)c Forest
honeycomb coils.
Cvni)a!n Conducted Iy The
Wee Nrta Sfvrral llumlrnl
Dollari More Than
Hrr Hrforf.
The Omalu Hee Free Milk and Ice
fund rloat-s with the plriidid
total o J I. -''", several humlred rtol
tars more than ever before contribut
td in one year.
The V isiting Nurses, who admiiiis
ler the fund, aiked u to raise more
than hrretofore. And grnrrous read
er quickly responded to the appeal.
Iluiiilrcils ol helpless infants in
home, of dire iiovrnv have been suc
cored through the hot weather and
are now in health because of the con
tributions of our readers.
tiivera, accept the thanks of the
little babies, the thanks of the Visiting
Nurses, the thanks of The Omaha
Prailoualr &rkMleileed Sl.tataa
Mr. and Mra. K. I M. kay
alla I lly. eb I"
G. K., Bigspring, Neb.
Q. Is it possible to get a station
Jim milts distant with a crystal set
by adding extra parts to it?
A. A crystal amplifier has been
invented and is expected to be on the
market soon.
C. J. K., Omaha.
Q. I am winding primary of va
riocoupler with No. 42 magnet en
ameled wire and the secondary with
No. 24 enameled wire, shellacing
both. Is this O. K. or should 1 use
cotton-covered wire?
A.-Q. K.
Total SMSS.S4)
H)V IWram.
Mis I.ucy Hill, also a pupil rf
Mrs. Florence Master J'almer, tang
for The Omaha Hre's program
from station i)v last night.
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
25 and 7S PscKsfet Cvcrywhar
4 v 3 """'
Maybe that hill .
is not there, after all
VERY often the hill we seem
to be climbing is made out of
the common mistakes of diet
which starve tissues and nerves
and slow down energies. '
.How smooth and level the path
seemed to be when we were
Simple, natural food may level
that hill to a smooth path again.
Why not try it?
Begin today with a dish of
Grape-Nuts with cream or milk
and fresh or preserved fruit
added if you like.
Keep on with this crisp, deli
cious, strengthening food in place
of heavy, ill-assorted, starchy
breakfasts and lunchesand see
if the old-time zest and speed on
the old-time level path doesn't
come back again.
"There's a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan
New Discovery for
Iktir kmrtint in 9 minmtt;
itmrts kmJing at sw. GttsaUkteamw
atwsu. Onh trdmet tf its kiJ
Ik dMi with Harsh and unsatinfactory
metrtmU of treating corns. The aat'e,
Ksrntifk way has at last been found.
Dr. Wm. M. Schnll, the eminent foot
lciliat, defelor4 it. Ziruvpavls
his new ditveiy-noi rmly stop pain
the minute applied Uit they protect
against irntatma and pressure, the real
cju u( earn. True hcaliiHJ Wg.nt
Dr. Saholl'i 74mvrv.U are thm, anrv
sepesr, watepv!. tasy in apply,
ihrolutrW aatel .Spsyul ac fr c al.
nisr anl bunis. Try than. At ytHr
drifttt-l h" ikalei .
tl as lh !aSxay ti
1 W 4.M M'g .
m4 W V:. S.-rt iaeavet
Tit fJiT. StMfi swt
rfmaeerr riaa ivawiaat
rrhtfrrm Ssm tstaii rraias
lf aue. VaSKtaS,ag.
ajf Mat I
Marriage I.iwnsrt.
II.'. ' I ul,, 11. mha, anl Miltre4
K W.iliam. H I'mikl
II Moaat4 "' M il, S-4 Kelt C
ll..kiiiir. itf ;i, I'
s 1 1 i . I. Ke'ler II. OaxaSa, ae.l
I- ", llmi. IS I 'm .Sa
ls ., r r lt..s.- II i e el
l't.a V1 h.ek HI, lai4S
'..r. .1 . iif)eb, aa4
li.'S .a. 1! i w.t,
t-hH.'. i ar I..H 14, t'inaUa S4
s e. H . i II. i'.,,- - Mi-.
!..' I I .v,-,-. ,J i..n . e.
e4 S.. Hema, !, I N.a.
imf S' v-,,a II twh. saS
S I fe....e 4e. INe.S.
4 ...... fl t'euSa, a4 Mel
u s,,... R it . , .ra
'l..l .. a It i i I i i-;M
t - a t i t ii,l
H.'-4 j auM.,s..g S)l,
a i s, m I .... I, .
M '.... ,,.lt i u n .!' la,
t4 W l-4 S- It. l K .i'a I
i. -a - Sti-.ikt ! ' k.a
a. 4 mi-i a. 4 II is id, .a
-.. Si ' l-a M - la,
t-4 lsa S--e.. it .. t, . ia
. I' 1 -. ., t.l
I , ay le tt v s,.
a I a a ' - I ae la.
,.i tat S s . 4 I 'Mii la
t"kae t "i' i t r .
I ,,-.. e ta, l renv.l
..--. I' a. 4
.a-aleHMa t- !
a .n Mi.ivve l1. a . a-4
mi t-ai.e .4 I'Mii
i-,aa at,. 1 1 eaaaa. 4 Sa
4 Sf, ...e il f.aa
v$yt want .us-yhky kksui.ts
,... m if
hit one on tin pain is none!
Took Lydia E Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound,
Read the Result
dnelnnatl, Ohio. - "1 auiTerm. fur
yw with ivirvtMWtriHihltt sn.l irrr g-
1uianti4) tx-Iiira I
tnnk Lvdia r..
1'inlkham'a Vs. I
a) t b I S Come ;
lxjnj. Mr h k
psinsi all tti .
I ma ni I was
anfit 1 if houaee
tut l( I e.aJ
iiwal. snl suss. !
bl l 4m sxf
sahinf. My girl
(rwn-ls at mr
i'l ta H.r
afataU t.'w4Traivl an4 liwr I'U'a
I mvtiiii tas rhil After taaia!
tsa Aral Iv-ttU tlt Vlier. aavl s,.
f Kl4 it atlas t'J-l I WJ
vt 4 m ' tinlJ I was stmnarar.
be) I tA U Vf'.l4 t'uniHjti
aTSUS I lw 1 1 lie ".IN. f wf
li avtaa t4j Wr. II is ! aM
aU aM I m t-im I Wi Mf
ktia e arrwt lin if it sal ev.t -)
ft y-4f traa-lk ia. I aaxiaiiaea,t
WaJ.eme) S ail mtmom aUlMetfl, t-
ftumg la altioaa1 4Sa l k '
- N4 t naiaf t's l.'r, 31tW,LV
t' At, VUtiuit, Vte
s,tf tol-J ma it
Thursday An Advance Sale
Fall and Winter Goats
-for Misses and Small Women
A collection of which we are deservedly proud new coats and wraps, 200 in all,
made of soft pile fabrics with heavy satin linings, and oftentimes interlined. Many of
them are luxuriously trimmed with fur. All are offered at a price that is never to be
expected this early in the season. This price is .possible only because it was
A Most Unusual Purchase
During the month of August, in which business was unusually
dull, our New York buyer chanced to meet with an Eastern manu
facturer who needed ready moneyneeded it badly enough to
make a considerable price concession on this fine lot of coats.
Priced for Thursday
The Styles
The Materials
L " I
tim k
M u A
Capes with sleeve effect Straight coats with wide sleeves and
narrow belt Wrappy styles Youthful bloused back models
Trimly tailored styles.
Beautiful nappy fabrics Bolivia, Mariana, .Veldyne, Evora, Coro
nado, Orlando.
The Colors
Every brown of the autumn woods; navy, midnight, and Sorrento
blues; a few blacks.
The Fur Trimmings
Nutria, Australian Opossum, Natural Caracul, Krimmer.
A Remarkable Opportunity
That is all the more unusual, cominer at the
beginning of the season, offering opportunity
for girls to choose before they go away to
school, and for others who prefer to make se
lections early in order to obtain a full season's
Youthful models for small
women and missrs in sizes
11 to 20. Some styles for
senii-tlreM, a few school
girl type, but most of
them models for all-occasion
Thva sis Illinlralloi'S, whiiK nnr
artiat has tkrUhe.l, ar, jut a rVw
4t f tri many styles fim riith )mi
may mat "ur svUetum.
atee See f ! ) - -14
9 A. M-