The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 02, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Kxperts Search
tint ire W orld for
Chorus Continues
frrliCirliamilttt.f 1922,"
Ak-!;tr-Hfti Ktrajtj;aiixii(
t VtVar 300 IVrt
of IVarl.
lirn it to 4. Hi-mltd ti ptfwtlt lit
"ntt!r i.f iv.'j," win. h appear,
rt filing i, in (runt ,,f t), grand
litd a I Ak-J-arlii-n lultf, .Srpttitihrr
I.', 1J, H, I) (ul I ft, tn i .(ftjiiiu tiuii
ttl the Ak-r Urn fall fr.ttval, r.
prru cte kcfif to k!l will l !e
world to matttrr up Hi nm'rrul tin )
r4iy for Hie rnttumini;, tue th"
Mrriri rirputed an oriental .ruing
and necri.ttatrd each Ifirl in the en
tire rhorui staring stnngt ol pearls
Ml feet in length,
A i4l (Kii In wrrr out ( l he
M'if.tion, ( lie alternative v4 "rcion
uruclfl pearls," a mechanical prod
net hieh would dative anyone but
a jrsurl expert,
! .tiinatrs ol expert showed Hut
7S.0M) imitation gmts mild be m-nl-rd
fur ili cuituiiiimr. It to.ik a lac
lory nitjilo) itiK J5U prplc two
iiiiiiitli to turn out t!m miter ami
thru nit women woilinj f.r nearly
tour months' stunning the n-4il into
!he rt'juind Iriigihi. In i.tdtr that
only one prail Mould lie ... in cane
1 lie string iitiikf, it mi fiff4ry to
tie a knot altrr ej. h one of the 75,
"Vfi. indt'ftl. a crv knotty Dioli
("in," ai Kiiiic Yuuiik. (Iiicsko
inpt'jrpi, who it bringing the
'Smile i" here after a Muert.ful lour
lit AmrriVs. "Hut 1 hi it imy inrj.
ikntal an1 but one mull ccne in the
hf it "Smile" production I have ever
juit on, .
tic. tup to the prrmurt eterday.
(U f.Htttd .iir picket t'U duty and
rnrd t-''m a continujttoM tii the
l'H'i' ou!4 trad ta iiUng o( at.
iachmefi urdcfi nt them,
Omaha Hiiiikcr Kprct
I'runit-(Jfriiiaii Urea
W, V. Ilnd. Omaha banker, who
l.4 rrnj'iip.) ironi trip to orotic,
errtt anothrr tmr between trance
and tjrrmany,
"Frame btlievei that Grrnuny lia
t ii tf nii.,11 of paying lirr ur debt,"
Mead Mid yrMefihty," and the French
niiy i fH'Hrriiil eiKitiuh to eep
FlajMrr ami 1 lit.iirn M
Co Soon, Ani 1'air
IJ)n t worry ahout the country i
yomh-.'napjjeri,' flipiieri,' nut 'cake
jti-r,' will aoon iaii out,"
Mr, and Mri. Menr C, l eeder. t,7
nj hi, r"ifrttveiy, nt ortrt
lenty lirt itreet, who have jut
rrlrtirated their Old wedding anni
vertary, nuke thi preilirtmn.
They epett to he to 100.
Carry 35 Fstra She prr
Thirty-five extra altepm and
fight entra dinina: ear were earrifd
l.y I'liinn l'ai'ihc Iraine yeterd4y
due to hfavy tengrr traihe, pat
triigrr oiiinait annnuneed.
Ilrlef City Neics
Uutlrr WouM Sate Ta
Paym Intfnt IVually
City ("ominiMiiHier I). II. Under
rrrnininended to the city council ve.
terd.iy that the city charter should
ha ainfiidrd o a to pfrmit property
ownera aeed apeeial taxen for
Kradmir iniiroviiiriin to pay the
lull antuunt "f the tax and ave the
intere't jienalty. Under the cxiMiiitf
thartrr grailina M''ul lr may be
paid in five annual iiul jllnirntf plus
mirror, out no provision nmuc
for rliuiiiiuliiiK the intercut when the
tax i paid in full at the time the
improvement ta mane.
Pirkfta Warned Away
From JVorlhwfctfni Shops
Complaint that more than one
picket wa atationrd at Fourteenth
and I'inknfy gtrefts, near tlie North
wettern ghopf, in violation of the
utrikf injunction order, indui-cd Dep
uty Marahal Ttionias to make a hur-
fll c a d a c h e s
Are Usually Dut to
When you are cotmtipatcd,
not enough of Nature's
lubrifating liquid la pro
duced in the bowel to keep
the food waste soft ' and
moving. Doctora preacribe
Nujol becauae it aets like
this natural lubricant and
thus replaces iu
Nuiol is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative so
cannot gripe.
Try it today.
wwz l
IW'iH-lll IiaiMT Th Kfi1irli)
Hh'.i. i.ifiK i f iirnaha will lv
iM-nfflt ilaiie nt Kfoim ae!my lh
evfnina: r Mfpt intfr T.
I'imUii of 132 A. K
Wllllaina. 2916 Third aviniio. i'oun
ell IiliirT, rriiortfit to iioliea hare
that til pin Ui t hud lf n rohbad of
f 3 3 whllo hn oi nrar I nlon aiattou
KImmiIm lllniwir -William !-r,
St, illl North Kfxly-tlliii atrtot
furniture eotmiaiiy frnploye, cum
mlttpij anleiilw at 2:ll Friday morn
I n if l.y ahoMdiig himaelf In the riaht
Kiira for lmur -f'hsrlcs I'a
fort). It, ailed lha Lrnffy Kuinm a and
Mhtft Mrlnl worka for t,00U In dla
triet court for Injurlra aunlalnad
AViil 4. whon atruek hy an aiilomo
bile at Twntlnth and N utrecla.
Ullla r'rred on llond Janicn
U'llla, klnar of dopa (rllcra, walvrd
lirarint; licfnr t'nltcd Klata Coin
niCKDionar lloehlfr ypntfrdiiy and
wa rffd on 12,000 bond. Tollea
found I Sou worth of dope In hl
Train Coiidurtor IHi-a Nat T,
Hjuketi, ii.SJ t'opiilotoii avanun
Mumcy tret line tram conuuetor
who always mild "Thank you" to
Mf ngf r paylnir far, dlnd
Wdneduy nlaht. Kervlcfa will ba
hr-ld at 10:3o Monday In Grace
Lutheran eliurch.
ItohlMil of $13..MM-llr. nd Mrs.
Jiuob Hloabnra. 1US Houth Thirty-
I till d atract, have returned from Io
Ariitelia, whern Mra. Mloaburg re-
eenllv lout 113,500 worth of dla-
ntoiida when a motor party, of
which aha waa a member, waa held
up by armed bundita.
Iv nn imil to lU funnuUiry Harry
McOinnlH. 26. wua aentenced to tho
utiite nformatory for one to four
years by Dlalrlct Judge Lenlle wtien
hn iileaded aunty to a fiiarK or
larceny of IIJ.50 from the peraon
Of Puul McDonald, a atudent at
Belleviie Vocational Tralnlmf school,
July 1.
CcrllfliaU' Aullu.rl.cil Keith Ne
ville, receiver for the Hklnner rack
Iiik company, wua empowered yea
terdny to laue a receiver's certificate
for 13. BOO to Artlmr yomhk c -'o,
The receiver told Federal Judge
WoodroUKh tho rompuny hftd not
fnouicli funds on hund at prenent to
pay the bill.
I'iimIhI F.mi.loveK to Vel Edjrar
N, Howies, veteran foreman -of the
iii-mt letter office of the omalia post
ofrice. and 33d degree Mason, ana
Mr. Duiay Ueldlng, postal directory
clerk, will be miirrled at 8 thla
ninrn nt und will cave on a lioney
moon to MichiKan. Later they will
be at homo at. 2801 Bristol atreet.
Wants I'artnersliln I)IhmiIvhI
John Tuvlor sued Theodore Leon
ard In dintrlct court, aaklnK an In
quiry and dissolution of a partner
ahio which lis claims they entered
Into for uroductlon or nimer anu
buttermilk, I-eonard furnlshlnKT the
money nnd Taylor his time for the
bUHlness located ai saau heaven-
worth street. He saya I-eonara is
removing the machinery.
WCi national Institution
Jnm Coast to Coos f
"The Store of the Town"
Our New
School Suits
Certainly Please the Boys.
The boy now should get first
consideration. The boy who
wears our clothes, and the pa
rents who pay for them, will
find a wonderful variety of
styles and patterns tv choose
from now,
' Every garment made in our
own shops and receives a care
of manufacture which many
others overlook,
I'rices mnp;e from
$6.50 to $25.00
"One and Two-Pants tyle,"
Fall Capi Are Ready
W I IlI'vKH, ltIIUB, I'UHM vv.u
a ., and mixture! ; eight-quarter
a t-A and one-piece top and fancy
! )V pleated backs
j $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
Orders Taken Now for Cadet Suit
Insure Early Delivery.
Kvery suit receives ru.tom measurements, thereby giv
Ine a perfect, sattsfaetory, luting shape and fit. ri.i
All Made U Our Owe Uaiferas
Ufparlm.nt, Nw leW.
New Shirti New Ulouies New Sweater
Sfkeal Statkiaf l.
1 fr HI. (Ml
Laciica Knox Full Hati
If have tit already seen th.e sdp' ' H M
be a f you lt '
S.. Vert Sttikiaf Nll Crtatwas,
New Tailored Coati for Women
j.Vni wiv !.. Itus nnd itjli t ! f
f.iid . U. win n
Attorneys Under Fire
Granted Continuance
J. K Van Pom, Tharle J,
ouilird and John .O.
rl surd with unprote iona coiulutt
m attorneys in s report bird two
week, ago l y a committee of the bar
appointed by the dtrut court, ob
tained a continuance of their ttt
uni sfter September 2u.
J he y hd ben ordered M ajpe4f
yrtterdsy to .how caue, it any, ithy
th court liould not carry out the
reconiniendiii ol the committee
for tutpeuimn for Van Porn and
reprimand of Southard and
Van Porn wss charged with trying
tu get affidavits id witnei.r ctungrd
and frr and utiurd with i-nig
exorbitant fee. filed a vofuminotu (itfrn
of hi sition and Semihard titrd iecl
niiitl objection! u the action tlin
by the committee again. t bun.
Water takes tonger to grow hot
than does Und and stays but longer.
Convicted Movie Man
In Witness in Trial
Burt York, formerly a member ol
tie Co.niopohun Motion i'uiure
cmnpaiiy, whiih icld torih lor
bnej fit nod in the I )ri. budding, ap
peared yrtterdty in municipal court
4. 4 W lilf.a HI ..i- i I, yl 1 .'..nt)
hfrtif t liilc (lo,r
mk i. n .ii'4 a .eiiiriut at the
Matt ffUtrmat.iry at l..n...iii, baving
tweit lOHVictrd ol takiM walihf
while an cmplote (( Hie 1, ..
U.HiL & M4er cii nf Uit
tpnrig lie it now gum evidence
lt t his former employers m rt
eocrrina' three watihe lioot ltor
i 1 1.. Jiiuii. wVj a.itaiiied tnotiey l-
! V.mL, s.kitr.l.i g to the ew lnuf
While m tu tnoif bfie Ye k
M4 4 n st.iu i's ot Andre lieliiUnr,
i!uiui'u.( kt juniper ol l unce and
tunuerup in a nation-wide contrtt
ir the band ami lirjrt of Audtry
Muii.m, "ilie i'rrle.t Model."
lire Want Ads Ttoduce He.ulii.
Store Hours
We will close at 1 p. m. Labor
Pay, and beginning September S,
wa will return to the 9 o'clock
clolnf hour for every dsy In the
Last Day of
at Pumnkln Center. AI
though Prof. Jeremiah
Snodgraan does not believe
in 'paring the rod and
noilintr the child, he will.
thin last day of school,
allow his pupils a half
holiday in which to put on
a program lor ".School
Week" visitor.. If vou
haven't aeen "Lizzie May
Stay" do her bwanee Hiver
jig to the tune or the
"Irish Wpahwoman" or
"Turkey in the Straw"
vou want to be aurc to
come to the Burgeus-Nash
Auditorium, fifth floor, at
Z p. m. Saturday.
2-quart size in round or oval
shape. Nickel plated brass
Irume with inset of genuine
"Fyrex," the glass that will not
break with heat.
Decorative cover cut and
Each, $3.49
Burf.-N.h Fourth Fleor.
-Damask Napkins
Good oualilv bleached da
mask in 20x20-inch size, at
Dozen, $1.95
Face Towels
This special towel is part
linen and has colored borders.
Each, 25c
Turkish Towels
Bleached towel of generous
an unusual value
Each, 39c
Table Cloths
A 54x54-inch bleached cloth
that will give excellent service,
Each, $1.25
Bed Sheets
for the full sized bed. Made
of good quality muslin.
Each, $1.65
Pillow Cases
of a quality that will give good
service, 42x36-inch size.
Each, 39c
Bed Spreads
that will give lasting service.
Three-quarter or full size
Each, $3.50
Huck Towels
All linen towels with hem
stitched ends; damask borders.
Each, 85c
Bur.i-Nth Scm4 Flow.
Warm Wool Ones
in handsome black designs, flux-
tifj-inch sie, An unusual value.
Each, $6.95
Blanket Comfortables
Light of weight but possessed
of great warmth. Attractive
patterns in dark color-
Each. $4.95
riaid lUankHs
the kind that took and feel like
wm. I'lea.ier deigns and el-
urs ; an unique) ala
Each, $4,TS
Splendid wariif flif.rt,
ablvs in th dark ertable
re. A le tnust e'a.
TIh Str Hs irIlwilEl
Wfith New Fall Mir Aairad&
New Fall Frocks for Younger Girls
Advantageously Purchased by Us Exceptionally Priced to You
lllu.imlion I ill
I. of tkj ff lift
drift and J LJ I t
prleH at JjJJ lft
110.00. nJ $
Delightful frocks for school, atreet and dress-up occasions for
girla of 6 to 14 years. When you nee these inexpensive dresses
you will be surprised at the quality of the materials.
There are Crepe de Chines, hand-embroidered;
Taffetas trimmed with yarn pom-porns; one-piece
dresses of Sky Drift with white linen collars and
cuffs yarn embroidered; Jerseys, cross stitched in
gay colors. And still others of Wool Crepe.
Navy Drown Red
Black and Copen.
BurfM-Nuk Jualor Shop Third Flcwr
tllu.t ration
l of ern
d chin, and
prieed at
For the School Season
Girls' Bloomer Dresses
Priced at $5
One may run and jump
as much ad she likes and
do all the boyish stunts
of the playground when
she wears a dress of
French gingham with j.
bloomers to match. The vm
cuffs and collar, of white
mercerized poplin, are
hand embroidered; patch
pockets make a place to
keep one's handkerchief.
Sizes 7 to 10 years.
BursM-Na.h Cirl.' Shop Third Floor.
Golf Sets for Beginners, $4.95
Set includes brown canvas bag with ball pocket,
onejnid-iron, one mashie, one putter and two balls.
Just the needs of a beginner.
Practice Golf Balls Each, 9c
Burf.i-Na.h Sportinf Good D.parOnant Fourth Floor
Women's Silk Hosiery
ijxtra special at, pair, $1.00
These stockings are taken from our regular stock
broken lots of many popular makes in hosiery in fact,
every number of which some sizes are sold out, has
been placed in this lot at this welcome price. A choice
of four or five colors.
Boys' School Stockings
35c 3 pah's, $1.00
Well knowing the kind of stuff of which hose must
be made to withstand the wear which any wide-awake
boy gives it, we have made a special effort to secure
stockings that will give even better than usual service.
This special number it a medium heavyweight cotton in
black and cordovan.
Ru.f M. Nuh Hi.ry Dosartmoat M.ia fa Q
Children's Undergarments
Little bodies need protection against climatic con
ditions, for they have not the endurance to withstand
sudden changes.
I In our children's underwear department we carry
an exceptionally fine line of union suits and separate
garments in both fall and winter weights.
One especially good number for both boya and girla
la a medium weight cotton suit in white and ecru. Made
ankle length with long sleeve.
S'zcs 2-4-6, 75c. Sizes 8-10, $1.00.
Sizes 12-14-16, $1.25. Und.rwaar Dtpartm.nt Main Floor
f -
An Unusualhj Low Price for
iNew Fall Millinery
Lustrous black velvets, soft
duvetyns that Fashion favors in
every shade of brown, and mod
. els of favored fabrics highly col
ored to enliven a sombre costume.
Banded Sailors
Tailored models of pan hat
ter's plush, velvet faced, in black
or brown
$5.00 to $7.50
Hats for School
For the young miss of 6 to 14.
Soft, cashable little models that
hape themselves becomingly.
Burf-N.h Hat Shop Third Floor
Women's Cotton Union Suits
Priced, each, $1.50
Fine cotton suits of medium weight with a light
fleece are made Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle
length. A better than usual value at $1.50. ItaWwMr Mala Floor,
New Fall Footwear
The Smart Modes Jor the Coming Season
Patent Pumj
Of patl leather with si.H
IVavh t at I'wbaa. !,
One at -ette si)U.
$100 t SI2.30
New $athi Pumps
Of plain or bnxadsd satin,
in blavk or brown, fancy cut
out patterns; high Louis heel
Tair, $10
Ooze himpj
1-t one strap style wita high
imnuh ht I l or si rest er
so ml drts wear,
$13 50 ta $15.00
Outing Flannel Diapers
Kach 16C
7x7-im h ie diiipvr made of good qtial.
i!y outing flannel. Mother raiuM buy
too many, for a hahy'a fottifort tie.
ptnda upon the frrhne tf l! clothing,
Men find our Meitanine Hoor
Barber fhnp conveniently bested.
Hair Cut .... 0.
Ska 20
M.alcor , , IS
Cigar Specials
"Smoke up." men, and stock
up at these low prlcss on se
lected Domestic and Havana
Berkshire Cigars
Rrgtilsr 2 for l&c size,
Kach 4c.
Garcia Grande
10c sise, 10 to the box,
Box, H 00.
San Martin Leon
10c r-ite, 00 to the box,
Box, $4.00.
John Ituskin
2 for ISc sixe, 25 to csn,
Can, $1.19
La Muna Cigars
2 for 25c siie, 10 to box,.
Box, 97c
10c size, 10 to box,
Box, 79e
Clr Shoe Maaianlno Floor
Candy Specials
Cream Brazils
Whole Brazil nuts covered
with rich fondant in flavors of
maple snd vanilla. Freshly made
for this sale and specially priced.
Pound, 52c
Cream Chocolates
Assorted flavors : Strawberry,
vanilla, pineapple, cherry, van
illa whip cream, vanilla sundae.
Pound, 34c
Salted Peanuts
"Jumbo" salted peanuts,
2 pounds, 35c
Candy Shop Mosianloo Floor
School Needs
Items at 5c and 10c
Writing tablets of fine qual
ity paper and extra large size.
Pencil tablets large size.
Composition books stitched.
Shorthand note books.
Drawing tablets heavy qual
Items at 15c to 39c
History note-book covers.
School Taints, Crayolas, Ink
Sanford and Carter's Inks,
Slates of all sizes.
Burftt. -Nash Main Floor.
Drawing Lessons
at Home
With the aid of the "Draw
ing Master," children are given
tho rudiments of drawing in
struction, fascinating hours are
spent in this manner. Priced
according to size book, each
$3.50 to )1S.00 '
For Young Beginners
Kindergarten chairs, ea. 69e.
Modeling Clay, 10c to $1.50,
Nest Clocks, at 39c to $4.00.
raintinu Sets, priced, COc
Alphie Blocks, priced set, $5,
Sand Gume, complete, $4-00.
Musical Game, priced at 75e.
Historical Game, priced, 50.
lr. S, Puatslo Maps, each, 50e.
Buif.M Nh Fourth Floor,
Hair Nets
"Bonnie B," double net, box of
six, T5,
"Bonnie B," single net, box of
aix. 50t.
'(,alnsburUKh," dmble net, in
all colors, S for 35.
"GainsbMroujth," ainale pel, in
all odors, 3 for JtSe,
"KiU," doubt M, all culre,
pruod 3 for JSe,
"Veidd ni l, double er single
in h, 3 for 2 So.
Wa.baMe Half l.'ult. ead ef
human ar. three lena'h,
iU, 10. ?K.
"1'afntan" atr, kit length,
pru. 0 U 30.
'Tflw' tsr. tsU at tut
the hair, 10. J tU.
Ne C O. It .
N rkoa Olio to
hit Hot wad..
Ne M. IVdoi
Kach, $3.4
rnd. a M.kat-. ,
Ili Hirt Um tto,
e- a avMt) Iw
a.. o a4 i.k-u..iiiti s..
15lh nJ Dougtai 6ti.
Harry H.Abbott, Mgr.
l Ah )' r,k b r eriera.