The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 02, 1922, Page 10, Image 10
10 HIE OMAHA HEK: SATL'KDAY. SKPTEMHER 2. 1922. How to Keep Well Br P. W. A. EVAM QuMtleae teacarnlef fcrfteae, eaailaiiaa aa4 pnwmnam eii. eeaaiMt4 la Dr. ! ky raaawe el Ike Ih, will ke 4 owatllr. Mkl rof limtutiaa, Mwi uuhm4 aaaiM1 eteee M alw4. Dr. ui ill mi ait aWaatie ear areKfike lw aUiviewat note. A44n Mlw la ta il M Urn. Ceprrlaatl LIBRARY BOOK OERMS. P. M. P. write; "roibiy you would like to comment uputi ih subject of bonk l and germs i re I.ited to public library circulation and give your opinion ruicrming the lit tie circular imloed." COMMENT. The little circular put out by the Svrscue public library it entitled flooki and derm." This circular pivr the Syrrue practice a fol low,: '.'All hook ' which have hern in home where thrre are rao of iiiiMlc, rnuinpt or cliiikrn pox are diainfertcd by exposure oi two week to Minlik'ht in a special room on the roof of the library, Ktokt which have been in homr where there wat scarlrt fever, diphtheria, smallpox, and othrr highly contagious and highly dangerous diinri are turned over to the city hospital for ue in the eont;iKioit dieane ward. Pre sumably, book that have been ex posed to smallpox go to the ina!l pox ward, and so on. Stirh book are tievrr returned to uenrral circulation. "During the infantile paralysis epidemic of a few year ax all ex posed book i were fumigated with formalrhyde as," The Iraflet quotei the health com mittionrr a holding that there it very little danger that library booki will ipread contagion. Dr. Cabot it quoted saying that rxpoiure to sunlight ia better than fumiiiation, I have no quarrel with the method employed on the ground of lack of care. On the other hand, the care taken far ovrntep the ntccnitiei of afety. Rrgardlrii of the diieaie, tufficient sunning will mike the ue of the book afe, and two week It more than tufficient tunning. All thote bookt tent to the city hoptital could be tunned, and then placed on the circulation tbelf with tafety. Mil lions of bookt circulate yearly in thousand of hornet where there it contagious disease, or where there are contagion carrier, and the cur rent health journal contain no re port of contagion tpread by book. Filthv, dirty bookt should be de stroyed for the take of decency all other con be tunned and then cir culated. About the only danger that I tee in handling bookt It from bk dut, I am sure that perton whj , work around booki, particularly in i private libraries, contract eUt from book dut. 1 would bk to tee librarir turn fewer book, and put the money y. ed in vacuum cleaner with which bock dut could be controlled. Announcing New Fad. Mi A. B, write: "As ! value my teeth highly. 1 would I'ke a little ad vice from you. My teeth were never pure nhite. but, lately, my friend have been telling me that they are turning yellow. "Now, I cannot undentand why, for I bruh them twice a day with patte and sometimes a dental polish, Can you plea tell me what to do to keep them from turning yellow r REPLY. Atuming that your teeth are be coming yellow by natural proretsei and not through bring ttained by tobacco or other dyet, you are to be congratulated. The teeth which Hand like the Rock of Ages are the yellow boyt. Having yellow teeth is, in tome measure an indication that your teeth and bone are built according to tpecifirationt at to mineral. On teh other hand, pearly white ULLm BR.EAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK LET THE QUAKER BE YOUR BAKER Saturday Sunday Special Saturday Sunday Special CARAMEL NUT Rich and "velvety" Ice Cream made the Delicia way, with fine Caramel flavor, and filled with taaty Almonds, granulated to blend with the cream. There's a Delicia store nearby, so you can enjoy the genuine. It's good for you ask for it at soda fountains. Served daintily or ia bulk or ia pint or quart scaled packages. MmU tka BETTER way br FAIRMONT In Omaha, Crala, Grand Island and Sioux City. 90 SOMMER BROS. Ifar, 0188. 28th and Farnam St. SATURDAY SPECIALS Richard Hellmann'a BLUE RIB BOM Mayonnaise, small size, at 15 Urge. a!z, 32e pint size 59e Thia is absolutely the best Mayonnaise on the market, we bar none. Try it and be con vinced. Blue Bell Flour, old wheat, per 24-lb. aack 07 Jelly Glasses, per doz. . .42H Glass Top rrult Jars, pints, per doz.. ft.Sf qta., doz., 31.10 Ball Mason Jars, pints, per doz., 82t quarts, per doz., 05t Best Creamery Butter, lb., 30c Apple Blossom Milk, 3 cans, 25t Pearl White Soap 10 Bars - 39c Iceberg; Head Lettuce, each 10c and lZVit Fresh Green Lima Beans, 2 lbs 25 Oranges, sweet and juicy, small size, 2 doz. lor, Wile Isle of Pines Grapefruit, 1922 crop, very juicy, each... 25? Fancy Bartlett Pears, per basket 25 Fancy Freestone Peaches, per basket 25 Jonathan Eating Apples, small basket 25c California Grapes, small basket 30 Fresh Dressed Spring Chicken, per lb 32 Announcement: Colorado El berta Peachea for canning will arrive next week. m SlflNNBlfi the higheat grade Macaroni, Spaghetti and Egg Noodles. "THEWS ONE THING CERTAIN AS CAN BE Our Shop is Clbaw- AS You CAN SEE al . V CMl i HER BROS 212 North 16th Street OMAHA'S MONEY-SAVING BUSY STORES Quality Meats and Provisions Lowest Prices Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List 2408 Cuming Street 4903 South 24th Street MARKET SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Prime Beef Rib Roast (rolled) 20c Choice Beef Chuck Roast 12 Vic Choicest Cut Round Steak 20c Choicest Rib Boiling Beef 5c Choicest Veal Shoulder Roast 14c Choicest Veal Stews I2V2C. Choicest Veal Chops 18c PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast 17c Choice Lean Pork Butts 18c Choice Fresh Spare-ribs .. . . .9c Choice Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs 25c Choice Lean Pork Chops 20c Choice Salt Side Pork 18c Fresh Made Breakfast Sausage 20c Choice Leaf Lard 12c Extra Special Fancy Fresh Creamery Butter, 1 -lb. carton 35c SAUSAGE AND LUNCHEON MEATS AH Are Made Under Government Supervision Choice Frankfurts .....ISc Choice Wienies 18c Fresh Liver Sausage . . Fresh Bologna Sausage Choice Minced Ham , , Choice Pressed Ham . . Choice Veal Loaf .15c .15c .20e .20c .20c Fancy Summer Sausage 20c Bnlr.i.T7rm- -"''-'"-- " i ri Eatra Special Morris 41 Co. l ib. pkg. Pure LarJ 13 nr fri-lia?- sVn BEEF CUTS Choicest Beef Pel Roast 10 Cheicest Sirloin Steak 20c Choicest Porterhouse Steak 2CVg Fresh Hamburger 5tk 4 Sweet Pickled Beef Tenguea 2S Sweet IN-kltd Pif Feet, J lb. 25e Cental Ums Milk, tall sans . . Carnation M,lk,(baby site. GENUINE SPRING LAMB Choicest Hindquarters . .' 20c Choicest Forequarters 13c Choicest Lamb Chops 25c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 25c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams 16c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, 't or whole sides 22c Fancy Strip Bacon ..18c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams 30c Armour's Star Hams .30c Fancy Fresh Spring Chickens ,27c SPECIAL SALE ON EVERGOOD REX BRANDS BUTTERINE Liberty Nut, Mb. carton Res. Nut, 1 -lb. carton Evergood Butterine, 2-lb. carton. . . Evergood Butterine, 5-lb. carton, . . . wMir 1 T 1 IW""T ' TJI'IIWfflTPi'i"ilW''i' JiiWWIi T-ffVrf 1 1"" T" AND ..19c , .20c . 4Se $1.00 Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen, Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans. . . . Fancy Sweet Corn. 3 cans Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans. . . , P. & G. Laundry Soap, each 10 bars Buehler Bros. White Naptha, Mb. 3 fee , , ..2S . .40 ..30 ,.2S . . 5 . .43c bars, ..25 Cudahy's Puritan Lard, 10 lbs. net weight, pl 1 ........... . 80 S lbs. net weight pail....... Oe in. 1.1 1 ira awrT"i f Fancy Fresh Young Hens. ......... 2Se fc 2 fee. ... .fe I secy Swita Cber, s'' 2S i. tih brr4ik ei!y and decy rjy. liter idii4ie tlut ou are "t bmli ritfhi. Why IM Ur a yellow louih (.id? Explaining Cola CoU. H, P. write: "Will you fleae fell me hit Coca t'ols 1? Is it a dru? oc U affect the kidneys or bladder r RETLY Coca Cola eoniain a fair doe of cKc n, sugar sad sotne aromaiics, Il 1 a druit in the sente cof. fre i a drtiK. I doubt it it ha any dclrtcriou tf fret on the kidney and certainly it his none on the bladder. Leis Dinner Will Do It I. 11. A. writes: "1. Doe drinking water make one gain weight? 1 drink two glauci of water the fimt thing in the morning and about five durtiiK the day. 1 eat a roll and cof fee fur brrakfait; about two slices 1 cJsjsrSPsJMIrlll M Safe Milk For Infants A Invalids NO COOsUNQ The "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch BtHome,OfTice,ao4 Fountains. A$k for ItORUCJCS. Avoid Imilations i Substitatcg b"4d and some fruit and a r-gu Ur dmiirr Miih meat and everything 111 tlie evening. "J. I ualk lrm two to three miles a day and soil I am gaining in weight. What to do?" REPLY. i i'.nt lrf dinner. My Not be Malaria. Mr. S. write: "Will you kindly inform me the proper way to take qumine for nulana to elicit a cure? "I am 4i) year old, and for five years have had frequrnt attacks of malaria, and while 1 always take qtiiuine it rrlievrt, but dor not cure. I do nut live in a malarial di.tri't, and I ant the uiily one in the tannty o aft'ectrd. "Would juu recommend an) thing cler KTI'LY I advie you to have the diaguot't checked up. Your history, including your loca tion, doe not suggrtt malaria. If the diagnosis i confirmed, take fen grain of quinine tn two tKe grain captulr st bedtime each night lor eight week. Hand drswn pongre hsndkerchief. h,cmtitclicd with sett color, arc smart for iorts wear this summer. Aiii.HTiir.r:vr, Aur.uTir.vir.!T. Don't delay the light against Constipation another day! Prtva eonatlpation ut of your faintly ami with It will go moat of the Ilia humanity Is heir to, bocauae authorities tWI you 90 of l knew run be traced directly to eonatlpa tion. Pld you know that constlputlon Is the DIIIKCT CAVHK OK IIA I1ETES and HHiaiIT'8 DIHKAHKT lion't minimis the diingfre of con- atlimtlon thai thr"at-n you ami every rtiKinhi-r of your family, ntiht eon- tlputlonl I'll! and cm hurt Ira only hukth vnte ulrfuily ilnnKiToun conilltloti. What you need (a ItltA.V Kelloaa'a llrnn. ronkril ami krumliUxl. It I heartily Indorsed by phyalclnns for conciliation! Itran'a action la en tirely merhiinlcnl, but It I poaltlvo! Ilran sweep, cleans ana purim-H, yei It la simply 11 nature mod a "roughngu" thm the ellmlnatlve tract demands and that aamirea ra lief. W guarantee that KelloKtt'a Urnn. If eaten regularlyat leaat two tableapoonfula dally; In chronic casee, eat It with each tneal will permanently correct the moat atub born cnmi of conalliallon. Kellogg'a Itran, through Ita regu liitory vulue, mitkea children grow big and robimt; It pn-aervea the liciilih and energy of worker and give thw aged relief from eonatlpa tion worries a nothing elaa ran. Mealdea, Kellogg' Hinn la an tin equaled food etlmiilant. You will enjoy the dellclouanea of KelloKR'a Urnn, Ita nut-Ilka flavor adding greatly to the enjoyment of all hot and rold rereala. And. you never tasted better ralaln bread, gems, macaroons, cooklea and end leas other bakery products Mint can bn mada with Bra 11! Jluy Kellogg'a Jtran at grocera! Klh Infantry ltjtt.1 Will I'laty lit Suiulijr tlontrrl The I7tli Infantry bnd, which has entertained b g crowds twice a vtrrk at Fort Crook, will play at Rivereiew park at 4 Sunday aiternoon. It will be the laieiaell number of the City (omen club's series. Phone AT-1000 Telt'phone Your Sunday "Want" AclNOW . c5 Thia Store Open Until I P. M. Labor Day VVWK' tveryirtinK or aK 16 Douglas ' phone AT. 5490 16: Harnc DhontDa1 '1796 Tbi Store Open Until 1 P. M. Labor Day Prima Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. 25c Fancy Young Veal Roat, per lb. 17ic Fancy Shoulder Canuin Spring Lamb, per lb. 12ic Fancy Freb Drd Spring Chicken, lb. 28ic Fancy Young Veal Braa.t, per lb. 9c Loan Pig Pork Roait, per lb, 17ic Fancy Freab Dred( Young Hen, per lb. 26ic Dold's Lean Wide Breakfait Bacon, lb. 22ic Fancy Native Steer Pot Roait, 4b. 13i( Fancy Freak Pig Pork Spareuribs, lb. 9c Bett Cut Steer Shoulder Roait, per lb. 16ic W. Carry a Full Lin of COLD MEATS and SALADS 10 lbs. Best Cane Suitar for 75c 100 lbe. Fine Granu lated Sugar for . , . . $7.35 100 lbs. C. & H. Cane tt7 Sugar for J) .t7 48-lb. sack Pillsbury's Best Flour $2.00 48-lb. sack Pillsbury's Family Circle Flour, every sack guaranteed SI, 75 48-lb. sack Gooch's Flour $1.69 Elkhorn Milk, 3 cans 25 Tall cans Carnation or Pet Milk, dozen. . . .81.15 Per case $4.50 Hart Brand Peas, per can, 20t; dozen. .$2.25 Early June Sifted Peas; can, 12ttJ doz. $1.45 No. 3 cans Del Monte Pineapple, can 38c Per dozen cans $4.25 No. 2 cans Del Monte Strawberries in heavy syrup, per can, 35c4; 3 cans for $1.00 No. 2 cans Del Monte Loganberries, can. . . .35c 3 cans for $1.00 High Tea, a high-grade English style wafer, as sorted Chocolate and Vanilla, per lb 27 Extra Fancy Central Special Coffee, lb 30 3 lbs. for. 88c Tall cans Pink Salmon 12Va Fancy Red Alaska Steak Salmon, Windmill brand, per can 27 Oil Sardines, can, 5; 6 cans 25 Advo Extra Sifted Peas, per can 25 Per dozen cans , $2.00 Extra Fancy Tiny Sifted Kamo Peas, can. . .25c Per dozen $2.1)0 No. 3 cans Del Monte Spinach, can 23c Per dozen cans $2.75 No. 3 cans Kamo Spinach, can ........... . 23c 16-oz. jar Pure Strawberry Jam, per jar. . . .20c 3 jars for 58 C Fruit Jar Specials Pints, per dozen 80c Quarts, per dozen 90 Vi-gnl. Jars, per dozen $1.25 Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 25c 4 lbs. for 95c FRUITS AND Extra Fancy Yellow Freestone Peaches, large size, every box guaranteed 89e Colorado Fancy Bartlett Pears, per box.. $2.85 California Bartlett Pears, per box $3.25 Fancy Michigan Celery, 3 for 25c Fancy Wax or String Beans, 3 lbs. for 25c Extra Fancy Hand-Picked Crab Apples, market basket, 60ci Per lb .--St VEGETABLES Jelly Grapes, per market basket 65t Fancy Home-Grown Sweet Potatoes, per market basket 9c Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 15c Fancy Colorado Pears, per bushel $2.75 Blue Plums, per basket 38c Large Red Onions, market basket 39c Fancy Jonathan Apples, per dozen 35c Wild Plums, per market basket 65c McCombs' Home-Made Pecan Roll, lb.. 69c Delicious Double Cream Caramels, per lb 50c Central Xtra Quality Crmy. Pkg. Butter, lb..36c Guaranteed Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen.. 22 c Finest Brick or American Cheese, lb 23V&C CIGARS Juit Imide tha Door Tuxedo Smoking Tobacco, lb....98 3 Genuine Gillette Blades and Razor for 59c Peach Melba Ice Cream reaches and Cream! The delight ful flavor couibiuatiou you enjoy s well may now I Wi as a Harding Sunday Special Ice Cream. rrfahJy frozen at the sign of l mrnm niS4 17 kw CFNtTiTT"" I Tut: (kid it mm f"- "Shop" Here By Telephone It's aay Look over the price, jot down the thing you need and call u. It will really pay you. PHONE US FRIDAY EVENING IF YOU LIKE. Our Order Dept. will be at your aarvico until S p. m. Of courie your order will be delivered in a hurry Saturday. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 9 mood 3 Phone AT. 4603 1814-18-18 FARNAM . OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH Free Dalieory on Any Order From $2.50 SUGAR Carload Can uin C. at H. Cast Sugar, nothing better, 100. lb. bag $7.53 10 lb. Cane 75 FLOUR rc Food Center Flour, 48-lb. ack $1.65 Omar Wonder Flour, 48-lb. ack $1.79 CHICKENS Froth Drd Spring Chicken, 26Vic Fr. Drad Roaiting Chicken, 17 MEATS safirikll Freak Pig Pork Loin, lb. ... Fifth II Fr,,h pi Pork Cbp lb- - 1 Vii Canuino Sprint Lamb Leg, Print Rib Roait, boned and SUor Pot Rot, lb. Staer Steak, lb. :. Fancy Young Veal Roaat, lb. , . . Young Veal Stew, lb. Fancy Young Veal Chopa, U. , , . Pur Leaf Lard, lb. . , . , Froth Cut Hamburgor, lb. at Puritan or Supram Skinnad II Ai.iS wl,oU' ,b IttltlW rUP.J PI,.:. H.m. lb. Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. ..... Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb. . . Cudahy'a Puritan Bacon, lb. . BACON 15'4C 17HC lb 21 He rolled, lb., 20C 12HC 15c 14 HO 1 HHc 22 He 12He 15 Ham, half or 28C 1 IHc IHHc ' 26Hc 32H Fancy Ererfraen or Country Gen tleman Corn, dozen 12 He Italian Prune, per crate.. $1,19 Sunkitt Orange, dozan 20c Fancy California Elberta Peaehe, large nza S.! Heart o' Cold Cantaloupe, 3 for 25c Maicatine Sweet WATERMELONS 25 New Potatoet, per peck ..IOC Market Batket Colorado Bartlett Pears 80 Concord Grapea, 4-lb. batket , 19c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Dal Monte Grated Pineapple, can.. A Dot Sifted Pea, 3 can ...43 19 fans clmotg mmlji I As it cleans 0W antisepttcally, fgplil ! ;A thoroughly, WM I 1 N economically ---Yr W : x rt r . 1 1 1 w wt 1 r jU' ik u 1 S S B Standard Pt. mclra f!n. .1 rmnm O A , - 1 w - - ... , J Standard Corn, 3 cana 25t Nomia Pork and Bean, 3 cant 27c Libbr'a Tomato Soup, 3 cant No. 2 size New Pack Strawberriet or Ratpberriet, 2 cant, 49c GOODS COFFEE ?ch. Peaberry Santot, 3 lba. 74c Sunbeam Coffee 39c CEREALS Kellogg'a or Pott Toattiet, 3 for .'ZTiC CONDENSED MILK Elk horn or Pet or Carnation, 3 for 25( Carolene, 2 for. . .15J Extra Values You'll Be Pleased to Buy Large 10c Roll Toilet Paper Quart Advo Olivet , , Sun-Maid Raitint, 3 1-Ib. pkg Dr. Price' Baking Powder Yacbt Club Salad Dretting, 20c teller , Quart Haarman Cider Vinegar , , . Wm. Baker Bitter Chocolate, J, -lb. cake CANNED T.HA1 B"" 1 1 Chum Sa r 13 n 3 can, Domeatie Sardinet, 0 for King Otcar Olive Oil dinna, tpecial ka lmon, 29c cant 25 c? Sar- 15c 5c 39c 41c lie VAC 2: iri BAKERY Paean Nut Butter Rolla. P 25e Sandwich Bunt and Rolla, par doa 15e Attorted Coekiet, per doa., JRf; 2 doa., 25C CIGARS Jutt Intide the Door French Briar, 50c value ... 25( And pkg. tobacco free. Whale Smoking, Ml lb tS Try PKELS The New Whole Wheat Drfakfast Food 22c Dairy Products 3? CDanith Pioattr Butter, Caunlrr Creamery, aruneal Ra Nut Bull. rifie , , ,'2Qe Wit Nipay liruk . , . .'JC Caakiag Lit and Ckkt. 1 SKINNER'S 3 pin MACARONI, SPAGHETTI. SOAP 10 Ban 36c 151 M. J. D. COFFEE We It kaalrdt el pound al k ( 'I aae , I IK ! ) l thai tk.i t.ll.a MV1 V gawd. Sli. apaoai. M t I5f Mad t.J.. Ittll -W. TREE TEA Araeaati. 'llavetfwl aad al le tliaafik faaaU er a.a aamtaf katk ' mate l Hi . Ttl Ike eaa kali aawaj u VA a . tl ail p!a , DM IIUI'U, ,, , :ir.c. daetaata Sl,ltltaa) 1 - in: - OJl w UJ. uu v 1 im iihii