The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 01, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Strike Forres
Chicago & Alton
to Itec'civcrship
Suit Result of Chiin of $ I I,
000 hy .NVw York Firm
trikrs Itlaiiinl ly
Couiim-I for Line.
t huigo, Aurf. M I he (,!ii jo
K Alton r4ilr"4 wj placed in id
hand of recritert in lotut
jestrrday by J utjf I 4'T!trr, V,
C. li.rrd, president, and Y, W
Whrelmk, H alt'irtiry, were lUil.fd
St llit fi rner..
A'tnrduig to i ttj'rmrnt by NU
)!. Nfawli. appointed (oiiiimI f.r tdr
lifivtii, Id It.nurilip was pre
rplj'H prruinally ty trie
tll ntt off ill Idr ormt.ti f.f id
omp any, due to idr coj rike and
I id rir jiriir due to id
snopmen's (ink
'I he mut rr ult tfiff in Idr receiver-
hii Mini filed dy ide Tu c.ii
panv of Nw York and lliiuo. a
tredilor with a claim nf ulii ul JI-V
At Id office of Mr. trawn, ii
j stated th rr eirrhip will not
ir, any way tluiiK ll'e operation of
tdr road's trams.
M. Mrawn said id board ,( di
rt t tor e,l the road, meeting in
w York yesterday, admitted id
load' insolvency. The indebtedness,
it 4i estimated, will amount id
about $M.0i),iX. What tli iti
will total, at tdi juncture, it i im
possible t nay, Mr. Straw u said.
"Jdr (hiiairo rV Alton railroad
company hat, for several year, been
'liable to mt all ide interest on
lit 6 per tent Kcneral lliorlKJK
bonds," .Mr, Straw n Matetueiit
rrad, "but the lioMcrs of thre bond
liave permitted tde interest to fr
it, aid unpaid in tdr hop that Krn
eral railroad condition Mould ulti
malrly adjust themselves in turh a
iy ii in restore i property to an
4''.if 1 and reasonable preiperuy,
Optutmf Coat Httv.
"t'ri! I the coat strike commenced,
April I, sri'.i earning f,f tht Chicago
K Alton were ery hum!, but. bkt
'! (tidrr i4.ln.41H, ft hat been tuf-ii-iii'j
front nionii and unreason-
dl o.rl4illg, both !H WtrfM
and materials, especially furl, and
Ktsvldy itiounliiiK burden Id
dirr. I hi, lumtvrr, bavr brn hope
ful that these condition would toon
appma.h fiuir. pearly to nomul or
uniild, in rart at Iran, b mt by
1,11. M,r btttort nf brlpful char
a.tif, 'liil mrh rcii com bear par
l:riilar1y bravy on abort railroi.U
vnh piu!v irrmiriali tnch a tli
Al'in, vi tut h jirtr a bill ovr
I "i m.lrt, anij trrniinainiii in the
itit of tbuatfo, M. I.oun and
Kjii.. ( ity, with an avrrag frriiibt
I j 1 j I of only HS tniUi nd an av-
rric tnrnHrr fuul t)f only 65
lllilr I,
Strikrt Blamtd.
"Id icii'ivrr.dip at Id prrnl
tun 4 piccipilatrt by ih grrat
tjllit'i? nif in rjriimgt dtir tn Id roal
triki- an l al lo th furihrr long
1 iiiitinuril and rtlra rxpriurt idle t
llir I jiullmir of the thopmrn I tlrik.
f d t'liiipany't normal roal traffic
i biavy and prartirally all ininri on
it dnrt dav brrn ilotrd inr April
I, lhu ciiMaidiiK bravy o in rvr
nur ati'l at Ihr tain time it hat brrn
onitpi'lleil to buy much of n furl from toiiihrrn firld, which, with
J'l'd'd frriKht thargr paid fornicn
lui, cot 11 two or ihrre timrt ide
former price."
Criirva Woman I Kill"!
Hy Lightning in Colorado
Onrva, Nrh, Aug. 31. (Spacial.)
--Sfrt. John Voightlandtr wai killed
l y a ttrokr of lightning, according
to a inge riivtd by V'. M.
furrrti, father of Mn. Voightlander.
'I h maK. tent from Sterling,
( olo.. ttatrd that th body of Mrt.
Voightlandrr wn being brought
home, Mr. and Mrt. Voightlander
accompanied Mr. and Mn. John
Spohn to Colorado about thre
wcrkt ago when the Spohnt located
in Colorado.
I Labor Secretary
I Warns Against
Repeal of Code
Avrrap1 (!otiiirnatiui IVr Ac
cident to Worltfri Iiirrriiril
From $6.10 to S 18.37
I'ntlrr Strjil.
lUrrxorf Mala lruri.M ml labor.
i From If7 lo 1011 every nun who
trv"J at labor cmiimxiurr of Ne
braka brggrd id v.iiumh Irijinla
turrt and govrruort to nuke an ap
propriaiion in krrpmu with id im
porum e of th labor dm on, dm not
4 Irpiktatnrr or gnvrrnor hut a wili
ng ear to their prayrrt.
In 1111 the bgi.Uiiir pjrd tdr
cod bill and the department of labor
earn into bring
lb compensation dcpartmrnl wat
rrorgamrd and put in tlup to func
t on for vi lnnt of acci
drnit. Forty-two td'niainl of llire
virtinit wrre taken rare of tune I lie
rrorganif anon under (be cod law,
Compemition Increased.
The avrrax compemaiion prr ac
cident wat incrrard fioni f'j.10 in
I'll 5 to $48.17 in 11.V.
'J de ioinpenatiou, mnlical and
botpital exprnte paid lo injtiint
workrrt during lb four veart pre
viout to th enarlfiirnt of th code
law wat f46J,9.M9fl, nd that paid
in th thre and on half yrari unre
thru wa $1 .87S.875.5J an increate of
$ 1. 4 1 -',940 hi.
The complaint of labor in N'
braka for 32 yeart bat been that th
working nin and womrii recrivrd
let conitdrration than did th bogt
and cattle on the farm of the ttate.
Now the department of labor grit
the tame tquare deal under the code
taw at the department nf agri
culture, banking, welfare, public
workt and finance.
Will Affect 1,000 a Month.
The code law cannot bt repealed
iwit'iuiit dotrii) mg tde ladi.r Jrparl
i meril , i vin today.
ide ci!e Uw't irpral would di
1 1 fitly net the iiilrifiit ii l,mn) in
1 u r r I woikeit riih inuutii m Hit
I wrtity-oiic iliouiand winking
nirn and womrii weit id viituut (i
I Huliintrial aiiul'iii in Omaha dur
i nig the line and one lii'f ar
j.iivinii to July 1, )'.'.'. I dliiiiul
the wotkrrt in Omaha wbu ai
iliidid trmii tdt provmont of th
oiiipcnaiioii law, and it v.ouin
mean that approximately out out of
rvny four or In workrrt art in
jured rach ear. D tde want lo
g.i baik to ihr average of 1 1 prr
an. ide lit raid m I V 1 S. or do they
want to be paid an avrraije of 4H .17
pi r accident at u wat lb l''l tin
montht id I''.'.' unrler tdr cod lawf
Carey Admits Defeat
in Wyoming Primary
t'dcvriiiir, Wyo., Aug. 31 Cm'
.rtiior Kodrtt I. Carry yrttrrday
i.Minl a tt.iirriirnt lom-eding thai be
lad lerti dtbalril by Jodn V. Jlay
for ide reiudluan . nomination lor
ir'iriiior in Id primary election lal
i no. lav. iiovcrnor (.arey mat
iinoiiicul rcinrnt ao far rnnved
iibidr it appear prodadlt that be bad
tol the rair.
The goveti'or't ttatemrnt dri tared
tliHt de would remain a republican
and if d udotild ever d a candidal
tor anotlirr pudlic ohur it would
be on tde repudliian ticket.
.NYlirur-ka IIori I Sold
to Italian Hilling Mauler
I'awnee City. Nrli., Aug. Jl.
(Special.! Sylvia, a cream colored
mare with pure white mane and tail,
formerly owned by Frank Howard,
local fiorte riralcr, bat brrn told to
Madame lirdmi. wife of Profrttor
Kednii, riding matter of (he court
of the king of Italy. Howard dn
covrrrd the bnrte on a final I farm
outside thit city and bought it and
later ob it to the American I.cRion
at Auburn, Neb. It wat rafiled off
there, and th bolder of the lucky
number nodi th dome to Ihr Italian
family. It will probably go into the
king' ttablet.
Here you will find not only the kind of music you like best,
but you will find such music presented by the truly great artists
of the world. The numbers are classified for your easy selection.
Hear these new Victor Records any dealer in Victor products will
gladly play any of them for you.
Madame Butterfly O quanti occhi fill
(Oh Kindly Heavens) (Puccini) lit Italian
My Mother (Wagstaff-White)
My Ain Countrie (Demarest-Hanna)
Wonderful World of Romance (Simpion-Wood)
Ay-Ay-Ay (Creole Song) (Perez-Freire) In Spanish
Solvejg's Cradle Song; (From "Peer Gynt")
(a) The First Primrose (i) Greeting
Number Size Trice
Alda-Martinelli 89163 12 $2.00
Orville Harrold 66071 10 1.25
Mme. Louise Homer 87345 10 1.25
John McCormack 66080 10 1.25
TitoSchipa 74753 12 1.75
Lucy Itabelle Marsh .e001 -n -
Lucy l.abelle Marsh 45321 10 100
(Goldrnark) Violin Solo
Jascha Heifetz
Fritz Kreisler
Violin Solo
Concerto in A Minor Andante
Chanson Arabe
(From "Scheherazade") (Rimsky-Korsakow)
Viennese Folk Song Fantasy Violoncello Solo Hugo Kreisler
Oberon Overture Part 1 (Weber)
Mengelberg and N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra
Oberon Overture Part 2 (Weber)
Mengelberg and N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra
Nocturne in B Flat (Paderewski) Piano Solo Ignace Jan Paderewski
Tannhauser Overture Part 3 (Wagner) Philadelphia Orchestra
Lead. Kindly Light (Newman-Dykes) Ernestine Schumann-Heink
f No Night There Elsie Baker
Leave It With Him Elsie Baker
Sweet Indiana Home Alleen Stanley
t Why Should I Cry Over You ? Victor Roberta
Kicky-Koo Kicky-Koo Billy Murray-Ed. Smalle
, A Sleepy Little Village Billy Murray-Ed. Smalle
The Lot Pocket-Book Edgar A. Guest
The Old Wooden Tub Edgar A. Guest
f Oogie Oogie Wa Wa Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
Deedle Deedle Dum Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
WhoTI lake My Flace (When I'm Cone) -Fo Trot Club Royal Orchestra
Georgette Fo Trot
Hot Lips Blues Fot Trot
Send Back My Hontyman Foi Trot
The Sneak I Foa Trot
Are You Playing Fair? Foi Trot
My Rambler Rote Medley Foa Trot
(i mm "irgf.lj Fullwi")
Dancing Fool Foa Trot
Swanee Ulutbird Foa Trot
Juit Becauaa You're You Fo Trot
Club Royal Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
The Virginians
Club Royal Orchestra
Zei Confrey and His Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and Hit Orchestra
Club Royal Orchestra
The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
All Star Trio and Thtlr Orchtitra
74764 12 1.75
66079 10 1.25
66082 10 1.25
74766 12 1.75
74767 12 1.75
74765 12 1.75
74768 12 1.75
87340 10 1.25
45322 10 1.00
18922 10 .75
18918 10 .75
45320 10 1.00
18917 10 .73
18919 10 .75
18920 10 .75
1S921 10 .75
18023 10 .75
18921 10 .75
IlLCENTLY ANNOUNCED 1 Victor UcamL for Health Excrcli-3
double-faced ten-inch records, 12 ecrciei,. complete lurt cost $J for the
act and nuke daily exercising a pleasure!
Victor Talking Machine Company, Cnmdon.NJ.
Colorado Miners
Will Resume Work
at Oltl Wage Scale
Men Ar Autlmriinl to Re
turn a Rate It Put Into
Effect Hy Coal
Puebirt, Aug. Jl (olotada coal
miners who bate brrn on itnke aiuct
April 1 were autbnrned to mum to
wuik at inon at tbe wave icale in
elicit November 1, I''.!. it reiloied
by mine oneri, following meet
ing of tbe executive board ui didnct
No. IS of the I nited Mine Workert
of Ami in a field yeilerdjy afternoon.
1 be action followed the announce
ment tbat Colorado operators proba
bly Mill relore tbe old wage scale
alter a conincrne with tbe ktale in
dustrial ioinmiion at Dcttvrr.
Teb gramt were ifipalcbed to tnort
th.'in (l'i local of Hie union in Colo
rado auiboriing tlirm in call meet
ing at once and accpt the agreement
of operator to lettore tbe wage icale
in eflect prrior to November I.
Tbe decision of tbe operators wa
bailed a a victory for tbe miner ol
the ttate bv A. J. Mctiuire, pretidenl
of diMrict No. IS, wbo announced the
action of tbe executive board. Me
declared tbat approximately 7,SoO
miners would return to work in coal
mine in (dorado a s remit of the
deciaion of tbe mine owners to rein
state tbe old wage scale.
Pioneer Omaha Business
Man Dies at Home Here
One of Omaha' pioneer butineit
men, timer J. Davii, 67, died st hi
home, .5115 Can street. Wednesday
night following an extended illnett.
For 45 years a reiidcui of Omaha,
Mr. Davit for the lt 30 yeart had
operated the heavy hoisting and haul
ing huhinets which carried bit name.
Luring that period hi firm handled
akuott all of the fafe moving and
other heavy tramfer work in the city.
He it survived by two brother,
Mortimer and Eltyl, both of Lake
wood, l'a ; two tiitcr, Mrt. Sylvia
Vat Binder, 3115 Ca treet, and
Mr. A. H. Cain. 2784 Capitol avenue,
and a niece, Miss Zena V'a Binder,
Funeral nervice will be held st 2
Saturday afternoon from the Crane
Catfish Caught at Fairhury
Makes Meal for 10 Families
Fairbury, Neb., Aug. 31. (Spe
cial.) A blue channel cat weighing
37 1-2 pound wa cauht bv Clar
ence Galbraith in the filue river on
hi farm near Fairbury.
The fish bad traveled out of deep
water and bad stopped in shallow
water exposing about half of ii
body. It capture wa effected by
beating it over the head with a club.
When the fish was drcwed there
wa sufficient choice steak to feed 10 j
Executive Committee j
Named by Democrats!
Lincoln, Aug il Statt Cht'iman
T, S. A!n of the democratic Hate
committee jetterday selected IS men
jand tetrn uomen membeis of stale
committee to ert on tht tieiutivfj
Thoie named tie: Dr. Jennie CiH
fa. Mi II ). Halev. Arthur I.
Mullen, lee Huff and I. ). Dunn of
Omaha: J S. MrCarty, C. J (snip
bell snd Mm. I. ,H C la ton, Lincoln;
I red V. Ahlon, Cusnd Idand; ohn
Cutrighl, I runout; M II, en.
lUliron; W. J, McNichoU, I.exing
ton; Mi Fdus Uilb, Central Cilv;
K. A. (oufal, Dasid ( ity; J. R.
Swain, (ireetey; Mr. Abet Brooke,
llasiiug.; W Smith, Seward; II.
S. Duiigan, Mailing; F. S. 1'larek,
W'aboo; Mi. Anna (jrav Clark. Og.
lllala: V. II. Somerville, McCook,
and Mis Maude (iillnpie, Huihville.
Omaha Autoist Kills
Youth in Sioux City
Sioux City, la, Aug. 31 (Special
Telegram ) William Reminer, V,
wa fatally injured and died shortly
after being tirurk by an automobile
duven by Fred A. Teterton, IS,
Omaha. I'eterton, driver of the car,
and his father, A. O. Telerton. J.UJ
Cuming treet, Omaha, were taken
to the police ttation, questioned and
They declared that they were driv
ing slowly at the time of the acci
dent snd could not svoid hitting tbe
boy with their machine. Witntitei
of the accident corroborated their
130 Expected to Attend
Deaf Association Meet
Nearly ISO attendant sre expected
st the annual convention of the Ne
braska Anociation of the Deaf st
Hotel Rome, September 6, 7, a Slid
9. The officer of this organization
are: O. II. Blanchard, preiidrnt: Mil
Lottie Kindred, vice pretident; jame
Jeliuek, tecreiary; Mr. S. L, Hurt,
The speaker will be: Mayor J. C.
Dablman, addrrt. of welcome; Scott
Cusraden of Omaha, repone; Rev.
f. It. Cloud of St. Louis, "Meihod;"
F. C. Andrewieski of Akron, O., "The
Deaf in the Industrial World;" Ly
man Hunt of Koshonong, Mo., "Mu
cle Shoal and the Chances for the
F"uture F.mployment of the Deaf,"
and J, C. Howard of Duluth, Minn,
on a subject not yet announced
Farmer Ncqr Dubois Is
Badly Scalded hy Steam
Pawnee City, Neb., Aug. 31.
(Special.) C. F-. Lynch, farmer liv
ing near Dubois, was terribly tcalded
by steam from his tractor while
plowing. The fan belt had broken
and the water became boiling. He
slopped and removed the cap from
tbe radiator. Immediately there wa
an explosion and he was enveloped
in steam.
I ,jHi Expected tl Attend
Reserve Officers' Reunion
Dr, L. M I'a'iir, fliautiun of lb
rcetptioit committee of bt Sesrnth
Corp Air Ketene Oftuei' associ
ation, tstiKtt second annual ronsrn-
mn still consent in Omaha Srple in. :
her IK lo announced at a prelum-:
Ktif nieelmg st the Attilfiic tlth
Wednesd4V n'ght Hut .5iKI letertt
cfiuert vs ill attend ht reunion. '
1 hint attending will tank from'
tecond liewtentiii to colonel and '
wilt tome (rem Nebraska, Missouri.)
South Snd .forth Dakota, Kans, j
Aikants snd Minnesota
Tht reunion will be held durim
Ak-Sar-lleti fettual. The ollicei !
will bt entertained at a imlitaiy bill,
s visit to the race snd will parlui-j
pale in s partite. A hannurt ao will j
be tenUred tliein St Hotel J oule. ,
nelle. 1
A surprise
all around
Unexpected guests can't
surprise you as much as
you can surprise them
with an unexpectedly
good meal, if you have
a supply of Heinz Oven
Baked Beans on hand
always ready to eat-just
heat and serve.
with Tomato Sauce
August Sale Prices Continue Friday-Saturday
At the request of a number of customers August Sale Prices in our Fur
niture Department will be effective up to Saturday evening of this week.
This extends the sale date to include Friday and Saturday, September
1 and 2.
Royal Easy Chairs
Are Featured for Friday in Our
August Furniture Sale
"Push the Button
the Back Reclines
This in brief tells the story of the ease and re
laxation found in this famous chair. When
you sit in one of them and press the button,
the back drops to any angle you desire, and
with your feet stretched out on the footrest as
the doughboys say, ".You're sittin' on the
40,00 Royal Easy Chair
August Sale Price 28.00
Illustrated loft nlove, in quartered oak or ma
hogany finished frnme, upholstered imitation
60.00 Royal Easy Chair
August Sale Price 42.00
Illustrated riitht (below), mahogany finiah,
very eomfortnhly upholstered in tapestry.
lJoyal Kay Chair, 1 Q
now specially price! at AtDU
Kovnl Kny Chair, OO rrr
now specially priced at mmiI J
31.00 Iioyal K..y ( hair, f)f nr
now s.pecially priced at svth I ij
3i0rt Uoyal Kasy Chair, Or Ijr
now nrecially priced t D I D
5. f. Car. It'll, and Uuufla
I .'. In 4 DtUt
I..... ; .V & .'. y f ,1r m M1 ;i, --, ' a '..r