The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 29, 1922, Image 7

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    IHfc; OMAHA HKK: UEMA., AtiiLT Wil
Villa on Sunny Riviera
Enthralls Omaha Women
Of kit the iiiMisriilr. of (beir suniitier ut ! talue whic'l Mr. ). It.
Vubie anil Mm M ilUrd r,r (nought baik with thrni. none is
i-ior ivi. or liuiie rttre.luiig llun thet ot Mi Antoinette Ogdrn't silU
the, Kivirra, wbete Ihry p in many bour. in the Mediterranean un-
itine. Min Ugden. a innrr Onulun, b taken a villa at tap d'Antibei
ari'i sa a dunning (joste to hrr old Omaha trirml..
"The villa is right on the ra." Mrs. .Volii 4'd, "with ilie Alp be
U ni it, and u i uiivuudrd by a wa'Ud gatdrn whuh was a nn ot roe.
osi Urge at yi ur Ihm.I, it tme4 10 us. Garden are almost a religion
with ihrui in 1 ranee, and I hae never en luuhrr rtorr. They are in in their style of laudnape uarilrnuig Many ui our meal wer
server! on the terrace nverh'king the blur water."
I roni Artdie M M'llard, Mi Ogdrn ami Mi S. olne motored
north by May ,t Marrili-i, where they tuppid to re the Colonial l'.po-
iiion which w.i in t"ogre theie this summer.
' Tranre lu every right to be -J
tiioinl, b"'li id its fojomen ami o(
i he c trios it inn itsrlf," Mrs, iobie
id. "I I. t (air is rnontvits ami the
a'tliitrrture of each building is mt
ti!e t the country it represent,
whether it va Imn( hma, Mada-
Mcar or Moroico. e rone ' in
rickshaw s haubd by the dark
skinned little Anamitei, and wr vis
ited the native African village. Indo
china bad cut some marvelous
acrobat in the exhibit"
Their motor tup ai-o included
Augnon and Ais les-Hams . where
l hey were touched and -pleated to
be entertained by their driver and
Miner at hi own little villa bv hini
!! and his predy -rrncli wiie.
Since June Mit Milbird and Mrs.
S. obie have ben in Pari, wilh ide
'np to ltrittanv, rm.tndy and
I outi, Milton lJ jr hiijj of Omaha
kccotupaiiird them on their excur
ion to William the C'oniueror's Inn
"i Normandy, made famous bv F.
llopkinon Smith't book, 'The Ann
iliair at tlie Inn." They sat iii the
Miiichair if-elt, according to Mr.
Scobie, and aw the room occupied
by Mme. de Fevigny.
They alo met Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er and Mr. and Mrs. Howard
li.tldrige in Paris and were the
giie.ts of Colonel ami Mrs. Stone,
who are stationed at Coblent. They
K-turned to Omaha the end of last
week alter trotsing on the Majestic.
This makes Mi Millard's xixternth
trip abroad.
Boyi Take Walking Trip.
Jamr Wyuiau and George Vo
i Omaha, and .Vorman Nice ot I.ui-
oln. all of whom are vlassniatrs at
frimeton, are taking a walking trip
through Colorado. Tlirv startrd
thrir tramp from Dome Lake, and
l ave been tlironiiti Yellowstone and
l.strs Fark. 'J'licy latrv Maiikets
and knapacks and report that mo
torists along the way have Iutii more
than generous with "lifts." Thrv
evpeet to return to Omaha the end
ol llii week.
For Mn. Cassidy.
Mm W. P. Adkin.s jr., was host
ess at tea at hrr home .Saturday
aiternoon in honor of her sister,
Mrs, Frank Cai&idy of Atlanta, Ga.,
who arrived last week to be her
litest. On Sunday Mrs. V. '. Ad
kins, sr., entertained 11 guests at
Auto View Rest at hreakfaM, when
Mrs. Cassidy shared honors with
Mrs. Adkins' daughter, Mr. David
Home From Isle Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Markham. Miss
Virginia and their son. Bailey, re
turned early last week alter a month
spent at Isle Royal, Mich.
On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Smith, who have aUo been spending
tiie month there, arrived home, and
Saturday the last member of their
narty, Mr. ami Mrs. Kdward J.
'helps, followed them.
Author a Visitor Here,
fiozcna IJrydlova. author oi "lo
I'nvcilcd.'' but better known in Oma
ha -s Mrs. Charles Grotte. passed
Monday in Omaha enroute from New
York to l.os Angeles, where she in
tends to build a home. Her daugh
ter, Alice, accompanies her. Mrs.
Urnjamin S. Hakcr, an old friend,
entertained them.
Fraternity Entertains.
The Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
n ill entertain Friday evening at a
dinner dance at t lie Country club.
. rs'""-V.
New Y Secretary
I JKiisTXaru 7JqUofc J
Mits Mary I'atton. new industrial
secretary lor tlir ouug Woman's
Christian atsociatiou. will arrive
September I from Des Moines, where
she has been engaged in V, W. C. A.
Mi-s Patiini i. a siMcr of Dr.
James I'atton of tins cilv. She will
make hrr home with Dr. and Mrs.
I'atton on Mercer park road.
Miss Helen Peycke and David K.
Baldwin of Seattle, Wash., are to be
married Thursday at the home of
Miss Prycke's sister, Mrs. John How
ard Payne, with whom Miss Peycke
has been spending the fummer In
Omaha. Mr. Baldwin arrives Wed
nesday, and the young couple will
spend their honeymoon in Chicago
before returning to Seattle.
. ,
Leave for Berkeley.
Miss Helen Stenicka entertained
Saturday evening at her home in
honor 01 Kdward Manger, who will
have noon to enter the University of
California at Berkeley. Those pres
ent were the Gladys Hoff
man, Gertrude T helm, Mary Chris
irnscn. Rose Ostramick. May Sten
icka and Messrs. George. Edward
and Frank Black, Don Miller and
James Skomal.
For Mother's Birthday.
Miss Mildred Othmer entertained
In guests Friday in honor of the
birthday of her mother, Mrs, F, V.
Othmer. Miss Othmer has just re
turned to Omaha aftcy a month spent
at Burlington and Atlantic, la.
Card Party.
The women of Holy Name parish
will entertain at a card partv Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the school hall. A food sale will be
held in connection with the affair.
Mrs. William J. Hynes will return
todav from F.lon's ranch. Sheridan.
p'riP"" X"'. ;Ul '""
1 n
is as important as saving1.
You can't save wisely unless
you know how to spend.
Each man must work out
this problem for himself.
When wisdom good com
mon sense guides your life
time's course, success MUST
Spend wUely. Sec, then, how
much MORE you can tave.
The Omaha National Bank
I1 mam at 17th Srl
Capital ami Surplun $SfliMjmil
Mrs. J, H, Pumont i home irom a
(ix week' tay in Colorado,
Mn, Arhur WonLetg it the guri
(ot M' U. If. .Salvers ot Lincoln.
1 P. A Cattin ba ion- to the Minn-
eota lakes lor a 10 Ha; ' hilling tnt.
Mr, and Mrs. Jay I). Fester !
turned to Omaha .Saturday alter two
week in Chicago.
Mrs. Clarence Petenon and daugh
ter. Pori. left Sunday lor Colorado
Springs and Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. K, P. Smith re
turned la-t 'Ihurtday lioni Mead'
ranch in F.ttei Park.
Dr, George lloehler left Sunday
for Minneapolis, where lie will be
a guest at a house party for a week.
Mrs. S. S. Oakford, Iter daughter,
Meridith and son, Sammy, will re
turn Tursday alter two months pmt
at Durango, Colo,
Mr. and Mrs. Ware Hall arrived
home Monday from Yellowstone and
F.strs Park where they have been
on a vacation trip.
Harry Palmer is at Burleigh Hill.
N. II., after a 10 days' atay at Star
Island with his mother, Mrs, Alma
Palmer, and brother, Arthur Pal
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster and
Mrs. Dempster' sister, Mis Bessie
Allan, arrived in Omaha Sunday
alter louring in Lurope for the um
mtr. Dr. R. C. Kennedy of Omaha, ac
companied by Dr. F D. Cunimings
of Lincoln, .has recently returned
from a motor trip thtougli Yellow
stone park.
Mm. George Cassels Smith lias re
turned from Three Lakes. Wis.,
where she spent the summer with
her daughter, Mrs. William Van
Doru of Chicago.
George Smith, who has been
spending the summer abroad with
a number 01 Dartmouth classmates,
landed in New York last week and
is expected home Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Chapman
of Waukegan, 111, spent the week
end with Mrs. Chapman's parents,
Mr. and Mr, rrank Beadle. Mrs.
Chapman was former! v Miss Mary
Mrs. J. W. Burt, Miss Frances
Burt and Horace Burt returned to
day from a six weeks' atav in Estcs
rark. Airs. Hurt is planning a
hort trip to Washington, D. C the
uiddle of this week.
Mis. Frank J. Carry received a
card from London from Mother
Michael and Sister Madeline, who
have been visiting friends ;ind rela
tives in Ireland. Both are Sistrs
of Mercy from Mount St. Marys
seminary here.
Miss Charlotte Acer left last
evening to;- her home in New York
alter a summer in Omaha as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Beecher
Howell. Miss Acer will complete
her college course at (he University
of Chicago this winter.
H. If. Baldrige and Waller Head,
who have been touring Europe since
July, sailed for home August 2J. Mr.
P.aldrige will spend a week at the
Joseph Baldrige summer home in
Maine before returning to Omaha.
Mrs. Baldrige, Mrs. Head and Miss
Vernelle will remain abroad until De
cember. John Clarke has been traveling in
Europe with a group of boys from
the Hill school. This month they
have been in Venice mid Rome,
and will land September 1 on the
Niagra. He will come to Omaha
for three weeks before be goes cast
lo college. Mis brother. Cornelius
Clarke, left last evening for Port
land, Me,, for a few weeks stay be
fore his return to his senior rear at
My Marriage Problems
Adcl Garriaon't New Phase of
iCornikt Il;tt
The Sound That Camt Through the
Side Door. .
"Readv. Madae?"
l.illuu't low-toned aumniom Horn
outaide my door brought wr lo my
teeet tensely. I had dressed as she
requested an hour before, and aime
then had been n'ting at the window
watching the twilight lade into dark
nrsa, and waiting the hardest thing
in the world to do. I crossed the
room eagerly, opened the door, and
answered softly;
All ready"
The light of the ball was strong
upon my (ace. Lillian glanced at me
keenly, then put out her hand and
drew me toward tier, giving
little shake.
"Vou're taut a a fiddle wire," she
aid. "Come out 01 it. We may not
have any action for hour vet, and if
you don t relax a hit, the wire' likely
to snap. Betides, we want you for a
hand at bridge, and if you draw Allen
as a partner, yon know be' absolute
ly merciless on error. So you'd bet
ter get ready to mfnd our p's and
"Bridge game," I repeated vaguely.
Lillian often surprises me, but this
casual announcement sent mv mental
wheel spinning madly. I had been
prepared to crouch in a darkened
room waiting for the appearance of
the desperate man, Smith. But this
commonplace proposal
Lillian laughed sottly. merrily, and
I felt the needed relaxation come to
me with the familiar sound.
"It is rather a come-down, isn't
it?" she aked teasingly. "But I
don't know anything better for tak
ing our minds off Mr, Smith until
the minute when we have to occupy
them entirely with the dear man. Do
"How Will You Know?"
"No. indeed," I answered, for I
knew by experience that three niore
enthusiastic bridge devotee do not
exist than my lather, Allen Drake
and Lillian.
The only reason I like the gme i
because it give me the chance to ex
ercise the memory which ha proved
so useful to me, but I atw-ay feel dis
tinctly out of it in such able com
pany, never more so than when I
have Allen Drake as a partner. With
but an occasional, apparently casual
word, which, nevertheless, raises a
blister upon one' mental epidermis,
. .. . ... f 1
or a languid, inquiring nti 01 ms
long, womanish lashes, he is able to
make me thoroughly uncomfortable
and if J possibly can get out of it, I
never engage m tlie game when lie is
one of the players. If Lillian had
planned to give me a counter irritant
for the nervous ness over Smith which
was consuming me, he could not
have made a better selection
"Don't look so frightened." she
laughed. "I'll see that Allen doesn't
eat you alive."
"But," I protested, breaking my
rule of asking no question concern
ing Lillian's plans, "how will you
know when Smith is starting?"
The Signal It Given.
"We're taking no chances, child,"
she said soberly. "It is absolutely
vital that we know what he is doing
eve: f step of the way, and tinder
Allen's directions, Tom Chester haf
arranged the niftiest system of sig
nals you would ever want to . see:
Mr.' Briggs will start the thing
when Mr. Smith displays symptoms
of leaving the house, and from that
time until we purposely let him go,
he'll never be very many feet from
Problems That Perplex
Answered ti.
.SliouJd They ''Dal'"
Dear Misa Fairfax: I am 17 years
old and engaged to the dearest boy
011 earth. Now. "our" worry Is this:
This fall 1 snail he teaching ochool
about 300 miles from him, and of
course we Rhali not be able to see
each other. We have talked the
matter over and be wants me to
bave dates with other boys, and I
want him to have dates with other
girls. Would this be proper when
we are engaged? We have enough
confidence in each other's love to
believe we could do this and yet be
true to each other. We are planning
on getting married when I am 20.
I hope to aee this published tn
The Omaha Bee real soon. Thank
ing you, I am, WORRIED.
It would be perfectly riarht and
fair for both you and your friend to
have date with others since you
both agree. Of course, you may be
taking chances with Cupid, for
rroninnuinty starts many lov af
fairs. However, th plan you have
hoth agreed on is proper enoURh and
splendid way of testing your lov.
It it will withstand that, and thr
I no reason why It should not, then
ou can b anr of happiness always.
Mickey: Rlu and tan. Hold to
th Mu shades. Dark bin for th
street and hfht Mu for th evening.
Tan alao will b good, and a golden
t would S'Ufest yen Join nni ;
church society. This t a splendid 1
wav to meet th kind of bo you I
should know. I don't think you i
should I sv anvthiug to ilo with th 1
partv you refer to. Re.mbr. a.iv ,
noitilnr unkind about hr and do'
tm rrliieir her, nd If you tan do
her a kind act. do , but It is riot
necessary to see anvtbtrf of hr j
Why net avoid hr quietly wltheui
bee knowing sen sr doing It. I. s
F(! Writ ere ef IK derail-1
mnl a'ore ( rar ef th hair
dreeaing rfeeartiraot. Snd hv will,
11) sou alt '! wish Is knnw. Yes. ,
Il I prefs' tn (it wilh bos 1 ,i rt
em ir fr, tu t ftir witlv ihsm '
md i" df aevihii t wNe 1
itm think o'i r tt ihsm mers j
11 ss j a
H I'. J 1 v d .i .r 1 s
f h4 miI k l. !. I 1 I n
"f iilltiw r 4iv pi ef t' ln'
P k aulas frit, foe I Ms if nf
eaiiv si.-il t writ iu
fee "s i(ii a Ips
Mtrbri tt ts rif-t; ni,
f"f stia r i st at if
H,.. 4 r.n t ii:t Ss --, uhi'4
,(s S tniF iihr iiikI S
iks, 1111, Ti ( 1 ts i
i4 I
! one of suum 1 he.ter men So
tl,ere' nullni'g lor u to do but lu
" r that br.t .iiwl 1 mr
I along, put our nund upon liie n anv
advantages 01 iin-triiiup band. N ou
L fl AU' ltl..l't Alt,.,' .,f Its. i.l ,. .....I
should diaw bun a a p tucr, and
I irrl it 111 my bones toi're going
to art bun."
"Ihen I Irrveuily hupr our bones
have but thrir power of prophecy
lor once," I iaij earnestly, and the
I next minute we werr in the library
and gtrriinif my tathrr and Allen
Dcikr, who vrir alrradv comiort
ablv 'rated behind the blidge tablr.
My hone was iielr. however.
a''"' Lillian's prophrcy luliilled. lor
' ... 11.. . .m.l ............ Jk ....
j Mr. Drake lor a gjinr which lo me
ui ir uiiK 1 'itii mr m
seemed iiitrrminablr. t cmild not
keep my mind upon the taidv but
frit a nervotia felluwaliin u.i'.i kaiir.
U llil UJi .itfi-tlmf mu f I H.I til a I
roenrr eif the room, but who, Iron.'
her tacul 1 ontornous, and low, tin- 1
patient muttering'., was patently
dropping still hr ,it last ,n she
knitted thrm, I kurw that Lillian j told In r to vt 111 the icm with 1
us because lie leared the effect of
solitude upon the girl' nerves, and
thoiiiih she appeared to be absorbed
in her game, vrt I tjw that she was
covertly watching Katie, determining
what would be the be-t method of
handling b"r.
And then, setim ibr nrrvrs of
every one of Us a -iiivrr, ll.ere came
a low tapping upon the side door,
which I guessed was the expected
Country Clubs
At the Field Club.
Wednesday evening George Bian
(is has ottered the services of the
P.randei Tea Room orchestra tor
the dinner dance at Hie Field club,
coniplimetary to 1 lie state golf tour
nament. Those holding reservations are Guy
L. Smith. .'0; F P. Bover. .Ill; J. J.
Haslry, H, Jack Hughes. : Mr.. H.
L. Arnold, Stuart Kdgerley. 4,
Gordon Bennett, ; II. A. Vierling,
: Job iiGamble, 2: D. H. Asbloii. 4;
W. M. Giller, 10; Mrs. Fdith I. Wag
onner. 0; H. G. Shed. 2; J. F. I'ul
ver. 14; Clinton Bronie, 8.
At Auto View Rest.
Mis Grace Brant entertained 10
Biie.sts at breakfast at Auto View
Kest. For Sunday dinner I. B. lones
run 'or yen:j. (,. Martin,
mx. and H, A. Schaetter. lour.
Birth Announcements,
A son was born August 22 to Mr.
und Mrs. R. I'. Foster of I'nion,
Aen., at tlie Stewart hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex l.ashiiisky an-1
nounce the birth of a daughter ! Very softly he crept alon the wall
August 28 at the Stewart hospital. a little way. He knew that some
11 , .1 , ... 1 times when you jump off a wall a
f aCtS ADOUt Women. . stone will rock under your feet with
In England any woman who pos- 1 clanking sound; and he didn't want
sesses the statutory qualification re- 1 10 disturb the sleeper in the tree,
quired for the appointment to a Sometimes as you will remember
judicial oflice is equally with any he was very thoughtful,
man eligible for appointment lo that He managed to reach the around
office. J sUenlly, then stole ouicklv to the tree
Girl students of the University of
Oregon have organized a rifle team.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Epsten and
children, Kobert and Tom, and Mrs.
Fred Thatcher of Kansas Citw will
arrive home the latter pait oi the
week from a motor trio to tlie
Minnesota lakes.
and have good sense, l! is hard to
advise girls with such a silly notion
as you both seem to have tn your
heads, so I suppose, no matter what
I say, it will make no difference in
your plans. Hut I repeat, if you
elope you will be sorry and deserve
whatever you net. The boys them
selves will have no respect or love
for you. Wave your hair mul comb
it back softly from your face, and
either pin in soft puffs or in a. knot
at the ba' U. This is always becom
ing. i MinmU . ot -
r s. .
j 7 . V
b 4 w -
The Code That Cobbled.
IJu.k tin a niid'umnirr'f rtemng
luiiud tuny (Wr at the foot of Blur!
W A &
nioinitain, wlirrr the woods reached 1 strong as its voice I'm glad I ht i,
nown to meet tbr pat;urr, Already for it surely would hae earned mr
bghts were twinkling thiough the ' 0(1 lo lis nest "
window of the jinilioue down m .Sumehotv br no I.iiigei cared to
the valley below CiUlv wa won-' visit the lienboiie tint nighl And
drring how long il v.oitbl r heiorejwhen b" said to bis mother, la'er, "I
I aimi-r tireen'a family went to bed. ! almost bioughl you some goo.e featb
He intended to visit the henhouse, j rrs; but it was n't a goose that 1 found
and hr didn't 10 ditiub tbr ! anil it not awav," Mr Bear promptly
hoil.i hold. Son, 1 -times Cully v sint Lrd tin Ins ran. He asked Culiy
very (lioughtml
..1,1 ,, ., ,
ue was waiKinw iiiiv aiuflH Hie ton
ril the slotir wail Willi an ec and
111 ear and a po-r ready for a Kght
or sound or sun II oi any mouse that
in iK li be out lor an evening's stroll.
Suddanlq a tirrli ciy rn( in Cui'ff '
Bear'a ! "& aaax JoaaU. Qv&Jt
Just as he was passing beneath the
branches oi a wide-spreading maple
tree, Cmfy slopped short. All at 1
once be had noticed a veiy pleaant
fragrance in the air, whiih made bun of dinner.
"It can't be a mouse," Cuify tid j
under hi breath, "bill it's'
tainly something good something
Gingerly he stretched his ueik
first over one side of the v all and
thru over the other, to siau the
ground and listen for a iamt rustle,
or the quick patter of tiny feel. Il
neither saw nor heard anything. Yet
that Strang odor still tickled hi':
I licit some sense told him to look
un-not down. He raied his bead.
And right above him he beheld a
I shadowy shape roosting on a I'tub.
1 It was a big binf, sound asleep.
"My goodness!'' Cuify thought.
I sliant need to make a trip to
the tonight. 1 1 err a hen
that's come'to meet me.
and began to climb it. Little by little
lie drew biniself up the trunk, taking
care to make the least possible sound
of scratching as he grasped tlie rough
bark with his claws.
At last lie reached the limb where
the sleeper drooped and dreamed. It
was quite dark now. Hut so tar as
I'uffy could tell, ilie big bird bad
not stirred.
"It's too bis lor a hen." ( ni'tv
murmured. "1 believe 11 is yes! it j
must be a goose."
lie didn't know that geese never !
roosted off the ground, lie didn't j
know that they couldn't wrap their -j
webbed feet around a limb and go to j
sleep. 1
"Mother will be pleased when I 1
bring her goose leathers for a bed," j
Cutty said to himself with a smile. 1
Then he thought of his lather; and !
his smile faded. He knew that noth
ing less than a good big share of the
goose itself would please Mr. Bear.
"I'll take him the feet! They're ccr- I
tainly big," Cuify decided.
Then he edged along the limb. It j
Tor Tnfanti tnil Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
if "
Jr For Over
Thirty Years
1 tnib!e4 ben4lli Ins sseigbt, Willi
, all his iar he couldn't help that. Th
rthtr be weni tlie mote the limb
jstiiioU. And when be reached out a
a v to grab tu !iu the limb
much that the aleeprr
'jnokr. Suddenly a terrible fry tang
hit l hi v Hear' ears; "Gobble, gob
, .!e. uubble. gobbler Coming a ft
did out ol the uleiue oi the night It
.tartled Cmfy atartled and ttight
ened bun. He missed his tooting and
irll out he I1'"1"1 imJ
clump it tern besnle the ttone wall.
He beard tin beat Ol grcav winas
abovr him. saw a dim hape go sail
nig oit arrot tbr pasture, and oou
be a gho.tly gobblr. gobble,
gobble gobblr tar down the bill-
"If thai ws a bud. it was t iurer
our." I'utiV iniittrird. 'It wasn't a
).. 1, w d a,M,,P h it was as
a (rw nuestiont And when t utly
(old liii rs :.bout the trrnblr giibble.
1 unldilr. ufibblr. vobblr, Mr Hear
, ti ied. "1'hat was .1 tmkry. Don t l"!(1r -(,, ,rwiblrr you. oil are not
j i,(iili'r our eiape!" t ouiiiirtiiig ui uiiislancrs.
P WJ, o angry that u'ls ptoui- 'tici .mile and keep vnmself m
ised him hr would siitely laltli tlie
net one br saw and gne II 10 n
1 Ilea;
"Shall I bung home his goiilil'
too, I'a'" l uliy aked.
Mr. Ileal did not trouble lunisell
to answer.
!) I hl is..' 1
Hun Down liy Trtnl.
William Bower, ' a woikmaii,
mav be iiiternallv iiijiiTrJ as tin- i-
suit 01 beinjf run down by a trink
j driven by J .S. Todd 01 tintna. Neb.
1 yesterday near Sixth-einht and I rn
! ter stiert. Powers is in the louu
j ty hospital.
W. Clun sna Pros Mtn's l CA
lw mr Tfcr. fic Sails Isr
V psf rttarn ihir o i
ssprs 0." rs 'eel psjr fSip'itcaii.
B,l eiMH. HOti'i. Ismtri II le 1.
Hut Cum-t C ''l '
2a 1 ? Assam si. si issue )
N motieaal picture in jrsar
h hasl such a natural salting,
sublima grandeur has so played
upon th chords of lo and all
its moods as dots
Continuous from I. IS P. M.
A wonderful combination pro
gram of six standard acts and
fsatur photoplay with
Elliott and Girls
Novelle Bros.
La France and Byron
Three Senators
Nada Norraine
The Pickfords
A thrilling picture as
you' lien in many
"Love Never Dies"
So th realistic and awe
inspiring TRAIN WRECK
Next Saturday
bill with th gratt array
ef amusement or offered
t popular prices in Amorica
You'll B
When Ysu S
A RoTolation far All Th
1 fcrOnltf )ihtf
a !.. i ,i
a . atkt
tMt i
Thurd4Y rrtdys-8turtst
Common Sei.sSc
Can You Smila tn th Face ot
You may think that suit iiae a
monopoly on trouble, but there a r
rountles thousands who, 11 the1
l.ava no uiore trouble tlmi ou t
leat have at much; and many moi
who, it they bad no more iN.n rem.
would Count it grlt'i'g fH pet'
Sumetiiu: )oii bate been su"
prid t. luid that a man who inlr
easily it at the s.ine time tarrying
a brvirr load than sou are,
t.nt be tunics and thinks a wv
out, while ou . oal and wony
I be ilia'." air in Ut'i ol tli
II Hi llo silllb't.
I: iirur i!o ny u' ':f"'v
woirv tuer tioublrs and problems.
While v.ti are busy worrying
thrri i no lime, nor are ton in rofi
dilion lo thmk a wat out of our
pi rilu 41111 l.l
To be sii- von sluinld not be
carclr., 01 ,.ur lulure that )ou take
no account ol the outcome of your
Miidci taking-, and so good-natured
that our lailur.-f nuke no impres
sed! upon vim
But 11 trillion totidilioi's uieren
1 ( m,)(, u think a wav out ol your
iiiiin "iltics, hating practical pUn i
sinooib out )our muddles.
o iiPH ilit l;!i
l iaii ilcs niiriots are erteclivfly
placnl oii,rliiurt ax ai "st a pattrrned
wall where a 11 allied inuror would be
out eif plat'.
Now and Until
Wednesday Night
"The Ordeal"
And a Real Comady,
"The Speeder"
A screen masterpiece for thos
who demand perfection.
'That Son of a Sheik"
Balcenr. 40c; Main, SOci Bex,
Msliness 3Sc (until S.l
"Clay Dollars"
A atUe el Uuilis
a rnase, laiurf
Mihm Uil, a la- Isa.v Nurks. IS
Hy'aMS and MelNTYRE
M m on
i. a i. , sik.i
Al Alt, MU a rstwi Aa fuit
il taHO AM t
lk, Pk .
. a.,
I., ts. S s. l wt
MU Milk,
M e4 Si Ts
r.s Sk M rniM
U " MI lit so
l 4 l Mt4y '
Im tt.. is. a. rj at. it
t Stweit Si s, I
sirf.f m4 I !
t" f 4 it (
Mr tfmjs: I R,m
; ''
s .