The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 02, 1922, Page 3, Image 3
THK DM AM A HMi: hAll'KUAV. ?U'lr.MHr.n Z. iva. Store Closes at 1 o' Clock Monday, Labor Day Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 5th, This Store Will Remain Open Until 6 P. Af. School Supplies Here are some of the essentials for every scholar's equipment to fight the good fight with the three great Ks. Hi.u-r Par For notebooks, 100 sheets 17r Nacil 5feeraers, 10OM Rubber Erasara . ...1M 51 Art Cum ....... f I 10 Boob Strap .....He U 1fl Sl.Ue 25 ! 5Mr p..cii outf.i., i:o- u i.oh LtW Put ila ...... 1 U 5 Favnlaia Fens,. 1,75 P.a Hold.r. 3 and ftc History Notebook Cavers In eluding rings and 100 sheet of ppr, priced, each 39c Scbaal Bag 10 Sckaal DUliaaarU 30 Spalliaf Tabids i Campofiiiaa Backs ....... 5 CrayeUs 7 f Pencil Tablala ." Miltea, Bradley aad fraaf School Fatal, per box. ,'MC Stationer) Department Main Floor North Direct From Hong Kong 7500 Chinese Sewing Baskets Bamboo baskets decorated with pret tily colored glass bracelets, silk tassels, beads and coins. Charming for your sew ing table or a happy selection for some gift occasion. 5-inch size, I 8-inch size, 75 6'2-inch cize, 50? 10 d 12-in. sizes, 1.00 Third Floor-Wat Knit Underwear Women' Jersey Silk Vest Of heavy flesh colored Jersey silk with built-up shoulders or ribbon straps In regular or extra length. A good value, ea., 1.95 Jersey Silk Bloomera Also in flesh color, to match above, Well made and properly reinforced. ' Each. ;. 2.59 Kayser's Mercerized Liale Veata Fine lisle vests in flesh or white, with plain or crocheted tops. These are regularly priced 1.00 and 1.25; special for Sat urday, 79 Third Floor Center Smart New Models in Ladies' Neckwear 'Among Fashion's latest whims are the new Bertha Collars for round-necked frocks or sweat ers. Embroidered Bandings are also new arrivals and come in lace, organdy, crepe and taffeta. Made into collars and cuffs they lend attractive touches to smart gowns. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Lace Vestees Very pretty combinations of flat Venice, Filet and Irish effects; in Peter Pan and Tuxedo collar styles; Saturday only, each 1.98 Net Vestees for Sweaters Combined with real hand-made Filet and Irish lace ; in Tuxedo and Peter Pan collar; each 98; Peter Pan Sets Eyelet embroidered; special for Saturday, per set 50c Main Floor East Hair Net Specials The Faahionette Double or single mesh, cap or fringe styles, every shade. Special for Saturday, ea., 10 Carmen Single or double mesh, every shade, cap or fringe styles. Special for Saturday each, 10 National Single or double mesh, cap or fringe styles, every shade. Special, each, 10 The Humanet Our own guaranteed human hair net. Every shade, cap or fringe styles. Single mesh, 4 for 256 Double mesh, 3 for 25 The Fashion A fine silk hair net, cap or fringe styles, all colors, each, 5e Main Floor South ssaaier o7 Eastman Cameras At . Cut Prices No. 2 Hawkey Film Pack M e t a I box camera (illustrated.) size unu. i.:m No. 2A Premo Bo Camera 2x4 i, regular pric 3.&o, pial, for ,..2.Ua No, 2 Premo Bo Camera Size 2U3, regular price U.S0, special, l.thS No. 2-A Premo Folding Cartridge He gular price U.OU, special. 0.98 CaHridi lUgular rrlv 0.00, special. U.US Snap Shot AlbumWith Uon leave, sites 7x11, social, (U)t Film developed fres ith order of print, liood work and quick service. Kdms left before 10 A. M. ready same djr at 4;30 P. M, Aat'i flW AVrlA, Shop for the Children Saturday Boys1 Clothing and Furnishings On Sale at Unusually Low Prices These offerings are especially attractive to the school boy. They are snappy in style, of firit quality materials and made with the finest of workmanship.' Two Pants Norfolk Suits 9- This llrandvls special ia a sura winner. Hundreds of satisfied customers this week hava testified to thia wonderful value offering. Kach pair tif trousers ia full lined. They coma In all-wool fabrica in crackerjark buyinh patterns. A school suit that will stand rouich wear and two paira of pants mesn doubla wrar. All slsat, 8 la If yaars. Tht Famous "Wilton" Suits Featuring -i A 7 Double Wear 1 f L 2 Each ault with two paira of knickers. Each knicker with doubla seat and doubla knea. All virgin wool fabrica. Clever new models In sport back affects. Bait to match on knickers. A suit of high-grade character that will stand the hardest wear, and the doubla aeat and knee featurea mean doubla wear for each pair of knick ers. Sisaa 7 to 18 yaars. Blue Serge Middy or Oliver Twiat Suits For the little fellow of 3 to 8 years. New, cleverly styled suits of all-wool blue aarge, beautifully tailored and smartly trimmed with braid in various color combinations. Kach, 4.05 Boys' School Blouses Standard makes, extra full rut sites, guaranteed fast color. Percales In neat light and dark atripes, collar attached style. Sizes 6 to.H years. Kach, 08c Boy a Knit Ties Handsome fiber silks in a splendid va riety of lively patterns checks, atripes and cross stripes. Each, 50e Fourth Floor Boys' Caps New Fall styles. Shapes that appeal to both boy and mother. I'attrrns to match tha new suits. Alt sizes. Kach, 1,00 Ties New ailk four-ln-hand and Winditor ties, each, ..i Boys' Leather Belts Sturdy leather belts with good-looking buckles, tT,t Boys' Knickers Made of aturdy wool caxsimeres, full lined, full cut sizes, big and roomy. Neat gray and brown patterns ideal for school wear. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Specially priced, 1.05 School Wearables for the Juniors Girls' Blouses II l . HfTT'VH IT" I IJsrVV I Suspender Skirts These smart little skirts are par ticularly good for school wear, as they are very neat and are easily laundered. In wash ginghams and cretonnes In plaids, checks, fl(wered designs and plain solid colors. Uft Kach, ceVW Girls' NewFall Tub' Dresses Made of fine quality gingham In pretty plaids, checks and solid colors. In girlish styles with sash and tailored modele with touches of hand embroidery. Well made, easily laundered frocks that will please little daughter for their beauty aa they please mother for their value. Sizes 6 to 14. 2.45 and 2.95 Second floor South To wear with suspender skirts; in white and with collar and cuffs of checked and striped gingham, with Peter Pan collars and some trimmed with ruffled edging of contrasting mate- - rial. Special, 'lOp each, Umy Girls1 New Wool Dresses ' For the cooler days these frocks of setge, wool jersey and wool crepe ara the thing. In smart little girl styles: Coat effect dressea with skirts of plaid and blouse of plain serge; straightline frocks, belted models; dresses with square and round necks with pretty button decorations, yarn embroidery or pipings. Sizes 6 to 14. 5.00 to 10.00 Ribbon Sashes for School Dresses Loom ends in fancy warp prints and dark plaids in sash lengths. 6 to 8 inches wide. Very specially priced, per yard, 39 Main Floor North Children's Hose . Allan A Black Cat Hoe for Boys and Girli In fine or heavy rib, made of extra strong yarns and rein forced at all points of wear. In black, white and brown; sizes 5 to 10; specially priced, per pair, Main Floor North 29c Misses' and Children's Attractive New School Hats 1.95 to 3.95 Such bonnie little hats for the school girl as our Millinery Section is showing Saturday 1 Cunning felts for the smaller girls in all 'colors, but particularly good in beige, are most becoming with their ribbon streamers or flat tailored bows. Attractive models in plush, too. t Soft crushable shapes, which Miss Flapper pulls on with the inimi table grace of youth, are shown in scarlet, tangerine and jade. Their brilliant colorings make a cheery contrast to dark school frocks. And for final favor comes their modest price range, which is bold encouragement to every little girl to start the school year with a brand new hat. Second Floor East (Saturday Sale of Marshall Fiel Sample Line of Toys at Vi Price Marshall Field & Company have just closed a tov exhibition at the Rome Hotel and disposed of the entire line to us at a price that enables us to offer them at one-half their regular retail price, had we bought them in a regular way. Marshall Field & Company bear the reputation of having the largest and finest line of toys in the United States. Included In the samples we are offering are: Automobiles, Velocipedes, Imported Dolls, Wagons, Imported and Children's and Domestic Games Dolls' Furniture i"r Main FloorAfaJ T i i & ( Mechanical Toys, Kiddie Kars, Drums, Doll Trunks, Cedar Chests, Tops wmmmmm Special Selling of Smart Party Boxes $2.50 In Black Vachctte These clever party boxes of shiny blark vachette will jriv a smart detail of tha fall costume. They ara a practical sue which will hold all thoss trifles which a woman finds so con venient to hava In her bag In addition to the coin purso and vanity boxes with which it is fitted. Iouble strapa form atout handles and the Interior has an attractive lining of gold novelty silk. This special price ia Hat' urday only. Main Floor East -VV sr- Specials O"' in Jewelry Novel and original aro tlie charming trinkets for Fall- A bead necklaco in bright color on a durk tr round produces a most attractive ensemble, Green Cold and Silver-Plated Mesh Bags Beautiful and attractive mesh bugs made by the well-known houso of Whiting and Davis. Novel shapes as well as tho ever popular squara bag made of fine double-link mesh with plain or engraved frames. .Specially priced, 4.DH Imported Novelty Necklace Unique pendant novelties on sterling silver chains. A variety of designs in the pendant, show delicate filigree work, exquiaito enamel in rich blues, backgrounds of mother of pearl, in oval, square and irregular ahapes. 2.08 Novelty Bead Necklaces Combinations of cut steel tango, Jet color, a knot In between each bead, heavy tassel on end. Many other combinations to ac lcct from. Very special, 1.00 Main Floor East Sale of White Silk Gloves A heavy quality silk in 16 button length. These are termed substandard because of slight discoloration or fault in bleach ing. But the imperfections are scarcely perceptible except on special examination. This is an opportunity to buy long gloves at less than the price you usually expect to pay for short ones. Main Floor North Drugs -Toilet Goods 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 37 50c Palm Olive Shampoo 33? 65c Pond'a Vanishing or Cold Cream .- 44c 1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream 75 50c Pepsodent or Pebeco 35 C Peroxide Full strength, 4 oz Colgate' Shaving Soap, army surplus 4c 2.50 Hughes' Ideal Cushion Brushes, No. 66 1.19 50c Norwich Milk of Magnesia Pint 60c Forhan'a Tooth Paste -4i2c 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover U.'f3 25c Mavi Talcum Powder 17e 1.00 Mavia Face Powder 5) 1.50 Djer Kisi Vegetate !)So 50c Djer Kiss Rouge 3)t Witch Hazel Pint Djer Kiss Perfume Ounce I.Jifl Cappi Perfume Ounce 1.5?) Gillette Razor Blades Package of six .v.t50 1.00 Mavis Toilet Water 75 60c Marinello Cream, all kinds 60c Marinello Face Powder 15c4 2.00 Mineralava Beauty Clay 1 ,',IU 50c Neet Depilatory ;J7( Aturea or La Trefle Sachet Individual nize. . . Piver's Face Powder (JJJo Crrme Oil Soap liar 35c Johnson Shaving Cream , tJU' 35c Williams Shaving Stick J)o 35c Enerfine Cleaning Fluid li.'Jo 50c Lavoria i . .37f 1.00 S. S. S. Kor tho blood 7fl( 40 Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam L'!0 Henna da Oreal All shad ,7J)f 1.00 Ly sol 7,; Hospital Cotton Pound 7 60c Kotea Sanitary Napkins Uoxrn .......... .f Rubber Sheeting Yard Jlf Palm Olive Soap Par. ,7 Sayman Soap Three bars for... ...,!lc Bayer Aspirin-lrtien ,.,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,., Vacuum Bottle Quart ..................... S!l0 Vacuum Bottle Pint!r 80 Prophylactic Tooth Brushes SO Nm 5pi mc AaiVf F W M'eij fs s i. ,t i, fci. nal nAlliaH niinWii jm H.L uaaiUlK its SWimi is i afn .min 1 M, H useWfrm si liria&i ihmiiiiiiiii