The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 06, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Enlargement nf
Reformatory and
Pen Is Discussed
Govrrnor May Hrconimfntl
Id I-iMature Hull. ling
Plana to Provide for
Comirt Ilf-M in Jail.
I.imolri, Srjjt. 5 (Fprital Tr'e
grain ) -One hundred twenly-lne
iriiuiii-iN, nndi r sentence to the prni
lentiary, tirli) hi munly jail letati
(,l In k of tVdilir 1 thr penitrnliary
and ri'foriiKitr.ry, are Ital.V t'i tr
liitinil iui (hi lit? tU'e iit an v lime
il i tnt jii'U-r me (it, at'cordm 10
a i.i'rmrtit ly liovernnr Mrkrlvie
l'ill'iitK tmifi'ir-iicf wiili Warden
U . "I IViiton and Sui erimenl lit
(ll Mlllrl
'I he Kovrrniif br d this mirrtinri
mi ailion iIcii liy Ju-liie W. V.
Allen of Mail in V'ck in re-
)ruj rnrivicta mi h.ilie minus
WflU, ll'llill:J that the M!r had no
rii to kri .enlrwed to the!
penitentiary tn rmnity tiiktitutwn '
inoir than .V) days after sentrnre it
"If oilier jii'ltfi t.ik the same virw,
liHik mil." said tip Kovrrnnr.
Prison Overcrowded.
Warden In Ion retimied thr peni
tentiary is 1 1 ti. iriK 575 men, aiove
tapaeily, and the reformatory u
"A lilir situation exist regarding
many ol the rhanuMr institutions and
thi situation in a proldem taring in
urniing officers who declare taxes
can he lowered hy a hlg percentaife,"
tlir governor said. These conditions
are really railing for rxpaiuion in the
institutions and not deflation."
As a rmnll of t lie ronfire nee it it
likrly itiat rcrlaiti recommendations
looking toward the enlargement of
the Hate reformatory for mm at
Lincoln will he presented to the (tale
Irui-I.itiirr whin it next convenes.
While adniittiiii? that the cell short
age wan arutf, (iovernor McKelvic
drrlarrd today liii proposed recom
rnrlidationi to tin- legislature would
not call for extensive building plan.
Charity Coit Increased.
Governor MrKelvie also wan given
figures toilay showing large increases
in population and prr capita main
tenance in rharilahle institutions. The
tahle dhow the population and per
capita maintenance in 191 S and every
year theieafter.
It indicate! that the increase in
maintenance o f inmate kept in
creasing with the price of foodstuff
year by year with 1717 and 1720. the
peak yean and a falling off in 1921.
A. V.. Allyn, member of the state
hoard of control, declared that it was
just as impossible to feed and clothe
inmates of charitable institutions as
cheaply in the l.ibt three year as in
1915 as it was to feed and clothe a
family and that in order for a family
to keep pace with increased cost of
living it was necctsary to get more
wages and in order to feed and clothe
inmates it was tjiecrsiiary to increase
Important Term of Court
to Open at White River
Whit.- Kiver. S. I)., Sept. S.T-(Spe-cial.)-One
of the most important
terms of circuit court for many
months will open here this week,
with Judge lJurch presiding. An un
usually large number of criminal
cases are scheduled for trial and 40
jurymt'U have been summoned for
the term.
Man Injured at Callaway
When Scaffold Gives Way
Callaway, Neb., Sept. 5. (Special.)
Hy the collapse of a defective
piece of scaffolding, upon which he
was working, liert Clark of Com
stock received two broken ribs and
several minor injuries.
IteJriendhj'Shop in
i,J Fruited
Danish Coffee Cake
Large Size 60c, Pretzel Shaped
Small Size 25c, Ring Shaped
Thi'e ildieUniit taken r cram-futl of fruits
and nutt and have an iced top. They are made
fresh each day and as v only itock a few
dmen, coma ?ar!y if you desire one, If you
like Coffe I'ake you hv a delightful aur
rm itt toro for you whrn ynt eat th!i Special
banish Taitry,
"H?a1lk InFooJj'r
t tWtt4'V BIIBltHaWrttVMatVttwtaB
"Poor Willard!"
Wife of Actor Quits Him
"Rrilliant and liveable
and Vet-So Dumb"
Laments No. 3 of
Willard Mack.
?n Frsnrico, Sept. J Willard
M k. drarua'ot, producer and actor,
who is ill in the Stanford I'nivrrtity
hospitil, is reported lt the ,5n
!Mnritt i) pi4iiiiiirr Unlay fq have
informed friend that his fourth wilt,
l!rtrirr !rrh Mik. KtrflS, hit
Irit bun deliiiitrfy.
The I' njtuitirr tys Mrs. Wi'k Irft
!as Thursday wilhout olticial ri
(ilanaiion for I.os Angrles, air,m
parted by her mother and her two
(hildren from a fornirr nurrUxr,
Mk has hrrn in the hoiiUt since
Friday. Ids wife had len playing
here and in Si Je in hit pity,
''Kick In." The newspaper ntiotrt
Mf k as having dri tared o friends
there would he no reconciliation.
Mtik's lormrr wives were Mtude
I. rone, Marjnrie Rsn.licaii and I'aul
int I'rrdrruk.
"Poor Willard r
fhicagO, Sept. 5 I'rports of (he
rollapte of the fourth marital ad
venture of Willard Mark, author and
actor, brought expreioni of tyin
pathy for him to the erstwhile Mrs.
Mark No, J I'aulinr Frederick,
tarring here in "The Guilty tine,"
a Mar production, following her re
turn from l lie tnovict.
"Poor Willard." she said. Tlril.
hant and lovable; smart, and yet to
dumb, lie has a wonderful way with
women, but somehow, his attractive-
Daughcrty Explains
Federal Injunction
(Cunllnitrit' from Fmf Ona )
for the establishment of which our
forefaihrrt fought and died. This
c'cviiilh hour attempt to intimidate,
to coerce, to bring into clay the
ig lierthas of the administration
will utterly fail,"
Judge la Criticised.
Johnson also criticised Iu4ae Wil-
kerton of Chicago, for granting the
temporary restraining order and
counselled the strikers to continue
their meetings and their picketing
of the Washington railroad yards,,
winding tip his belligerent address
with a prediction of novernment
Mollification of the injunction Is
confidently expected by ninny sena-
lorr, who, after a c arcful study of
the temporary restraining order, ex
pressed the opinion publicly or pri
vately that it overreached both the
constitution and the law. They be
lieve that upon further hearing
Judge Wilkcrson will remove sev
eral paragraphs of the injunction.
particularly those which they hold lo
be in conflict with the constitutional
guarantees of free speech and free
prest and the right of assemblage,
Because of the feeling that the in
junction will be "tamct! down," ren
ators have carefully ref.ained from
precipitating debate of its terms.
Senator Walsh, Montana, demo
crat, recognized at one of the ablest
members of the judiciary committee,
declared today that the injunction
not only over rode the Clayton act.
but plainly violated the first amend
ment of the constitution, guarantee
ing the right of free speech and at
semblage. Senator Horah, chairman
of the labor committee, entertains
similar views.
Would Jail Officert.
Jail sentences for cabinet officers
and federal judges involved in the
issue of injunctions such as the Chi
cago restraining order are provided
for in a bill introduced by Represen
tative Huddleston, Alabama, a labor
spokesman in the house. Mr. Hud
dlcston's bill would broaden the fed
eral statutes defining maleasauce in
office by adding the following:
One who, under color or by
means of his office et authority
shall deprive or attempt to deprive
any person of his lawful freedom of
speech, of press, or assemblage, or
of due process of law, or of any
right, privilege or immunity secured
to such persons under the conrtitu
tion and the laws of the United
States, or who shall issue or cause to
he issued, maintain or cause to be
maintained, any illegal injunction,
order, or other process not in good
faith and with the wilful intent to de
prive any person of any lawful riKht,
privilege or immunity or to intimi
date any person or put in fear of the
execution thereof or who conspiree
to do the foregoing.
The penalty provided in Reprcscn
tativc lluddlcston's bill is removel
from office, $10,(100 fine and 10 ytart
Now Fourth
, . , r' 11.
f ah '
Willard Mack.
nest doesn't last, lie hat brains, but
no judgment,
"l really believe tie thinks tin ex
tetie front Lucia it a vaudeville act.
lie was never cruel to me. He was
adorable. Hut I Jut couldn't stand
his ways. When hr married hit pres
ent wife, 1 lioped he'd really find the
right girl, but he's always chasing the
rainbows. It's too bad.
"J wonder if the poor dear will
marry again?"
When Mack married bis present
wife, Healrire fteebe Bayard Stone
Mack, congratulatory telegrams from
hi three ex-wivet Mauda Leone,
Marjorie Kattibitu and I'sulnie
Frederickwere among the first re
ceived. Bishop Fallows Dies
at Home in Chicago
(('milliard from Pwi On.)
frequented taloons, the bishop put in
coffee, chocolate, grape juice and the
like; he allowed imoking. For two
yeart the place did a profitable buti
nest. The bishop, convinced that non
alcoholic substitute for beer could
be found, spent large sums hiring the
best chemists to discover the for
mula for tuch fluid; but every bever
age they conrorted tooner or later
devrloped alcohol by fernu illation.
Meanwhile the "taloon" hid be
come a mecra for visitort from all
over the globe, who came to tee the
refreshment parlor conducted under
such strange auspiret by a famous
man ot the church. Finally his
theory vindicated, the bishop told out
the enterprise.
Curious Complex.
Samuel Fallovs wat that curiout
complex, a sold er, a divine and an
author. With i( ual spirit he could
exhort hit parishioneri to duty or
h ad hit regiment in battle, and equal
ly ne could summon an ali-conouer
ing passion for that most pedantic
ot tasks, the editing of a dictionary
cnryclopcdia, lie was tall,, straight and snare of
body, hit face was ruddy with the
color of vigorout life and he had a
splendid crop of silver hair, fascinat
ing deep blue eyes and handt sinewy
and extremely expressive in gesture.
Samuel Fallows wat born Decem
ber 13, 18.15. at I'cndleton, near
Manchester, England. Hit parents
migrated to Witcontin in to
cubage in farming. Thut' Samuel
Fallows grew up at tarmcr lad
near Madison. Mit first schooling
wat at Astclan, Wit., and then at
Lawrence univcrtity at Appleton.
There he first began to preach.
Rail Combine Rumored. '
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 5. Railroad
executivet here today declined to dis
cuss reports from the west that plans
were tinder way for consolidation ol
the Central Pacific lines with the
Great Northern, Northern Pacific
and Chicago, Burlington & Quinry.
iBaiikcrs Announce
Plan to Readjust
Debts of Mexico
Proposal ljr International
Committee Provide He.
lumjition of Interest in
Default Since 1913.
New Vik. Sept. 5 The American
section of the international commit
tee of hauler cf Metiro made pub
lie a luminary of the pUn of read
justing Mexico's external di lit of
7n,biiO,(Mi whirb wat included in
their agreement lat June, with
1'iiiaine Minister de La llunta
Simultaneously .the plan, which pro
vides for a retumption of interest
payments, in drlault tmre 191 wat
gitrn out in, London, 1'arit, Mexico
t it y and iWlin,
After listing the bonds and other
obbgaiii'Ot of the government and
the National Kadwayt ef Mexico,
which, under the program art to be
returned It private management, the
banker! recommended certain con
cessions to the security holders.
In view of these concession!, the
Mexiiait government will set aside
during the next five years, SO.OWyxx)
pesos i$,UtXI,0)0 gold United Stales
dollars), to as to resume at the end
of that period, full cash service on iis
obligations. If for any reason, the
profited plan it not fully carried out,
the bondholder are to resume their
contractual right at existing prior
to that time.
To meet the bond coupont niatur
ing after January 2, 172.1, the Mexi
can government will place in a ape
rial fund, the entire proceedt of the
oil export tax, 10 per cent of the
grout revenue of the National 'rail
way! and the entire net operating
revenurt of these railway. Cash
interent payment of thete coupons
will, during the first year, be made
on a scale varying from 50 to 100
per cent on the external loans, at
the rate of 25 per cent on tbe internal
3 and 5 per cent bonds, SO per cent
on the stale bondt in general, and
from 50 to 65 per cent on the railway
loam, except that the railway note
tectired by the government bondt are
to receive 100 per cent.
Duck Die Mynteriouhly
at South Dakota Lake
Plankinton. S. IX, Sent. S.-fSpe-eial.)
Mystery surrounds the. deaths
of large numbers of wild ducks,
vhlrh had been making their home
at White lake, a few milet from
here. Persont who visited the lake
report finding 316 deaM diirkt in a
tpace of half a mile on the touth
thore. A ttrsngc feature i that no
dead duck have been found along
the hore of the main part of the
lake. Miidhen and some other
water fowl also were found dead.
One theory it that the south side of
the lake may have some sort of
poisonous vegetation and that the
duck and other fowl had been eat
ing this. Many other wild ducks
were found sitting stupidly on the
shores of the lake, and when thrown
into the water seemed to revive and
were able to swim away.
Lightning Bolt Causes
Woman to Lose Speecli
Geneva, Neb., Sept. 5. (Special,)
A lightning bolt in the storm Sun
day night deprived Mr. J. P. tier
gen of power of speech and at pres
ent she can barely make herself un
derstood by whispering. Mr. Gergen
and several children in the same
room were not injured. The bed
occupied by Mrs. Gergen wat of iron
and near an open window, and a
broken lightning rod hung from the
roof near the window.
Rain After Drouth
Geneva, Neb., Sept. 5 The first
rain for a month fell Sunday at mid
night when the ground was wet to a
depth of almost three-fourtht of an
Dotvn itral&ht down from the ikies cJron
Gray Qoose to that precise spot of hia choice
upon the crystal surface of his uiJ lake. No
indecision, no wasted effort, no lost motion
here. Wings banked, neck arched, feet braced,
he itops almost instantly. Momentum over
come. Perfect balance, the mind's mastery of
muscle, the driving force, perfectly controlled.
When Science approximate the perfection vf
Nature, you have engineering achievement.
The Will Salnte Claire, eight. cylinder motor,
with overhead cama'and valve, glvci you that
realization of limltlet power. Th perfect
balance of the car, the toft yet itrong action of
the brakes create the feeling of Immeasurable
ifety-tht driving force perfectly controlled.
On Harney at 36th
AT Untie 8321 .
Clarke May Be
Political Washington Sees
Court Justice an Attempt
Hughes Has Recn
Politics as Leader
Washington, Sept, $ (Special
Telegiam ) Tlit resignation of John
Ifes.iu tlaike of Yoiingstow n, O.,
from the tuprrine bench and the
nomination of former fnaior George
W. Sin lit rlrfiid of t'lah to succeed
him is regaaj'd her as having far
teaching poiTiral tignilicttlce.
The resignation Justice flatk
it trgaided at an Indication of hit
hope to be the druioira'ic nominee
for pirsident, To this exlrnt, it il
nf intereit t president Harding and
the leader of the republican party
and more especially to that group of
democrats who are angling for the
democratic nomination.
Jutue Clarke come from Ohio,
which is a great asset to start with.
Two other democratic leader from nl.ile are III1 the limelight at pos
sible candidates for the nomination,
Senator Aibe Pnmerene and former
(inventor Jatnes M. (ox.
I'omrrene has the litmluap of a
conservative record and will have tht
oppokition of labor in seeking the
nomination, Governor Cox ha the
handicap of a record of disaMrou de
feat which will be difficult to over
come. Justice Clarke ha always taken an
Interest in polities and wat a candi
Apple in South Nebraska
VTiiMeil Utiles Called fur
Lincoln, Sept. 5. (Special.) Ap
ples by the hundreds of buhel in
southern Nebraska, purchasable in
orchards at from 35 to 50 ernft a
bushel, will be wasted unless auto
mnbilistt call in pen on for them,
I.eo Stujir, secretary of agriculture,
stated today, Ketail grocert in Lin
coln today quoted apples at $1.35 a
Stuhr made thit ttaiement follow
ing a trip to Nebraska City, where be
talked to aople men. The owner of
a commercial orchard of 50 arret told
him that owing to the low market
price paid for hi apples, he it mak
ing no effort to pick and thip them,
Stuhr stated that the only other
year when the apple crop compared
t the present one was 1918.
Overturning Roailnler
Injurea Two at MeCook
MrCook, Neb., Sept, S. (Special)
Frank B. O'Donnell and Hoger M.
Clots of McCook both celebrated
Labor day in the hospital after their
roadotcr overturned Sunday evening
at the "Narrows," cast of McCook.
O'Donnell received icrioue back
injurtet and Clost very severe cult
and bruiset over the body.
Alleged Kcvelen Freed.
Frank 1 Sullivan and John Sulli
van of Columbus, Neb., A. M. Caheen
of Lincoln and Walter E, Robinson,
41J North Thirty-ninth ttreet,
charged with disturbing the peace,
were discharged yesterday morning
in South Omaha police court.
Jte Chiropractor,.
J" ' ' ' I MM" ' I
Office Adjustments' art. 12 for
$10.00 or 30 for $25.00
for President
Resignation of Supreme
to Avoid Criticism Given
Active in National
of Radical forces.
date for senator In I''.' saaiii.t Mark
llanna. lie was appointed fderl
judge hv Woodrow Wilton and later
elevated lo the tupitm bench by the
same executive, Even while on tbe
bench he could not re. tram liinie!f
from taking a part in politn and de
livered hiinelf of a brrey exposition
on prohibition and later ailiat.ied in
ternational attention by advocating
the nalmg down ol tbe lortign debt.
Juntire I latke might have resigned
r 4 -'il if he lid not have presidential
apirations, but it it more than like
ly this pottibilitv urged him to lake
the step whuh has been announced,
lie siiicerded Charles Evans Hughe
on the bench and the criticism lev
eled at Hughe probably prompted
Mr, Clarke to allow a reasonable
tune to elapse from hi ervire on th
Lccn radii al and wt associated in
lie it underttood to tupport tbe
Wilson theoriet concerning interna
tional affain and it regarded at a
supporter of the league of nations
He has a record of having bolted
liryan, but at another time attempted
lo tttri a third patty with railroad
woikert at a nurleut. At an attor
ney, he hat represented large busi
ness ronrerni, but in politic he hat
hem redical and w aisoeiated in
Uhio politic! with Newton U. Maker
and the late Tom Johnson.
State Cannot Prevent
Hotel From liaising Hate
Lincoln, Sept. 5 (Secial.) Leo
Stuhr. ecretary of agriculture, de
clared today he wat powerlett under
existing ttatute to keep hotel from
raising price of room during fair
and other carnival.
"True, there it a law calling for
landlordt lo put cardt in room giv
ing the price per guest, but there i
no law a to how often uch card
may be changed," Stuhr aaid.
Stuhr endeavored to put a bill
through the legislature regulating
tuch mattert, but itt teeth were with
drawn through amendment.
Tax Leviea at Callaway j
Show One-Third Saving!
Callaway, Neb., Sept. S. fSpe-
ciitl.) At the regular meeting of thej
county board of tupervisort the ful-.
lowing ' levies were made by thej
board : I
Soldier' relief, .02 mill. i
Mothers' pension fund, .1 mill, '
Agricultural society, ,114 mill.
County general fund, 1.84 mills,
Hridge fund, .7 mill.
Road fund, .05 mill.
Total county levy, 3.2 mills.
This is a reduction of one-third
from last year, a saving of $80,000.
Evacuation Begins
Tokio, Sept, 5. (Ry A. P.) Japa
nese military evacuation of Siberia
started Sunday. The transport Ku-
tnamoto took the first contingent of
troops to Japan. The second trans
port is scheduled to tail today.
New Arrivals Daily at
1512-Dou$las St
The Buy-Rite Stores
Ban of
pre bar,
Limit 0
betri U
1 colld carload
of extra fancy
Elberta Fret
tone Peachae,
500 crates
Blu Prune
per lug
or crate,
The uubeatable butter,
fresh and tweet dully,
,,l,UI1 38
Ueuuln H.ill Mason, pints, per dui,
Quart, ilon'o, 95e; halt jallmi dot, $i 25
I'kTowat for seallni!, 1 Jus. ior 2?t(.
Ktira heavy Jar Itubburt, dmen 5-
Jally lilts. ra, tjut or tall, duie-n 41-
a 1 1 inrir, er (aililll
Tuie hl I'lcklln, Vlnftr.
'trkt rnilt Tretsns, teilal...
Ho. 't(ka lima rluap 1 m4.
i:o. ,acka liurt jiotp thu',,,,
Unum, ir tau , ,,,,
Ita r-i Aiuinoa:, laift M He ,,
I AH-1 pi kttes tur
l O. Hv,. ) laite br .e ,
th lM ml
oCa s KiiiuN.
t wmI I lt Swotk 4
THONIH a intaa
VVNAS 4 a I Si N A N.
M4 IInw,
U.S. Destroyers
Rush to Smyrna
to Protect Lives
Allif Consider TUti to Hrlng
Alut Armittir Ile
Iween flreere ami
Wtthlngton, Sept. S At tht re
quest of lb Sttit department, Act
ing Secretary Koosevtlt tmlay or
dtrtd Admiral tlristol, American l.igh
eommittioner at Conittniinoplt, t
dispatch a forct of destroyer to
Smyrna lo ''protect live and prop
erty." In hi cablegram to Admiral Bri
tol, Secretary Kootevelt mphaied
that th action of th department had
neither naval nor political eignifi
canc. Secretary Kootevelt id that the
State department' rtquest wat bated
on dupttche from Smyrna, describ
ing th tiiuation which had resulted
then from tht retreat of tht Creek
army and tht continued Turkish of
--So the Early Fall
Traveler May Know
That newest autumn fashions are
unusually complete throughout the
store. She will find her needs most
desirably filled if she shops here for
Are Dependable Stores,
and Thursday Special Values
Malaga Grape
tptclal per
largt, tquar
1 carload of
lllinolt Jona
than Apples,
5 Ibt. for 43e
10 Ibt.,
llakurs Milk Coeoitnul, ittr ran
Tuna t'Mli, Mil hlle meat, lh. ran....
Mb. ro
MtisruliJ, h-liflie'l or NmMllej. i ()ks
Nul-A Heed Seies liahins, (ier lb ft
Heeilnd Itnislns, jrr b, k
Meal Mall ami lls, iver s( ,,,,,
llol Am
. ''"
le Tilr n-iur,
fin !w. .i , 1 u; 1 It.,.!,' , r ittt it tt
t'liulonell li.lifta . I er rs it IxtUlrt ti 15
runtoatll K.Hi
P. st 1 1 titwtre,
rruit.,. dell'
ARM ANO Pltiait
tM H ,
twfc m4 !
JlFstN taos,
IMS) a a
tw a M,i4i
uta t. Run,
fensive OrrkiaU pi-J "
nurai Brisiul would hav vilablt
four detiroytra to tend t" Smyrna.
Wipt Out C!ry
Constantinople, Sept. 3 1'yA i )
1 uiL .h cavalfy d vision h met
disaster neir the HiiejiV IMuU Iroi I.
taught between two ,rre ortr,
wtt (daily wied out,
Athen, Sept, 3.T(Dy A. I' -
p.. H Iruiii sanout tourret tatr l
military tituatin in AnJ Minor
where the (.reek and Turkish armies
are at f "I t is i oimcier alily improved,
I he p.,i!nii nevertheless i obtcu'e,
I he t.ieek government has coin
nunilrrrrd the merchant fleet.
National opiiiMMl linliilid !'
bla'tie ihe allies for C.reeet muf'.r
Itine 1 he iiw.paeft contend Ihtt
the Oieek aimy landed Smjir-
m VA't to cany out the allies' man
date and thai rerr bad fade evriy
. l,i l!ial ni l and "ilW have
ii'tuiid in
V e ts't.e Course i
f the
a!Ut li
I tot ol.ttruHrd I't
Disaster Complete
l.oi,,.,u, y pi. i - (I'.v A. I'.)
tjeiieisl opinion iii well ii.forn ed
nmiiers iii I on'!'. ii today was that
tlir dijier i , the dreeli arn y In
Aia Minor was compute 'I here
teemed little pioj,ei( that anything
could now me it (rum a total d
baile. Blouses
Mmy$ at Your Service
Parliaf n
of FlMh
J pkfs.
limit t
pl(. lo s
1 carload of
Early Ohio
per peck,
1,000 market
batkett of
Jelly Crap,
pr baakat,
B0.UO0 Ibt, of Swiff lYemlum lUma. 14 to l-!b,
amraise, wliole or halt ham, per lb,.,. .30
IWiluiut linked liemis, oe cans, 3 tr.,. 42c
linker Miitat I'lHuanut, nr can jjf
j-r . '' ...... St, Mi
I'm, (-r r l Mlt'e i't K
r ; txitllot
mui a In, ft Mil
Swi IkMe a Amt
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