CUE OMAHA BKK: UKSOAY. At'Ol'ST 29. 1922. Annual Nebraska State Golf Tourney Opens With Record Entry List 10 211 Golfers Entered in Play for 1922 Title Doiictan of and MirparJ of Country Club Turn in !irt !! f)inj ivorr. TFftRASKAS ,Mlh '""I R"" I I t lniiiiiioli.liin lotirtisnienl Mot A " under way over tha links ol Id Omaha rirld rinb y'ltrrday whn M4 vulfrri and ( Many tn'rri Hrtnlrd ilinr way around llic IH hult rourtt. 'I he 'U2 rntry li.t contain! lh "John Jfrnrya" of tjolfrrt Irom sev eral oul stale tuvvns as wrll at the nainri of quiir a lot of Omaha fol lowrri of lh gutu prrrha. Tlx matirr of (act ti that thia yrar'a Iniirrumrtil I. Ihf largest in the hit lory of the Nebraska Mate (iolf at- IM Ijliotl. The Hi gulfr-rt fntrrfd in the tourney iprnt vntrnlay in playing the f ir t H holes of the qualifying found of M',. 1 he final 18 will he rrrlrd off Utwrrti auniip and mu tiny, n today, ( lui irr around the dig tent late votrnlay hunt toward a pair of HSt or a total of 170 stroke's to qualify fur the (iMinpionilnp flight, Donovan Ceta a 75. Of the 214 cardi turned in ytrr r!ay, 7J ihowed arorta unoVr the 90 mink. The storrt aa a whole were not had, although aeveral flopped over the crnlury mark. To Harry Donovan, former caddie at the Omaha t'ountry club, and holder of the Fontenelle public course championship and a nrwupa per gnlf title, gors the credit of turning in one of the lowest cards of the Hay, Harry ahot the IK hole in 75, thereby qualifying aa a "Urk Jmrsr" in the 'IJ2 tournament. Donovan ihared minora with Wally Miepard of the Omaha Country tlub, who also turned in a card of 75 for bin firtt dav'a work. Jaik llughri, flying the Omoha Field club color, wat lecoiirl low man. llughn, a former atate cham pion, covered the 18 holn in 76 strokes and appeara to be one of the i4 golfrri to be watched. Sam Krynoldi, four tiinra king of Cornhuskrr atate golfdom and for mrr city rham;iion, made the courie in 7Y. .Sain turned tfie outside in 38 and wat well on liias way toward the club hcue with a pretty good card until he hit No, I J, and 16 holei. Champ Around in 79. Another 79 acore wat hung up on the board when Maine Young, prrt eut crown tottr and Field club golier, finished playing hla qualifying 18 P" bole. J lie champion finished the in itial nine in '42, tix Over par. He jel lied down to bukincm on hia way to ward the club house and thot the in aide in par, which ia .17. Kenneth Reed of the Field club atartrd out like he ' waa going to shatter the course record, lie clip icd off a birdie three on No. 1, which m a par four tin, and added another birdie to hit list on No. 3, a par five hole with a distance of 450 yard. Keed made a long drive from' the tee and with a good approach thot and a pair of puttt, look a four. The Omaha Field club golfer and former state champion got a 36 on the outside, making the first nine in par. figure. He didn't do quite to good on the inside, however, taking a 44, seven over par. He experienced trouble with his irons on hit final lap around the course. M. G, Colpctacr. from over where Charlie Johnion instructs, turned in an 80. He took 37 ttroket on the first nine and 43 on the second. Threa' 81 Carda. Three 81 cards were turned in. I.. T Campbell of Happy Hollow, M. M. l.aDoucer, Field club, and Frank Ikfassara of the Fontenelle club were credited with 8lt on the 18 holes. Ciene Siattery, on whom the Lin coln golf fans have pinned their championship hopes, turned in a card of 82. The Lincoln champ and for mer Omaha caddie, made the first rune in 41 and the second in the same figures. His steady brand of playing has stamped him as another one of the 214 golfers worth watch ing in this tournament. Fred Vette, city golf champion, is not entered in the tourney, but his side kick, Harold Palmer, champ of Central High and winner over Vrite in the Central tournament, teed off No, 1 early yesterday and made the first nine in 42. Hi sec ond shot at the nine holes required a 41, giving him a total of 83, Second Round Today. Ralph Teters, from whom Blaine Young won the state championship Ut year, also made hi fust qualify ing round In 83, M. T. Swart, chairman of the tournament committee, announced yesterday that players in the second tii.ilnving round today will start at the same teipetive unit as they did eterday, f l'uMic Tourney Start at Ttilnlti Today Toledo. O , Aug 27. The tutiou' br.t piil i lu- link gtdlcrs-tfi lUgcns and .Saiaien ot th (mure tdy put in their niiishing prai'tiie touches over the Ottawa pik count and to morrow will play Jo-hol miaSitving rounds in th ttitt national ptiMv links tuurnamtiti, EDDIE'S FRIENDS RKHt'ARSINO FOR THE AFTERNOON CAME W in ri A l OukjJo ' s 7 TntJ Thk Cl CftlAM Aaj0 CAttl APTtft "That TmC 6uCt TO WlMOaJ Urr4 Tut TIA. my foot 0i tor tm i v win mi 1 ir . j i V "'-if Voj 211 A IB ' imi,. State l ube lM ( Uimnim. tltlti. Aug. I Otund laland A r..l4 Hlln, t to I, tiy laklni ail .nr., of inn ul mat In lh third Innmi. Hasilnaa msilt lhr. daubls plsrs. aror.: OKAND INt.ANO. I HAtTINCia AIMI.OA Alt II OA. Kr.nd, Sb I 1 1 ' Pli.r. lb 10 14 t si Mo.n.r. rr I I 1 4 ll Tm, If till t I t'Wilt, Sb Sill I l W ilkin, rf 4 I I II Olilr fflti. u 4 111 t 1 O K.h y.r, lb 4 I t 1 t 4 J'Kirhy, e 4 113 a a ol Norton, p i i a a I ii-k. d a a a i si m i p t i 14 11 17 It Knh.n, lb i M.II. t Ml', rf t w h p., if llr.w.r, lb I Klo nkt, rf t Bnll.y,e 4 Kuulk, p a 1 Ufnrt by Innlnts: Irand ....011 40 100 t Hantlnts 0 3t 010 i lummsry Two-b hit.! Klrby, Mrw- Kun and hlla: oft Norton, J and 4 t rtiiilnaa: ofr Hack, I and t In t In- nlrif.. Doubla playa: I'li'r to (inffln to K ht.rmry.r; Ba.'k to Kirhr to Erhir m.yar: Ki'htArm.yr (uiia...i.d), Haa on balla: (iff Norton, 1; off Koulk, 1; off li.ik, I; off Zic.nkin. t. Hlru.k out: Hy Koulk, 4: ky Norton, 1; by K.rk, 1: hy gtlcmbtln, aJOol.n ba.ia: Tmtiaa, "Hrm ar, Witt. Hit by pltrhvd halll Hobn. Ilrw. ar, Xlompka. Karn.d runa: Orand Island, S; HaatlnKa, , Lfl on baara; Oranci laland. II; Itaatlnta, I. Umplra: Wood. Tim.; J :0V, PlratM HmS ISmU . Pill. burgh, Aur 21, Max Caray'a m.f niricant work at bat, on tha baar and In tha flald halprd Plttaburih to drfeat Drooklyn, 4 to a, In It Innlnaa. Brora: BROOKLYN PlTTSBllROrT Ol.on, tb t Job ion, aa t h tlrl'h, rf I Whaat. ir 4 Myara, i t Krh'dt, lb Hlah, tb t)br'y, Ntla Mlllor. e Vanva, p AH H O A I AH H O A. 0 1 I'tlar'llla. ss a 0 4 1 I 4i(.'aray, cf t t 1 1 I 0 U:b-,, If t 1 4 0 t 1 itup.ii, rr 4 o o a 1 I OJTIrrn y, It, 4 111 1 11 SiTrayn'r, lb 1 0 1 t 1 1 liOrlmm, lb 4 1 t 1 1 1 l.H.'hmldt, o 4 1 1 0 0 S OlC'oopar, p 4 10 1 1 1 l! Totals 14 7 11 IS 1 Totals 41 10(31 21 xOna out whan winning run scored. Han for Iahrry In ninth. Btora by Inning.: Brooklyn n oo (inn noj PUI.Iiurah 101 COO 010 014 ' nummary Runa: Jnhnalon, Myara, Srhmantlt, Maranvllla. tvarey, Srhnildt. Coup.r. 'Krror. ; Hlh, Miller, ("ari-y. Two ha. hit: Coopar. Thraa-ba.a hit: Orlmin. ainlan baara: John. ion, Sihinlilt, far'y. Kncriflma: Varna. Sfarnnvllla. Iinuhla play: Hlsh tu Johnaton to Hf-hirmndt to John alon. l.'fl on fea.aa: Brooklyn, t; Pitta bursh, i Baa.a on balla: (iff Vtnca, .1; off 'opar, 1. Hlrurk out: By Vanoa, t; by Cooper. 1. Hit by pltohed hall: By Cooper (Whaat).- Wild pltchi-a: By Cnopar (1). Umpire.: Qulgley and Moran. Tlma: 1:44. AMI KK AN I.KAOI R. (I, Alt. K, If. Pel. Mater, aX. ImIs...II 4V ICS tt 411 (aih, iwuoit .... lit 44t n .ava Hiekr. lleyeland IH 411 lt .all) iflllmann. IIHrnlt .lit 44 .1 lt -SSA Kcbani, rar lork. till II IM. ti ATIONAI. IKAt.lK. 4i. AH. K. II. Pet. Hornahy, M. Iiul. Ill Sail ll IS7 JM Tiniwr, j-itt.i.urah aa lit .aia lllfhe. Pltlaburgh II 471 N4 I7t .as l.rlmea, lilrago ..IIS SOS KO 144 . Miller, thloaaa ... 7 1W 4a 111 .laa to an early Iea4 which tha t.lnka wra unalila to ovarc ome. Hi or.; NORKOI.K. I UNCOI.M AUH.O.AI ABHOA. Ath'ton. ..till) Hpr'aer. aa S a 0 1 a t am, ri a 1 a llliyr. 2b till O'Cunkey, c S 1 4 1 o dibion, r( I 1 1 0 0 Hool, If t 1 1 0 HM'Coy, lb I 0 10 0 0 .Inker, lb 4 1 1 1 leJmlth, p 4 1 S 41 117 tl ITotala 43 11 27 11 Mlt'ell, ib t 0 1 11. rr, 3b t 1 1 Hou.a, l( t 1 4 Clark, ttt Oravaa, cf 4 0 I He'rty, lb 4 1 7 Dldler, p 4 1 0 Totals Brora by Inning. : Norfolk Lincoln ...040 00(1 0127 ...too 021 001 t Nummary Huna: Atherton (2), Marr, Knapp 12), (Iravea Dlillar, Carrlg (I), lya. Hool, Zlnker, Km I in. Krror : Marr, (onkevf Two-baa hit: Dye. Bacrlflc.a hit: Clark. Htruck out: By Dldler, 4; by Bmllh, 7. llaaea on balla: Off Dldler, t; oft Hmllh, 7. Earned runa: Norfolk, S; Lincoln, t. Umplrea: Meyera. Tlma: 1:40. Safe or Out Falrbury, : Bluea, 4. Kalrbury, Aug. 2 falrbury took a well playtd gama from (ha Bluea, t to 4, hy timely hitting. Bllaa Had the arnra In tha aevrnth with a home run over left field fence, core: , BEATRICE. I FAIRBl'RY. AHH.OA1 ABHOA. Wlgglna.2b 111 URnonay, aa 4 I S S Klr.h r, lb 1 1 S HW'huah, lb 1 110 1 Quinn, aa 1 0 i 4 M'ler It. rf 4 1 t 0 now'an, cf 1 I O'Bllai. rf 1110 Mooney, If 3 1 1 0 Reithle, If 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 lll'level'd, Sh 1111 MrK.e, rf 4 0 1 Olloo.! In. Ib 1 1 1 I linger, u 111 0 O'Connor. 0 4 1 4 I Maruia, p 4 1 1 I Wolfolk, p 4 10 1 Totals 911117 11 Totals It 7 II 12 Score by inning.: R.atrka 000 ;o IDS I Kairhury 001 Oft 101 I aumniary Runa; I.abri. MrKea. 'n ger. Starquia, Rnaney 11), lllla., Wolfolk. Krrr: yumu, llama runa: Bhaa, Rooney. To ba. hita- tli harnioU t!i, Maiqula (I), Kirchner PairlOra hit.. Ktrrhnar til, SIDina. Wimbuah, Cleveland. . on balla: nf Slarula. I: oft Wnlfalk. 4. Ntnlen baa.e; tluodwln. Raoney, liH.a, t'n ger . Poultle playa: Raoney to Wimbuah ta Kouney; Rtoae'. ( ta air, a aut; Hy Mi'un, 1. br Woifuik, 1. Iri an baaea: HeairK. II; r.irbury, 13. lini'lta. Jutiiua Time: I tl, I aeka laws, 1 U a. Lincoln, Au (Ifouvad ah l-ia 1 im Tb iitimn gu gaayittitig to win from the t irrnnn Q. Whan the ball waa hit In front of tha plata tha batter' threw hla bat ar- Mentally and hit the ball further. What would that ba called? A, Interferenr mill mnat ba piinletied ftcrordlngly. The umpire la not permitted to Jutlg whother It la accidental. Q. Runner, on flrat and third. Man on flrat atarta to aleal. Bull Ia thrown to aecond. Second baeeman thrnwa tha ball to the flrat baaeman and tha runner la caught between them. ".Man on third make, a bluff to go hlma. Ball la thrown to the catcher. Runner, who waa on flrat, reachea aecond and the otht-r 00 third geta bark to the bane, Would you give the runner on flrat a. atolen base? A. Yea. ' Q. Runner on flrat and aecond baaea. Tha runner on flrat runa to aecond and tnuchea the baaa. The ball la thrown to third and tha umpire called tha runner on aecond out claiming he waa forced, Waa that rlxht? A. No. The runner on flrat eoiild have gone hack to flrat a he waa not forced. If ha waa not forced, there could be no fore play. Q. At the and of tha alxlh Inning tha acora la S to 7 In favor of the vl.ltlng team. In the laat half of the eeventh tha home team ecoree a run and tha gam la then called on account of dark n.a. Tha vlaitura claim they won, Ar they right? A. No, the acora waa tied. The team eerond at bat always get credit for what II dace. y Runner la on third haae. Baiter attempta the aqurei play. Ball roll. In front of tha plata and aa the batter atana for flrat the hall bounce, into him. Catcher cannot field It and the umpire ealla th batter out and eenda tha run ner borne. Waa ha right T A. N. Th hatter la out but n Hae runner ran rua w hen runner ta hit by batted bait. Carter Lake Club Win Two Haielll Content Carter Lake emerged victorious in two failles eairrday on its home grounds, drlealiug the I'oHtoiiiie Kinplovrs, li to tl. and the Star Fur nace, II to 10. The Clubmen over- tame a U run lean in tne ttnin m Ht(ittg (.rnr 0mu t Hfn.Nillei TuettUy Fradvtil. Mai.. Au "-th r ns.'ti Kas lH iH l -t H .( i lml Irottett at. ptvui Si week Th rnttlmi, KuH sltrtl T r, 'tJ l4 ( alavi Utaltsd ft th .ul Mvw tvt) H will ba d tttibutad it) ru' nivty I BaseBallGesults enaMandin WMtTK.RN IKAUIK 'NUndlnca. ( wot.rct.i w.r,Pct Tulsa li tl .SIS, Huff alitea a 70 .407 HI. Joseph II l4.IS7!kla City S4 74.41 Wichita It Sl.tMl. Mulue tl II .11 Bioua City 71 .111; Denv.r i 17.141 yesterday's Heaull. Oklahoma City, I I: ! Molnea, 21. Ienvar. 12-1: Bt. Jiaeph, 10-10. rlloua City, J; Tulsa, t. Today's 4jme, Nt. Jntph at Omaha. Wichita at Denver. Tula at Ilea Molnea. Oklahoma City at Hiuus City. KKBttANK a' HTATP. LEAOIE X landing. W.t. l'ct.l w X, Pet. Norfolk II Is .S7l Kalrbury 14 27 .471 Lincoln 10 20 .S'101 Haallnga 20 31 .312 lieatrlc 21 21 .1001 U. laland 1 12.171 Vealerday'a Keeulta. Norfolk, 7; Lincoln, S. tirand laland, S; Hastings, t. Kalrbury, I; Beatrice, 4. Today's Oamr. Beatrtca at Falrbury, llran'l laland at Hastings. Norfolk at Lincoln. NATIONAL LEAGIE. BtaiKllngs. W. L. Pet. I W. 7,. Pet. NewTork 74 44 .S17('laclnnafl 17 IS .1(1 Chicago IS 14 .167 Brooklyn ft 13 .476 Bt. Louis 47 14 .614 Phil 43 71 .171 Plttabu o 14 It .l4t)Bo.ton II 71 .321 l'ealerday's Result. Pittsburgh. 4; Brooklyn, I. (Only gam scheduled.) Today's (lames. Brooklyn at rit (.burgh. Chicago at St. Louis. (Only gamea scheduled. AMERICAN I.EAGIB " Btandlngs. TV.L.Pct.l New York 74 60 .617 Chicago HI, Louis 73 62 .64 Wajth'totl Detroit S 67 ,64(! Phlla'phla Cleveland S3 SI .60S Boalon Vesteirday' Results. New York, 2j Rt. Louis, 1, Chicago, 6-2; Philadelphia, 1-7. Cleveland-Boston. doubl-hedr poned, rain. ' ((Only games scheduled.) Today' Game. . Chicago at Detroit. .Ht. Louis at Cleveland. Washington at Na wYork. Buatou at Philadelphia. V T. Pet. SO 42.48 61 86 .472 60 7 .417 4 74.311 post. AMERICAN AHSUCIATIO.V Btandlngs. IV. L. Pet. St. Paul H 47 .63Kan, City Mln'apoll 72 6S ,649ll,oulvlll Mllwauke 73 til ,6(4Toledo Indl'apoll 61 62 .623Colunibua Vealerday'a Keeulta. Bt. Paul, ': Kan.aa City, 4. Indianapolis, S; Louisville, t. Milwaukee, 6; Minneapolis, 4. No other gam played. Today's Game. Tndlanapolla at Loulavtlla. Mtnneapolla at Milwaukee.'' Bt. Paul at Kansas City. Columbus at Toledo. W. L. Pet S 4 .616 4 70 .(77 62 71 .317 47 16 .361 Yankees Win lMiuniiig Battle From Browns Boy Golfer Shools Par in National Tourney Toledo, 0,. Aug. 28.-(By A. T) George Autbach, one of Boston's boy golf wonders, shot a par 70 in hitv rirst qualifying round of, the United States Golf association's nation pub lic links tournament over the Otta wa park course today and easily led the players who had finished IM holes at n.K'ii. Following Aulhaih were Mike Tobiu, jr., of I'hiladrlpliia, whose card showed a .V-.U-7J, and Walter ( rodwus of Chict?" with the ch..s same total, while F.ddie Held of Lotus came next with i -t'l .U 74. iio.i.,. New VurkTakfi Tltrff Out of Four (iniuca Vllicn hawLry ltrl Sliorktr in llurlrr'i Dm I. Vew York, Aug, 2M The Vew York Americana increased their lead over Jst Loin to game and half, drlealnif the II r oh n s in thrilling 1 1 inning pitchers' batlie, 2 to I. The victory gave the Yankees three garnet out of the four-game aeries, Shocker, who won the first game of the aeries, found a stubborn op ponent in Dub Slunkey, Shawkey pitched ont f the bet games of bit eareer and finally triumphed over bit famous rival from St. l.otn. The Yankee twirlrr yielded only four hit against eight off Shorter, although the St. Loui pittber bad better ron. trol. Tha only bases on balls issued by Shocker were two intentional pastes to Srhatig. Shawkey walked seven men. New Yotk scored the first run of the game in the second inning, when Sch a tig singled and scored on Ward's triple. Sevcreid lied the arore in the fifth with a borne run into Hie lett field bleat hers, the only ealra base hit off Shawkey. The game remained deadlocked until the 1 1 th, when Dttgan led off with a aitiKle. Kuth f lied lo the in field, but 1'ipp'i hot tingle past Sisler advanced Dugan to third. Schang wat intentionally passed and Meusel drove out a sacrifice fly to loom which waa to deep that no effort wat made to get Dttgan at the plate. The game wat perfectly fielded by both tidet. Score: HT. Lot'tU . 1 Ail ll ii a i Tekla rf 11 0 Wilt, rr riHjs.n. is 4'Kiith. rr 'Plnu. Ib S'a.-hang, e I Meuael. If Ward, ib 4'Mcntt. ea IIHhawkey, p Sioux City Wins Three Out of Five From Lelivelt's Oilers; Packers Take Final Game, 7-6 Stale Tourney Flrat Hound Qualifying Scorn Siotu City, Aug. 2H,Siou t'itv made it thtrr out of five (rout Tulsa, is itiiiing the fnul game, 7 to b. Man ager l.tlnilt aniiiiumrd that the Oilers would lay the eighth intiiiiu under prutot oil the grounds that it was time to call the name at the end of the seventh. Score an it o a I KEW yr.RK. AHIIOC roater. lb I I ai.i-r. ib lilt Wlllls'a. If 1 t I Jac'eon. rr 1 I MM... lb 4 I Paver'd. a 114 tlrhr.-s 4 11 HIiot kT, p 1 t I I I a i 1 1 I I 1 1 1 0 a l Rennet t rt I T la 4 1 l'le. II II Ulnk ll If Uut.H Ib I I Mailman ( 1I..I ma, ea I rt-iakr, 4 I Ilia, k, 4 aii ii ti a 4 I I H'l'iin. a 4 I I II a ay, in I I e aimer, lb 4 I H-tt, lb 4 SOU ll. ll.. f If s I i 'i s.i.l it I a i ki.h .f i I I in ar. rf 4 I I iuirr. 1 It leer, d luiaia aa ii in - I Totals It 14 II Tw nut whn winning run . nred. .,r. by Inning (e.glit innings by agist ment); Tula , r) I ii I an I Sn-ui CMy o;u sju ej J aumniary Runat limnrti. Th .n.l'son (It, tlavta, lamb I'loaiiy, llanilllun, lleniln. War, Mala, Mattok, li-i-'s.l.l. Uu. IV. Nneltg.r r.irur: It a in II I ..n, Twohaaa lute: lamb III, ialerard, IIU.II, 'a. mer. Klih, Hettiiniiwas, Koine latis: t'roa by, ItoaiiS'l, lUmlilon Marririr. hit: Pal mer, Nliilea bara. Henjielt. Thiiliia.ia ('-) liiiib. y.mrnmtl runa. Pious t'ltv tt Tulsa. I, l(l on baaea: Tulaa. I, kioui Ci'l. II II. a. on balla: nil Ilia k. 2; oft Roeltgn. 4. rltrui k out: Hr Ilia. k. a: hi' itiiidaer. 4 Penver. S Tw hee l)iil Pi.tier. We l'haiil, iiafr. Ilumk, anaat-i. VVNgbl. THi-e ba-a bill n lnua aa.ridi h'l . II... I k liases a balla: (( Vm.'luls. II If Hall 1 hiiuih out' t Hail. I. br ll.olia I Mud pit.h: Hail I'a.od bail, Orat...wekl. mli u t.aaaa. at J...-IK. a, liens. 4 Runa and bile (iff V'i"ihr.e 4 and In I I I Innloge, off Hall, t and I ii c i i.n. P. 1 in I I I Innings t luiaolue and I .. N.aie. Y C. Held. Time, I it.. Thurinan and Coin Win Games Thurinan and Coin won the right to play in the second round of the kotiiliv.rstrcn Iowa baseball tourna ment at Council IHtifl. by virtue of their victories yesterdav, "I.efty'' Towers on the mound for Thurman was in fine form and held Sidney to seven scattered hits and wbifli'd II men, while bis trammatet j,ounili Kohcris for 11 safetirs. The score was 10 to J, C, Probst led the attack with a home run, double and single in five trips to the plate. Coin'a 17-year-old pitcher, Daugh- rw'S ui: ir Ilia, a.i - , . , lilt by pic had ball: i rty, proved too much lor trie I f. Hut if. m r r i. H. A, '. U 41 Jalliea Allan, t. Nay ablauts, K ' , l w, u I H . K. C en.. I, 14 P . il. M lluia-r, Haailii.,, 4S II il II. -..,, p. '. , li cuff l(i.M,..i..a r t", j.. a y. ' ii II Y. M.4 ... r, c II N.B.I. P l' ,..,.,,.,,( 41 SI Kma V I' It. a i ini.r. y.M.t. ... , I, Punt, 1 ll. 1 II. Mr., y. p .,, II Hl, i,, K P. . M. K. Ullii.ailh, V, I I' J J-. I. ...,. K . . J ..III) l ..It, S I' A ll l'i..ll I. c . Mar tn.ui.i y. t: i, a. a . i.oir ii it , w. ..,!? p . I'. It. VV iln.arlll, K. P, . J .i-i. P V. R II,, K. I' T Hunt, P. IV M. a llyili. r C r. a Mai... p. c. ... C. Hlnginan, P. I'. , . . li. M.i'arihv, l.ak, SI ll. rail. P C. ,. Maaaara, I oiit. , . , I'aiiii-r, Pont Muiphr. P c ii, i' P O. .. li, A ill .on. P. I' A. London. P c .... C. W. Keiir, lk ... II. It lUlilialn. P. ('. I, Hai ph V. V J. Home, p c K. K. inrrr. P C. .. A (liramr. P. r , II r Ilia. (It.Mil'toiil. bl llM.tlgar: H-n-' lv. I. ..I,.. ., ... -1,1. ..,.11,., I ' Ralph Hull-1, II II. n.H. Lfliveli). Time. 1.41. I inMrea: An- ' "" ." tl. T.,o..r. II II ... deraifn and lwia. Ttts 11 till H Total It I II 11 iTwo out when winning run scared. Score br lnnlnaa: t lunula 00 01 000 001 New Turk ...,.010 o 001 i s ummary Run: Revereld. Dugan, Kchang. Rrrora: 0. Two-la.e tllta: Meueel PIdd. Three-baa niij ward. Hume run Nevereld. Maerlflces: Jacohann. Hho'ker, Meueel. Left on bases: New Vork. I; RI tiuls. I. Raaea on balls: Off Phawkey. 7: off Mhncker. I. fltruck out: Hy Hhawkay. 7: by Rhnrker, 4 empires: Morlarty and Lvan. Time: 1:10. tiptlt rouMe-H eeder. Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Chicago and Philadelphia anllt even In a double-header, tha former winning the flrat. t to 1. and dropping th aecond, 7 to 2. X'ors, firat PHILADELPHIA. CHICAGO, I AH.H.ll.A. AB.H.O.A.IToung lb 4 113 Hooper, rr 4 1 0 0 Ha user, lb Johnson. sa til I' M.-i: an, rf Cnlllna, 2h 4 1 I 0 Miller, rf 111 Sjl' kln. e Mostll. cf 4 14 UHl'lnwsy.s Pslk, If 4 11 20l Wslker, If M'l' l.n, lb 4 1 1 llr-'lnway, lb a.'hslk.e 111 OIHssty, p R Hon, p 1 0 llsliruggy Totals 21 11 27 l Total rHattsd for Haaty In nfntb. Rcor by Innlnga: Chicago 100 031 0005 Philadelphia 021 000 000 t Summery Runs: Hooper (2). Johnson. Collins. Falk. Hauaer. Perkins. Walker. Kr. ror: Hasty. Two-na.e in: riaaiy. noma runa Hooor. Palk. Sacrlflcea: McClowan Bheeley. Rnbertaon (2). Hooper. Double ava: (Jallowar to Young to Mauser, i;ai uway to Left on baaea: Chicago, I; Philadelphia, I. Raaea on hall.! Off Robertson. I: ort Mssty. i. mruox out Rv Rnhertsnn. 1: by Hasty. 4. Hit hy pitched ball: By Haaty (Mchalk). empires: Guthrie and LMneen. Time: 1:42, Score, second game: CHICAiXI PHILADKI.PHTA ADHOA! AB.H.O.A. lfooper.rf S 2 I 0 Toung.Ib 6 0 4 1 i I 1 I 0 114 0 4 11 114 2 10 2 4 4 3 10 400 110 1 l a 14 I 27 10 .Tohnann.s Collins, 2b Moatll.ef Falk, If M'l'leln.Sb Taryan.o tlack.p xHtrunk Courtney.p Ha user, lb M' Miller.rf Perkins, o Oaloway.aa Walker, If 11 Naylor.p Totals M 11 27 11 Totala 21 11 24 S xBatted for Mack In seventh. Chicago too 000 100 J Philadelphia ozi "(o uix 1 Summary Runa: Hooper. M''Ctetlan. Hauaer (2). Mcllowan, Milter, 1'erklna, H heer. Kaytor, Krrora: Johnson, McCtel. Ian. Two-base hlla: Flk, Haoper. Mc- Oowan. Horn runa: Scheer, Miller. Sacrl- flcea: Cnlllna, Scheer. lioubla play: 1'er klna to Toting. , Left on baecs: thtcago. I: Phlladlephla, I. Raseae on halls: Off Hack. 2; off Courtney, 8; off Naylor, 1. Rlruck out: By Mack, 4; hy Naylor, 3; by Courtney, 2. Hlla: Off Mack, I In 0 In nings; off Courtney, 2 In 2 Innlnga. Loa Ing pitcher: Mack, Vmplros: Outhrl and Ulneen. Tim: 1:46. Major League Record New York, Aug. 27. The week's record in each league of games play ed, won and lost, together with runs, hits and errors, men lett on bases and runs scored by opponents, in cluding games of Saturday, follow: National. New Trk.. at. i.ouis ,. Chicago ... Cincinnati . Pitlehurgh Rroeklvn .. 'hll.l.lnhis H...U.U , . . . New Ta'k at, Low . . . , j Cleveland p. w, l. r. ir. r. Ln on. i i i ;t ii i i i I 2 1 IS 66 10 IT 11 S 4 It 10 .IS 4.1 4 4 1 36 7 IS !l 7 I I 60 la t 4 J! 1 4 4 41 4 I 41 i! I I I 41 77 Ll l ' I I 4 30 41 I II 21 laterlrsa, p vr. ik r, il u t.H iit. I I 8 It 64 a .1 .4 T 4 I 14 t SI 3 1 I I I II M I II 11 1 I I II II I II H 4 I 4 II 61 IS n 1 1 i 11 It II I 11 5 I 4 1 1 II 41 II t I 4 II 41 14 I. It Spill iNialil Hill, flea Moines, Aug 21 i iklabofn City and Ilea Moine divided a duuhle header, the llollandrra wintilng th Initial run teat, t tu I, and th Uouetrre tha nightcap, 1 to I a-oia flrat gam: ok LA citt. I pp.a ttoivra All II OA AHH.tlA. Pitt, rf 111 (lenln. rf SSI Kr-ger, lb 4 1 I I Wagnar.ib 4 11 PIMier. lb 4 1 I 1 Koran, rf 4 1 M'L-an'e, Ib 4 11 ei'oop.r, Ih 4 I 1 Ullig'dl, If I I 1 Olllranay, If 4 I Wlndle, sa I 1 1 I Uiirman, 2b 1114 Moor, if 1 1 g I Connolly,. 111 White, o 410 Manner, a 4 I I 1 i'syna, pit I Lynch, p 1 t I I ('roes, p t I Total 11 10 17 II al'ullop 11 I Totala II 7 211 iHatled for l.yn.-h In eighth. Pitt out for bunting third eirlke, hYore by Innlnga: Oklahoma City 100 002 (lot 5 Ilia Miillies .010 001 tno 2 Nummary Runa: Kruegnr (2). Pllber, Mclianlel., (llnglardl, Wagner, Draney. Kr rora: Wlnilje, White, Payne, Cooper, Two-base lilts: Kiu.ger (21, (llnglardl. (Iraney. Wagner. I'ft on bn.e: Oklehunia City, I; iea Mnlnaa. 6. airurk nut: )ly Lym h. I; by Payne, 1, lla..a on halls: (iff l.rn.h, I; off I'avne. 1 Hit hy pitched ball: Hy Lynch (Wlndle); by Payne (Dorman t paaaed bait: tianner. Ksrned runa and hlla: off Lynch, 2 and 7 In I Innlnga; off Croes. 2 and I In 1 Inning; off Payne, 0 and 7 In t Innlnga. Loeing pitcher: Lynch, 1ouMe playe: Moor to Mfli.nlrla; (lor man to Cooper. Cmplrca: Pitapatrlck and liavla, Tlma: 1:60. Recnnil game: OKLAHOMA CITY VF.H MOINKA . but five safe blows, and his tram won, 7 lo 6. Trey nor will play Oris wold in the first game this afternoon while At lantic and Corning will cross bata in the second. The scores: iio.vrr thurmav A II HO A AO HO A O Ad's. Ih 6 I 10 o Martin, rt I I I I 11 Mulra, rr I 1 K Pro t, as t I 1 V. H...H. it, 4 i ii I'ro t, ib a I a I Crowell, o 4 I I 1 Ha'llon. ! I 2 4 I Roberta. P 4 I I 4 Rhode. If 4 11 THIIlea, If 4 I 1 1 II I, Ha. f 4 1 CAr a, Ib 4 2 Malloay Ib 4 I S ar.a.m, aa 4 1 ' Powers, p 4 1 1 Hop na, i l I I I I Col, a 4 11 Totals II 7 2(10, Totals II 11 21 I Rear by Innlnga: Kidney 000 00 10 I Thurinan 1"1 III tos I RuiiimarV Runs: 0). Rilles, Crowell, Roberts It. Proli.l, (I Prol.-t ll). Rhode (I), lllrks, Cule. Halloway, Pnweia. lrrore: Wilson li), Ruben, O. Prohal (2. Hamilton, Halloway. noma run .41 61 4t Pllt.rf Kru.ger.2b 4 Kllher,2h 4 M Ih ilnlarill.lf Wlndle.a Moore, cf Whlle.o Payne, p tti ilea, p iTai All H. O.A.I 4 1 2 O'llenlncf 2 1 oiWaaner.Sb 2 1 IHoran.rf 4 t 2' Cooper, Ib 2 I 0 llraney.lf 4 1 lUiormHn.2b 4 2 1 ''nnnoily, .a 4 7 1' HHnner,o 2 0 X Merx,p 2 u i' Total Prolan. Three hit: (1. Htllss Two- baa hlla: (I. Prohat. O. Htlles. Crowell, Roberts. Rlolen baaea: J. Proh.t. Rhode, Hwanaon. lioubla pJaya: Hamilton to Halloway. p.aard ball: Cot (2). Baaa hits: off Roberta. Ill off Powers, 7. Htruck out: Hy Robert. 10; by Powers. 11. Number of Innlnga pitched: Hy Roberta. I, by Powera. I. Umpires: Uondlnt nd Ko. Time: 1:46. . TABOR. I COIV AH H O A1 A R H O. A. u.a'., u l 0 1 I' T.ajnar. Ih lilt Mann, rf I 1 1 0 Burman, If 40 T'pton, If 1 1 King, c 1 1 It Queen, o 111 nuttnn, 2k I 0 I Hill in. H Z ail " nnon'ey, an a 7 M, A. Ilaird. P ' c A. Conner. P. C ...... Jack Porliy. "I I 'laorsa Cue pen, (I, f.. ... II karts. Pout It A. t aileon, Punt II J Hon. h-r, M P. , M M llosers. Pont. .... . A M Peaiheratona, M P...6 (I II cbii.tophen. Naif. ..II handy Hu.laon. Pont. .,,. 6 P. Huntsman, Hebron .....60 P. A. Warden, PalrMiry ...61 Kendall. Pont , 44 K. W. Arnold P C 42 R P. Halld, P C. , 6 P. H Peters, M P 41 P. Huntsman, Htirnn ...,.l0 K. A. Watden, Pairburjr, . ,61 H Kendall. Pont II K. W. Arnold, P C II H. H I'elera. Milter Park ... 44 Our Herkelt, P. (', JS W ally Hhepald, ( . IT Allan H'ggina. O C C 47 Harold Ku.el. II It... Ray Low. Miller Park M. J. Hoarta, I). P C. H C. Huniney, O. I". C M. T, awarta, o. P. C, ; J VI, P. porter, ll. P. c. AH H.O.A J a. trope. 2d 110 1! Dough ty, p I I I 4 1 I I 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 I 2 1 0 I 2 1 11 1 1 1 I S 1 0 4 2 0 31 11 27 1) Totals 21 7 24 12 iliatted for While la eighth. Oklahoma City 000 100 010 J bra Molnea mo 001 loi 2 Summary Runa: Pitt, Pllber. Hnran, Cooper, Men. Krrora: none. Two-baaa hlta: Mclianlel, Pitt. Krueger. Left on Oklahoma, 4; ! Molnea, 7. Htrurk out: Hy Payne, 4; by ,Mri, a. Usees on balls: Off Psyna. 1; off Men, 1. Karned runs ami hlla: off Payne, 2 and 10 In 7 limine; off MrBn, 0 and I In 1 Inning; off Mer. 2 and 7 In t Innlnga. Ln.lng pitcher: Payne. Ilooble play: linrmnn to Connolly. I'mplrea: Flizpalrlck and Davie. Time: 1:21. s Denver Winn and Iae. IVenver, Aug. 2. Hplittlng a double header with Ht. Joseph, fienver won nn even break In the aenea with th Salnta. Th local took the flrat, 12 to I. and the vlaltora the second, 10 Id 6. Score: 'ST. JGHKPH DENVER A. H.O.A AH.H.O.A Olson. Ih 4 1 7 0 O'Brien, cf J 2 1 0 Cor'den, If 6 1 2 OiKerr, sa 6 2 2 0 Fisher, rf I 1 O'Shanley, 2b 6 2 2 6 Bnn'lts, if 9 1 1 OJPat'son, 2b 6 1 2 1 M'P'ld, Ib 6 I 1 2 Car'ght, Ih 3 2 11 2 Muter. - 2b 6 1 4 2! Wright, rf 6 I 3 1 Tirowne, as 4 t 2 Sltlomca, If 6 11 0 0 (Irab'akl, c 1 1 3 0 Parker, c 4 2 10 Orover, p 1 0 1 1: Proem n, p 4 1 1 4 Hovllk, p 1 1 0 ll Hall, p 10 0 0 Totala 37 12 24 ITotala 40 11 27 11 Score by Innings: St. Joseph 213 Oil) 12010 uenver (20 (101 41x 11 Summary Runa: Olson, KIsher (3), Ronowlta. Mcliunald, Itrowne (2), (irabow- skl, Hovllk. O'Hrlen (3), Kerr (2), Shan- ley. Cartwrlght (3), Wright. (Somes, Parker. Krrora: Fieher. Browne (2i, t'artwrlght. Korned runs: St. Joseph, I; Denver, 11. Stolen basen: Kerr, Cart- wright, Wright. Two base hits: Bonnwltz, Nufcr, Fisher. McDonald, ahnnley, O'Brien. Km-rlfle hits: Parker, droves. Haae on balls: Off Freeman, (; off droves, 2; off Hovllk, 2, Htruck out: By Freeman, 2; hy Hall, 1; by droves, 1; by Hovllk, 1. Left on Denver, I: St. Joseph, . Wild pitches: Hovllk (2). Oroves. Double plays: Wright to Kerr to Patterson; Browne to Nufer; Mc Donald to Nufer to Olson. Hit hy pitcher: drahnwskl by Freeman. Runs snd hits: Off Freeman, 10 and 11 In 7 1-3 Innings: off Hall, none and 1 III I 3-3 Inning; off droves, 11 and II In ft Innings (none out In seventh; off Hovllk, 1 and none In 2 Innings. Time: 1:66. Umpires; Held and Dnnohue. Second gsme T. JuhKI'H, ! DENVER. ABHOA AH II OA. Cll.en.1b 6 0S 1' O'Brien, cf 1130 Cor den. If 4 I 1 o Kerr, ss, 4 113 Pi.har. rf 4 2 3 n Shsnl y. !h 4 2 2 1 Hon US, .f 4 11 ! Pat ami. Ib 4 10 1 M l i' Id. n 4 4 13 Wright, rf I 2 I Nufer. Ih 12 I Car! tit, lb 1013 Hro'ne, a 2 1 1 ( Domes, If 110 Drab ski. a 4 1 4 Kil led, c 341 Huvllk, p 3 I 1 Voorheie, p I 0 . Hall, p : a a a Totals l 14 31 n: ' Totals ,11 131 tl a i i ri ui.ih 1112 Murphy, cf lain i, -u ..r 1 A 0 Q'llrfchtel. Ih til v-.m..,' 4 1 0 21)iVault. rf lilt ( 11.,.1'h 10! Total 11 t 2J I Totals 30 6 24 1 11 iMitted for Mann In nlulh. cor by Innings: ........ . Tabor 0(1 DUO 002 I Col I"4 040 001 1 nummary Runs: Rndenbaugh. Alstrop f2). I'tterhsck (2), VVyman. Lamer, llur man. Dution (2), Hhonesy, Dougherty. Murphy Krrora: Mnwhor (2). Wyman, King. Dulton, Murphy. Two-base hlta: Lamar, King. Pacrlfloa hit: Msnn. Stolen baaea: Lamar Hurman Double play: Dougherty to Dutton to Huchtel Hit bats man: DeVault hy W'ymau. Passed balla: Hy tjueen (2). Hsae hits: Off Dougherty, 6: oif Wyman. s. Struik oul: Hy Dough erty, 10; by Wyman. 6. Inning pitched: Hy Dougherty, t: by Wyman. I liases on balls: Off Dougherty, 6; olf Wymore. i. Umpire: Fog and Oondlng. Tim of gam: 1:30. Team Matches FONTKNKLI.K ,7t (first team) ,S P. Kendall 00 . 2 H. Donovan 76 .SOiF. Iionovau S3 H, Parmer S3 268 FREMONT 331 Marr 931 FONTF.Nf'.LI.K Hammond. .. .1011 (aecond leiim) , e May 1011 VV. I,. Hudson. ...IS ' J.' Marr IS'H. R. William. . .14 ;F. Msssara .HI 312; Don Pillsburgh. . .17 ANTM.OPF. 11.1 II TiORK Joe Smith J. C. .Poster . C. B. daunt.. O. H. Yoder.- I.IM OI.N (1. S. Siatlery. Joe Lutke L. Berroughs.. Joe Brown . .I'M :tt',8 OM AH VILLI) ci.l n (.eeond team) .K(l .14 ,2 .8K. Reed. 1 M. .T: Hwsrtl 142IO). Beckett.. OMAHA COPNTRVO. Vaughn.. 41.1 B .all 321 ,3 OMAHA P1EU) , nol ( LI B .76 (flrat team) j Jack Hughea 70 111 B. Young 71 I Sam Reynolda 7 I La Douceur HL F. (lalnes.... R. Patera W. J Foye. . . W. Bhcpard.. 316 Oklahoma Republioans May Adopt Anti-Klan Plank Oklahoma City, Okl., Aug. 28. An anti-Ku Kiux klan plank mav be included in the platform of the republican party at the slate con vention here Monday, accordine to party leaden gathering at state head quarters. The state executive committee will meet Monday morning to lav final plans for the program to be carried out in the campaign, it was an nounced by C. A. Alexander, state chairman, Jack lluahea, O. P. Prank Donovan. Pont. Mary Donovan, pnnt. Hlaln Young, O. P. C. .. H. H Hold. o. C, C, , i). R, Walllrh. Preiriont.. C. It Daunt, York tl. II. Yodir, Yor Robert Yale, York L. P.. Poster. Tork 41 P. ('. Msloney, Auburn .47 (' L. Hrnwn, Auburn .It Phil W.rnher. O, P. C. ....4 c. R Tvlcr, O. P r to Jo Brown. Lincoln A 41 P. L. McCoy, H. II. ........41 A J. a oil Hi, Lincoln A 44 W. R. B ait. Lincoln A. ...I (Jen Vaughn, O. P. C. .....4.1 Phil Altken. Lincoln C. C...41 A. C. .ar not,. H. H. -. K. Dow, MUIt Park . V. D. King, ffrk A. L. Hra.lstret, ti. 1. ., T. W. Clark. Jr.. O. C. O. T II. Caldwell. O. C. ?... .47 W, R. Adams, Fremont ,,..60 I.. K. Msy. Premout 61 ft. Howies, Hebron 12 Jo Tucker, Lincoln A 42 L, K, Thomas, Hebron ,...(2 James Austin, Laknma ....H M. McCarthy. Lakoma 44 o. M. Monoid, P. C D. K, Marsh, Hebron .. P, D. Dowes. O. P. C. L. Ilammokil. Fremont H. P. Sylvester, it. P. C. ...44 C. J. Marr, Fremont f SI R. Darrett, O. P. C II. Montgomery, H. 11. ... R. Moser, H. H H, C. Petersen, Fremont I. Laird, Fremont New CliaplfTi InstaUci! I'oturadn Siinng. Aug .'8 Three alumna chanters of Helta Sigma l'hsi- (keien innings by aareemrntl. "Yor by j,,,, ndtHMIa ororitv. were itlstdllrd ,.K an I in I'" s'!orilo at the clusing sessinn of inetr annum coiivetiiiou nere rsaiur day, it was announced etrrtUy. The are bwated in Colorado Springs, IViivrr and Oreeley. . .41 ..ii ..44 ..41 ..46 ...41 ...41 ...44 .60 .41 .41 .60 .41 .64 M. H. LaDuuccur, O. F. C...44 P. I.yk, H. H 44 (I, Klattrry, L. ', C 41 Kenneth Herd, O. F, C 34 Jo Smith, York 43 James. Harvey, O, F. C. ..41 K. A. Haddler, H. H 4S J. D. Fradenhurg. O. F. C...41 T. J. Todd. Kearney 61 M. Brlermand, Loup City.. 4 M. tin-en, Kearney 44 K. A, Meservoy, Kearney ,.4S F. C. Scott, o. F. C 41 J. D. Tlllsnn. O. F. r! 60 O. L. Hwanaon, Loup City.. 44 Hob Schuyler. O. F. C (H c. h. Moresrly, Font 66 n. K, Rellly. (J. I M J, R. Mnrrarty, O. 1 67 R. C. Kerwood. Columbua ,.fi2 R. D. Catherwood. O. O. C;..,47 Leach Marr. Fremont (7 H. K, Mllllken. O. F. C 4 4 A. .1., H. H 65 It. W. Cralgh. O. F. C 5 Uuy Liggett. I(. H (I K. A. Illgglns, o. C. C. ....47 Max Auor. (J. F. C 67 J. A. Hraill-y. O F. C 44 John Reed, Klmwood (4 f. Shuler. H. H 4 W. C. Llndelt. Klmwood ..S6 L. K Ullli'sple 43 L. P. Campbell, H. H 40 V. D. Benedict, O. F. C. ...43 VV, D. Craighead. O. F.-C. ..44 C. J. Herrod, Coluinhu ...46 H. T. Weston, lieatrlc . ...4S J. C. Scott, Beatrice (3 K. K. Buck, O. F. C 47 W. K, Droves, Miller Park.. 43 Hugo Otopollk, David City.. SO F. Andrews. Miller Park ..(5 Thomas Burtch. O. F. C...IS James Burnees. H. H (4 A. L. Fredericks. Miller I . .63 J. Halplnr, Jr.. Miller P. ...41 A. D. Mallory. O, l . t K M. Murenian, Jr , O C. C.4I Terry Relmaers, V. F C,..(3 H. r. Woodland, H. H. Hert McCoy. O. P. C. . . VV. H Hulslger. I). P. C. lo Kr.lfi.lfl, O, P. C. . Henry VV Dunn. O. F. C. H. muht, i). r c. .. A. J. Brown, O. F, C. . A. A. Tukey, 11. C. C. , Chel Dudley, O. C. C ,, William Mareh, H. H, . K Calm. o. P C Hoy Dlrke. Aul arn . , I', i". Kllio. Auburn IllllllIgH ftt Jowetth .ov.r in! I autoiiiary Itona: en.rn. P nh.r (31. Hon. til, VI.Di-na'.l t:t. Nu(-r, Di.Iimw. hi t :. 111. K..rr, hhinl'i (:l. I'atiei.'ia. lam. I runs: ajt. Jiw,.pb, a. ReglaAaeed a r4 Of Re BRINGING UP FATHER I'M COlMt; TO TlWOV II MOW TPT I iT in Tytt fwr TO ri iT a M.L s ICS JltitaS AND MACfilE IN rt'lU PACC OP rOtORl IN TH 1UNUAV PCC Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui it iBnhi lam fHG myasHT COO; COHtitt, fM avtD CPW,K ro3 ou WMU t in COT COT MOMC i S sAJtT TiMC TO . ' . t '' ut .aT -w.- i i 3 I r I M X V i Jmf i i r-v "TVU I . T in Tytt vvr ito t.t OUKt ICO CiCN'T CtT IT! CCC4S-I OCM T SI U WMs OU en TitCWC-a no UtR 1 TALK IMC. IVt I f MeHO nuw Ltcm! I tr-m -. m-m rvTJfiarw A Vvv" . vr- ,' ', stl wow: WILL UCT IT DKOP.1 V V ST I. P. Maaee. !. C. I. ... Pram-la tia'tie. .... II, I). l.elben, O P '. .. . II A KiH'h o C C , , . Hani VV H'Oiolda. o P. C W, .1, Pme. o ' C ......41 ll H Hill.v O P C. ' W. Also., o. P C , 44 Vt t) ColpeUer, O C. C ...If Uuv f'uiai O C, 4t K I t..r, II. P I'. , .... 41 A W H..-r II P l ... P W l.l.llel. O P C S t'hstl. Vil'O, o. P I .,..41 Ralph Pel-ia. II C C ....4 i' W I'a'kiM O P C ( C a. .Ht, louHll nff.,4 H CUia, I'ouoill pi((a..,l4 I 4 4 4t 41 ! IS 4. 41 II I 41 64 46 41 4 SI II II 14 44 44 41 44 41 6 I ll 14 41 44 (I 41 4t 4. 41 II 41 41 41 41 44 II II 41 II 41 44 (i 41 44 II 4 4f IS 44 41 4 6 44 44 44 44 44 47 41 II 14 44 44 47 II 41 14 44 4 44 44 4 41 44 3 If 41 4S 4 14 61 44 44 44 61 41 41 44 41 44 40 44 4! 44 IS 44 41 61 47 41 67 41 44 44 47 46 44 41 63 47 44 42 44 41 41 61 37 14 44 44 44 41 4 46 44 41 43 II 44 63 41 60 48 63 61 41 44 41 44 63 61 60 4S 67 66 43 62 62 44 41 46 44 44 61 44 44 (( 10 47 41 47 42 4 1 46 ( . 41 64 41 64 4 41 4i 44 4i 41 II 41 H 11 4- 11 44 ' 4 I 41 3 ' 4 41 41 4T 41 II II II 41 41 44 14 SI 11 ss t tl it ta S ! 11 II la e I I tl II l"l let I 14 si 14 tu s . ! II tt I 64 SI SI at SI tl 4 Sa II 14 4 J0 tl 14 I SO SS SI St t S4 11 IS 1 11 7i t is ir 17 II I IS 14 14 7 7 tl l'l tl SO ISO IS SI ss 10J ss II SI ' tl 11 SI ss tl 14 4 14 I"! 17 11 101 I II II tl .3 Sa 101 11 S1 II 11 14 S 106 SI l'l It l'l 17 14 It IS 17 17 67 S7 t.l 1" 17 li lit 104 111 I II II tl 107 107 14 S 114 103 hi 100 17 17 HI 64 II 14 II 64 S3 17 111 11 at " 1 II II 16 II I 14 II 17 101 104 14 .. tf St I HI M IM inf IS v. r i IS I I I 14 II ( s 194 l'l I 4 IS If Jit Tdkc I licit llttnllr, I.os ncV., 11, Ana. ."-Fl:l J li.mi.oti. I i.nif Hcaih, i at, vvkiUI a 1, ,h hiinlli' ftn'tJ hil'lr. tJ Mlit ttn I! t'lsolkiiian l titrn.lal. Pt hue, ssrr ituitir.l trt't Mt ttt!y ini,"t Order Your Fall Suit Early and Save Money aav wurtttvrful atorV af th pea eat !; pnu l ntll. Sails MasU I 0t, jv;t .4 U I, v y grnint f latanlee.i s.ltr, tit fit a !. MatCAKlllY.WILSON TAILOR! NC CX). I (, Ilia aai Hil 11 Daioboll Today ) rMaat 4 P, M. w Uto a - ' - -N. I - . . . f, 'A A " tQ a) tw t, Ps Usees a. taa) .ij a? ' I