18 B TUB SUNDAY T.TX: OMAHA. AUGUST 27, 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain I'll tin tnarertt tere ihle higher at iht Mart tiJay m tvmfi.tht ith l,ifrjxo anl, although ttt'la fit ind aentiitirnt father brarith, vluf reH fll, Hi only ratinrt4 htrng nrtUi late m the tlay. but thu at not trrimit and the '.tilth wt f.nly liuhtfy lrr. Lark ont aide iltlrfttt Hit tUit a rnntrihu. torn tovtarrj tht rxittrtire tl an taner tnrte Tht lower tenirtrraturf nt'tail le 1 ever the torn irl(, it 11 ajnt, havt cnnM the ardor r( ' t'' rleitrurtionittt vrry timtrriillv. anil tht arlion ol thu mallet wnil'l in. fliratt a ronif)rrlilf reilwtinti in buying potter, l-fitst Iio (nailed up on In hot tttatlirr have nut a et generally liiiuiilatcl aii't Ir ft the market in a rlt tiotitmn. Wheat rrreipti at Omaha ilumnl an enrretliiigly tnt (ailing oil a rmnparrd ith the torrrioti.niK day lut year, 57 rara nf lliii gram being rerrived today aitauitt I '0 fart on the tatter iteration. Hereipti of corn urtt tl rart at ait-ii'tn i ran, and of oati I') ran jint 15 rari tatt year. Shipmenti int.ilnl 144 cart, comparrd wiih a lar diperment a vear ago. A moderate demand apparent for rath grain in the Omaha market. Wheat moved at generally un rhange to a Ic lower figure. Oat changed ti 1c lower figure, torn wai unchanged tol-2e off. Oatt were off 1-4. I-2c. with rye unchanged to Ic lower and Wiry not much changed. wiip.at Va. f dark hard; I er (imMl, II 44 S I der herd: I lar (.mull) I, II II; t rar ttmultx). 11.04 ; I tar lainultyt. II l. No dark hard' I rara (amullvl. II II; I rar Itmullr), II II; 1 car l.niullrl, II .. trfe. ' I hard wlnteri 1 rar tamutir), lil I rar tamuitrl, II ; I rar. tie. I rar. Hp; I nr Ismo'tn, ll; I rar. II l; I rar (amuKy. 71 ter tent daral, II "I! I tar, lie; I rara. tte. No hard winter; t lar mutly, In 1 rar. IV No. I hard winter: rar ( I par ent ryel. II . No. I hard winter: I rar. tie Sample hard winter: I rar, I4r, Nn. I yellow hard; a ran, lie. No I pillow hard: 1 car, llo-; car, I4: 4 rara. I4e. Sampl yellow hard; 1 car (heating), Ilr. No. 1 tprlng: 1 rar (dark northern), II II; I tar (northern, amutlv), II II. No. I mled: t rar (durum aiituftr), llo; 1 car (durum) 4c; l tar, 11.10, fuBM. 1 rar. I3e. I rara, II e, I rar, I2c. 4 rara, 4tc. 11 rara. M(f. I rara, llttc. tin OAT. I white: 1 rar. 31. 1 white: eara, II r; I rar. II r. Chicago Grain Py CIIAKLCS D. MICHAELS. iranaha tt lard M Ire. fh it an, Autf. '.iirain piiiei hrli wiihin coniparaiitely narrow jiinita, wuh a msjonty of the local elr nient dxpti'd i g" atow on either n.le pmtling new tlcvelnpnirnti In the general atttution. I'ruei aver ai?rd iihtly liither, Whrat lloaed iitithaiK'rd to 3-Hr uwr, rorn un- l.angeil M I He iihrr. oala 1-2W J. 4c tier, and tyt ! lower. Laid w . Iiil.er to 2 I -2c lv.rr nd nh off 71 -V. Wheat ari at a nrw low for the r(,n tint wrrk, luit rallied vrry tharplv later mi general MH'rt cover, leg. There kNo wat good ronimia- -nil iour liiinii'i. At the latt net gain wrre 2 iJiHr. l'r rhm.V!? vat the ituin inftu- eni'f m the rtirn m.iikel. With a let. up in prctnrr, pnert wrre 1 3 He 7 fV for the v,eeU, (hit were J-J (Ji I I 4r higher and rye up M?iJ-4i rroviuin werr iinrlllrl, lara oil 21 .'i()c and rib 5c at the last.' II l lire la) MiartHHil. Am aHtarir i. to I V't " hal J LivcStock Financial New York Bond ttrrlfa arrra Off . 1. 1 x in.i.r ... nrruial lu'r'nr t'trirtai wao..'U i.rf r,i Triiia4r . I ffl.l.l .... I aMiuata rtaturdy , I Kara iNia . . m day laat ali jl.tftt M.a tlaia I at a a :t aan. ! I w la ;ll kaiMa 4i )ar aavi JI til Omaha. Alia- !4 t'atlla lloga. aha. a t lit t s;i 11 l4 II !' a ni t ton i,:?4 ii tit it i.it ii at tt HI II HI ii '( ittri 11 nf I" in t.nta tail .a 4 i Hill It 1:1 II T I III III II Ml lot tta Ra'alila aed d apwiilna f Hvfalwk lha I'AIOH ato k.ara. tfmalia, Nal. I'tr :l hU(, anuia a I a y. ni Auaual la, 113; KlEirT "KI.OT, l allk. Iluia MuU-a No. No. No. No, N". No. No. t whliai S whita: 4 whila: I yilloarl I white: t inMadt I; 1 car. No. No. No. 4 white; 4 rara 11 fee; I cara, WYB. No, t: t eara, e. No. : 1 cae, Mr- J ran, Ma. UAHI.EI, Nona. OMAHA BECKIfTa AND BHIfMBNTB. Warlc Trar Today. Afn. Ao. ,. S7 1"! 1 , at n 14 ,. 14 II It . It II 11 . .. 4 I . M 0 111 . tt II II .14 l . I 4 14 .4 1 4 Raralpta Wh.at f'orn Oata Rye , Barley , hipmanta a Whaat , rorn ..- , Oata ......... By PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS, tnuahela Raralpta Today. Wk.lAao. Yr. Am. Wheat 1,,000 1,477.000 l,44,oni) Torn ttl.an 716.000 l.HS.OOO Oala 177,000 147,009 131,000 fihlpmanta whtat i.m.ooa 1.115.000 i.ttt.aas mm Hi, ooo mono l.on.ono Oala I7,00fl fl:l2.00 410,000 KXPORT CLEARANCES, Buahala Today. YaariAao. Whrat and flour 1. 11,000 121,000 Torn 245,000 Oala 60.000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Wrrk Taar Carlote Today. Aao. A to. hal. HI ' ' forn 1 11 data 117 "1 !l VAK'BAI riTY RECEIPTH. 141 100 161 It 24 t 11 II ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. , 17 171 I' 41 10 14 n.i. 82 41 4 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT KKCEIPTS. Mlnnaapolla 3J 27 611 Pulllth 14 47 IJ3 Wlnnlpea ,3 ' CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By TTodlka drain Co. DO. 1437. Au, J. Wheat Com . . oala .. Whaat tjora Art. I Open. High, ) Low. I Cloaa. I Yra, in t. iv. u. u, I a-aa ffanunaiil l J.r fair Imiirg hr rarty. Iliupa with earard cnnr-. Imna lark lha i(arnr on tha mitt'ir hr.aka, tn fhuuah tha foralan daitiand aa r.pi,rir4 aa alow O lha ailvanraa r.aauta tnrrraard and valure hM within . tariaa r atiout 1, lral a.nlimant la il.rid.rlly miaad and anina at tha pit trad, ara anid aarly on the la-k nf ouialda In laraai, making tha darlne lo tha luw ilnt. Tka roraiaa a'luallno ehowe.i utiia ehana. Tha tradara paid ta atlantton tn eatimatra that th ppaniah h.at rrnp IMa y.ar aaa arnHiid 1 36 liOfl.Oiia huahela rtr It ma rta tmaltrla raa thin lo-ll'l t'nun try affcrlnga ar n'U larva, with lha rar ahnnaaa rr.iripiiria ih movrmrnt In tha Aia.riian nir!hw rat I'rtmliinta at ttin hiiir aara allehtly flrm.r, Put In Amrr Pan marki't wrra praitp ally unrlianfrd. torn hllahlly lllahrr. A r.d'irllnn nf I7,ooa,004 buahala In lha ratlmalrd Kanaaa rorn rrop. with a rt-up lit lha rloalrif nf apri-aila halwaan that aratn and whaat, tnada for a allahtly hiahrr mark.1. . nilin.nl, hnwevrr, waa nuira two air)d and prlrra flurtualad rathar rapidly within a ranee nf ahfiut tr Noma ralna w.ra rrpnrird In parta nl Kanaaa, Oklahoma end Tiki, hut had lltlU aff.rl. I'rainluma In lha aainpla markM wore Sn Inwar. Counlry offer Inga fair. naia had a runaa nf e with tha ariinn of rorn tha dominating Intlurnra, lha avaraga Palng aimiilly higher. Ki porlara are afirr hravywolght grain, but find offrringa amall. Itya ahuwad a rathar firm imdrrtona. with a ra.h hniiaa a fair huyar of H.ptrm. h.r. Northwairrn hailglng prraaure light. Tha two markcta reraivnl 214 cara. I'lt Nulra. A graat many nf tha Inral prnfi'aalnnala wra bulll.h nn whant and a.veral nf tha l.adlng ritiiiiiilaainii hnuara baarlah. Tha latiar ara ba.ing thrlr opinion un tha wraknr.ee In Wlnnlprg and tha proapar Ufa Inrraaaa In tha movant. nt nf Anirfi- ran and t'anaillan aprlng wn.at. t'orn ahipmrnta hrrr, which have bean running largir than the rncrlpla, ware ra. vra.d thla wrrk with tha rn-alpta 1,100,. 000 buahnla mora than tha ahlpnvnla. A rorn aprflahat aaya that Inral tradera ara moafly loriga and that tha out aal buying In the woat la not eufflclrnt to rarry prlrrg higher. "Tha pr.arnt Imli'-atlona ara for a rorn rrnp of around f,00, 000,000 buahrla,' aaya IrhlartI A Walann nf HI. I.nuln. "Moat of tha brara ara to Pa found In tha camp nf tha country tradar. Tha largrat pro foaalonala have covered th.lr ahort Unea and lha Irrhnlral poalllon of tha market la not an good." A decline In rya prlraa haa brought an Improved domeatlo damand for rya rioiir. Cum crop la unuaually lata tn parta of Iillnnla thla yrar. At the Ho'k Inland County fate laat werk not an ear of nae rorn waa on exhibition. Farmere aaici thora waa aoma damaga to tha rrop th raault of rrcent wrathqr conditlona, l.'nltrd Klnorlom whrat handtrra ara vary caullnua buyara. arrordlng lo iirom Pall, owing to tha unarmed political mn dltlona and tha unrartalnty regarding thn rinni outenmo on the rontln.nt. Milling Irada la poor and tha demand from thla aoiirra very limited. I'rimary raceipta or wnrat rnr tna ara ton to data agirrrgate 11.664.000 buahala. compared with 121, 471. ooo buahala laat vear. Corn rerehita alnce November ara 317,404,000 buahala agalnat 31t.4tl.000 buaheia laat araaon, and oala elnca Au guat 1 ara 38.737,000 buaheia, agalnat 21, 330,000 buaheia laat year. r . i a at Paul p Mi, ff ilm Hr t tuna I'" ill. H K ... C Ik N, W, ly, eaat ... C A K W. Ity , Waal . ., c, at. P. m t. nr. t'.. It. A Q ByH eaat... f, II, A g Ilr, wt... f. K lP, eaat . f, M I. A I', '! Illlnaia Lanital hr, . . . Tutal ra.atpia t 1 II I 41 It I 16 I JUKpiimTIHN HISAIl. 113 Armour A f'n , a.lahy I'aikiag l o. Ild Parking t o ,. ,,, Unrria Peking to,.., hrnl'h A I J W Uurphy Saartl A t o. ... . , Airnour of aiaua llig Tolal I llnaa. . I . n .. !' ,, a.o .. 113 ..1114 ..1,323 .. 1 ,. 4 ,.1.164 Or ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Omaha He .awae4 Hire. N'ew Vurk, Aug. 26 The di' quitting tivrrm'glit tlitpatchei regard ing the liernidii aituatiun amf our own guvcrninenl'a attitude in the coal and railroad controveMy were rccrtveu vitlt equanimity hy today tn.iikrit. On the atork eachange the day i movemrnt of pricra wai nar row and, at a whole, pretty rvenly tlividca Between alvincri and tie' ilinei. In the foreign exchange rutct, which had been falling during ihe week, there wai a alight rrcov cry, evrn the German mark regaining a cniiiKjrralile fraction of the week urrluie. It wai rrrognird that there ire nrw poaiiluliiirs of a dinturhiiig tort in tit adiiiinitirAtinirt attitude re Igarditig pomihle triure of the hard rtmi iiiuiri or ui'iivitiuai rauwayi. it ; tliflitult, how'fver, to accept (hit iptimation at the moment at any tning more than warning by the gov eminent a to the conicqiiencea nf uitoiut i.niure to reume nrodurtioii of anlhracile or to riistrihute the coal that it mined. tirrmiin (rlaia llewllderlna. Tha liar man rrlaia haa brought tha I Cattle: Berelpta lie beau. Cattle re triple thla aa.k ara tha largrat of tha year, almoaf tu.eoa h.an", and prp.ra on all ktnda are eharply lnwer, t'orn feda haa bran la llbatal eupply and while a few prima lota ara alrni'el al.ad. d.rllnre of 4'irQII 04 hava uaen potrd on lha hulk or lha offertnge aeid rowi and helfrra ahow a mllae loaara, (in atrK'kara and frrdrraand wraiara range b.ve tha wr.k a drriine amounla lo I6e64r. All claeaea war nominally alaady today. uuntallona nn aaillat rhnlra to prima heavae, IIOIuulOlO; good to ilinlia h.rvra, H llo il oil; (air la good Inevea, I livt .4. riniimon In fair h.ivrt, It on I 76, cholia lo prima year llnaa, II 7Mf lo III; grwd to i hjli a yearllnga, l 76 111 fair In good yaarllnga. t On ej a 7 1, ; roinmnn to fair yaarltnge. It finti.oo; good to rhnlra graaa b.evea, tl.OOj76; fair tn good grata heavae, 19.261100; rolll mon lo fair graaa tieva, ,6UQI.26; Mvalcana, Von,&.u; good to rhnlra graaa helfrra, It.JHr r,. zfc ; fair to good graaa hr.fera, 14 0'itrlOO; good to choice giuaa i'iiwi, lone6,76; niadlum In good graaa cowa, It 26tl,oa; i-nriirtion to fair grata i owe, 2 llll watt; good n i hnlc heavy f.rdrra, 7 4ie7.a&; fair to good fanlera. !.6ijty7-!6; common to fair ftrdrra, Ifi.bO tr4I6; gooxt to rhnlra atock.ra, 17 H flu; fair to good etorkera, .0(iw7 on common to (air atckara. in 00 4IH.00 eiork helfera, J 7191,00; atork rowa, 13.00 Ui 00; alork ralvra. j 0001.76; veal rilvra, Il.00tfl0.00; bulla, alaga, ate, 11.71 V i to. Iloga: Itacelpla 1. 000 head. Trading waa active Saturday with a good clearnnca Inada at an early hour, prli-ea rulrd alrong to Un higher on all gradea with hulk moving fully a dime higher. Light tioga aoi moaily at ll.764l.o wlih a (op price nf 19.10. Good quality medium wHght butchara aold at t 40 47176 and at rung weight butrhera at I7.A76&I.I0 and tha bulk of heavy mixed and packing gradua at I7.007.to with a few eztrnna heavl'a at 4.7f.l 10. Hulk of all aalee waa 17.00 trt.oo. prlraa ahow little change aa rom pared wllh a week, all gradea ruling alrong to 100 higher tor tha wot 1IOOS Pain lal mind Into mora bawiklermant than lha noma UPor rombllcatlona. rauaa of the difficulty of Pacovaring any way 'out nf tha dilemma. Tha decline of lha mark to Voio la not in Iteelf any maner m great eurpnae. in vlaw or Oar many'a currency altuatlon; bat the moat atp.ri.nc.il pankera find It hard lo Imaa Ina that what la tu atop lha andlaaa chain ot depreciation, aa tha laat opportunity lor applying each of a aerie of poaalbla remeniai eipenienie aaema lo na raachei ami paaara. Tha only certainly, aa lha markeia a.-a it. la that lha whula on. a Hon of (Irinian retail. ma will nf naceaaita hava la he taken up again by an Inter- nanonai i oum ii. Aa a nilv, railway aharea aold down fractionally, but with few noteworthy inaiia'a arm wnn two or three eilvani.e. t ompariaon or the week a rlnalng prp ra wnn inoea o; a waaa ago anowa tnat tha prevalent movement In ihoae aharea had i. en upwaru ami that Ilia market, a whole, pud galn-d ground euhatatlally. In lha bond miiiket, a I bo, the werk'a reault waa a general rlaa In nrl. e. a tonal ha. highly Interretlng contraat lo lha atate of in punno mind loaard tha waek'a oc currrncca, Omaha Produce Furnlahed by tha atate of Nrhraaka. da, partmant of agriculture, bureau of mar kit a and marketing: LIVE POUXTRY. Wholfanle- Buylng Hell Price. Prli Tlrollert -. ,2023o tttft ftprlnga 1881o 21 a? Hena, light 16lo 17 Hena, heavy 1C6190 IS DRESSED ...lOfoilo I2ir.- POULTRY. Wht. Sept. Cae, May Rya. 8pt. tiao. May Corn Sept, Dae. Mar Oata. (apt. lee. Ma lard tept. t"et. rtiba Papt. Ill t.Ol 1.01H 1.01 1.014 1.014 101 ram 1.011, l.oiy. 1.03H i.om 1.03S , 1.01 1034 1.01, 101 1.01 1.01 1.011. i.oi vt i-oiva ,4tU .Ol1 " .71 .7la .71 V4 .IIS .71H .71 .76j .76 .16". .76V4 .40. .40 .I0H .10 .40 .40 .US .11 .11 .ll .tl. .6 .' .61 .61 .11 Is' t .61 .114 .J! .11 .31 -15 314. -31 ,im .14 .53 .13 ,14S ',, .17 .11 7Vi .31 It It 10 44 14 It 10 40 10 ST lilt 14.47 14 31 10 41 10.41 tl tTJ 7 T 11.41 while. Kanaaa Illy Untie). Kanaaa Clly. Aug tt Cteh W heat-- Nr I hard. Hctll l4, No. I red. 414' . . i'v.rn Vnkei unchanged: Na. I !.; Na. I yellow, IIH' . Hy Market ateadv to II It higher; Sa t timolhr. 114 iatyll ; N 1 prairia, lltlll. thitia alfalfa. 1 II 44 it 1 1 40; riov.r exited. Ill at' a 1 4 to allataivda l.ram tliaaaapr-la. Au ;4 Wheat C.ah N I pllar, lltltjlt. aaptrniker, llll tamar 1141 Mae. 111. tMra-Na. 4 .Uw, 44Mc. Oata No ha, 3tlJe. batiev ial" tt.a.N. 3. 4lla. r.aa-N. I I- ' aaaaa tile lieww. Kaaaaa i " Aug t4 - W k.al Na tata. lHlt U. ' 'llrerlit wkita, 14, t ytllaw, tl t'aeheata.1 aa UhbI Ittwiav at ta. i - l . t.a'an.t.e, l at If tl a.aael , A i 4 - au.a v ii 14 f tt - . aiaue.r. I teeehaee. n 1. 1 a. m kaah l.l Bulla, Y 'i .a It i m a fa ' l t a 1 .. t.. a t -' i . 4 - ' j . a..., a .at a J. a.... I a a I fc " a.a a 14 at at .'t 4t,,e.aa I " . .a . , ti i. . . . a to t ... i ... .., i a" . ' " tv.ata.a aad ataaea i ' ' a -a ' -'' !' .'-. s- . tl . - a. -a, l.-.. it. ''; , ,!. . '- " ' " " Cock a Ducka ., Brnllera Sprlnga 2K Hena 22S: Cocka - lf& Duck 2Ste: KUU9. Select ' No. i ift:oo 2i: No. I. Id 4fl o jo: Crarka ltirfKio 171 Caa count, par raae ... 15.30 16: BUTTER. Creamery, prtnta S30' Creamery, tub St; l.00; No. 1 lowland, IH.OOWIO.OO; No. Country, common 23a :52Cc Ttannnni. per lb., 4 14 07c. Orangea: Sin III and larger, Ilo.(i0t0.60; alio 260, In. 1104 J, It); elza tii, v(il); alze 324, 14. 00417. 00.. I.ttmona. according to alfe. per bor, 13 OOa i.00. l'eachea: California Elbertaa, prr box. II 10; California Klber. taa, per hu., 12 7&4jl.0O. Plilma, 4-tmaket oralea, 12 004286. Charrlea, luga, 12 60. Applra: out Wlneaapa, prr hot, 11.60; new cookigK, per baaket. 11.60. Prara. Hartlett. Per Pot. l'J "6t;3.25. Prunra. 4 baaket cratea, I1.S0C3 00, riga, Callfor- ni;i, 24 rartont 1-0. 13.00, (Irapea, aerd Irea, California, 4-baaket crttea, 2.00y 1 34. VEOETAULKS. Potatoee. new Karly dhlo. home grown, par lb., I'4c. ttweet Potatoaa, Arkanaaa. pap bu. hamper, li.&o. Lettuce; Head, per .rale, 14.1)0; head, per dot , II 50; leaf, per Una., 40e. hrfd Plnnt, p.r itot., 11.60. Onion; Yellow, prr lb-, SHflJc; home grown. 103r; ttpanieh, per rrata, 00. I'ucumbera. hom giown, per market baaket, t". t'abt'tee, new. home grown, per lb. lfflc, Tomat.i.a. hmiia grown, per Ixiaket 2:.ti40c. Kadlahet, per d , IliySe. Ptraiy, pee iWt. bunche. tic. W alermelon, pr lb, l:i'. t'lnlalotipe: lee riate, IM'iffleo; l.alrt, Il9fl.fl 14. I'eterv, MuhiKait. per di . 46tf4. Tiirtllpa t'arr.'ta and Iteeta, par baaket. 14o. g.et C tn. per d , UHm. tl.iaay t'aaa, 4 (ramea, 9 t 1at. I'ii., 3 fa. k.a. Mil; repack taeti.lt.. cral.. lit baaa.ta. It 4J. 11. Ke Ja. k t'aaa Id plain, ll.lli ea, H.a pl.itn. It la. Niila- Pianola t aiti-na, I II,, t lba, II Ha, p.r b, lie, ttrum ai l.J, 1 : a Ha, par Ik. II; pa.l aaiid. I IK. pae I , l; Jumbii raw, pee !. Ir; J iKta paaat Ik. Hi' r,a atuta aHtait lata par I, lie; aa -a rata pat Ik. Ha. w atai pnaa at t. t ara aa fl- 1 I n. , t. 11. na, t, 'Oa, Na lit. I. at Na I ll. Na I, Ma 1 H I, lai Na. t, N" 4, II" 1'ai.eh. 1. ft ; ! I. x.i 1 r.taa, Na t. a, ft. a, . .. Htf P N I tana i. : I at M I ' ' HI" S. t , ta t. i- v .1 i V.., 1 a. 1 ,al 1; ,4 t 1 1 ! t , 1 4 i ... t I .- t, I . . a ! I I, I t )tl , i 4. 4 t I ta 1 1 I.. I m I. 1 4 M t I ta aw. k I . , .' M a',,1 1. a-k P. . t..,,-a . I , eit.e I a ' t a I- I It; . a I i.a .'f a. , ,4 i. No. A. 27. .427 47. .171 II. .2:11 43. .313 41. .241 44. .243 61. .2m 70. .240 61. .291 16. .211 It. .237 10. .Ill Sh. 'io '40 70 40 40 Pr. t 1 No. Av. 40. .3V7 24..32I 31, ,2',0 44. .171 42..2r,l 44..2HI It. .343 73. .247 34. .294 22. ,2.r, 45. .211 63. .Ill Sh. 70 140 no 70 '40 120 ISO 40 Pr. Sheeo and lamb: Recalnta none. He eaipia for tha week have' been leaaonably light and trend of value ha been alrong to higher on both rot lamb and reenera. Pat lamb ara cloning ihe week 164C260 higher wllh tha top for tha week at 1)3.00, 36o higher than a weak ego. Feeder hava bean In good demand and during the rlna lng ealnn bulk of trading waa at 112.00 lp.12.11 with beat light lamb at 112.01. Sheep hava held ateady on light receipt, beat light awaa ouotea at 11.011. Quotatlone nn aheap; Vat, Iamb, good to choice, I12.7I43H3.00; fat lamb, fair tn good, 112.35012.71; feeding lamha, 111.60 (H1.10; cull lamb. t.00i10.00; fat awea, llghta, 11.6007.00; fat ewe, heavy, 14,0006.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Aug. 28 Cattle Receipt, 1.000 head; compared to week ago, mar ket uneven; beef eteer average 25 60c lower: yearllnga off rnot. pot elllng 460760 decline; atrlrtly prima yearllnga and beat matured eteer ateady; butcher he atock !660n lower; rannera and cut ter about auady; bull ateady to a ahade lower; venl calve largely 60c lower; tocker and fecdera ateady to firm; week' beef eteer top, 110.95; week'a bulk aalea beef ateera, 18.76010.15; beef cowa and helfera, 14.7607.00; cannera and cut tera, 12.7003.60; veal calves, 111.50 12.00; atockera and feodera, 6.257.0O. Hoga Recelpte, 4,000 head; market low, around ateady; bulk 170 to 200-lb. welghta, II.SO!. 40; real good and choice butchere ateady;, packing aowa moatly 0.6067.10: holdover moderate; top, ,05; bulk of ealea, 4,50,60; heavy weight, 17.6001.25; medium weight, I8.76SM.60; light weight, 9.40.4!; light llghta, s. 7401.56; packing aowa. emuolh, I'l.iMP 7.46; packing aowa. rough, 10.5001.16; killing plKa, $7.B0UpS.7R. Hheop Reeelpla, 1,600 head, moatly direct; market, compared with week ago, fat native lamha moatly a quarter higher: other killing clataea feeder and breedera firm to 20c higher; week top native lamb. 113.25; weatern.i, 111,00; week'a bulk prlcea fat lamba. 1 12. 60am. 00; culla, native lamha, 19.00; boat yearllnga, 110.60; fat ewea, 4.007.25; feeder lnmba, J12.60 4J12.76; feeder yearllnga, 19.50910,00. St, .loarph l.lvrntoek. St. Jnaoph, Aug. 26. Cattle Receipt 600 head: market compared with week ago. beat (terra, 15 to 260 lower; beer rowa and grata ateer and yearllnga, 36 O 60o lower; bulla, cannera nnd cultera, 25o lower; beat light veal ralvea, ateady; othera, 26 to 50c lower; Blocker and feed era, uneven ateady. 25c lower; week'a bulk prlcea, beat ateera and yearling!, IS.2H? 10.40: graeaera, S.0j7 70; beef rowa, 14 00 e?4.60; rannera ami cutter, !!.7&ti.i.7(; light venter, tlo.0ft4Tl.6O: othera, down ward to 14.00; atockera and feeder, 15 00 IJT.40. Hoag Receipt a, i.non neait; maraei ac tive to bath ahlppera and parktra, ateady to lOti higher thnn yeatardaya avertge; bulk 170 to 210. pound weight, 19 to in) 4 10; 394 to 2to pound welghia, 3St 116; top. II in: p. I-king aowa. fully ataadv; moatly Ulldl It; ahippera took too head: bulk of a.. I. a. 259!u; aver- ate eat yraterdty. It 44; avetag weight. ill poual- rihtep Kaeelpt. 1 "ea hea.i; market practically HI to packer direct; coin- pared with a week a. lamb. II to tee blgher: (tt anevp. : ' toe mew; w.ka boik price, fat lamna. U40y IIM ewra, ItOoutliO; (eed'r lamPa, It; New York Quotations Ring of price of tha Iedlng (lock rurniahed by Logan ilryan, ill Pater Truat building. RAIROADS. Friday rtign. Low. note, rloaa. .103 !' 103 join , " 67 611 6K .lt.1)' lt Jt&'j . tn 7'4 ns 4 Tt" . 13 .110 7 70 42 12 101 loov a.. T. A S T. ,. Haiti. A Ohio .. Canttdlnn Paclflo N. T. Central ., Chean. A Ohio . tit. Northern , . Illinois Central K. C. Southern . Lehigh Valley ... m 47 Mlaaourl Paclflo 2 2.1 '4 N. Y. 4 N. 11. ..II 31 Northern Paclflo , m 17 t'hlcngo A N. W. , tit Penn R. R 44 44 Reading 7K 74 C, It, I. A P. .. 44 44 44 Southern Pacific.. 14 a3i I.TA Southern Hallway..- 27 26 26 146 l 74 3 44 2 11 K 44 74 t'hl., M. A Ht. union Pacific 25 64 I, 23 32 44 7t 44 4 27 1. 34 14 'A 24T4 35 , . .160 149 141 160 n t crii.rf. Am. Cnr. Fdryl Allla-f halmer . .. 61 U, la mu Amrr. Loco 119 114 111 P.aldwln Loco 124 124 124 Ilethlehem Hteel . , 7 14 78 7J Colo. Ful A Iron Crucible as 14 tin JJ14 Am. Hteel Fdry.... 41 tl 11 Lackawanna Steel. 40 79 1014 Mlilvale Steel..... 35 36 1 IS A Preaaed Stel Car... 42 1(2 12 Rep. Steel A Iron. 73 73 73 .112 112 112 11 Ky. Steel Springe Sioaa-Seheffleld IT. 8. Steel 105 103 106 Vanadium f2 111 62 utlt Hteel 11 tt 11 COPPERS. Anaconda 15 14 Am. b. a x, i;it,, ttti Cerro Lie Patco... 40 41 Chill 23 Chlno 31 Calumet A Inspiration Knnnecott ,, Miami Nov. Conaol. Ray Conaol. Heneca ..... Utah Aril. 03 . 41 . 37 . 30 . 17 . 16 . 11 . 68 OI LH. . 67 . 47 . 61 4 14 Oenoral Asphalt Cnaden ........ Calif. Poterol. . . Inland Invincible oil,. Moxlcan Peterol Middle Statea 13 Pacific Oil 67 Pan-Amorican .... 79 Phillip 48 Pierce Oil Pure Oil St Royal Dutch 64 63 40' 22 31 62 41 36 80 17 14 11 46 44 61 14 16 64 40 23 81 63 41 37 80 17 16 11 68 47 47 61 i 14 116 6 lit 125 74 82 BO 61 79 85 43 73 61 104 62 11 61 44 40 23 II 42" 7 30 17 16 11 II 47 47 61 14 IX .Hi, 1M 1X1 182 Sinclair Oil. Standard Oil, Texna Co... Union Oil... White Oil... 82 N. J. 1X3 4.1 19 13 54 79 48 32 64 32 1S3 48 19 HI. Inula Uv !. Eaat tt I aula, 111 . Aug. 14 Cattle Bwlitt, l4 head; Cii,r, ilH k wk ag: t)od tt.ara. 3'' lower, m.uluni gradea !' Ivarer; w.elellt glaeeere, 6"r1 II It hiwer; lht yearling and heifre. tt.ade ta lee lower: tart ewt tad ltM alvaa. lea) tie !., eaaaera, ai-a-ir. k'llla. It lowee; ta tu.-a tlaaty la ia l-w.e Tib P.r weak w,hi iui'1 llli)teaie l I, t'tilrt, ? t . Itgkl eari!aa, t lea) tt. , IH, etaa.ra. Ilil4t: kalia I ' I" t 4 1. Ittt talvaa, ll4tl, atwkat. ' II Iteeatei aa peaa- va.. fwifia a.tta eti!af, iifair t t ake ea tat, k.r w. a ate l Ita , ltte a-. 1 t ii'a it" t.ae, 1 e IH. at t ; 11 I" It a age It !!! I I art 11 , tiag awwa. . - , eta It HPItt t ..oaj a-. tti t.i pwi in r i aaa - ,'. t i "'' v i .tl . 1 lt t " w,ai. 1t k a ,,,'ia .-e a . 1 .. , . a . t ' U"'-4 lltltlllll: - '' M 1 k' io , .. i, 4 1 MOTOHS. Chandler 60 60 General Motor ..13 13 Wlllye-Overland .. 6 Pleroe-Arrow 12 12 Studebahor 129 124 KL nJJKit AMI Flak 121. (Inodrleh 14 Keily-Spr'afld KeyHtone lire ... a1, AJax 13 Ltd. State It llll. . 57 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Heet Sugar .. 47 47 AtL, (lulf W. L 30 Am. Intor. Corp Am. Telephone ...123 Am.-rlcan Can ... 61 Centr.al Leather ..41 (Toba Cane 14 Cuban-Am. Sue. .. 25 Corn Pdcia 117 Fanioua I'laveta .. 92 Ot, Northern Ore 41 13 66 71 48 32 64 32 183 48 19 40 13 6 12 13 67 79 48 7 32 63 32 4V 19 8 60 13 4 13 128 128 12 TIRES 12 12 25 36 New York. Aug I Coailnued weak p.a of pi.nra aeranttee in vatoeiay wiia tna lute bene rata (eelur tha aaily deed" la boo. la today Ik New York bio. aachaaga. Clip ( l.yuaa 4a and Mareauiae ta aaek re. eded a point wnn lea of eubeianitat fiae ttiina ware reietere! by Paria Lraaa alliterranean t anil aolaaon ta Hatlroait rnurfgagaa, aaliaetally Ilia aoee Ulellta laau.a, war in, lined la hvtn.aa. Kenne ( it la a i.Mk plaa in Haiti, anor tiplo t. naaiioarrt AIP Lira re. tun. Hag ta Waalarn Maryland la, I'heaa paake A oajlii . ., ver lll.l. ta. Mr.ilk Weaterg eoneartible ta and lurte eoavart tble 4a. earlee A; Hu ll lata I, Arkaaee a tiutanna i.i mot ait uu Punna utlhli.a ware In a 00.1 demand Aniertiaflt T.lephona rnnvertibto I moved up a point and moderata galea were tnada ay gouiharn 11.11 Telephone I n.t Amer l.an Talspkuaa la Little activity aa kolaa In tha laduairlal Hat Liberty kue bald tedy. New York. Aug II Following are la. day a high, low and rlwalua prir.a f l.'itiot on in new Turk aim a en bang, and lh total aale of each Pond I , M, llun.la. S j lea (In 11.000) Hlh Iiw Cloa 4 1. 1 l.r ly llaa loo 14 )'"H I "tit I Liberty Id 4a ,...a4i 1 00 il laj II Ln.lriy let ,.lt IH 1 oo It u Liberty in ta III Liberty Id 4W. 14 Liberty Id 4 I Victory t a ,,,, 4f Vl.n.rv Ik a faeelgn Lovernmnil, Plat a ad Mnnlelpal Argentina 7a (ll 0I ' i ntnese uovi ny ta e it t Hern 111 111 111 li iinroeau aa ..,.., ua at ae f Copenhagen l .. 4 I.vona la 14, 10 10 1 ttareainee a I "S I Hla da Janeiro 4,,. l I Pan Paulo 100 lots, loeti a z.uricn aa tie iitw lie 1 larho.lo Rap 4 U tl 44 14 I'an Hunt Is A.....1IO jta jia II fiept Kelna 7 17 11 14 I 'om Can ! II. ..18 11 1" it I otn tan 11 inn ta J no jaoa, 31 Horn Can It If If 41 4tt 14 Inch K Ind 4a 47.. Ilia 41 '11 It ntrn K Ind 42., 11 tl ft 41 French Rep la , . . I French Hap ! T Japanese let 4 Japanese ta . 100,24 l 14 l 14 lo It I 0 4 t'4 II ,o ta n it no it .100 tl loo tl loo loo 14 I no t 104 It t Helgiiim f ... 1 Heigium 4 7 Itenmark 4a .... 21 Netherianda 4 . 1 Norway I 14 Nweden 71 Prla Ly-Med It Hep Holvla . . . t Rap Chile I 46, ..104 100 ! .. P7 't4 ' .. tl tlW . . to 10 10 ,.104 14 04 ,,104 00 100 .. 41 11 14 ..111 112 118 ..1"6 1H 104 .. 71 74a 7 .. 7 17 17 .lot 1"4 tot I Han Uruguay la.aa.1ot 104 104 I Queensland 7a ....111 111 111 1 Qucenaland I"t 102V in;. II Hwlea Con aa IJO'i liou. wou 11 K tl S t 1 l 23.101 101 104 14 K tl if A 1 6Vt 34.10 in Jit 1 K II II A I l 17.106 101 104 14 V n llraill la 101 101 oiy 10 17 It Mellro ta 17 17 tl 30 U 8 aiailco 4 43 43 43 Hallway and Mlacellaneoiia. t Am Agr Chm 7.. 104 14 104 4 Am Sme t ta tri t74 It I Am Sugar 103 1"A' 101 Aan T A T CV 4 1 1 a 4 IIS II I Am T A T e tr la. 19 11 11 1 Armour A Co a Ha. 12 12 12 14 A T A S F gen 4a.. 11 13 13 At Ref 6 103 102 lIVi 4 Halt A Ohio 4 101 loll 101 24 Halt A Ohio cv 4a 47 46 44 4 Hell T"l Penn 7. ...104 lout; in Heth St ref 6 ! 7 7 1 Rkln Ed gen 7a D..H4 107 104 20 Ilkln R T 7 ctf 1 Can North 11 Can Pao d 4a 4 Cent la 4a tl Cent Lealh la .... 3 Cent Pao gtd 4a.. 1 Cerro de Paaco I 10 Chca A Ohio cv I. 6 4 44 84 4 62 61 62 14 44 44 112 112 112 12 12 ! 101 101 lot 11 11 0 40 127 127 127 11 It 98 20 Chra A Ohio ev. 4 12 10", ll I C n A Q ref 6 A. ..11 101 101 2 t'hl A I-: III i. Chl Ot Went II C M Ic St V ev 4. 7 14 C M A Ht P ref 4 48 CM A St P cv I. 71 6 Chl Ry 6a 42 1 C H J A P gtn 4a.. 16 10 C H, I A P ref 4. 16 1 CCC A 8t L gen 4.. 83 20 Chile Cop 4 96 1 Con Coal Md 6a.... II 21 Cuba Cane Sg d 8. 13 12 Cuba Cana Sg d 7. 10 i Del A Hud cv 6a.... 14 t Det Fd ref la 104 6 Det I'td Rya 4.. 84 0 Jtpnt Nem 7"ja 11 Duquean Lt 6a 76 61 71 12 81 14 83 4 II 13 0 Ittt 103 104 84 at .108 107 108 ..104 104 H4 16 16 7 12 11 4 81 5 II 8 10 14 II Rrnp a A T 7 et. 7 17 17 Erie Ren 4a 47 47 47 14 13 Erie pr Hen 4 68 18 II 4 Flak Rub 8 107 107 107 1 Framrr I D 7.,,. 13 93 93 11 Oen El d 6 102 101 102 10 Ooodyear T ta 31. .100 loo inoy, 34 Goodyear T I 41. ,.146 111 116 4 Ond Tnk Ry C 7. ..118 113 113 1 Ond Tnk Ry C 6. .104 104 104 11 Ort North 7 A 111 111 111 6 Ort North ! B...1034, 101H 1" I Hud A M ref 6 A.. 84 84 84 30 Hud A M ad Inc. 6a., 64 44 44 8 III Cent 8 101 101 mitl 16 III Cent ref 4 10 III St d 4 1 Ind St 6 4 Int Met 4 ctf. 88 Int R T ref 6... 126 I A O N ad 4a wl 95 Int M M af 4 98 1 Int Pa ref 6 B 89 91 91 91 2 93 12 100 100 100 14. 14 14 72 72 72 64 64 6414 2 93 89 88 la Cent ref 4a 46 46 46 10 K C Ft S A M 4.. 83 82, 83 1 K C South 6a 92 92(4 "21 2 Lncka St 6 2.1 lorn 100 100 9 Mitt St Ry con ta... 89 88 89 3 Mid St cv 6a 904 7 M & St I, ref 5a 48 2 M St PSSM 6..10r. 22MKATnpl6aA 86 209 M K A T n ad 5a A. 63 40 Mo Pno con 6a 103 61 Mo Pac gen 4s " 8 Mont Pow i.a A !"9 0 N K TAT let 5a ct. 99 2 N O T A M tno 6s. 7014 r, N Y C col 7a.. 27 N Y C d 6a 90 90 48 48 105 106 86 84 62 83 102, 102 69 r,9 97. t1 99 Vt 99 7r,Vi 7(1 .1051, 105 106 107 107, 107 8 H 6C 30 122 60 41 14 5 8 11 67 47 80 123 t',0 41 14 25 43 8 11 " 66 47 30 84 U'1 61 41 13 'a 25 117i 117 117 Inter. Harvester 110 Amer, II. L pfd U. S. I. Alcohol.. 46 International Paper 67 Interim! M M pfd 68 Amer. Sugar Ref. 4.1 Swara Roebuck ... 14 Htromaburg ...... 66 Tobacco I'red'lrte 74 Worthing. Pump ,.44 Wllaon Co 4 t Weatein t'nlon ...117S Wealing Kteetrle at Anier. Woolen ... its 91S 92 41 41 109 110 MUciit.r.ANEorn. 65 64 66 67 66 4 12 82 , 61 65 41 41 114 1141 11 11 11 1 81 84 !. 43 4.1 91 41 110 74 86 64 lilt 11 0 64 64 42 41 43 13 Amer. Col. till ... SI 2! 17 .... Amer. Ag Chert . . ... 41 fnlun lg. pfd. .. 7 44 10 lt lloe.rt Mrneto ...44 le 4) 40 liro.,k. Pup, Tran. ..... 21 t'.induent l I'm,.. 41 tl It Calif Pa. king.... l tl lliaj .... ( 11. t A :!.... lit i 191 lelv toi Columbia (Iraph... .... ., tv t ailed Dm ..... 14 4 I 14 National ruin. I.. Ill 1114 IIV4 t lotted fruit Ht) l.oriltard T.tNt, .... f Natioeal I.a I ...lei 1 t I '4 t' t'Hlit.1. hta Co.,, 41 44 41 41 Pxlleaan llt 111 II r-tal Ala aae.e . t 44 tl 44 uta I' It. iir , tt 2 N Y Ed ref fVj..lll 111 111 16 NY Nil a II e tl 48 84 84 84 10 N Y Ry ref 4a Ct 38 88 88 2 N Y Tel rer 6 41.. 107 1111! 1"7 22 N.Y W A Ho 4. 67t 07 67 9 Nor A So T. A 70 70S 711 1 Nor West cv 6a.. 116 114 116 4 Nor A West con 4. 91 93 93 7 North Pan rf 6.. 109 108 109 II N Sta Pcnv ref 6a A 94 94 94 6 N W Hell 7a 107 107 107 1 Or-Wah RR.4N 4a. 84 84 rf4 2 lltia Ht 8s A 101 ', 101 101 5 Pnc O A El 6a 93N 93 4:t 1.1 Pao TAT 6a 63 ctf.. 94 91 13 1 Penn R R 4e 110 110 110 I P. a a tt ft a lw. 44 14 4t I I'eia tlaw .f 4 v .e l. t e . ihb , 11 it u I fl.l.a (ill d e ... tat lei t It rub awn t. , ,' ' ' -1 H d'a t. . t. a i !l 8 I 4 I 1 Itaa ... tt t!V It tl t I, I 141 A a I'f I t. lata it at 1. a a r .ii ta, t 11 it 11 t 1. A r lae 4a It 11 11 1 at Ii 4 I I I It 4 11 l 4 A A A I let 4e , I ' 1:1 Peabuaid A I. ra t 11 4 id A U tl 4a 11 41 41 I an. run SI Hp ta A , 41 tt ' Sinclair tlu.te te. ttt, tt 4 ta,ite oil tv !e e, lult, n II aimlair Oil e Te leet 114 t tl I a.i H.ii Tel la 11 t t 7 o I'ae ref 4e ..... 3 tl eita f Its) B te , IH. a et 2 . He gen 4 .. .. 11 ttkj tl I Ho Port R' Kg Ta l"l let ml I ax. nit ml l al d la 14 l"4V. u II 'fHlid At till I. l 44 4i 14 ridewtltr Oil le ll ll' ti II I n It A r It I fit. ea 1 la Haa lal 4a 41 tt l 4 I a I'ae a la 4t 11 11 I t n Taak Car 7a . IBI'a Kl'a l"l'a 3 til Fuel tlaa la ., fit t t II 1' a Realty 4 11 ' 14 It M Hu t 14 14 ll It I' Hub ta 40 te t 14 I a PiI af te ..,.14 11 1"l I I t.h P A L la .. . 41 41 11 I Va t ae chm te 11 14 ei. Ii va-t'ae i bia 7 etr. it et a Va Hy le )4 Weet Rlea la. I We. I Md lal I Waal Pee ta I Wast f l t Wealing El 1 I Wllaon A Ca ev te It tl 41 o ee l , 44 44 44 . 41 4t 11 .111 111 111 .14 14 4 t 11 tt Total aale ef band lodav vera It III,- 44 compered with III 111, proton y ind l3.774.to a year aao Nrw York ( ottoa. New York. Aug It Tka .tlaa market bowed eonllnuea pareoaeaeaa and Irreg. lailtr. On tka oaa kaorl, theie were re porta of a tnereaetna boalneaa In goad ad A further aartoue d.lefloradoa In erop prospecla tin Ilia ether, (here wa gro. Ing unraalnaaa over the atrik at l e l Ion and lha continued unrertelntp of rallioad and hard r al labor eaa'lllioea U.lweaa Iheae auaoalna Inlloaa'ea Iran- era heattaled and a good part of the trad la reareaenled a fort he' reduction In Ihe aiiialandlng Inlarral, The npaaln waa unchanged to tl pntnia nl-r rnnay night a clo.lnf level and the market did llttla ona waa or another. The eloae Wa toady, a potata lower le) I higher. aooi entuin waa quiet, uacnangag, tt tev for middling upland. outnern epo margate- uiiiMi.a, lilac, uachangaa. Nate Or Lena, 21 11c. it point decline; Savannah, II 71c, unrhangad; Augusta. II He, point de rime; Memphis, II t'.r, 21 pamta decline; Houston, 2llor, unchanged, Idttl Hock. 21 40r, unchanged k'ew York lieneeal. New York. Aug 24 Flour Oolet; spring paten'e. lllte4 71; winter tralght, II 7144 II. Wheal Snot. eteaiTy; pto. i norinern epnng, II 21; No I red. II 11: No. I hard winter, 1124; No. I Manitoba. 112: ; No. I mlted, durum, II ! e. I. f. track. N'W York apot. Com Fpnl, etes.ly; Jto. 1 yaiinw ano No. t white, II r; No. I mlted, llo e. I. I. New York, all rail. (lata ajpnt, ateany; rvo wnne. aa'aa. Tallow Kir mi special looae, 4V4c. Other artlclea tine bang.il Clearing llouao Ptatemeot. New York, Aug. It. Tha artual eondl- tion or the clearing house banks and trust rompanlee for tha waek sliners tht they hold 17,031,360 in eaceaa of legal requirement. Thla la a derrrtte of 111 114.201 from laat week. Kanaaa (ity 4. rain. Kanaa City. Aug. 24 Wheat Seplom- Ver, I6c; Hecember, lte: Mey. 1140. i orn Septtmber, II c; ueremoer, tfit; May. 61r. N. Y. Curb Bonds Itawalt, a.at I t II 441 rHeh U-te Cl-ae I Allied Inter I ,. .' l 41 I Am tar ta IJ.,,,,let Jee e I Ahaoa ('.,. la Itlta lei s I i.ia Am tut 1 el 114 ! 4 Anaoae a i a tt.. I At ti A W I 4.,, I H.ih at te II..., I n.ia at ta it ei 14 14 14 l 14 14 141 11 ! lt 41 14. 4 ei tl t tl 44 II !! 1"l 1l If It II It I 41 4 tiki 14 I. at ta I l it Kal hy It ant Pleal 4 .. ' I h.r,.el n la I I lite Per t t'. t l bl I n Pi la H. t I "lam Orsph I, i Cam Pawee 4 . . It l op Ft Aea ta Il..tt4 l"l !' l Fael I'ul Pug t.,li ! I a Ooodrt.n T It .....ltl ei ll t Oulf Oil le I! I"1 t IIbbmI Nuts 7 .,11 11 ! II ll tin It l l 14 haa tl A HI 4a..,.. 41 tl'e I Mean lop 1 11 ll lS I King I El 1,,, tt I I acl.de Ilea le ..,.114 1m Ml I I.Ik Ma A Lib fa. ..! 11 r. T UsalioHa I 4t 41 4 Nai Acme 1e .... l ! II (in ai t U 44 46 I Phi r.i t li li Ii ! Phil Pel 1e a. 11 let 11 Puk See V H i It let l ln4 f Robert flair le 44 ll t 1 lae.ia Hoe te H ..,te ft oe I kiaa Oil N Y 1 II, .11 14 1"! I la Oil Cal 4a 11 11 101 I I n tm Prod 4 ...10 i 1 lid Hub t I 40 l t Nelhe.lsr.ne la 14 4t lt I l td Bye Hav 1t. 14 tat 1u II WeM Ik. lee Is 14 lt lot lerelga Itoetda. II Argentina le II... I"l 144 141 I Can Nteam le t It P.i a. I'roal .... 44 11 f Swiea la 14 14 '4 U4 I U I atnlfO 4 .... I 17 II I hleago atari. a. Rang nf prirea f tha leading f'hlrage tlMIe at ark r"Vaa. Cbnaga Aug la liuitee si.arkea te- mained ftrn. ituiihg ihe let! waek. Prtxa hod ietly and with Ike tentllt ef Ian. u4t It. rurtenl la-alpla runatrg Psfcir, low g'.u.e a't'aa.iog alia1"1' t ode g'a.I.e aid ot atiaia la tha (irm- ... I l.au.g piltee il tl a.ta kullee w.tet New Y"'l llrt I anaotlpbit, !!) H.alan. tte, I kt-a. 14. I hlrwga rataloe. Cbl.aeo, Aug It ltat...a Bttanf Early nblua. tedy ea whiiei ta.-ipta. II tare: total V. eblpm.aie, 741 .ate allaaoa'.ta bulk Parly (jhlot. tl 441 16 wl 1 Wieeengi) aa.k .4 eokblera. It It tV J (ir.aaa aa.k.d ronod white, lilt rwt New Jereey ee-ked subblei. Ilt I It", I eHlua) at urea. Nate York, A. It I'ottaa) fuluraa p.o.d karelp etaadr: Oelobar, It lt'i , .mbar, II to"! Jtaunr. II lll tltrtk. II te; liar II Cotton future aloeed deadyt rVtat.ee, II t; e. ember, lim. ; Jaauary, II le, Mar. a, II ttrj May, II tie I hlcaga Pradaeo. Chlraga. Aug II Huttee I a a d y; ereamerr attraa lle firate. Ilf3ll'i ttra ftrate, ltlllej Mtapda. lll"i laadarda 14 r 4a t a hanged, rarelpi. I.I 1 1 eaeae. poultry Live eaar, tow la. t4flle broiler, Ilr, prlnga, I4e tooeiere, le. Mar ail.ee. Ana. II Her Silver ll Loadan, pee auare llon' r- I Pe real. teraant Ralaia Sbart eetii, this mon (lav Pill, cinl. am 1 I l l4tlU, pet pel New task fend ara. New Yora, Aug 34 flutter Firm! treamarp ftra'e. l:4ltc. Sege Firm theeee Firm. P 4 letlotl. New Trk. Aug 14 Cot ion Spot quiet, middling, II lie. alorke furatabad bv ligas Peleie True! bulldta. Armour A Co. pfd ... Fdiaon rem ..... . . . , , Continental jlotor tail Motor Montgomery-Ward ... ajiewart-Warne ...... Swirt Co Swift lot I'nlon Carbide Wabl Wrlgley Hryan, III I'lo.a ,,l4 I ..1 I .. 1 .. 5 i .. 31 .. 41 ..104 ,. 10 .. 44ti .. 41 ..104 Kanaaa (Ity P roil ace. ' Ksns.e I'm, Aug 24 Itutter, Egg tnd t Poultry Matkei unchanged. , Net York Ponltry. New York. Aug I Poultry Live pot quoted, dreeaed alaady and unchanged, Safe Deposit Service Boxen rent from ?5.00 per annum upward. n Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Creuad Floor Omaha National Bank Bldf. Farnam at Sntnth MONEY on reaidences or apartmenta Old or to Be Built Partial payment plan or straight loan. Reasonable rates. Prompt servirt. United States Trust Company ' Affiliated with THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK DO 0297 1612 Farnam St. Indiana General Service Company First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds Net revtnuet 2 U times intcrett rhar(fft. To Yield 5 Burns, Brinker & Company it cur orrtrf 9f bll4jJlw4a . W Corn0rT4 DoujU A BATH A DAY THE NEW RIIUD AUTO MATIC WATER HEATER Number 95 Built to supply enough Hot Watar for the average home at a price the average home-owner can pay. A small payment puts one in your home, balance monthly with pas bills. Continuous satisfactory performance is guaranteed by a WATER HEATER EXPERIENCE axtdfiding over 25 yar. TaUphona Commercial Dept. Metropolitan Utilities Ditt. GAS DEPARTMENT 1509 Howard" Street DO uglat 0605 l'll'l''l'll"llllllt'llllllllllll'tlHtltllIHIIi;4liIHIHHiHIHIHIHlllltlitIHi, n,,, nlr igi igogi igi f ng igi ign i (' igi ioli tli ig Mli.gng ng I ian I' l l III M l I'l l l lll t Wat itr'-.'-iSM 73 74 76 74 41 Sn 29 Itetnll Ftoret.. Puperlor Hteel. Ft, L. A It. F V. Car Chem Totul aale., 3t4,00 aharea. Money Friday rloaa. 4 per rent. Mirks Clota, .0001; Priday rloa, .Qoo;. From Cine. .071; Friday rloe. .0t5. rit-rllng Cloaa, 1147; Friday (lota, 14.4! 714. I a ' tl ' - . 4.4 I . till a 4 tt a III H t I.) 1 4H t t. I . ", 1 a. a. tw4 I up tl t . tl I p. I I i.a -.k i. I. attta ...a ...... f I .... t a . I I ' t 41 . a 1 I t..., . 1 r 't a I ....... a. I ' - I at t. 1 I 4. 1. .. ' t - . t .'I tt . 1 11 a a t . 1.1(11' Il ' i ' ' ' 1 tl . ' ' HI k. I t , t-. Municipal Bonds itf HatablUheJ (mmut nitiest (or th (fwierva. tf v0 Invrttcr. Provrn Stvuritit il aught ami SoU C. E. Johnson 111 Heel.. IM M If 19 SUCCESS In the Stock Market FORTUNES Ma! Frem Small lvlmntt Writ fr Ira tlooklet Tka Moil Simpla EaaUaatlua af rrafitabla Slaek Tradlaf Vl gwaeaalo paa) that pang seaway la tare aad Ikal paw gal a (attar daai. KENNEDY & CO. I 1. taat Tf iraaelway, New York el .'itnvcst- ESTATE IS SHORT $39,000. Plva Paraena Are Named i. volvad n Mltaln; Property, ytapaJ h ?v i ' t i '! 1 ' aance to Travel :c-a, PUT AT $600,00Gf Moral: Name a Trust Company MONEY If. GRAIN Hi. io bujittfuManUauiiiiontm lo, at ttHMeaa 4a twetaal Sta. A .aisi,sn ml ta f e-it e twt f"" f aa telaiti tan I : tw. lit tn 4a. I-.' ... ate. i alt K tti4V ltH rt- t k i 1 14 a t a t t ail l trim. HtlltNt Mill IIHI. Itt4 Im tt. teat ..wa.a.aaaa.tt at r,T MUNN It. CO, P., . i. I, ' I - a-at a.-, a tivir.. ! p ( W , a I, a-t ALMOST every day new paptrs carry accounts of fhtattra that have been impaired or wasted. It is a plain mntttr of record that inexperience tr mismanagement has meant los and distress to many whose in heritance should hav provided comfort and protection. Make certain that this shall not tu the history of your estate. Ry naming this trutt company a your tiecutor and trustee you can assuru protection fr your family. Th company hm ample rigour, e; it is responsible; it is pericnced: it does not die or become incapacitattd ; it df imt take vacations. This trust company will give sympathetic consideration to personal matters, yet it is not embarrassed by family relation ships in carryinjr out the instruc tions in your will. Whether you have a will, or plan to make one, it is a simple matter for you to name us at your executor and trustee. , Ask or write for the booklet, "Safe, ir u a r ill n r Vtuir Family' Future," which (litruii.fs clearly and simply stme of the steps you can take ta protect your fam i!y"s future. ?!fa, V,vvri Y 4 49 -I ,"A' lluitri. tatwi iUrmit (L'nmpuuij . t f.' -tM.af tut Ills' fa'atti itttet OmatVa, Niaittat 1. It 1 1 !.. K t i . P 1 It 14 t I It 1 It PUTS and CAM J TiVJl a 4 4 t - I k..e , m t t paaaaa4 4. I i " i4 1 ', ' 1 'a. -a tea tk T , . , 4 tt.-i a. laaa I t v . 4 a ' - tl M itj It, tia . I I I I I I I t I l I, 1taM ta, l tttttlltttttttttt44 44t