IHE OMAHA KM: IML'KSUA.. Sfc.Plfc.MtfhK 7. Itfr.'. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain I Chicago Grain Live Stock Omaha, S'l'l. ft lKjy't nuikrtt wlulr lioiii (iiiirrrl,tf ilrrnlll in it! gram tt tlilW 1rl ljl.jttl(Hl4 itititirt furrow fang.. Fort'icn wheat taMr. rr liiutirr ifii,g trirlu.ru r(l liy drttrr liiian.ial c (.million m t tcpe nj laifir tlii(itiirnl l Ih rontmriit. J ht hut wvf riiinuJ in th c . . r ii hrlt Hj tlirif rrf Kiiutrrout ruiiiplaiiit' of iljnunr from I lie na iri'ii Very little lminr ai rrrln in fx port circle ir(il)i1ilv .iKMNril. lirat ucrtml lariirly M .1 11 il l J . lj, rr riti,rr atuie ycre reported in I lie Canadian mrihurt wiih .1.' de gree hmii at one pnl. Krrriil of wlttst wrre only HJ cr toiliy and tli run rl oilier grama vi ry liuht l"talinn I.'.' car o( II grain (Miiijiatrij vulh 4 liravy run 11I Wi7 tars lt .rar. Tftal hip li.rtit. ftf uri tiixill antir.- II ii nn lr,,m a jiKuint 2.11 nil I jrar avjtt, Cai.li wlir.it vta in ctiiirlu( tirt ti r ilrniuiiil Iml.iV'. J he ordinary (in 111; at ali iit inn liaiiKnl wliili tin jrllow k.itil li- IhiIht and tlir dark tannic yrt Jr halter, rum .! in good dcniand at 11m liatiKi'd in 44t lii Oat wrfr lintliailK1 d to '4c In lie hitfhrr. Hk umliamcil to !. Iimrr ami ImiIi v Ha (iiotrd un I'lttiignt. Financial J New York Bonds By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. t-saalia Haw Im4 Ire, CI.i.jKO, rjit, o.-liraiti priift failrtl to art n'y tar iii riihrr dure nun to'(a, Ofii-ring dia.irarri1 mi tin? ilnl nr. Tin- l.ulnr, brought r 11 iiki uiirr. At the lat whrat .. utii'hiigrr tn I 4r Inner, corn I .V I it; liT In I 4c lower, tli lor 11, rr 1.11 Spit'lliliiT, data limlilll!r(l My,' h'tfhrr while rye vt.ii un IK hi t -4 W In ! lud a rangf 01 7 Mi I I He ami (luril (it iiitrrninliate figure. Kaint in the Canadian iirthHrt had nniir iii'nt mi rnt.iiifii!, alto nil im-.Ii iirriniunit at Wuiniprg. The liravy, wilh tc RMatpia ! Cam Hun IIim nifi. hi MMii nn t -t. hi nifi., Twil .,,jn ? if .i;.n.i. W..li..J ) if't I'hiM ihia II iai ft. l( a.m. it.M I ? "4 ll.itt ll.tl aaina ( I .ulll 1311 !' a.in ! I a aau l.l 10 9T It l7 mil ai ttar a il.ill It, III w li ka r t il.ik liat.l So N. I l4ra hft ri II 112 1 1 II III lniMI'l: rin, II I IMIIIUHyl; ; I or. II 01, I tar, rhr. II in (mult)'): ; t lar. II l4 lainul- I car, 13c ) imrm. Ill't; I rr, II Hi. 1 ram, II HI l.i.ull I. ,Vu I ilark hr.l t I ", II r Hmull) 1 l 1. S I HhiU lf'l' I f rr, 1 1 1 Isniut'l I ty, I prr fit ryu No, I ha.. lilr: 1 iir. In Nil t hl4 lnl"l: I rar, l Kmill 1)1. I rr, ; I '' '; I rar. In itimtii. I i mr, laliippr'a withi; I . r. I "r. "S'' I u 1 . I ar, li " 171 rr i.m .lata 1. N.. 9 h.1,1 aitilrr: I .ar II "; ! ran, II 1.4 lauttiii.'. ih'i.r'a wlal.i!, I far, l 14; I .ar, II ill. I ar. !).'. I car, II. So 4 iiant wiiii'r: I rai, li 3 rara, II 04 I ar n 1 1 .1 a . a iihiUC. So I hard Kluiar: I rar, tie urnullyl: 1 rl, 2. aampl- hant ulnlrr: t rar, !c (araavlli; I nr. tin i7 rr 'nl ry; J S rar, 7?r Ihaitflnm: I car. 43c (auurl; I rar, 13c I in I .-r rnt rjial Nu I y.llnw har.l: I rara. -t. No I y.,l.iar hall: I ar. 13.:. ha ripla yalluw: I rar. a'r. No. I ai.iina 1 rara, II II Mark nnrlh rn. I rar. l lil; I rar. II un (mull)' rd ; I rar I!.' vry aunil'M; 1 car, II J; I rar. II 13 lilnrH norihvni). Ni, J apilliff: 2-6 rar. ttr n I nui"l I rar. V liluriim). .No. i muni: I rar. ;.c ill prr rant rluriiiii. I n-r rant rya; i cara. II pr iant (.liirum). S. I miird: t rar, llr (durum). No. 4 iiuxarl: t rar. Ilr. No. I durum: S rara. 3r. No t (lurumi I rara, 12 (ambar). ' No. I durum: ! rara. lie. No. 4 durum: 1 rar 41c COK No. t hlt: t rr. S1o. No. t whlla: J rar. M,r. 'o. I rllow: 7 rara. f.RViC. yo. I yrllrtw: 1 rar, FISc. No yi..: t rar. 14V- (muly). Hampla yallnw: 1 rar. a4'tc No, I nilird: I rar, llc. No. I mliad: 1 rar tl'c. OATS No. t arMla: I rara. Str; 1 rar, !2C. No. 4 whlia: 1 car. 32 H'. Kamnla whlla: 1 rar 31 Vac (hatln). Rva No. 1: t ear. 3o. No. ?: I car. 42. No. I: 1 rar. I'ir. . No. 4. 1 rar. 0r. OMAHA RECKIPTS AND HHIPMBNTS rrloi) Rarcipla- VtlcM i'orn f.ata I'.r Barlay Shtrimanla Whrat Corn (ala tli-a ilarlry PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS iBuahela) Raralpta TnJav Wk. Aao U hrat 5.K37,0ii forn 1.1)33.111)11 Data :i.0.iO fhlpmnU Today Whaat l.i an.nnn Corn I'.'H.ooi) Da la 146, ion EXPORT CLEARANCES luahala Today Tr. Ann Whna.t and Flour iriH.ooi) 1IS.OH0 rorri n.oon ' 44,000 TJata 141)0(10 OH1CAQO CAR I.)JT RKCRIPTS. Wek Tit Today Awa Ann W'haat 321 lilb 3n r.orn l.ooi II) 1,H data 197 67 210 KANSAS CITT CAR LOT RKCKIPTS. Wrrk Trar Today Aao Aao Whaat 19 1h o3 Corn U 14 10 Oata 10 1 41 ST. LOt'lS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week, Tar Today Airo Ao Wiirat US J04 I-orn 1!4 Wl no Oata 30 21 SO ORTH)VESTERX CAR T.OT RKCtlPTS OF WHEAT. Wk Taar Tody. Aao. Ao , .. 2 r. IIS ... 2 13 ... 3 43 ... , 4 31 . .. .. . .. 10 Waalc Tear Today. Aao. Aao. . .. 7 47 172 . . . 14 41 42 ... 21 24 17 ... 10 7 S, 004. ooo 1.411.000 1 026.000 Wk. Aao 1.637,000 1,010.000 624.000 Tr. Aro .1,444.00(1 J.174,000 483,000 Vr. Ao 1,41.00(1 1,324. 000 404,000 Today Vinnrapolla 614 I'uluth .... 608 Winnlpra 677 Woak Aro hli 647 : Taar Aao RR1 474 0)6 -Caah, Kama rily Oratn. Ransaa City. 8rpt. What- Ko. 2. UK-Oil. II Corn No. I whlta, 6c; No. 2 yallow, r Hiv TTnr.hanaed. Knnaaa City. Mo. Spt. Cloao: Vh.-at Saptambcr, 14c May, IIVc Corn Saptrmhar, BSWc; Pacember, llc; May, 66'.-. Wnnrapolla l.rain. Mlnnaapolla. K,pl. . Whral: Caah: No. 1 northrrn, II 01 1 Hl.ll k i 8rpl. nil.ar, I0H: lac.ltrr, l.01; Mav, 11.04 1. Corn No, I Mnw, I7467c. r.ata No. I ahlta, :o412U.'. Hal lay 44t( 54.V HVN. J, 4Vi44He. riaa NO. l. i:sk. M yul tiraln. St. laiula. Hapt. a Whral Clota, tan.tMr. 4r; la,-amhr, l 0iv lorn Haptambar, 4 but, lrrambr, U' 0i Siaplambar, IJi; Paramtvar no! .u.t4, MiaM-oalia Flaw. tltnawitMiUa. rli. riour t'n, han.l to "o.. lowar; family paunia, !" 1. Bra a 114 . Taxaaaltn aa4 lanalit. aaaah li . al. 4 I urnl!Ba rum. l USaltll, lUI-a. 4 biia. t... lla la , h piK.ttia, 14 ua:a . ai.k. 4 .1 at,. Haia-IHia. "alaa. trj raaa ra.a,i.'a 4 t aaa. aMaatanla, .a.a. l..ta, i 'at ii J!a a, t K " IMS O M I l' It , t WH m, i i n l . i. 14 ;i. , 14 114 tl wm at a lry l 4a Saw V ..r a a t-i 4 i ... . a a". ' -a , i l aiaa.l. al a"' -a '" ( ia i.a l i. i a - la a.a aMai la. n I!.. iii ,i.i-a a '( r4ra Tfi at ra . I i a-'' a-il fa aar.aa --a a.t ' iKa amaa -fUl-w a t 1 irm "I .f'aa lj4 litna . a la) iHtaal r-ataa Via lata. vat. .at ' a a !Jl I ' vr.f d. " a. ., ra ft. rlata.aa yi a- a -,. . a.. I . a a I . I a al . 'H v I 1:114, a. 4. a ....'.--. I ' ' iiniari t'lcri va i K'lur nil 5 -Rr. Loral iradcra iynorcd the early advaiiie til I 4'.i I 'l in Liverpool and mid railur Irrely, larrying the Unrinbi r ml In n- to f I 01 I 4 At flnl I J and under, l!ic aeahoartl hrcame a ond buyer. A atruinj up. tinii iiiiir lain on hurl oncniitf. hapori ili-iiiand ri'iiuitu slnw, althimh privile ral!.- indiratrd that Jiiropi an huyrr wi re Iiitihiiiiik more toiiluKnt ol thrie innitioll. evrii thuuub liny nlu.rd to hid up to rrutf raali grain. Movement of w inter wheat i relatively stn.ill, due tu the acauity ot r ir, hut aprnig I Ktrfin i, moving rapidly. Loral ar- rivaU, 15.1 rar. Seeding of new wheat i under ay in the aoutli wet. Many Kepwrta wf lianiaaa. .rf.'l aU (hll.rlra o, In: n a.il.l at a l" .v Illati tu tli. rrup. bill In oulrl.J tirf.jp. wtikh aa' a atl.lrli. a uf broatlritinn mat. .tally ilia prrtl.iua day. aa llniltr.l .it. 'I "it tn a.ltai..'ra local ,.naa wr Boixl rllaia. Iiar I tun lr r a t in ra to tna Chii W.lUr norlliwiat, with U hr.laf that th)' v. .,uM w, rk -Inio lha . . ti hull In tha lira! Oar riala, aara the hrarlah In.-rnt iva, A r,..,,. i.r ilaii.'iaa ra..i.iu rama from NV l.:aka a:iil Kanaa and in.lu.ad aonia l.uy i"a. r'urr.'uMiji putiart..l anwrally f.ilr aalhar. r.xporlrra look 3 1 r.n04l liuahrla ii. ra a,ith ri miun.a un. lianga.! and rr lali.la 477 rara ii.. ia 'f.m.iu.l to ahnw atutilmrn ra. '-'imi, (o n,a;.u"a and while Iraila waa not lalgf. good auppurl wna ra.-rly-d on 'I ina mi. .or tlx. Ilnra llti.aha rrporla.l ...ta b'.lna lill a.l auuth (if lha l.lliroln (,-h ) (..rrllory ahl.h only or.-ura In aea "ha or aavrra d.o.ilh Haraipta 4 cara. .i...rl..ra 'O.ik MKl.ooi) I uahela hara 8ral..,.ird houi-a wira aood tiuyara of rva .i orfar. th aft.rt i.r nort h Wratarn hrdKln prraaur. Tha ti.n norlharatrrn mat k, -ta had 3ia rara. eprlrra took .uuo bunhrla hat. I'll Notra. Hot and dry wathar continuad ovar lira it., ii bait. Inrrfaa.na; rorniilalnta of rrou ilrlariorallon waia rarrlyrd from Kar.aaa, Nrlnaaka. nnd i.thar atataa. Con dulona in Iowa ara rrr.ti'(lrl aa aomawhat mora ai)itr"l, nllhouall rrporlH Indl.'ata that thu outlook thar la for a very iatae crop. Cu'tiriv of coin I undar way In porta of K .,iini. ky. Illin'.li. Ohio, W larorialn. Mln nao.a. Houth li:.kot'i, Xrliraaka, Kaltaaa and ( iklaliotna, a.-rnrdlna; to tha a.vra' mant wr.'kly waather and rrop report. Lata corn In wratarn Oklahoma moatly la burnt up by rnnrlnurd hot and dry aaathar, a.'.'urfiina to tha govcrnmant Karkly rrport. Eaatrrn poriluu la In fair to good condition. Lata .urn In Miaaourl a'ao auff.r.l lha .aa( waok. Nabraakl. South ikot North Inkota. Mlnlicanta and lllln.. la itporta tnclirata mora or laaa drtariorntion and northern and aaatern lowa have bran hurt to aoma extant. Wat wathar In tha Canadian northweat of lata la aald to ta delaying; tha thraah tnir and marketing of wheat, yet W!nnl pag had 677 rara today compared with 274 car a wek ago and 742 cara laat year. ituylng of September and Belling of De cember oata contluuea of good volume at 4tSc diarottnt by caah Intereata hero and In tha northwest. Hutiaea with Omaha ronnertlona were tha largest buyera of oata here today. Reporta from Knnaaa any there aro 15, OOO.lmO buahela ahrul In country elevator In that stale awaiting shipment. The lat commlttalon aaya theru are 15,000 leaa freight cara In the elate than luat year. Ia.nl Is now arillng away below the mat of product Ion. f n Id Charles Sincere A Co. In reviewing the provlalons situation. "II la one of lha mot nc.-ei.eary arttclea of food and with labor fully employed and good wages lard muet come Into It own before tha winter packing aeason." CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES., By T.pdlke Grain Co. PO. SH27. Sept. . Art. Open. HlKh. I '."w, Close. Yea. Wht. I I Hep. 1.004 .ifi .Sty, .IIVi Deo. l'oi'i l.2 1.01 10IS 1.014 ion, 1.0114 1.01 May 107 V, 1.0714 1.06 1.07 1.07'A 1.07 'a 1.07 Hep. ,7'i .74 .T V -67'4 ,67a Dec. .69 .69V4 .49 .49H .4 May .74 .74A .74 .74 41 -74 Corn Sep. .61V, .61 ' .6014 -Sl'-i ,61 .614), .111 Doc. .67H .6714 .564 .674 .57'4 .67S .57 Vi ,67'4 May .fiO',1 .61 .104 .60H .6014 .61 Oat. I I I I I Sep. I .34 .34 .S3 .J.1'4 .3314 I .331, Deo. I .34141 .3414 .341t .8414 .34V4 -11411 -:414 May .38 .3SH .S7i .3714 .3714 I I .3714 Lard (ill Sep. 1 97 110.22 ) 9 97 110.82 110.00 Oct. 110.02 110.27 110.00 10.26 10.00 10.27 Ribs II Sep. 4 50 I I 75 1.60 .7S I.F.B Now York Sugar. New York, Kept. 6. The raw augar market wri unsettled and while there waa no quotable change In quotatlona, Cubaa remaining at 3o coat and freight, eriual to 5.24c for centrifugal, with Hales of 10.000 bags exfttore at that level, there were persistent rumors thnt atore KiRrtra have aol.l below th:a price, al though no confirmation could be ob tained. Afloat and nearby Cubaa weia of- December, I414cn fared at quoted prlt-ea at the cloee with out tinning ouyera. The raw sugar filturea market waa weak and price hruk aharply under active li.iul.latii.n by Wall atract and trailo interests prompted by Vh'' easier feeling In the apot market and tha poor demand for refined , A t've poaltlona aold down 15 to 17 potnla. Itn.overliig atop loaa ordera, hut covering chet-ked the derilne near tha close and price rallied a few polnla and ware finally 13 to 14 point below the prevloua cloae, CU.atng: October. 3 4iic; Daceinber, 3 4c; March. S 2-'r; May. 3 J4e. Thai no chanse In refined auiar prltea, with (:ne granulated listed at 4 7Ae hv a t rrftiiera, but th undertone waa uiteet.ird by the B'-tlnn of tha apot mnrket and lha demand wa light. Uefinvd futurea n.minat. New Ijork t'otleiil. New York. Kept 4 Th ...tlon fulurea list ronltttued lower Ul.der furer aalltna, . hiefly aoullieia he.l .rraur and I.Kar o.. offarloaa. and Offline.! about Sc un ,ler 11 atabt'a r'oa Tha list laat I la !t p-oi.i rarlv. t).n rai, led an lo.-al aho.t p,wrma and lltM Ira. In aul'pott, but alld , ft ., aroint midday k.ff..ria of bull I'l'.U't.r o F -a : y lha markvl al'Peat! ftt' 1:1 al.en in th rt r n.. a. th I ai l.'ppv.t to a ..iun, f .r lb rtav At in r,d of It. (,..4tth a'i !. .ii,.uoled to 1ft 14 j t,jnt a-id In Hi llvr t.adlog lb U" . toe i ,ti -l a I v p:-., C . ..-a Ikaa -im.hus uM.r wi pihi. l.o.ai at 31 is--t.t e'l 1. ..d 1 1 a 1 rat al .4 ,.rf 1 p.n.a I'txt.l ta'n t hti,l. t,....g,i ... ..t a rt i.,.. at th , .. ... K'l. h 4 4 I j I potr.. 4 loa' a-. . a . 41 f I 14 .:..ll il. ', .4 h ' II a a . g. ti.a in o..fc ,: at lla y lo I 4 '.; t ..., . S. a i t .. I i a-., a.( .k l BBtiaia .....ir,., V.j4.. n I ' ' 4 a at -I ' u.n,(ka ;i .aa.i M... ; . a' a..a. I. in nk lii. . .,. a- : Ikhag ll.U , I, a t li'(i .! t I 41 . ,l k.w ' V i a '. . a. v.. . 11. ' aa k. I t a II i a . I c . . 4 4 f 1 1 . t I -a . 1. . I ' . a a i 4 . 1 , . . I I'll U'a I N a 4 I'stlla .Rarslpt I. lea llesd 1'at rattle era alow aaem today, rora tda making up in big nd of ih offerings and pri air mnaity ieady al tray a ottin tld hifra aJ bt taavs auld tirongsr aa.l other kinda ware alniui aiaady atura mrm and frirra ware falrla arlly at leatly ia 'iong pn.ee and rang bsf aid strung ta la spot lee hither, llt. Uuuiatlon en raldei Thole ta prim , IKItfil; good to choice brye It 1.10)1" 10: fair Is good bssye. It (, ranimoa ta (air hee, la s l II. rholre lo prim yeaillng. lie II Vie 71; good la rhuira leaning. Il4tf la 10; fair la oo4 yeaillnga. I' ll II: cu-iiiion lo fair yearling. ITtotl.ll su-.il tn rli.il. graea b. ..a, 116v4ii; fair la good graaa hvaa, 14 404 7 11; i-ommon ta fair graaa heve. I 7IV.I; Meairans. I o ) t o . g.md to rhuiia graaa h,ris, H:.4J Jb: good la rholre grea !.,, 14 66 Mi, medium la good graaa ruwa, II uo4 TI: roinmun lo fair gias roa. 13 0(14141 prim heavy ftdra, I. 14l I 1.1: good lo rhi.li feeders. 17 11 417 74: fair to good fdrr. 1161)4)7 14: (oniinon la fair feeder. 6fa0y.i6: good to ihoi.e alorkfre. lloogyl fk; falrjto g.md slot kera. 10(11 OA; common to '.r atorkeia. II 16(1 00, stock helfars, II 76 well. sto. a rows, IJ0.if41; iork rlvea, i 404 1 BO; veal reive. i 00tf 10 10, bulla, etaa, tr 13 000 1.71.. HKKK iTr.ita. No. Av. I'r. No. A v. Pr. I a, i;i 1 li 1ft Ill I III Ill I 40 I. ..... 1146 I "6 ,I7.1 1 I 17 'U 10 I HT K K R H AND HKIM.nX It il.... 71 31 . 117 .1170 10 II. I 41 II. IIKtrKRH. I oa 1. . IILLLft. 4 I . . i'Ai.vr. I 10 .101 . 741 .1410 I I I 10 I 10 4 II W KHTKIIN 4ATTI.B. 110 I II IHo.jth Dakota I It fdra ion 4 40 ia Mra.Itot T 1 II Mrs. l 71 NK.W MKXICO. I rowa 713 I ! I hfre. it 4 26 I rlvB I I II etra. 14 I 7ft 3 hfra. 414 I OA I rowa T74 I 00 41 civs. 231 7 3 NKHHAHK A fdra. 136 I 76 27 fdra. Ill I II II hfra 40! I to Hogs Receipts, ,000 heed. Trailing was fslrlv active today after a slow start. K rites ruling strady to l"c lower. Light ogs sold largely at H36 4J4.40, with a top price of 4 46. Good quality butcher aold at 7.75frl2S, and strong weight butchers at 17 Jiff 7 10. and the bulk of mlied hose end pscklng grade at 14 16 4i47f., with th rxtrem he vies at II 00 i.li. Hulk of all hogs aold at 11.110 I 0. HOOJI. Hh Pr. No. Av. 8h. 40 I 00 14. .341 No. Av. 4 . .4(iH II . .Jill 2 .313 . .20 60. .JO 4. 3,0 4s. .21.4 31. .227 17. .227 70 26 I 36 I 76 7 10 7 10 I 110 I II I to 310 101 30 311 2 1 141 10 221 110 120 Pr. I II I Hi 6 60 40 7 1 10 I 16 I 60 I 16 Hherp and T.smh Receipt. 14.000 head. Trading waa alow to get under way with l.uvera. making a aland for lower rot and very little nnn on Ih early rounda, Inter the market opened about aleady with fat lamba Belling at ih earn prl.-ea aa yeaterday, moving largely at 112260 12.60, with a top price of 11140 Feeders ware fully steady and fairly active, mnv. In readily at 111.2641,12 60. with beat lisht lambs quoted at III 60 Sheep were low on very light receipts, small lots or heavy ewes selling at I3.004jl.60, and beat light ewe quoted at 16.76. Quotations on sheep and lombi: Fat tamha, good to choice. 112 1541;. 12.60; fat inn.be, fstr In good. 111. 76412 26: feeding lamas, )i.ano- lil. so: cuu lamna. ifi.oorp 10.00; fat ewes, light, 14,7666.75; fat ewes, neavy, 1:1.0094.60. f'hlrag Lit Block. Chicago, dept. I Cattle Roceipla. 12. OOO head; market alow: uneven, generally aleady on beef steers; yearlings, beef cows, veal calves, Blockers and feeders; cannera, cuttera and bulla, weak lo 16c lower; early lop. matured beef steers, 110.86; soma held higher; hulk, beef ateers. 18.750 10.25; supply of westerns, moderate: few losita Montana to killers early at 17.31: few heads st 26; soma Dakota, 15.600 1.00; hulk, heef cows and heifers, I4.60fy 7.26: hulk, bologna bulls. 3.764 .00; bulk, vealers. early around, 12.0n; bullk. desir able Blockers and feeders, ltl.257.2&. Hogs Receipts, 22.000 head; markeV- sWiw; light and butchers around atesdy with Tuesday's average; others, steady to strong; good 180 to 220-pound aver ages. 19 200 136; top 89.35; 240 to 240 pound butcher. M.76l 10; 270 to 110 pound butcnem, 14.608.76; packing sows, moetly. te.4Ofi7.O0: pigs, about .. steady: good 110 to 120-pound averages, mostly 17 76014,25; heavy weight. 7.7.6 8 10: medium weight. I8.60r9 30; light weight, 19. 1501. 31); light lights. II 364J) 00; packing sows, smooth. ID 80W7 00; packing aowa. ro'uuh. .16.60; killing plea, 7.2S8 26. Pheep and I,mbs Receipts. 21.000 head; fat lamb, alow, steady tn shade lower: early top. natives. I12.I0. to ship pers: bulk, medium to good. II 2 .00 12.2S; short sorted to psrkers: culls mostly IS. 60; no fat westerns sold early; best llht feeder Ismbs. steady t 112.76; sheep, extremely dull, unevenly lower: heel fat bsndy-aged wethers srouml. 17 2517. 50: fat ewes, largely-. I3.00ft4.60; load choice 90-pound Washington year ling breeding ewes, 111.76. Kansas City I.lveatock. Kansas city. Mo., fiont. Cattle Re ceipts. 11,000 head; she stock, mostly steady to strong; better grades, 15iiy26c higher: moat cowa. IJ.756.26: better kind, 6.5047.00: atrictly choice kind lacking; moat grasa helfera. 15.00(95.60; all other clasaes, generally auady with canners dull and other classes active; eerlv ton. sierra. 110.36: aome held at tin 60 few head vearltneA aold at 110.50; canners, I2 00W2.60; cuttera mostly 13.00 :i.25- brat vealers. 1 1 0. 2& ft 1 0. 50 ; bologna bulls, mostly 13.7504.00. Hr.as KecelDta. 4 000 head: market very alow to packers, mostly 1062Se lAV.r: most h'.BVleS Unsold 1 PaCkOf tOO. 18 Of.: bulk. 88.0018.40: 160 to 230 weialits. 18 30fS 60: 240 -.0 320 pounders, t7.S0U"8.4iV packing aowa. moatly 160250 lower; bulk, .60tii6.V5; stock pigs, steady; bulk, 11.6081.40; cholc natlvea, s 90. . . Hhcep Receipts. S.000 head; market, slow, about steady: small bunch natives, 112. fO: better gratlea. mostly II 2.00 13.26; coil around 17.60: ahep. dull: aome bevvy ewea lower; most fat natives. 15.00 (iiftAO; odd lots. hesvls, I4.00f4.50i Oregon trading laniba, 112,36. t'hiraga UveaUerk. Chlrago. Hept. 4 Cattle Kecelpls. 12. Ooa haad; beef steers, steady to weak gen erally, yearling and medium graaaera rloa Ing 1 A 10 15o lower; top matured ateera, 111 10.' beat long yearllnga. 110.40; bulk beef ateer. 14.714)11.26; butrher row anil helfera. caivea. atockera and fe.dr. most ly steady: cannera, rutieta and bull. wak o 16c off; bulk bf eowa and hlfers, 4 5S7 26; rannrrs and ruttrs, largly 11764160; bulk bologna hull. Il.l6tj4.04; yea! caivea. nitutly IU0IJ6. Hogs Raceipta, If 000 hd; light and buttbr. ateady Willi irrdy'a ayr. cloalng airong; parking sowe airong, log un.y.niv higher, bulk II Ir. !!'' poundsr. I4!ll; top. I IS. i i.i p..and kutrT..rt str l; bulk 110 la lia-pound btlLhers. 4; rk trg ! n.otllr Ilit)ll4: pig, around aieady; twli.r kinds. II I; ilml4l (io! t..yr. a b-d ,h.. SI'. I IjimB ttrelpte !l he.d; l.rola. .i-.lr lo shale lower, aalic. l9 hulk t'IMOJII la: skarl sarl.d; run iy.ny I , iop ait int, 1IJ7 1 alllr and f.l', .h dull, uaecvnly !. ' ' i..y.n 1 I as )..! tra weihe, bid H . Vlu-jiana rl.it M ' a. Jak lit a.. Ifoa Ma -. e - "i .lvl I kd, y.i !. ' l-. '.s sl.adr ta aa ksaa .! a4 akittt .4.tl a kl "lb ! ti.u.1 H.iits tei. t.y , taa . a,.. ...ji u. i.i nia a ....... -.. 14 y . Mil '!. .l af -. . , ,,w .a.h a-l I ei 4 1. . ..i'r ). 11 a , , b 4 4 J 'VJ ,',, l I.i ) S.n4 I4i in w.ae He ! ia .r.i ,a.e-a ' r " rsva.ea .- I i 1 1 ! 14 14 11 . iii'ii"' aa al taa.h . 1 " i.e. ! nitiajtil ,.. I4. a a4 4 tact, I a1" ! ' ft) I 1. . a it. ,, I 1 a.4 ii ) m i'hi. 4.4 - ... I" l 11 . .e y .liwl I ,.! . 4 ,nl II . 6t)t K4 ,. . 4 b. i '11 iy fey as y.fe t a I . a it. a fe1.1 a- e , i i!. - a a . s . I. mi'. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. OmttJtc HW I $m4 Wtft, Stw York, Sept. 0, How f4r lo d4y' (Iftltur on the (oik nth4nrfe rr(ri-c ntcd the retluiitg 4tr whuh usually ifoinjany a favorable out come to a long period of unceruuity iKh the vceiit Ubor ronlrovmy h(l rreatfd, and how fir a change of attitude bv Mtrrtiutnr m par tuutar atocki, it might be difficult to y. it tit the part which profrt..ona1 speculation nat luu in the very recent market waa certainly hown by the vtolrnt decline in aharei of oil proilucing compaiiiei that have been exploiting Mexico. I he tate ni ut publuhed" in an organ of the oil trade, that comnaniea which have iiivcMrd in trut field are unlikely to get their invented capital ba.'k a Ram, wai little more than reitera tton of other and frequent aimilar arrtion-, made by one group of authorittctt in the trade, duputrd by another, and always leaving the ord nary invetor'a rnind in coin plete olmtirity on the niattct. It hurd'y nJ b '4 thai thta U lh rnmilir npTirn' fir mrk. whw h ((rulm on urh uninriain pmttfi. 'J'h iirtthftiiiii (a, hot-r, that liMlay'a )ow.nrarl it.uviiianl would hava ft-rurrt1 In inv ra, vn ff nn( wiih loiay'a uolnta tt aiiiwtal miihaMa. Th railway aharca writ In war, an 4 ttu- merriua ato-h or intluifrial cornpama Iti nihar fl-ltl- fhmi till production loal Vuint or moia. Whll mi'l uf th forwifn atrhanira rata hardly rtiuVJ, 'ha Otrmin mirk atruiraUit up in lha h nhm flHura in a wU. Thla may hava brn a, faint aparu lattva raapnna- to th Mtlnn plan nt plvrlnaT buildlrif marartala for .raon- airu'-tfnn unlr th nunpu-a of lha Oar man mnurriurara, but on th baata or paymant tat 'hm by th (iarman invarn- nini, Thla I In ubtanr ih proposal which waa mad laat wk to th rp ra tion rommlaRlnn, and whlrh than handy r-4lva4 ron(drrf Ion, th rompromlalng of Hclf lum'a raih rmUlittlnni havlny wholly auparardff 'i. Tha plan for "raparatlnna of anv kind,' on a baula tint nt raauat fiurrhaa by th fovarnmatit, but on a formal bulnr inntract, claarly haa aom lvantaira v:hlh niuat appMl Lo Krnt. It would Uaat Inaur roix tlrtuanr of tha rc onatrijrtlon work, with out frrlna Kranc-a Itaalf mora daaply in to an unvunvrtt'l dioi. Wall Mtr httten. Ifnlt-! Stat Httrl corporation la a- prrr4 to laa'i Ha attmnt of forward buatnai on Ita hooka a of tha rloa of builnf.ua, Auguat 91, ' Hatunlay. Tha i nly ai Imai thun fnr calia for an In or aao of about (0.000 ton in unfinlahrd bualnran. Uraplta tha aUlainrnt, Coining from largtt oil Jnterrata, :hat Maxlco la on Ita laat Irga aa an oil Lrcduci-r, thar waa Konafrtorahla rimjrrturo In financial rlr rlta aa to tha niotlva bat-It of tha atat manta, Injamurh oa they affuct th Ht an hard OH company' tnvaatmrnta In that country, aa well aa thoa of other compaul. New York Quotations Rang of prlres of th leading atorka furnished by Logan 4 Bryan, 248 I'etara Tiust building; RAILROADS, I furs. High Low Close Cloae A , T. 4 8. F 10SS 102 8, 1024 10314 Italtlmore Ohio. 61 il 67, 61H4 Canadian Vaclfle .14714 1 147 14014 N. T. Central .... II 4 7 184 Chea.t. Ohio ... 764 7614 76S 7"4 Ot. Northern I4V4 Hi 134 ( Illinois) Central ...U114 ll'"4 1I0'4 Kan City Mouth'n. 2f, !4 261 2.1 21 I.ehlgh Valley .... 69 14 61 -4 18 14 414 Missouri Pacific .. 23'4 2214 2214 221 N. T. 4 N. H. ... 82 8114 114 2 North'n Pacific .. 884 74 1114 84 Chi. V M. IV. ... 4'4 92 1214 S Venn. K. 11 4'4 4HV4 44'4 4614 Heading 791, 7"4 71 7S C. R. I. P 48 H 47 V 48 44 Soulh'n Pacific ... Mil 2 93 94 Routh'n Ry. 241 2'4 2414 Chi., Mil. St. P. IS 8114 914 '3'4 Union Pacific ...,160'i 14S1 141 1604 8TKE1.S ,.1874 1T 1874 .. .. 694 684 681 69 ..12314 12014 121 '4 12314 ..13114 12 121 11'4 .. 79'4 " '74 78"4 3214 '32 98V4 94 42 4 4114 3614 3414 ii4 Amer Car Fdry Allls-C'halmers . Amer Loco .... Haldwln Loro . Hethlehem Steel Colo F 4 I .... Crucible Aier 8t Fdry . Lakawanna St . Mldvalo Steel . Pressed St Car . Rep Ht 4 I ... Rv Ht Springs.. Hloss-Scheffleld ... 61 61 IT S Steel 1041, 10314 1034 105V4 Vsnadlum 624 604 61 V 2'4 Otla Steel 11 11 COPPF.RS. Anaconda '"'4 65 Amer H 4 Ret Co.. 61. 14 3 4 Cerro (la Pasco.... 4114 Chill 2814 Chlno 3114 Cat AV Ariz S3 '4 Orcen Cananea Inspiration 424 Kennecott 374 Miami 3)14 Nevada Con doted. 17 '4 Ray Con'dated .. 14 Seneca 12V4 I'tah '0 01 is, . 69 . 48 14 .. 64 4 . 14 '4 .193 14 40 14 23 '4 .HI'S 214 41 '4 3714 30 17V4 1S 124 6914 32 4 4114 )44 ii4 61 11 65'4 634 41 23 '4 J0 14 63 41 '4 3714 30 1714 1614 12'4 10 1,4 714 4214 10 3614 86 4 7314 119 60 14 654 6H 4014 234 31' 42 '4 334 4'! 374 30 174 1614 1214 71 den. Asphalt .. Ccolen Calif. Feterol . . Islsnd Oil Invincible Oil .. Mexican Peterol Middle States 16 74 46"4 62 14 1414 f, , 4IV 64 s 1414 Pacific Oil 6714 Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil . . Puie Cll Roval Dutch Sinclair Oil St.. Oil. N Texaa Co. . Union Oil . yhlt Oil .. J. 834 524 ... 7 ... 311s .... 6114 ... 831a ...183 .... 48 .... 19 '4 ... 8 '4 MOTORS. ... 61 '4 14(4 I 7'4 47 114 4 1414 1X814 19014 194 134 1 1814 664 814 61 714 32 4 824 12 4IV4 18 I 61,, 6014 6014 7" 32 "4 82V4 143 484 19 '4 a 6714 834 62 74 334 61 14 38 4 184 '4 484 1114 Chandler 1'4 60S J 14 JVJ4 (lenernl Molora ... 1414 14 14 141, Willys-overland I 7 "4 ' ' ' ' Plercs-Arrow White Motor 4 41 44 49 Studebaker 1334 1" t304 1".2'4 RUBHKR AND TIRES. rik Goodrich 164 44 Keller-Springfield.. 43 '4 424 Keyeton Tire 4 "a Alas H" 'IV. U. S. Rubber 14 66 S lNDl'STHIALH. Am Boat Sugar.. A . O 4 W, I... Am. Int. Corp.,. Am. Hurnatra . . , . Am. Telephone Am. Can Central leather . Cub Can . . . , . i'uba-Am Sugar. Corn Produ.'te. , . . remoue I'layera.. Ilenaral Kleciri. . M ureal Nor ore..., 44 all . Ill :4 14 4 84 4214 l'4 lltft IIS I4 tel. Haryeater Am 11 4 I. pfd t' M led Alcohol let l'apr . lol. M M J.M Am K'tgae H f. . Orae M.tab. a . . tmure . ... Tt it el a.t , Tlsr'bu l"ua H.'va C ... aatr t'aaa 4 feiiag a:i. , , A aj 44 v.lej , . . . l!c Kit, tlS SS ta 5H 41', 4S 4S 16 1 4 4 MS 1414 14 I4H) 1144. 1114 It? 11 10 11 S 1"! 14 11 l 4 M 12S sis 4S IS 1 1 s IIS 474 iH 374 2 I1'4 41 14 S 244 I'l .1)1 S )"4S l 71 iS It iH 4 s It 44S 4 II! 414 US 71 44'. 14 ' H t s 4 S Ht ' 4S Mlat'll.t 4VR..I a ?4 41 n 54 S 41 l." . v , 4 It l . ' . " . 'S 6 l is t'S 'S tS . 7! aS It. S S 6S 4'V 4'S lit s is y 4IS III 4S S li VIS li 4 ' I II s 4'S S 4' . l "a j , a S l a IS 4a Cull nil . An. Af iuel . I -aad . , . I a.. Has M . It., ). . m ti 1 , cisiyl t'l I a- ala 1 ,m a P I !! I 4 !' , s I 1 rr .it I i4 a I ' 1 : ... I I 4 . . . f S I 1 a . ,., ii r. ... . ln in r' ' ia , ll - ,4s 1 a t . ., la tt 4.ii t tl M . I ? a.- fe a 4S . 4 1 S ! " ; 1 11 , in ! ! 4 S M l'- S 4SI Its s lS iS S a r a ti-. Turk. anl 4 Hub d pile bl4 fairly aleady la lod iaa mikl daatMi lha rrllonary maHMl af aiaa, beay aiiuiiuai bwyii 9 raa lag foe the ale4tr lun yifetvl ,,B.l r Mali ,l . rrytenial and nifeMpsl ia sdiaaiiag auliaalial frsilloo I IS lawiiils. but f.ifei.i'.s a .l twM i f 11. ir gain lir m renaaed skn ur raria i-hange. tt rurau a t.r.d cp fe.iil, aoaever, lt tian la and e wi hyy, i a 1rlin Ing point Kspuris vf brevity ries4 all pro.la. nans, h. a in lurn man as erasl ravanu. and dteppoinimat ace soma of (he Netut f th Mirn aai aarinet r hei r.onaibl fur Ikeir ana. lrulaty railroad mortgagaa w.i r rauiar. but b.gk grede liei, showed 1 knr trmi'm Smw Tt.rk Ornrsl I hi! aouahi at iriis aaov and thvr a goo, lenian for Color da aad taouthara rfunaling 4S lllmoi 1 niral refunding 4a. saiuthsra ttsllway daveiopmtil IS ln ivenla gold la and Northern I'nfie refunding la I'r is en income and soma of th 7n lau Biippad bark bit etirengih of sugar bond featured the Industrial group. In tha public utility oiviin. Amen. n Tluhooe sa nd t nil d rua lias a were reaelloliary, tthll lltooklyn I'nlun (Is 1 moved up tf pn.ni i,ii.riy iue nid ta4v. Total aalea (par value) war lit 11, 000. Two large stale Ibbii wr offered hamly, It uo no of ll.nuri I gr roi load bonda aold lo ylsid la par iant and i ". or North ( aniline la uar rent highway bunds offered l yield I II per rem, I idled hut rWiRds. Sale fill 11 unit 1 11 Liberty l',s ,., I l.ll.erly 11 4s ,, I Liberty Id 4 .. Ill Liberty 11 4.4 III l.ll.erly . IS til Liberty ?d 4 High liw Clot . .too A toe 70 e la ,.1n 10 tee 4 ,.lu I o 11 in t ..tea o 11 lot 44 ,.! I to i an 11 ..to 10 o to I II 416 Liberty 4lh 4 '4 . . 10 44 100 II In 44 170 Vlrloiy 44, 171 1041 liafl 171 Victory 4, loo II loo 10 11 rorelga fiatenaanent, Hint anal Maatrlpal, T4 Argentine 7 Hera-en ta II flordeaus I . I Chruilanla Is ... A (-npenbagen 14 7 f.yona la I) Maraellles Is 4 Rio de Jsneirn I 0 Han f'sulo Is . , . . 1 Toklo 6s , 14 Zurich Is ,tfS 11 10114 .!'' I o 4 Cterhoalav Rrp la ri 06. .11 0 3 Dan Muni Is A 129 I'epl "nor 7. 1 I'.. in Csn IS" 2) t lnm Csn Is ."t too 141 Don. Can la 62 194 a men r. inn a 47 107 inch K Ind s 12 I4T Freni h Rep I . . . 47 7 French Rep 7. 1 Jap 1st 4 4C Japan- 4s i.i Helglum 7 .... I Hi Igltirn 6s 87 Denmark s 13 Netherlands ,. I Norwy I 6 Sweden 4 J0 Paris-I.y-Med , T7 Rep llollvls la .. Ren Chile fa 44. ., 1 Rep Uruguay I . t Qoeenslsnd 7s . 1 Qgyeensland 4a i ; 11 '4 ."14 I "14 l'tJ . Ol, 91S l' . tS 3S , S 2S .100 !'. US .12 I'M S loi s . 71 71 71 .111 114 111 II 414 0 104 9 '4 II S 1024, l"JS I" I as 1 00 14 114 4V4 H IU 6S 4 9614 .102 l"IS 101 W . 9'4 414 . 44, l4 lie, . 41 14 81 1S ...IA6I4 '"S 144, ...loo oa 100 ... 9t 91 914 ... ',S ...1I2'4 112 1I2'4 ...l'.U 106 0'4 ... 77 78 744, ... 'T4 4 ...10414 14 104 ...107S 10714 1074, ...11114 "IH H'44 ...103 1'llS 102 t Rio (Ir do Hul Is ..101 11 loos 10014 10 Swiss Con k Ill 1204 121 K O R 4 1 614S II. I"l 108 104 at K O II 4 I l 17.1064 106 10114 14 IT H Ilrssll Is 10114 111 'i 101 14 II S Mexico 6a .... 67 14 17 16 U S Mexico 4a .... 4414 41 41 Railway and Mlsrtltanrous, AJax Rub I 4 1 7 44 1 7 14 23 Am Ag Chm 714., lor. 104 06 20 Am Smelt 6 9514 94 944 12 Am Sugar 8 ....104 104 104 16 Am TAT cr a Ill 117 111 0 Am Tit-T col tr I. loo 9944 loo 13 Amer Writ Pa 4a... 1814 11 88 It Armour 4 Co 4s.. 02 91 12 11 A T S F gen 4s. Ill 93 11 A T 4 8 F ad 4a. . 86 65 86 21 At Cat f, 1st con 4. 91 ' 90 90 1 At Ref ls 10J 103 101 41 Halt 4 Ohio la 1014 101 101; 14 Hall Ohio cv 4s. i;4 64 14 16 BelT Tel Penn 7s 10714 107 101 3 Ileth Ht ref 6s.... 1 94 17 1' Tlelh St n m 6s 64 91 44 10 Krsrlen Cop la .... 014 19 1 Hii Id Rd gen 7a D.108 108 101 6 llkln 11 T 7s rlf 86 86 86 2 Cal d KI.6S 97 911 97 2 Can North 6 111 113 111 362 Can Pac d 4s 83 12 81 ( Cent I.eath 6 II 97 97 12 Cent Pc gtd 4s.... 0V4 10 o 7 Cerro de Paaco la... 128 128 121 41 Ches 4 Ohio cv 6s.. 18 98 94 2 Ches 4 Ohio cv 4s II 90 91 44 C H 4 Q ref 6 A. 101 101 101 27 Chi Ar K 111 6a 14 84 84 13 Chi Gt West 4a.... 694 68 60 111 C M 4 St P cv 4s. 76 75 71 41 CM 4 St P ref 4a 88 67 18 C M St P cv 6s.. 77 77 77 I Chi A .V W7s... 3 Chi N W 6s. I C R I A P ref 4s. . 86 14 85 I Chi 4 W Ind 4s 77 784 74 17 Chile Cop 7s 1'- 106 108 I Chile Cop 6 4l 9414 1414 10 Colo Ind 6 77 77 77 10 Colo 4 8o ref 4.. 0 8914 90 12 Con Coal Md 6a... 12 914; 12 24 Cuba Cane Sg d la. 9314 3 13 13 Cuba Cane Sg d 7s. 90 89 89 6 Cuba R R 7 A. 1064 108 108 3 Cuban Ab Sg 8a. ,..107 108 108 20 Del 4 Hud cv 5s... 99 99 99 4 I 4 R a Imp 6s.. 82 82 82 7 Det Kd ref 6s ....104 104 104 16 Dpnt Nem 7s ..108 108 108 430 Duquesne Lt f. 105 104 1044 . 68 Knip G 4 F 7s rtf 97, 97 974 4 Krl gen 4s 64 64 54 3 Frle pr lien 4s .... 66 '4 7 Flsk Hub 8S .107 107 107 38 Frsmar I D 7 .. 98 96 6 3 Gen Klec d 6a 101 101 11 47 Ooodyenr T 8s II.. 100 100 1011 28 Onri Tnk Ry C 7s. 114 114 114 11 Ond Tnk Ry C S.10 105 14 108 75 (rt North 7s A 11414 113 113 56 Oct North 6s B... 1044 104 104 45 Hud . M ref 5s A.. 87 '4 87 87 21 Hud 4 M n.JJ inc 6s 6 9 111 Cent 6 102 13 III Cent ref 4s 91 1 III St d 4S r 92 9Z 92 10 Int Met 4s 16 15 15 8 Int Met 4s ctfs ..16 16 15 65 Int R T ref 5s 71 73 7S4 32 I 4 O N a.lj 6a wl.. 64 64 64 40 Int M M af 6a 9:1 . 924 93 81 Int Pap ref 6a B. . 89 89 99 11 la Cent ref 4s 43 42 43 ..104 101 100 . .111 111 111 II kl' rill II I. tl si c a.oiia 1 III1 Term I ., I Kll k,i.a T t . f I a. .a !;! I I., a tl ta II . I I. a at a d la II I rkig i.i t, I Li a Mt 6 lai.lilat.l 4 I I. 4 N ualfi.4 la , II Hal ai Ry roa ta . fttarland l.ll a . . , I Ilea I il la I U I II o li 4 m a at 1. ief i . nap aaati is imiTiiiki, s 14 M 6 T t 14 M A, II 4 K T let 4 .... 1 1 It t' ro .,,,.. II llil I'se geft Is . . a I Mont 'a Is A I N C at 1. 10 Is . II 8 T r 11 4 rlf N 11 T 4 It ia ft. . io m y c d a N T Id ref IS. 1 kf Ml He . 10 H T Mt fef rlf I 1 t lil ll II 4.,, 4 S T T.I ref I 41 . . I NT W A Una Is. . 17 I Nor 4 W at is Ill I Nor 4 Waal ro 4 II us u 14 ' laa la , 114 I I tl ft I. IS 144 las l.a 1 US tt 1.4 III S 111 p.S 11 4k 4 I', l t 4'S I 1 ta4 lai'a) 4 '4 I S o ', ' t: t"t 11." III t m it . i , 16 l . 01 . !" lee l . ! US 11 . ' 44 4 4 I "1. J.., ni 14 10? Ill l'.7 n7 lt lt'j 1 tr 114 1 1 1 , It II nith Pair pr I 4a to t 114 ;! Nnnri I'ar r-f ts 11" !"' IfiS It N W llr, 1.1 7 in lits I" 11 Nona a. a ! if t. a ti 14 Or C.I l ts ...!. .i inns I II I. fef I ... . . l 11 ' II I.r .ah HMS 4s. 14 I line A Il'l oS tm Par It Kl I ... . II l 13 II Par TAT la II rlf tl1 tl tl I I' kard Motor ts bl S l"l 11 I I'an-Aoi r.T 7 , , I l'nn MR IS ... . 1 I'rlin Mil a , I l'-nn ItM g.-n 4. 11': lor la I. Plena (ill d , , . 4 I'm it II. f I I Pub Net vice Urn , , , 10 has ling grn 4 . . . I K I A I. I , ) Si I. I III No if I n 11 ii 1, I I r a.l I , a i mi 1. a r in .. 7 M Ml I, r p In 4s A 71 iiiPiKi'iliiH : 11 beabosiil A I. rn a i 14 Hleiaril A I. Id Is SV tl Ncabosril A I. ' 44 I Sharon at Hp ts A . 132 Sinclair Crude s. 19 I Ninriyir oil rv 7 11 Hin-isir oil rol 7e 7 Mo I'fic cv 4s 44', 44 ) So Pac ref 4. , 111 Mo Ry g.n !.., I Moitih II y ion I... II Houm lly gen Is. 7 Mtan mi Cal d 7a 110 Third Av sdl Is. t Third As ref 4. I Tidewater Oil s II Toll Prod ta 1 t'n It 4 I' a A rlf 1 In I'snflc 1st 4s. 14 I n Pacirin cv 4 . . I A I'll Pacific ref Is . 10 t'n Tsi.k c-.r 7a . I t Id Drug as JO t'ld Furl (Jus a 101 IHIS l"l ,11 llS 1 1" ls i"s l": 74 !4 71 , 41 ', , liS 111 11: t 4 114 71 T6 kS "V 4'. 4, 9 ', ', I'HS l"4 I nii ous 10(i 4 It', ll 91 iu4 9 ' 4S 40 ai 77 7.S II .4 it 46 44 49 S 11.4 4 H..K t is. tl l' lS "' 1 11. . a ai 1 il i-i in, l-l If IlKlya la (l lwa'aj leas I" I Ill II 1,1 ll.lll 111 III 1. 11 C, fie , . HIS 11 , 11 I 1 enl ii a I 1 i,ii..t ma k I Cilia Bote is 't is ih- In ai I ' Il I 1 oltim il4.l a I I oh lias Hall s I I .. d.r Hl ta I Cm Vtt.t i I l'-.p I tp 4 lt I O lalll I lea I ' TB T l...lr. a T re : 11 , 1 liiaod Truck OS t1a 14 tl.ilf I nt 7 . .lelS I II. m O R.il l.-r I. I"l I lioiiil.l I'll T . I'"', I later M T 1. . . II Inter K T 4. '! II Im.r M T nt I Kn Hs a t:i la I krnaa C. u 1 . . I" h'lil Co Kl ' ltS 11', l7 1 tS as 4 I.r-; l.ii s ' if, II II !'! t.S I" .. 1"7S l"'' ', ', II in i"? loi in I' l ', 11 lS is ltS l. v, I..IS it i t"l l"IS tat...IS ! I" 1 tis t t ll. ll y Bill : iv . i iTtay. I.elfT-t- Triple (leadline lADICS ONI.V MATINIC TOMORROW AM aawrtag PSal )ita Uai latllll Prll la.l.de (la 7a 11 1', lu; 1 i.i m. n a I is I'.y 1 I'm bes 7s , !" I"! II Magin C.-li 7a, . I" I" I Manitoba 7 0 t Arm 7a 1 Vi l'lii. 4 M I I N-l l.eclhr 4 ... a SI 7' "II '.. It Pub I M 1e . . It II iherl llair 7 I ... tin 7 'II t ai...b--a 'B I k.lva. 4 I I. . I IV lle'l Tel 7 at on My t I si on r t. ';7 I eta l.ll S 7. ' I i o. V 7a. i.a lot', li.ai, I ai 011 y T. 'ji . i l'l t i ml N T 4 . I " 6 Sun I HI . I'll T swift a o. 7 v I'.J t Swift 4 Co 7. II IM S II I'n ("I Cal . I"! '4 II In oil Pi.i.t ... loi I aloillt e 7 , , , . II Weal Kler 7 , I' a liaralg. l i ' A-.A. 4. al A I )4 I', ; jfrjjZ ia iiS i'i 1 itA." rWf rL" ', . -tV l ti7Txi't r. f 1 t-u IPT r -.-, tt lot I'll (. i o .S l"4 1tS .ie l'iU 1";S I"'' '"', I lor,, r.a I a s I or S V lot lot -IJ to I'l I'-l It loi I" l"7 l''l I" s 1"t i". s 1 ii in C'U.-a- 4) i nn found lav" Lut too lot tha ot 1 iVUT' Norma I Argeiillna 7. 'JI. 1'e, feS I '" r1 gL "S 4 g 0 JjRinV. ::::; V, K.i ilTSlQQQC II lnil I I' X '' 1 ,- 4' J, ''fl 6 ll.ili o llov 4 .... I k , I a ', la ', 1 gg I "on. Coy 3s .... I", I?', 13', J- . --) I tr. sisn Sa 41 Rttaa.an . clfa II I. S IIXI.il 4 . . . I I 11 40 '4 II "' " 71 I "4 1 I'td lly In 7.1 is P (I II I; M Hub 7Sa I I' S Rub I. , . 16PM K'..rl sf Is. 1 I'tah P 4 I. ts I Va l'sr 1 hill 7'ts.lo'., 61 Va-Car Chm 7a rlf. 11 0 .101 I'll . I ."' !4 . 71 71 lor. , 0 . ' 67 48 , ' ', ' IOJ IH.1 III1S In 05 06 4 94 46 91 89 tt i.T, in 11! 111 7 97 1 II 4rW 11 at Money, New Toik Sept Money Cell eiifeler. nil h. 4 i-r rrnti , low, 4 per rent, a cal 1 list tale. 4 ,er lent, 1 losing bid. 4 pr lent; olleied at 4 per r,-ot, 11 itin. 4 tr crtil . i-all ,,n.. aginl (eplenc, 4 er teril. ttlnn li.so. flrin; ii-n ilss at 44S l-er mil, 4 4 iniuiil: 4 'all 4 prr 11 tit. ,rim 1 oitinl.rc 1st . per. I ft 4 '. Pr rent. A (real Thiugli.M photoplay (TbouMnda will "Swill' bettw.) r STRAND -Sunday 1 4 S t tl 04 11.'' S ..1"4 IHiS l' 110 "' 108 I "41 tn a 106 lnt, ' l 99 I "I 7 l t 17 .1"! . . 87 44 V l..lrh 11 (s II Wert Md 1st Is It 1V...I P,c ts . 4 West I'n 1 11.7 113 111 3 West Klec s 107 107 1 07 4 Wlck-Spen St 7 ... ', 99 99 17 Wilson c sf 7.n 10 1u 10 Wilson 4 C cv s., 98 96 91, 1 Winchester 7s ...103 103 I0II4 Total sales of bonds lodsy were 111,. 772. lino roiiipand allh I. 9i2 000 previous drf and in.110.000 a year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds New York, Bp(. Although th mar- kat on the NVw York cuch exchange waa irregular, moat inicri-m was attached to th (Jvlopnint of atrngth In a nuinliar f lending iNNUva I'rtnlnnt among thta w.ia H)'M W'hl, whi h roa to th new h ah reronl of S3 a . tha l;uvlna be ing atTomiiainlfti by formal nnoun-finnt that the 4oinpt nv hud rontrH-td with thf varloua Ifurant auholdiarlff to auiply them with all t h-ir w hiH rfnuli't-inrnta. I mj rn nt MotniN ronllnijo-d in Ijrluk demand. 'W ranarii rrtni 4'. to 4i. Th-tro wna Utile ffaiur to th" r"trot'Um murkwt, otitKiilt nf in hulliph dm'n etrattoti ;n JSImm f'itrlurri, whtrh raniffd from to Ht;indard oil of Imilana aolrl down from 1154 to 113S, nnd Now Turk afir eclllrii at H droprd tn 449. InlM-netlonfll prtroleum ranged from Z'lVi to ,11. Th'e waa rtiv trad ing In ninny mining atorka. mont tntreat belnv uaun dttaihrd to tl" deallnga in OfiMfloMd dfvln)imnt. Mny of th low4r priced lafiura were alao activ and atroi-g. New York. Hpt. 6. Trflnact(one oft th New York curb bond market today wtrrt aa follnwa: DonieMtlr, 1 Allied Perk (.a.... 814 81 tVk S Atllrd Pnck en ctt t. flr,i f.n 8 Allid Pack 04 U 93 ' 1 Alum 7a, "i ....104H 14S 1'KS 2 Alum 7a. 'n .....OfiVii lff iit 1 Am ht A True flajfti. ctH IfUV. 4 Am T T , ",2.I0f ift 10ft 3 Am T T fia, '24.J01, 11 101 11 An Con U 10214 112 1"2 2 Anglo Am Oil 7 . 1 t H 14, 2 Arnmur Co 7n.lfir.14 liUTfc n 2 All (1 it- W I 5f.. 19 MV. Valentino's Greatest Triumph AD the warmth and passion of tunny Spain. Romance, spec tacle, heart-interest, above all, life in the land where life is lived to the full I 68 111 101 102 10 91 Safe Deposit Service oxes rent from $5.00 per annum upward. The Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Ground Floor Omah National Bank Bldf. Farnam at Sentanth 4if'.HlK.t" RODOLPH VALEWTIMQ Mood" Saudi SU Today 50c i S5c m with LILA LEE NITA NALDI PRICES Evenings, Sunday Mat., Daily Matinee, What a lorerl What a picture I You'll quake as Valentino risks his life in the most dangerous sport known to man bull fighting. A Paramount Super Special J. S. BACHE & CO. EalsMlao.J lt2 (New Yorlr Slock Etchings ChKiso Hoard ot Trait N.w York Citron F.s. hansa snd other leading fctfehsntsi New Yorki 42 Broadway Chkatjot 10S So. LaSalle S. Hrancfuri arul corretfjoruientj located in fmwi'jl cmei Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton Foreign Exchange Bought anyi Sol J for Cash or carney on Conservative Margin Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg., Omaha C. D. Mo Hi It, MAN AGt R TslerruaiM tmagle lit! a ' T"y 4.4f Xey.M. ' aifet y a, a t tea i WAIT CATS UNTIL THE COME IN . A iff ti: Liin; J )y BATH A DAY THE NEW RUUO AU10 MATIC WATER HEATER Number 9S lludt tai tupiily fiioufh lt Wl (i lha tyrta bum at k jrira lha vrf hania-owner ran . A m!l ia)mst irnu on ti yur kttiw, baiasva monlhly MI f ti'la, V'tthticiuuut 4aUaftury frfm.t I Miant. f WAir IUATIB I HriRIINCC Utit4k II ). Tlfitav tasaaaeis.at Pwl, MflropotiUri Ulttititt Utat. CAS DEPARTMENT IttM IUjai t..l IMI ag lat CHIC. YOU'LL HOWL YOU'U YELL IN Ciarofcl Lfoyd's First Fiv Part Fitur If r.r.kirtf rt'rortJi Cvtry hjr 1 1 "Grandma's Boy" CcK Scn a Sut not-Each Bit a Hit r.t H R Kit. Starts 7ffi C"!"!" Two Saturday x$J CA'JUl Wochs ' I t .1 I as -.1 4 !. S'4 fO'llll a. ..4 y lil 4 .. -i i - -. - i a 44 f V aar a ? t 3 I 41 S. I a. (a , In . 1