The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 27, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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    ; THE SUNDAY BEK: OMAHA. Al'jfUST 27. 13J2.
n i aawi lu I ill :
Omaha Pulpit
Rev. Edar SalkeM One of
Three MinSntm Under Con
deration for Firot
Christian f.luin h '
Ky, Edgar P. SalkeM, pastor cl
lh First Christian church in Okla
homa it, hit Ix-rn askfil to fill the
pulpit of Kev. C, K. t"ilil rrtixned
pastor of the Ptrt thritiati church
of Omaha, a wcrlr; from St-enlay,
Hcv. Mr. I'oblty Hilt rci It lii
lat trrnion 11 pastor of the churrh
tomorrow iiiorninK. He then will
gr to the national convention of
Chriatiartrhurrhr at Vm.iu Lake,
find, which vill be lieM all iirxt
Kev, Mr. SalkeM l one of three
mm who probably will be Vi to
till th pulpit at First Christian
ihtirrh here, thai the eiitgri;ititm
may hrar and ft to know thein. It
it entirety possible 'that one of the
three may be asked to take the pulwt
irrniaiiently, it is said. Merton L.
t'orrv, chairuiitn ol the cmntnitttc
for the lelection of new pastor,
aid the proem of selection hat ti'd
rvrr Me mill on In the ronvfiitlofl
at Winona Lake Monday to inert
other ,ator who will be Kalhrred
And the Cat Came Hack
-With a Snake on Seek
After 33 Yean Man, 70,
Sayi Vt'ift Love Stolen
Atlanta. C,i Auk. W-Aft-r JS
year of happy married life, T. N.
Tanner. 70, confederate veteran, al
lege that the affection of hi wife
have been alienated hv U. K. I (arte.
Now Tanner i uin? Marie for
$25,000 damage for alienation of hi
wife' alfectton.
t According to Trnner' rharjrf, he
married February 28, !87, and lived
' happily with Mr. Tanner until April,
ViZX, when, he ay. Jlarte "under
mined the foundation of hi home
s by escorting hi wife to town daily
j on the street car, Buying her lunrhe
! and taking her on sulonioiiile ride."
. lie tay thfse thiiiR continued until
; hi wife informed hint the "loved him
f no more, only Harte."
j , t Whenever he met llarte and began
! ! remonstrating with him about both
I . eriug hi wife, Tanner say, "the de
I : fendant would run away before the
conversation could be completed.
i :
i i
! i
Ogtlcn C. of C. Protet
Fruit Rates on U. P.
Ogden, Utah, Aug. 26. Declara
'tion that a thousand carload of po
tatoes and a thousand car of fruit
cannot be moved from Utah 'unlet-
there is an immediate reduction in
t railroad rate wa made by the Of
' den Chamber of Commerce tui.iy
in telesrram dispatched to Carl K.
Gray of the Union I'acific anJ to
tahs representative m congress
which asked for an emergency rate
reduction of 20 per cent.
The telegram commended the
Union Pacific' for, it recent action in
asking the Interstate Commerce
commisiioo for authority to decrease
rates 20 per cent on potato ship
menu from the state of Idaho, but
asked that the reduction he made to
include Utah and extend to fruit a
: t
U. S. Gunboat Ordered to
Wipe Qut Chinese Bandits
Ptkln, Aug. 26.-(By A. F.)
Gunboat of the foreign power in
cluding the U. S. S. Isabelle, llag-
. htp of Kear "Admiral vv. n. u.
tRullard, commanding the American
Yangtze river patrol, have been or
f ' dercd to the Yangtze gorge district
" with instructions to exterminate the
i ' bands of disorganized soldier who
! t are firing on foreign merchant crat't,
i' A Greek surveyor and a French
! engineer end hi daughter, living at
" Shiiichow, province of Honan, have
been kidnaped by biipunds and are
' bciiu; held for ?100,000 ransom, ac
I cording to advice received by the
i foreign legation in Pekin. The .id
vier added that towns in the neigh
borhood of Shanichow have been
, luotcd.
Lone Bandit Seizes Mine
Payroll in Colorado
Wascnburg. Colo., Au. 26. An
auto mail hack, carrying with other
mail $5,J0O in cash payroll of the
Oakview mine of the Oakdale Coal
company, was held up one and a
half mill routheastiof Oakview this
morning by a lone' masked bandit,
who made his escape. The payroll
Ukcn ronsisted of $5,000 in currency
and $J00 in i!vrr, A pot,c of
do;uty sheriffs and utati ranners
took tip the search for the bandit
immediately upon beiii) tiotiiii-rt.
Vancouver, Wh, Aug. 26. A
cat which diapptr4 few day
ago, from the ranch of Aatl
Stockenbcrg of Lake Snore, today
returned with make tightly coiled
round It neck, w that when
Stockenbcrg attempted to tiui it
off. U coil constricted and
choked it victim. Kitty finally
wa rescued.
The make wa about two ft
long and wa. wound around the
cat neck four time, Btockenberg
Flans for Elks
Building Adopted
Million Polljr Structure of
Nine Stories Approved' at
Meeting of Lodge.
Final plan for the tuition of I
nine-tory buildiiiif on Ih' outhwe t
crn corner of tignteenth and IJodg
itrret wa adopted at meeting
of Omaha F.Ik Friday night. The
structure nd the site till tost in the
neighborhood ol f 1,000,000.
'Ihe plant idopted were the new
specification presented by the fi
nance and building committee, call
ing" for a buiWing 3i feet qure.
Among the tpccial feature of the
new hlk home are 10 bowling alley
and a band room in Ihe basement;
lobby and rooms for 10 (tore on the
ground floor; lodge room, lounging
room on second floor; club room,
billiard parlor and turkish bath 00
Ihe third floor; sleeping room on
fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh floor
and a gymnasium, locker room, is
scmbly room and lounging room for
men and women on the top floor.
Step will be taken at once to pre
sent the history of the F.Ik ite, the
financial scheme resulting in the rait
ing of $850,000 for the new building,
with the adopted plant to Ihe officers
of the fcran(J lodge, A toon at their
approval ha been obtained, the com
mittee will proceed at once with Ihe
coutfruction of the building.
Witness Against Healer
of Hearts. Believed Suicide
Chicago, Aug, 26 Mr. George
W. Hi tt, sister ot--V, W. Talcott,
told the police that he fear the un
identified: man who jumped from a
boat into the lake Thursday wa her
brother. Talcott ha been misting
since Thursday morning, lie was
the chief complainant against "Dr."
Albert f. Moore, founder oi the "cure
for broken homes." Moore wa fined
$100 and cost last Tuesday. When
lalcott wa last teen on Thursday
he told friend he wa despondent.
A hat left in the boat wa said to
have been, identical with that worn
by Talcott. Member of the boat'
crew also aaid that the uicide re
sembled Talcott. Mr. Talcott wa
last seen by his mother, Mrs. Charles
If. Talcott. He came to her home
early thursday, apparently dejected.
Adviser of Lincoln During
Civil War 100 Today
Moristown, N. J., Aug. 26. John
Aikman Stewart, chairman of the
board of trustees of the United State
Trust company of New York, adviser
to Abraham Lincoln during the civil
war and friend of John D. Rockefel
ler today celebrated the 100th anni
versary of hi birth,
He has been a trustee and counsel
lor of Princeton university for more
than SO years.
Prayer Each Day
Martha rumhrd about much aarv
inn, and cma to Him, and aald. Lord, doat
Thou not cara that my ilatar hath I aft ma
tii arv almia? blil hr thararora that
aha hlp ma. And Jaaua ana wared and
aald unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art
f-Hraftil nd troubled about many Ihlnva:
Hut ona thine la nanldil: and Mary hath
ihian that ood part, whlrh ahall not bs
taWrn away (rum hr. l.oka I0:t0-a2,
O meciful Saviour, Who didst
bles the little home at Nazareth
with Thy meek and lowly life, in
spire in us this day uch a willing
ourpose to be about our Heavenly
Father' business, that we may find
no task too small for our patient re
gard, nor any burden too great for
our earnest endeavor, Hear us and
help us, we beseech Thee, that o
each day, in home or temple or in pur
daily work, our lives may be conse
crated to the loving service of God
nnd man, and that we, like Thee,
may go about doing Rood, ' through
Thy sufficient grace, Whose ttrength
is made perfect in our weakness, and
Who cant make us good and fail"
ful servants, through Thine almighty
power, to hles and to help, to eek
and to save. We k it in Thy name,
Who art our Redeemer, our Exam
ple id our Friend. Amen,
lUalwn Jninoa II Van Hurtn, D. T .
Iiiilianaiiulia. Ind.
New Prices on Dentistry
Crown and fBA
Bridge Work
$10 and" up
3ilvr filling SI ami $3
Cohi tnlay. According to Si
Thia reduction In rm Hy tr.-Mn a hear-, inn of
wprkmt.hli rr tvutttUl. Kwtv pier ot work,
whether tt t a ma MUti tf difdcult, cor
f!littd denture, U hsrdled hy !l!d dfntit,
1)14 lta ! Ca 1 ta a4 Fca
Union Outfitting Co.
Out of that
High Rent
Union Outfitting Co.
and Jackton
Union Outfitting Co.
OT in years has such fine Furniture been offered at prices
anywhere near aa low as you will find it in thia August Sale.
Prices were already many dollars less than a year ago and here
are further savings of 10 to CO per cent.
NLY FOUR days remain of the August Sale. a Email
rlnu'n navrnent at time of nurchaso rnaljlcs vou to take ad-
yantage of the bargains and the balance can be arranged on easy-to-pay
terms to suit your income.
Handsome Dav.npnrt Table
in rleh mahogany finlrh
with large top and graceful
turned I'g M"!1"
t If
Coniwination Gray and
Ivory Dresser With large
adjuatahle French pUie
mirror, U re- lfft'750
(lured to "'
Qua.n Ann Dinine Tab). In
olid Jacobean quartered rak
with full 6-foot ff)J75
extenHion top ii ,,, fjf
Fiber Rocker in ivory finish
with full apringr scat uphol
stered in figured da musk,
Monday H A73
Visit Our
Our exchange department
will take in your old furni
ture at a fair value on any
new furniture you telect.
This used furniture iin turn
old at a low price for quick
Ccouina "Vikinf" Sta
tions! Bookcase in- eolid
quartered oak, h four
eectioni, com- lJQ50
plete with top., , .07
Tick.t to Our
, Outing at
Lakaticw Park
Next Wcdncuday niffht
every girl and lady en
tering the Danco Pal
ace will receive a Kew
pie Doll Free the Hol
ler Coulter nnd Beauti
ful Ohio will be free
and all 10c rldca will
be Sc.
Csll at Store
with wide
Windsor Ruekor
back In a benuti-
ful miihoirnnv finish
Is reduced yonday to
Dining Chair built of
solid oak with comfort
able scat, one piece back
and heavily braced leg,
at $-195
Masstva Brats Had front
Simmon with 3-Inch cor
ner post and 1 inch fill,
er in mtin bamUd finish
in thU nU Afs0
t fij
Kiuk.t TaWU tslih Urfe
workina tP. rri ilrr
and h"lte.t lf U U r j
long irrvUr, frJTS
only I
rrmm" , "A
Tall vkillania in si.
goUlvA k wtih r"iy
ivit aiid ru iimiiu
titawet i r
.llil'ot I , , , . ,
Monday Only-3-Piece
Bed $H)50
IBB it
Sunklst Lemonade
Come in Monday when
you are down town
shopping for a cool,
refreshing gl of
lemonade made from
"SUNK 1ST," the pick
of California lemons.
It fa good for you and
food for the kiddii-s.
iJrinjj them, too. It is
To secure an outfit like this at such a low price is.
an event extraordinary. The "one-day" price is
due to special concenmons, and fs o low that any
one planning on furnishing a bedroom thU fall
should Investigate it. ,
Quality $1 Down
This is aull size, "built
for sleep" Simmons steel
bed in beautiful walnut
finish with continuous
2-lnch posts' and 1-inch
fillers, equipped with a
restful, Simmons band
ed, 5-inch, high-riser,
links fabric spring and
fuirjze mattress with
tufted top.
Not only does the sale
price represent a sub
stantial saving, but you
have the additional ad
vantage of convenient,
easy-to-pay terms of
only $1 Down and 50c
Weekly thereafter. As A
the price and terms wiil
sell these outfits quick
ly, early choosing is advised.
Value in
Seamless Tapottry Ruga,
9x12 sizes, in beautiful
patterns, in this August
Sale for
p ! lllllilllpiggK
- C B ?T
During "PAJHE-WEEK" Only a
Beautiful Floor Lamp
With Any "PATHE" Selling
at $100.00 or More
and 12 Double Face Records,
If you have been thinkinpr of
getting a phonograph this
fall, make your selection Mon
day, and when it is delivered
we will Include a beautiful
floor lamp and 12 records
(2-1 selection!-) FKKK.
Picture the Added Beauty
and Entertainment
this u n u mi a 1 combination
would add to your home, and
with u "l'uth' thoro are NO
needles to change, and you
can play any niako of record.
The new low price, now in
effect, mean a iavinir of many
$150.00 Tathei .. St 00,00
$175.00 Path.i .. tfrJ.YOO
Model at low aa JJS
I $1 Weekly
d.Uvn a 'TArnr," to
your hima with lamp and
Seamless Velvat Rubs,
larKO 9x12 - room sixes
that will give exceptional
service are
Handsome Asminster
Rugs, 8-3x10-6 sizes, in
floral and Oriental de
signs, are reduced to
High tirade Saamlcs Ax
minster Rug in 9x12
sizes, for living rooms, in
this sale at-
Massive Rocker with wide
arms, full spring seat and
black, upholstered '.n imi
tation leather,
Liorerj TskU In rii-H ma
hvny fnuh uh )
ri"u ilrmarr ant liwr
,h,l( for ha Hftl
in th tale at U
A "PATUIV I'hnnograph
and $b other artlcUi given
away nevt Kri-Uv.
Prattle TVI 1h alnt f
lit. !( Hlple fi.r, le
stirrer a t 4i , !
iv m:
f- ; U
, j w pij i"jj n jm mrmn te s l.rnTir.i
lltattiH VaUa With tn, k
in ' ,! f.n h v,(S
ilir n lr H y
! l a M t4
A(.it ; I t, , 1 1
New Dresses
In the Fashion-Favored Styles for Fall
Here Moderately Priced and on
Easy-to-Pay Terms
If you are tired of your summer things and longing
for something new, you can secure a becoming Fall
Dress and enjoy its beauty and usefulness while pay
ing for it through 'our
You will find the new drapings charming, the colors
alluring and the materials becoming Georgette,
Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Lace Charmeuse, Russianare
and Canton Crepe at ,
$1SS0 $2450 $275v
New Millinery
Scores of the most bewitching styles,
are snown in ncn auvctyne, panne
and crush velvets, bewitchinfdy
trimmed with the newest S105
of novelties at.
OFF on Any Summer
Suit, Coat or Dress
Exceptional Offerings in Men's
L' hWr: H
We've prepared a "feast
of values" that will appeal
to the man who Is seeking
a good-looking, well
tailored Fall Suit at a
moderate price.
A wide range of mod
eU for men and
young men at
Boya1 2-Pant
School Suits
Suit rud n Jit M a
mother would have thtm
friti frtbrift thii il
th,i tlm hard knock of
ih.n d), with TWO
P4it -f paiiu, art $(m
ttly prieed, , . , y
Womin'i Cartva 0frd,
tilH to S7.f 3, rr
"Ym .h AH Auit iu $wr
-aw-anaTM aaai p i- wm mm Nal I h al 1 1 1