The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 07, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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Pried Apart After
Battle to -Death
Ho.lin RiJ.IM With Ilulleta
in Fight -Sfiae One An
other 'i Throat! ae
Chicago, Sfpl. 6 Angrlo Shkla
lt, a Grerlt fruit merchant, and I
rent Wells, a prgro, fought dtirl
yesterday is tht prernce of hundreds
iA spectators and whrn Ihry had rid
died each Other with bulled, they en
gaged in death grip ao tight that
the police eie forced to ry th
bodirs apart.
The drerk was accux-d by Wells
ff intuiting hit wife. Mmlpitai an
swercd with a revolver, chased Wells
out of the store and through a saloon,
ahuting him. Weill went home, ac
cured a pistol and returned to con
tinue the argument. Moth began
hooting a he re-entered the aiore
and the battle raged through the atore
nd out into the itrert.
Afirr the bodiea had hllm, each
with hn hand clenching the other's
throat, incipient battle began between
white and negro ayrrUiurs. A hun
dred police reserve! Ulitd to the
scene, dipered the mob and cov
ered the bodies with newpa'er
until they could be pried apart and
carried away.
famlcvi!le, La., Sept. 6. l ee Rcy.
nolds, (ormrrly a ihowman and pro
fessional hurpuhooier, was ihot and
intntly MM on a afreet here to
day. Kmile Vial, proprirlor of a soft
iruik eubli'mient, was arretted in
connection with the killing.
According to the authorities of the
town, Keynolda was hot from be
hind, one of the three built t striking
him in the back of the bead.
KevnoMi was well known through
out the connify as a ahorpihooter.
lie was in the "HutUo Hill" ahcwi.
Federal Officer Puzzled
Over AWnee of Todd
Los Angeles, Sept. 6. Hiram
Todd, peci;il attorney for the De
partnient'of Justice, assigned to in
vestigate the rail and (hop strike
trouble! in the west, failed to arrive
here yesterday and federal oflicer
were puzzled to account for the de
lay, an their best information was
that Mr. Todd left Chicago aeveral
days ago. They said it was possible
he had stopped ot'f at Needles or
elsewhere enroute to get some quiet,
first-hand information on strike Venditions.
M. J4W I WAvNT TO tifcMQ
Wire Hf CARO !
Card on a cam ilfwti
Drawn for Th Omah. Be. by McManua ilrnrel!.eV.3.r
'C"a iut Undlady to move, or bear with thing
Card i
Of CONNED peer
-vik' I l. mk. row: oulo wnd mc m
ear . mt t i m i sssi jr-aW sr "r-s atasfj m is i m ii i -a i
rzr-v 'em rvai T":inJi cil'ji i "Z'r v v i 1 1 aocace it mo vr oc ffin
, I
How to Keep Well
QhmiIm unli krflM, MalUtiaa 4 nvIU4 ! 4), ukmM4
I Or. t,M( kr nulai l Ik Mm, will k wnn4 ri llr, ukiwl ta
rr llmllallaa, kafa alaatata' dittf4 aavalatM la aacUa4. Dr.
raaa will aal aha diaiaaa war uraacrlba lar aalul iiaaaMa.
AaaVaaa laitai la car al Ika Ha.
Corrrinliii nil.
An intelligent man who had just
tome from the pageant of Progress,
an exposition recently held in Chi
cago, commented; "I have been go
uig to cxpoiitions a long time. I
started with the Centennial in Phila
delphia. In the old days an exposi
tion showed everything about ma
chinery, hut it did not show much
about folks. It looks like we have
discovered just here lately that the
welfare of people is just about as
important as machinery or goats. As
I went along the aislee of this expo
sition, I saw welfare exhibits every
where, some in sections to themselves
nd some mixed in with other ex
hibits. Another thing I noticed was
that the biggest crowds were around
these booths."
This ttatenient caused me to inves
tigate. I found that a very liberal propor
tion of the space was occupied by
health exhibits of various sorts.
These showed how sewage was puri
fied, how wells were protected
against contamination, how ventila
tion was done, and numerous other
activities of health departments and
iionoflicia! health organizations.
Among the objects and methods
being shown were three places in
which physical examinations were be
ing made. The state health depart
ment was examining all who applied.
Hie numlx-r examined averaged (A
a day. The tesls given were simple,
but no doubt were helpful to some in
that they itarted them on the road
to fuller examinations and to others
in that they allayed unjustified fears.
The examinations given by this de
partment consisted in weighing,
measuring, making a test of muscle
power in the arm and forearm, tak
ing the blood pressure and examin
ing the blood for anemia. After these
tests had hern made the party ex
amined took his filled in card to the
physician on duty, who gave some
directions in right living or advised
completer examination.
The municipal tuberculosis sani
tarium maintained what they called
the life extension institute. In this
institution, they made examination of
chest, including the lungs and heart
by the fluoroscope and the stetho
scope. The average number of examina
tions made was 142 a day, Jn 20
days the examiners found 55 cases
of consumption among visitors ask
ing fo he examined, and W others
were asked to hold themselves tin
der observation and study in order
that a diagnosis might be made. In
the baby rooms, 6,000 babies and
other cildren tinder 5 years of age
were . examined. These baby wel
fare contests and examinations are
an outgrowth of the old bahv shows.
They have done a great deal ' to
has Its place in childhood's Joys, and It Is
good for grown-ups too. A life-long friend.
It's the sweet that's good for teeth and
It's the ideal refreshment that helps to
digest the hastily-eaten meal.
TT 4 Sca.edTight M
Xj Kept Right ac
teach mothers how babies should be
cared for.
Tht Unclean" Heritage,
R. L. V. write: "I have appre
ciatrd to much your articles deal
ing with svphilis. You must real
ize the widespread good they ac
compliah in combating the great
world scourge. And 1 entreat Voil,
as one with inherited syphilis in tier
veins, to keep up the good work.
"It is only some one like myself
who knows the horrors of inherited
syphilis who could tell of lives filled
with sleepless nights, of running
wounds tliat will not heal, of slow
blindness the closing of the won
drous eyrs of loved ones, and all be
cause some ancestor in a moment of
drunken oigy partook of foolish
pleaMite and for these few minutes
turned the full years of his descend
ants into living nightmares,
"If only we had criers on our busy
Hreet corners every minute of the
day, telling the people the horrors
of svpliihsl They arc indeed a God
f.r.ikiri people who come into the
world 'um Ii an.'
"I speak as one who has bad a
birthright of probable moronship or
some other form of criminality
thrunt upon her."
Trees that Bar Sunlight
Mr. V. (i. writes; "I am worried
about what i called the old line
f cures'; There are four of these large
trees keeping my kitchen dark and
damp; also cold in warm weather.
1 am in a dajup locality and when it
rams water stands in the ditch to the
west of me and these trees to the
east. My grocery man said that last
summer he went into lots of
kitchens, but none so cold at mine,
"I have complained to the land
lady aliout the place, but they don't
like the sun and will tilt of their
homes in tjir country with
blinds to keep the sun out and from
spoiling the carpet. She has had a
cough for years and is nothing but
a shadow. I know that damp
house is not healthful. A doctor told
me a year ago that he could feel
that chilly dampness as soon as he
opened my door. Can 1 comptam of
these, tiers as a nuisance and have
some of them removed"
Your city has a nominal health
department. That it, it pays a little
money for a little department. 1'ay
lliif little. It gels little. J ou are a
part of "it " Complaining to the au
at writ as ou can-
Haven lor an Epileptic
Hu. N. write: "Is then a pla
where they keep a young man wim
is the victim of epileptie Mt an.j an
is unable to suppon suiixm
city hospital will keep bint.
Your state has an excellent P
leptie colony.
Girl in County Attorney'"
Office rrom hast
XI t Noia Monarty, stenographer
in the county attorney' oltire, re
turned yesterday from a trip to New
York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City and
Washington. In New York she met
her brother. Key. Thomas S, Mo
narty of the N'rbraska Catholic !io
reie, who hat just completed trip
aiound the world. They returned to
Omaha together. '
30 Dipiiilipria (W.
Four new tatet of diphtheria were
reported at the city health oitice ys
tenlay morning, bringing the total
number of repotted canes in the city
to JO.
For Inianr tod Children
Always bears -tU
y . yfAi
Signature oftsW777t64
New Store Hours-9 Until 6 P.M. Every Day
Grocery and Market Opens at 7:30 A. M.
The Portland Cement As
sociation means this: that
valuable scientific, advi
sory and educational work
which no one cement man
ufacturer could reasonably
undertake alone is at your
disposal. This means that
you can be absolutely sure
of yourself in using Con
crete. You can be sure in the first
place of the cement you
buy. Any manufacturer of
Pordand cement may join
the Association, and no
manufacturer has to belong
to it. But Association By
Laws require that mem
bers' products shall meas
ure up to the high standard
of specifications of the
United States Govern
ment and the American
Society for Testing Mate
rials. Cement bought from
a member of the Associa
tion is therefore depend
able. You can be equally sure of the
way to use it li you want iaf orma
tion about its usefulness under
certain conditions, or about how
to mix it or place it to get the best
results most economically, you
can get it from any one of our 24
oflices, one of which is near you.
Supplying dependable informa
tion without charge, by booklet, or
by personal correspondence or by
conference when necessary, is the
work of the Association. To sup
ply it authoritatively, the Associ
ation maintains a large research
laboratory and a stall of more than
two hundred engineers.
The Association is, in e (Tect, the
joint research and educational
foundation of 86 manufacturers
cl cement in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, Cuba and South
America. You are invited to u
it freely.
Suggestions as ta how our work
may N mado more useful to you
are invitevl
I iVritMMi ( TitfUCUl ,
lmfrtt 44 1 WrW tht I "m f
ft. IS ii. I
Um I a . n
I W.aa k.-
W V WaV If WW u
MBmsbiM m m. -SaVeaV m.
SeirptasSltoclk ak
Hammering Down the Price Making New Selling Records The Outstand
ing Feature of This Remarkable Selling Event.
Worlos Safety
Fin i, assorted
sizes, a dozen
Adam s n t i n e
Pin,X) count,
per pk(?.
Sew -on Corset
Supporters, per
No. Pin Sani
tary Belts at
Bed Seal and
Fashi o n e 1 1 e
Hair Nets at
Surplus Hosiery Stocks From
Several Leading Mills
Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose, $1.45
Women's Pure Thread Silk
Hose, first quality, In best
makes; Mark and assorted
colors, full fashioned; re
markable w paring qualities;
sold regularly at $2 25. Hale
IT.?!. $1.45
Women's Pure Silk
Hose, $1.19
Women's Pure Silk Hose,
hemmed and ribbed tops,
seamed back, regular and ex
tra sizes, black and cordo
van; $2.00 values
Women's Trfread and
Fiber Silk Hose, 48c
Women's Thread and Fiber
Silk Hone, seamed bark, in
black and colors; 89c AQp
values, per pair xOC
Mercerized Lisle
Hose, 47c
Women's Mercerized Lisle
Hose, fashioned back, double
soles and heels, first quality;
76c values, per 4TC
Women's Cotton
' Hose, 10c
Women's Fine Cotton Hose,
In black and cordovan, all
sizes; 26o, values, in.
per pair , 1UC
Misses' Fiber and Silk
Hose, 75c
Misses' Fine Ribbed Fiber
and Silk Hose, In black only;
sizes 6 to X'i; 1 1. 60 values;
firm quality, per 7C
pair I til
Boys' and Girls' School
Hose, 18c Pair
Boys' and Girls' School Hose
in light and medium weights,
all sizes, flrtt quality; black,
white and cordovan; 35c and
50c values; per 1 Q
pair IOC
Children's Cotton
Hose, 10c
Children's Fine Ribbed Cot
ton Hose In black, while and
cordovan; 20c val- -I A
ue, per pair xUC
Children's Half Hose in as
sorted colors; 25c 1 re
values at, per pair... XUC
Main Floor.
Lowered Prices
Berry Sets,
China Berry
Sets, regular
$3.50 value
Sherbet Glasses
at $6.00 Dozen
KoHe etched low
Sherbet, regu
larly $11.00 a
dozen ; m a n u -faeturer's
priee, dozen
Tea Pots, 45e
Blue and green
Tea Pots, 4 to
6-cup size, reg
ular $1.00 val
u e ; manufac
turer's sale
Odd Pieces of
China, 2Se
Fourth Floor.
Surplus Stock Sales in the Hardware
500 large size triangle oil Dust Mops, (J.
regular 11.45 value, at OI7L
500 large size triangle oil Dust Mops, Qs
regular $1.00 value, at sJUC
Quart sli Tin Fruit Cans, per
6-lb. Hot Point Electrio Sad Iron, flr OQ
$6.75 value, at Jl).aS7
Manufacturers' Surplus Sale of
Wall Paper
Fourth Floor
30,000 rolls at a mont surprisingly low
price, in eharming new fall patterns.
WaU paper is the background for a
happy home.
5c Roll
Papers for dining
rooms, kitchens and
halls, in all-overs and
conventional patterns,
le values.
30 - Inch oat
meal papers in
new eolors;
2!e grades.
17c Roll
Kiiihomfil bodrui'iiu
paper, cliintl, floral
stripes and all-vr
Uiiisiu; S9 values.
9c Roll
Bedroom papers,
floral stripes, satin
stripes and rhlnts
patterns; values to
Dining room
and living
room papers;
30c values.
29c Roll
Heavy t mbtiaaed
tautitrie in floral
and ai'ento effects;
Values ll tC
all abate Urns auttl with ruteiit borders
vr aaads.
Surplus Stocks From the
Furniture Section
Simmons Beds, SAJ5
Simmons 2-inch poet
Heds with 1-Inch fill
er rods SH.D5
Cotton Filled
Mai tresits
45-lb. all oottnn Mat
tresaes, heavy tlak
and roll edge. $6.75
Bed Spiinrs
Springs, gtisrante4
for 10 years.. $5.00
8 Flee Suites
J-Pieca Fiber Llrtnj
Room Suites, consist
ing of Horker, Arm
( hair and Settee, up
ho Is Is red In cre
tonne, at ...$37.50
table Upwlal
Oak, walnut and ma
botany Mxht Table,
each $7.75
fkeae (t4
Oak, walnut and ma
hogany I'hune Mtanla.
a SM.50
Dnofold Suites
,85.00 3-plece Fumed
or Goldeu Oak Duo
fold Suites, consisting
of Aim Chair, Rocker
and Dnofold. includ
ing SO-pewud Cotton
UiUaae, reduced
t $55.75
Uahogur Taring
Nafta, 16.00
Four-Pieoe Mahogany
Parlor Suite, foment
ing Ufcrar? Table,
Ztiial elf. with draw,
et; 1 km Chair and
1 Rorfcata. M...$25
Kitehea UMs4, VJ
Kitfbau fatsl Haft,
I drawera. I four
bias aad ; s'S.
at S7.50
Hla-k l aairs
ia mitt CNJsv
lth porre'ata (w
redtirfd to . $5 0v
la ..
'., t'Uta4 I un.aia. la 10
..n n.r Afn.uii, k . A04
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woo punoiiAsna or OROCKKir.8 nr.UVKRKD TO YOUR DOOR