The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 29, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    niG omaiia Tuesday, august 29. 1022.
Ireland to Live
Up to Peace Pact
With England
William Cuspm I)flar"
I(ath if Griffith mil ('"!
lim Will .Not Altrr IMjiu
tt( fioxrrilllUMil.
Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith
U"K"u i:si
VC OVt TWr i,r tv...
. 1 vs.. si VH To Ht
laailM, it,
puM'i, Au .'A''tt that
lha iVtths l Arthur iiriti th and
Malarl Collnt will ii alter If
Utld't A trrm -nation to Is up I'l
letter l the Ifrly wi'h LngUnd
wtf iiitiumrd in lifer "Hi
Winston Ihiiribill dy Wilham T
Cflittrate. acting iluiinun of th pro
vii nl s-'jvuiiii hi,
J 111 C'limil!l4'll.1 fl'IW out ill
llitr.ftie fiiflC 11 1 1 ir tlpf'll wdllll til
Irirtl covr rfii'irlll l rniir'l f lie.
flf- tnos! f'( lis energies, b'lt tlH
!; Il will eae ti'r lli t'ltii of lh
agreement as f jpidly a pot
ihV, Church I! had I' If graphed Cugrve
f I'll'nVll
") iik tli eaailnsl opportunity, in
till l.'.ur (A lrai"-'lv t'r Ireland and
l,f n li ii dillnu'l i f-r lilt Irj-dl
prt iiom;, gn ri'M.t ul, "I assuring
t mi if III Cnlili.r- li l bv id
l',n' Rt'vnnnf el il'ii il"' treaty
t.naituiii will h faithfully 4ii'l reto
lulrlv In vnU'lii 'I.
"Jh ihatli ii two of id principal
iRIUlorin. tne irlrilllrl.l lil all-;
ulliir, and ill iliortiimi of III fourth j
in mi way atletts '1I1 validity and'
sanctity of tli iiirnn hi ri'.ifcii
into With III plenipotentiaries i.f l!i
Iriih nation. On tli contrary, we
are iiir llut Id provisional Rovcfti
mcnl ami h Jruli iiilt will fi;i,l M
all tli iiHTf a jrii-i iluty lo titiy
int( lull 1 tin I 0 it of mititiculiuii
liciwrcn III ll
1,. . ... .... 1.. 1 1 1.,..
,. . "ur.,r 7: ' ' illutl 1 lute In.-.. Barry. Vou mint
6in WMtll Ml t Too
Vcw( TO MfUlCtATt IT
HI UfM4. V0l TrtE N.Mt or
fCR TMfe ltf OlrrCKtWNItT
It l A V
1 r, .-"11
0WR IIT ViVT XCU kNT "10 fat
11 CAMtatGM tkritiUV-aMO ro
Ul- fvtS ctowr h A titvii
llINC) - T). cuajo t tCTI ONt LtNth
WW OCU Rol akl AltO tut6lt "juil
PlAM0- WITH UOWt AKO Hill tutlMtt.
CH. A PtttT
vtcfvtwi i aM.
ICVR inn.v.
atkivu. I
ltW lM
sxp cmm. J
I kNoto vmari tvt Mann.
Vntw TwaT HI Uvx CK"
vuwtN t wn ia at
.wax aut r ui x Kama
Lam LOHutv. HaN
Judge Allows Dunham
$4,000 Chancery Fees
I'r.liul J.i-U WWromh ign1
in ottlft -inj4y Hiimiiitf ll. II.
Pimlr.Ml J"t I. r Ur ctlttU
kftiiul n.trr in tunrty m lli
Skiiuirr i. iitriui-f. Tli um
it in ii'iifn I" l;e J-'5,IHJU in
tlllf' ii'l' lir Idt'ttllly
i'Ioi4 dy id U'!k
JIi ofidr nrnii iltt id nioti
f. uul I) (Jui.Imiii jminly dv Klth
Nil!, ittivr lir i'i Skintirr
rtiui4iiy ami lie I)odl cmijidny,
ft 0..11 l i dr iin dy llie l.iriiirr
liii'l f,l,"73''4 l y Ih Utlf,
riiurrli Cloiifrrnii'P Ojien.
dill. ( ity. .Wj. Atirf. JH(S..
nil i'Mi J'lih anniul mu)ii f( tht
I"i4il rivr c'i('"nt l 'h' l'll.ti,j (hurili will 'n at
l4Wi"i imljy anil will inptui'jf un
til Si II'' iv i -rtimtf .
Marriage of Barry Wicklow
Copyritht, 19:2.
iiuuiiku"! twm r-it i j fi.irry roniiKtidi Toiy to a warm
''l!iry, Uji ry, wdt iire ou guing cr litiul.
lo ilo?" "i nrvrr tdwiKlit f lnarryiii(f lirr;
II I'ji'ki-il !'! at dir. and Uit.l hoiili aooner luve llinuulit of
Kiay ryi re a!mni Llai k in lli' .r nurryin niy graii'lmuiiirr" lu rytt
i fuiv.
I'm u''ii" lo V ill llut tw.ntl
will, In. :il ill)'.
;.h drukc out in in ror.
"iion't dave tne ln-rc alone oil, I
iluii'il If 1 i ircl a.iytlmig for dim
I tlioiililn't dc lu re now I liouli!n't
Iuk- tome lo you. ou tttunl know
nii Kfid faitlt wit fa RKi'l filth ami
good will with good will to the iil."
&lr. ( o.mav, who wu vite rhair
nian of ill govrriutuiil
under Mr. t'nllini, i now fully ri
apoiiMl)! a tli hrad of ih govrrn
meiit and i likily lo remain o until
the nrxt rlnlinti. wliiih it hardly
rosid!e brfnre J.ituiary. Me i a iJuh
tin businrn man who has drvodd
mudi attention to politif and ha
tpn an aldrrniaii for many years
vou mut dtlieve me!"
lie In Id In r at arm' length.
"And me, too, you liiitc m, too,"
h Mid hoarxly.
Slic looked (iu at dim, t lie t:3ri
were running down der lair, der hair
tuiiililitig aUout l.rr &lioiibb rs, and
in tl,.it ino'itrnt the looked to dim
I k ti dttl girl whom lie dad firtt
known ami loved the little xirl who
lad walked with dun throuxh the
wood down at iSedmund, .in 'I noiiic
me aKJ.n?" lie akd avai(!y. "I
liiveti't lorgolten Ih lait tint yet
wlirii yon lit ine ilav you home
wlirn yrni let In kii you and
"Ve, and id'-n " he ranht dim
iii, lirilly. " dai'itriu'd tden.'
Vou ptound to tome in th morn
ing, Hid ynti never cjnir; and 1 wait
ed and waited, and you never came
never wrMt
Tiarry let dr no and he ank
down Irrmliliiig into the dig (hair
bdiind dr.
a lie lork! at lit r; lie! w"' ""X "' '
!r.ive4 a hatl'lk rrhiel troll) liim". nerrny, mnu-t umi .i-."iir
poiket and went ovr lo where he"""" " y'-,,lr " w nly the
Mood; de put In arm round hr inotiey you wanted me for-Nor-, I, r aiwl ilrird her rvn a if tile I lllii'l money, h aid.
Mr. CopKrave ha been a Mroni? , tlung eemni to map rouii'i tin Heart
lupporter of th trraty from the out-; and drain, a band of re!entlr iron
et and fits witty ieerhc in the I that dad held dim bound for o long;
IJail Kireann caused the niinoritv di white faee quivered.
muih dm otnfitur. Hi intention i
to give tniuh time to niihtarv
affair than Mirha! Collin lid. leav
ing the arine direction of the armv I
almot wholly to tin. Kicnard Jiui
eahey, commander-in-chief and inin
iter of defense of the Dail Kireann.
(ieneral Mulrahey, a native of Wa
terford, wa educated ;it Christian
Ii rot her i rolleKe and gave up the
atudy of medicine alter be t.t in
three year, to assume an important
roTe in the organization of the Irinh
republican army in l'Jlo. Six months
ago he wai anxiou to withdraw from
the army and resume bit medical
ttidie. Circumstance have made it
impossible, but ome day he in
tends to be a doctor, despite Ireland
and th army.
More Than-1,000 Atteml
I. O. 0. F. afi-ct at Falls Cify
Fall City, Neh., Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) More than1 1,000 Odd Fellow
from Nc-bra.ska, Kansas and Missouri
attended the annual meeting of the
Kichardson county I, O, O. F. asso
ciation held here. Among visiting
dignitaric of th lodge was l.ucian
J. Eastin of St. Joseph, Mo., grand
tire of the sovereign grand lodge,
ranking officer of the Odd Fellows.
Elmer Arnold of Kulo was chosen
president at the annual election of of
ficers. Kulo was selected for the
next convention.-
Woman Applies Acid liy
Mistake for Eye Lotion
Ravenna, Neb., Aug, 28. (Spc
cial.) Mrs. Klleu Cochran used
carbolic acid by mistake for an eye
lotion. The eye was so badly injured
that Mrs. Cochron was taken to the
hospital at Grand Island for medical
attention. It is not known at this
time whether the eye will be per
manently blinded.
Dog Hill Paragrafs
- By deorge Bingham
Sim Flinders went over to a neigh
bor's house Tuesday and borrowed a
big stone jar in which to make some
thine. In order to previt pnvbnily
Why have you come here? You
told me long ago that you bated mcf"
be said again.
Mis bands tightened their grip of
"I f ive you come here just because
you are frightened just because
you have nowhere else to go? Or
because you want mc because you
want to stay with tne?" be asked
again, hoarsely.
It seemed an eternity till she an
swered, and then the words were so
low that he rould hardly catch them.
"Bcrau'e I want to slay with you,"
she said in a whisper.
But even now Barry did not be
lieve her.
"You've soon changed your mind,"
lie said with rough suspicion, and yet
she did not look as if she had com
there to fool him, in her soiled, torn
frock and the tears wet on her face.
Her little stockinged feet were
half buried in the thick rug that
stretched almost the length of the
room, and she wag sobbing quietly.
She had lost her handkerchief and
she brushed the tears away child
ishly with the back of her hand.
Barry spoke again;
"It's absurd to make out that
you've suddenly discovered you
you want to come back to me.
You've mad a hit I never thought
you would, but there's no doubt you
have; Circaves will be offering you
a contract to stay on with him, if he
hasn't done so already "
"He he hasl" said Hazel on the
top of a sob.
Barry laughed mirthlessly.
"Well, I congratulate you, but you
can't have it all your own way, you
know, and I'm not going to be point
ed at as your husband. I always
swore I would never marry a woman
who was on the stage I hate the
whole beastly business."
"You didn't hate Topsy St. Helier."
-VV Jl I
J3 S AaSW- ;
nit i 111 i
Common Sense
About Eczema
Hera's Something About S. S.3.
That You'll Bo GUd to Hear.
Tou might Just wU know It right
now, Um causa of ektn rruptluiia,
I'liiijli'i, tlarkhnaJa, bollt And ao on,
la riRlit in Kin blnoU. Thpra no gel
ting away rruiii It Hi'li n' Ima pruvnd
it. V irova It Vim n frova It.
Whin the rutin of akin troulilaaand
rupUunt ia In tba LluuU, It Isn't euia-
dad bei u a idlld.
"poti'i cry," d aid genlly. "I'm
not going to dully you uy more.
You're frightened and upset. You
can s'ay drre toniudl. and I'll clear
out, I'll tettl with Jlulbert tomor
row." He looked at hi watch,
'Do you know bow late it is?
You must be worn outl be get
ting along."
Mi let him go without a word.
She stood with her hand hanging
limply against hr white frock, her
finder clasping the handkerchief he
had K-en her, listening to hit ttcpt
in the hall.
She heard him lake bis big coat
down from tde rack, ami beard him
make a great business of brushing it;
it seemed a long time till he came
"Well good night," he said, not
looking at her. ' "I hope you'll be
comfortable. There' nothing to
worry about. Hulbert shall never
bother you apain, I proms you."
He paused. ".Good night," he taid
again, gently,
She looked up then; her cheeks
were scarlet,
"Good night," she said in a hard
voice. "And I hope you'll try to
forget that I ever came here; I hat I
ever offered myself to you and you
wouldn't. Oh, Barry!"
I'.arry dropped dis coat to the
floor, shuling the door with a bang;
he came back and took her by the
bhrfuldrrs, holding her fast.
"Are you trying to make a fool of
He stooped suddenly and swpl
her up in hi arm a if she had deen
a child; h was tremdling in every
"You're nol playing with me, are
you? Hazil, look at tne! Tell me
it's true lei! nic that you came brre
tonight becaue you want lo come
back to me a my wife, Iion't let
there he any mor miundrtand
itK's we've wanted lime enough.
lla1, do you do you loy m?"
Ila?el lifted her arms and clasped
them round hi neik; h. laid her
head on bis breast with a little ob
of infinite content. ,
"Haven't I been trying to say it
ever ince I came in-'" she asked.
Greaves declared it was the great
st dis.ippointmni d had ever had
in hi life when the following morn
ing Barry Wicklow called upon him
and in tne most lordly manner de
clined the offered contract on be
half of his wife.
"She'd have made a name for her
self, that girl," he taid, mournfully,
even as be shook band with Barry
and called him a lucky dog,
"But you tell der," lie added, whim
sically, "that if ever she get tired of
you to come along here and we'll
get the thing typed out again."
Barry went back to his rooms and
told Hazel.
"It't like his damned impudence,"
he growled.
Hazel laughed.
"He would never have taid It, only
l.t Inuwt it will never tuppcr," the
said h-ippily.
Barry caught her round the waisl
"Never?" be asked jealously.
"Never," sjid Hae loltly.
Barry kissed her patsionattly.
"And now, when I've finished with
that twin Hulbert," d taul, "I'm
going to take you away on a honey
moon . , ,"
"You have fini"hd with him," she
interrupteij ejgirly, "You can atford
to d I bun go, Barry. After all, if be
hadn't kism d in last night , . ," dr
cytt fell. "Well, shouldn't davc
come der, should It"
"And if you hadn't com here "
said Barry, "I should have been tht
niot miserable dvil on rarih,"
"But a it it?" she chilli nge.J dim.
"At it is, my beloved" be an
swered, "people will toon de saying
that tde only thing worth mentioning
in tde whole of Barry Wicklow'
che(kcrd career wa hit marriage I"
The Fnd.
Texas Moli Sets
Fire to Crowded
Negro Church
Fire I)f parlninit Savr IluiM
iiiK Violence Followi Al
lrgfJ Altai k on While
Chautauqua at Tccumitli
(ilorr-H Eiht Uaji SfKMon
'J'ecumseli, Neb., Aug. 28 (Spe
cial.) The loth annual Tecumseh
ihautatiua closed after an right
days' session, Dr. Richard l.
Hughes, known a ".Sun-dii'iie"
Hughes, Presbyterian minister of
Chicago, was the pastor for the day,
delivering a sermon in the morning
and a lecture in the afternoon.
Ou Democratic day the party wa
represented by C. W. Bryan of Lin
coln, democratic candidate for gov
ernor, and mi Republican day the
speaker was Capt. Walter L. Ander
son of Lincoln, candidate for con
gress in the First district for the
long term.
Aged Veteran Hit hy Car.
Tecumseh. Neb., Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) Washington Rodb, 85, old sol
dier and former Tecumseh mayor,
was knocked down by an automobile I
driven by a Lincoln party. 7 he driver
of the car was going slowly and no
blame is attached to him. Mr. Robb
i confined to hit bed, suffering from
slight internal injuries and from
laceration of the flesh and shock.
Wichita Falls, Tex, Aug. 28 -A
crowd of between Sotf and M) per
sons surrounded tde fonidinatnn
city datl and jail at I bctra, near
deie, last night wder John l.ove, 25,
a negro porter, held in connection
with an at'atk on a wdite girl, is
under guard of 15 deputies. Love i
scheduled lo go to trial today.
Aflr the arrst of the n'-gro,
negro restaurant was burned. H
n polled llut firmn working to
eniinguish th Hani were ordered
by men m the crowd t' cease Iheir
Building Set on Fire.
An attempt was alto nude lo burn
the negro Baptikitburcb. Tde building
w set fite, but the i'amts wtre ex
tinguished through prompt work on
the pait of th tire department.
1 he attempt was i.iade to burn th
nrgro Baptist ihureh during th
services and the building t pakd.
A th snarks began to fly the mem
bers of lli mob outsid cried, "Down
with th black." This was the fir-i
intimation the congregation had of
the trouble. Thy escaped through
the windows and doors.
Stiectt Patrolled.
A third iurendiary fire of tde nigdt
was a on the outskirts of III
town, over wdnli a negro family was
living. All escaped.
Whether an egg it a potential
rooster or an embryonic hen can be
a I deiei mined by a texometer it it
is . i ' iiniei'.
Health Has Been
Restored by
provtt to m that it
hat no tqual," declares
W, F. Hogan well-to-do
larmtr, R. F. D, 7,
Dallas, Texas. Stomach
Trouble and its many
allied diseases
seldom fait to respond to th
Tanlac treatment. It aide
digestion, restores your
strength and builds up your
reserve power. At oil good
JIIJEiiiffli!LIIi. iJlllllllJL .Dfl!l!ltllllllfilllillil!llll' II J
ij i -- .I i
In n
from ktntwiiig v. ii it was that dad
the jar, h w-i.kid hums with itovit
hit brail.
The postmaster fumes I'1 front
with a rem ji k Mc il i'i IL
thai an tUy brloie yetrrdjy a intl
(4111 lllHI ills J'.'vl, II ll.llii.ii.lC i
tii'iie hiii'iut n then weft out,
without laving vn word totit tS
k -t wctllur,
Ci'tttm! AHion tits he fui.S lh
ut wty 1 1 get i'i luili l an )i'.ii
lllrjtl Is In I'liicfit .t 1 ! el l'i
t'im n.'t bticit ti w!.t K
I li I'.lW IJSI.
1st 1. . a 1 1 V. Aa Aaitli tstat
fiinn to limply treat lha akin.
A b-ltl el K. I li. UI pmva lo iit
a list Is hvi'lng In yuur lkxl, Hi,
la a Iili.- 1.1, -,l rl.m,ar. Itdrlvvt
tl lha Intuitu" hi h i a ni,
lallur, rash, Pii'il'len. i..u, tu.,
hl.Ulia i-'l i.lli-r skin iuU.i',
W hvn lhii tniriirtltt ara drltan mill,
r"U in I al"t cskl Vcf ni'a llili'tt
It. "it fciuwiiie nr It s -st) lura
urall !., "it ati-a aiarsla, ).H
f-'I'li-l't'-'IS ft.41. It .. 4U
IiImL Wir ! V-i'St Ilk lal 'l a
rimatous, lulty, wall l4 rfin'i
lulUmn er It ' aia a n.
.ur"a l'itia IH rati kinf
lha as "la a 'I I a i.if II H
la a' a l il il lu s .ii. da
hi il Ms a ' I ai-.ia I ' I
Satla Tttsl t ahy It n:'a out aunkMi
ikHks. I. n -ka, Ihm Inula, ala
rta V l P.. lull la
Ih a tsl'li to t S, S II
a H at all '' tra, la laa I'i'S,
tta t a U Wa a-aia aajMJ
Flo tula-Pay When Currsl
hm4 wt " f . rii-Ha t4 m4
MkUJ 'mi s ft mt ft V' iKitr --4
cttft, h 9ktshfK M il1 atU ft 4 1 wai
A M VtMt M fjtsjnf . tn. J l It ,. tul s. la f M l a4 4M
iH4 to 9t mm k-t ( v i , aatts.t A ,,,v ..iitj at Jt Uk
l-tHt yaktt, tir 4 tr . it f
j I I .Qualify GMdJlearalhroujJi I
HI Your inspection of the Dort enclosed III
II cars would lead you to estimate their III
II prices as far higher than they actually are. I I
ill It seems unbelievable that these fine II
HI closed cars, completely equipped and so
IS soundly constructed, could match most ill
! open cars in price. You pay no premium III
HI for comfort when you buy the Dort Yale III
II Sedan at $1095 or Yale Coupe at $1j45. I l
I l Sit fraa, taS ta IJS t lkt ataliaary sar, s3 at I liai I I
Dort Sales Company I
I I lUin.y 5lret AT Unti 6032 I
You'll lave to lurry!
Your Last Chance to Buy
at Mid-Summer Prices
Sale Ends
Saturday, Sept. 2d
The concessions made
in these new low
prices warrant you in
anticipating your fu
ture requirements be
fore this remarkable
opportunity is gone.
Medium-weights for all year wear, and
beautiful new Fall and Winter Woolens from
famous English, Scotch, Irish and American
Suits with Extra
Trousers or Knickers
for the price of the suit alone
$45, $50, $60 and up
We include our entire stock of Woolens
The values are so unusual and the sav
ings so large that we strongly advise you
to take advantage of these bargain prices.
Special prices on Full Dress, Tuxedo and
Cutaway Frocks
Th Nicoil Standard of Tailoring Will Bo Strictly Maintained
200 2U South 15th St, Karbach Block
New 1922 Fall Woolcni we here in abundant variety
r 'i'i'I'i'i"''!;!'!
ji..i,ii.ji.:.iii.iiBiii, j.iu:L.L.j..i.i.n. ..a .c.i;:iii.u...i.j.. i .i...,i. ;.,a..i.. ,.a. i;...xji...ii: fif't fj- fcj,
turn mli'it I'l IMnaii