The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 27, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL. 52 NO. 11.
ges in
Defeat, Retirement! and
I)-ath Will Shift Personnel
4)t National Legislature
to Yaat Degree.
50 Alterations Certain
UmU Dm Lmh4 Wlrst,
Wathington, Aog. 26. With the
national congrestional elction and
' id uncertaintict Kill miye than two
monthi off, the (act that he next
rongreti will vaitly change in iti
personnel it already apparent.
Whatever fate hai in itore for
thoe who will again try their 'or
timci at the polk, voluntary retire-
' mcnts, primary defeat! ami d-ath
have made certain at lent half a
hundred change in the house and
senate thnt will ronvrne in Dtceni
ber, 192J, unless a special session
should be called earlier, which n
probable if the precedent of the last
decade are followed.
What the election may do to al
ter the political and personal makeup
of the 68th congress is not the sub
ject of thi account. Tliii i to re
veal in ummary the alteration
already wrought. Two republican
senator and 11 republican member
of the home have been defeated
for renominatiott. One democratic
ifnafor and one democratic member
of the home have been defeated.
There are a number nf primaries yet
to he held, but that i the record to
Seiute Change.
But t lii e docs not by any meant
tl'ow tlu whole picture of the
change that -will come. The sen?:e
changes thus far assured ore:
Senator Harry New, Indiana, re
publican, defeated for the nomina
tion by Jormer Senator Albert J.
fleveridgc: benator Porter H. Mc
Cumber, North Dakota, republi:an,
defeated for rcnomination by Lynn
J. Frazicr; Senator Charles A. Cul
berson, Tcxa. democrat, defeated:
Senator William F. Crowe, Penn
sylvania, i dead; John Sharp Yill-
lams, Mississippi, democrat, Henry
L. Myer, Montana, democrat, and
Carroll S. rage, Vermont, republican,
have announced that they will not oi
candidate for rcnomination.
The sitting house member who
have been defeated for rcnomina
tion arc Representative Ira C.
Copley, Illinois, republican, de
feated by Frink R. Reid; Clifford
Ireland. Illinois, republican, defeat
ed bv William E. Hull: Manuel E.
Merrick, Oklahoma, republican, de
feated by M. C. Garber, with the
prospect that this district will go
democratic: Thilip Campbell, Kan
sas, republican, defeated by Snroul;
William J. Burke, Thomas S. Crago,
Joseph McLaughlin and Anderson
H. Walters, all republican and all
mcmbcrs-at-larije from Pennsyl
vania, failed of renomination when
the four districts at large were
eliminated by redisricting; Benja
min R. Forht,. Pennsylvania, repub
lican, defeated by Edward M. Beers;
Charle R. Conncll, Pennsylvania,
(Turn to Fait Two, Column One.)
Senate Plans to Vote
on Bonus Bill Tuesday
Washington, Aug. 26. A unani
mous consent agreement to take up
the soldiers' bonus bill Monday and
pa?s it to a final vote was entered
into todry by the the senate.
With a view to getting a vote late
Tuesday it was agreed that after 6
p. m. "Monday no senator should
speak more than once nor longer
than 20 minute on any amendment.
So much opposition developed to
day in the senate to some provisions
of the Borah fact-finding coal com
mission bill that the measure
was laid aside tinder an arrangement
whereby its consideration will not be
resumed until the soldiers' bonus bill
has been parsed, probably next Tues
day or Wednesday.
Schoolhouse Damaged hy
Fire; 2 Firemen Overcome
Nebraska City. Neb.. Aug. 26.
(Special Telegram.) A fire in the
garret of the high school budding
here d'd damage estimated at $10.OX),
The hint i believed to have been
caused by viring near the roof above
the scmh'y room. The greater
part of the damage was done by
The builibflf had jut been deco
rated and put in condition tor rpn
m( of sehoul, September A. School
HithmitHr 4V that be (ire will not
prevent opening of Sk'h.nd W
Tun i remen, Wil'iam Thorn and
Al New un. wr oefvn b
ni'. wh.;,- f'shl.iii i;i ttamet,
vVeftrrn ehrska Potato
Crop Damaird ly Drouth
tVitvtK-(d. Vi-'i , Au .o
((.4l the iKnu it. v i th t
ft'lHtn s-t the fuunitv fcevn sen-r-i.'t
!,nivvl uj tiwn 'ie' m-it.-'
wi t "l ni"r i ! i U
? i M ytt d ie .
ti,-rni: K ' w'br Jwwll
h ti .t r?Ws It it ti -M ill
I,! t - l' t A t". t n t Jhi
AJ a '' ' i fi i. .t4s,
,t .-4 ' t I ,f I
4 i-i t-t r t!
I ( '. fc '
W onuit llifA 1 1 i
!, V t s , A .- !,-
Is' i Mis i I i- 4 -4
4 t'i l V Rssue,
IMm M tMl CltM Mallet
e4 f. A.4 t
Good Will Girls Delighted
Mis. Rouiter. Orchard-Wilhelm Deleirate."''101'111
Rose Season in FranceChildren ureet
American Flags as Party Pannes '
Through Quaint Villages.
"h' rote time in Normandy and
they tell u rose tune i almost as
heautiful a apple btoiiom time in
Normandy,' write Mis Kathleen
Koiiiter, member of the Omaha
group of the Good Will delegation
touring France.
"iirilliant-hucd hollyhock stand
like ttately trntinel beside the door
of even the most humble cottages.
Once in a while t thatched roof will
have a row of fern and bright
flower across the peak."
Petiantt art Cordial.
Mist Rossiter, Orchard Wilhelm
delegate, in her letter to The Omaha
Bee, written from San Michel, ttatrt
that the French peasant are very
cordial to the American. Almost
every child of school age recognize
the American flag flying over the
delegation' car and shout "Amer
iquc" when the girl pas, irrording
to Miss Kossiter. When the car
stop in a village the housewives rut
flower from their garden for the
I he nine-day tour through the
chateau country especially' Nor
mandy was delightful, say Miss
Rossiter, who term Normandy the
land of beautiful flower and beauti
ful babjes,
"The only evidence of the war i
the scarcity of young men and thr
mouring costumes worn by women,"
Omaha Lads Fight
Way Through Fire
in North Forests
Central High Youth, Mem-
hers of Hiking Party io
Minnesota, Tell of
Thrilling Adventure.
Beating their way through a road
outlined on each tide by burning
underbrush of the recent forest fire
in the vicinity of Eveleth, Minn.,' was
the exciting experience of two Cen
tral High school lads.
They are Hacrry Habcrstroh, 4028
Hamilton street, and Elmo Andcrton,
Twenty-seventh and Hickory street.
Both boy are members of the
Omaha Walking club, 17 of whom
arrive home Monday morning after
a two weeks outing at Lake Ver
milion, Minn. The two boys, how
ever, chose to hike back from Ver
milion lake and it was on their return
trip last week that they encountered
the forest fire.
Warned of Danger.
"Men fighting the fire told us we
were crazy to attempt to wane
through it and I guess they were
right," said Haberstroh, "but we were
anxious to get back home, to we
went ahead, anyway. We were for
tunate to get back alive as a slight
change in wind would have spread
the fire over the road. One-half hour
later the road was closed."
The boys made the round trip of
1 .250 miles in five days going up and
four days coming back. They.had
only $40 between them, and slept out
in the open, under the stars, each
'We had a number of l ifts, but
one day we walked 17 miles; we av
eraged 12 miles other days," said
Start Home Tonight.
Edwin S. Jewell is in charge of the
biking party, members of which were
to arrive in Minneapolis this morn
ing from Tower, Minn. They were
to spend the ditv there and then start
for home tonight. Misses Bess Du-
mont. .Hattie Mueller, Maude Wat
son, uavis and Leslie and Lyman
Williams are among those in the
party. -
Fremont Trust Company
Asks to Be Incorporated
Lincoln. Aug. 26 The t'nion
Trust company of Fremont filed ar
ticle of incorporation and applica
tion for a trust company charter
with the state banking department
today. I he capital stock is JJO.000,
of the new eompanv are-1
Henry Te
Heine, A
Fowler, vice presidents, and H. Beck
man, ecrelary
( rt x.
r4-i t MMs
r a.
t two,
iwt mm4 Ulm- ft I
kI xa taiw
r. .
Ol feaMlaj tesw ta Strata.
. r t.
HhIim 4 ISHsikU fae t.
W t4 M S
r i
IkeaMMtl tVMS twtM.M
teem t tv
Utaevs) tM.ettt.e4 W
t. I
rtut fttatts
a.Mt; a4 es st oie -
I a
mii ISMe r t.
! - ree t. s te.
tto4 I ttesx 4
wmm rae It
tst ttSei.Ss r re It,
aa M
Stt.M ItlXI ttf
t.t " -
!- S.
It, IW .(
It MIS I, )H.
write the Omaha mist. ''F.veir vd- j
lage, even the rmallest, ha monu-
incut erected to honor it on chil-j
drcn 'who died for France,' nearly all I
decoiaied with fresh flower.
Visit an Ancient Lodge. j
"Mount San Michel is a wonder j
spot we are enjoying our visit at
the ancient lodge. I am writing by
candlelight there it no other illumi
nation in our hotel.
"Tonight Elisabeth Kaufiiunn, Nel
lie Donn, Katherine O'Brien and 1
went out on the causeway to see the
sunset." .
After landing at Havre August 2,
the delegation went by rail to Pari
where it stopped for two day. The
day there were filled with money
changing, shot. ping and lighfseeing.
according to Mist Rossiter. French
money occasioned a great deal of
mirth among the American girls, one
of litem saying she received a whole
handful of "jewelry in change when
she boiif lit an article.
The d.iv after the delegation ar
rived in Paris, Mis Morenee I reni n
of Council Bluffs, who is visiting in
Franee, went to the hotel to visit the
girls from Orraha ami Council Bluff'.
"The Omaha girl send greeting
to The Omoha Bee and their Omaha
friends." conclude Miss Rossiter
"They are all well and enjoying their
trip to the full.
Both Factions
Expect vjctory
in Hail Strike
Predict Surrender of Shopmen
Within Week Union Chief
Declares Strikers Heady
for Test.
St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 28. (By A.
P.) Missouri Pacific trainmen at
Nevada, Mo., walked out tbi morn
ing, according to reports received at
general office of the road here.
Chicago, Aug. 26 An increase in
the. minimum watte for 400.000 main-
tenanccc of way employe from the
present rate of 23 rent an hour to
48 cents an hour will be asked Mon
day before the United State rail
road labor board. K. F. Grable, pre
ident of the organization announced
today. The present scale of main
tenance of way men range from 23
cents to 35 cents an hour. . ,
, Fight to Finish.
New York. Aug. 26 -fBy A. P.)
With the peace effort launched by
the Bib five brotherhoods definitely
abandoned rail executives and shop
crafts leaders today realigned their
forces for a finish fight in winch
both sides predicted an early vic
'We are going home to start tnc
real fight," whether it lasts for three
weeks or three months," declared W.
F. Ryan, president of the carmen's
national brotherhood, as he prepared
to leave for Kansas City.
Our organizations have plenty of
funds to conduct a long fight, and
our men are willing to triage the
sacrifices needed for a decisive vic
tory," he concluded.
Issue Clearly Defined.
B. M. Jewell, head of the strike
organization of crafts, was equally
positive of the outcome of the bat
tle, which he asserted the railroads
left as the orty course for the unions
to pursue. Before starting for Chi
cago to pick up the reins of strike
leadership where he dropped them
when recent peace parleys began, he
issued a statement to his men in
which he said:
"We have gone the full limit in
the interest of peace. If we must
fight, we will show that we know
bow. Now that the issue is again
clearly defined and false hopes of
an early peace dissipated the fight
must be renewed with increased
vigor and every man must do his
full part to bring it to un taily and
successful conclusion."
The attitude of the brotherhood
chiefs whose tireless el toils to pro-
iTurn ta !' Two, Column Tliin )
Union Outfitting C-ive
Iridic Unique Outing!
The series of ctrtinn which the
ll'nioit Outfitting company hat been
; giving the public tins summer
re.tiiin a ilim.ix at l.akrvirsv park
j Wcdiifid.iv. No expense is being
spared to make it "the event ( the
: ejn
V.i.tus.H.n at the Kite will
be free, ev.rvone get. a Iter t.tte,
alt thr h.,. i rulvs w.! be S cent.
.' itdrver ..'Tin win. ent.-rt the
'.I.K,, ftv,:..,, ,! , kcwPK
'jolt ee TKkr- t..r the etent v
! be bume l lv sab.. at th, .tor..
t . ., .
1 orutiT I'reiuier of ( Ii'um
aiwl Mitiittcr StJtt for U, 5.
I' A'n tM A f t
! Cbs I Hi I ht. I..i.t ('iriii tr a4
j ItMttn'tr 4.1 I B.ll.f, . I l"lt" Kill.
StSiSI lalvf it lltl".f. Kt Ifldl'.lt I-
' al''J ''" Se''" t1 d'K'i ti( It t
ihf Vt V'lil 4 t t' . U' l IS lt
j-.t. r'ti'lt, ell t 'v ' I'hfsv t
si,.il t i t' t tl l'-i4
i 1 ts, I n s., t I II
;t. i I , 'tut 'i i.ii .t tit Hf:
tti as. .41 ti ts H'4 k 4 1
Mr, and Mia. W4IU Hcid
; ltst Nrvs MftoUr in Karndv
i et ' V ,'ti. V i
lr W ' i, t 'i ! n I
1,4 it 1st f . : . 1 t ..
t,'S t l:.t Wi'.tt i S
i t . ptto . it . : 'it k H
i'- it) V'-
r t i - f. $ t "
it4 i f svii4 i l15 t- v''1
ILea (1 er o f
A r r e I p A
' O L L U
J. Iloinrr French, Alleged
Chief of Denver Swindle
King, Taken at Fatea
Park-Held in Jail.
Other Suspects
Denver, Aug. 26 lljiiy D.White,
laid to be wanted by Federal Pott
office Inspector P.. Graham cm
charge of swindling S. Turn of
Plainvirw. N. f . of SoO.UX) at Miami.
Fla., on March 17. 1921, wai arrested
late today by tigenn of the Denver
district attorney office who have
been conducting raid on an alleged
iiiinllioii dollar- confidence ring.
White, according to the district at
torney, hat been known under tho
name n( Sam Barnrlt, Harry Wit
ting, H. Latter and Harry Whitney.
He w't arrested when he attempted
t ) cash a 1100 money order said to
have been tent turn by another win
iljcr whose artivitic focal authorities
have hrin mvestigatui. aingeu mrmiier o
the "confidence ring" raided Tbur
day night, are still in jail. Only two
ot the original thirty-three arrestee
and held by District Attorney Phib
ip S. Van Cisc on a blanket charge
of conspiracy to operate a confidence
game have been able to raise the
J.2J,U00 set by the court a the amount
of each individual bond. These two,
Lou lilenger and A. W. Duff, are
at liberty.
Leader Arretted.
J. Henier French, alleged leader
of the "ring," who it also wanted
under an indictment in Miami. Fla.
was added to the list of arrests today
when he was brought to Denver
from Bate Park, Col, where he wa
taken into custody last night, rrench
is nciiig lie ki in jau.
Twenty-nine of the men arrested
Thursday night pleaded not guilty
to the charge entered against them
when they were arraigned in the
criminal division of the district court
this afternoon. Authorities have
been unable to determine the correct
name of the other feur, they ex.
plained, and for this reason their ar
raignments have been dclaved.
District Attorney VanCise made
public additional details of the coup
which resulted Thursday night in
tne wholesale arrests.
J. Frank Norfleet of Hale Center.
Tex., who sprang into fame when he
ran down the notorious Furey gang,
was the man around whom, all the
plans of the local officer revolted.
Posed aa "Sucker."
Norfleet, according to the district
attorney' story, came to Denver
August 12 on the request of local
(Turn tn ran Two, Column Hrven.)
Soft Drink Bars
Closed for Year
Dublin Inn Among Places
Locked Up for "Dry"
Law Violations.
"Closed for one vear" was the edict
of Federal Judge Woodrough yester
day against a dozen or more soft
drink parlors, raided by federal
agents in the past two months..
Hearing on the injunction suit to
close Dublin Inn was featured bv the
judge's direction to the United States
district attorney's office to run down
alleged subornation of perjury on
the part of several witnesses. He
ordered Dublin Inn locked up for
one year.
Other places closed, with but few
preliminaries, were Joe lllynn's soft
drink place in the Omaha Bricklayers'
Building company property, 2024
("uming street; Joe Mangiamelli, 1301
Webster street; Julius Newman, 1215
JJouglas; .Silas Lolwcll, Jll North
Sixteenth; City hotel, 1008 Harney;
S. O. Kezlan, 406 North Sixteenth:
James O'Neill and William Golden,
iiS Spalding; Ben and Pete Oood-
binder, 44 .South .thirteenth; Harry
Dreyer. 410 South Thirteenth: Fila-
delfo Raflo, 806 South Thirteenth,
Louis Monaco, 1015 South 1 wenty-
second, and Jack Sutera, 810 North
D 1 i CI 1. Ml
DanK 31 OHOieS, cD.,
$ Forced to Close
Norfolk. Neb. Aug. 26 The
Wane t ouniv State bank of Sholet,
NeS was closed tint aiternoon t
raul Inflow, state bank txaminrr,
!" "" ' voluntarily
nnnse.i t.t tne autnor,.
, rl,. ,in '.
! '' a ayne So lotmal chitises
ihM ,,rn bmi, but ex-
!'"'? avvcuntt it umlrr
! , . . ,,,,,V "
i tu4tf. at trut
You Must Pay
for a Home
wkethar y U tivt
a ajme ( your ewtt?
! 0t vf n ku! ivtry d"l!r (.( ittU. a am f jjut
n t ilt I jtr kvj'p'it
f Ji t-Mtt ttmi'i svMt at. t t f 4 a Uoj i.! r t un
ur lns.tinteni ant '.fcets'ys y4 f. 'I list ftwiss vn
I' 'a !' ! suatier t .' Xuue a it kche
t I t' I " Iv ttt.ite s. avt.. t
f tV'St"! fat It (f M iKt R J t,atU U la tt "Vs 1
Alt 1 ia ." tttftt !. . . J is t ,4 what e.nt
nl, at t t-ot.rr n4 v .14 - t I f tij jutt
St fU. js wspI, tt )i i 4f ' t l twr
The Sun Is
Last Call for
Milk Fund Gifts;
Only $36 Needed
$1,500 Will Cover All iiills
Incurred in Bahy Relief
$1,463.75 Already ,
Received. J
This is the last callfor contribu
tions to cover the expense of supply
ing milk and ice to babies in poor
homes of the lity.
Ihc Visiting Nurses association
reports that $1,500 is needed to pay
all milk and ine bills incurred in the,
light tor the lives ot these infants
during the hot summer.
Contributions received up to Sat
urday swell the fund to $1,463.75.
Only $36.25 more is needed. Just
few smalt contributions will raise
the amount.
Those who have been intending to
send in a contribution may do so
with the knowledge that their money,
every cent of it, will have been used
in as worthy and as necessary a cause
as can he found.
Hundreds of contributions have
been received during the summer.
Some have contributed twice.; a few
three times or more. Almost every
one has wanted to contribute, and
now is the time.
Previously scknowlednpd
Ida M. Hrunlnx, lirunlni;. Sab.
. .11, 1ST. 50
1 OA
R. LsHurur, IOny, Nub
PonalU C. Hsrrmt, Norfolk, Nob..
John Alr.l, Onter, N-b
2 10
3 If"
r. rm
: un
1 oo
! !5
Albert F. Iltirrlner, Orleans, Neb..
Ui-nnon-Ctttmlt hl
K. W
No Nam.'. Central City, Neb
Omaha Jim
Girls nf th fifth flour. Omnlia
Nallunnl Iinnk hiillillnir
. A. WHln, ImvlU City, .NVb
( 00
. tl.4S3.Tt
Couple Married in Plane
at ISorfolk Airplane Meet
Madison, Neb., Aug, 26. (Spe
cial.) A marriage license wat ia.sucd
to Maurice 1.. Hiner, llattle (.."reek,
snd Alice llaiel W'yatt. Meadow
Grove, who were married this after
noon in an airplane while in flight
somewhere in the vicinity of Norfolk,
Judge T, V. Norvell olficiatuig. This
ceremony was part of the Norfolk !
airplane meet attraction.
b anio n, in (.ape County
Cuttiiii: Com for Fusilace
Beatrice. Xrb. Au. .'a Sut-!
ciat l number of f.irniers in tiagt '
county luve h nn cutting their corn I
for til,tg-, as a considerable amount i
of the it. i his been b.t li- ttamaved
bv the dry tvrjthir, Thev figure
that it is lrivf i..r fen at tSe pres.
rut st me t!t. i t n until it he. s i!rv jn l i h.tftv.
fcy t iut itur m.'ti'M rent Int.i
s eit at ftvi i
v., fly"
i Kill II nun III!
elMea tae 41 se 41
Trying Its Best to
H-nVHUdl. JUT)
Officers Worsted
. in Strike Clash
Union Men Repulne Attempt
to Enter Lahor Temple
at Havelock.
Lincoln, Aticr. 2f. Three officers,
headed bv Deputy United States
Marshal J. C. McClung, were worsted
in a clash wi'h 300 or 4U0 strikers
shortly before noon today when they
attempted to enter Labor temple at
Havelock to arrest four men for vio
lation of strike injunction orders.
The crowd drove McClung back
ond be was forced to call on Sheriff
Mill for reinforcements. Before the
oificers arrived, however, McClung
had arrested two men.
An attempt is being made this
afternoon to identify the leaders in
the riot.' McClung stated that more
arrests would follow.
After additional investigation the
deputy United States marshal ar
rested - four men who gave their
names as follows: II. C. Wyatt, D.
Thomas, Berneal Deady and an old
man named Habcock. Later Deady i
was released.
G. H. Abel, president of the Have
lock machinists union, fallowing the
trouble, declared there had been no
riot, but that the doorkeepers at
labor temple were merely carrying
out the rules of the labor unions
when they attempted to prevent the
officers from entering the hall while j
a meeting was m progress.
Concert Club Band to Play
at Elmwood at 5 Today
Today at 5 p. tn. the City Concert
Club band will play in Elmwood
park, Arthur E. Smith, conductor.
Alma Huntley, who has a delightful
soprano voire of carrying power and
excellent enunciation, will give two
numbers. The program includes.
alarm ricaiiora
overlur l.utelHl
Cnrionnlla Kella
Mnrvrau Characteristic- -Vision
glei-i.,n lil,a In Toyland ..
Krla Pels
. I-antley
.Van Won
. .Hetbert
Hemarka. 'The Appropriation " by Ilea
ter Itrunaun t'uppr, rraldent City Cutt
r.rt club
Man-It National Emblem Outlay
SMx'tlon II Ttuvatore VerUI
Fatrul tianieaa ...
Hy Alma Huntley
Peer rli'tlve A llmtilita Hrena. . tlursluaal
r.n),-h, M..,n.iea ha.n.r ... . Key
The audience is requeued to tt.iml 1
(at attrution while the national anthem '
, being played. , !
, , ...
TrU,k Knot k A ekttl.ule
r roiu Streot Car; Man Hurt
prf, X !v Mirk. 1.124 Soinh Thud
.ireet, was tiruued whi n un Armour
t. i. ....... u .t,.l,l-.l l',.,.i.
a, plrrt ttreets Saturday
luvui and klto. keit the irif settibtile
- l CI A a
11. an a street t it in stliuh be was
: tt'titti.
1 he tttuk i. lhc tr b. ih wrte
trtv.iig IH'U'i i'ii tclltH tlrcrt
urint tbe ijnr ( in tiutk ii'bt?d
bit brtkyt t lv trti.k skidiled ti
ittsrl spdt tin lb piVftiirttt,
Aisjnt U. V. Traffic
Miijftrr Jerka )itur
f i'iis P tun iti'.l, ,.l'ml tftlde
maitiatr hr th t'itnt t'a-.ilt.- .!
1-. I, tC.IM.IlV , r l II I III (tlttlM-t
I'ttil . 1 1! v lnt ritik i'vfn
t't tw. 4!: it 114 1 ru I'
M' S I b II III f I l4t I. ( tKf t !
V;? t so'ct tt I it tn-1 1.1 b si
Hit IV I I 4.-' lit 4
a t'it,l,j-.- . iHt.f t .titUren
I . 4. 4 t ! i'l ,. IS a 4
b 1 ,mmins
tMen (.tthtri, U rdili!i
bsU'-., Nb , v. iu x.-t
1 s' I Mr tl VJr. tli t '.i
aa . t . li.te. Mel et .
teaH Belli e teeta., lit, teeaai Mil, M.
Shine on Us
1 . -
Townley Pleads
With Fanners to
Quit Third Party
Gathering Near Grand Inland
Warmed by Nonpartisan.
Chief of Wasting Votes
on "Utter Futility."
Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 26.
(Special Telegram.) At a barbecue
at Lion grove, two miles south of
the city, A. C. Townley, this after
noon addressed an audience of several
hundreds, mostly farmers, on the
candidates endorsed by the Nonpar
tisan league and Inbor circles of the
slate and why these candidates, re
gardless of parly lines, should be
supported in November.
Mr, Townley attempted to show
what he regarded to he the "utter
futility" of wasting votes on a third
party in this state. He also spoke
at length of the alleged "tricks" of
the opponents of the league in keep
ing people away fram a discussion
and even a consideration of the
league's real abns and purposes by
circulating the false cries that it was
favoring "free love," was "pro-German,"
In asking nothing in the way of
office or power for themselves, Mr,
Townley urged upon the farmers they
would exercise a decidedly greater
political influence.
State Organizer Hrewer is address
ing a meeting of the local unemploy
ed railway men tonight.
Five Persons Arc Killed
When Train Strikes Auto
Princeton, I nil., Aug. 26. Five
persons were killed and on.' serious
ly injured when a Chicago & Eastern
Illinois passenger train demolished
rn automobile at a street crossing in
Haubstadt, lnd 10 miles out of
here. The dead are William Hurris,
28; James L. Itnrri", his son. 7; Mr.
Hurris' 2-year-old daughter; Mrs. C
C, Sellrrs. 30. sister of Mr. Hurris,
and I'vanueliiie Sellers, 5. daughter
of Mrs. Sellers.''
Mr. Elnora PitirrN, wife of Wil
li. tn lturris, bad both bg crushed
and suffered internal ini'uriet. The
party was letiun'Hg lo rfiuicrstn,
1 v. thnr home, tram St. Louis,
- - -,-.
nnAn ay Worker
to M-rt in Grand Idand
Grand I .bind, N !, Aug. 2r
t Special Telegram) Preparaiutna
ne rotitplete i"r a it'rrtiug here Xlon-t'-iy
t the I lumber ot t'ommerce
ll I.IIHvlll Hlnhtt.1V ttSiHlJtlOII
lursiibei with ihtitmrn tf road cion
mitt e of C'liiiineriul rtultt in 1 itt.
i iiht h k It v j v t ilut irvifw of
In, h n rond liont ot ttu ma' it t
I I' 4 !
"The Scar
differ fttm other sf Ruby
M Arree' tturtrt, setetal ttf
tabiiK already ti pearvl
in Th Omaha lie, but it l a
.J.ffetvHe tH Skhl.h IK'S Hi Ft
,! B" ! ta the altunUiT If
tut Ifttefettel lit ls
ttlet, )vt l! It i Willi )
trb . t"itl l t .!,
a'ail.t tt TK I' t. ir.4 H, ,
'"Tat- S. , a t ih tt
'.C (uuliti! twitter l!
tats Kk wat if It
flel aa.l lt sn Kse ',
taal ( lite apmi.
Lnvs Urged
by Harding
Want Power to Scire Minn
and Railway, if Condition
.Warrant To Art a
.V Lat Rraort.
Expects Showdown Sooi
Omaha (See iMaed Wire.
W'atbingioii, Ag. 26 . Legislatior,
empowering the federal government
to take over the railroads and the
anthracite millet will be welcomed
by President Harding before con
gress rrrrsset unlets the llriket are
settled before that lime. Tbit was
declared today by offitiala in f!ose
touch with the White House,
Mr, Harding, it wat explained,
does not expett tu take any hasty
action. He may never make ue of
the authority sought, but be does not
want congress to go away and leave
bun powirlrst to deal with aiiv
emergency whiill may develop in
cither the rail or coal situation.
Mratutet giving the- president au
thority tu assume control of railroad
and mines will be introduced in con
gress within the next few days, un
less the lunation ilrart, it wat dc
1 lared.
Give Road Another Chance.
In conference with senators the
president indicated a willingnei tn
give the railroad executivea further
opportuity to demonstrate that they
can cope with the shopmen's strike
and to prove that they can operate
the roads to an extent nceesary to
meet the nation's traffic needs.
Until it becomese apparent that
a breakdown of transportation is in
evitable, the administration will make
no move to take over the roads. Pres
ident Harding dor not believe thai
that time has yet been reached. Scnu
ators who are keeping a close watch
on developments tay that the next
week will bring a showdown and
demonstrate whether the roads can
continue to operate tuecetsfully.
As for the anthracite ttrike, the
president's position, according to re
sponsible spokesmen, is that another
opportunity should be given the op
erators and miners to get together
before any attempt is made to op
crate the mines under federal con
trol. In administration circles there
is a feeling of confidence that a set
tlement of the anthracite strike will
come soon, notwithstanding the fail
ure of the Philadelphia parley earlier
in the week.
Little Progress Made.
Congress made little progress with
the legislation recommended by
President Harding to relieve the coal
situation, Senator Cummins, Iowa,
called together the senate interstate
commmerce committee, of which he
it chairman, to consider the bill de
signed to designate profits and dis
tribution. Differences of opinion
arose concerning the measure. At
the suggestion of Senator Pomerenc,
(Tarn to I'aie Tiro, Column Four.)
Phone Girl Held
on Check Charge
Pretty Young Woman Alleged
to Have Used Prominent
Omahans' Names.
Lucille Confidine, a pretty tele
phone operator In a downtown mil
linery shop, was arrested Saturdav
charged with forging the names of
prominent Omahans to a series of
bogus checks.
The checks have been passed in
Omaha without detection for more
than a year, according to the detec
tives. Miss Considene, an attractively
garbed young woman in the twenties,
vigorously denied the charges. Slu'
was on the verge of tears m mak
ing the denials.
liond lor Miss Lonsidene was et
at $1.1X10. It was furnished by a
The arrest of Miss Considene on"
a forgery charge is the fourth in the
last .few mouths involving a woman.
Though the police set the amount
of the checks at $230, one store
owner, who alleges he wat victim-
ired. claims a conservative estimate
it $500.
New lloya' Work Secretary
Contra to "V" Front Chicago
J. Shader Arnold, who hat been
assistant hot s' work tecretary of the
Omaha Y, M, C A. for the past two
yeart. leit List wetk for bit borne in
Winiield, Kan, (or a shnit rest he.
for returning to Southwestern 10I-li-gf
tint, (4!! 10 complete hi tchotd
in at He will (rj.tiute next June.
Arnold will be i. trnlr I ty Paul
I, thkrit of t'liietjii, wli.n hat bent
a ttu lent at Ih l bujf.i Y. M. C, A
rnilriie 411 I altit at II I'limuilV of
( lin .-.. OiVrn it tn tlh'ttr. usti
t irrt tjll, wrih a'.M p 'Ull It 111. I
ht plavrj I.M'iaU and tt a Irtm
nun He bis ha t cunti J.tlle et
1st st w th ttott in the tcttletttif nt
bjiitst nt I hij( t nj jinutfi thi-
li.krn't fktsl :.riin.e w.'h Omi
l but wi'l h'sttn H week thts
t ' s ta S iimtK Hi-Y strtui
at t iisin,itii as a let-b-r,
The Weather
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