The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 26, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    TUB OMAHA BEE: SATURDAY. AUtiVST 2d. 1 92:!.
Parents1 Appeal
to Nanfito Comes
s Too Late
Come Home to U, Writf
Aged Fathrr From luly
But Son Lie
How to Keep Well
r IR. w. A. CVAMl
m a.aiaaalaa krtlaMb MiKIMa m4 mhn W hUiM
ta Or. Kvaaa ty .. 4 TW Mot. vtU fca anwaratf ii.iUt. mtmt tm
imr baiutaa, alaaaawa) mwWmW M aailiiia1. Dr.
ftvaa UI m aaata tliafa.ia araatrtat tar iWI amain.
AaKraa iattart ta aw a Tke .
Otrrlfktl Jill.
.V letter from (r a y luly
rrived in Omaha Wednesday (or
Mm Nanfito ju.t two dy too late.
Tht letter it from Nanfito' ael
fathrr in Carlrntini. It fnntain
tourhinf ipprat for thr ion to rt
turn to Inly, that hi parnt may
enjoy hia company during thrir few
remaining year.
But Kanhlo i dead; killed Mon
!y morning by lim Marmo, an
iher rrtidnt of "Little Italia," I In
relatives, who have opened and read
the Inter, cry bitterly ai Ihry dii
rut how to hrrak the new most
'ntly to the aged fathrr. They fear
!:e will die from the thork. t
Urged to Wait,
"f have braid that ;ru are going
to buy lome houses," writr the
venerable parert, according to C'lau
!io Aretro'i translation. "I sutfgest
that you wait a while, as 1 would
like to you agaitt and I knuw
I you buy any prcprty you could
not leave, and I am an old man and
;our niothir la old, and we v ant to
ne you sgain before we die,
"Vou know tlut I have more room
thai I nerd, and if you ronie you
nd your family can sty forever, at
you know I jiv the meant of up-
porting you all, the lather con
Nanfito't relative ity that he and
Marino, the man who shot and Icill'd
him, were rain-d in the nine town of
Italy, and that but two blockt p
rated thrir home. They assert that
Nanfito often befriended Marino, and
that it Kit alwayt Nanfito v.ho had
the money, even though after the
killtnjr Marino pk'a'ird that Nanfito
had tried to blackmail him.
Say Victim Wealthy.
Joseph Lovely, who handled much
of Nauiito businers, concurs with
the claim of thrie relative, asserting
the dead Italian was quite wealthy,
But the ml pathos of the killing is
revealed when Nanfito' relatives
gather together and cry over the let
ter which arrived two Uy too late.
Union Man Admits
He Burned Frames
Adtnii.tlon that lc. entered the
Burlinjton thopt at Haveloclc for
rhe purpose of "finding out what he
could," and that he burned two loco
tivc frames, wan made to Federal
Judge W'oodrough yesterday by Wal
lace F. Baker, a union Warksmith
acctyline welder, arretted for con
tempt of court in violating the strike
injunction order. ,
At first Baker entered his plea of
"guilty" without any explanations,
but the judge's questioning drew
forth his confession.
Shop foremen testified they took
Baker off the job before he did seri
ous damage to the engines.
Judge W'oodrough then sentenced
Baker to the time, he has already
served in jail, which is since Monday.
The judge fined M. Hosier and W. A.
Wade of Mct'ook. whom he found
fuilty, $10 each. Case against John
lerstein of firand was dismissed.
Reparations Meet Ends.
Paris. Aug. 25. (By A. P.) The
negotiations in Berlin between the
reparations miction and German gov
ernment officials came to an end at
noon today without having .pro
duced any compromise on the Ger
man reparations question acceptable
to both British and French repre
sentatives, according to advice
reaching French official circles this
It is now believed the reparations
commission will hold a special meet
ing Monday or Tuesday at, which it
will try finally to dispose of the ques
tion of griming a moratorium to
In May. 922. in Kewanee. Ill,
about 25 rates of typhoid fever sud
denly appeared among the resident.
While the physicians were busy
curing the sick, and the families and
friend, were occupied with giving
them care, the s'ate health depart
ment started to find out where the
trouble rame from and what rould
be done to protect the rest of the
This wat what they found:
Since all the raiei appeared on the
route of one milkman, it did not ap
pear necessary to want time study
ing water, sewage, flies and garbage
at possible sources.
The milkman on whose route the
catcs appeared bought about a gallon
of milk a day from seven dairy
farms, separated widely. On thtoe
farms about 40 people worked, rtf
whom four had had typhoid fever.
After examining about fU Speci
mens from 4) people, and examining
the person personally, the conclu
sion vas reached that the infection
came from a carrier, n "Mr. H,"
who handled the milk on farm No.
3. Mrs. K's carrier state seemed to
have originated in a prolonged at
tack of an obscure, long continued
attark of fever several year ago,
"X," the dairyman, sold the milk
jutt as he bought it typhoid germs
and all. lint it cannot be aaid that he
discriminated, because he also drank
it as he bought it.
On investigation it wat found that
X himself was tick with typhoid, Me
took sick about the time Ins cus
tomers began to develop the disease,
thus proving not only that he was
not the cause but also that what was
good enough for his customers was
good enough for him.
One of the effects of the invcslia
tion was the discovery that X'
dairy house, privy cesspool and well
were all Jumbled together, and
quite certainly at some time in the
future it was in the cards for X to
pass on to hi customers some ty
phoid which he had not bought
from Mrs, R.
Another case of typhoid wat found
on dairy farm, tin time in the per
The cities are named in order of
Spokane 470
Syracuse 5 JO
Grand Rapid 54
Seattle , ...,6.Ul
Milwaukee rr)S
Portland 71.1
Omaha ....717
Rochester ......74 I
Scranion 7X6
Detroit ),
Howell Assured
G. 0. P. Assistance
RrpuLliran Senatorial Candi
date Confer With Chair
man Adama in Capital
Washington. Aug 25. (Special
Telegram I R. B. J to welt. Nrbrss
ka'i republican candidate for United
State senator, wat in Washington
Mr. Howell called on friend here,
devoting himself especially to a con
ference with Chairman Adam of the
republican national committee.
following (hi conference. Mr.
Adam said the people of Nebraska
could rely upon the full foree of the
national committee being placed be
hind Mr, Howell randidarv md ct
all other republican candidate in
Mr. Howell took lunch yesterday
at the rapitol with Chairman Adams
and Senator Moses of New Ifarnp
.hue. The lunch proved reception
for Mr, Howell, Chairman Adame
and Senator Moc introducing the
Nebra.kau to nuny senators, both re
publican and democratic,
Mr. Howell expred himself
confident of the outlook for repub
lican success In Nebraska tin fall.
Self Cure for Nervousness.
M. If. C, write; "If S. .V. who
wrote in your rolumns for help for
fears over meeting people, etc., would
care to write to nte V think I could
give hint or her a boost up the road
oi health,
"Four year ago the flu left me
with at many phobia a mad dog
more, I should say. Some of them
were much like these bothering S, S.
"No doctor did me any good until
a nerve specialist taught me how lo
use auto-suggestion and put me on
lltiti PAail tew litii.ta at f
completely cured, and, bet of all. I fattl fnrimfrV Still
am confident I c-uld never 'slump , 3llle inQUSlTy OUIl
nervously again.
"I could at trait recommend some
books that helped tne a lot. it's a
liberty to write you like tlii, but no
one who hat evr been 'down' rould
pats up an S, O. S. such as the one
you printed if one thought one could
help a bit. It' certainly a time 'when
a feller needs a friend.
I ahi sorry, but it it against our
rules to supply your address to S, S.
or S. S.'s address to you.
In fact, addresses are destroyed im
mediately after letter are received.
Are You Stocking Your Good Deed'
Have you ever tried to help that
poor fellow you know, who is hav
ing a hard time to make a living for
himself and family?
Your better business training
should be placed at the service of
borne person who lias had fewer
be 10 seli-centered and self
ish? Whv not help others to help them
selves? A few words of advice from your
storehouse of knowledge and experi
ence might ve another from busi
ness mistakes.
Think what joy knd comfort and
freedom it might mean to a man's
family if you could put (Se father
and husband on the road to greater
succcj through your helpful inter.
Time is coining when the only
romtoit you can get out of old aire
h i't be the memory of kindly oificts
tendered those ttess fortunate, so be
gin while thr is time.
tt your old age to b hsra.ied bv
remembrance of niein. Intle tMckt
.dvanttge tne taken of ihoie
in Mr! link?
Or. a u Uy;o up, to he eon
tempUted, itemm in the gvd oi
H -. m mi i
son of "Mr, S." on farm No. I. He
got tick about the time the disease
began spreading in Kewanee, show
ing that he also picked it up from
the milk, or a milk can, or some
thing like that.
X lost hi licence, had his well
condemned, had to fix over hi lay
out of dairy, well, and privy, and
had typhoid.
The aeven dairies naa tneir mux
shut off the market.
Some 20 people had typhoid
Anil all because Mrs. K. a carrier
with no knowledge of ever having
typhoid fever or being a carrier,
was taken care of the milk on farm
No. 3. Dairyman X had no reason
to uspect Mrs. R. She seemed a
healthy woman.
Htd Kewanee orovided itsell witn
a pasteurization ordinance it would
have protected its people, X would
not have lost nis business ana naa
tvnhoid himself, and all the farmers
would have saved a' well, and the
taxpayer o the state would have
saved the money that wa spent on
thi investigation and control.
How' Much Do You Taker
F. S. write: "I take Fowler's
solution and feel fine.
"Is it harmful to continue tak
ing it?"
If you are not taking more than
five drop three time a day you
can keep it up for months without
Tuberculosis in Cities.
A. B. C. writes; "Will you kindly
state which ten American cities hav
ing a population of 100,000 or over
showed the lowest death rates from
tuberculosis for 1921."
The table on this subject, carried
in' the annual reports from thej
census office, is missing in the re-""
port for 1920.
The following- list is taken from
the report for 1919.
Dog Hill Paragrafs
By Georg Bingham
Jefferson Pollocks and family went
to a big tale one day this week and
frM.Ht .o much tinware when ther
started walking down the road to
ward home they looked like the
Tickville Brass Band on parade.
Isaac Helwanger has one of the
most prudent cows in the Calf Rib
neighborhood. She was standing
on the railroad track day before yes
terday and when she heard the 'train
approaching she got out of its way.
1 Sidney llockn hears there is some
talk of moving the seat of govern
ment from Tickville, and says if
they do there won't be-any place for
the officials to sit down.
Needs Finance Aid
I.inroln, Aug 25. fSpecial.) The
Nebraska cattle industry it the only
remaining activity in the state in
nerd of extensive aid through the
Federal War Finance corporation
it wat announced here yesterday by
Fred Thomas. Omaha, Nebraska
chairman of the corporation, who,
with J. M. Flannigan, Omaha, secre
lary, consulted with Eugene Meyer,
federal director, ami Governor Mo
Kelvie, who, according lo Thomas
did niinli to bring the needed
financial relief to Nebraska by a
series of trip to Washington, D, C
Hughe Off for Brazil.
New York, Aug. 25. Charle
Evan Hughe, secretary of (tate,
sailed yesterday on the Pan-America
to return the visit to tiraril, which
Kmueror Dom Pedro made to the
1 nited Stale in 1876 and to viiit the
Brazilian centennial exposition.
don't g
be ifEs
all W
I ftp
f run (-!
I down '
Makea You
At all good
In One Visit, Without Discomfort, Hospital.
Chloroform or Ether, in OMAHA
Chicago' Eminent Specialist in disease of tht
who for 19 year. h practiced in the leading yt, aar, not anil throat
olinlca and boipltali of Europe and Amtrtrt. la coming to OMAHA,
NEBRASKA, to atraighten croaa-ajraa, and will be in a poaltinn to take
car of a law mora caaaa whlla hara. Writ to hit Chicago office for an
appointment including a frao examination while In your city; which
placea you under no obligation.
Suit.. 1 to S-T W. Randolph Straat Chicago, III..
a CU e ' A
T a tfc a., H W
a ' !. a ( al'ta
DRtlMfN MOi,
at Mt
taa . n-Ma
M ! l. tl tti Cm
I'htw AT. 1000
T'Jtphon Your
Sunday "Want"
A Well-Known New York Banker
Says :
"The place of advertising: in the present eco
nomic system is thoroughly well established."
Goodwill has come to be a vital factor in
the success of any business, and goodwill can
only be created by right and persistent adver
tising. A manufacturer who advertises honestly
the stability and quality of his goods sets for
himself a standard of production. He makes .
a treaty of faith with the buying public
which he must uphold at any co.t.
Frequently, for the purpose of promotion,
the manufacturer needs financial assistance.
The time U fast approaching when bankers.
y investigated the landing
of a manufacturer desiring a loan, will ask
having carefully
of a manufacture
thi leading question:
"What U his advertising appropriation?'
V n.
rWkW4 t ! Omsk U asMMtWo !
Aeatoe) A.aaatatias at A4M( Atl
9M h mimtmni MTMl Am
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street
Another Week of Sensational Selling!
-f J
.ro" Exquisite Italian Renaissance
Living Room Suite:
JmlT: nd Bench JLfidV
Daren pon
Table fcnciiil
t 12.74
Wonderful 4-Piece Bargain!
' ilk-gant period farvins. and fini.slicd niitiquo mahotcimy. Upholstered in a varf,, r figured
vehmrH. Spring cushions throughout.
Suite Just As
Illustrated Above
Ct77777 j
Nationally Known "SELLERS"
Kitchen Cabinet
delusive Belling agont in Unwlia prom- fi
tbla well known and exclusive line of hlxli
grade cabinets. Expert material and work-
manbip. A specially priced Item for this, our
65th Clearance Sale. White $0 5Q
enamel interior, finished golden Q,
iterlor, only
Many Exclusive Features
Leather Seated Rocker
Thla la ilia mnat remaikable offer in a io -ker
that haa com to your atttnlion. Just us
show It her, with It wide et
rnriahu hark unholstrred in
geniiina Si-aoiah leitttirr. Clohlrn
finished fime. Hperlal
l7e& Wagons
if Sw unuMinl values await A
ff mi liTf Im trn wnuima. Wal-
K iuit rr mahnKHny finiili. Piit- Vfll
E ciallv pricfil irr thle rale VI,
id2 I
High Chairs
a Sprrlil valuf I" IukW rhair. m
m A n;nl harHiri In srni! rnl-
i.r nf enanwl, 1 1 U l.mi-r H- &
iitirallii, ifiy apeolal 3
Big Reduction in Dining Tables
Saturday in bargain day in our dining room
section. Several pattern tu 6 ft. extension
table In choice of golden or tac
fumed oak finUh. Positive 22 to I fjli
f 26.50 values, at w
50-lb. All Cotton Mattress
This lierKain vlll meuu rauny, many rule for
IfHitninn's Siiturday. Think of it, a full 60 ll.
U. COTTON Mattress in durable ticking
and rW tufted, all Site to meet
!ur particular requirements,
ililOO lue, at
i. I :!
Oui Second
9x12 Royal Wilton Km
aW un-trr4l tulmiit i t a ou1 la Ifc
912 ht Rugs
Rjt .! iv.a.i at l a t e
t St 1U 11 i t .
At "
S-Piccc Dining Suite ...".u
-. I . .i i i. i kiiuill,i f
i.,- h ,. tlx tit f' . tii'l l (lil ( ai. J J 6
t , ,! ... lt I 'll ! !) raiH Ht"fc1"
hi.... A i m'vNm tl ,,
Ad N0W