THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA,1 AUGUST 27. 92'. See What Positions Are Open, What Hopses or rooms arc for rent and what wants of other people you can satisfy at profit to yourself. Look over these "Want" Ads every day. And, if you have a want of your own, call ATlantic 1000 and dictate your ad to one of our experienced "Want" Ad takers. DEATH 4 FUNERAL NOTICES Stilt l itlNJa.ab L. l, IUI. a . . .1 B4 kHil r. ....,. i hi. ki air. Mrs M iU'hin: e d'iB"f, Mr WiliaCf f '' Dnull. ban 1 on v. f. R Waler. town. I. I i on. I ruber, O, f. Ituachin, lulling Mont , a4 lhi .leiere, M b.n.rt.a. Millar. Allt.ahfir. I' , Mrs Wei.ii. lar.nur. li. and Mil. Mary A. Villa Omaha funaral a.rvi.. will b al4 al family eai.len.a ilf Tina atraat. huliUetf al litk B. Ill luteiuieiil Oave, N. J'leeee tolnll. flower t.MKRaoN il-ur.e Thome, sou f tba lata Mr and toe Thornae r.rniri. raee ad away euddanl In hlcego, Au.UBl I J Irfll to mourn hi. Ie beside hi wlf. Ihre aisl-is. Mr Uwiii II Welif an I lia A tt'. tuamer. noren.e, tin . J Traill llrand Island, I brother, Wil bur It. Km, ere, a. J'ollland. (Ire Kuneral Monday nmimi.a. i 10, luteal .eeri tliepel. BURIAL VAULTS. Voot.KN ti nn 4m, my PtJ or Iron UiU will fut fl aii4 rollapca. Thft f-.ra yiu houl't na1( upu your undr Mr tulnc in Autmat. Jfallrf rra burial tiult: wlr-iirwif and avar i nirf Hurui Vault (a, 3it w, Jm t , Omaha. tttp. t Ut !fivll4. PERSONAL. DKNTIbTHY All k!n4 of dental work dun al Ilia te'slil. a liiilvialiy I'mie.. ul DeoHs'iy, 2aili ari4 Celifurnl at , ninaba. under the careful aut'eralelon tit lh profeoeore t hit.lian a leeth Btral.hlrned. Kaa mod ara'a KilraMlona free. Tlia l"n'al In. firruery rropeoa .epiember lal. Talta Hal' nay. rnaaiimn nr Cuming arreel tar. Till) BALVATIoN Arm Industrial buma ."Hill, your old clothing, furtiltora. niaga am. a. Wa roiled. Wa diairitui. phone o, 41 lb a i.i our vegan will rail all and Inapect our near bum a, 1H0-111S-1IH I'ndia aliaat. IIKIIIH Vani.d .1 nnr. Ktu aalalw aanklnf rlalmanla. Yul mar ) ona. Hand 2 rni aiamp fur rltrular. Iri'arnallvnal 'aim Aami-r. It riiiahumh, fa AH liialii( fr m auiuiila .U:a In i'aih itllc h"ma, nar ahnol, lur my child, A4' rlraaa-lox t' l 'I ha Omaha Uaa. ATTRACTIONS WA.STKK A UOlill I'l.KAN CAHMVAI, I'OMfANV Ynr Iha lw baat falra In waalarn Vi. braaka, 1rtuln anuniy fair. K..plrinlir Via M. Unu'ltr. Ha raiary, North J'lali", KaMli counly fair romlilna4 wllh f'aallala annual runlupf Mnpiatubar IZ If., Hoy p. r.llwr, Kacralary, Ovallala, Nb r'OI.I.H, IIAI.lJxiNM, HI l'lUfcH iiAi.m NOVKLTIKH Aak for ralalimua, CI "ha Novrliy Co, i;'H Knrnam F , Omaha, Nah, ANl7"FVlNT irbiAil. "Tha Joy apot of Omaba." Autoa walched fraa. Halhinff I i. m. (a II p. m. I'KHklNH iiiunly (air at 'Irani, Nab., Auic. o. si, iiri.i. I and :. It it. y, A. aranla, b-ralary. MALE HELP WANTED. AUTO lachainta 125 la tio waakly, apara tjma No aiparlanra ran"!'"!, fci. callant iiropnalHoii lo ambllloiia man. Don't mlra Ihn unuaual oppurlunliy. Wrlla tonay Airlrraa l hlrf Kndnaar, Iiapt K it, Dratal Ava. and Hlh blraal, ililiaao. A YOUNG man mauled fur Iha ladlaa' aar lo f-onnart wllh an Omaba aalaa ntrira and traval. Kipatlenca. Hoi H Tha Omaha Haa. URirKI.ATKHII. EXPLOIT; KM' KH KB KMPLOTMENT llll Harnay ft. Ur.ACKHMITH and horaa ahotr winlad; good irniral wnrkar. Va, It cania an hour. J. II. Van Claava, .Norlh flatla, Nab. CAKPENTEItH III to It, waakly, apara tima. No axparianra nacaaaary. Ambi. tloua man ahould not nilaa I hi. aieap tlonal oppnriunlly. Wrlla today. Produc tlon dapartmant. Dept. A-7, Draial Ava. and Buili Ureal, (.'hl.ino. I.lfe! Inaurnnca men wantad for Iha liankara l.lfa fonipuny for rantral Iowa. it yaara In buameaa; ovr II!, 000 000 al. aata. liberal ronirarta. Wrlla B. B. Cop halrta. General A.enl, Tarrnl. la. MAN Wanted (inod rallabla man lo aell Bh.irea lln( Powder, Huntenln Worm Tor pidnea and othar ho apaclaltlaa. Hhorea Vuallcr company, Llva block Itamady Jiapt., rdr Kaplda, In. JltlBierANn for travallnf band! ood amnteura I'onalnared; Pullman aix-omino- datlimai all axpenae. paid maka aalary low, I.uvarne, Minn., Tueaday; Plpealona, Wtlnaaduy. Oao. Knxaaaor. 00 000000 00 0 00 00 O 00 CO 00t, O JUI18 IN IIIK NlillTH PLATTB O O VALI.KY. O , O Baat hurvaatarN, teamatera. potato o O plckara and augar factory work at O O nenttaliluff. daring, bayard and O O Mli.hell. Nab. Heat hurveatara, O O teamatera and potato pli-kara ap- O O Ply to tha rrntta Hluf fa county farm 0 O bureau. Mcnttahluff, Neb. for augar o O fnctory work apply to The (Itaat 0 - O Weatarn Kugar comnany. Hrotta- o O bluff. Oaring, Bayard or Mltchall, O O Neb. O ' 00 0000 oooo 000 00000 CO 00 OOP ftHUMTKHIU) drusel.rli. capabl. of tak ing full rhitrge; giva raf and aalary ax prrted. noi VV-IH. Omaha Baa. COO0000 000000 00 00000000 00 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o ft a ALKSMEM. Young men batwaan tha agea of 21 and 10 to davalop aa managara and aalaimen In aur atnrea. Thlt la tha hlghtat.pald profeaaton In any field and tha a.arcliy el ai. parlenrad man maka. It naraaaary that a eonduct our awn arhool la aaleamanahl. tindar aompatant Inalrurtora. GOOD rALART WHII.B I.RARNINd. Appllranl muat hava fair adurailon and ba f aaat appaaranra. A,-,y atiar lam, A H'SPal COVIPAST n o a Al aMKi-ialii. tiMH, itl aataia lirma. aa ai le Una, a b h iaa of Ml ta lilia. a.llaln. eta.," a.. 4 banba era(a. lara la a: a.H bn4iH inairia ai. il- waltala l.i'iaial a It ' -b a t-i?V lUaitl Im bli.ra l a aii y t-t .r.i -a r-, .at ...-aa Uiiii,r ,.! ar.'la. a .a r 'topaaa, u K, I'hi a lai- Pa. .a,1- I ' laaa ..a..i. Um'Iiiii a, .4 e a. a I t-- 'r ,vl . brte -I ! Maa ab b.s .a -.o. 'a'al.l Bi . le a "a4 t ...a M i 1 recveit'- 1 - I . '-: tl ..a Y : rV tl a ' aal eira4t .4 1, aaa. At' i'.a" . .1.11.. run iii 14 Ilk ll'.t til tl lalaa'e ..eta. ra. le I. v 4a w a I .. i . . aa, . I ... I . .a.,.. I . ' aea l I e. l.'K, C If 'H S.l t .' .' !! .- bs-v ! 1 ia la 14 ' 4 , .., l t'tias Mi ...i.,e istl-4 Via i' .a a,. e'tir aalaa- h e. I, b -' a MALEHELP WANTED. (Al taUAN AMI Ml III' T JMANAwf.ll ttundiad ihotiaald dollar r'viall arila a4iatrlH I. a" II aalafe. Mahad fal'alln. aa4illy, aad work Int 'tiatrh I man albil' farmauarti, high If paid uvalllon Wrlla 1 lia l olnr, lafl t r,itparv, I T T , Waal 1'Mb rlavlaad, HAI.MVIkM oanla.l; uo'imal aiporia Mr f.r lta wira aainaf aord aaaaiiy la ),.bblna trada, la'aa 4mniiaaon baaia, and vho ran fitiali. a IhMuaaiVaa) tarlla 'iuii k for lairlloir ln ; N'U, i ..I . Kim I lab and Mo t lM Tha Omaha Uaa fTKMi'lf I'IH H aad, m fclirl.U.lla KIIKri mri.'HUI.Nf HrriVliB. Oil llama aiii. AMaalla tltl iAl.r.lMbn ...llril a. fur lama ton, hum aauiy, v,ahiy aaa aurnad. Appiy tmnicifiaiaiy f.,y vaiua bla larrllaiy, lllilioia A'i.uailoa; I'urpui lion. II y. Vai.liur.n nr , i hi. a.t NAl.bMKN .alary cir t out lulaaion, Ka p. nam ad apa.iairy a.iiaanian wllh aulo pr . farrad. I'm rriun.i in r .lil man Am ply Mr 0 Milan. Ilia W, I Kb l. I vl and, lr bAI.I.MMK, and ir- li.aiiaafia, .old aaal ruaa ar rapid aallara tl'illd a good l.un,aaa In any n.nirnun'iy rur par ruuiar. i'1'lraaa Paab U !'l Muiual 11,'U Kmui t I'y, io XAI.KNVIAN', Advarllain. W ho ran maka al laaal ln. par area n airal.lit tiorn miaalon baa'a In ba boma larritory with A I pfupoaiilun f many yaara' atandina; I) III...., JI Ma la HI., I II" Intilll, II MAI.yMKV-liaa Hi waakly a.lllri. Palanlad nrrira naiaaally; no rompalillon andoraad bv Ilia laraaal tiiitr.rni In Iha rl.l, argia"iad tarriioiy. Win. f i.naoli .lal. 'I lo, l"H llolalon Hoalon, Maaa 000000000000000000 C00000O O o o o o o o o WA.STKl), Hava prnfilalil. mployma.t for It marrlrd man. Ilual ba aiparl. mad diltrra and know Omaha. o o o o 0 o o o o YEU.OW CAP HAO'IAOE TO, l!ih Ava and llirliry o o o o o o o 0000000000 000 000OO CO 00000 VorNH man v.uiil.1, inn 21 yaara old; lo learn Iha uliili-tlMHInir bualntaa. I all HA tim. batwaoa a and 7 P. m. for appoint, manr. VlilINU MAN MTL'DV LAW I Kvaiuna downtown araalona. I'nlvaralty of Omaha. H. a aa'-rriary, I rZ7 rimahi Nat. Hk., WAnKHOrKK, factory. All llnta et on UHlad labor. KMPixiTKiir rnr.r. kmplotmicnt bKKVK.'K. Ull llarnry rllrtal. Atlantlo tut WANTKlnnvaral ranvaaaara lo work In craw Willi manauar. l'laaaant work and good pay. (all tot Drown llldr. WANTKI) Lineman and aioumlman, ataady work. Ilenntnaaon Kna. Co.. Ornaha. AGENT WANTED. NO PI'I.L TIMKH IV Tim yi)oi nuniNKBi. Paopl. muet ant and thla matte, tha ailing of Kadaral Purt Kood l'rndurta tha auiaat and aafeat btialtteaa In tha world today. You can maka 11,000, it 000, 110.000 or mora avary yaar. Wa furnlah all tha capital na"eaaary for tha expanalon " your bualnaaa and aupply you with cnutpieta rrea couraa In aalea inanahlp, Inrga ijuantlflea of freo aamplea to glva away lo everybody in your tarn lory, fraa advertising circular, and rook book, cnnlnlnlnr your nama and addreaa aa our dlatrllnilur, Wa alao print your nama and aildreaa on package, without charga, ao that you ft tha benefit of thouaanda of dolliira worth of repeat or. tiara. Any product, which cannot ba gold niay b. returned under tha terma of our llbaral guarantea. Wrlle at onra for our MurcAe (luiirantaad IMan and coin Plata datalla on bow to becomo our ex- ilualva tllalrlliutor. Kednral Puro Food fompmiy. 2107 Archer Ave., Chl'-ag". Ill, Baferenceai Any bunk, oxpreaa or railroad company or mercantile agency la America. Katal llnhed alnca 1115. AGENTS Wa want men and women who ara dealroua of making 1:5 to 1200 per weak clear profit from the alart In a permanent bualneM. of their own. Mit ehell'a Maglo Marvel Wnahlng Compound waahra clnihca apotleaaly clean In 10 to 16 minute. One hundred other uc In avery home. Nothing elae Ilka It. Na ture', mlghtleat cleanaer. Contain, no le, lime, acid or wax. Free aHiitplr. maka galea eiuy. Knnrmou. repeat or dera, 300 per cent pruflt, Kxclualve ter ritory. We guarantee gain of every pack age. Two other "eight scllera' and aure repealer, glva our ugcni. the fnaieat celling line In the country. No capital or experience required. lltrUer, Ohio, made 100 Jait month. Tu can do aa well, rtend for frt-e eampte and proof, L. Mllchell & Co.. 1304-1 4 K, Hat St., Chicago, III. AUKNT8 AN UNTHITAL OPPORTUNITY la open In Oinahn and acvcral other lurge cltlea for amtiltloua, Induatrtoua men and women who want to eturt a profitable buainea. of their own. Experience and capital dealrabla hut not neceaaary. A permanent, liUf-paying bu'lneaa, retailing Hawlelgh Utind Health if'nod Producta, apltea, flavnra, medlclnca, toilet attlclea. etc, 150 every day neceaalllea uaed and appreciated everywhere, Largoat com pany; eatabllahed 33 vi-nra, Producta od time; Joweat ullolcaiile price. l'artlc- ulara free; glva age, ncuiiat Ion, refcrencea. W. T, Hawlelgh company, I'ept, it, ree port. 111. AMF.NTA Maka 15.000 every year; IJ.OufJ in apara time. You ahara profit, be- eirfee. Juat aitow and write or.lera for Weather Momirih raincuate, alo wltut and waterproof overcuata. We deliver and collect. ComtiiluMtinB In advance. Aak about "lU"l Cuai" (No, 999i, rrea retn cnat for nur own uaa. Aaaoclated Ruin coat Agents, liKorpuraled, tlS-tio North wane, enn-ago, Air.NT allin'.ona romern anta aaeiita to take ot'leia for ailiariUtia gae maa. ralnioata. IHageat a.'lllng roil In Aluei" lody. Vniiiterful tame. Hi. profit a.lvance. Tao e. inan. b.g iUa' g-a. iuy aampla of notii tieteaaaty; f'ltmabad f.aa We dallvar and enileit, Write toilav for exvtuaive larritory and ailing outfit I'ti't, i, l.ewia ltamat oitipanV, i IrveUtnl Ati.,VI - 1 1 vil month, pay ; lewet aula wrtUeit .unrlilred lutaierv; C"io. plt ie, in.-tu.t.aa luteal wo..ia and k.lWa .iu a.ioioe ,IUp:an aat.a and r.te or tra, . . a i', . t '. e W ; .. r ah I e. !'...! . .M'rin. iiniia.'n ; ani- I a fie fiiii.nae Ml. u, 'Inat It art, I ton. Obirt f Ali.OMtN't Ai.A" lit) ,im n.aae ii i lie u.r a-'.! it.. ,ue riaa loi i i.raawi;a eita ao.i a t a. at I ' I 1 1 fil I rt a . at v i 11 n I T I aa I 1. 0. I , .'I .! W 'Mhf ;1' la I r win .,!;s t UHB j I . -t - i.. 1 ' 1 .1 I . r ! tl ' t. t .Ml-, a, I'. . I . A I. a or . IS' . .4 a- . 4 lt- I I it lit al I ll I at I t .a e. s liiM r ifi I . a l'c ll. I t . r . a 4 ' 1 k. t if AGENTS WANTED A'.a. I a- ai.j an Irwwr ia ad.eri.. and il.afr.aura aaajii.i.e la luoeomer Will im. ..r tairii'.ry i -m. ulaia Al. b.rt Mna, Hen 'r, a, at Airiailtaa I'lile", I'lm Innatl. Jl Anr'..ST l'. : 1 t.a. raa .aniplaa li.. id aaa lattera Aniona aa put atef. wili'lcaa l g deiiier.d. jbral Of far I general a.ama Malallla LeIUr l o , 411 N Clark. ( hi ago Ai.NT. It .pier, f .r lavera'l.le 'M'l' ell-wealbar raln oal order. to ear .Hilar way. Amaaine eaiier Memplw fiee. Parke, all.. (.'. , . Itay .llaet, I'll' Ion. Ir Aaa. Ha Han or woman wanted, 14 -.air, full nine; l an hour epere time, aalitri. aiaranla..f boalery to weerer t.i p.rieoee unn.iH.air. Jn'eriielwhel KfUla to. tl.lla. Norilalnwll I' rt.i'I'l.U Alwai. l et -III. pi. file Inlro. riuclr.g V'ribar Jlnoeard fimda. (iooda worth llati free galea . oai ant aad, bond f .r fraa ouil.t, Ihtbout to. t' ' graaa, Cblragi, AUr.Sflt Wonderful a-ll-r. lun pi"f.t aai al .1 la r !. I.eiiver on ar i l.i rinifl unnaieaaary. Painpta free Mls;lo, FMCtory 2, X 4 a I rlinllll Aim, llatroll, alien, AH.NTel Tak'a r.rdere for men end woman a bi.b-gra.le eiik boeiery; eatery or rvinmiMion paid daily, writ. 14, II. Moei.ry , filtlalmrna City, I'kl a'.rMH waiil.d, aell n.en a balta, big profile: priced eo yon uadereeil atoree; get into Ih'e new eaeoie .uaineaa lode. Ilrllh Halt C, ll.ljll, Akron, o AUKS 'I'M aellrr, lie profit every dollar aelce lieliwr on .pot f.l'enee uimai aenry. Hamnia free. bllnaioN, Ka. mry I, till Mn. nh Ave , lielroit, .tu b. AiiKNTM Mell "! and etiraiia No money ri nrd l.inra Co., I'apt. Ill, HI. I.u.a, Mo. FEMALE HELP WANTED Need nnmeatl. help offlr. help factory help! 8eur. good, dependable workere ibrnugh thla rlaaalfirat.on. Telephone AT-lantl. 1 000 and aak for "Want" A4 taker, Mrttrr reault. at leeaer coat. AT ONi'K-I'lv. la.1i. a to travel, demon, atrat. and aell dealera, H'l to 171 per wean. Hallway fare paid. Ooodrtrh Drug in., iiepr. i"JA, limine, rvan. P.KAi:TY parlor operator wanted; orienceil lady operator for beauty par lor, itererencea neceaaary; .004 baa. o.ano..iari, rorin I lane, ceo. COMPTOMK.TKIU OPKItATOn. tTKN'liiftAI'IIKIIH KMPIiYKItb' YMV.V. KMi'I.OYHES'T KKHVICK. llll Harney Blrccl. Allanll. l. 1'O.vlPKTKNT girl for general houeewoik. I.l.'2 Hurt e'reet. WA, 023X. :oMl'KILNT bwe.liab maid, family at two. HA, 34n. r'olt ahorlban'l, lypewrililig, bookkeeping etc., attenit tne American t o lege or llualneaa. I13 Urnat.i. I'oalllona guar. anteed; all our gradilatea ar. In po- anione, t in at, 7774 or write Mr catalog. I1IHL for general clerical, offl.-a and typ ing work. Permanent, The II. Y. Uoodrkb Rubber I'n , l":4 Karnam Itol'HKKKEI'KK wanted; Catholl. ladv lo manage home and do eewlng. flooif are. Aililrexe J. J. Iloynolda. flout. 1. vvnnn niver, Pieu. I.AUMiRKM.H for half day on Mondays; reference reiiuiied. tall ha. ijsIT. MA1U WANTKI), experienced, for gen- oral hniieewnrk. Kefi.rencea required- alia, uonerr Kenaoner, WA, 7:, WAITRKSPI, rriOKfl JCM PLOY Kiln' VHV.K KMPI.OYIIKNT RKHVICR. llll JIarney Street. Atlantic tut. WANTKO A rilet-claaa colored paairy ctok to begin work Kept. 10; .alary 1100 per month, wllh board and room, llef- orenie required. Wayna Htat. Normal ( sfi'terla, Wayne. Nebra-ka. SJTUAJIONSJWANTED. KAFt.Vf hand married man. wishes atearlv ampinymwnt on farm. y.xperlan.'ed fann er. No children. W. Jl. Patten. Ire- donla, Kan. iroUHKKKKl'KU wanl. position In town; boy 12; rtfcretice. exchanged. Marie Xpenrer, It. F. I), i, Ruprrlor, Nab, HHOKMAKI'll would llko lo hear from om on. who can give ma Job. 1401 Chl chko Kt. Phone AT, 7206, IIUNULH !4. washltiK urnl mending. AT. WANTKD plain sewing and nluln dreaa- maklnrf. Mrs. Williams, (III N. 20lh Ht. AY WO UK wiuiled. lief. WK 1004. MALE OR FEMALE. t!()i) SINilKRM All volceB. for advani'i'd cborua work and training are Invited to meet Mr. Hen mnnley, organist and choirmaster of Trinity Cathedral, In the clmritol of tha atheilral on Monday evening. Aug. IS. 1 a o ciocr or phone AT. 6X22. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. JKI.LY (iUAPK.'T FOR MALki. KK. S010, 36211 NO, SMh. JKf.I.Y tlltAPKS for Biile. KM 3:103. HOUSEHOLD COODS ICNINSI'LA coml'lnutlnn aaa and coal riiiigo, excellent condlUnn; dandy halter. If you want a good Iron stove at a rant buy, for 176 rash, fall JA. IS'Jti, or ace It at UOS Vinton St. Poll HAI.K One l inoutli-old thornuuh- lird Alreitale i..g, one child bed. one aby cub, one baby curt, phonu WA. 4321. litres M4 Corby Kt. UK KM nveratuffud pieces and other USehol'l furiilluie, practically new. l.env. city Wid., Auif. .10, 16 Drake Court. PKHT getvlug tnnchtna repairing, no. 1171. MlUKl.l.S. ltth and Harney. b'CltNH'1'ltK AT AI't'Tlo.Me All Next Welt, lrh nnd Webatar iiiWvm AI'I TION HOl'SN. I." I . I" 1 .'T It 1 1' W A S 1 1 1 N 1 1 " M A 1 -111 K Itetailrd at w-hnleaal. prlcea, 11 bU) tha oeai, ,-none iiouifina mi, L'hpert eewlng tiouhlne repair work. OMAHA HMVI.NU l.XCIIAXUt. (! l.rnvrnworth .IA Oltl I AM ativrs o.nne. led. Cell 11 A. J!7. Hi H'Ht:Hi 1i.11 tarniturrior eile, II4 I end" WAI Vt'T iliniii. 101,01 set, rail W A. Bill, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I IT! I uluioh.a 1 i. a no I'.iu . I II He. .. IS .hah. a, I . . it;.-. I .in. ;n 111. H i , ,' Columbia, ! 4 bit tl He. ax. hltlae ph-.nng. Ape, Co, I le I'. l TH amir ua--l 1,1 p in Halant'e a a A lioll'ai in, I l .n,i 11 a new bietef w aa lit er lawn! a o.ula . IS O I I I ' C.I . ?, ( Artbur I hoar and I., Ar'hur tl U tit. Wllk'Bao e "l p i M I 1 al" !... AAr.iVa f .i it .5 o o a c 0 vi o j a in lll'.li, a e - a I . I a--.. Wa ix. f. . aa-i H.a te ...-. a'l a,4.,o,aM O j , -a 'I . . I ( 0 1 a a I I a. tl , i ii it i . V I l n'l 4. . iB It. a4 a. MISCELLANEOUS FOR jIALE 110,11.1 I fill I S( a4 .ivlii. .Hath, eapanor datl.a, ft!, .oy .swlti n a'bina, aia. bea fn. 'r, eaally a.ll... lad 1'ilte II dallvar.. I, Wllh een.pia li.atru. lion. an4 .aoipiaa of w.hH. oida fiii.d inotiibfy. ..iMrtor MamalHcbii.g Alta. I.liai l Co. I', .1.1. .treat. Loriue. I hriell. 1-g till, burner, Hi aa.. lana, Jobnann I. Ulnar a, .11 pl a and llttlnga, Te. nd Ave Her.wo.oi siee 'MAllA Alblallc Ineiobarahlp ale, ll Tiebafar fe. peld, Ta.apboi,. ja !')" MMrtt'K.r lloril.K bl'l'l'l Y I'll IM; i.f ALL l.r.ncMII'TltNII l"l No 1Kb .1 WalMler toil OMAHA AUnalie ,i Maaa off- rliainbarebtp, I,. I. 4.i. V. Muet lit a. .11 II RADIO SUPPLIES. OvvWVVUVwvUl,aVVvvvywvuV f r (J O o o o o o o o o ATTK.STInV riAr io DrfAf.riH C. W. l-fll.KI) Pia'rlluinr faMwin radio baad aat. f..r a., Coloado and Na. br.ak.. o o o orrif r, mi mncoi.n t, o o o o o o o rte-.TAJIa I'ftlCy-.i il o o o it.Mi in Torn nfti rH. o o f o O a 00000000 00 000 QOOOOCO Of eOa l.VKIl KTIIIMI in Ita.lio euppllra. Mell nrdere aoliultad, mab kpuillb. (iood. lata Harnay Nt CLOTHING AND FURS 1X1,1, Irftr.aH ault. and luaadoe for rent. Ik. llll. lit N. 4tn Mu I. rtldinan. A II MY ahnea. I J HI. 70J Nil. Hlb. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES I f !'' J "IC equipment for aula, (jeaka, la. I l.i. a, ill' laphon. a, I ranacrliicr, aliavlng ma It blue, mlmeogruph, lta-hol mailing cabt net, eatenalon pliona noiriere. time re. I corder clock, P.cmlngton typewriter, Hoyal typewriter, billing maihine. Igal alx fil ing tahlnel, aleel Iranafer fllea, rhalia. Mlora fiitpmenf. Platform .calea, counter aialea, rheeae cutter, llradley atamil ma. bine, lb-in. 11 exbauat f.m, electric motor., buti her', inatbla aUb, 24x72. Other tula- rellnneoiui Items. Call at 711 W. Hh "t. 000000000 00 00000000000 00O 0 r . . O O TYPKWHITBHS C O AND O Ci All mske. iniiiHIit ar.n .nm o O rented nd repsiriid. Bole agenta O O for the COP.ONA. 'let our prbea O O before you buy. livery machln. O O guaranteed. O O CKNIItAL TYPKWBITKIt KXC, O O .IA. 41:0 Ml Karnam. O 0 000 00 0 000000000000000000 WONOF.hKUL tvpewriter bargalna. No. I L, I'. mltb, :s.r0; No. Underwood, 122 1.0; No 10 Kmlth Premier. Ill to; No. t Oliver. IH.fiQ; many other baignlns. Mll.l.ANU nrriCK HL'PPI.Y COMPANY 1404 I lodge, JA. JI47. IIIJTi'HKK Coolers pen ival company fixture, and .iippllea; alio few aeennd- hand cooler. Innuire A . flnck, Kan ilia Hepalr Hhopa, to boulh 12th 811 eat. Omaha, Neb. WW Ul.'Y. aell euf". miika drake, show ( caeea, etc. Omaha, Flxtura nuppiy 10., a w. corner lnh and Douglaa. JA. 1721. TWO mahogany rolled top desks, leo top, In excellent condition, owner. WA. 01, ID. Hl.Hlli.l'iillH ad'llng mm nines, 1100 f'i'' tory giiarnnlee. It. A. Klan-r, AT. Or.l, OlTAHANTKKIi typewriter., 110 and up. Mldweat Office HupPly. M"l Dodge, KUK tIAl.K t-fl. ahowceiie, Hit. Loul. cash register. Call Wehalei 9i. HA ItT) WA k"Ta til ) j' I XTI i irKrl" tVK. '. LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. 40 NANNY K'U'I". tO kills, reaaonania. J. V. Allll, Htix 6. rl'illtll ntnnh. MA, 0.'.0, POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Wll HAT ecreenltma, 11.21 lilth. per J A, 100 Ilia, A. W. Wagner, KOI No. 1142. I goal for aale. blOS N, SCtK St, KK, l6I AIKKIIA .K pup fur a;iie. MA. 241f.. NANNY goat, 4SI1 HpnlllilinK. KU. 0VI2. WKI.Ijjirert, ATreilale pupple. IA. 4J47. Vim H.U.K Alredala pups. KB, 2770. " WANT TO BUY PKPKB. DUSKS. PI'lHKS. New ilcaks. nsid dealt bourne, sold and traded. J. C. llced, 1207 Karnam. AT. 1141. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (INK of Chicago' old substantial corpora tion ha opening for capable man to open office and manaK. aaleamen. High elaes device for which thcr. la extraordi nary demand everywhere, Jlig money mnlilnif possibllliic for the right man. I i) to 12,000 neceaaary tn finance exclu sive agency. Will pay expense of trip tn Chicago for the man wa select. JSale. Manager, 111 N, stay m cnicagiv DlSTHHH'TOll 1100.000 corporation v-ante exi luaUo distrllutur for new high- l;i ailnle, Kvcry family, drug atora, hospital, department aiora buy. at Bight. isia 3, retail 13. i-osaliuiitiea up to 113,000 yearly. 400 t II.Ono reiinlred for meri hnnillae. Ncutt Corporallon, Inc., il Wi lt W .laliinglun, Chicago, KIuHAllir.''Orr III: NT Kslabilshni bak ery business In good location. Lara room. lull batrmellt. Almoat center of business ttctlun, Pien'V apace for adilltlonel llnoa If daalred. Will evil bualliasa and lent bulliling or rant aiiuiliment and building lu laaponalble party. Adilrraa I', O, Hug lf3. Mb-lldan, Wyn. , PtH ll,. Hiil-r 1 1 It 1 S KM, l.t'Nl'll, I TC-llI one nf Iha m.uit pi"aiclve tuwrn In Colo ta,l 1, A real I'toney maiier, Thla puce will atanl ili' Inveatlgallnn. If y.'U are bo. king ..r a good h"leet piupoal. lion, wtllo lo l). I4. I'olt Mutgaib C'.-l No llrtd' lonthleied Hit ,SA"l'kHM t.NHSi f '.H'MNKiHr"" Connected vr tl It boil'tti.. .0, d roada, r. unirv a lii'lualij; e-lnalv for laveeilgallnai lilet ll lo 'alma' t e iuu.j fate moi.tli Yt'ote M. ,11,. Malml.. lulil.g tJM.iai.,, llaw. f. i ll. t ie lad VI...YB 'aiH li till ut'.leB a I bu v,hsal ,V 1 I jrtOar li.a lea. 1.. -i.l . f - ,...r laae I ' t i, ll", e . pari.. uiia .1 I t -a. u-. ..!. I ..ilk Utdat tl Iraitbl P 'If , a,,.,.,, a 11, !l,i p'.ll .41 i:-i' ef tba bar! Barra.e la S ' 1 t- aa'4 III b.a.l. I . a t-9 ' if e.e-l raawa f . .--o fwi 41. I . . a, a a. t lL 't M, Jaw. '., .S- l-ll . ad M . , f ill. I l 4 la.ia.. I ' la H-I't B' I . a...l. I., lu ike it - ,1 t !. tlx. ( a I I I. I. a. a ' I I - ' ' a 4 I .. f .,t 4.' i i a ... f ..., 4 -. b li I" 1st I Kat , al. Itl la .-4 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS Want la (ell your Kuilneeef Let I. loach wile) lite proa peel through your "Want" Ad n Tha limeha Vera. eg HeaTHE r.VbMNU HI.C. (two fur ik. prlr. i.f oriel, Talepkoaj. AT-Uatla I . OlsrHAl, iTopKniieo a to, Mi., own buiidirtei with living looms, warehouse; good flxiurea; gaa f iling alallun; 1 lean, well .aa.rlad et.., doin. about ! In luanlbiy baeineee: II.Jvil end liiiolce .tut. about II Inn. OAIiauk Minnesota town bear Twin llleal ava. rale bu l ln.g. 41.40, good f.i'uree. Wall aaa. .He. I al'H a a.'ea a.'Caa. IT."a and ll,vote ai.out ll tiie. IfAltliWAHK am. K AMI lU ll.lil.V.I Iowa (own t en. h-ar 1 lanon: own hew lau sinry firej.r.o.f building, Ull 14, ale. Irl'lty, furnace beat, cb4''e loeatlob; fin flxiurea; well .a. Boiled .lui k. r lean and new; doing l'.tl annueliy. A genuine, Worltl wbil tnvaelrnant. ORNKHAL .Ti.ltK Vorthw-etarn Ullnole town l(l; own flame building, well .sa..rtd ato, k ; good Matures, Prop erly line, and Invoice elo b MEAT M AllKKT lillnoie (-. l"; aar rtnekfoiil, rant reea mable; doll,. I'.i) I. llll rlally buaineas; eoiitplo. t'julp. enent A bargain at 17 i',0. LAI NHHT lllinoia loan I to, neer rrae- pori ; ism bri, k building with roome above esfahhehed II yaere; complete, eifullnnent , 4"ipg (uod bueinee. I'ric ron.oiet. I.Viii 0AII Ai.K low. town 4: ft fiodge larritory; own Hie building, Ix70; ce ment floor; Jrodg and Kind aaenelee; large territory; complete euipinent ; doing II en monthly buaineae, Com- ' Plata. 14 JHl roni, ami ha (turn miiop low. t,n see, near Humboldt; own building toxin; roam street; aiegent flxiurea 4 pool and I billiard tahlea: l-rhalr l.ail-r cur fit ; doing about M.l'i, an nually, rrke complete. 1". 100. OENKMAL bruit P. Own l.rl. k building; weelern illlnoi. town I'm: high (red fislurrai doing al.oiil Kl.O'iO yearly hiieinraa. Mlck.ei, fnual Mil. l,0ti anu invo ca. POfil, MAM. AMI oPT DftlNKM Dandy boulh Dabola town 1,200; own aiory bull'ling; high gi.da aiiulp riant; t tnl.l.a nd so. la fountain; ebole location: living rootriB, big business. Huildlni i,000, .lot k and euolrniient. 14.000. OAltAUK Iowa lown near rt, tindr rent til. building, 3HI4. no mm. pel, lion, good equipment tnl filling atiitlon, I orntilete, ll.O.t Oltot'KltY ANU .MALI, UTOCK TiflY tlooliH Northern Illinois town 1.000; own brick dunning. 2taiii0; full baae ment; also t-rirotn house; good rondt linn 1 good f xrures; ean aim k. Com pleta about 110.000. riAIIDWAHB ANU IMPLKMKNTH llll nol town TOO, near Peoria; rent 30; large territory; International line; do- In. 2fc.ono yearly; clean aio.-k; ntutp. mrint. It. too and Involre about I.V0OO. CAPIC Central !nwa county seat town I ooo: rent U'-.: doing III dally; com plete erjulimiinl; lornied nn Highway near depot, to monrhly Imoioo on room atwva. A bargain at M.I'iO complete. MEAT MAHKKT Iowa lown 100, near Carroll; own l-slnry building; corner location; complete eiiilpniant ; no comiietlllon: latge terrltorv; dolny big business. Corrip.r. Dftl'd RTortK Nortbarn llllnnl town 1.00; rent zl; high 'lass fixture; do. Ing t,l rlslly bualnesa; aplundlil ter ritory. Complete, M.OOO. OAltAflhc Western Iowa county eat lown I.too; own building, 2xl0; cor ner location; complete entilpmnt: do ing big bualnesa; large territory, Ift.noo and Invoice afnek. RESTAl'BANT Northern Jnw rouniy east town I. too; rent ir.o; main atreet; Jo. ft. fountain. 1!-Btnol counter, tables, et.' : tit to 1 40 dally business, complete II 100. MEAT MAI K KT Iowa town 1.000 near Mason City; own frame building! main atreet; also l-room house, gar age, slaughter houae, etc.; coinptela Buulpment; 3-tnn Ice, machine, tool, etc. Doing tut dally. Complete, 11,200, term. APTo ACCKKMOfifKH Western IMInot town 1.000: rent l.ri; cholc. location: complete eotllpmeiit: doing 1,10, ooil yearly; 'lulpmrnt, 11,350 and Invoice Block. UrniNKrIM r.XC'IIANOE. TOMPANT. Ill IIiim Jlldg. Bt. Paul, Minn. HAVIMl more bualnesa than I can uc- safully handle, I will sell either on. or II of the roiiotving nusineaae. pool hall, five tables wllh bar and Ona lunch Counter, doing a buainea of I mo per day. Kent llo per montn, rrn. ,600. Ope pool hall, flva table, and bar, doing business of t" per nay, ncnt per month, long lease If wanted, rrice It. 1 1. (100. One whnliaal aoft drink htiaincaa, doing good buainea and a good chance to make mini money. Will Invoice with milling about 112,000, Do not anawer unless yon mean busmen and havu the cah. Aildroea P. O. Hox 1S4. Council Ttluff.'i, In. Auction Sale Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1922, The t'uehara. City townait., locate. i m uihara .lunctlnn, Colo. Ak commercial club nr Chamber of Commerce In any town for auction bills and full Informa tion. I,, Ft. MILLKIt, Curharaa, Colo. 8AI.F.U Manager Itrapondbla corporallon want general sale. manager to open branch office, manage eiileamen, 1500 to 11.000 necessary; eipenao to Baltimore allowed If you qualify. Addrea Mana ger, 01 N. Kutaw Kt., Ttaltlmnr. W'l. ROOMS FOR RENT. 0000000000 oooooooocoooooo O THH HAMILTON O O FAUNAM AT tITH O O Tool, clean, conifortalile, Kvery O O room an oulalda room. blngie O O rnonia with private baih at 110 to o 0 per week; for two, l! tS per O O week and UP. O O Two larita outside room, with o O belli at 120 per week. O 0 A batlafactory Place to I.lva O ooo o o o o o oo o ooo o oootoo oooo WELLINGTON1 INK HAH Nim.Y rimNIIHIKD BOOMlt WITH tiKTACIIKn Oil PIUVATH 11 AT II AT VKItY ATTHACTIVK It ATK.4 TO Pr-.RMANl:NT tlfbHTrt. I'v'.V T TAIL TO r.R Ttlbtf. Tvtt. STY 1 II I It !"cH'7.HH .So --Sua, n-t. .'.-! laepll'l, la laoltat'le. ei'l' ndul o ralloii. tta'klng tllti.nre. A I' 41 j I ii 1 r A H N A M II T I -i t I y f 1 1 1. 1 a t. - I r. unis. ait ino li'ta, alfait, l.rel fliorr, ,,J '' Tit l.s rr-ill I'll at'. U N ana ab ub teem hi I ' ! bin Let. ; ei-ar ci. .abt. H lo t.i j TtUMtl! , I it - . h'lb .a.B a.! ir t'liin.H. I 1 ,-ioa tal ra.oeut d'altl.t, , itt tr i i- .i.i:o..,o .t.fati.4 t-f ItbSlaii.ili ib a .. u If o 4 i'aaa.4 r-e a aa i ,i luf -i !'. 4 It cl.i'l. H 'if priii 1-a It t. elll PM fc4.T'tt itiit At It 'a - tea ll .1 . oie la suxlaio t'l I at - 4 Mitt.-, b - J t'4al lt.a4 I.4 I aw-iilft t"tl i 4 i t I.(e i a '-Mi' m 4j H i 4 . f. - W llt fci'. . a... tu i oel tl. at, a. r.aa. a. l I I, . 1 1, "t 's I 4 1 nti iM, If t tl t t I . itl li.a -.-,11 ta'.a I .. tat -at. I II Id I lr,,. t r i a .a la It 14 - i4l' II I I lit 'it... i It IV I' e I .-'It t - - t t ROOMS FOR RENT Itranger . at d rl a atlaf.ed r.Mmere. tor -leek thiougb these "Went" Ada earh ilar III .rarrh of deairable rrioma. la your vacant room Iste4 beret Telephone AT-lentie lni'0 and .alt I. r a ' Vtanl ' A4 laker. OO 00000 000000 oooooco 00 000 I I ItSlnlll I) linoM froul-la I'm. ti.a. No, 1 Alaaliaa. ill Buulh l.ih .lieat, III, PttTm THI'MT CMPANr Kh. ronaha llanla " AT 0114 I7'h ar.d r'arnain K: OO 000000000100000 0 CO 00000 C 0000O0OOO0OOOOO000O0O000 till., II AM 1 1. Ti.V I-AI1NAM AT 4111 I'-miI, f?en, 1 ori.f'irlable, lary fnelft en ou'anln room. Pl.tfl roonia with private bnth at li'il'O per week, for tvo. WtO .er week, and up Two large outside room with barn at II. per "k A beliefs, lory I'leie lo l.lve OOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000 3 7 IIIIKK lal.e. eleaanlly furnlebed parlor badror.rn, ea. h au.lal.le for lau or nirire prreune Ileaullful giouiiila, five nilnutea Mala from heart of riry. Me tie If disited I, alga Kara Mee .'a, poalliveiy rarinot b nupiii el a. I loi Mo, ;.iih bt Leavin- or lb I.AIirlK room for I or 2; Private family , home prlvllagea. Ki: 1 121. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CI, KAN, altra.tlve, compUtely furmslied. modera houeekeaping apartmanls, two and rhra rooma; sit.k, ga range, private bath; teaaonable. IM 711 PAIlk Ave, ill . room apt, else, iighT gas, tuiniiiig water; everythti.g furnished, alao 1-roorn apartrnenl. HA. 1021 TWIiNTYKIIIMT rtr., Jl0 N S lately light housekeeping roome. Prlvete family. 70 rOij.; binal- ar l-rooTri pert inent; everyrhlrig f'irnisbad modern, 114. CAp'lTOL AVK,""2I07 Hoom. for bounil keeping and sierping, airigl or dotif.le. TWO and 3 furnlabol rooma, newly paper "I: ground floor: nu yard, HA lo. 2 yvllN," i-Tw n 'apariii7oni ll,ght housekeeping nti. as M, 17th HI TWKNTY-elghlh Mt llll R Two fuinlsh. bolJSI'Ueeplng. ed f..r light TWO well turn 2 and room apis, 2'"7 AT 4H.I, Ml. Mary Ave. POCK modern furnished lluht houackrep- Ing rooma No rhlblien. M.t, I r.ein. TllltKK rles.rable rooma for houseKectiirig, everything clean, nice borne, 201 bo, 2'i'h. r A HN it M" MT rVii-i't lil f ur. "ipti. 30ARD AND ROOM HAHNKY KT . 3347 Id fined home for 3 buelnns penplo Ilcnulif illly furnished rooni. light ami airy; large closet; every thing new and clean: borne cooking. eouihern style, Itefeeence. li a. Iff,, ATTHACTIVK roiilna for i with boartl; borne pnnlegaa, Jlanacnm Park district. HA. 3tt tviiiow baa nice room employed; board optional, Li ll I 'HTHTiZ 11077 couplo employed, ftef, WIO, HOUSES FOR RENT The fa!l moving season will Bonn be her and rnny peo ple will be looking for new home, for th. winter. I your house Hated here v. here prospective renters will see 11 1 Telephone AT-lnntlc 1000 nr aak for a "Want'' Ad taker. O0OOOO00 00 OOO OOOOOCO 00 000 HOCHKH. 4 room. TJOo North 30th Ht., 4S. rrmma, )oj North .loth bt,, iir,, T rooms, 622 Norlh 2th Ht., 176, rooms, 42 Norlh lint Nt., ITf., I rooms, 1120 laurd bit., iloubl MarsKe. (120. l'CTKIIH TltlfST COMPANY "Where tuniiha Kent " AT. 0144. 17th anil Tarnam His 0 oooooooooqoooooooocoooooo VKIIL nice i;-rm, house, newly ilecorated; lath and garairc; now vacant. I'la, 202 'IrreeHt AT, 2:(1 or AT, OJ74. ONW four anil one t-rmiin houac. Ucary. 3910 bo. 2(.th bt. Thomss n NO, ISTII ST. Kight rooms, mod ern, garage for 3 cars. KK, 14&4 MANDKHMo.v S'l' '.'Sin r.-room. modern. Ito. Call nivn.-r, II A, D:i2. DI'PLKX 4 MFi rl.llllh 21 rooms, mtulcrn, fin condition. .th Ave, .iA. 4r:o. Pint rtk.sT- wllh gat-age. -room house, !I2 Many. nearly new, FURNISHED HOUSES. OO00000000 00000000 CO OOOOO PVIINIPHKO HoUMK I room, jo 1 9 Oarage. 1 1 (10, Roulh IHh Kt, "Where Omnha Itenla '' 0111. J 7 Ii tml Karnam Sta. AT, onoooooooo oooooooocoooooo A t.Xrt'PLK who wotiia, wuh lo abal" Iheir homo will! man and if v. ho will take private hoiiaa and ehtre labia ex ponsea Call M , cuat. )r.ii M 2,1. Ml. SUt KVANH H',-l rui. b.mse'for yen?, fui n, nr tii.rurii buri loom and aleeping por.h. WK, ri'lo Ti;l.. WAI. 41.1 Partly furnihe7 hcTiia HI ri all it ted ill. H I. t, 11. tutonhiltat. till I. share ii.,ol,,rti hooia wllh cuuple tif 1 a lulls litre.- .IA ti.i'4. APARNtKNTS FOR RENT lut( hum ittt wt.l !- luarH'r f .t S v Hitintf .il ll4 hUl 4, J titMiA VI' -UMiu lUJO i .t v V M. V 1 rtauii 1 1 -i ii M' ,tn ( t-l. 41 ' ' 1 4 ll fail ft I t ' 1 r :H 11 lal a. 4f '.I r .' a l a-,, .aaa tt loi.i a t' -..! t-r-eailba tr I i a i til f t- I - e I '. In I, t. itllllt i i i ; .-. I t tNt4N, a t rt t . a a t t I loll - eat V. III H t i t I 'H a I for 3 persons H A.0il7. and room for 2J9 O fO s 0 7i I d L' il O W iA- tl t I ..... cl .r (o ... i bi ' ti a ,. ,.'. ,, I...U4 laa I a a i i o t I'U I.,,-.. ,.l hi .i. -I APARTMENTS FOR RENT 0 00000300000G00U000U00UVO o o o o o o O O r"Kl'lt'.V Oi.Tillt.R I. W ara tignlng Uaaae peer for A4. loner 1 poee-eelon on tbe fultow. lug he aparlinaiit liousae; TIIK ALITIN, lob and Pavenpert THH fAR Ilf It Y, loth gn4 (aaa, Omaha e neeiaet and fiioer modem .panmaiiia .1 I'O n4 Ml. TH K AIHAMIIIIA. Ill II A VI) CAI'IT'iL On. a.ariri.aot at 7I 10, on at Hi li ft la Ibis Dundee In. anon. Oibar at IVl.ltl and ! II. Tl.ltMAl'K COI'IIT, f'ark Ave and llaaofl biraei. A new building of Iheae ir,tad, tioae In eparlin i,ia, fa,o-btd fcuconl-ulatiuli- I'll to to in. I'iflira.rtM If 'nip tn Ilii tnv h'tH'.iitun 4 tri1 by mnittii i'n nnw for Ut(o.'r I TIIK IIANIIcoJf, l I Perk Ava and TUB 1'ALMKn, Job and Ml Mal Avenu A few ilaeiiei'le afiar I irieiila ea a r 1 1 avatlal.lw In the above baeutlful buildings at I I lit and lo, WALKIN'I lvlbTANCIl C'lirtiplrfa modern one-room part- roeni at i7 Hi and II" A f" furniuhi.l at .0 and M 10. t'HAKK HKNTAL AOIINCf o o o o o o o o o a o o o fireproof Apsrtinni's 17th (Ml Howard. JA. o o CAM. VA. WB WILL TolJ OLT. TAKK o o o o Open Kven.ngs and Rundsyt o o r o o o o 0 00 00 0 0 OOOO0 000 00 000 0 00 00 OQ 000 000 00 000 OOO 00 CO 00 ooo o A I A HTM r-N Tn, I rooms. N"! IT Klngsl.orough, 11,11 Dodge Hi , I'O winter; lit aummer. I'.i m. ; rooma, let Ht , No. 11. 11 Montlrelln, 11, I rooma, No ft, III'.. , Klwond, llll Dodge I'tTkim TftCKT criMPANT, "IMiere Omaha Uinta. ' AT. ((II. 17tli and Ksrnsm Rta, 00 OOOOO 0 00 000 00 0 00 CO 00 OOO C O0O0 000 000OOOO 00000 000 ob o o O MoltftUt APAItTMKNT HOTKf,, o O 1ITH ANU LiOlHiK HTHKKTs). O O O O Apartmenle consist of living room, O O dreselng room, kitchenette and O O bath. Weekly rental Including heat, O O H xht, ges, phone and msld sarv- O O !''. Kuher weekly or permanent O O guests, i'hone AT. 1210. O O O C O0O0OOO000OOOO OOOOO OOOOO 00 0000 00 00 OOO OOOOOCO 00 000 TIIK HAMILTOl O KAHNAM AT 34TH, O Living room, Murphy bed, kltch- o enetre and bath. Completely fur. o nisbed, 1S pr week. Two room O with kitchenette and bath, com- O pletely furnished at 121.10 per O week. A batlafactory Place to IJve. O 00O0OO0O0O00000000C00000O TWO Yt'KKKS KHKI5 KENT on all apartment, rented during fh moMh of August; summer rati.. 147. el to ItO; winter, IW.m to ICO. n&MKMHKR WB PAY TIIK COAL BILL bHOPKN & CO., Healtor JA. 422. J2I Keelln Hldg. UK NT 11K)IH'K1. Tl K.KH COirHT. Omahrt a f)iitnriiv nunrtmentM lnv you In enjov (he ttivm y an-l loiwenifW nt our f-xi'lnaivn locttt jmi. opWHltfl prk nni t.Mjril. Cloa to 'nr lin? and turHgf! 8 -room apartment with fi-room rcommo. (id 11 una. 0. M. HAl'HKR, win. HA. 7M0, SlO'jnolifa Ht. 7Ta1 i a h La k ; k h 'T h j ; nt a i7 a jenctv. Thlrty-(iiir apnrtinfr.t builriiiiKa, bS fll'Hilnipnia, reinfofffl con'T?te, lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bd room kpnrtrt.ciiti. Cult us. and w will tak you nut. PHAKK TIK.NTAT AOH.SCT. riroproof Apartmnia, JA. AT. 1701 Corner 17th and Howard Htreata. TKK t'hfodo, 2fiih Avp. and .Mfircy Nc-wly dpcoralcu 4-room aptf. with b-room i -Mill, mil Hung. Also ta-rooiii jit, I'hone IA. FURNISHED APAKTMENTS. OOO OOO 0 0 00 000 OOOOO CO 00 OOO ET.-mnnton apt. iotkt-, lODim AT 18TJI romMni avery convnirni:a an-l )iom coiit furl ; aUu fomnx'tuU Iti'-lf to kui'him wUhlnr to t6 within aaity rwiich of butiucM, ao iMnl and Mhoppinif rciitiTu ulti'a nf two or three root u with 'um binatltm tub nnd ihnwr Imth, KlTi'HKNKTTK comi'j.ktki.v :gt iprKn. HOTKI hKltV l'K--tNii l.KAHKfi AT. 4.00. ii, K- Motrii, lr( 00000000 00 00000000 CO 00 OOO c oooooo oooooooooooooooooo TIIK MAMII-TOV KAHNAM A r ii Til MvlTia; i tM-m, Aiutpi-y tt, kit h tfit i and t'-it h rtiiuplrtoly fur ItotU'd. Il'i ft Wmrtt 't'( r Ot!nt with kit. hnlt m l .'..Hi i.ittie pit t : y furn. hid, at I.: -0 ir X Ka.lafftvtnfy I'.ata In 0000000000000 00000000000 3 I.AI'Y ttoulil tilaci li.'ine anh ailt, liana, out 1'i't ilialrl't, 4 loom and aiae a'.im.e.iii. liii.i, bral aiot aa fui. II. I III I'll I t.Alllllii'-. I" lliM'bl.. 111.. j HO 1 llll, Ja k . ltd kit. t, a- It a- X I at ail. . lo J'l. BUSINKSS I'UOl'ERTY-HKNT (0Cgjj.!ivvv'j0iiC0OtOvjju i lit M Si.. 4 I.OCATI-INS u 1 1 a... la al o.i..r 1 1' tt a- I tl. a..-. O I ! " a t 4 t-l it nit I .an 1 1 M r 't H I nr I ,i s l I . i .. t. ,"i . ' VI p t S f t i a ' 'I i , o fi n it i . o ..i fi ,) -,i ,)..i lOO.iliflJ eiiy9via.vJOiv'.iatf4ti.i I I t flit. H Ht II I I'. I , : " ; u J tbtl a .it." t a Ka at I i a , t 1 ' ,t It .e a I VI t 11 ,l a i.ii' in, - t f-tll'tSf .i .1 III Ml . t' t ( 'I . rt o 0 ,i ii a .1 t y f i f v , p fi -a fi rt ,i ,t ii A i 1S..I a. , ... I , e-. 4 o a. . i . i ii - - 'i - . a a i . i ( a c i t i , i 1 ! - ! I 1 n . ., BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT B.rll I -t. ll 1.,1'l.a olfl, t i a. I i'.p. tviikuiaua Hi i 1 sinam Ii. fail Janitor It... in t.t a I'll, e. ill. WANT TO RENT K at. I lb nrkrl to tent l It i: r.M.iti bunaa with tn ,o,4 v tioii for li .p.'f.s.ble party VAltSAM Hall III at CO, l. allure II. ariiaii .1. JA. (Ill I llluiM I. n I. 1 anil .uaa by y f I .el l jt. Dug W.'J. ealioii, w.l On, aba ! W A S I t l l.i an. all ..oia to A.NTUi l aj.oia a I.I.I all I. I'UOitie, HA 11)1, bun. slow .r It-ill ,. b'.use of , vf MOVING ANU STOKAGE a oooooooooooo ioouopooci oo S o o 2 rJ O t o O Wl'rVI.MI! I'ACetl.Vri! o o O o o C ' tt'e .,4 tt'e waid ' ai loBde b iu. 'hold a; oi fnoioita. fe,. In ill auto- o o 8 o o o o o If IOU Br hipping o any of tbe ,itl, a repre eented or lo 1'iaii. ad lai .of tn cur shipping pom's aee ua, aa we tali eava ymi mun y. Thla week wa are ctitiog eliifiiu-n'. to tl.. foliowlnv Una. lig A NUM. KM MAN PHA.M IHCO, CIIICAI.O, III, M;nvmi. -o,0, Kanmaa CITY, MO, o o noeifiny riitrPRooa WAKl.lI'll-'HIC at VAN CO, III Nooh r'e Phone 1"J. Olvl. enlh IHreet, Orneh. Neb. RTiRA'if.! HIPPINOI O O o o o OOOO-inr000O000OOO00O0000O riDKLITY RTORAOI VAN CO HoVINil PACK INH RTOrlAilX KHIPPIN'I. . flouaabold Uaods and Planes). Had need flale. This Week to VINSKAPOI.IM BT LODIr) 110711 Howard Bt. kaorj IIM, ribs.PK'Kr WABEHOUMB Bep.rBte o ked rooma for household food. .1,4 piano, moving, packing and .hipulriv. HKKINH OMAHA VAN AND RTORAOC. 104 Mouth 14th. DO, IUI P.MTIMATr! furn. on Packing, moy. and luring I'ontracra lakert by Job or hour. Clot, a Van A Htoraae (j, JA, 1231, AT. 02:;o. UrossrnBn at Rons, owner. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ACCOROION I'lJaVINiI. A CCO ll MOM, .Id, knife, bog pleating. overed button, all atvleat hemaf Itching. buttonhole. Writ Ideal button A Heel ing Co., 101 Drown Hlotk, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. Jill, NKhAaSKA PLKAtTnO CO.. l0l Far- nam Hi., cloaod Aug 30 to bent. i. account of vacation 110 rarnain Mr,, Id floor. CONTRACTOn.1". OARAOKM built, any .ryl. and .lie, 1100 up. concrete wora. aiicKim Lumbar 4) NVrecklng r:o. Tel. WB. Ittl. PLAMTKRINO, cement work, tulldlng, re modeling garngta of any kind; tuinn- djeork. WA, OUT. ARI'KNTKIl work, contract or hour Near and old work reasomCie KM. 4CI 'V I.KOHAIID A BONM lianindailo. ..A building. Call AT. 1132. DANi'fNO Ar'ADKMII.M. KMMPH'. l PA UNA M P.allroom and correctly taught; clasa or JA, 6470. fancy dancing private lessons. IiKNTIHTb. RNTAI, X.ftAYS, 10 each. II a full itl. mjcurme Hldif., llih "dParnam. I iKTP !TI VKra. KKLIARl.K Kx, Bldg Detective JA, 20t(!; Hureau, Hallway night, KK. III!. Indepandenl Detective Itureali, 304 NtviMa -Jl"'.' J..I: Wlgh. WA. 40411; Kt. 0405 JAMKS Tit LAN, 312 Nevme!fk7i;vldenc. aecured In all cases. AT. 1131. DR KHH.M A KTNO. HIJITH, drcsura, fura relined, remodel' d; "carfil chocker mad. Iteas. price. HA. 6'i4 riRKfS.MAKINO, plain or fancy. II A. 4131. KCimiKKS. TTTIPQ Hemodeled. relincil. cleanedT X UllU Herknwltx Kur Co., 2S1II Leav enworth Ht. HA. 27M. 1T1TIJC expett reiu Irlng, remodeling, . UJW .al tleanlng. at lotveal-ln-the-clty prices, Kur r.'o. over Krvs. .IA 1 1 22. FURS R. St. remodeled, relined, cleaned. Kneeler Alisk. Kur Co., 20J DO. 723. KODAK PINIHHINO. Pll.lllH DEVELOPED KHKIC. Th Plnelgn Co.. 1107 Howard Rt. PAPMUNtr, PAPKH CI.KAVKD AND WALLS WASH. KMirCIIIKS'i'KD JA. 1041, PATtNT ATTiinNHYR. ,7WrM KUTIN'T" Patent Altiirney, 1711 Dodge, room Jug. Also Washington, 1). C I help tnventura Bell their patents. l'ltlNTINo7 I DhY Printing Co7 III rril Ht".iorill47; Cui'KI.K I'lllNTIMl CO, Phone JA, Jill. tiii k'thimminii. ' 1 Hl.K tcni.nilr.g eprayicg, treo autgery our apeeialty Mora dona by ni'ii't Call lio. advue In the rm of tour tree. Home Lamlatape Kelvin. Ill N, Jtth Rt. Im. till. tl l .Hi ' k I , i a v r:i 1 1 ' st " a s S 1 1 1 ' s't I : tt b'N T 4 " DIAMONDS pr'ce with prltilaae In buy ba. k at email profit, illl.'H Ji'.W 1.1.11 1 Co, l una ha, N. h , 4,; N. lath (I TaMbure l"i till tt.til A I'll. I I lit' Ci 1 .ttatlleasa. .ar in n..vr tt ta at baif pro el new I'lil.iwB rnot-tet ant leade ap III new tl..r P't-I tl. o'. ltd In k! aiitol Ixnf Cuming ,11 "tif. I' IUI Tl-'Sll f .n.x t.. oil urn. ite. I at iba k i.o.eta A 11 i' on II HU I' l"l I OAN3 ON IU:AI I STA IK I "i I b II I I I ' tli.,Nt.t 1 aal t Omeba I . 1 e.l l t . II t II t It I I I . . ,-ta) eaa4 la i en va Oaaiaa I I.C-ttl! It. ail. a Ii Sl a - a. waeiO t 1'arm Loan . .11 I . tUoa..l la, lit '. raa. a a, in bal I b. I-! I "It I ii a in val 4I1 t H 'U V I ., t H Ja i ,i t ii ai u.a I H a i i I s i n a 41AM. t. till. t.tla. Hi i I tl. 1 ' I V i I a'H Mil bat Hi l ' Jt at - t . I ea i 4 A I be- - I'. .. in -a t -. !- e ti t s li l. I 4 I , I e . 1 1 H ttllHt 1 It- lal-a l i t t.t t I liital I ... Mat , Bta It 4 ..i.e.. i I i.B.i. i li 1 el o o O O n o o 0 o o o o a o o ft o e r o r o o r o o o o O o o o o o o o r O O O O I irS, iL t I "t . I' 4 'N 1 li t 44 a P .1. a. I a-etaa ei 4. 1-1 ra, -1 t S I . a at I AUlOMOMIlt OK It A t y eaaa.ia eme'l l4i a-4 -ea. . l : ,i ? , J i f .a ,1 ft i f v.: w- I la. . IH A. a, . el S .y A , , I I 111 Vlnl It . 1 4 . . . a smb a, e-a 1 i i t at e I 1 , I, - i I W X i.mmr - - ' .a-ai bej I Hi I ait, a. I t I a, !., a t- - t tail a, . e. t -a IB - "f I aa- I -a ... 4 B a a, 114 W.tte, l. al n 9m . 1 a a 4- - 9 . 'ii. . ii a a I.. . Brf t ' t "" Ba t aa, if, el labia I aa .a . eej a t . a I ' a eae , H . ; a j ' t r b tU a- .a ii i ctt i i rt i r-a 4 a 4 B.B '4 I , t r, a - i I iVa- -a Va, I' t 'b nn t .. 1- 4 ll.. u.ti i.i lata, : tvl H.A. it , ,,! Ia I a4 'i. a Milt a .t a I in. It i , tl '! I I, 44,411 t l.tauaaia. III He. i ' k ii