THR OMAHA nr.K: HAMQMOUS m THE COOK BOOK Uv Jane Eddlngton AUTCVi COLONIAL STYLE. WHAT eould bo mora Inviting than lrxw two omfortaole sat which on a crime upoa at tba and of tha flagg4 walk wading ta tha maia entraoc of thla Jsutrh erJonlal bousn? Tha skillful houoewtf who trlakU fh cpUr to this rTnr1e bona, bold, and wtu haan't bad Uma to tidy rp bafor Mra. Bnrttli run la of aunv aner'a morning for a few mlnu'' nhat, will dtala bar nelghx- her. In tba green air, and tlraa praawnra tintar snslied bar reputation spick and pan buuarkasspor. To balajiaa tha aitracrttvo arrang Bant Just dorrtt)d. fhara la a glaaad t side porch on rha oppoalio and of Cba bouaa, Wanes donra flood fhta BHVs parol) with a wealth, of sunshro. AIo, U t aa. IdaU rainy daf puu for tba children. It It ba floored with six Inch by lis tncfa avruaro red Ula art lib Inrg dark mortar Joint, tba porch la doubly attract Ira and ui tawdily ba tidied. Tba living room, upon which ono gains dlract ontraw from tha main antry and which connect with tha porch Just daarxlbed try mean of Vranub door. 1 -carefully proportionod and wall lighted. Facing tha entranc la a Urea brick and til flraplara with a Ula hearth ta whlcb a bed davenport la a fit com panion ptoca. Poor lar- double hung windows, each with a large number f small pane, a good puiea fur a built, tn window ecat, land cheer to thla ar fanroroent Ju'tlng off from dim living room from rhlch It la quUo arparala, aa only an ordinary stxod door connecta, la a 14 foot I Inch by 14 foot dining room, ana aide of It opening on tha glazed tn port previously described, another fHng a simple bnt decorative garden arrangement, and another leading to the kitchen from which It la separated by a butler's pantry. , This sour rats that a hinged table which can ba folded down against tha wall would ba a handy article to place up against the wall and undnr the small window which lights the pantry. When gliosis are expectod, the side dishes and desserts can be placed In readiness on the table, a built-in china cabinet being ' within easy reach. A small boy looked longingly Into a tore window where a shining new bicycle was displayed. Bhyly he en- tsred and. approaching the proprietor, eald. " If you'll keep that bicycle till I'm growed up to a big man 111 buy ft of you." C. I. C Jerome has command of an un usually large vocabulary for a child of his age and also Is In tha habit of doing things thoroughly. On a recent occasion, his uncle came into the house and found him crying. He said to the baby: "Come play With uncle." To which Jerome answered: " I cant." t'nele siiknd: "Why cr.n't you?" Jerome enswcrKi; "I'm busy cwy trig," and went ot with his self ap pointed task with all tha vigor at hi aommand. E. J S. Frank's sister can ImMIa about by persiUf, but Jo a brother la still at tha seeping stage. The othnr day Frank was visiting at Joe's house, and when he returned bnm Ms HKithrr a&ked, "How big is Joea brother?" In a superior tons Prank repllel, (', hs Just one of thoee unlt-ifoot tabits that yvu slumbla ov.t." k. u n. Pcersw rSAl hfi-n reprlirmnJr i is' ict s f ir rrrrplng and wearing :n h-s ' .'... ,. Uj t, hi he his grandmutlisr VsaAav 'rJ ,4V aX- ieretng si grJi If :ht' ka, b Su I l-i .. t !.. "U'tn.H. Ha H, I- t I' t t't t 'X t t, g trnt Hr sa ... t ; -y l. rf,t. b - .. t ' 4I B. a- ( t ( ! ', . ' I. - f ?.l " ki i t llt it, 'it !" 4 !, a .-i 4 o. i. r. . ''r . W7 I . . m as-wawaawai rtrp r i ,,M j ' (A UJMr J 1 II av4-4 li i.. Off from tha kitchen Is a pantry closet, a broom closet, and a Sf pa rate compartment for tha Icrboz whlcb can be Iced directly from the entry without entering tha kitchen, lielng in a room separate from tha kitchen, although at tba same time, ctoee at band, rapid melting of tha ice oo baking days will not ba experienced. Itellcf from thla common drawback of old atyl kitchens will be appreciated by the economical housewife. Stopping down from tha rear porch at the kitchen on la greeted by a well kept lawn centered about a sun dial ant In a bed of flowers. Surround ing tha lawn Is a border of flowers. Here, too, wa find tha yard which can be divided into a vegetable patch and drying space, tha remaining portion being given over to a garage and drive. Reentering, wa find three bedrooms upstairs. The master's bedroom, which Vcrna is the proud sister of (In bar estimation) the most darling baby brother In the world. The other day he went up to bim and, throwing her arms around him, remarked; "O, you little doll, you're so sweet I can kiss all the soft off of yoi," referring to hi cheeks, which are soft and rosy. E. U Henry was fond of pets and teased for every animal he saw. When bis baby sister arrived bla grownup friends tried to tease him about trading her for a dog or cat they happened to have. He would always say he would not trade. One day a woman who hod some fins rabbit offered to trade one for baby sister, but he still said he would not trade. " Doesn't she cry a lot? " she asked. " O, yes, but we like her cry," he said. E. H. M. Nurse told Wayne ha might go in and see his baby brother. Ha walked Into tha room and stood by the bed looking at tha baby, and finally he ex claimed, "Well, when Is ha going to get out of bed so I ran play with him? " K M, Th doorbell rang violently tha other morning and upon answering It wsa greeted by a chubby, rosy fa'ed boy. "Say, Mr 11," h asked, "us kids would Ilk awful we", to borrow your llttl boy's big ie. Can wr Well, )s " I answered, rather an willingly, " If you promise not to break It and lu bring It right bark." "Hv, lis'en," tho youngster retartml ror.Uy, if w bust It, ws ll either piy f"T It, er mend It. or buy a asw oc., that's guaanteodr T, C. It - fn dsy eung aunty lu fl In el4rge . f th anW) aartmn aad tha w rtllldren, "Iw going Into ti klti Hen I pr r' ! ) f ', mv," a said lmvrtMlr; ao aura t rail an hn h wski dp -X yu'll kr him fie years.:?.' K iir. "thai k-l tnra hiive;f nt I 'is Hiftu' k kt us -he hi a'arwi " . J - wu t.i --si r.4 h sjtv'.k w. ft' 4 U ta ram bttffi ! MeV "I SiB.elh-S " i .ikr 4 hrt a I " i kr 4iiM Iratka s w a tt, la 11 feet I loch by 1 fet Incbna, haa large window aeat butlt-tn. If made of red eadar or other mothproof rood It makr-s a convenient place for anaeasonable clothing. Earl) ef the ether hndrooms haa fair atsad rloaet, and aJI are only a atep from Ihe bathroom, which contain a linen closet. mwq In tha basement we And fur nana and real room and a laundry. Tba eoaj room haa mn unusual fmlura, I La bottom being bopper shaped to facilitate onai ahorellng. Another In teresting point wbleb should ba men tioned la that the ceilings over tha eoal and furoar room have been p!aa- VmL 1 1 kit I f a Tbs f tea lota I CfPlfrt LlTlS-LDU Las C kits , n MviiL, J icon ft f IA I OOP. fered on metal lath for added protection from fires at these point where fire 1 most apt to originate. The Dutch colonial style, used by Architects Schwab and Cameron of New Tork City, who prepared the plans for this house, is handsomely executed In clapboard andt ahlngle or may be carried out in stucco. As Billy came Into tha house aunty exclaimed: " Why, Billy, where did you get that great scratch on your face?" Well," Informed Billy, " I Just bad a fight with Wally, and he got tha worst of It even If I didn't Irave an ad vertisement on his face like he did on mine!" K. J. I . ' 1 ' f , "T S !' " r, ,r,fRi. rUGt.NOl) COME. IN N AM :?V , i ootrr cAAW AND rAAYK r4l(AvK MADt MOM KICK. Wbsvtavar favurtto earaal wa may not ba able to 0n4 In the mast on a given day, rVe wtTI bo there a!n to a aortainty. Wbrrher you want to pro para tha simptoBt ? meal, or tba timet Uborata, TV ma bo ttael from the snap t rhoowoeia. Whatever I your phyetnal enndlrUm you can oat rtc. It la often tha first fond given to Hue who have been dnera to d-Lh. Ier bai tf they bad, eavtwn mar rlc Ihef would never bar raced down that fkfM. If jmu want to make a msnu highly reprtaerrtaiiv ef aome country you ssui almost auraly use rl.w appropri ately. Tha Indian rurry and the kl g n-i, tha Turkish pllsf or ptUu, tha Chlnaea dtshea f Uia tVI of chop auey, the Italian rtco dishes tika the saffron rl or rteolto of Milan, the Hpsnlsh rlc dlshee with prpier and bwiate, tlia y'rench and Herman milk flcea," and tha Krench "gateau de ri" which la Ihe tarn t our old fnahlnned rlc pudding bsJK'd In a great iieel-hea are a few of tha nation- r?y ehsracteiistlc things tnad fnm rlca. Ha Mny l-oaslbllluVa, ' '"" If ynu want o extend soma meal or Ash or even a gravy, make It go a long way, use aom rina with It. If you want a rlc dish that la fully equal to MHSLt, up rheoso with the ri-e. If you want the most elegant acting for any creamed preparation, serve It In rlc border, formed In a ring mold. If you want something almost equal to an It cream, stesm rtc In milk and chill It fur a pudding to be erved with a preferred snui or crrum only. If you have to bo economical, and still wont to have fine seeming fllshes, (her Is nothing that will aerv you so well a rlc. If you want to eat th alinplrst foods for health's rak, for religious motives, for thrift niotlvra, or boraus you have time only for preparing th simplest things, us rlca. 1earn to us It In all Its wondrous variety, and first lrn to cook It simply. Tf you want to mok rlc water f'r a aoup, make It, but do not cook rice In a lot of 'water. It Is not necessary. Th rice Is then mor than likely to be soggy, perhaps gray and repulsive looking, and unpalatable. Tou have wasted some of It, and this la not necessary. If you or using th oven, you can cook your plain rlc In It for a mold, for us with cheese, and for topping with a number of preparationa which may be added to it after It Is ao cooked and further baked to finish. A creamed mixture. If not too thick, will combine with It excollently. Oven Uollrd Rice. Butter baking dish of right size. Put thre times as much water to boll aa you are intending to use of Why I Told What Became of Oie Other.' A 11 that will be ever groen in my memory I told when giving a lunch eon. I eihibltod some of my fancy work and a strip of crocheted lac was admired so much I gave it to one of my guests. Turning to my dearest friend and perceiving the Injured look on her face, as If to say, " Why, that should have been mine," I hantlly tried to make amends by saying, " Ther used to be two of thess strips, but I do not know what became of the other or I would gladly give it to you," I bad Just put tho other strip bock Into a cabinet, as I thought. All was forgotten until they got ready to don their wraps. They stepped Into my room. Ther on th floor lay my other strip, twice as long as It originally wan, it eeoms to me. Everybody smiled as I tried to ex plain, but no one believed me. A. B. Too Overcome to Explain. I told my kuit lie about ten days ago. About a week previous to this my husband had presented me with a gift In honor of our first wedding anni versary. On this particular afternoon when the personal property man came to the house I waa putting on my hat preparing to go to on afternoon bridge game. It waa my first experience with a census man and, being In a fever to get away, I was somewhat confused In my answers. After questioning me PIGTAILS "By Mildred Burleigh. rlca, f'trb over rv and wash well, then drain. Iut drained rlc into baking dish, puur th bulling water over it, add aalt to laMa, and ek tn hot oven. Th water will be eu rapidly alattsMl tliat tba uvm will n be pteamed up any more than In baking vld faslilitnad rlca pud ling. Ueole IkoUed lUrsv. Pick over and wh rtc and put It to drain b'fr putting water to boll. I so Hire time inu. h water aa rice Kur cna cup of r put thre cup of water to boll In a k.til of tha right else: add sail and any other arsumnlnga. Ilk butter. If you want them In. Add tha drained rtr slowly, so that th water dum not stop bulling, If you want th moat p"f"rt effect. 1 t cok for Ov minute with th rover eff, than cover and cook over a small amount of fir for fifteen mlnutea i n cover and dry off fur fle or ten mln-' utea. It should b sparkllngly whit and dry, and nnt Jellyiik a bit on to. If you hav tieen careful. I s it in no end of ways. Vrgetarian llica, Pefor putting th rSr Into th boll Ing water prepared for creole rice, you may put In soma green pepper rut fine, carrot sliced thin or grated, onion, and some bacon UU lie aura tha water ba dolled up again bfor adding rlc. Iloriler Mold of ICle. Thla may be called a halo for a dish. Tot a border mold nine Inchea acrpss on rup and a half of boiled lie will be required This mold is large enough for a Urge chop platter. It may b " th liaJo for curried elm ken. or curried lamb, creamed fish, plUf, creamed veg tabloa, and for other nmlures. lunse nut th Iiordnr mold with cold water tcfor pwklng In th boilwl rtco, pat k ' th rlc Into it aolldly, and Invert Witb a spoon one may hank rlc around on a plat ao a to make a crater for a creamed mixture, If a border mold 1 not at hand. Aolld Miild of fUna. A melon mold of aolid rice, with a gravy or creamed mixture around it, may he quit elegant, or th mold may he of any shap preferred, fur creamed fish It might hav th shap of th flrh. Olbrr Molda of Itic. I .In any mold with bulled rice, pack ing It down slightly ao as to leave a well In tha oentor. Kill center with prepared meat or gravy, cover with rice, aet mold in hot water in oven, cover with a plat, and bak for half an hour until the mixture is boiling hot at center. Berv from dish or mold, or turn out Many of th Turk ish pllaf recelpes call for th burying of cooked chicken in a great mound of ric Ilk this. UoruYr of IUi for Slew. On of th loost expendv of stew recipes I know of camo to me, with othersone In which plain boiled and My Last Lie. In rt gard to mortgages and bonis, ha asked if we had any pots, to which I absent mlndedly answered no. Hut Just as he reached the door, to my uttnr shamo and confusion, a succes sion of sharp barks carried from Ilia rear of the house. Th man opened his book and drily remarked, "A bark In this case Is as good ss a bite." I was too overcome to explain that I had forgotten, and later while put ting on my hat I began to laugh weak ly at first and then In btirats of almost hysterical merriment when I remem bered that the gift had been two do?s Instead of one. M. C. O. The Unexpected llappem. I had been disturbed several times from my work by agents that morn lng, so when a man walked Into the fltce, handml me his card, and asked mo If I were Mr. Morgan, I said, "No, ties out of town; won't bo back for week." na nannea me an envelope, nd walked out. Five, minutes later this Is what I read: 5 Dear friend, four years since you staked me on that proposition. am giving me money io this man which he will hand to you in person, with Instructions to return it to me If you are absent." There was no address. I have reat reverence for snd try always to speak the tram since this affair. L. S. miied beans wrre sn4 with border nf rtr-4ldnf y bn in a noxint of luiui'1 atlh r bat t"n murh u.d by lb rrenln for i hildren, Th rup fur th t in iuriiin resuls: Two rup of poisio. (. i.nioii, two tablespiions lama fsl, ) tren af, nna rup carrot, one small turnip, on )vl teosB-tftn flour, water to rover. Kike or dir th vteb', and cook until trnder with lh lenib fat, covered with water. When dona drain off liquid for us HI ii ahska vegi labtea ovsr flr for mmut. ThU ken liquid with th flour, an I let tha vegetable simmer In It a few minute, ferv en hot patter with teft-der of plain boiled rt' Instead of thla Inripenslve mixture Ihe nor. t nf rhicksn fricaseees msy be served in lb m way lerfet!y co. kJ ri and chkken gravy ar a most tshle mlitur. I lili ken Curry . On pound of cooked chicken, rut In small piece, on onion, two table sp..ns of butler, or aur appl. fn fourth cup of groun4 fresh rmoaiiui -If you can get II five i rd irtmm seeyls six rloveo -theee can b diened wtth-on tesspoon of rurrv powd'r. one half lesspiw.n sail, a knife point of cayenne pel'P"r- '' lublcspoona of browned flour, on cup uf water. Try th onion and chicken and appl gen tly until the chicken Is brown- Iwen'y minute to one half hour- stir In Ihe flour with which hss been mixed tn curry powder, Mlu-ll cardamoms, and tla them with tha tlovr in a bit uf new well rinsed rherae cloth, and s il with the water to lb fried mixture, atlrrlng until lha sane bolls end Is smooth. Add th riMininut, end s.m mer for an hour. Herve with boiled rice and aondlments. Kb and lirese. A lit Its less than on cup of rlc put Into on cup of cheese suio e snd used as soon as the two re blended, or baked In Ihe oven, nsiy make a mt palultilila dish, but the sauc must not be too thick. Mor than this measure, or hn!f, may be used. In combining rice and cheese by this method, the cheese Is evenly and per fectly melted, as It Is not by oilier m-t Ik!, In every rase. Hy this method tho cheese seems to go twlr s fur, and every rice kernel will be soft and savory. A tiny bit of curry powder may be used In seasoning lliu oauco. The combination should bavo tha consistency of a heavy bailer. If Practical and Taney cAeedleWork FOR LATE SPRING WEAR. F OH this good looking knitted sweater tn balls of mercerized cotton, No. 6, 'and on ball of a darker, contrasting color will ba needed. I sa No. I knitting needles. Cast on 104 stitches. K ribs even. 13th row: K 4, over, 2 tog, repeat from to last t stitches and k these. 14th row: K 4, p to last 4 sis, k these. I&lh row: K plain. l:h and 17th rows: Repeat 14th and 15th rows. 18th row: Repeat from 13th row till thero are 12 patterns. I Repeat 13th row. Next row: K 6, p 4, k trepeat from to last 4 sts, k these. Next row: K 10, p 4, k 4, repeat from to )at 10 sts, k these. Ri-peat th last 2 rows for 3 in. and bind off. For fronts cost on 44 s's and work same as back. tipper part of sweater Is knitted In the opposite direction. Cast on 40 st and k for 32 ribs, bind off 35 sts for srmhole, k 12 ribs even, cast on 25 sts for armhole, k 63 ribs, bind off 25 sts, k 12 ribs even, cust on 35 sts, k 32 ribs, and bind off. Sew shoulder seams, leaving 8 center ribs of back free for neck. Sleeves: Cast on 68 sts. k 40 rlhs, and bind off. At end of sleeve lift 33 sts and k 20 ribs. Ne.xt row: Over, 2 tog to end of row. r one row, k one rw, p one row, k one row, repeat from twice. Join sleeves and sew Into armholes. Collar: Cast on 20 sts. K 5 ribs. 11th row: K 4, over, 2 tog, repeat from 4 times, and k to end of row. 12th row: K 4, p 12. k 4. 13th row: K across. Repeat the last 2 rows till collar Is the desired lenjth, finishing with 5 rlhs plain. Hew In place as Ilium rated and finish edge of collar and cuffs with 3 rows of s c In shade No. 1219. Crocheted belt: Ch 21, making 1st d c In 8th ch from hook, 1 s m , 1 o m, 1 s m, 1 o m. LOVE LETTERS WHEN WOMAN STOOPS TO CONQUER. In rriilosuiort ef the olltnring Ut ter U lj ecceuarn for me to toy that I Kai formri rtmdiaip with a ma ei'crul peon my irnior, and, partly through a apinl of miscAwf and purl. ly te. aujs really did Hk Aim, de lermiird Io nak him lot' me. II veil I itow ta rrjipond and in reply la ny aJcancci would point out th In equality ur affes, A is dVmr for Quid som hv, ami my ail (no p. pares! JiAirnj fje J.isocj, lAeolers, rtc. pertMtrd. A.mmwr, and 'fee several Winers u ycaflW rul full frttrAirnrxl I e lAdt A traj lr esrfkly is lui wits, si. TAisjt cos- liNkcd Kstuvcn u ft kfc g eu fcayrr, Aa reeled 11 a Ineyer hu.i eve a frwMy eeisy foe Aim, so f wvefs klm a teller raria IA retara U say lll-r d pk- lr a4 lerweiaotHHt r e fred. M U4 e-e fviftr: DKAtt CHHWTT: I a. eivdoer an yur rnitat. 1 am r.iurn le sH ef jotir i..n-.s wuh yuur pu-tur and ik liu, 'seat hu h giv it a. Thara ta aHiong am .1.. ai lliu Ilk tii, ist.e, Mn suf IM rwi tt t sy a fw things M. ft Suy l ef th, i afe I e t ttA sy k , . a kli4(t.' I fuitt ,f oi Jeihiun lrn N ;.' fait h rt. tt SHIM. I am k.I tr tM. , ai l . (.-. War w l lut.r-f II t li s e !. tt mr to bo finished in the ov, butler ft twkir g dish, put in mlitur. ror wi'H bread ituiiiI and bk looniy mm titr Oubk (rvam Kao TaaVltng. Uk unto ti e ra a4 rh t ih'a Imiutiuo of th brg bk4 I4 fash lme. rl'a pudding- Msfce a wl.H MU4 nf on kvvel laHleSien of but ter. ol level Uhir"ri fcf flour, end on up of mnk, ailh a bit "f aai. and peer'eii It l'h two labUapnort of ugr. r'istur sun nuuei or any other lUvnr A Hula preserved ginger Is good HUr lulu lh rtii4 hi cup of roll bulled fh-, breaking up lha Utter If peiessary, so that tha two will form a homogeneous bum, and rook aa gently a p.ble for fif teen minutes brv hot or rold If rulj. use whlpd rrm and gs'OUn It with a bit of fruit or candy. I rrained II U arlaia.n. To white asm a and rice, romblnesl a in ric and rheeaa and In irosmy ilie pudding, may b added a bit "f .f lover rhlekrn, ' leftover flnnan hsdd.e, eom rsiined salmon, ete- Tia saue in such cases should ba aeaaonede with onion JuU Instead of sugsr, l lilllrd Kir. A dessert sppfolmtieg ne rresrn may b msdo by foMlng hlpi4 ' cream Into ro d rl, e an ronked that each grain Is rapsndrd to the utmost, and then packed In Ira and aalt as In making a mousse. Her with thick mapla sirup or something of that na ture. Itlc steamed perf-cMy in milk Is perhaps th most ideally co"k4 for this dess'-Tt Milk Hire. Wnsh one half iup of rlc thre 'time in boiling wsirr using a pinch of soda in Hi first, Holier a pint and a hnlf mold, with a hermetically scaled rover, put In lh rice, and add ta It two cups of milk, fasten on tha tight cover, and scl on a wire stand In boiling wuter which comes to two thirds the bright of the mold In a kettle which ciin be closely covered, keep ihe mater In the kettle Just hoik ing for two hours. 1-ct the whole root a bit before turning out tba rlca, whli h should b si most us spongy whipped rrenm. This prt of lh ma reputation, getting lha ric out of lh mold, Is perhaps lh bard thing. Tt should come out without breaking. It Is excellent hot wilt some favorite pad ding sauce or pluln cream sweetened and flavored. I 'i Courtesy Btr Needlework Joomal, how York..! 2d row: 1 a ra , 1 o m, 1 s m, 1 m. Ism. Repeat these 2 rows for desired length, finish ends with tassels, and tack In position as illustrated. Knitting alibrevlatlons: Knit, k; stitch, st; purl, p; stitches, sts. Th asterisk means that whatever direc tions are given between them must b repeated bei'ore proceeding further with directions that follow. A row la to knit once across tha work when two needles are used. The terra rib Is generally used when speaking of tha garter stitch, or plain knitting on twa needles, and la two rows of plain knitting. Ufa. As you know, I Uv a rather soli tary existence, and since leaving bom I hav not been much In tha society of women, much Ins had I aver formed anything in the nature of a sentimental aUacbment for any on until you com. I cannot blam myself for loving you when you brought your bright, cheery waya, your sunny disposition, and your Utile mannerisms which I hav learned tn love so welt Into my lonely life. Whet other result eeuld have bun possible? Had you not Hilled otherwise, I would hav kept my lov locked In my breast and never given It utteranc, for I retir.ed tha disparity In, our year and our different Idoala Hut whn you showed m ao plainly that you found pUwuur in my com sea y and p.n;inu.t th differenca in ur e I grlu!'y kxnet tho bona on mv will and my better ludgmant S'i.1 allowed tti)srlf to form an aUarft n 'il tir )u that will MiitlaiM as loag aa I live. hl make It partleulotry d'stroaa. hig to m l i resits, a do, (nai " aevse bs. ..v 1 k. for ma, Just why ynu should baro dor. this thing la a mjsl.if me, sw, trtdeod, d it omh autttsr It is d lea . r'i'y. sw that it t too oxa, U UnloiMnnl t )nunrity Kat bsa rrtai. leriud sj f 1tvr aetiwaa wnr hi I it f u wr.o, g baiea i I fully turgtt y,. an4 alt oil t wtsh vu4 srett, I aK.i nI ll my lea for ta lr wfc-eio l-r, wt l arvil V Ik eu f my Utug an ta.t1.4M4 l'""i I" buia aif., and pa. i in Hi )., u I eu km. 1 1K41 I an s'.l I k yv In t. ar I d't Alwat As. IV