The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 27, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 30

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THE SUNDAY PEE: OMAHA. AlCl'Sl' 27. ltti-1.
the Theaters
Offer ,
BV TAIt i! I' charming e
fn!rt John Jlyann and l-etl
M.n'w have rtrr .tarred in
it itinr new production, "Honey
..nk." iitii it.'r biiugmg to
l!,c Orphnmi tt tUi lie opening
rl( of 1U trlMil. It Wa written
by 1 rank Nauiiiirr and provided
l M"oal aeftintr by
Marry I l A iinj4iiy 1 five,
including tie ii.u.4l director, it ned
.t the .rr Miitti'H "1 ;ngbt!y
mi. I i harming mutrl comedy. One
. the two fratljrH ! 0 b l'f"
MKr'l b Fred l-Vntftt Jammy
fl.bK ThriM urpn.e Ottering
lamed "Apl"''" in J'cfMii, lh
other featured " ionlrib
u by Wellington I "' ",n
'Babe' Futli went "" udevtlle
l.ii aceompbthed .ofut wa Mr.
kro. Out of h I"0' prominent
of -.ngbli fnagfiian. Out owler,
Vnown 1 '!. I ,"
trodur om dcid-dly mytifymg
iifhtHin. F.'lirl I'aiker I atuted
l.y Al Alien in her orK and daneet,
and by Joe M4iin II" P'-no- Her
clferinf. "Hit J'rroiu!ity. di
play her tmu.'ial gil" '
!.nrr. "What, li AH About T ,
Die f i'te of the o be prewnted
l.v liiluo Hall "d KU'l"n Dexter
'I bey are errmUie luninaker who
unfailingly roue hearty laughter.
Ale l'iy r-ot wily walke on bu
brad, Imt aerompli.lw number ol
t.lirnoriienal gymnattie feat. Aeop
rablc. the pot"J,Jf cartoon rnnnr,
will again be a 'f'0 (rature. Topio
ol flu !y nd Oit Taiba Wrkly
are ikewi to U lion oa h ailvcr
"Kniik Kn4k prodiKi-'l by
Harry lliiiK. o' ,,,e
iflib! Ifaovftcra lc-ltef
iaflili ll. Oibiiiibi trand ol bur
!,wiw, nfl (urnih lh furrnil
rck'a attrarlwn al lb C4yly thr.
i,t at today' matinfc, atartinir at 3.
"A bilk btorbiiiff Krvue tl Up and
Down Broadway" will b tli tovtr
inn title lr a proiniacd 4ay cl
brauhlul ffiic atttingf, coatunira of
trunrt in grttt van'iy, cUrfrifal
fiovcliin and !g Ktcl ol pic
iirc')ii harmony and a rat and
i horiu bi liand-packtd yUytf. Frank
X. fiilW, tramp tornrdian, and Kilty
Warrrii, danring toubrelie, are h;
Jm 7Aeaiers, lfp
i y 'J
. -.air: T, .. . . -I
a y . u w a. -j s--i - -- a
y, 1 1 Mr 1 1 ft I
j'a' J J
... . ' 4.4
"" y(Uty rty ftuiO
. :
;;,t -- i
- -,1, ( y v.Vf
I tin ccil,.r p tlifjtff i dtC-
Hfiiion. tul tbry gi lb prrtiy.
' hubitrd-baiicd lid! u.lurriirt tlv
inuiivri.t all tbcir own.
Sngir'a Mxlgria. W t)rnlrd iiiull
mm anil women, t.'in to 1 1 tr
Ori Kruni lh4lcf lirM ttt, Tbnr
(w;ii..riii4itfa ciiilr4r mml n
Irrlainirnr l-lurrl vf )i tirnii, ol
ritci it al rmnrdy iu.vili and miM
writ aiirtiiuiiii. In addition tbrr
tic the gorgriiiii latbuifl paradv anJ
lb l.rni. ol ldy iiodm. a iite.
I4il ci I gtiHcrmg brauly, biugrr'f
Mulgrl and tlmr tijiiipinrnt travel
in lo I'ul't'Mii rart nd Ibrrt ban
l,Mg t4i. 'lb tbow cjiiiri vroonit,
maul, tliauflruri, alri and tair
Ii4inlt in addition to tbrir rompany
o btl! (lk. Nunc vi tb ruin
paiiy 11 marnrd. '1 hey were boro
ol normal parmt nd many ol tticrn
litvt iMera and brotbrra ti, their
own tt. Tbrir agti run liom I't
to 4i
'Tlie Storm."
Viigmia Villi, trading woiiuii In
"Tb Mriti," i4rrmg llout 1'eteri
at tbe un tbratrr Una week, it one
ol b liM.l br4Utiful youiM Momrti
on tlit H4g or urccn today. tlt
known i -r a nore or nunc of de
lightful prrlormanci . but non bat
rrj, hrd ilir artittic brigbti tcorrd in
"The Siorm.''
(nitd iiiniy,i r ol a company carry
ing a docti'primipiiU and Jtt cliru
girl. (
Special mutual iitiinbcr and H-inre
cn.eniblra were ttagid by bul 1 icldt
and the prorniation in il entirety
v ttaged and produced under the
7t7U a
vatibful eye ol Jlarry liatiiigi.
(jiving credit to the advance an
iioiiiii;' nicitij "Kniik Ktiacki" prom
iet eacrllcnt divertion (or theater
kOrr$ who luok to Imrlrtque for what
biirb'iiie never lailt to itipply. Be
Kinniiig tomorrow at 2:15 tlie cm-
loniary Ud'i ' matinee daily will
bud lavor all week.
Firtt Half"o7'w7ek, Ending
Auguat 30.
The r.mprei lull thii week ii
topped by Five I)ancing Srrrnadera,
two women and three men, who
preterit a charming .ketch entitled
' Hit of MitittrrUy." All play aev
iral kindt ol mutual imttrumctit and
nig and dance in a manner.
Billy l)ot, blackface comedian, it
another who will be aure to pleate.
Hi line of chatter, aongi and danc
ing bring peal, ol laughter, Francia
find Scott, pretty taitiea, will pre
nt "Harmony hinging." Their
ougi are new and their act I clean
and mirthful. Toe and eccentric
dancing alto are featured by thia
rottpla. Jlarvey.llaney and (irace,
two young men and a young woman,
can be relied upon lo entertain in
their clever mutical oddity, entitled
"On the Coune," The act ) eonil
cal dittcrUtion of the great game
ol golf.
Admiion price! have been re
vited downward at the Gayefy,
where the lowered ale of price
will go into effect with the opening
of the current eatou, Saturday
night, Atigunt Ai. 'J he utlierette at
the Gayety are of the knickrr mode
and not only do they harmonize kwith
the (ayely' new box drapcrie and
A US tar Cant
for Valentino'
New Production
For "The Young Rajah," Kodulpli
Valentino' latent picture, Farauiotini
hat attembled a cat which reacliei
all-ttar proHrtion,
Wanda llawlcy, jut comptetiiig
her featured role in George Melford't
froduetion, "Burning Sandu," will
play Molly Cabot, the American girl
with whom Aiim Judd (the adftitd
name of the. voung Hindu), fall in
love with while attending Harvard.
Bertram Graioby, character artUt,
who nl.ived the Hindu heavy in ' For
the liefciue,'' alarring Fthel Clay
ton, again portray a colorful Hindu
villain a maliarajali who uurn the
Jo.hua and Sarah Judd, the kmdly
old New F.uglandcr who adopt the
boy, arc played by two noted charac
ter artinti, Charle Ogle and Fanny
Midgely, Other Important Hindu
character are enacted by George
1'eriolat, George Field and Fdwin
Steven. Aniot Judd aa a youth i
portrayed by 1'at Moore, brilliant
child actor, and the remaining
American character include Maude
Wayne, Kobert Ober, Jack Gidding,
William Boyd, F.dward Job.on, Jo
ur ph Harrington and Spottitwoode
Aitkeu, 1
0 in
1 1 1
Brandeis Theater Special
One Day Only, Sunday, Aug. 27
lb npWltlaa at Id CfMlit (fainit
tk Turk In A.I Miner al lb (rut
kattla al UM S4rl river.
I Mb I
TV lanuiu m, U.naiai I'tpou!.,
aactln( In t'iiMk army kalnra ta
Ina ta kaltta. Ha aura mni Ha't ml.,
tkia aaawlunilr la Ma haw lhy ti.lil
naw-a-aavt In lha tauHlry ttkara Alat
aarfar lha Lttti lou.hl Ihav.andt
taatt aia.
Alaa twit aiitura.
Pabular Prk-C'llnuut Shaat
II A. M. la II W P. M.
Lakevievi Park
10 ifiaa laaUr Ikaa '"'
TaJ.y al 3
Tanlglil al
a Ika k.tlMl, (aatatl lla
a aU. ta ika wiauia anl.
WtJaatdty, Aua.t 90lk
Union Outfitting Co,'
Ika i'atoa (Witmlaa I . !
(ia aaat t-t"H' la
aaa tr
faiata, t It l-k k4 aaaa4 kaH
.a, aMM4 al i ak.
I . )( aa aM ika -
Iki a al.
k as rw x
luJ S D) 5lM"i K.t-, I"
Popular I'air of
Acton to Open the
Orphcum Staton
There art no nmre welcome head
liner who tour the great Orphrum
circuit than John llyam and Leh
Mclntyre, who will be een at the
Orpheuiii theater thit week in the
new tiiuical playlet by th late
I rank Mamiiieri entitled "Honey
u. k!e."
lor many eai tliete eniljienl
plater have been duttnguuhed not
only for their ability, tlirir
retmemeiit and the "data" of their
( tiering, but for the lavith produc
tion with which, utterly regardlc
of rapeme, they have invariably pro
vided thrmii-lvc. No iini.ka! com
edy playing at the highett tcate ol
price could boait of more gorgeou
lottume, tcenery or attention to the
I. tile detail which tamp a theatrical
otlenng with the hand of the matter
producer than have been f jnnd in
the iniitical playlet which llyam
ami Mclnlyre have oflcred to Or
phrum patron, and the coueiiieuce
ii an appreciation ol their petloriu-am-
wiiah hate made them an at
traction ol tuperlattv il.
j Tbeae artitt have never appeared
wiilmut each other in more than I
veaii and the comrquence i that all
theater-goer knovy the happy eciel
that they are not only Mr and Mi
llvanii in private life, hut that they
jaie the model by which theatrical
marriage are eompared 1 hit teaton
they have an added imentive to their
profrt.ional pride f performance,
lor in the toppnrtiug cat of plavert
in "JliMiey.ucUe' will be een their
t ti .1 1 in mi u t y beautiful young daughter,
Felia 1 1) ami, who i making her
debut Uloie the foothght hhe it
a lender, goblen-haired )oung lady,
who ba the charm and iiiagnetinu
which mutt be component part ol
the truly great arti.t, and he i
bringing to the perlormancc of her
role an entliutiaxn and joyoutnr.t
of acconiph.hment whih waft iltrlf
over nlie footlight and iiubuei the
audience with the tame atmotphete.
"Iloneynuckle" i mure than the
conventional excuse for the introduc
ing ol catchy onga, laughable ntua
tiont and dialogue and tunning
cluilin, (or it bit a plot of 1 1 1 1 . ft
mtrrett and cud in a really tin v.
petted di uoiimr ut.
I'll) Hi. OuiU VikK.I.
Bubliluig with enthutiami and g'.ol
14 get back olf tlie loaj, 1'hvlli
Haver, beauiMuand talented Ma.k
etinrlt comrdy Ur. ba again taken
up her atudio grrae paint and mirror,
I'hylht, in rompany with Ben T wi
pin aud Kathiyn McGuue, ipearcd
in a vaudeville .ketch on I'anlaget
lime in teveral cl the wrtt eoit
emu. and while the cLiimt that the
hie of a taudcville arti.t it all that
may be capecled, Pevcttlielo,
want no more of it,
Mu Jlavrr it now hard at wmk
with Ben Turpiu on the produitiu
tj the neat Seuuctt-luipill tpctial
"1'he I'roren Trail."
To Mukc "Sl
Jbn Gilbrrt i to be (tatreil in
"St. I.lmo" for William Fun, Brie
l ove will be bit leading woman.
NiKil lie Itrullirr, who nude a bn(
bit in "Monte Critto" will be the
heavy. Baibara l a Marr will play
a character rob.
Jfc2bremos6 figure upon, tic iztyzt'c yjeai'iipslye
-ii I i 1 i
lit itis mitiai pnot
1 rr '
opiay orreriiti
i j
in which, "11lrPsk las ata-t-rr1
in for over G years and more
than (2,000 performances
The Immortal Love Drama ot
Two Men and a
II WVfl S 1 1 II III 1 1 I II I U tl t
! 1HJ ' Firtt National
"The Masquerader" tells the story
of a neglected wife ; of a fine spirit
ed, beautiful woman, who strives
against overwhelming odds to
keep alive her love for her hus
band. But he, John Chilcote, Mem
ber of Parliament, a great states
man, gives himself over to dissipa
tion and the caresses of another
Two men met in a dense London
They look exactly alike.
They exchange places in life.
Easy enough for them but how
about Eve Chilcote, the; neglected
Antf does Eve know that a mas
qufcrader has come to' live beneath
her roof? In spite of himself Loder
loves her, but always remembers
the other man, until ?
you'll shriek for a week
4r:ertyoi (Pee
TrnaAT son
7rtcua tou
1 1 fs It
" " ' ' I.I
! o
He Cured Her
Pricet on Thii Production Only
OrtKe tlic,
Ikaitatr, Aau U
HAKvrsr rtsriVAt
HuuM ! u a. aaataaai