The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 02, 1922, Page 14, Image 14

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a. rH w
ire neon 40 maucjk it ruu.
ra&i or couat in me uoav arc
Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus
Birgiins in Music Digj
331 1 Discount
Schmollcr & Mueller
Sunday "Want1
Ada Taken until
9 P. M.
s (B Vhone AT-100O '
SOlll aas! Dfnpart
JO W. C. FAST, Minuter
TK. EUf 3ri Will B Rumi Wild
The Goipcl of Labor"
V.. Orb'i Starr, "Tailini ! Ftlii" SPECIAL MUSIC
Quality of Winter
Wheat Crop Below
10-Year Average
Futimati's of .".000 Mill und
F.lfvutor Operator Indicate
18.7 IVr Cent I. He
low ,N'o, (trade.
WaihifiKtrm, Sept I, ( Speeial
Teleijraiii.) Thr iiMlity of the win
ter crop tin year U 4 1 point
Ulnw thr average for the 111
yr.iri, HCinnllim to report received
liy the I'niti'il Slatr Department of
Axrirultiirr front it olluul crop re
porter. I-'stmiate iiiadc ly about
5.000 mill t.nd elevator operators in
all part of the winter wheat pro
(tiicing section, .! on early re
ceipt, indicate that 4 7 per cent ol
the crop i below rade No. 2. In
lO.'J the tiantity Krailiiiif below No.
2 wa 40.4 per cent and in 1V20 it
was J'A5 per rent.
The follow ilia table Rive the
estimated percentage of the crop in
each uradc for the 1922, 1921 and
rJ( crops:
United States Rain Maker
Hailed as Hero by Italians
Dr. Charles Hatfield Given Credit for Torrential
Downpour Following Four Weeks of Torrid
Drouth Movement on Foot to Pay Amer
ican 1,000,000 Lire for Secret.
(tM.1i, No. 1 ,
(irn.j No. I
r. No. 8
Irn.U No, 4
i!r-1 No. I
. . 0
GlM.lA tiftOW . . t
I 7
sr. I
m I
.1 b
43 0
1 4
1 1
Burial of Wellman
, to Take Place Sunday
Funeral nervice for Edward M.
W rllinan. giand master of the grand
lodne, A. F. and A. M., Nebraska, will
he held at 3 Sunday afternoon in
Scottish Rite cathedral. The body
will be buried in Forest Lawn ceme
tery. The acrvice will be in charge of
the most worsliipful grand lodge A.
F, and A. M. of Nebraska. The open
ing prayer will be by Rev. Arthu
Atack, pastor of the Ilanscom Tail
Methodist church. '
The active pallbearer will be Nel
on C. I'ratt, Frank Wilcox, Robert
C. Trimble, Fred B. Dale, Frank K.
Mark. Harry Nelson, Frank H.
Woodland and Bert Vandecar of Ord,
Neb. The honorary pallbearers will
be the past grand masters of the
grand lodge A. F. and A. M. of Nej
brask.i and the masters of all Oma
ha lodge.
The body will lie in state at
Scottish Rite cathedral from 9 a. m.
Sunday, with a guard of honor from
Mt. Calvary commandery No, 1,
Knights Templar of Omaha.
To Install New Clerk
R. C. Hoyt, clerk of the federal
court, left for Norfolk yesterday to
install a new deputy, Robert M.
Towers. He replaces Miss Olga F.
(iraul, who resigned to marry J. F.
Green, an attorney at Creighton,
Neb. While in Norfolk, Hoyt will
impanel a federal jury to serve Sep
tember 18.
rp right, mi.
Rome, Sept. 1. I Jr. Chart? Hat
field, the American rain maker, i a
biKgir hero in Italy than (iabriel
d'Anniiiiin, became of torrential
downpour in southern Italy after four
mouth' of torrid drouth.
l)r. ll.itliclil came to Italy a
couple of w'-rk ago with hi appar
atus for making it rain and estab
lished headquarter at Naple while
he wa studying condition. Then
he dUappcarcd and even the Ameri
can emha-sy wa not aware of hi
Hut the sudden heavy precipita
tion, dissipating the intense heat
wave, i accredited to Dr. Hatfield
The newspaper are giving column
of space to the phenomenon and arc
searching for I Jr. Hatfield every
where. A movement i on foot bv the gov
ernment to pay Dr. Hatfield 1 ,000.000
lire for the secret of causing precipitation.
Jn 1WS, southern California, en
tering upon the second year of a
cosily ilrouth, a thrown into a
state midway between kepticisui and
hope when Dr. 11, Hatfield, who
wa experimenting in thr Aludriia
foothill, announced that he could
make it rain by a ecre chemical
process he had discovered,
He wa offered $1,000 by I.o An
geles business men if he succeeded
in making it rain. Nineteen down
pom totalling IV inches of rain (ell
in the specified time and he collect
ed from the scoffers.
From that time on he wa sum
moned to various localities, includ
ing Wisconsin and Medicine Hat, Al
berta, where the aridity spelled crop
failures. He collected large- sum in
bonuse ami generally wa asked to
call off Jupiter I'luviu became of
extensive precipitation.
He has never divulged the secret
of his rain making beyond stating
that his chemicals attract moist at
mosphere. The chemicals are con
tained in a tank and are projected
into the air from a high tower.
Fighter Freed Upon Offer
to Instruct Pdl icemen
Fighting led Hill Spady, pugilist,
into central police court yesterday
morning on a charge of assault and
battery, then got him out of trouble.
Judge W. F. Wappich suspended
sentence when Spady volunteered to
devote 30 days to instructing police
men in boxing in the police gymnasium.
Coal Supply for Buildings.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Building owners
and managers throughout America
today prepared for a campaign to in
sure a coal supply lor all ot their
buildings located in metropolitan dis
tricts in every state in the union, ac
cording to an announcement by the
National Association of Building
Owners and Managers.
Man and Woman Injured
VHieii Auto Turns Over
Norfolk, Neb., Sept. I. (Special
Telegram.) Mrs. Keinhold Mass
suffered bad bruises about the face
and head and Irvin Mahoney of
I'lainview received a cut that nearly
severed his hand, when an automo
bile in which they were riding
turned over twice after a collision
with another machine.
New Arrivals Daily at
1512-Douas St
To Make Hairs Vanish
From Face, Neck or Arms
(Beauty Culture)
Keep a little powdered delatone
handy and when hairy growths ap
pear make a paste with some of the
powder and a little water, then spread
over hairy surface. After 2 or 3
minutes rub off, wash the skin and
it will be entirely free from hair or
blemish. This simple treatment is
unfailing, but care should be exer
cised to be sure and get genuine dela
tone, otherwise you may be disappointed.
Mrs. Sherman Helped by
LydiaE. PtnkJiam's Veg
etable Compound
Lak, Michigan. "Aboutont year
ago I autTorxTwtth uregularitic and
i a weakness ni at
times was obliged
1 doctor! with
our family Physi-
cian and n Anally
said h could nut
uadtratand my
cM, I docidej
t iff I rd.a
link ham Vf.
AfUr I Ml Ukt
Dm Krai Mil I
il4 mm (hat 1 fittr tttr.
1 1', Mitral MUtf ih rl
t)l4'ttfmndk4iilw4 l.jr4i K. fink,
hain't ?nit M H n4 I am
lirvly fMf4 f mj iment. Yoq m
fv,h.!.l ihi Wties it yiti
V's U mimm. Rv.t3; t k, Mu
le fc tu Sms A.ui
rtwoiWr v taai s U t, omauf.
tr t.-vM mwfulrttwi ami ,.
t 1hT try lha
tkal V:..t, a !! M4iffenl Wmh
u. 'fuiif tr ti t
.a'a ssiw4, a4 Ms.
rfHan'a iinR t aplj an
Dlkaf m h n It M 'X.
If r-4 t" I f.' I
. tl t lit m vt4 'roj,' V
rt-L v ttm I tt f-.V- . f
fc. J'niU Vu.s l 1
1 1 1 1 1 It I i 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
it . .
In -i
"Quality" the Best
Prices the Lowest
a, : i iv
i 1
New Fall
Featuring a chic model.
All-wool velour. Silk lined.
French heaverette
collar. Colors
brown, navy, and
reindeer. Special
"Hert's where quality
! above price." No
trouble to show you.
Come early,
Values to
Jrt SO,
On Sat
Values to
On Sale
Special prices featured in our Fur Coal Department.
But now and save .W on your purchase.
G. 0. P. Campaign
Plans Disenssed
Ht'ptililican Confident of
Siifceiis Shown at Meet
ing of (loiiiiniUee.
The Douglas cuuuiy republican
lampuign committee held an enthus
iastic meeting at their headquarter
in the Wead building Thiirsty to
discuss plan for the fall campaign.
The meeting wa intensely harinoui
i us and optimistic for the election of
the entire ticket in the state and
The melting was attended by R.
H, Howell, candidate for I'nited
Mates senator, Judge Willi fi. Sears,
candidate for congress, and candi
dates for the state hgislaure and
county offices. Confidence was ex
pressed that the normal 12,000 re
publican majority in the county
would be increased substantially in
The meeting was called by O. F
Fngler. chairman. Victor Reynolds
was elected secretary ofihe organiza
tion. At a previous meeting Allan
Tukey was named treasurer.
Woman Heroines Violent;
Committed to Hospital
Beatrice. Neb.. Sent. I. iSnrril
Telegram,) After Mr. Mary I'rebyl
of the O'Delt vicinity beat two ol
her children unmercifully and chased
lour men olf the farm with a corn
knife, Sheriff Finery brought her to
Beatrice, where she was committed
to the state hoapital. She ha twice
been brlore the insanity commission
and has twice surd her husband for
divorce. The extreme heat is be
lli ved to be responsible for her condition.
An adult skeleton contain nearly
four pound of calcium, mostly pho
plute of lime.
Kail Cuard Hurt in Strike
Iliot at Livingston, Mont.
Livingston, Mont , Npt, I. Two
railway guards are nursing injuries
today which resulted from a battle
with rock between railway guards
and strike sympathizers last night,
I'mtrd State marshals chased the
strike sympathizer from the railway
with a volley of itoiui after attacker
had showered a bunkhouse occupied
by shopworker with stones. The
guards employed by the raiUay, re
turned the rock volley,
Special Train Serviqe to Lincoln
Account Nebraska State Fair
September 5th, 6th and 7th
Leave Omaha 7:30 A. M.
Leave Lincoln 6:00 P. M.
Stops at Fair Grounds in both directionx.
Fare and one-third for the round trip. Return
limit September 9th.
For further information, call
Conttolidated Ticket Office or
Union Station.
J. S. McNally, D. P. A.
810 W. O. W. BIdg.
Wolverine Furnaces
Puts This
Furnace in
Your Home
Than tm all
monthly pay.
menta pay for it,
You cannot af
ford to be wth
out this plant.
It will save you
money in fuel
and doctor bill
and add vulue
and convenience
to your home.
U J-U. i
Knpecially de
signed for soft
coal. Hums
the soot that
elogH the ordi
nary furnace
and in entirely
self -cleaning-.
Let us tell you
AT lantic
Mid-Western Appliance Co
Opposite Orpneum
Atlantic 4289
413 South 15th Street
Great Quantities of Merchandise Are Being Assembled and Ticketed
for the Great Manufacturers' Surplus Stocks Sale Soon to Start
Cake Dough
nuts, 2 Dozen
for 25c
Doughnuts baked while you
wait, 8:30 to 10:30 a. m.
This Store Will Close a Half Day Monday Labor Day
10c Loaf White
, Bread for
Limited to five loave to each
customer. On sale all day.
School Days Sale Closes Saturday and Another Day of i;he
I 'linvnntnn o vf TfcraTrn' WT oi Bought for Cash- Selling
for Less Than Half Price I
Young Men's Styles for Fall
Young Men'B College Toga
Fit, style, pattern, workmanship and price
is right.
$16.50,o $37.50
One and two-pant Suits.
New Models
Regular slims, stout, stubs, in fact, all
uiouem HI
$25 and $35
Hart Schaffner & Marx World's (rentcst
'Jothing, all new models, new patterns, all wool
fabrics, satisfaction or a new suit
$35 to $60
Our Pants Department is one department in
itself. New goods and purchased by us at a
right price. We put a great effort forth to
have our Pants Department the best we ran.
Prices $3.1)5 to $7.50
Store for Men
Ready for Saturday With Many
Very Unusual Inducements in
Apparel for Early Fall Wear
Dresses, $22.50
150 dresses in Cantons, crepe satins, Poiret
Twills, all new up-to-date styles; samples
and odd lots; all sizes.
All Wool Crepe Dresses, $10
Girls' all wool crepe dresses made up in
the lovely new fall shades such as Mohawk,
jade, brown, bisque, navy and many two
tone "ombinations. The styles for girls
sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 were never as lovely as
this season.
Girls' Serge Dresses, $3.95
Girls' serge dresses, elegant for practical
school wear, made up in many smart styles
and some with embroidery; others with
pockets ns well as dresses with French ging
ham guimps. Sizes 6 to 14.
Little Tots' and Girls' Hats, $1.75
Little tots' and girls' new fall hats
just received, for Saturday in a
large variety of shades,
Second Floor
Girls' Lightweight Coats
Girls' lightweight coats and eapes
in the season's many lovely styles
that were made to sell at $10 and
$12.50; Saturday at 97.95
Leather Goods and
Jewelry Novelties
Kitraordinsrv big values on fine
new leather Roods Saturday,
Hand Bags, Purse and Vanity
Faney Jirml and fitted Vanity
t'ssr atr-
OSf, $UhS, $'2.VH
Stn b( st and
Regular ahr :UX tti .U0.
This i a underfill adeetioH of
new alapte n fney liitnd ba.
ail I'djuiUr, tip tdiite Mle,
Illack and fancy colored let!n r.
iWular ptif ami ,"5o.
V priei. . JM,!S 'd 55'J.nS
Hair Oraamvpt
A litf line if tins' hair I arrrttr
st , 5r,Ut,,"Vtir and 7,v
Faney !pitth CokiI, Sfeelt,
st ju.r.o 9u.iHi
New rints. . t l iir!-tt
iir 7.Vs9l.9l.9I..Mi
t Ur Ire.! inn t , . title
Y.v '.' S,ttf t i HiH.n
an ..... -., -51.151
Toilet Goods for
Saturday's Sale
50c Watkiti's Mukified ocimnut
tI Shampoo 350
15c nritt'a Powtlcred Ammonia,
at or
'50c Armstid's Uouqurt Fser
Powder st HOC
$t)l Amanda Cold Crsm
Powder st ......... .. WU
Pa Poer' Amrra, Flrui.
and 1 Tre fi Frt' Powder,
at ' CIV
t;ue Hoi' Hir li-alth .... Me
,'hm H'tdnut't Msrutou 1 i.t.t
Cream at , :tir
f I iHt Hi.lttC Marvelous I -'d
fn-jm at ... Mr
l Hn lnuC Thtrc Flower !'
emu IVdr at .. ....
M HudiiuCi l!ard iU t
'o .lr st MV
7.V 11 1 I'lUt' hrv riif e
Powder St OUl'
'' A. t. 'l Tal"tM Piti!r,
a' ,. ,
l ' t.'.nf an F.' Pt. r,
ai t
Omaha's Greatest Millinery Sale!
Oar 1,000 New Hats in a
Tremendous Millinery Sale
$5.00 - $7.50
Worth $7.50 id $15 00
Tht s nu om a1 ii.!iti1 a a. 'fiiti.m it inuih n4 an oi4 sii.
Mia Id J,. )lli III tto SttHl. ti J liHI t h ' ."lt u4 .
fail ul itiir luu Miu.lf ! ht Si iuohI tit styl ia tlit isttiuu
tai.i ii in treup ff imr ".laituat Valua l.imU I M '
tlt.t tl.ll. lMt)H Mats, t'.tl.ll! It.U, It! ft BJl.Itt klllll a
stiiy ltt:..t it la tmub S,,ri !.', I ! li".iiiS Snw otis,
M' p' "!. I'tihsk li)i st(.ts lt tb Ut Ula a4 asMis
iiii.,n.i aiia fi.i.'i ni ta lii. k t , t.rvn. 44
fiM,hiMtia at 111. in 1 tti aisns ..;( l'.m ih lu it. t tufa It
ChiUtTen $3 05
t . . I s I ti l.ii..ks ! at ltHr tn A 4N al awt
'. 4 '! Mt U!li.