The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 07, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    I MK UMAHA HKK: iHLKSUAV. fer.Wh.MHfcK 7.
Rotary Qui) Starts j
Attendance Contest
. -tl iiurtH't ii( die Oiuatta Ku
') Ury ilub tlucj llolfl Kuntrllflli- j
nb f'Hdy lumluon yotctiiay. j
1 h ctub n divitird into lo!
KfOUpt, which liat lircil iljrlrd lltf j
"UU U.)i" inj ihr -New Hoy."
aJ hr mrinlirr wrr; autoniattfall)
I.Uiri) iii ihr iruun, tjruling ou
tl lrngih of tlicir mrmhfrthiii in the
Al lrt.h. r rlrclnl liilullrl
lh MM Ku" and Ihr.trr Nri
in. tt roli.nrl i the "Nrw Ho."
J'ruca will lf nM to the tuloiirl
ml oihrr oft'ima in lAnmund f the
wliiih huw tlie latuM it
IrinUuce during September,
It wat announced that ih Whirl,
the Koury publication, lut brm.dii
icmlinurit during Scptnnher, Joy
Sutihen wa elected editor (or the
tiiuiiih, and il a im hi motion that
the )irr aa d tt'oniinued, accord
i" it to mt of the Kotarmni, A mo
Ward preiidrd' at chairman.
More Tributes Paid
Fall Ak-Sar-Ben
The pulling power of the "Smile
'( l-'J" wa made evidrnt Turt
day in two letters received by Sec
retary Ch'urlr Trimble rif the AU-Sar-lien
expotitimi, which will pro-
:)ue the how at Ak ar Urn tit-Id I
the riming nf iirnibrr 1,' 1ft, in- J
t In i v r.
The (11 ! Inter came from A, V. '
I'orry, r'rrlary til the Iowa UI
(air. ;
' 1'lrane tar me a lo (or your
Smile. ( IV.'.V" the Irttrr rrad. "I ,
law the 'Smile of t I vow ut on j
and it wa ilrndid, but I have lo
rern the 'Sniile of '2f at the I
Marirfo'd KafJnu.' HI I liiratfo, and
hi my tiiniun it i nrn better than
lot yrar' produii vn."
The other litter rame (mm F.. J
('11114111, member ol tlir Iowa buaid
of am ultmr. It ail m pad:
"1 alo W4ii to eij4e a bo for
the first two da ol your '.Snult
o( I''.'.'' I inniirr n)tlf brtu
nat in teriug the Smile hm you
put on hut year, and uudrrttand
( from anou teo le lw bat 'en
Mlii. yrai'k milr in ( Imago that it
1 1 veil outrank lt twin"
MUamiri I'm if if Train
I Wrrtlfit ,Nmr Dunlur
MitMturi ranlic farligcr train
No. 6.1M, running between Omaha
ai'd I' all I'lty, wat derailed one
mile and a half wr.t ol Dunbar
ruedy. No one wa injured, but
the engine, tender and three, coache
leu the track, ploughing up .""0
; He.
A biokrn rail it believed to ha,e
hern the aue of the wreck.
I'udrr the rame of chaturapga,
he wat played in Hinduttan near
ly JOO years ago.
Enormous Crowds Throng Our Counters for the Great Sale of
the Stock of the Eldredge-Reynolds Co. at Record Breaking Prices
Tueiday and Wedneiday tht departmtntt partici
pating in the $alt of the Eldredge-Reynoldi $toch
were crowded with thoppert who came and taw
and bought and went away well tatiified with their
bargain. Thunday will be another big day.
Included in thi$ tale are many timely purchatet I
overttockt, manufacturer' uamplet and other ('
tirable good which, purchasing for cath and in
large quantities, we are able to offer in thi tale at
similar reduction.
Read This Advertisement Carefully and Inspect the Merchandise Then You
Will Want to Buy Practically All of Your Season's Supply of
o T rl rl n 0 el
roes aiuierww
At Prices That Will Warm the Cockles of Your Economical Heart
Just Think of Hosiery Like This!
It should not be necessary to mention more than a
few items to give you an illustration of how extraor
dinary the bargains are "which we are offering.
Just think of this We arc offering All Silk Hose
for women, either in glove silk, fashioned thread silk,
silk right up to the top or with mercerized top in
the style you prefer in black and every desirable
color, not a pair in the lot worth less than 2.25 and
most of them worth from that price up to 2.50; we
offer these at 1.39 a pair. We cannot stress this
wonderful value enough. Then there are Gotham
fiold Stripe Hose, famous throughout the country,,
for their exquisite quality, regularly sold at 3.50
priced ai J.50. Lehigh Hose, Victor Hose, Eiffel Hose, Boyd Hose all well
known brands are reduced to unhlievably low prices.
Listed Below Are a Few Examples:
1.50 Womea'g Hosettes All glove silk with
fancy garter tops; in black, white CQ
and colors ; specially priced, pair UtC
Eiffel Silk Hose
'1.65 Eiffel Silk Hose All silk to knee ; black
white and colors; panel back; 7Q
specially priced for this sale, pair, I 7 C
v Lisle Hose
1.00 and 1.20 Women's Lisle Hose In plain
lisle and silk lisle; imported and domestic;
regular and extra sizes; specially CQ,
priced for this selling, per pair,. rC
Glove Silk Hose
2.69 Women's Glove Silk Hose Mostly
brown; fashioned; double soles QC
and heels; full length; per pair, wC
Gold Stripe Hose
Gotham Gold Stripe Hose In thread silk,
full fashioned; double silk tops; O Cfl
Mack, brown and white; pair, fJJ
Fancy Silk Hose
3.50 and 600 Fancy Silk Hose Plain all
silk ami with embroidered and lace clocks;
Mack, brown and white; spe- O Cf
chilly priced for this seHinjf. pair, fctOU
T.efcirrli QilV TTasa
1 C5 Lahifih Silk Hose Km
broidcred ; in black, white, colors.
Pure Silk Hose
2.50 All Pure Silk Hose In thread silk and
glove silk; full fashioned; double soles and
spliced heels; in black, white and 1
shoe shades; all sizes; per pair, tOv
Pure Thread Silk Hose
2X3 and 3.50 All Pure Thread. Silk Hose
Double silk tops; double silk soles and high
spliced heels; full fashioned; 1 QC
black, white and shoe shades, XJ
Pure Silk Sose
1.65 999 A pure silk hose with lisle gar
ter top; perfect fitting; tailored seam back ;
black, white and colors; spe- 1 ff
eially priced in this selling, pair, X alVf
Infants' and Children's Socks
25c and 50c Infants' and Children's Socks
Holled and cuff tops, fancy Oj nt
colors and patterns; all sizes, fci 1 2t
Boys' and Girls' Stockings
50c and 75c Boys' and Girls' Stockings
Tony and other well known OfJ
brands; black, white and brown, OuC
Pure Silk Sox
1.00 to t50 Pure Silk Sox-For children; in
white and fancy colored cuff tops 7Q
f UK,
and rolled tops; all sizes; pair,
Main floor North
Why Crowds Flock to Our Second Floor
The Rcady to-Wear Sections Present Such Wonderful Values
' in Women's and Misses Apparel as These
New Fall Dresses
New fall dresses of lilk or wool that EMrtdg Reynolds formerly sold
at 23.00 to 53 CO re now offered at 15.00. 25 00 to 39.50 top coata from
the Misses' Section are now to be hid for 15.00. You may select a worn
ea'i 59 50 to 100 00 coat for 33 75. And in Children's Wear, girW cloth
autti that formerly sold at 10 00 to 20 00 can be purchased during: this tale
for oa?y 2 93. ,
Women's Summer Frocks
All of the Women'i Summer frock 1, either silk or cotton, which have
been telUn; at 15 00 to 30 00, art fait being diipoaed of at 500 each, Si.k
or hngene bloutea at 99c that were formerly priced up to 4 00; white aat
een pettlecata at T5 that formerly ioU at 1.50; fibr lilk iweateri at
4M which were formerly pnce4 750 U 1250. Ia4ed, they are too
numerous to mention.
Just Think of Shoes
Like These!
The Kdrcde-Reynolds Shoe Stock offers Home of the best shoe
values in years. The Shoes now on sale in the Women's Shoe
.Department are in all the most attraetive styles and of the best
quality. The Women's Shoes include the smartest styles in
Strap Slippers, Colonial Tongu Effects, Oxfords and Plain
'umps in satin and patent leather, black or brown kid or calf.
The Children's Shoes include high and low Shoes. Oxfords, for
girls, boys and young men.
A Few Examples of the Bargains
In Women's .Shoes
11.00 Women's Black or Brown Kid Walking;
Oxfords Specially priced in this selling, per pair,
10.00 Brown or Tan Calf Oxfords Specially
priced in Thursday's selling at, per pair,
8.50 Black Satin Strap Pumps Specially priced
in Thursday's selling, per pair,
12.00 Women's High Shoes In various leathers
including buckskins, priced specially at, per pair,
10.00 Women's Lace Boots Black or brown kid ; mili
tary heels; welt sjles specially priced, per pair,.
10.00 Women's Satin Strap Slippers With beaded
G.50 Women's Patent and Dull Leather Strap
Shoes for Children
2.25 to 8.50 Children's Shoes, 95c, 1.45, 1.95, 2.15
Third Fl.or
Shoes for
Young Men
and Boys
6.50 and 8.50 Youn Men's Hign Shoe lu black, J QC
bruu and tun gilfikin; llonJu'ar writ soles, per pair, 1 t0
5 00 and 600 Yoanf Mn'i Oxfords In black ur tan QC
ca!fkin: tioodvfar tlt it; n-cmllv piio.'J, pair, 7i)C
3 50 to 4 50 Boys' High Sho In l.ia.-k. t.r.m n and - A
tan vntfkkin i a' elk Ain play ; t.u. UM I, p ur, 1
4 50 to 6 00 Boys' High Shoes In I.Wl. drvwn .r tan
'lkUli U'Ml)fiir tiUHiil Writ ! aUi-a II 1 1 Q A j
i' 4j pt ial!y pricvd fur Thunday, r pair, fciaTO
Think of Underwear Like This!
fu Urwlerwfar there are splendid bargains in
knit, silk or muslin stylos. We haven't enough
to satisfy everybody, but there are hundreds
of garments for women who appreciate bar
gains when they see them. Just read this
in the Knit Underwear Section there are some
women's silk vests made by the most famous
maker of vests of this kind. We are not per
mitted to advertise his name. We offer these
vests at 1.59 each and they arc worth from
2.50 to 2.98 every day in the year. At the same
price you will find Jersey silk vests that are
worth up to 2.25 and 275.
Near them you will find bloomers, long and
short, in Jersey silk and knit silk. Many of
these are also from the same famous maker
whose name we cannot mention. We offer
these for 2.l.!9 while the regular prices are 4.00
to 4.25.
In the Muslin Underwear Section, gowns and teddies of soft nainsook with
fine lace edgings and medallion insets are marked at 79c, which would scarcely
pay for the material in them. Crepe de chine gowns and teddies with deep
yokes or georgette and beautiful val laces are infinitely lovely in their delicate
tints and unbelievably small in price. Imported handmade two-piece voile
sets which were moderately priced at 5.00 are offered in this sale for 2.98.
2.79 to 3.50 Children's Silk and 1 nf
Wool Union Suits Priced at,
1.25 to 2.00 Women's Fall Weight OA
Cotton Union Suits Special at, OiC
2.00 to 2.75 Women's Jersey Silk -1 fiQ
Vests Priced in this selling, 1 07
2.00 Women's Silk Knit Bloom
ers Special in this sale, each,
3.00 to 3.50 Women's Jersey Silk n OQ
Blomers Specially priced, pair, &JJ
3.50 to 5.00 Women's Silk Ted
dies, Bloomers and Union Suits,
89c to 1.00 Children's Cotton
Union Suits Priced specially,
80c Women's Summer Union Suits
Priced for this selling, snit,
1.50 Muslin and Batiste Gowns
Teddies and Two-Pieces, priced,
2.25 Lace Trimmed and Embroid- i
ered Batiste Gowns and Teddies, 1DU
5.00 Tub Silk and Handmade O Q Q
Voile Two-Piece Sets Priced,. 4 O
1.25 Nainsook Teddies and Gowns 1 TQ
Lace and embroidery trimmed, X
3.50 Silk Crepe de Chine Teddies
All shades, specially priced at,
3.98 to 4.50 Silk Crepe de Chine Gowns
and TeddiesAHshades, spe- Q pj
eially priced for this selling, iu
1.50 Satin and Crepe de Chine Camlsolee
Tailored or lace trimmed; spe- QPj
eially priced in this selling, each, SOC
Third Floor Canter.
Why Crowds Flock to Our Infants' Section
"You Never Saw Such Vulues!' is the exclamation of shoppers, e iallv those who have
inspected the wonderful values in the Infants' Depart ment. Children's Coats, Capes
Dresses, llati, Muslin Cndenvcar, Night Dresses, Wash Drewes, Rompers. Shirts loac and
many other useful garments are offered at prices that are remarkably unusual for mmhan.
diso of such h ik" quality. Here are a fev examples
3 03 to 25.00 Children's Coata and Cape
Medium and Iwavy weight j 1A PRICE
dark and light shades, at,
2 50 to 8.50 Children's 3Qr to 1 QO
Summer and Winter JUU0 1,30
75 Black VWtt H vU !r b.y and pliU
in infam'a plain rolled lQ
brim; npi-naHy pn.d at, 'h,
59o to 550 Children's Muhn Undarthing
- Drawn, ahpa, gna, OtZ t QDf
Iccplng (mnniM. priml, wOU
Negligees or Breakfast Coats
Of si. ut aaiitt. lUiKt ntilrtd l urdurnv ltbr, ciu(trib!
f.f tUf fill 6uri an- pra- ti-al hu.i f " U b
rnwv4 fri tU luxury ri t by th iha'p r.l I' U-m they davt
rrlnc4t ,
NfgUjrces and Breakfast Coats '2 Price
5 00 Corduroy Robes, , 2.95
7.M House Dmses 2X9
OSo Rubber Crtb 3!iU- rqc
250 to IW ChiUnn'i Wuh Drtuaa
Ortfundira, it, ponKtHt 1 1Q
pclHy jrcrl Thurdav, r h,
to lafaati' Wontad Shirt OO.
eiUr ftfeA Ut ihU v!Uti,
Me U 150 lafaata toft o the-h
Ktt and Ma-k ahabt T). U DO.
k4 an. pain.! Uaik. r ; .r
t4 ar-!,,
200 to 3 98 Children's Creepers and 7Q
RomperaPrlecd for Thurs.lay at,
125 Children's Play Togt-Of blue rham
bray, piped with redi Mimd or CQ.
lr nks ; specially prion! at, "'C
Mo to 5 50 Infanta White Dmiea and
Slips -Short ami OQ to i qq
hand an. marhii mad. fO
25c Children's MrctrUd Hlf )JL-Hoae-Priori
at, pr pair, 2C
45o to 5(Kj Baby "a Rabber PaaU- 1 Q
.specially primj for Thur,Uy at.
5o Childrta's Blue Chambray Overall sad
Percale Apron He j nn
cUlly priced f.r ThurvNy ullinf, 'C
Me Outlof rUnaal Highl Oowna OQ
Wait atnl tfit priv,, rack, S'C
1 00 Childrta'a Rtnpr-Si.feial!y CO
prWd Ur Mt anic aH, OJC
MeUlU Cnildrtt'i Creeper. aa4 IQ
Ramperat'tU'fJ r Tkurvlay,
II I II 111 I Ml J... K
fji1' -a -aftitfi '''i. 'flliiiffflaT'ifii i WMi'iife VytelWkaMaMkst''iWri ItrtaaaaaiaitWfcisr n'liV li1ri aw''" Tiatahii rti;llsii.5ai