The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 06, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Frenioitt Council
Cited by Court
in Sewerage Case
C.hy Officials OrIrrI to
liiw IliMimi 'J'liry HioulJ
Not Ur I'urii-lietl for
Cofituit of Court.
Fremont, NVh., .Sept 5 ( Spef ial
Trlrgram ) MyT I'. II. Green, the
rnh members the rily council,
I ity Auonirjr A. II. llmnun and
Attorney! V. M. I'aitie, Frank Pole
ttl ami ('. I.. Abbott have brrn
cited tor contempt o( court and have
been nnlrrnl in nnke an appearance
fit 10 Srpirinltrr S lo allow cile
tshy thrv should not be punihr.
'I tin it tin- newel anvle in the long
stand 114 Fremont trvrri;e ca.e that
hat hern orcupyinn the attention of
acme court tor many year.
When the last tnt vat tried In
the liil(e County distriit court the
taintitf, the Hate of , Nebraska, ex
rtl Alirl V. Shot v. HI, county attor
ney ii( lmif!u county, arnired I
( nijutit'tion rotrainiUK the
ity of I' runout Iroin utmx the Haw
hide rrnk in DoiikUi county a an
cutlet for the ttwrraxe system. The
supreme iourt amirii'lrd the d'-cition,
giving I irmotit an opportunity of
cut lining the ytem a heretofore.
Thin, the city t'laima, hat hern done
ii' hat filed a report to that rflcct
in the local court.
1 he city maintain that the con
tempt rase it out of ordir for the
reaton that Juriue A. M. l'ot hat
art September IS at the day for the
hearinir on whether the imianre hat
been abated. The jude selected the
aatne d:itc for the appearance of the
nty olflcialt on the contempt charge.
Fremont attornryt say there has
I ic en fl p triuirHhere that will have
to he straightened out between now
ud Srptcmher IS.
The plamtilT would have the court
order for I hearing of the Fremont
report net aii!e and lut filed suih
motion in court.
Man Thought Dead
ttss nntvn
iJllllU.13 ill lllUlt
Twins Held for Auto Theft
, . lhJ s
Floyd, left .an. I i..od Meyer, riRht,
1H, twins, lll'J'S North Fifteenth
itrcet, who are taid by police to have
confessed to stealing motor car
belonging to J. M. llackler, 51.1)
Cass street, Irom the I'nilcrwood ga
rage, 5lll I'ndirwood avenue, where
Moyd a eiiuiphiyed. Confessions
showed Moyd slept while I-loyd
tneaked into the garage and ttole the
car. 1 hey were catitureq inree niontnt
later wimi Uiy drove the classy
speedster to a dance in Mittouri Val
Al Andcrton, Hertillon expert, had
to make detailed measurements and
take the finger print of the twin
before he could tell one from the
I'orea were almost identical, hut
thumb print showed distinct indi
viduality, o much o the card were
filed in different clatsiiirationt.
Omaha Men May
Recov er Air Mail
Field Donations
Gov eminent May Reimburse
Subscribers of $37,000, Ac
cording to Postmaster
General's Letter.
Weejinr, Water Laborer, In
jured by Lite Wire, Taken
Home ly Undertaker.
Lincoln, rpt. 5. (pecial tele
gram.) Three day ao Frank A.
Kennedy, tate lahor commissioner,
received a request to fill out a death
benefit for G. J. Lohnas, a Weeping
Water laborer. It was stated he had
been killed by a live wire.
Todav Kennedy received a request
to change the benefit from death to
accident. A letter from Mr. Lohnas
accompanied fhe last request. She
stated that immediately after the acci
dent a physician was called.
"Ur needs a hearse and not a doc
tor," the physician said. The hearse
was called, Mrs. Lohnas was notified
and a minister summoned to the
Lohnas home. Friends gathered and
all awaited the hearse.
"When the hearse drove up and the
door was opened Mr. Lohnas was
screaming with pain," Mrs. Lohnas
said. "However, his injuries are
serious." .
Kennedy ordered the insurance
company to pay $15 a .week until
Lohnas recovered from his injuries.
Prayer Each Day
Tmy, m yi entir Into temptation.
Mark 14 : II.
O Cod, our Father and our
Mother I We thank Thee that like
as a father piticth his children, so
dost Thou pity us, and like as a
mother comfortcth her children, so
Thou wilt comfort us.
We thank Thee for our home, and
for the home that it suggests to us,
where we hope to be forever with
Thee, and with each other. For all
the good things that come to us, we
praise Thee, and we beseech Thee
that we may never forget to be grate
ful to Thee.
Our eyes are closed, for we would
shut everything out; we bow before
Thee, for we are dependent upon
Thee; we have nothing in our clasped
hands, nothing with which to buy
blessings, and no weapon. O God,
wilt Thou keep us from doing any
thing to grieve Thee, and make us
all the day eager to serve Thee in
serving others. Help us, that we
shall bring gladness into human
lives, and never sorrow and pain. W'i
prav for the whole world in its need
of Thee. God keep us, and all whom
we love.
Hear us, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Trunk 8. Dnbblnn, T D.,
I'hllKiloliihl. I'tiin.
Omaha business men who ub
scribed $37,fXX) to the establishment
of the air mail hangar at Ak-Sar-l'.en
held may be reimbursed that amount
by the government after all, on the
strength of a second instigation by
inspector of the legal department of
the postofTice, according to a letter to
Congressman Jcfferi from Hubert
Work, postmaster general, which was
made public in Omaha yesterday.
The postmaster general character
ized negotiation between air mail
officials and citizens of this city as
He wrote to Congressman Jefferis:
"The postal inspectors are of the
helie f that former Superintendent of
Construction John A. Jordan made the
original representation as ciaimea
relative to the reimbursement and
that Superintendent A. R. Dunphy
created the same impression, if not
directly, at least by inference."
' Jordan has since been removed and
Dunphy demoted.
Bills for the reimbursement of 3f,
000 to Omaha business men are now
pending in congress.
Strikers Not Blamed
for Northwestern Wreck
Sioux City, la., Sept. 5. The wreck
of a N'orthwutern freight tram near
Sergeant Bluffs yesterday morning
was not caused by strikers or strike
sympathizers, V.. B. McClure, super
intendent of the Sioux City division,
declared late tonight.
Deputy United States marshals are
investigating the cause of the wreck
in which seven cars of wheat were
thrown off the track. Five cars were
badly damaged. No one was injured.
Reports received early in the day
indicated track spikes had either been
maliciously pulled from the rail or
loosened by the impact of the car de
railment. About 300 feet of rails
were torn from their position.
Superintendent McClure is positive
the wreck can be attributed to a
broken car journal and not to the
criminal machinery of strikers. He
said that of all the rail wrecks he had
viewed the cause of this one was the
most easily determined, and diagnosed.
a vorns Go
to your druggist
The simplest way to ent
corn it lilue-jay, A touch
stop the pain instautly. Then
the corn lootent and comet
Mil. Made in a color In
clear lniih (one drop det
it1) and in twit thin plat
trr, I ht action is the same.
Pain Stops Instantly
Like Clouds Across A Summer
Pawnee City Teacher
Injured in Auto Wreck
Pawnee City, Neb., Sept, 5. (Spe
cial.) Miss Elizabeth Barr, daughter
of Senator John Barr of this com
munity and a teacher in the Pawnee
City high school, was seriously in
jured in an automobile accident. The
touring car she was driving pitched
into a creek bed at high speed. With
another Rirl, she was going to Wy
more and in descending a winding
hill they came upon a car deserted in
the middle of the road. To avoid
hitting this she turned her ear from
the road and it went through the
fence, down across a pasture into
the creek at the foot of the hill. She
was ahle to take up her duties at the
school. The girl accompanying her
escaped without serious injury,
Suspended for Hazing
Siou Fall. S. !.. Sept. 5. --Two
I i'V student! at the Wathingtnn
lliyh sihool h'r were suspended
ulule school authonti.M investigate
chattel of hating agamt thrm. The
tiard of education hl announced
that the rule mt a"ovanrt of
new piipilt in the city trhoolt would
he tiriii'y emoned this year.
Road Conditions
fiM!'.lm if ilin.icj tuiriu ait lie
1 1 mpt'inn (.1 mm t il.t.. t whit h
iHHiit Iht v l phu.itl n. nifnul
lkd.. The irut in iility,
th htkktvhf, tlit dittk " t'4'iii, t't
mt : run! t Uii. t.iit ihty
t l'H lli t kuxiltlV i t lt
ttilot intiiNi e) ii ti hI-ii.
i tiiilftir 1 't i 'it 'ti t
i'tf wh.H hit ftit itit t
ul ." Kttllv Ml 4it. 1 !
an K.i t4 fctiV iVmm(,H
t ( I it I,. '.l. W M' ,.
U'!t rntytit igumtat
tiv4tr IM vtMiit iM ttt t.
lti.Hl.. tr (wik Ati'a (Ink t
li..i II iha, tatHa .'
S laflk lllSMll tw.fc-l tt.MlIf h4
u..i iibi. g -4 fit
It l llll SlavMa,
I ii, i M iksii w -i ft4t fm ts4
t.4 t4 tnr. I i-m s ttif m ti, twa4t
IV , -4
V - K t I
U 4 M ..- wj
i ..l4,.r it tss-.H-4 a
llak,t 1.II .! t .l
i t-)M. K isa.r Jt
' r.-a Wst-M4 .4
hi i.i .n m - a
411.1.4 Mafcas. R.4 I 4
It . al a s ..s
V . . . -!
S' a-, a lt a.i tia-
.t ..ti Imiiiiiiii la liaa
a, li'r, l
a... I. h... k at n-a ul It
.a ! .-.a- -I '. I sisi, ta t
i iii. ini aa.xti.a - Ma .a,
I a ii
i liat f-a'a
SI aaitaa i4l tl t4 IMk'aitl
Church Decides
to Effect Union
United KvangflicaU Approve
Ccnitol idation Plan and An
nounre Aignnifnt of
I)itrift Pautor.
Union with the Evangelical asso
ciation ha been voted at a confer,
mce of the United F.vangelical
church at Dawson, Neb.
A nation-wide joint conference will
he held in Detroit in October.
Bishop W. F. Heil of AHentown,
Pa., presided at the Nebraska meet
ing, which riosca sunnay.
The following arrangement
pastorates was made:
I.tncnln dllrl: B. Hllllar, P. K-i ta
rm. C. W. I lire ; Maplt Orova. K. r.
Marchand; rullirlon. W. II. (larrlaa; Hlua
Hlirlaxa. J. H. Wllllama; Iiawann. W. W.
radaraotrier; Haallnm. ii. Hulai-liUa;
Hcwa. H. U. Knf-r; Mncoln, Y. K. Urum;
Norih Biar. K. H. Wairh; Omaha Klnt
and Omaha Grace. J. L. B'Ua; HnaadaK
T. M. Kvana; Vork. C. K. M'lin; Zlon. K.
DaVol. yuartrly eonfi-ranca rurolnri: B.
Hllllar, A. T. Mlll'r, J. A. I.rnilnf. Wal
ter t'lm.r, J. I.hmn. K. I,. K n.llritcr,
Riahop M. T. Mim, H. C. Aiiderann. J.
rrlirh, J. W. Ny. J. K. Whit. Harlan
Halm. Monlana dlirl-t: H. W. Tool,
V. V.. ; Hrnadvlw, K. Sli l'ayea; Haii-J,
A. Koiikama. Momma ml.l"n: W. la
lay; flead I'nlnt, II. H. Twl; III TlmW
mlaalon, N. W. Kldar. Ktarn.y dltrl-ti
S B lillloir. P. K. ; Alma. J. II. Humic;
Buahnall, Nalhan Thomaa; Calloway, J.
Hold-rman: Cambrldt", H. C. Karly; Co
ad. H. A. Bhlvely; Kldyllla, K. A. Jack
win; Kuallt, II. M. Junra; llolalaln, '. If.
Kumbaufh; Karny, W. K. Bml'h; Maa
cot, Hall'O (iarrliinn; Naponar, K J. Ma
nafh; Oaenio. Frad Htavana; trim. J.
N. Mrlion: ilraflno. 0. M. rilllow; Wt
Cottonwood. J. W. Mrt'nlf. Quart-rly run.
rrana mambr: B. B. Illllow. H. Wood,
Ira MrBrld, Ira A. K. M' Brldn. .1. I..
Arnold. . H. (lliniiaon, D. B. Whltakara,
C. C. Talbott, J. .1. Arnold, J. II. Hay,
II. E. Voaa. C. II. Taylor.
New Insurance
Policy Planned
by Bohemians
Iti'Milution of Patriotism
lo We Adopted at Fraternal
Assot iation'i Con
A btininrt meeting and organiza
tion work opened the tistll qiimieii
nial convention of the Wentcru Uo
l.emian Fraternal attociation at Tel
Jed Sukol hall yesterday morning
with ahout J5i delegate from all
part of the country in attendance.
A new form t imurance poncy
will be the mot iniMirtanl woik of
the meeting. Kcaolutioiit of patriot'
i tin probably will be sent lo Jrci
deut I larding and President T. J.
Maaryk of C'echo-Slovakia, who il
an honorary member of the order,
according to Stanley Scrpan, local
At 4 yesterday afternoon delegate!
and their friend., after an auto ride
iihoiit the ritv. vinited the tnonil
ment of lohn Kosicky. founder of
the organization, in ilohrmian na
tional cemetery. A banquet wat
tendered the delegate and their
friend at Hohemian hall in Smith
F. M. Rarla is president; Joseph
Kuhicek, vice president : L. J. Kar
pan, secretary, and H. Horacek,
treaturer. The board of supervisor,
whose offices are in (Jedar Kapids,
la., are J. J. Ifrbrk, Joseph kejman,
and J. W. Lesinger.
CommiMiion Iiiveotipatifig
Hail Kateti on Potatoes
The Nebra-ka state railway com
mission i investigating railroad rale
on potatoe from towns on branch
line to Omaha and Sioux City.
A hearing on the matter is ched
tiled to be held in Lincoln on Sep
tember 17, according to C. F.. Child?,
director of the traffic bureau of the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce,
PoHtmahter at Naplen, S. I).,
Charged With Kmliezzlement
Watertown, S. D Sept. 5. Charle
Fangoli, postmaster at Naple. S. D.,
about 25 mile outhwet of Water
town, was arrested by Deputy United
States Marshal John Keean and
brought to Watertown for prelimin
ary hearing on a charge of embez
zling $500 of posfoffice funds.
Slg llaughdal Ilrcak
World' Itccorda at
ebraka State Fair
'Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 4 Sf
Haughdal driving Pronttiuc
brok two world' records (or auto
mobile racing on a dirt track at
the Nebraska Stat Fair on Mon.
day afternoon, II lowered the
mile record on a half mile track to
SS 3-3 second. The previous
record of on minut and 2-i sec
onds waa established last week at
Det Moinet by th same driver.
Ilaughdahl then mad th two
mil rac in 1:58; breaking th
record of two minute 2-S second,
et (our yean ago.
ly of Girl. 12, Found
Tied in Sack, in Hiver City, Sept. 5. The body
of a piil, apparently about 12 year
old, found late yesterday tied in a
gunny taik and floating in the Mit
touri river near here, was today the
subject of a searching police in
quiry. The body was clad only in
a blue gingham drest and wrapped
in a gray blanket and had no mark
of identification, according to S, E.
Fdward, deputy coroner.
Thart It on almpla, a and tura way
that navar faila to gat rid of blarkhtads,
that Is to dissolve them.
To do thlt gat two ounert of ralonito
powder from any drug store sprinkle a
Utile on hot, wet tponu rub ovee the
blackheads briskly wash the parte and
you will bt surprised how the blackheads
bar disappeared. Big blackheads, little
blaekheads, no matter where they are,
Imply disaolvo and disappear, leaving the
parts without any mark whatever. Hlark
heads are simply a mixture of duat and
dirt and serrations from the body that
form in the porea of th skin. Pinching
and tqueeiintr only causa irritation, mak
larae pores, and do not get th blaek
heads out after they become hard. The
ealonit powder and the water simply dis
solve the blackheads ao they wash right
out. leaving the porea free and clean and
In their natural condition. Anyone troubled
with these unsightly blemishes should cer
tainly try thia simple method.
Welch Talk N.
-Vou will aotlc that ther r
many buslnes and probation
al men and women at W!cb'i.
Th aam aort of Wlow ai
yoa and L They mak Welcb'i
their noon luncheon club and
eat her every day of th week
except whPD they attend th
weekly luncheon of their club,
auch aa the Rotarlan and Kl
wanlano. -
"That I on reaaon I Invited
you as a newcomer to Omaha
to have lunch with ma her.
I want you to met th butt
ress and professional men of
the city, and we can meet them
Htlng your acquaint,
anra te Welch'.
u ran talk arar
bnainea deals with
ease when eating
our delirious and
noleaomt food.
lx Omaha
Member National Restaurant
Honest Advertising.
'THIS is a topic wc ail hear now-a-days because so many people are inclined
to exaggerate. Yet has any physician told you that we claimed unreasonable
remedial properties for Fletcher's Castoria? Just ask them. We won't answer
it ourselves, we know what the answer will be.
That it has all the virtues to-day that was claimed for it in its early days
is to be found in its increased use, the recommendation by prominent physicians,
and our assurance that its standard will be maintained.
Imitations are to be found in some stores and only because of the Castoria
that Mr. Fletcher created. But it is not the genuine Castoria that Mr. Fletcher
Honestly advertised, Honestly placed before the public and from which he
Honestly expects to receive his reward.
Children Cry For
,--.n it. -.1 PEH ocni.
auwtstahfe ftt-MratioafcrAi
I - . -
r . : i
Qrrrfilticu um wr7Z.
mtHhtr Opium. Morpnuw j
r 1 " f
s L.i-,.IWrrwe t
Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should hare a bed of ha own all are treed. Tet
It Ii more reasonabla for aa infant to deep with grown-upa than to
um a man's medicin in an attempt to regulate the delicate organ
ism of that same infant. Either practir Is to be shunned, lfeitbcr,
would b tolerated by sptxialiiru in children's dUeasea.
Tonr Physician will tell yon that Baby's medicine moat toe)
prepared vtth even greater care than Baby's food.
A Baby's stomach when in good health la too often disarrange!
by Improper food. Could yna fr a moment, then, think of giving
te your Ti.'if child anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infanta and Children. ? iVm't be deceived.
Make a mental note of this: It la important, Mothers, that
yon shonld remember that to function well, the digesUve organa of
your Baby must receive special care. Ua Baby la so abnormal
that the desired result may be bad from the tue ef mdidae
primarily prepared for gTowa-upa.
onrtrt SMootB in nwwilt mi aaoueo tvmsomioHUrcturtcutoe
Bean the Sinutur of
..! 1 1 TV Wishes,
Straw Hat Riot Marks
Central High Opening
A straw lut riot n.aiknl the fisri
ir-K til ivhuol at (.ritual ll'iib )
Must of the "eaperirnce'l'' youtU
ot the schiMil aiirareil with rapt or
fail hats (tut a lew wha either lul
ff4'l Major l.thliti.n prtH Umtttt
rstenilma the straw hat season to
September IS. or iMu'l Vimw about
the time IihwhiiJ custnin, me sttaw
Il all lupi-nir.l t the writ en
tiatice M the siIhm I, S'lineime eifel
mnieime rlsr'a list ami hurleil it
through the atttinaplirte. It laii'leil
mi the minute walk. Al eat three.
No, 8 thiirt UniKil on hat
Irfl n( the ht. lit owtirr, Ihnr.
suiihly aruuseil, saib .1 the assailant
III hit llllllVC'l ht.
It t4 the lisiiiiiiitl "f the em
ol ttiaw hats at t'riittal 1 1 ch. When
the of luttle clernl aay Ihe
lenuiii. ill at li-4t a itoen he4dueau
Uy in the vii itnty.
urgess-Mash Company.
Wednesday Is Houscfurnishihgs
Day at "Everybody s Store
Household Needs Attractively Priced
Floor Mops
Tub Wringers
10 Inch roll, wooden frame.
Carries 1 year iruarante.
Each, $4.95
White Enamehvarc
Piece, 85c
2-rjt, Coffee Tot. 10-qt. Tail.
4-qt. Tudding Tana,
4-qt. Ksuce ran.
6-nt. Sauce Tana. Colanders.
Galvanized Tubs
No, 1
Coffee Pots
3-quart i7.e of trrey ennmel,
Each, 59c
Electric Washer
Laundry work ia auecess
fully d'ltie at home without
inconvenience, and without
damnKins; dainty rlothing
full half the difficultlei of
wash day may be removed
with this efficient machine.
Tho "One Minute" means
economy and satisfaction In
ek'ctrtr washers
$79.50 to $128.50
Buraess-Naah Heuseiurnlshlnaa
Dept. Fourth Floor
Oil mop, trianKl" shapo
with law sprend, adjustabl
hit ndtr ; clean and polihS ot
the same time. Hpecial,
Each, 69c
Clothes Pins
Wooden clothes iln, 4-ln.
size. Triced at
40 rin, 10c
Savoy Bread Box
Whit enamel
finish withe
st old stipple!
Size 16x10x101
priced at
Sink Strainers
Large aize white enamel
strainers. Convenient shape.
Each, 19c
Rugs and Linoleums
The New Inlaid Linoleums
Fall patterns in the new carpet designs. A gpleu
did range of colorings aupe,. gray, soft green, and
light and dark blue. A full 6-foot width at only $1.50
a square yard. May we not measure your room and
give you an estimate on the cost?
Square yard, $1.50
Chenille Bath Rugs
Reversible rugs made of a soft cotton fabric in
plain and mottled patterns. Attractive for bedroom
and bath.
Size 24x36 $3.75 Size 27x54 $5.00
Size 24x48 $4.50 Size 30x60 $6.00
Size 36x72 priced at $7.75
Burfeat-Natb Rug Shop Sixth Floor.
School Supplies
School Cast, 6(K to $3.00.
Book Strapt, 5c to 10c.
Pencil Boxei. 10c to $1.00.
Colored Pencils, bu, 10c.
"Crayolat", box, 5V to 25e.
"Prang" or "Bradl" " Wa
ter Color Paintt, box, 39c,
History Covert, each, 15c.
History Paper, pkff. 17c.
History Cover, paper and
rings, complete, 39c.
Rulers, Art Cum, Eratert,
all priced at, each, 5c.
School Tablett, 5c arid 10c.
Pencil Sharpenert, larfra
desk size. Priced, $1.00
and $1.50.
Hand Pencil Sharpeners, at,
each, 10c.
School Compatt, 25c and 50c
Fountain Pent "Diamond
Point", a self-filling pen
in lever style; crew can,
lonu or short style. Each,
"Evertharp" Pencils, 65c to
Stationery Shop Main Floor.
o o o
Special Values in Curtain iMaterials
Isn't it true that every really housewifely heart just longs for some
bit of newness at every house cleaning time? At this season she will
welcome our Wednesday house furnishing specials.
Plain and Figured Tuscan Nets
Another shipment of that much wanted Tuscan net 40
and 42-inch widths plain and figured patterns at the lowest
price wo have known.
Priced, a yard, 89c
Fringe to match, 35c and 39c.
New Filet Nets in 43-ineh Width
A finer net and more attractive patterns than wc have
ever had at this price. Some of them woven with a small
border on each edge are adaptable for panel use.
Yard, $1.00 and $1.25
40-inch Plain White Voile
An imported quality that makes especially lovely ruffloJ
curtains. There are 20 pieces all in plain weave.
Triced, a yard, 39c
Bitraeta-Naea) preter $katr avrlh I'laae,
Women's Mouse Slippers
They are cne-strnp slylu anil ar marie of toft
leather, with hfttul-turnrtl sole ami rubber hot-Is;
In wi.le, comfortable) It and .vliU tn, To )
matt, thrrtj rt jut : ti .1 'ir of thrm. Limit of
two pairs to a customer, Na mail orders,
S M Seat Sa4 Aeet Saeltj-iaiaiit Staet
Notion Specials
I.lntffrie liibhun, nirriw
uidth, !t bolt for 25t.
Mntreriv Kibbnn. id; price!
'i 2St.
f'utrh lim.hinf lri I, ash
ahl, b'!t, IU,
Tattihf Tnmmiiiir. all colors;
prirrtl, a bull, SOa,
lluk raik Hraul, yard, It,
I rfn.-h "l"ri maker's" Tins,
but, JSa tj SSa.
IuiU" rutt I'f-Hif Pafetjr
I'tna, all aura, t, S. Mm." 1 karat sol4
Metv Tint, 3 ear tt. It.
I'ahy ltlaiket riafety 'ins
rn-t.l 3 fina lit.
Ir limrt ail tue, H
bUik tr white, 4 t-M, 0
l ll.
MU.s h.alr.1 Tins, tsbrtl. It,
" Kutet" Naplma, ilmen, 4S,
."tM" Sat-klm, dote.
atfaat Staak -Masa fsaaa.