I Mi: OMAHA HKK: miAV. SEI'TEMRKR 1. 10;.. Priority (men Fuel nnd Food on Velmi Roads JtuaiU ft of Miiiiii An lliorinl iy I. C. to (.. I'rrfrrenre hi Mow iiit'iit. ' Witliii g'uti. Aiitf. Jl RailnU'li CI III M :niiiii infr vrMIM vf.tr pi-nnl Mini In rf Avsav auilmr.rri m.Uv l.y me I11icr.f4irlr1.1n IU run I lifv know ihry will omi.i. riiin I mi. V.i a IV,, . ! . i i V '"l InmmcnT .,vnmi.V,I1 n. go, ,nri.!h uni-n.(.,,i4t.lr: ihry mil run tomr ."ri'll" I,!.? KaT i-VJt ' i-""' Jr,",""brr a! k,,";i 4ul.v.K-NA(,.o.R-ioU.l..iit .rrn.f n t , rn.n.y 10 the movfinnil ri.k r.f iM.h....: H.ry uy (.t...c UcV h f, ' ; , l""0,, ,,",Mr!u h. ! L!?' (..o.Uiulf. live .rnth4'lr li.it4llv m.H'li u,rr llun iy 111. ,1 ( r',11 , i M 1 ',,,''l,r', 'V r.i ,i r4.r, l.v The A..o- mammi i.....n. ,,,. ja i.m fro ....I (nt tAhrnrvfr .lir.r op. -Ann -a,v K muting ll c.l fh.t. ihry "4ri rni ,' , ,',nr; ru!'"1 1 '"'. ",i-hl' U1IP IIcrD u.KITrn , fimma roii..oi. l.r.on.r .ucl. u4.1l f li(ak 4v. la l,r4k 4V. J, ' , . tZ rlfI',""lf j Ar.ln. to lint inu.f 1.14.10... Mr, MAIJIELANTED. In tail r trrt,;'t 1 mr .imn ur MOiH.ii., on 4..11114 ly 1d IMc uiiif4niuli: 1 11,. .:,,.,,.... J ., . i.mi. mai .i...ihv 111.11 1 on- juuuooi. uuuougooooooooQooo Ailr. Il.ir Ilia .l.r.l. In un m, a l.l . 1 V"" ,"4. " ",llV ' ; Urir.t If, ll.f ,urlmr 4 hrrii oi. 2 2 I onlrr i1ril.irt( 4)1 r inri nt ncy Siiil IjiiI tlinin liilr, ul (Iir lonrlni I ul I. if Wfiirrn linrt iifiiiu;il will ilin.e . h ir H Uve lirci in rrltrt onjliraak. arc hnrii in ut ttbai a vtritiT t4ilrri4iU ra.l nl tlir Mitxttippi l"f hi Imil Mciluine h4 tt rillrn i .l'...l mml . ...,. . . in.,. iii.ii.i. irt i, .n. ,., i i.inn.1.1. - i ly aII ffighi i.ifrinl, Hit tinlfr ji., may tiiipfinl nrlirury (1141 In ft ill proviilnu 4it I.ir hlu.iru ami rout iiik. II' onlrr will go mio rffit -aptiti fia-r I ainl will rrii)4in in c( Irit tn . I i I tnrllifr ordrrt. Wlirn tlie original 'rtiirrgrmy or drrt of the coiiiiiiitMOii wrrf ixtinl rrly tint iiikiiiIi, tlie priority ami 1 rderriK'e iti Intel ion ilul not affect the wr., altlint.Klt irnyit.nii wi tiurle to allow tatlroaijt to (!nrK4rl touting (linriiiiiu rif hiiprrt anil to move freight in the moit direct line. No Immediate Change. t.'nlrsi fuitlirtr onlrr of the coin mipiiim arc imirl and hrii.g the rs.n l id M1I5 of iniority 110 imnn diatc rhangr in the mrthoiU of handling Iraftic in Ihe west will remit from the order. Ilowcvrr, under lis ternit. in casr any r.iilru.id hy rraioll nf the rxi.iiug kIioik urn's strike or other factor, heroine congested or I1I01 kailnl, it will have power lo de- ihiie rmhargoea ;iK4ins the receipt r.f .liipinciiK and to hty gcueial frrif;ht aiide in order 10 piolt through rdiipmriiis of foodstuff, perithahlcs and furl. The order wat issued upon tepre nentationt from far western ttaltt that unless railroads were allowed power to establish priorities the movement of the fruit cropt and othrr agricultural products might lie greatly hampered. G. If. Ilecke, di rector of agriculture for California; Frank P. Spinning, representing the governor of Washington, and Sena tor McNary, republican, Oregon, headed a Pacific roast delegation which urgently requested, the com mission to extend the priority ovs n'em to the west alftns? the same lines that have been in effect in the cast. Optimistic View. Railroad managers of important ltr.es operating west of the Missouri river took an optimistic view on the .rjuestion of future freight movement in eommentnig on the orders ,of the Interstate Commerce conmiis ','011 authorizing the carrier west of the Mississippi to give priority to "foodstuffs, fuel, live stock and per-L-bablc products. At the offices of the Chicago, Bur lington it Quincy railroad it was said there was no indication that it would he necessary for that road to itake advantage of the commission's order. So far as the shopcraft sit uation was concerned, the road "claimed the strike for them had been over for some time, and that its prin cipal concern was to educate into first-class workmen some of the men employed to take the strikers' places. All kinds nf freight was being moved by the Hurlington, it was claimed, and similar expressions were forthcoming from the Union Pacific system and the Chicago & North western. General Manager Dickinson ot the latter road for lines west of the Missouri admitted that there had been some freight congestion east of Omaha, but maintained that it was clearing up. West of the river, he asserted, the road was experiencing no difficulty in moving all freight business. Canadian Dollar at Premium. Toronto, Out., Aug. .M. The Ca nadian dollar achieved a small premium in Toronto yesterday for buyers of United Slates dollars had to pay par and commission of 1-64 of 1 per cent. Some $350,000 changed bands at this ligurr. Sense .ommon Do You Tire Yourself Out by Sug gestion? Are ou allowing yoursei. to gci lulu a 'constantly tired way? Do you think" yourself into that tired teebng. Have you not allowed yourself to get into a way oi thinking that you are a bit overworked, that you need a long rest, and hrratisc ou cannot get it, it has made yon feel "about worn out?" There it nothing strange about your feeling fatigued aiter a day of close application to work It vou five irnoil service, the 1 iv 1 " r m i V11..1H1 in... ,..u ..Li,., j Hut when you get up m tlie morn- mi. it n not going to make the d.i any easier for you 10 gnmt and giowl and groan in anticipation ot il First thing you know vou are tee! , ing urea nriore oti negin work Then the tired Ibought sticks '! dav Tbf more you t!m:k vory thoughts, the weanrr vou hrccntte II v iiight yoii wi'.l have cirtlrd a mental stile i't rvfuiiihon winch n'ght f'l test lAIHM! it'Sa-patr And SOU will (i 4tiit;tl, A"Mli folk with the b.taSa!4td, t.ipg-drawn-nii, "wearvWiibe" issf vsi. n whish ' H'a.f V'4 lil ' i'l j 'v . it s gi'.i. t tio (' ihe K4'v . 1 " 1 tt M n i Parents' Problem lln tn i b '.'() n tt'ight I v 11) i n f ' t H nt; p. IV t V rmm k at J il, ,. lt 4t'i l-'i'n'- Hv o. t a i (!i.i t w t How to Keep Well y f W A IVAM Q.IIMS UU)II ktlWM, ' !M 4 pra)IM )l dlHIW, eni.4 w Or ta-a fey ici 4 1m Km, toll W aee1 ps.sll, t,k4 paaw lllll, a, g ai), lMntw4 M a4 Pt. la w ill 4 ki 4igai e , la t4ii4ial 4aa AMiim Uli la tar al Ik Dm tt,,gkti Wl THE CURSE OF POISON IVY. Sulimly Ifom Imiii. hi i y dint nohody gn tty ink from ii. tml ; if it iffiulilr n)iiir At lint trnn ni i.ir ilia nrji'rifi in ut nn a iiamiar thu r.ni.tc in ,l tonirihina tuuuhlv: I. "'t . . . ihf roun-lrr io go ,r rl.i.uh ihf. tliiiink a. ilia . , iaii t . in ta, u ai .Anl ilimm. at llif il lfiia iiilfry4l-oiil I. II.. 1 I . I - .1.. ' i. . . """"ui uir 1 11 iir u nui 1 u rit ririiiil 1 aiii i.uxi a.i I. " ----- r n'K" "? rinrriAiniPKiv unurr inr ir, i, .,,. . I,. .....J i.. ..i..... .,....i.i. i ..n"IK .'ifini't ilroxe lot rar 4rouml M'iiiK kliihi .liriiiai an'l Muial '' ti lit tn hair the i4i'4iion broken in on or terminating m an attack of poi.on ivy, tailed pin. on uak ill the toi'ih, i a little too inui h. Fortunately, not everybody it tut ceptible lo pouon ivy, and grown people, even though they have been tusceptible at children, are often im inmie. The poiton of the plant it at subtle at that .of ragweed pollen. To many it it not poisonous at all. The tut ceptibil.ty 10 it teems to be gradually aMjiiired. to get greater for a tear or two. and thru to be lout. If il were worth while some cien list would take advantage of tint peculiarity and ute Ihe poison from Ihe plant or the srrun. from the skill bli.ert to make a protecting vac rme. nr. somehow', tn overcome u rrptihihty. Hut the trouble from poison ivy hat always been just short of stirring people to get after the weed or its poison, or the disease caused by it. l or ibis reason people do not grub it out of thrir lots or picnic groiill'ls, or krrp it cut ihovn 1 lo.e. srason after season. Scientists have never made a vaccine against it or found a cure for it. It comes with Milling and burning, and a multitude of small blistert. These blisters are filled with clear water, unless they have been infected with pus germs, in which event they may be filled with pus, or the area may become a suppurating surface. That, however, is exceptional. The rule is that after a frw days of itch ing, burning and ooing, the mois ture dries up, the redness fades out and the attack subsides. Usually one attack a season is the limit. For there are many remedieslead washes, bromide, water, iodine, witch hazel, boric acid solution compresses and some others that have been print ed in this column. In every case where there is a multitude of cures, the real cure, the cure from which the credit is filched, is nature. Give nature time and it cures poison ivy. We have one suggestion to make. Why should not picnic grounds tha't are free from poison ivy advertise the fact. To keep a picnic ground free is an easy matter. To advertise the superiority of the place should be good judgment. P. S. Schaniberg thinks suscepti bility to poison ivy may be overcome by the internal administration of very small doses of the poison. The treatment is to be given before the stasou of exposure. A Stiff Knee Treatment. L. F. writes: "I note Mrs. J. M. C. asks your advice concerning a stiff knee. I was afflicted with one some time ago, and after everyone bad giv en up hope for a cure, a specialist ad vised the following treatment: "Place knee or entire foot in a bath tub filled with boiling water, as hot as can be borne, and allow it to re main in the water for a length of time, adding hot water front time to time. Do this a few times. "I offer this with a view that it might sae Mrs. J. M. C. a large amount of time, trouble and money. It has cured me. In any case, by a trial she will have everything to gain and nothing to lose." Eyelashes and Style. Uourewife writes: "Some 10 years ago when my 2-year-old had a very bad stye an eye specialist explained to me that a stye was an infection at the root of one or more eyelashes and that if the eyelashes were pulled out in the renter of the stye the trouble would disappear. However, if the stye disappears, as it will in t'ine. and the infected eyelash still remains, the infection is alniort sure ,A rcmai, amli ; timff anothpr svc 'appears 1 " A,-a f,lrl,u.r precaution, a little alcohol, applied on a small piece of I ,, j ,i ,1,. .,, r . I toothpick is very good, but rare trust he takrn to con tine the alcohol to the stye and not the eyeball. Do this immediately after removing the infected lashes." Have Sore Investigated, v y V wri,(,. -j have M , ..m i: t 1.. iimii sirr im my upt'rr iiji mr nearly j three mouths and it does not eem jf it woul(, fstr I( fxtfnds j,,),- ,v t,r ,p, -j d,, n, pilk it jm i( -K,,r, peeling picasc advise me what to do IIITI.Y. Have it investigated, l old sure that persist, that ill not lira!, are oftrn cancer. S'liurtmut lliry are ihaiierft. Pacifier Twut Mouth. Mi. l l ritea "1 Will sou :-'.'4if Ir!! me U there at any ill tiirsit I iu allowing an mUni , ti',tltH ;M :V ,TntlUt!v Silik 4 t'JU- t 1 1 ' 1 hive ! ,-4r, that i! trivia I'l il.f t'.r ikvrt; it a t.t fiillrf i,s. ".I !t ivr idf lr iii I mike 'he m.ml la'aje " I ilii'l it'.rt f.l Vim 'l i.'f:, ..... . ! 1'. S 1 1 II ' I II s l!.u Itoanl Nlenlrr lU-iiif Hp' Ilea. I of MriVert' lo, Receiver Without Antenna or (Ground Kff.hr Piil I Kthrr Vfc Without Outvie Con. iirilioii., IiiNfntiri Hunt. Stw Vtiik A ii' acliuvfiiifiit in i. i..4i4ui !ir rifttioiMiir. I . . . ' ail ulna ..... h ". " ' " IT:"' """r" ni'iiiuniir nn a irrry lio in IMf o( jvfr amf pf.armfd M ! ' III 4 room To rnifiluiir lli rnnr frril.im f( lut iiintion iroui "dirri-lioiial tt- 1 ' ' " ' " , a iiMiimrr 01 anarp curvet, nut llif iiiirstaget were receiver! umntrrrupt. ' fdlV ihe rlftloiuire emplojt what it lermrd 1 "rrcrpter" for picking up KadlO wa. Thit Oven omet 111 iiecea.iiy for iising a.lv outside witet. ',n"" ,r' vi"ir irceptrr nair 11m urrn announced, Radio Programs The Omaha Hre broadcast srviral eloiution numhert by Lharletifd coal he needs at normal prices, I)ochrrtv of Ak-Sar-Hrn fame Irom station WDV at 7 o'clock last night. The Omaha Hre will broadcast a delightful musical program from the Omaha Gram exchange program tonight immediately following arnonnremrnt 01 market reports. Alice Truscott, M years old. with several whi'tling mimhers, and Mist Florence Sew aril at the piano will be the features of Ihe concert, fol lowing is the program.: "Tha Mm kmc Mini" Alli a Trua.:oll. "Tha Knrak ' A In a Trua.fitl. "Faahtnit Hag" Flniani kamarit. "Ruaalan ng ' Klorrii'-a Maiar4 "Mnillln' Through' A Ilia Truaenll. Saturday's radio program by The Omaha Hee will be by Hugo Jleyn's orchestra from station WDV. Mary's Little Lamb Must Look to Laurels Mary's lamb may have followed her to school one day, but Mrs. F. J. Sutcliffe's English setter, "Kummy," accomplished much more of a feat yesterday. He followed her 2R blocks from the Sutcliffe home at 3715 Leavenworth street to the Federal building, rode up in the elevator and found her secretarial desk in the chambers of Judge J. W, Woodrough. What made the dog'o feat most unusual was the fact that Mrs. Sut cliffe had ridden down town on a street car. "I saw him running after the car, at first, but had no idea he would fol low me all "the w av," said Mrs. Sut cliffe. "Rummy" was panting for breath when he reached the postoffice, but reVived after a short rest. Prayer Each Day Let in offar the aarrlde of pra.lt (0 Ooil Hah, As the morning breaks gently upon us, O Lord, awakening us to con sciousness and opening, our eyes to the light and labor of each new day, before the blood-sprinkled mercy scat we bow. Here we would leave our sins, and loose and lose our weights, and find and cherish the full assur ance of Thy favor. May Thy face be unobscured to us today. Give us grace to set our affections where Christ sit tcth, that so we may be saved from all sordidness of thought, or word, or deed, and that our lives may draw their inspirations from high and holy springs. Help us to cherish a tender regard for all the children of God of every name. Our eyes are unto Thee, O God. Our hearts would find repose in the assurance of our acceptance in ihe Beloved. We would yield our mem bers as instruments of righteousness unto Thee, that, by the gracious pow er of Thy Spirit we may ourselves this day grow in grace and knowl edge, and, by our ministry to others in Christ's name, bring some into an experience of His abounding grace. Hear us, O Lord, because we pray in that sweet name in which all Thy exceeding great and precious prom ises are sure. Amen. REV. THOMAS T SHtF.LPS Tironlo. unt, Caliaila. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham trickct Hickt has a pair ot fine, striped socks, and has tlrawn up hit ! BP i . ,..', , . t t . ! tilt V ! K su a . i- i ,, r a i , i i" it ' v v . , '. e i 1 n , . i a i - a r " il ' Ford Refuses Coal at Fxpense of Other Users (liar;;. Hnlrr llf Of. fcrr-il Him Km! Coiikigiinl to Northwest tloiiMinifrt on Priority Onler. Driroit, Aug, Jl (By A I'.)- I llrnry l ord rrHisnt vcttcrday . - ' t i . "iui ny t4i hrokrr. .n fir I aralll. rnr inn In. .. h... I I,. it.4nui4iii.rrr rr(uri to nirtl.a.c the furl, li'ililing it iwnilil nut hr a Im nunilariiii ri to Ul? foal iiilrmleil lo relict a ihi tiilirring of mrn, aoiii m a ul cliiMirn iluring the coming I w inter, I Mr. f ord was quoted at taviug tlial "rn.il hnrittaoDr.'' Ii-H (l.,a,l I (.. "steal ihn toal" and tfll it o him KrliArli rminjliiia Irmn U'a.i 'ir. I gmia that ihe Ford company bad re - , tuer coal ottered at normal pnce wai rxplainrd al the Ford plants. It wat atterled that the fuel so offered j wat tteam coal, a product of httle use in the Ford industries because il f contains a high tultihur content. A j low Sulphur coal it required for blast , furnace work. Despite the often repeated drier- millAtlon of Mr. Ford In rlnsa Ina far. 1 torien unless he un obtain the knl 1.. ii.....:. :...i.. ,:..i j. . . 1 . uir 1uinii imiUMMaU mnlTICl IOOK heart when it wat announced the General Motors corporation, em ploying between 75,'MKI and lOO.IHlO men, had a 70-day supply of coal available, (losing of llir various plants of the corporation, it was ex plained, would affect hundreds of thousands of workmen employed by concerns depending upon General Motors for various materials. BEE WANT AD RATES lln re Km aai-h 4a, 1 or 1 4a a. 120 par Una aarh day, t 10 4 4aa. lr par Una aach flay, I 4ava or loniar. Thaaa rat,a apply l.i Tha Sunday Baa a wall aa In Tha Morning an4 Kvanmi llaa All wak4ay a4varttaamanta appaar In both morning anrl srtnlog adltlona al tha nna coat. Tha a ho a rafat apply irluelv.lr to Want Ada whlca ara commonly farm, 4 "publfe wanti," and do not Inrludt ad vancing nr aiploitlng ibalr buainaaa. TDK HER raaervaa tha nht to 4tlg na' what roniululaa a -.ubl.o want. Want Ada accaplrd at lb following of flea: Talaphona AT-lanlln 1001. Call for Want Ad Iiapartmant. An ai parlanrad want ad lakar will recelva your ad and a bill will ha mallad la tar. Tha rat, a quoiait aboia appl to altbar charg, or raah nrdara. TLOSINO HOURS TOR WANT A 1)9. Evan.ng Kdltlon ll:4t a. m Morning Kdllloo t p. m. Buoday Edition p. m. Saturday. THE OMAHA VriRNINO BEE. THK KVKN1NO BF.E DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES SHAl KKI-Kunij "wm. T paaaad on l hla resldenre. 1IU7 So. nnh atraai. Tuaadny, August St. lf!S, ag.d 70. Mr. Rhai'kalford H aurvlvad by ihraa daughlara. Mra. E. c:. Thoinaa, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mra. T. E. N'alaon, Cmiaha: Mra. G. N Anderaun, Omaha; ona aon, Harry W. ftharkulford, Omaha; two brothers and ihrra ais'era. KunarJ nervlcea will ba from I ha real danra. 1937 Ho. 34th atreef, ftaturriay, Sep lentliar 2. 19-2. at 2 p. m . f(ev. M. Allan Katth officiating, tntannant b'nrrnt I.awn remrtary. For lnfnrmttlon call c:roaby Moora. WE 0(17. ROOD Samuel E. punned on at tha resl denea of hia step-daughter, Mra. I). It. Mi-Taggnrt. Wedneaday. Auguat 3", 1922, aged SI yearl. Mr. Rood la aurvlvei hy one daughter, Mra. Hazel Matlork, Kim ball, Neh. Funeral aervtrea from the Croaby-Moore funeral home, Twenty-fourth and Wirt streets, Thursday. AtiKuet 31. 1922, at 3 p. m. Interment at Edira. Neb MARKER- Mra. Minnie, aged 47 yeara. died Wedneaday p. m. at tha family real dence, 2707 rnldwull Rt. Thar are left to mourn her losa. her huaband. Henry; three daughters. Mra. Dorla Hard, Ellen and 8uaan Marker of Omaha: two anna. Jamea nf New York and Henry of Omaha. Re main in atnte, Heaffy A Heaffy chapel Funeral nMIre latrr. SAKKTT .N'lit P., pBMi?d on the rsi rtencp, 2a6 I'oppklon Ave., Wiydm-May, Auk- "0. IS--, aifo fi. Kuiipi nrranice mfnts will h Kln Ifttftr. For inforn.aiion vhU t'ronby-Mnorff, VK, 0047. BURIAL VAULTS. WUODK.N boxci anon d?cay. Stel or iron vault- will rust out and collapse. Thfre fnre you ohouM lrm1tJt upon your under taker naine an Automatio Sealing; Con crete Buna) vault ; water -proof and ever laMlnsr. Manufactured only hy the Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., R210 N. 30th St., Omaha. Inspection invited. CEMETERIES. VISIT FOREST I.AWN. North of flty Llmila Office nt I'emetery and 720 Hmndi-ia Theater FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha'a best un.Wtakine; eatrihllahment AKKow A T T TJ T T T A Trt7Eltv;cE 1'IEItCI KniuuuunnvjJJH.v. oo6i. Thlrty-tnlrd and Firnaiti. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral rreotnra. Cumlnf, "HEAFEY &ll E A FEY" I'ndertaliert and Kmtmlmri Phre HA n.i (ifft.e vi 1 1 Kimim- LARKIN BROTHERS rt'UKBat. niRErTons 4SI 4fl. J4TH ppArjV tr.i'iTi "wliUOlJ I -lilUUIvrj "we. omiT Itth A WIM FLORISTS. LEE LARM0N VTl1 HAY IT WITH El.iOVEHt rROM lirbS A gWiiltiiPA. II1,,"AH(V KTRERT JOHN "M'tTlT.lteTlVrMns-JA."lit.' " , U li:Mt'.ll'anN. I.Ot lara.aasi.JA. 11. 1 I PERSONAL. ItIK 4.V1.V ATIiS Army In.lualilal tml a-Uci'a your -I f-!th!rg, f-imttui. mi. III.. VV riili.i. w. dial, n ut. pri.,i-. In lilt and as, w' .. I t ail aa l.ai.l "'., asw keili. I I I 4 - II 1 1-1 1 1 1 I'.' lga .Heel lit VI a: t.,t m ib -a. . k. 1. II I LOST AND OUND. I . ' ! -I a i ' hi : m i . M4j AltttJ kn ;(( .' s m t - V. (4 1k,- .' H 4 ( I h EDUCATIONAL l'l . IIiU-M1jH f Miaul, '!"! ,ui. in c iiiaa.-, ma ,4.1. .!,; Illg. , uniplauw!,. BrO 4 and llMarll Iilr04 r.4 .,.., l.sgrLkr. .Oil Hlll 4 ll .! (t4 iun.m.ril riiM Wt,i, rail ., pn.n Jackem lltl fa, la'a lluirl4 .a' A44rM it. r i t i ii.i.i KiK Bi. Rl.1 I'm N.k. V A VI If l VI all. ..4' and but l Lata kaibar lr4e, kg demand; wag whii lasvamg. etri.tlr modern im ar writ 41 l4g l Tn t H Hafbar t'allaga l'i, you w.i.l Ii III. i. Uf lntm Wil. it,. N,i ,l Aula 4. hoot. :IU Is, ;tih hi, tmka. fir cataiag l'y ur ...uing iiria tOfuHAK H14INM4 I tlLI.EtlC, l. Hldg , inn iM rarnem AT. Ul AV hAT .'H"iit. i'K III mSk.M I ur Ninrt.iiiH anl I' .ugi.t I . ml , o O nr PRcsKNTATivie WANrrn o o 0 0 1 0 0 o 1! I 0 Paa4 nyr 4 In ika tiir4ay fia ntna; I',. a! ltva araka laaua, if jail aia lnlaiaia,1 tn making 1.4 in 1011 lr ,k. I', I til l kartit 11., a ilrl( KtAI. kll.K MoklRRT Mll.l.l 1 0000 00 C 0000000000 00000000 Ihii.i.kk i.h anua ,r ..t.tiau ..vi vina, in ip.raia Kna an4 Irl.iunia rollar. W'ira r,.!a. 1 kiaii'lat.l oil Hullrtiiif. Omaha. 4111114 aaiieriaft'-a. lafaraneaa. an4 aalary r. nun. 4 Hah ty ttthl in right man oooooooobooooooooooooooco SALESMEN, ' o T'.'ini men between lha agea nf t ai.-l 7..I in devalnp as manageia an. I saleamen In our aiorea Thia la lie liigheai-paid prnfeaaion in any field and lha a.aniiy tif aa I'en.n'ad men make It ne.eaaary that we rnndur.t our own arbool in aaleamanahlp under rnmti.l.nl maliu'loia r,IMi II HA I, A R Y Willi. K I.EARNISO Appliiania mii I hii, fair eduiatlon and ha "f n-ai appearan.. Apply af'er 9 a ni. HosrE COMTANT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SAt.ESVtEV ulth eaperleni eelllnr gear greaaa lo travel Iowa territory, w aell the nationally known Whli Hear Clreaaa to oanera of fleata of trurka. Ipduatrlul con-ei-rn,. eie. Oura la a etrlrtTy rommlaalon propnaiiliin. To men who qualify sve will allow weekly drawing aeijounla agatttal rommlaston. Addreaa H. A. Aahton. 1'oat offlra llox 710, fhirago. SALESMEN WANTED By Miaaourl river hardwara Jobber; anleanian for aouthweat ern Nebraska territory; road experience not nareaaary; to qualify you mual know gi-neral hardwara line and hav youth, amhllion and determination: aalary, ex penaea and bonus. Addreaa T-2uOI. Oma ha Ilea. TOl'NO MAN STLfir LAW! Evenln downtown aetelona, L'nlveraltv of Omaha. He aecretary, 1027 Omaha Nat. TiH. Bldg. W'ANTEIi A young man with car to aell real eslat. Must ba a llva one. Call AT. t.41 . WANTEfi Lineman and groundmen, steady work. Henntngaon Eng. Co.. Omaha. WANTED An ep,rteri-ed grocery clerk. Apply Hommer Tlroa., 2101 Earnam. WANTED Man to "buy an Interest in good paying hulneaa. 200s i.'umlng St. WANTED Pin boya, not undar 1 OMAHA BOWLING ALLEYS, ltll Harney AGENT WANTED. AGENTS with rara to ell family rem adlea. toilet articles, soaps, atorlc remediea, chicken remedies, hog worm capsule, auto and tractor oils, etc. Eaay to aell. Miller Remedy Co, 2121 N. 10th 8t Omaha. Neb. FEMALE HELP WANTED OOMPKTENT ri rt for nerl houework In An npartmi-nt Tl. IA. 0fi9. FOR ahorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping etc., attend tha American Oallege nf Buslnrea. 1912 Farnam. Poaltlona guar. anteed; all our graduates ar In po. altlona. fall AT. 7774 or writ for catalog. Oirl for Kcneral housiwork; Ha ;ti3i. no washing. HOI'SEKEEPER wanted by widower; good steady horn for right party. 2214 8. l.ith SI., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Competent maid for house work and cooking In an apt. Tel. Har. 0352. WANTED Clirl for houaework; no laun dry. WA. 1 ITS. WOMAN wanted; a matronly w-oman to help keep house and he companion to an elderly lady. Wilts L. W. Koas, Oakland, fnvva. WHITE gtrl for general homework ; good hnnie WA. M:. SITUATIONS WANTED. Y'lt'NO man desire position to work for board and room while attending aehool. Keferen.-H If deaired, Flox 2fi5, Omaha Bee. DAYvVilRK wanted. Ref. WE. 11004. HOUSEHOLD GOODS RFjn TUB LIST Out HiKKwt flu miner Auction Will be Held I'riduy and Saturday, .Stitenil'er I nnd 2 .I'ephrnwon Auction I'rtmpi ;9 CAIMTOU AVI-:. AT. 6.'S. We bel.evn 1 rt truthful advertla Inf. Whwit we iy that we he for kale in thae aut(nn an me ot the finf-it furniture we hae ever o'd. mij "an depend on It Thie ia in adtlitlun tu the liundreda of "'pl ttema umi n eery hne It will he (tmahaa outitandtnf ftuiiiiiicp am t;n. A partta! Iixt ntiH ihiini the fol 'n Inx . v'"milif hifita ve mtpi linlnwm -utte inmitlii of poa iff l tfd. Httli feather tufte1 tnt iraasia ilraiiiif tehla and tenrh, hiff-n r eiMl d -. r. n hfriv hiffvii'ittr. ti!r, drem4 Mtiie aifl tvri h, U M Kr dinln at.te, tii vnt fttinh. i. ntiatirig t-f eund ' .tt.it heira and lea trt Itniii d ivkttr ih at 1 1 h -1 site a t.i and mi trtt lamp t tn'h HHkii' dftk (very fmlih th ( ' (t-p. and ihttir, fl'.H m U lh .tfik x rh.tr ,i hr it'iMn aft l thatra .ir ,' :iig: NnJt"i ii kiri'lt maiv nt4Hig tt ' i r t tafcie , -a, -i i ihr nph:'tifd, j'n4 ittili at -t-t fffttt tit ,(t ).)! t V 'nim tt. in i,'Mi tn in t4i4t lam t t'n hfa etiei t i Mk :. thro f4l. 1-1 " H r-e- t; l r a . f;- li rlw, $ HT,- .ll.'i nf !., t 44I m t i- i : n atd - l ! i - i n i 14 1 - )(,! lt)l fc', ' ,v ,i , h tt ii. . ( t -. ' . . , , H -- -t - - ti m -1 g t a m ' H . a?'- -'I1 'a-w 1 e ' V I-1 I . . I OIVi I I I I II I. S utrtKf a. wl. Sis ar'.'4.. a. 1 1 i us as I lt t'V 11 I o a vl il a If vi. , AJWMIfc K i.l At.. :iiu a. a,,---. i GOOD THINGS TO EAT. iiNO'M l r n I (...I ar hi'n, I'lunif .i4 atP' lt"lail han4r "Ymaiiiti " "rHrci. ' II, ma .....r I...UMI m.t. Lftt tilt .alik''1 lln i all H Ilia iiHal'r a I'.maiAra .!tinia frapal-l KK ll iaait m l'tlt,lt aptil.a. rFl'ai.'la lii ...i lu .tat H...ia Kill r.im MA ll't KJ A 111 KH .n tair K inn, 'iil r .ii iiHAPkM Ii.- Mil it." N l"ih Kt; AI'I'I t II Ii ha KK 1HI : h4 4 .Ti'Hi iTi'mi. tiT: x ":" m. i il l j ia.' ru "oiri HI VVA lt' Il-I I 1 Ilil'I'M Kt' ,'l la"'-'lf. MJISCFI.LANEOUt, FOR SALE rril'MA"lr.a . liaali":l 4l IIAMV IIAKKT A 1.7. Illl. UIKiril IWCTBIIMVNTS fKAlill Teur ua4 liiaiia cn a naa, piarai uiina Paiani-a aa lt at In Mr fmnl A lliinfi: ''it, I'll Oauflaa i "'ll "Al.t;-l:t ukllai tllll tail far II (ail llamay I.Mt. BlilOKKT .lmni(raph lialfalna In Iniarl Nhlaa. rhmiiaranh I " tlx I'mlta RADIO SUPPLIES. a, ,.ni 1 1 ir.., in -""'': '" ;' " nrd.ia anl riiad. Oinaba -nillii Oo4t In. ins tla-nav B - CLOTHING AND FURS . ... Ila arrived tram ihe eaat w.is) high .la. a l.n. of f.ir rnata and fma of ail kln.lt Mra M.Namait, l"l Wallmgtnn Ir, iruUariHKMiil"i4"n4''ntfarr lanT JA lilt, lot N tt at I r!4mn. I'AliKT aull and rap f..r aala J hone Cnun ei 111 .J r fa Red MlillUraalll AHMV alio,,. If tl 70 Nil lalh STORE ft OFFICE EQUIPMENT 6000006600000066000006000 o TTPEWRrrr.na c- o ani o C All makaa bought anal aold O O ranted ami repaired kola afeu't O 0 for lb I'l IRON A, llel our prlrea O O hefor you buy. Every inaihint O O guaranteed. 0 0 I I.NTHAt, TYPEWRITER EXO. O 0 JA 4l;' IIU Karnain O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lii Ti'HERH' I' Im.i. l; ptartlrally new. t:.'l l.eavenv.irlh, go and taka a look; will aeil real reaaonable; alao f.iiin Ota and aal,t fall at 111 Leavenworth and ruaka your luat offar. . IVrT Ill!y7"a-ll aafe. niaka d,.ka ah i-aaet, air. 1 una ha Pistura A Cupply i n., a w corner llth and Dmiglaa. JA."724 lii ItlOil iihV add"ng mai ulnea. Il'm fin--Inty guaranli e II A. Klsn AT. H..II. H.tlli;AIN'Hliinnrlable lypewrltera. new and ua,d maihlnea I OUT Harney. AT !!. ?yyiRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT a.reeiiinga, 11.24 per 10 Ilia, A. W. Wagner, 101 No, llth. JA 1142 WEI.I. bred f.ia ternar, 111. Ave. nil N. ion. t-MUNTH-OI.O Alredala dog Wt 4"2l. WANT TO BUY PF.SKH DEHKS. IlESKS. New d.akt. uaid daaka bought, aold and traded, 1. C. fleet). 1207 Farnam. AT. 14t. Wanted Ele. trie fan, nine or twelv Inch blade. WE. 3.1IS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Garage Business For Sale. KTORAOE AND SALES Splendid buainaaa. small investment aell on aciount of health. AT. 12. Mutt FOIt HALE One of ihe beat garages in North Dakota III health realon fur tell ing; need .change of climate. For ptr-lli-ulara writ to Dox s. Jameatown. North Dakota. CAFETERIA equipment for aala, almost new Installment. 2axl00 feet. Wall fix tures. I'nat 111.000. (tacrine, for 12.400. Addreaa Itux T-2"02, Omaha Bee. FoTT'sALT'f-N Icely equipped reetaurant; good propoaltlo. A. Naegela, 1117 Leavenworth Rt. Call DO. Bit. RIWTTlTrtANT for l:a. H12 Vlntoa sT. Omaha, Neb. RJ30MS F0RJRENT. imTsTOL. 2702 Large, coot room, ault abl for two, lady nr genllmn; 14 week for on peraon. 18 for two; breakfast. If dealrad. Laundry privilege, w E. ' ONE large nicely furn. room with two bede. aultahla for four peraont, near Creighton college, housekeeping or ooara anil room. At. 7990. 2510 California. rilNOLB and double room, men only, walking Jlrown Bachelor, 60S N. 21et. AT. 7449. KOI R big, airy room with prlxate hath. Hot water heat In winter. Nothing like It for $10 per week. JA. "415. KK. 3021. KRY pleaaHnt room In downtown apt. private family. Will accommodate 2 or 3 gentlemen, at. hiku. Ki;RN. nna. wiiti pnv. oaio; warm, com fortable, t heerful: prlcea reaaonabie. day or wk Hntel Hamilton. AT. 4701. NIl'KLV furnished outside Bleeping room 14 per week up, walking distance, good car errvire. fill So. 24th. TKIi. If A. 2ri36 Three furn. shed rooma, a'-rovi from Colonial hotel apartmente; gentlemen prrferred Mri s nith Sr., large room, private home; hf n nt If il II V furnished. HA. 6711. K( iL'H rooma and bath. JA. 42H0. 628 S. 19th St. NIC B Innie. I a rue AT i lea n nr:, rooms, walking die- V K R Y nkely furnished housekeeping and aleeplng room, walking diatatn e. ,1m. .t 16 4 BKAI-Tl Kl'I loom n"ar Uemls Park; husinras nifn preferred HA. nj0; LARiiK sleeping rooni, running hot and rni water. I'll N. iMh St. i'AIMTOI Ave . 2.''40 Furnished rooms for ituilents; ni.Monal1. AT. 4, CHU"A(iO ST. 2lis. Large, IIeHant front bfdrnnm; auitwble for two, R(mM for rent lit private home, 2720 Pratt St. Phone Ken. 3151. TUKNtTktU ST.. 411. H Nice furnished room imltable for one or t vrn. MA SI.1V ! HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS iTWn modern front rooma complete for 1 hou, keeping , . lothea rl'.aet and pantry. E. :-t;i nr K 4:7. i CLEAN, modern light hauaekeaplng tooina. ,rlhlng furnlihid. walking diatane. JM3 .ll.liea kt. ' 141 IT E "f .-lean neatly furnlahe.1 lonma ion ;.l floor, n.i chlldien; garaga apa., , lie,' (.a.lga Ml ttNill,E H.'Ua. keeping reoma. mtld.rn. j i.v.iMhing f,..n..h..t. it s: ted.. ut SI'l a:s: I ! 1 1 ,....ma nd k il. h.ll.i I . .-..Ill- ! ni.l.lv fun f..r houaak -.Plug WE, 1 174 - - - i l'A.H UT. lie; - Nl.e tie.n ! ,m.i Apia.! f..r lam kvua,k.epni At 1444 TWO w.l! fum Si Vlaria .S , HirrawiM, 1 1 1 1 ' I HOUSES FOR RENT APARTMKNTt I .sit It H,r-siS...'.s till l.,,la, HI pi i-i ,i a. I , ...i,.a t I . a I !' 4 l'4g. III"! I ,.. ..... II ' v .it ,a. i:t i ' ai si l " II"! St. a . ... ti .' s . 1 a S' r ' -' c -I 1 1 . " III S . I at as I I l II- itoi ! k' HOUSES FOR RfcNT hhh 30ARD AND ROOM M J I '. - J a r.nl 1. a b"ai 4fir.. araa a.aij.H. 11 a ; ' ,.,iii L...,1 I 1.1 IX, 1 1'fcalM 'l : r.".m ai. l t.i !f Mara .'tlltS .1 '!', X , I liN' H"IT T ;l. l.l.al I f..r titwug la.1i Pi;. Ii.-ii.a j. ' i T'l II - ' 'l a'l. 1 I. . Ill i. ili t..ar-l t k rv hm 11 f..lii a.i.l tuiaiu for a .it - N II 141 FURNISHED HOUSES. ! iti .ii(u"inr 4 in lifin H In APARTMENTS FOR RENT omom4 i.Aitiii r m,sr iii A.if:s. y 1hil,.fuur aiiatlmanl Iul4:lta. all acaitmama. fainr.'i'a4 runiaia alai 1 lutay f:r.,n.f Vnifhii f4 r i4 1 mam araitni.i.n l a. I i-t. n4 "ill LIIAKIC rr.STAt. AUKNCT I rifapn.nf ai .iini.ii'a IA Mi. At t:"l i-nrnar inn 4 Haia,4 aiiaaia ! ! air Hal of .anal ai arllnai.la a4 n.iiia.a a n.Q.l'a a laig.i ....,, lranial r".io.a than ana otha, ail in lha '! a PCTKliN TMllir CUMI-ANT, IVIItHr; liMVHA MAt ' AT run I in and li'tim k'a It Hir ia..m t,i'nii,iii ll.a lr in mp- ,Blwr , , , ,' ., jhaia aaiy n.n.lern ronienini. a mii.llr hah grade liui hank III imialia Naimnal VVAM EO A V HM r. ! A Tf.NANT f..r a high laae apt. t". Hed l""l k Hia ia..ma and bain ' unf'imiahe.l Kundaia, II A ."J.7. Al. Mia :l l.afiatig lodg ITHK rhlodo. Jilh Ata and Mai. y Newly da.oraud I romn apia wuli t-rmm a. , ni,iin."i.i mna. mi.ii a-iuwiii .'. n.. ja. u:f I'NKl IIMhiri in.idain J lumii ay.rl- mam. heal, light bit ond cold wtr Inuulra 1 .17 H 214 illLAlTllll. Apt. 1-rnam a i"iii. rlnaa In and in fina Apt. II, dg , IIj Mo. Rafar- ancaa JA lilt KOH liK.VT 1 iiH.in modem ilupl'i iloa to I'ralglilon rollafi. ;0m Oillagher Aj Ka.ton, 11 t'alara Truat llldg JA till THE Mnrantlna. Ill de. mated apla. t)f I, I. 25th kl Newly t and t riM.lna riinn. JA MS! kkl'T I Ill l.oula "flat illrl.'lly iiud-in t ronine rail Popplelon Avr II A 1'tt UnliEKN 1 "and 7 riioinarii.w rani, aloaa In. O P. Htabblna. HI 'hl. ag. Ind flour i."".iein apt , 4 rnaiLa and lalh", kalkinic .l.i.ii.. i;o Walnut .-.ta riiMn.. r,iiin. unf'Kii aiala nn.,r n"i rnanag Adulu Ml Ktaih Ava 1 " llluff, Joy, i-nmf.irt. all a. a, ona of year. 3 or 4 ronm a l 2:01, V JJ.I HI FURNISHED APARTMENTS TW'O-ltoilM HLTI'E. adjuiltlng a. reni-d pori'h: walking dia'atu-a. Aii-ly 22"'s n rjid ELMS) aparlmenla. fJih and J'ewey. hoi.- I. room, wall futnialied pt., i beilrooma, tteam heat. He Janitor 2 and 3-riiiim anartui, nta. private bulb. Pronn apartment!. l"t .North ;ut. AT 7449. jTiT KARNAM 1 room and k.ti hentt. tanaonalil. 4" NORTH 2JD 2-motn, nliely turn shed modern apt I1UNTBR InnT'At-tj'tO. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT f-f IR RENT W ell lucaid desk apki e. wllll P'lvate i.rfic a-coniniod;il'.ilia. In Bulla nf office. Plenty of light and air. Rent rea aonable il,.uiar,cy Immediately. Jdl Ar thur Rldg Phone AT 632. HTuRES FOR KENT MODERN alnra mom at 4 N. 4"'b 4t. for rent reaaonable. Apply F. J. Pa Tempi. Omaha Hee. AT. 10 FOR RENT Well hunted office rooma 1.0 and up. Wllkinaon Rldg. !2th and Farnam St. Call Janitor Room 211, I'O. M7I. TOP, Mr. Drugglei, with a llttl pep. a good location at 4ilh and Ohio 81a. .New Bldg readv about Hept. 1. WILL build for good tenant under leva. You aelect ait. Addraaa Y-1II9. Omaha Bee. MKRCAXTILK STORAGE AND WARE HOt'SK CO., 11th and Jone 8tr FIREPROOF daylight buildtng for rent, I to a. individual fioor. WK, . 1 MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY 8TOK ArE A VAN CO. MOVI.Nd PACKING STORAOK RHIPPINtO. Hnueehold Goodi and Piano. Redured Ratea Thla Week to M I N N V. A POM S ST. LOU 1 3. 1 1A7-1 1 Howard fit. Jn. kaon 2M riHKPROOF WAREHOL'BE Separate locked rooma for household goods and (tiaooi, moving, packing aod hipping. BEKINfl OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 80. South Hth. HO. 416t. ESTIMATE furn. on packing, vnnv. and storing. Con tract e taken by job or hour. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 433S, AT. 0230. GroKiman A Son, owner. CHATTEL LOANS ooooooooooooooooo SIONEY TO LOAN l,;o to ooo ON Fl'RNITI RE, PIANOS. ETC Lett rtMn legal ratea, monthly payments. Quick, quiet and confidential. OMAHA LOAN C'O r,04 Karha.h Block. Tel. JA, 3:93. Southeast I'or. loth - PouuIhb Sta. ooooooooooooooooo LOANS ON REAL ESTATE LOW KaTK MONEY ft and ti per cfiit on Improved Omaha property. Make appl lent ion now. W. T. URAHAM. JA, If.."3. 701 I'etra Trust Bldg WE have rash on hand to loan on Omaha rtislflenccff E M LOUOKE. INl . , :; K-eitne ni-ig I lil'ILD and flnam-e at pi r !,. K SHoSToK. Crea'or of l'l.'HfHlH lloni- s .HA Arthur Jll.lg. JA ent. S.734. Farm Loans on werti-rn firma. la'i'hcs. Klniie l;n- atiucnt Co , it.'i i"t. Nat l Hh- llml T' lie. "On loiiiiM mad prnniiil Iv. V Ii. VV.LAU ami O II 111 i VV SI AN Jin S Hth .t VAeiid llldg AT. HISL .1 II MITMEN piva met f'" LIBERTY imsns :i cm Nul l Bank Bids. EIRST mortgjg loana made promptly on Omaha real eatate. Mmpen A Co., Real tors JA. 4... 3.tt Ktellti llldg. OMAHA "HOMES-EAST MB I'A R. VI 11 OKEKEE HEAL EkTATE Co. 111 I'm. Nat Bk llldg. Ja.ka'.ii :71!. OARVIN 1110' 4v Onikha N.i Bldg. 'N IMP I'lli'I'ERTY N' 1'PI.AT. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES .. I HUE a.-v.r.l In' tll'lMSi,. . p,,..rl Pli ,,rtia,, ail, AM ,-a II , BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. At'tUHDION I'l.EATIWO I A'v'i'Ml'l"N. tula, kn-fa. k..s p as'lng. ravar.4 kvitmr. a l t'vl.s kamaul. n . bail.Mial.a Will l.l.al Hullo 4 I' ' ! mg i a, hi i.i.w ....-., ., -. r.,.i,h.."a J IUI VI.MI'I t 1'l.t.A 1 -MI ' ' la 1 i am l :a .1 U S" ' ,uut I .. ll'l ll'l ll' IM SI. l t '' I I'.'MHll t"H, vatkAvlkt a.; I. l t al (. Il j . m. n'l lk to - 4il Luaxa A ' w... aia i . I I .l I HIS I Mil . Hani' .-..I...!, .1 ' t ' VS V Alt' a. I SI 1 4 14 I l ,..,! I r S t tat Y al. SOI la as. Ii M k l H'V I' I ! . 1 1 Via ltd 1 1 1 l ai I'.' 1 1 mi, Jl i l i. M ll mi , . at t t' il k It it I M it"i t tl I S HI k. tl Mil KUSINTSS ANNOUNCEMENTS ( lllk.it H M 111 i.fliAti ? I a I li.j ll . .1 . 1- i A I HIM H H.,,,.. l-,. ial(.4 ilfai."4 il.ifc .a i, FhI 11. M" Funs : Ull HI M A . .i ' i . i i I'lurii a I 1 II' ,,.M.,r a atai m-'ih1' 'f ! ii 1 iiM..iiin far i -jf Ul? Kl...l,r Aiaak tTaf 14. I" ," I IN M HI . a ' " till I. If It' Ill.itll. i...!. !.,.! i..ir " " "4 I ..- .. .a ln.k.,.. HI ttK r.ASriMArAl'l'.Mim tTr I i'iT ll"l A M AM -ialir.iin (an. ,l.a, ii ...illlr laal. ' I.....I. I-..-.I,. J r-AUT ATTIiHSI . "' - . 1.1. I il .tlltrlM I'.lanl Allan..,. 1....1-. ........ in A aa t aariia'. I. I h.'i' iiiiii..fa a.'i ma', .-.-. I fal l NINO, I l V.l AMI It All WArlM. 1 I II I II 1 lACIHItVi'H JA l"l PltlNTINO. H.t.T Poiiong I" Ill 4 II '"''.'i; "!: IiiW El. l i-ci.y 1 lo iS I I kit , In.. ii. 1....I hn.pi, liintaliee f ina iahf..rm Al t:ll. 1 K I r". 1 Ml VI VIINi. I KI.K, Irili.nill.g an4 a(.iall.g. Ilea ir" our ape. .Hi w.uki u.me by ni'"'" ' ua f .t Ina a In. I" lh '' "' liaaa. Iitne twi'd.tap brtiiv. IM N- ;.n III Mi -1 H knliAk iNlnlliNi, rii.u4 iievm i.fk.1' mi.it" Tha l.ln'gn .'.! Mi.wai4 41. Al 1 an r.l.l.ANM.I'k ASM'l M 1 II KM 4 diamonds tl.a beat Ii l. imI, a. ,., buy na.k at am. 11 pruru. "in." J I- vs 1.1 U V nii.aha, Nei', t. lih el lel.ih'.ii l" '" i'iMAMa" PII.I'OV -.rMaiii.a..a ni.da o,.r In n-w in kt at half pm of b.da Pliluaa teno.a'e.1 and made UP ' hew feath'f .ro.. lh klt g aah.4 IV't rumliig JA 114 bad H'ka :iti i hEm ltilTI"N4 ear, fully ..mpoui.deil I lha i bh.rman A tl.c.t.na.l lirug atotw AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2 PIUCKS SLASHED O PHI l l.KAM P 4AI.E I N 1KI . . , f.tiiii, n O O O O O O o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .0 f' I)C AVI) TMUCKS O o I o I o o o 1 o is !i ! o I o Is VI ..at I,, ni'i.ed at ottie l ma-. f.., tlie re' ci TA II I e I Take advantage nf ihla opi-.i "in.l y In buy a d-" tidal.; ua. 4 ' af a your lit n 'l I. iililiii..l.ll li'Utmg repainted. Ilui'k touting. I Shape i'Iicvki'iI tnui.iig, prl'.il v'v low I l.alincla Imirlng. half I'a sa.ue adilla'. will ni.k- fine aervn-e car, I'alerann tonrlii a real buy for you. End ti'i'lit'l. Ill" mod, I, only K.veral iinuaua! bstgalni tn rebuilt trurka lord.. ISuI" kt, Itepublkt. W hlt.a o o ANDREW MURPHY ? & SON, INC., 14'h and Jakten I i C 000000000000000000 00000 00 00 00 0000 000 00 000 CO 00 ooo ci O WE have a P21 V" ("urlPg rar. i , V-nf-w-lifnt oiiditlon, with a tM nf en'rae wh'fh ran be bought very tiKOfiahle Caph r terme r K I'AI'LKOV M'JTt'R CO. 20th end Ami A. K E. 14U. O00OOO00OO0OO0O OOOCjOOOO'J in ItLLlARLE utie.l rare. cah or time; Korda, Itodgs snd other mndele. 10 brand new Korda at a discount; Tord bod;e new and used. UOLUSTROM AUTO SALES CO. Opn evenings JA. 24M. 2 Harney St SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery or. new Fords M CAFFRKT MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford fiervlca tl"" Ufh and jacksnn fclts PJf.V. 7ve ton Stewart truck i-h pneuma'b; ttres In good hape. Tash or terma or x tit t rade f'r Knrd , K PAI'LHON MOTOR fO. 20th Jr AmeAve. hen. 1 1 jsfs FOrUl adan, aelfatarter nd de mountable ri.na In good ahape Thla rar can h bought for lea than a cheap tour ing car Call K E. 014. 1lHK' R A R i A I N ! For tale or trade. Wlllya-knlght roadaler, wire wbeela. while II KE. 1102. LOOK over our II, t of med cara THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 2060 Earnam ft. AT- 7I"' rsrirTlFord parta at half price Parta for all atandard maki cara. Neb. Auto 1 ant, IMS Harney Ht. . f'SElJ cVttB. O. N. Bonn-y Motor Co., 2514 Earnam. I'SEI) Eorda. all model. L'aed Fort! Car Co.. H!4 Cuming i i.NE gnodMawell touring for "le. cheap. ATP. Jilt . CSED radiators, all makes. for aalu r.re.nough llad!ator liapalr202 Earnam PATENT Pullman bed, built Into youl auto, at PEEI KEEPS, 2525 J.eavenworih. HOLLYTeipert auto trimmer, al? S 'J4tn AUTOMOBILE TIRES. NEWAM) "l.'SEI'i TIRKll", 120 ANji If. Ti. H H. TIRE AND AUTO Co. 2:.t Earnam St. HA- '"'4. WANTED REAL ESTATE. iTav'K client for S-r.ioin cuttag. will P .j,000; can r.iy ll.f'00 caeh. Phon ua at i,nc If vou Imvo a homo of lira d.-t.-ripton for rrile. Cieoig T. Jone. Realtor. AT. txY.,. ' II'iMES for aale, A PT8. for rnu W. J. Palmer Co., Real Ealat Management Spe -laliala. Keellna P.ldg AT. Hs List vour home Buy your bom. BINDER & OTIS, Peal Eatata. trans. Rental. JA. ttSI. Charles W. Young" & Son R'sl Instate Rentals. HO! City Nat. Bk Inauranca. AT MSI. Ileal K.lnte a.. FOWLER & M'DONALD Vlemhe-a Multlrl. I ;,'lng Es Reslto-.. Reed & Co., Peal Ealat 12"7 Earnam Ht id Inauraara Pbon. aT. till V I" t,i t.uv i I .ii 1 r-.ftm hnu, t'C"i i,.ii i i is 1 1 i .iy half . aeh Mum l e n U;r r ni. in . -ii ni.. I it, g I lo, on, ill'" I4,f' .li, IL W 2'l. I'llvaha 1'' I'll' 'I'l. I'. TV I i ii i a naiiie.l M-C4g arid fa"n I' an. k i i t: r ;H4 he 1 1 n VT 1 1 a t ' mi WE l'i If.ini lis h l.ivr r I I ; pi.la vi ..,i hcis. Past C" , WRKKTT VH p.l. ', HI VI i.St AT a; i.. . It'is, li,auraat. Ii i IV tstl Kaai'r I I iat (III u. f-r siuu-k v. s.i'i.. , 1 1 J U f, aS 1 1 1 !4lt rua Si IIS H"S 14 IM ORMSHYr: I.,1,', m.!nii,la I a li! Y 'l, II .hv. i' a t. . .t u- II'. I lim. . ! i s r ii r t v. in a., .-a", i ii V v. r i 'i .ti'k.i l'i 14 -S AT ll vi V , r it t. vi v r I mi WIS! I , i-1 ill - sia l is I i . Is. I) r M - I I ,.i ills I l't ' t 1' I" I .1 I I I I ' I AtTKACtlONi It 1441 V4 tvll f'4 l 1 l t t a . a vl i lrl I Ihe v I ' t tte il it l 'i It I S a. I til I ,i 4 k i 1 ft.- I 'i.l I. .( 1,1,1 'i 4 GOO! THINGS TO i AT. MISiDlt tASn$ . i a a. ... t ni. t - . 4 . 4. l'J" I 4 , '.'i I a i litA 44 It; t ', ,4" ul l'i I 4 I ti I k uM ti' It, i I a . ii il 1 1 1 ' tl s I'-' -A Hv it a 4' I If . i I ( .at t a i I i ii ii t I ' 4 I ' VI It. I . t an I' ll i !,' .1 - . ion I i e A I.i4' : ii ! '- "i t ti t'nl- N t ).. ' ". ti i ' ""- 'i ' .ji j t t ami s..i i . p , a-ii li'il.'i K I i '' a t t-".k 'i