The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 07, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Man Siio Allies
Atlmrketl Her
Mr. Caroline Koyai ami Co:n
, panion Atnr After
Fatal Shooting Vie
tiiu Unitlrriiifinl.
Mri, f .iflme ko)J. 4717 onth
Seventeenth tr c rf hoi end ilb'l
in unti niiliiil iim in ' l,rf
homt Tuesday,
Tile llMlk. llO
dud after run
lung inlo the
irrrl m 'rout
of the Koyal
i o ill r, li a 1
nude lo at
tempt to at
tailt her, Mrs.
Koyal toll po
Ik r.
When p"liie
nrrivti) Mr.
loals llllilllll
was bleeding
and from all ap-
Hit. i arnlliie Moral
pearainra two teeth had lirrn knock
rd out.
Police sav they have a ttltnrs who
laid thiit Mr. a minus twt
nr three teeth three week ano.
Mn. koyal Mini Mr. Dorothy
Johnson, who tfHil will) Mr.
Koyal and who was willi her at the
:nne of the shooting, were arrcit.'l
tii'J held for investigation.
"The nun, whom I had never urn
before, ul p pr J me earlier in the eve
ning," said Mr. K0y.1l to I'olii e Cap
tain Allen, "and
mkfl me 'to go
out on parly
Willi linn. I
refined to speak
to him. Ahont
'1 o'rl'H'k l' re
turned. M r .
Johnson and I
wire sitting on
the front porch,
tie became an
gry w h r n I
wouldn't talk to
him and jump- ,. , .
d on the porch. . -
II pulhd me by the arm and then
hit me in the month.
"I then pulled out a revolver I had
in my handbag and shot him. 1 tired
Mrs. Johnson corroborated the
statements made by Mrs, Royal.
Recording to police, neighbors
said that two shots were fired and
that two men ran from the Koyal
house following the shooting.
Detective lielitz and Urbanic of
the South bide are making an inves
tigation. Road Conditions
(furnished kr th Omata Aula Club.)
T.lnfoln lliathway, Knut Koa.'t htwfn
Touncll MluflM Hud MlMourl Vatky very
rousli mid iluty. Tourtitu nr ttdvispd to
tuho th Whilo Pol In Oakland, thnr
north ia No. 4 to JJenlaon. From Jvcnl
on aaat, roada Bood.
I.lnioln, Highway. W'at Road open
nd imvrd 10 Valley. l)etour north of
Valley, one mil waat, then north. Koada
fair to Hood.
O. t.. li. Folloe TJnroln Highway weat
10 nnlf from llth and Karnam ata.,
thenre at.uih. H'ad now opn and paved
all the way lo Millard, ttoada from Mil
lard to Aahland aomewhal choppy and
ilUMty duo to heavy travel,
N. T. A. Roh.Ih (euo'l.
Meridian Highway itoada ffood.
t'orrihusU"r JtlKhway good
Jlla.k llilla Trail lload being pavad
lu.t out o( Beneon, citherwiaa good to
tlaorg Waahlngton Highway Koada
iluaty and choppy In atreuheg to JJIalr.
2''rnm lilnlr north, roada good.
Omabo-Tulaa Highway Road good lo
Omaha-Topeka Highway Roada good to
late line.
Cuater Tlattlefleld Highway Roada
rnogh and fluMty lo Mlagrjuri Valley. From
tMlfmourl Valley, north, roada good.
King of Tnille, Nurlh Koada rough
nd duaty to .Vlaeourl Valley. Mlaaourl
Valley norlh, roaila good.
King of Treile, Houih Koada good to
Atchison. Had detour Atr-hlaon to
Leavenworth. Leavenworth to Kunaaa
City, fair.
Hiver to River Road Road good,
('hi',affU'Omuha Hhortline Koada good.
Vatch for detour eignn. lietoura well
leapt up and well marked.
Hltie tiraaa Kuad betoue Just at end
of pavement t taaf end Dumb Institute:.
Koada good.
Weather reported el ear at ajl point.
: 'I
Burning Feet, Corns and
Callouses Halt Mrs. Doyer
On long hike from Boston to Los Angeles
Raachea New York Where Foot Troubles Threaten To End
Strenuous Journey. Telia How She Outwitted Paina
From Sore, Burning Feet, Gams and Bunions with
A Wonderful Secret
from the Desert
ArTI.Il shaking hand with
f (inv
tiovernor Co, tf Maaaa-
rhusetts and M iyor CuHey, pf
lloelmi, Irm. Ilcll Di yrraikl
bet ttfteen-year old son aUrUil
h 4r tunic hike fmiu IUt..u ta
Ia AiiU' lnt. (aJilitrnia, itt)
auiimng inn aaa'Sllirrt Q M
their p ktts ami anlklng (JT
lwk foe pMts-tKn hi
Ibrtf strrniKMis journey,
lmsrd In khski unif irms,
Ihes reflust NrwYnrkt'ity
In aia ti.uo. turn Mrs.
l,)i' bunting lev, rorit
nd Ih ai.-nti a -f r.
ke huiiHHt lliroatctit'd tuHalt
he lnle,..t rest.nsiking
nlituHi. hut lienrm nf (ha !( Vllie.1 t lillHf
t.'l Iteoef, Mr. Uifee
Ulil'M a ' ! I UUlt'l
tml n I ' l'i" lest, f. I liera avs
a .eall ri..s- if
fmt!.a cal.i irf' toe 1.4.
Mctwtd rel.if, tia tim.l
tunka f'A 'S --4n tf
'ran. b I Aaavlaa !, ...
ew i ' M.S. lb set
gar ae.i-. U I "en. I M 1 1a t,
es S),nlt la aa ml n -a,
tl " araW Sia
i inanities st
au ' "v w,s4. I -
W. ,,!. V,
.IV L " . A
I lit, t I l
Fraternal Order Founder
Honored by Bohemians
The niergiiiir of the Western Ilo-:
Iiettran I'ratrrnal socitty, whose
'(iiinlenitial toiiveiition s now in sea
son in Ouii'lia. with that ol the
Czi-cho-Slovakiaii I'rotcctive society,
whoie hiadi'iarter are in C'hirago,
is conuruplalvd, according to nieiu
hers at the ronveiiiion being held in
'iel jed .Sokol hall, Thirteenth and
Martha street".
Stanley Serpan, local consul for
Cecho-blovakia, action is
to )e taken to merge the two o
cietitji upon arrival of a commit ttce
consisting of Otto J'eulcr, Chicago,
nesideiil; J. J'eck, Cleveland, and
j. K. J'taek, Omaha.
More than SlHJ pcrsoni, most of
them 'delegates, paid tribute at the
grave and monument of John
KoMcky in Bohemian National ceme
tirv Tuesday afternoon.
A large floral wreath wa placed
on his monument by J-', M. Barta of
Cedar Rapid, la., president of the
association, and Stanley Serpan, local
consul for Czecho-Slovakia. Mr. Ko
sicky waft founder of the fraternal
order and according to his country
men, was a patriot and a great jour
nalist. The. delegates were entertained
Tuesday night by the local lodge at
Reorganized Guard
Plan of Army Heads
Washington, Sept. 6. (By A. P.)
Reorganization of the National
guard on a more economic batia for
its peacetime development is being
given serious consideration by mem
bers of the house subcommittee on
military appropriation and War de
partment officials. Suggestions al
ready have been made that the max
imum strength allowed by law be
decreased from 800 men per senator
and representative to 450 or 500, mak
ing a reduction in the organization's
authorized peace strength of about
185,000 men,
In a letter to Representative An
thony of Kansas, chairman of the
house subcommittee on military ap
propriations, which was made public
today, Secretary Weeks pointed out
two methods by which a new ad
justment of the National guard might
be accomplished. The firt would be
to limit the strength and develop
ment by limiting appropriations and
the second would prescribe "a more
reasonable ' requirement as to the
prescribed peace strength."
arrearnnee. 1
thoutclit 1 would
bare to giva up uiy
or-Jia" program. 1 raring
alsint the wonder ((iyp
v l oot Ueltcf, I ohUmrxl
tvi and aiMilirg it thnt
am-rmwii, ami that nirflil,
and the neat morning, suit to
my surprien, my feet felt at if
tiiey hul new life 1 the hum.
lug aistl aehes hml eeosnl, the)
mne.a bul gone ami tint
rants from turn and tmnKuis
lud tll nrril iu If by nieg
K'. I un my long toka
g .In Ih1 Ii(' llutt I rutva
Si i ie 0 'ia4 ltrtirf, I am
sine I aol re-uh laa AieU
illmut an low liH tri'i I k
or m i. I),
Sutr'i-flrwFrtot lWf.
Mriitmnott I f Mrs, Is.yre, ta a livm Ilia diwH, Al
I li.l la a miiifi, relief itiiu t
It m m iiulra Ut t! l' e iai .1
I .n li 'N l t'n, ll"ias.ii
1st, fstfiu, an-l liai4a Ht
it tilwi'jHag a If ly e 1 1 t- (( jf nt
.r-wt Mt.linai a,
Ml lit fc.tU t.. l'l aj
t fiM ll anils II a stiml.
iVld ), Ihea iftt nt la
f Mli:i,m4MilvMsiUt
e y-t s. )l tHt
f , , , tt.l K s.
S.. . . . . . , , . k .
Irs, I Vl lis sairt gj-atean' rsia.
I s i
a banquet at the liojicmian lull,
Twenty-firt ajid 1 streets. Addresses
of welcome were made by Frank
Kadil, Joe Stcrba and Frank Laitner,
Response on behalf of the delegates
were made by Mr. Carta and Charlei
Smrha, a banker of Milligen, Neb.
1 N
IkJ ?A Avir
Argumeiil Over
Flower Causes
Shooting of Man
II. iy ' Plut K llloooiii From
(.arilrii of liluff FamiN
Srriotialy Witunlrl in
An aigumcnt ovrr a little flower
plucked (rum the Kirdeit of Nick
Kallui, H "1 North Fighili sltrrl,
Council Illiilf., ri.nltril tit the shoot
ing and serious wounding of Cecil
Norris, I', A North Eighth street,
alw of I tie Klufll, 'J uesday night,
Norria, while on tut way to woik
Tueaday morning tdin ked the flower
out c( the Katla garden.
Mcilibefi of the KaIU family re
nionatratrr) with him and an argu
ment followed.
Scuffle- Started.
When Norn passed the Kalla
home, returning from a moving pic
ture show lursday flight, he and
members of the Katla family re
sumed the argument. 1 he discussion
waned warm and soon there wat a
siiillle between Norria and tome of
the men of the family.
A hof rang out and Norris fell
to the ground. He wa hot in the
light sule,
Police arrested Nick and I'eter
Kallai. Both denied having fired the
shot. A third member of the Kal
la family i being aotight in con
nection with the shooting.
Norri was rushed to the Jennie
F.dmtindton Memorial hospital where
attendant aid his condition i te
non, ilig wile of but a ihort time
rii'hnl to hi bcdiide and remained
with him during the night.
The Norri home ii but a horf dii
lance from the home of the Kallai
Archliehop Vi'lio Yititf-J
Omaha Sialyl for Revl Hat
A dispatch reaching the Catholic
clergy in Omaha from Rome atatet
an occasion which combines with a most comprehensive
exhibit of Autumn's new modes in apparel and
accessories for women, misses and children
A Series of Most Extraordinary Special Offerings
Throughout This Greater New Store
A period of value giving through which
that fiMH-!ii.i floiuuhi), papal
lirU ttate n itn. n'tintry and who paid
n I'tiuul sisit tii Ittnaha a month)
ig', H V i sjivcn th fed hat of !
tardiiul in liecrmhrr, Monsignor
Kun14n.l1 liioiiili ii( Kome IS slated
l'i sucsred A'cbLishou Boniano tn
this country. The rt M,i,lio i, we'l
jtnown t Omaha prirsts.
Apology Made'to
Judge Lobingier
Allot ru y in Miunliai (Imirt
I'rrsi'lftl Ovrr ly Oniahan
rt-ka In U'illnlraw Filf.
f. tM right, llt,
lungliai, Scil. U. William S
Fiemiiig, who brought charge
against Judge CluHis Sumner Iaihin
gwr of thi I 'lilted State court in
.Slutiglui, slojipiuv court for a year,
today ttood 111 Judge laibingier't
com 1 and apologized, saying:
"I atkliow ledge the language I used
in my petition and afndavit wa im
proper and disreMctlul and I bum
il)' a.k the eouit pardon for having
used it, and I undeitake never to re
peat tit h unbecoming expression. I
lurther kk leave from the court to
withdraw from it filet said petition,
etc., 1 hat same may be destroyed and
held for iioiikIiI."
Mr. Fir miiig some time aito indi
cated a ik-. ire to apologixc, making an
eifort to enlist the support of Judge
I.oIiiikii r to rrure fr him a pardon
from the rrion sentence for con
tempt which was giv 1 him, when he
read before the court the lengthy
charge against ' it. Hi contempt
rase is ii'im pending in the I'nited
Slate uprcme court.
Judge l.oliii'Kier ha avoided com
mitting himself relative to hi action
regarding the apology.
Judge I-ohiiiKcr left Omaha in 1744
to become a federal judge in the
Philippine island. lie nerved at
this post for 10 year, when he wa
tranferred to China. Jfe visited in
Omaha last September, when be wa
recalled to the United State to
answer the Fleming charge of which
he wa found blameless.
1519-1521 Douglas Street
we wish to convey to the patrons of this store
our appreciation of their loyal support which
has made it possible for the Herzberg store
to develop from a humble birth 12 years ago
to the magnificent institution that it is today.
As a compliment to our patrons
during this 12th Anniversary Sale
we shall make shoppers a rebate of
on every purchase made throughout the store
This nppliog in all departments
and oa all linen. Prem-nt your
e-uU'H tickets t our main office
on Fifth Floor, hcru we shall
ri furtl 15 'o on all cash purchases
and allow you 15't credit on all
charge purchases.
Suits . Frocks
Children's Appard
Silk Lingerie .
Girl Dies, Farmer
Critically Hurt
in 2 Accidents
Young Vs'nmiiV Mull It
Cruxlird in Motor Cran
Man'a YVrtrlra Fractured
ii'i 3D Ftet Fall.
Nebraska City, Neh. Sept, ft, A
young woman is dead, her companion
is injured ad a farnier, one of hi
rrtrhra Irai'tiired, I righting for In
hie a a result of accidrnu here in
the lst g bonis.
"I fell 30 feet la the ground when
f tried to 0en a barn loft door,"
Krrd (iudlie, the (aimer, who reside
ng unlet southeast ot Nebiaska 1 it y.
said when be wa found on the
ground Tuesday afternoon.
The f'' lured vertebra i in hi
neck, which itrurk when lie fell, lie
did not lote consciousnesa and, al
though faralyed from the ahoulder
down, rln filed hi removal.
Mis liori Lund. 2. bookkeeper
for the Nebraska Daily I're, i dead
She tried to guide her motor car
hack into the middle of the road while
dereuding a steep hill at the north
went corner of the golf link thi
morning and a wheel broke,' throw
ing her axaitist a concrete bridge ami
crushing her skull. Harvev Teten,
her con:pnioii, suHered a gash on hi
right arm.
Mis Lund graduated front sehool
here two year ago and wa a daugh
ter of Fuflerton (Neb.) parents.
MoMinan ami Mullrn Sprak.
at Bryan Club Mt-fting
Forty men and a few women
attended Ibe Bryaii-for-Oovernor
club meeting held in Far lor A of
the fasten hotel Tuesday night.
The speaker assailed the republi
can party, condemned the code bill
and held Governor McKelvie respon
aible for high taxe,
Arthur Mullen heartily applauded
H. L. Mossman, enthusiastic up
portcr of the "Committee of 5,W,
Now in Progress
Our Twelfth
This rebate is in addition to any
unusual price offerings that we
have instituted during this sale
You will find this a most advan
tageous opportunity to buy new
autumn and winter apparel.
. Gowns
Foot mar
Hosiery .
fi r hi tauni h suppiit of t!.e d'"- j
ciatie pafiy, 1
Uitwfe wlut ta'sid wtie l'" But-i
Irf, Jailir . Mauley, S. A. I 'wit,
Josrph Sherry io Tl.eonas Mtl'l
ANbriUH unii
tteeaiar 4iiea Ifm mm lai.
SiMUta M-l'el. Tae4ai .
Saeleei Si all a-ivv lu s.inms
m d hrto Tbe4as
T CuM (ij.ieenelownl e4 las'
mmA Sajragts-'f fivmmii h
'karV(U eM Hefeil.ilie. Tn la
ll tad) Wlle all
I tn aieei.
Canadian Service
m f St lM'Ne M lairwi kamS
staairaaJ v .!
f'Mjti ,..,. OH II
IIHM Orl. tn.
Montreal ! tueenn.a
tIMIMi S,, l lr.l .!
aiatasiia a- t im. 11 .t. t new )e. 1 Ilea. I
'ia fiaio Itatifat
M-atreai I., f it luuuiR, Cher Mi a
a I '""l"S
SIIM1 , . awl.U S... lr a
StllMI I new I. tset. oe. I 'lie, ti
alia fo n llel f
Sm sntir aneal i rent. ne write
1 s,sii at itoH arr AsmHir i ism
Apais tnasBaar las.a Au t.terkvf
Sae 7tlUk.
rartaraat. fawatM and Oraartn ChlMrea
Ta Ortgiaal Faoi-Drtall foe Al Aa
The Efficiancy Car for
Business Maa
Furs . Skirts . iMillincru
. Blouses . Sweaters ,
Ghves . Negligees
new tori; llofM
in A !v
aa ssl
wknwirikl comtf
Tht Tim
e4 rk a, im
New Vaig,
Th0 Piatt
Wm Ulm aaJ fswa AasarU.
Tht Ship
uU fanw CM Iwaing
a re iMaaaa
la lb 1 tfwa.
2 Cruit$
leS Tl aer.
Farm $250 Up
Mek feaen
f?8 Isl'MM ,m IkaaaMklf Afeeaa
rennkmeeH a lliMki. Cea An.
V-H' t'e, UN. lUSHibl
CbMaga. PbMaw KanaV Vk SSJV
Bee Waul Ads air the bet tiusi-
nes liooeier.
rfffifT Horlick's
65 ,
Jia-(r iSub,Utul
.Avoid Imitation
Rich asitk, asaHed grain estrafl la Pcwde
ha C nailing NnurUhlnf DlfMUbsa
Deeler in
Coal of the Better Sort
fkaaa AT Mil Olk 411 8. Itb
I 'W nit M ti'.1 1 lis tli etanve - a t
.l a M t..nt ts n J t i:.
bm.u ,.,,, 1 . a jaui iii imMh s
al S'ewJ S.hI In , n . n...- !--