The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 01, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    TIIK O.M.MIA :t-.K: HtlOAY. H-n KM i:hK 1. I'M.
First Indicliuent
. Charges Murder
. . . in Herrin War
Mirion Mao Actuel of Fir
' In- Shot Which Killed Su
prrinirndent f Mint
Nam Srrret m
Union. III. Aui Jl.(Dy A. P)
Oi t lark. union tuel nenrr, iht
fiftt mtt inditlrd hy the apriiel
ttn jury mvotlg"ng iht Hrrrin
mtttt(i, in tthith u per ton trc
Itilltd, urrtnilffl ahcitly brfoif
noon. Ht i chr(ri with the niunlrr
f C, K. McPofll, sutarrintriMrnt
ul the Lti'r ttnp mint htre tht
mtttterc ctcufrtil.
Mtrion, An. 31 The grind
jury ytilrreUy fiunifl its tiri in
Mm rift MmtigttioM.
rlirttnent In contiff lion iih the
1 he rhirgt it MuHrr and the nun
DtnHd, k Mtrion rlttsrn. it arcuttd '(
having lird th thot tthuh killed C
K. MclJoll, luprnntrnHrnt ot tbt
Southern Illinois ('oil nnnrt, Jun
2 during the inanh to Herrin aitrr
Mi Dowel) ind tlit other mine em
!loyf had eurrendrred. under guar
iintec of nfe rnnduct.
A wtrrtnt (or arret! vtai irumnli
ately give to on of the if trial dep.
ut thtriMt ppointtr to work p
t It t ce under Attorney (jeneral
Hrundige. The identity of the mm
i tvithhtuf until apprehennon.
1 action of the grand jury at
the tlc tl only three dayi' invriti.
atlion comet at uittinct iirin.
Indirtmenti had not been expected
for wtekt. The eaplanatton given ol
t n i nitty action n tiiat the prote
rutlftn learned that the actuied man
had fcten telling hit property end it
at tuipected he might be preparing
io inc.
' Union lo Defend Men.
Thi'i indictment came while the
(hicft of the minert' union, including
Preiident , Frank Ftrringmn, tnrj
their attorney!, with A. V. Kerr,
rhiff etluntel, were in conference
afroit the tlrcet from the jury room.
Mr. Farrington had jutt given to
interview to the effect that the miti
ert' union would throw ell ita force
around the men who might be ac
euied in thin cae. Five miautet later
the newt of the indictment tpread.
Thi'i it the firit action of any kind
towtrd fixing responsibility for the
Herrin matnarre in which 21 wert
killed and 16 injured-
Hungarian! on Austrian Line.
Vienna, Aug. Jt.-(Uy A. P.)
Reportt of the concentration of Hun
BinlN ltwrmo rtn tl.a wtctfrn rrAmt
of Aultfia are officially confirmed.
Three timet Mitt Marv l.aiidon
Paker. beautiful ( liicino heirei.
hat left her pertintent funce. Al-
litter Mi Commit, rich t hicaxo man,
wailing at the church. J lie fir it t time
the guettt were attcmblH in. the
church when the postponed the cere
mony. J he fourth time may "take."
for they are now reported ready to be
married "aomrwherc in England" be
tween September 18 and 21. But no
one ran tell a woman't mind, and the
nat a right to change it.
Want a
Good Coat?
' 1 r
Of "Marvella," "Ge.
ron" or "Faihona"
Cloth. With luxur
loui fur collars and
enffa of baby beaver,
Persian lamb, real
caracul or dark Siber
ian squirrel.
And Then
Have that coat in a
imart, individual
tyl, with wonderful
quality of Canton
Crept lining and fully
Interlined, that you
can buy for $69.50 and
aty atatai up to 1133.
We hiva them in tha
beat aasortmant w e
hiva, avar ahown.
Wa'ra folna; t eipact
yoa any day now,
i r J 1' M
1111 raram
e"er f '"vW-w
Will He Be Left Waiting
at Church Fourth Time?
Senate Passes Bonus;
Veto of Bill Expected
((unllnutd Ynm fm nt.)
rerjuett for continuance. Keprcicnl
ative Mondell of Wyoming, the re
publican leader, taid the house would
tend it to conference Friday under
tpecial rule.
Plan Quick Action.
The tenate conferee! named 'are
those who now are Working on the
tariff bill and the house It expected
to appoint itt managert on the tariff
measure. Since there it no terious
diipute between the two housee on
the bonut, the confcreei are expected
to lay aside the tariff long enough
to agree to a report on the bonut.
Four hourt of debate ; preceded
senate action, with Senatort 'Lo'die
of Massachusetts, the republican
leader; Pomerene, democrat, -Ohio;
Keed, democrat, Missouri : Suther
land, - republican, Wett . Virginia?
framell, democrat, Florida, and
Hefhn. democrat, Alabama, arguing
in tupport of the measure and Sen
ators Sterling, republican, South Da
kota; Owen, democrat, Oklahoma,
and Watson, democrat, Georgia, op
posing it, " '
Neither tenators nor - spectators
manifested particular interest in the
proceedingi at the discussion pro
ceeded, but just before the vote came
both the senate chamber and galler
ies filled quickly.
Spectator! Applaud.
With the announcement of
tult there was applause from spec
tators, particularly from one section
of the galleries, where there were a
number of service men. So effort
was made to prevent this demonstration.
Government experts estimate the
total cost of the bonus at $.1,845,659,
481 on the basis of 75 per cent of
the veteran electing the certificate
plan, iZVi per cent the farm and
home aid and 2Vi per cent the vo
cational training. This cost would
be divided annually as follows: 192.1,
$77,440,889; 1924, $92,177,729; 1925.
$7J.100,962: 1926, $.170,229,885; ' 1927,
$148,962,215; 1928, $1.17,564,284; 1929,
$92,176,417; 19.10, $.36,372,946; 19.11,
$25,466,117; 19.12, $21,955,771; 19.13,
$18,503,421: 1934, 18,788,1.17; 1935,
$19,1.16,157; 19.W, $19,488,037; 19.17,
$27,405,210; 1938, $27,854,752; 1939,
$28.409,2W; 1940, $1.1,991.518; 1941,
$7,783,804; 1942. $104,498,26.1. Totals
to 1943, $1,136,741,670; 1943 to 1946,
T2,708,9I7,8I1. Total, $3,845,659,481
This tolal it'e xrlusive of any ap
propriationt that would be made tin
der the $350,000,000 land rcrlamation
rrovision, but urnbr that provision
the government finally would recover
these costt. I he tolal of the err
lifirate plan is placed at $3,364,909,
481; farm and home aid. $412,425,000;
vocational training, $52,325,000, and
cash payments to vetcrant receiving
$50 or lest, $I6,000,ikio.
Language Law Trial
Completed at Lincoln
Jhe Chiropractor,
Lincoln, .Aufr.; 31, (Special" Tele
gram.) Trial of trusters ajid dca
cont (A f?the Germart Evangelical
church atjXmcrald, changed with re
fusing to permit icrviAet iniEnglith
held at the church, was completed
in justice court late last night. The
tix church officials admit the door
was locked and kffy- unobtainable
v.hen certain church members desir
ing to bear services in English called
at the church. Their defense was that
a majority cf nwmbertf Were against
sfrvkes in'.-Ennlislf. and lheir busi
ness was to permit the majority to
rule. It is the first prosecution un
der the new American J.egion lan
guage bill passed by the last legisla
ture. I)oyle, assistant county
attorney and American Legion mem
ber, is conducting , the prosecution,
while C. A. Soxwtson and 1 h. liol
len are conducting the defense.
Justice of peace fined each of six
deacons $25 and costs. They filed
notice of appeal to the district court.
Memlier of Mexican
Chamber of Deputies Shot
Mexico City, Aug, 31. ( Hy A. P.)
Tortuao Lemns, a ro-operationist
deputy, was shot and killed today in
the green room of the chamber of
teputics. Martin tiarra, an inrle
nendent member, is charged with
the shooting, which followed a dis
pute over the contested credentials
of the two men as deputies from the
state of Michoacan.
13 Die in B. C. Mine Blat.
Cumberland. B. C, Aug. 3J. Fif
teen mon were killed and 16' injured
in the explosion which occurred laic
yesterday in No. 4 mine i)f the Ca
nadian collieries of the Diiiismuir coal
properties here. All of the bodies
have been recovered.
(ireeks Attempt
Counter 'Attacks
on Turk Advance
I.olatnl Drivri Suon to lie
Kullnwnl Iiy (Irncral (Ire
cidii Offentive Fight
ing I Hitter.
Smvrn.1. Auk. 31 -(By A. P.)
The drrtk army in AU Minor,
which h been fjlhng back before
the Turkish natiunalutt along
wide front, was understood tht
nioininf to be attempting muntrr
.ttatkt Mlovunu the ariiwl oi fein
Thre isoUted counter dritrt were
toon to be followed by a grneral of-
feiuive by the Greiki, the adtuee re
ported. The civilian Greeks and Armenian
in the invaded district are following
ihe Greek army, (caring a massacre.
liitetmiie lighting was continuing
yenterdjy between the Grrrkt ami
the Turks tonthward of the Aliuo
Karahiar r!way. It it believed
line tbtt Mui-uplM Kniul I't.ha htt
concentrated 70,000 troopt and more
than 20U gun for the olfensive
jiM, list the Grcekt.
I lie tireekt, thotigh greatly out
niiiiihercd, are offering stubborn re
sitauie to the rnasie rnuan
like tactics of the Turks. All avail
able Greek tioopt are being brought
up to the tirue of the hostilities.
Heavy Fightini.
Constantinople, Aug. 3r(Cy A.
P.) T fir first communn,uet issued
by the Turkish natinnatistt on the
battle centering- around Aiiuiv Kara
lunar'! that the fighting was
xtrtmrly lirtvy. The Turks do not
give the number of Greekt taken
prisoner, but say they captured con
siderable booty.
The Kmalii, according t the
communique!, were forced t break
through a triple defense system of
barbed wire entanglement!.'
General Triroupit, ireek com
mander, eMected the evaluation l
the city in a tkillful manner. The
Turkish cavalry pursued the Greekt
toward lianaz, to be southwest, but
the retreat wat finally brought to a
standstill by counter attacks. '
The fall of Alum Karahissar, al
though a serious lost to the Greekt.
does not involve the evacuation of
Pittsburgh Soft Coal
Strike Is Settled
Pittsburgh. Aug. 3l.-niy A. P.)
The bituminous tosl strike in the
Pittsburgh district became history
Four men, seated around a table
in the office of the Pittsburgh Coal
rompany, signed the agreement which
terminated the bituminous struggle.
J. M. Armstrong, general manager,
and J. A. Uonaldson, vice president,
represented the operators; William
I largest and P. T. Pagan were the
official! of the United Mine Workers.
Two disputed poind were compro
mised. The, demand of the mine
workers that nonunion men employed
at the company' minei be discharged
was accepted. , .It was 'understood,
however, that some of these workert
will be unionized.
Eastern Nebraska Corn iKntomlied Millers
Benefited by Rain
J.mti.l.i. An,? .11 - lie M'n t i li.t
Week in II f Un 'i Ml N ,i4kA
i. unlit wat Imi.iI.iwI an I t rn
rontiiiuit in fj r ti go-'.! uti'lit..n
III tlll fm" n.llg .i the1 , ,
wrtkly rrp sumnuiy Msued 1 llfff KoUtft) Ol 1-tCJJie lot.
ty l. A, l iinU'i'i. iiictc"rwioi:t in
rgf (i the Htrfilur bure4il here
Alive Is Helief of
lieseue Kxperts
Jhe ilanilge t. corn in i.oitlirru
countirt Im. In hi lets than in tut.
eru lountics.
In the miimI and oi;lnrn
C'tinliri the ilamage lo corn bat
been J.irtfr, t!ie i.niiiMry ij'rf, n,J
gnu-io! 1 4 iii now v .11 nut it ii ut tin
) iild. Cutting ioiii f ir fuddi-r and
nage now is in pingicM in nutiy
pbuit. Pastures aie iimnly wry
tlry in the ioiitlnrn p;nt ol H e tt.itr
'I L ,. .. I . A . . ...
til'le In 17 Mm Iinjiritoneii
Jint e Jstiihljy Fire
Die Down.
J he wnk ii'l!!rf Migiinl .'7 was
.,.!,!.. i.,r .III Hi,,. I
Plowing imde slow pingrii, ,utlwrr
this woik It well ftilvatiiril for tli'
Kj'iin. Sugar In cli coii(;iu:e in
giod ti. million,
1 rn pi latuie f'ir tiic sirrk rr
aged .1 ibgieii above iinrinal. Pain-j
fall vat light, rangirg trmu none lo
.1 ilkh.
Jiikton, Cal, Auit 311 hire
rouli t of ri-.ipe fioni the pitihbU'k.
nunkr-chiiked iiiidergrouiid mine
drills In Hie ttililiglit 'l I I ' rPn
ground where t n Hired lungs might
drink tbep ol f re li brtrtes, ata s
sible to the 47 tniiurs iniinsiii,cd
m i , i 1 1 : ! : t 1 1 n . ' i v in the four
levdi of the Argonaut mine.
Report Says Odessa Soviet
Has Renounced lUobhevihtn
I.ondon, Aujr..3l. fBy A. P.)
A dirpaich to the Daily Mail from
Herlin says a report hat been re
ceived in the German capital that the
Odessa soviet has purged itself of
bolshevism, proclaimed lis independ
ence of Moscow ana called upon all
citizens to unite against the "cim
niunist usurpers."
Road Conditions
FiiriilNlifl hy tha Omaha Auto Huh.)
I.lnroln HlshWiiy, Kant Homlg tr MIk
miurl Vall'iy Jiiat fair; Mlmoiirl Valley to
l'nfKnn rouglt; from iJcnifin tuiit fair
In ynon
I.Tninln limhvvay, West !tour 11 tnll'
wist on Ixi'Ik airciM: 6tnir on. mil
nurih, ih-nn, m to Lincoln Highway
axntli; roarla eoml.
o. L. II, Kos'la aomwhat choppy and
anil dusty to Aahland; hliil mil roada
H. T. A. Roala on1.
Slrrldlan Highway Ito;i1a fond.
I'lirnhukkor lliKhway liuadii ynod.
HlKhlan'l Tlilorr llnadu aood.
Waahlngion Jliahway Roada aomawhat
roiish around lllnlr; from Blair north
roarlH goofi.
Omnha-Tilia Highway Roadi good to
iiinnba-Topfaa Highway Roada good to
ntnta lina.
Kins" nf Trslla. North Roada aom
wht rouah to Mlaaourf ValUy; from
.Minn. mi I Valtoy n'Tih, roada food,
King of Traila, fioulh H"H'la good to
AtrhNnn: , bad detour btwtn A'chlaon
and -r,awnwr)rth; t,avnwtirlh to Kan
aaa l'1'y. fair.
itlvi.r lo itivr jtoaa itoaa cioata; aa
tmira also eioawd.
i li lin Ko-f lina h . Hhoriln Roada at 1 1 II
rough and muddy In aired'hea to Atlan
tic aal. rnaila fair to annil.
I. H Hhuillin Itoad Jual fair; muddy
In alra'thra.
Office Adjuttmentt are 12 for
$10.00 or 30 for $25.00
Will reteiva teuaal - tworsl. '
aataUl ) pkltl liaia- .
In. Coaal thr, tfitlril
are anal klaallf tiittliaa
Itiurt all arauaal a)atUti
meal. Jvaik (tt4
up. Ff ttttlaa afd'at
Capt. R.H.Druramond
C.e.. Srt SI, 111
Friday and Saturday
Introductory Sale
A ale not tn trifth mnncy, but to make
cuslomcra and frlfntU for our npw tnrt
Thlt Iti'ra opened latt week with Irani paw ttnek of
Ladies' Coats, Suils and Dresses
In ordr to M lh jMitillr? know thf K int rf ntfrrhainlise
v rt carrying, wo hav taken every new fall unit
winter garment and marked them to pell at practically
coat price.
Drettat ) Drtit Winter Coalt Winter Ctiati
Mtda lo m!1 Mt ! to a-l! : Vi la t- ..!! j Mttt t i ..!!
up ti l.'i An. j up t 1 11 I up t 13 ,v, up la Si m,
$16.75; $24.75; $24.75 $34.75
Humlittli of rncre 'tlul garmcnti
at rel value price.
1 At 3 t'amam Jlra.t MenagH'a OKI LtKatioiv
Music to Cheer
Wis in Ho)il:il
Nclirafka Legion Auxiliary
I'reenlt Hadio irt to (!oI
fax (la.) Itihtittilioii., Cal, Aug. 31. Wivrt
Mti-I fatinlit-a l I de rlit'Uiilifd niffl
in llir AiK 'ttuit iiimr Kjllirifl at
the iii'iiilli of tl'C tlialt in irayrf
iiiiTtiiiR tdi- rtird4y. Ovrr
liU'l, t It- v. ilK lir .crraniril ami
ri t-i tu-'l a wdikrrt wt-te luni-r-r.
into I lie tiillt. In tl'B utrl
at I tic wimlit-t jaii'rd fitiM ',c
hf4nl llic prayrlt offrrrd for llir
nalc ililivrry t.f turn iiii;irinrl
lirnrly a nnlc lr:low.
IICU IIU.I tt4t In I'l tliit
liiniiiiiirf at St. J'atruk't tliutdi.
'llir rv. 1 a'lirr Kmriiry run
duiird tin; Krvint and taid
;t.irr (nr tfir tuiiitra.
Munic tiow ft 1 1 a tlif lullt of I'ni'r'l
Statrt linipiul Su. 75 at Ctt, I fi
wla-rc many vtar vrlnaitt arc ra-
tii iil . ,
Aiucrii ,i'i I.i i" n auxiliary, ilii'.irt-
n.ftit of .Nrliravlta, ttl in uilit rt,
itrMrnljiy aitrrilomi l.rrncntnl to tlif
lioM'iUl a ladi'j outfit that tout $1'''.
Kvrry lioiimal In d lut a rrttivt-r.
and ii iii.iii,ivrixi t throw the
iiniiiic and mcat'itfra inli tirrnlir.
Mr. -,' 1!. J'tiiiit'y irriJciit,
and Mrt, J. V.. !;iird, luitiiinal cnm
rililti -I'woiiian, itia'lc tin- icm titi;oti
for tlit auxiliary. Kadio took Mrt.
IVnnry't mrniKC to lirdiast vrirr.iiit.
IScIlevue liliool, wlnrli hut K'l it't-f-rjnt
at Miitlrtit. today will rttrive
from the auxihcry, in fnniial jircHtn
t.itinii crrcnioiiics, a taxnf'lioni', a trt
of brlli, a trombone and a cornrt to
coni;It:lc itt irclii-tra.
The auxiliary attrticd itt mriiibi rt
10 cfnt tvir.h for the Colfax radio
outfit and rain-tl inont-y for the Htl
Irvue gift by holdiiiK a daiy talr.
Court lTpli!d Nomination of
Oregon (i. O. P. (lamliilatcH
Salt-m', Ore.. Au. 31,-Iim W.
Olrott, wlioe fioiimiaiioii ai the n--ftiblitail
party't randidate for kov
trnor wat contested on In half of
Charles Hall, wat declared to be the
regular repttbliran nominee in an or
der signed by the circuit court today.
Two are through iaiaxet vfiiili
noikrrt are t. ".i'tmg to rut ihii
the Kennedy, an adjoiniilK hiuie, ''he
third it tliroiieli lh thait tlf 'the
AtK'HiHilt' itat'K. " , '
A tt-tond rr.i.ue corj't, on a trvtl
ft f t below the Ktoui that hat
worked tun e Monday to feat f the
entombed men. today had made per
rritib!c JiroKreta, ft will be a long
aii c throimh im to U ft't ol loote
dirt befi'tc a M'J-foof t. alt of tolid
la rraebf.d.
'I big tecond rorpa, tlartiiiK at 6
o'tlixk" last liiKbt. it woikiiiK.lrom
the i.'XKi foot level of the Kennedy
mine, burrottiiiK loard the4,olW
foot levtl of the Argonaut,
Three hundred feet above them toil
and twtat the half naked worleit
who have (lulled in brief thiftt linre
Monday lo tut throUKlt molt that
700 feet of loote dirt and i ttiibcra and
JO feet of hard rotk. Thry atrurk
a eavc-iii la-t night, tlowiuz t Heir
proKrct. They c-ttiinated there
would be between W and 100 feet
more of roi k and dirt to be cleared.
The fire in the mine thaft it out,
Thil was the announcement lat
niRht of expertt workiiiff in the
ArKonaut thaft itself, 'the heat in
the thaft, they taid, wat to interne
that tlamrt may break out again at
any time. It will be five tlayt be
fore an entrance may be made
through the flame-charred it-ctjon
above the .VOUO foot level to reach
the mm on the levclt below.
Punch With a 'Kick' Draws 10,00(1
New Hat Store Opens Up in Gotham leverage
Served, Approved, Tasters Tell Friends Riot
'Police. . ,
New York, Aug. 31. The rumor
went abroad in the Timet tquare dis
trict yesterday that there wat a
"stick" in the punch being served
customert and callert at the opening
of it new popular priced hat store at
24 East 1-orty-tecond street, which
in the morning papers had advertised
a collation for all comers.
Within 10 minutes after the' first
samples of the punch many had
voiced approval, the More was so
crowded that nobody inside could
move and hundreds massed about the
entrance clamoring for admission.
The store is 1J5 feet deep and IS feet
wide and it has no itar exit and only
one entrance door.
In the crush three youths were
pushed through the plate glass win
dows in front of the store and were
severely cut hy pieces of glass. The
noise of the windows' crash caused
panic within the store and consterna
tion in the crowd, now numbering
thousands, outside.
Added thousands came from all
directions. Traffic was blocked on
Forly-second ttreet to Fiftieth ave
nue and the effect of the jam of hu
manity was seen at far east at Grand
Central terminal.
1'olice reserves came on the run (-
and with night ttickt battered a way
through the crowd, estimated then
at 1(1,000 persons. Kiotous scanes
were matted and many persons
were trampled before the crowd was
dispersed and order restored.
What was lift of the punch
spilled and evidence for a charge of
violating the prohibition laws was
not obtained, but Kdgar (i. Gould,
vice president of the company
operating the store, was arrested far
violation of a city ordinance and
will have to answer in court tomorrow.
.0 ?
w it .vt t -
"Oh, Baddy hoy! look
what Mother wtnt and put
into thm tuneh basketa
vhotm whoppinn fug pack
oa of Ktltngg't Corn
Hah;! Buddy, I !!! f
can oat jutt about twita
os much a you do my,
houi I lev Xtllott'tt" i
i ..-r'11" .
lime to stop eatmg
wonderful lor the whole family
Natum rebels against lioayy foods in warm weather.
Much illness in summer is caused by overtaxing tha
ttomarh. Change your diet and keep snappy in mind
and muscle I ,
Kellocc'a Corn Flakes with fold milk and fresh fruit
are wonderful for the hot d4ys for breakfast, for lunch,
for supper or for 'snicks." They digest without taxing
tha stomach and supply the nourishment the body needs.
For children, for the workers and
for the aged there is no more delicious,
suttsinin summer food than Keller's '
Corn I I ikes.
Ituiat out Kall'e Cm TUi ta tl-t
dt p t4 tiKriN r.t,i atti ut tut.
tuit ( W, K. Kll(, ii,inyr tU
lUata, lat tit (taaiae iUwt Ut
v 1 fee?
When the Kiddies
Return to School
Their Shoes - -
Sturdy little shoes in black and tan calf
that were built over foot-form lasts.
They have the sowed wlen, insuring
comfort for growing feet. Widths A
to C.
Sizes 81-2 to 11, $4.50
. r Sizes 111-2 to 2, $5.00
Their Hosiery
Ponv Hosiery is the best of all for it has
. triple knees, heels and toes. Heavy,
medium and lightweight, in black,
white and cordovan. Price 50c and 60c.
Main Floor
Remnants of printed voltes, tiusues, chant
thray$, crepes and sports skirting In lengths
for all. dress purposesvalues to 75c for
15(h yard.
Socend Floor
1 JiA
. "U ll I M
atksV T6tt Rtl aaaaal
Septembcrcords OutomorroW
SEPTEMBER and comes the homing of the Harvest, t
time of festivity and rejoicing. With the waning of the
glorious Harvest Moon comet Good-by Summer, long even
ing inrloort, and the rail for thr Bumper If arvent of September
Red Records the Rrrordt it pays to gather and ttore. Be
came Vocation Red Records Last,
N: SiU friu
14174 If I .TS
5je.W 12 S 7S
20006 10 I 0
At Partlnt ...
I Hear Ttirualt tt
. Pmina Rolvrli. rnnlral't
llflrn Clark, mmo'-
t J 'Th. T,n l,n,if!.ril ( .VI,umflMi,.
Oiacorao Ulmini, Baritone I
, Orlnk to Ma Only With Thine t.yoo a;o)
Ne he and Sara Konni
I'll Slnfl Thee Sonila of Arahy , ...t harlra JUrt. Tenor I
I ...... I lr ! i i' r r
t hark Hart, Tenor-Et her Kclaon, Soprano
llonay. I Wanti Ver Now
t. Sandman Criterion Male Quar.
Oh, Prorolae Me Vicou-RiinaU 6' K )
' LIIIa.. .ltaB. Rarllnn.t
PaMude nird'a Farewell (
i K..rl. Hart. Tenor Eillort Shaw, Baritone
Whan 1 Awake
1 Love a Llitle Cottage... Colin O More, Tenor
Thy Gotta Quit Klckln' My Dawg Aroun'
I y Mennini
ejr Klnt Ctltrrlon Mate (Juanei
Sonet lee Char let Harriaoa, Ten
Kocked In the Oadle of the
Wilfred Glenn, Ban
14MJ if .It
14J7f If' .7S
I4J73 If TJ
ntn i
i4.i7 ir
I4J7S If .74
I If l
sjtwt tr
.WIS 10
Mlftnoo PolonaUte (T(nraai).-. Evelyn fcotney, Soprano
Zaza-Canionedl Mlllo UoniovalM In Itilian
Oiulio ( rlini. Tenor
Waahlnftlon Poat Match
Smper Fldflla March (.VbioI , ,f U1M iv
Ueut. Hancii souihftland n.i Ills 7th Re.'. Btml)
In f Jondola t,hlmon) 1 jf If
Orientate ((.ml Marie rtwaon Morrell, I llnlrt I
The Stianrt 0'ianet I ,,,
A i inun Iialliail I
Billy Jonei) ,.u, ...
. linney fliir.1
in Trot (Front Zirg
.... f.l,wlw
RK:k Me In My Swmit t.radle
Whnpver You're l.oneaoui ...
Send Itatk My Honey -Mail
Neilh the South Sea Moon-11
(eld l-'olliea, lJJI .. 0.,'4J7Jf
Il.i nlnon Some Ke.llo - Intro. "My Rtmbln Rj-t '
wilriri::.T,.- Ran,....,.
Who'll Take My Plate -Hoi-Trot )
l,wr.lle rui liii t Itit If
Kniil t "Irman and Hia Monimartre Preheiira )
Hot It Wlilla Danilna Poi.Tn t I
tf ii uua a ( ( f Orf'wMiif I41H If
Blue -Foa TriH .Veik.i' h. h. juaia Oniir,u.
Sun.lilne Alley- Hus-TM , (..,,.
h. rt.rMh liul t ln.-l'.lic.l tfl Hal Mtfltltlt
, iv lirity lnhy" . Veikea" . . rl-iUU ditimlia)
Old lime Waliaeei Net I To I "He ' l
t ii. !. 1 here 1 t Hly I'M tail n H la . Mr I
i,i Hi. Il.i.l h.,.. m . :Hiri'a '.'. I ..... ...
Pant. In Mil -A the tiki Ai-fle Ti, Jjtl i"
l.Ml. Mvl,l UH- vim I
Salvia t UaiKi ' '' , ... ,
b- t litik-. Hut
AaMlian muhtMiy lM.e .niat sl I" ' (
ltl7 If
It-tTt If
Aeolian IMI..F .- , -
.e C.ttanef twill l '' . r'''!
v.,. r.....J H.. Jul Ik I a Ma... I. '! I M'
T.R.t- Nit 't"'."l - Miliy)llj
I ShaJay A I itl .,el
, ,7S
Oakfcrcl Music Co.
41'J South 1 til K St., Omtht, NW.
Ik Aal' fnrta. Nw Yata, Makan
4.a-,wMucui.ouu...iuouUiUM,,.4k.-i.4 jij; i j.; WANT AUS-lHIiY URI.Nii ItKSUIJS