The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 26, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Carter Lake Costume Ball
a Success.
With a brilliant relume bill (he
rniiuii carnival at the Carter Lake
inn non-u in tui ot glory
" hurtday exerting,
About 7J o( the sue ill competed
lor prirs and the tint prize, a rut
B'ets n te ii-t, Mat won by Mrs
w. ai. cm. ai a narem neautv, m
red tatm with a hrm dreit ot te
ctums and plumes. Mri. F. 1. King,
at dark-tkiniird r.ffyptian, carrird
rIT an electric percolator, and Hit
unrotny iJownt, a J Vrrot, won
tripod tea kettle. Mr. Frank T little
came rirrnted at brigand and won
the first prie for the nun, a iilvrr
rigarrt eae; III C. I jwnon wat an
irh't and nn a thaving irt, and O,
M. Well, who ii drcned at a ban
dir. won ratine pillow.
Margaret Mioiwcll won the ladies
pne tor the member who do not
live at the club.
Thoi whose eottumet were given
, Innoralile mention were Mri. K. K.
1 Moore and the Minn Lavita Al
bright, Helen I'arl, Mary fiillin,
Miimie Sirgiiiau and Gcnrne Noble.
The entire rarnival wat in every
way a lurrcM. and II. A. Tacoh
brrgcr, w ho wai in charge of the af
fair, reports that at lcatt 2.0M were
there the rioting night. On Wcdnei
lay evening, tlie night of the water
iprctacle, 8.500 attrndrd.
Cueit From Patadena.
Mis (irett'hen Kaynrr arrived to
day to lie the Kuril of Mint Cornelia
''.11:111 over the week end. Mint
Kayrr and Mini Rauui have hern
ti-hooliiiatm at the Marlborough
m hool at Lou Angrlea and at Mits
Sonirrs in Washington. D. C.
Saturday Mitt iJe Weenta Conrad
will roinplinient Mii Kayter at
bridge at Happy Hollow, when the
will ahare honnri wllh Mill Margaret
Jov of Maroliftll, Mich., gurst of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Wood.
That evening Mits Haum will en
tertain at dinner at the Country club
for her gurt, when thole prenent will
be Miss Margaret Harte, Mr. and
Mri. James Hunsarker and Messrs.
Robert Kqrkinghain, Keith Adams
and ftay!ix Spain.
On Sunday there will be a picnic
party for Mis! Kayser.
, Return From Alaaka.
fr. and Mrs. J. B. Jonei of the
Tadmiac apartment returned thi
week from Alaska, where they have
pent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Jone were accompanied by their
itaughteri, Misi Adeline Jone of
Salt Lake City, Mist Dorothy Jonea
of Omaha and Mr. J. B. Twiford
of Weiser, Ida. The party tailed
'from Seattle on the tileainer Jeffer
ton and took the Inner Passage route
a far ai Skagway. They were guests
of fiovernor and Mri. Scott Bones
in Juneau and returning Mopped at
Vancouver. Seattle, Portland and
Mount Rainer.
Miss Whitmore Honored.
Mini Beatrice Montgomery enter
tained at bridge Friday afternoon in
honor of Miss Frances Whitmore of
Lincoln, who arrived Thursday to be
her guest for icveral dayi.
Misi Jovanna Harper gave a
iinchron, Thursday at the Blarkstone
hotel fortius "Whitmore, Miss Dc
Weenta Conrad .will entertain at
bridge at the Happy Hollow club
Saturday for this popular vioitor and
Miss Whitmore and Mis Montgom
ery will lunch with Miss trances
I.inHcrholm at her home informally
' L. O. E. Club Picnic.
The I.. O. K. club will entertain
at a bask'. t supper and dancing party
Wednesday ivcninp, August .30, at
Ha'iscom . park. Supper will be
arrved at fi JO o'clock.
Mrs. Charlotta Jenkins and Mrs.
I. vle Sorcnson are in charge of the
Sixty reservations were made for
the I.. O. IC. card party and luncheon Tuesday at the Blackstone hotel.
Celebrate Birthday
Little Miss F.loise Barnhart enter
tained at the matinee dance Friday
ai'trrnoon at the Field club in honor
of her eighth birthday anniversary.
'1 i-oc present were: Misses Cath
erine Harvey, Margaret Harvey,
Alice Jane Owen, Elizabeth Owen,
Genevieve Welch, Eleanor Welch,
Lucille Welch, Dorothy F.mpey,
Ruth C'laasen, Janet Baird. Beatrice
Boraii'-k. Adele Barnhart and Mar
guerite Barnhart
Fremont College Reunion.
Former students of Fremont col
lepc will entertain their family and
friends at a picnic Saturday afternoon
and evening at Flmwood park. Mrs.
II. M. Katon, Walnut HI4, is in
charge of the affair.
Lawn Social.
The Ladies ol St. Andrews church
v ill give a lawn social Wednetday
evening. August JO, at the church.
In ease of rain the social will be held
in Gild batl.
Tfczzanmc floor Raxlon Block
6y&ftrnam-7dAe. ehiMlor at 217 Sxl6'
It has been our pleasing discovery in the one
short season which has elapsed since our opening
last June, that the women of Omaha like to go
into a small shoppe where the intimacy and spe
cial attention given appeal to her.
She has also discovered the Important fact
that he has been able to find Individual styles
and creations there, such as cannot be found in the
larger stores,
We are Inviting all to view the Newest Modrk in
Daytime and Mrert Presses, Pinner (towns. Tarty
Frwks, Wraps and Coats, A surprisingly reason
able pi n-- accompanies each garment we present.
5'it 14 J up
McGinn:. & McCoy
Soprano Soloist
pawa Mjjeii
Mrt. Alma Hunliry, topratio, will
be the soloist with the City Concert
club band Sunday afternoon. 5
o'clock, in F.lniwood parlt.
A WifcWorth Her
Salt Can Always
By Beatrice Fairfax.
I'd love to marry but it itnt to ask the girl I love to
"I feci that I have taken up too
much of her time at it is almost a
vear. N'ow. do von think it would
be kinder to just disappear from her
life or to explain to her tnai 1 can
not go on? I am making forty dol
lars a week with tome alight chance
ot advancement, um you kuv
tliiiicK are todav.
"1 could not let my sweetheart go
on working after marriage. ' And for
her to give up the twenty-five dollars
a week she has to spend on herself
and share my forty would be hard
on her. as you will agree. Now,
how can I put myself out of her
thoughts in a way to cause Mr the
least unhappiness? I love her too
much to let her suffer if it is possible
to avoid it. And I've plenty of evi
dence that her love it at deep as
It is entirely possible to avoid
causing the girl you love to suffer,
John. All you will have to do to
make her happy is to play fair with
her. But that won't be easy unless
yon- love the girl better than your
pride and stubbornness and precon
ceived notions of how you want to
arrange things when- it comes to
Why shouldn't a forty-dollar a
week man marry a twenty-five dol
lar a week girl, pool their earnings,
?aT part of the combined salary,
live hannilv and comfortably, forge
ahead to a future when he it earning
enough to support both, and so come
near "living" happy ever after?
Why not? "It is too simple, I
John loves his sweetheart. He
knows she loves him. But he is
capable of marching out of her life
without a word of explanation, rath
er than take a risk on his future. He
will give her up in order to avoid
sitting down with her and figuring
out a way of making a going part
nership. He will do about anything
rather than permit his wife to con
tribute to the Jamily earnings;
I've never seen why men who
would cheerfully (and rightly),. per
mit their wives to bake and scrub
and mend and clean should balk at
having those women earn money for
easier and possibly more congenial
work.- I've never seen why a wom
an who could earn $25 a week at
clerical work she enjoys, must
do' housework which she doesn't, in
order to satisfy her husband's pride.
How about paying someone $10
of the $25 to do the scrubbing and
rooking? There would still be $15
ahead and a wife who's worth her
salt can manage to give her home a
personal touch even if she's onlv in
it a few hours out of every working
The troflti7c""ith a man like John
and he is legion is that he's in a
rut and is too much of a plodder to
get mil of it. Life is full of risks
and hazards and the man who will
not meet them splendidly misses all
the real beauty of living.
Capes of canton crepe are trimmed
with fur collars and heavy silk
Mr, and Mri. J. W. Sharp will take
poettion of their apartment in the
Cfcula Vista September I.
Mr. I-conard Tremor returned
to weeki ago from llattingi. Neb.,
where ilie hai tpemt the autnmer.
Mri. Alfred M linger of California,
formerly of Omaha, it a gurtt at the
home of Judge and Mrt. J, J, Sul
livan. Mri. Sumner Harper of New York
City, who hai been the gue.t of
Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Curne, leaves
Friday for her home.
Mr. and Mri. Fdwm J. Bunh mo
tored to Davenport, la., to spend a
few dayi with Mri. Hutch's parents.
Mr. and Mri. Kogrri.
Mis Dorothy Jonn leavei Sunday
evening. September 3, for Ferry Hall,
Lake Jore.t, ill., where he will
attend school this year.
Mri. J. R. Scobie and Mit Jettie
Millard, who have tpeiit the tuinmer
in iMirope, landed ennetday in
rew York on the Majestic.
Mr. and Mri. John A. McShane.
who have been residing in southern
California for the lait four years, will
return to Omaha October 1 to retide
' Mrs. If. S. I'ollard of C hicago, for-
it visiting her parenti, Mr. and Mrt.
F. S. Howell. Mrs. I'ollard will re
main until the middle of October.
Mr. a'nd Mrs. Bryant Williams and
small daughter, Beverly, of Chicago,
axe visiting Mrs. Williams' parenti,
Mr. and Mrs. George (J. Summers.
They will remain about two weeks.
A son. Edward Taut, was born
Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. F.dwafd
Murphy of Chicago, Mr. Murphy
formerly lived in Omaha and is the
son of Mr. M. R. Murphy of this
Mrs. J. A. Sunderland, accom
panied by her son, John, and daugh
ters, Helen, Ruth and Alice, hai re
turned from Clearwater Lake, Minn.,
where they spent the last three
Messrs and Mesdames M. Herz
berg. M. S. Miller. Joe Cohns and
the Misses Pauline and Angela Herz
berg have returned from a motor trip
to Glenwood. Minn., where they en
joyed a two-weeks lulling trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex H. Morchome
and Miss Marjorie Morehouse re
turned the first of the week after
spending a month at Horton's ranch.
They made the trip through Yellow
stone park on their way home.
Arthur Rosenblum returned Thurs
day from a ,five weeks' vacation trip
through California and Colorado.
Mrs. Rosenblum, who accompanied
him, will remain in Cheyenne, Wyo.,
for a few days visiting relatives.
For Mrs. Munger.
Mrs. V. H. Garrett entertained at
luncheon Friday at the Happy Hol
low club in honor of Mrs. Alfred C.
Munger, who is visiting Judge and
Mrs. J. J. Sullivan. The guests were
members of a party who have been
meeting regularly in California for
the past several winters. Covers
were placed for 10.
Buffet Supper and Bridge.
Miss Emily Keller will entertain
this evening at a buffet supper fol
lowed by bridge, at her home in
honor of Miss Elizabeth Schrock of
Chicago, who is visiting her brother,
Dr. Robert Schrock. Twelve guests
have been invited.
"Follow the Beaton Path," Where Omaha Buy
60c Odorono 42t
50c Milkweed Cream ..39
$1.00 Piver's La Trefle or
Azurea Face Powder G9
60c Djer Kiss Face Powder
for 36
$1.25 Pinaud'a Lilas Vegetal
for 88d
50c Neet, for removing hair,
for 33
15c Amami Shampoo. . .lift
$1.50 Djer Kiss Vegetal
for $1.10
50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste
for 36
60c Orazin Tooth Paste. 34
50c Tebeco Tooth Paste. 37t
25c 3 and 3 tt -inch Powder
Puffs 10
$1.10 Tyroa, for the teeth and
gums, for 73
$1.00 Krank'a Lemon Cream
for 70
50e i lb. Theatrical Cold
Cream '. 3J5
$1.00 Rath Caps, all
at vies 20
50c Box Linen Stationery,
special 21
$2.00 1-plnt Vacuum Bottle
for 89
$J.OO 1-quarl Thermo Pak
for 60
$2.50 I'.ltctrie Hot Date
tor 91.98
$3.30 The Maid K!ctrn Curl-
inr Iron, complete. .92.29
$J,0i) 2-qt. Velvet Hot Water
Bottle an4 Fountain 5v?lir
for 91.25
II SO 9 qt. VeWet Fuunum
Syri"ge fur H9
$1 fS TxU Kniv . . ,7l
I J.- la Aiera, M.ltmre,
3 for 25
JJtf Siren. Cer!U sue,
; Ut 1 5
u ef 93.50
lit Meiart, Aeseruanut.
1 tf 25
ll .s t M . . ,V1.50
SO Packer ! Ttr 9p 9
So W eo4y I trial J,p
fee . . . 1
tiv Keitl vp . . . . 22
tt- I n . t t e Pf
My Marriage Problems
Adele Carriaon'i New Phase of
tCoB,rik( Jl:
Hew Lillian Planntd to Aid Madft
Wtih Mother oranam,
My little lad's proposal to go to
hi grandmother and tell her he wit
lorry lor liu rudeneti did not strike
a particularly tetponuva chord in
my still reienttul contciouinett
If I had followed my primitive
contriouinen I ihould nave whis
pered to him the truth that It had
been hit grandmother, not he, who
had made me cry. But 1 put my re
bellion down firmly, ami consoled
myself with the reflection that Ju
nior's capitulation was a particular
ly lucky incident in view of the day
before nie.
For I knew that Lillian had count
ed upon Mother Graham taking both
Junior and Marion into Iter room and
reping them there while the rest of
ui ttaged the reception she had plan
ned for tle man who called himielf
Smith. It wai a reception which
held a distinct element of danger, and
it was pre-eminently necetiary that
the children thould be kept out of the
But with Mother Cralum in the
temper with which the had left my
room, our plant were likely to be I hat she was capable ol leav
iug the house for a vitit to one of her
daughters 1 knew,' and would not
have been turprised to learn that
even now the was packing her trunk.
a diversion in which she frequently
"Dooner go Damie now."
My small son's voice gave me an
inspiration. 1 picked lum up and
began to take off his absurd little
mpht suit.
"We'll get drcstcd firt," T told
him, "and then we'll find Marion.
She will take you down to grand'
I had thrown Marion's name in
as a stop-gap, although I knew
Mother Graham was extremely fond
of Lillian's winsome daughter.' 'But
I knew that it would take more than
Marion's charms and Junior's ador-
ablenesi' to placate his grandmoth
er. I meant to get hold of Lillian
as soon as I rould, .for if any one
could devise the means of making
my mother-in-law tractable it was
Partly dressing Junior, I deposited
him in his crib, telling him to put
on his stockings, a most absorbing
occupation in which he delightts.
Then, throwing my bathrobe around
me, I opened the door softly, slipped
down the corridor to Lillian's room,
and knocked lightly. She opened
the door immediately, and I saw with
relief that both she and Marion were
almost dressed.
"Praise be that your boat is near
ly manned," I said, holding the aoor
half-ajar, so that I could watch my
own room door. "The wireless is
sounding the S. 0. S. from mine."
"What's the trouble? Pirate craft
in the offing?" Lillian asked me with
a .little laugh. "I thought I heard
stentorian tones as if vou were
about to walk tin plank."
A Carefully Laid Plan.
"I have walked it," I returned,
while Marion giggled appreciatively
at our nonsense. "Behold me
floundering in the water. And I
tell you the boat will be scuttled
unless you heave to and come to the
She hitched an imaginary belt and
put her hand smartly to her forehead.
"Aye, aye, sir. We will now
heave ho and to and fro. Marion"
with a complete change of tone
"suppose you run over and see what
Fresh MercKndit Not
Government Supplies
All you want at these prices:
Camels, Lucky Strikes,
2 pkgs. for 25
Per carton S1.25
Add 6c per carton or box on
mail orders for postage and
$1.00 Gillette Razors... 69
$1.00 Gillette Blades ..09
50e Durham Duplex Bladea
for 39
$1.00 Auto Strop Blades 65
$1.00 Gem, Ever-Ready or
Auto Strop Razors... 79
$2.50 Hair Clippers. .91.49
Film Develop! Free Whea
Prints Are Ordered
$2.50 2ix3V Rexoette
Cameras, special ..S1.9H
S1. x 3U to 6x7 Picture
Frames, including glast and
stand back ........ .25
$1.00 Yeast loam Tableta
for 69
$1.10 Teniae
6Jc Nujol 52
L'.V Mavia Talcum ....17
40e t'letcher'a Caatoria 22
SJe Sloan's Liniment .,25
80e Resinol Ointment , . 12
30e Phenelat ,,...,,,,22
SJe Freetone ,,,,,,,,.25
erte Itmkle Pill ....... 1
3 Jo Nature'! IUmJy Tablet
for 17
$1.14 l.)W Tome tS
Site MentbUtunt ,,,,.17
Sfe Phili p's Milk ef Mairne.u
fee .".tl
II SJ wmp R mi If
iU Jil IUit'ca 21
Mail Oe4ee MI.e' el TWe
Fee t'etd Teeta'tr f, M
Beaton Drug Co.
1 4
Junior is .up to Take your bruth
and comb with you and do your
hair in there."
"Junior i. n't ilrr.ed et, Marion,"
I said thyly, well knowing what her
antwer would be.
"Oh I Auntie Madge! May I drett
"I think it might be permitted." I
niiled, and the danced nut happily.
I eloted the door aitrr her and nat
tily related to Lillian my unfortu
nate encounter with my mother-in-law.
"I'd like to wring her neck." Lillian
commented vindictively, "but I'm
afraid that's an indoor iport pro
hibited by the blue laws. What do
you suppose she's doing now?"
"Packing her trunk and looking up
railway schedules to Pennsylvania,
I returned despondently. "At least.
that's her tiual procedure when she's
mortally oitrnded.
"Then we'll have to work auicklv."
Lillian sprang up, began to pace the
floor. "There's only one bait to
dangle before her. and that's the
melodramatic one. I'll make her think
the whole succcts of the unilertak
tug depends noon her before I've
tininhed with her, And in a way it
does, for we need everybody else ac
tively downstair, and the must keep
the children sale, l ou go over and
tend the children to me. I ll
them in ahead of me as a shock
troop with Junior armed with his
apology. Then when I think the'i
a bit thawed I'll follow
I nip nose I'd better make mvself
invisible, I commented ruefully.
Sure-t thing you know," Lillian
returned. "I'll tell you. You've hit
your head against the door and it's
given vou a nervous headache, Go
on hark to bed, sleepy-head, and I'll
send Katie up with some breakfast,
It'll be a long enough day, and a
strenuous night. You might as well
get all the rr,t you can."
Make Your Own
Napkin Rings
My Dear Miss True: I'lcasc tell
me of some practical useful gift that
I may make for one of my friends.
She would appreciate somethine for
her table, as she is quite an enter
taincer. MAUD.
If your friend loves pretty things.
why not make her a set of napkin
rings? You ran find silk banding.
varying from one to one and one-half
inches. Choose a pretty, open pat
tern and cut proper lengths. Tack
these pieces together, forming rings,
nd decorate each one !v adding
linen flowers of different' colors where
the banding laps. Such colors as
lavendar, yellow, blue, pink, etc.,
may be used. The hostess may dis
tribute these colors to suit the age
and sex of her guests. These ritms
are very decorative and make tlie
breakfast table look quite attractive.
Jt your friend uses a breaklast
room, you might select linen, cre
tonne or checked gingham and make
some good looking tailored ones.
The fabric may be selected to har
monize with the drapes or hangings
of the room. Such napkin rings
should be lined with a plain material
of a different color to make them
more interesting and durable.
If you are clever with your crochet
hook, make some rings of crochet
cotton of pretty shades and add con
ventional flowers to decorate them.
These sort of rings should be starch
ed stiff to make them wear longer.
Venida Hair Nets, double or
single mesh, 2 for. . . .25
10c Elona Hair Nets, per
dozen 50
$3.50 Houbigant's Ideal
Extract, per oz $2.39
Large Assortment of Imported
Extracts, worth $1.25 to
$2.00 per oz.; specially
priced, per oz. 69
$4.00 oz. Coty L'Origan
Extract, per oz. . .$1.90
$2.00 oz. Djer Kiss Extract,
per oz $1.25
$8.00 Original Pkg. Coty
L'Origan Extract . .$5.18
$5.50 Houbigant's Quelques
Fleurs Extract, fancy pack
agea. for 93.98
$1.00 White Rose or Locust
'Blossom Extract, oz,.40
$2.00 Jirkey Extract,
per ox 91.10
$2.50 Gold Point Self-Filling
Fountain Pons, Special Satur
day for 98
Tomorrow Alright
niMl iewetMit )., ( tMe Nt Tekxi te euke f
, ImWi IMtlllilll
mm e ! I.. m
tt waitMe "iie
T.UH(k M T.MMllt
mi I. f mui ee ee
iaWjl Ml'lHi
Aa. JMeel ft
M tmMt
, the .a M4
e- I.HhM "
A Surprise (or Everybody.
If Cuffy Hear had obeyed bit
mother, this story would never have
been written. If he had minded her.
he would never have found himself
clu.ed by old dog pot way down
to the river road that ran the length
of Pleasant t alley, For Mrt. Hear
had told lum that very morning not
to wander farther than the stone wall
above the back of the pasture.
Cully wa bunting Irogs in a
iwampy meadow when be heard old
Spot's long-drawn howl.
"Oh. dear!" he thought. "If I'd
only minded mother! She always
knows beit."
Then he started to run. He didn't
dare make for the mountain because
old dog Spot was coining from that
direction, heading Cuffy off from his
home. There was nothing for him to
do but go another way. So h
crawled through the fence and gal-
ferine llihl t the farther nl. Cattt
nurri.u eu.
loped along the road, intending soon
to cut back across the meadows to
Cedar swamp and then gain the
lidvtes beyond.
Jo his dismay, Culiy Bear saw
that old dog Spot was fast gaining
on lum.
"He'll catch nie if I stay on this
road," he groaned. Leaping into the
ditch beside tlie highway, he scudded
along it through the shallow water,
half hidden by the tall grass and
rushes that grew on either side.
Then all at once he spied a hole
that led straight under the road. It
was an end of a big culvert, or pipe,
through which at some seasons the
water from the wet meadow
drained into the river. Seeing light
at the farther end, Cuffy hurried on.'
But suddenly soinething'stopped him
Dreadful, deep, hollow cries greeted
him terrible sounds, the like . of
which he had never heard before.
Cuffy Bear wished that he had
never entered that dark tunnel. He
didn't dare go back, for fear of meet
ing old dog Spot. I le didn't dare go
on for fear of meeting something
There was , water trickling
Vacation Days
School Days
With their "dear old
golden rule days." Now,
too, comes the need for
! more children s shoes,
i and the still further need
: for our special
Children's Shoes
1 They are all that good
children' shoes should j
be. They have no nailed ;
on soles of doubtful
quality; no paper Insoles
to play out long before ,
the ahoes are worn out; 1
they have nothing but
double welted soles
stitched firm and fast to ;
. solid, tough leather In-
soles that nr as smooth
as gla.M. Add to this a
shape that won't choke
th tuea and you have a
combination of a hot
goodnem that can't be
Infants', 3 U 6, . . $325 !
CK.IJr.n't, te, i. 13 50
CKilJ.', Si te 11., 14.00
M.stea', 111, U2..M.S0
Hlf Tarnam Street
j through the tinker ground pa.tae
L III IV stood .I'll 111 11 ana hkwi
and lulened. He hurd tomrbody;
moving ahetd of hmi. somebody
scrambling and ituiubliug. And
then dark forme flickered at the far
ther end of the pattsge flickered
and s-anithed.
"They've gone!" Cuffy breathed,
Then he braid shouting.
"litre, Spot, tick hint. Spot,"
Soon old dog Sport himte'f peered
into the farther end of the rulvert
and let looie several blood curdling
barkt. He had heard Johnnie Green
and his friend K'ed calling to him,
for it was they whom Cuffy had sur
prised. In the long cavern their
voiifi bad boomed in a sv that was
terrifyfng. And now Spot's yelping
rounded like that of a whole park
of dogs.
For Cufiv there at jut one
p!raant thing about the whole lui-i-neti.
At lat Spot w not between
him and Itluc mountain. So Cuffy
took heart. He gave a roar all hi
own that tent Spot tkullung out of
the culvert with hit tail tucked
tight between hit lrgt.
For a moment that frightful roar
scared even t'utfy I'.ear himself. Hut
the next Instant he bad retraced hit
stepi and was out in the open, tear
ing off acro.t the meadow towaad
He heard liouls behind bint
howls of boy and howls of dog.
These made him run all the fa.irr
At lat they grew fainter in die du
lance. And when Cuffy reached the
top of a cliff half way up the moun
tain side, he stopped and looked
down at the valley below him.
"I'd like to bear father give a
good, loud roar iniide that queer
cave," he muttered. "He'd make
such a noise in there that Farmer
(ireeu wouldn't dare leave hi home
for a week enperially if father had
jiiit minted a good meal."
ropyri(hl, 17.
Poiret Twill Tricotine Canton Crepe
Satin Crepe All Colors
Hundreds to Choose From
Our New York buyer guarantees these values to be the
beat in the market and you, too, will benefit by your
purchase. ' '
Your Unrestricted Choice
New Fall
All Values
Worth to
Only It 93.
lei A
2S elosen fine) Gingham Aprons, Dainty, f1 iA
woll made, Saturday ,,,, V0J
Women'! Fiber Silk Hom, black and Ian. or
Sttonde. Wortk SCV. Saturday ,,,,,,, 4uC
It aye U aao meney
Saturday one) bank the tetl
Parents Problems
U'h.l e.iui.e ilioubl be .ll.)''f
with a tulky child.'
The parent' biiiu(tt n!i the
tulky child 11 l fmd out what in
lueei the mood. The tulky ihi!!
may be bilbous or over-tired. Ctor
oil. a good n ght't rot. a rhu-e ci
icene or exeupatton, if it b plet
ant and stimulating, may one ft all
he elfrttive.
Household Hjntj.
Pulsion tliouM iierr be eteil in
a covered dih a they wdj abiotb
their on nioi.uirc and bettnne
Male a 'iliit'ou ot hot oda wairr
once a e,k and pour duwn both
the link pipe i an ) the ill 4.11 pipet in
the relria'i mIui.
Drop the while of tan egg in the
Utile of .Hii, It will Baihrr to il
all the iiiitmiitirt and when curdled
can be removed with a spoon.
From the tue of linnet found
11 thought harki '0 fert in length
have exi.ied.
Hair. Will Vanish
After Thia Treatment
(Toilet Helpi )
Vou can keep your arms, link or
face frte'lioin hair or fua by the
occational ue of plain delalone and
in ming il you need have no fear of
marring or injuring the km. A
thick ptttc i made by mixing tome
of the powdered dclatone with water.
Then uprea I on the hairs and after
or i miiiiiien rub the hairs off, wa!i
the ikin and all tracei of hair have
latmhrd. I't careful, however, to gt
real delatonr and mix frfth.
Where Quality
and Price Mectn
Your Approval
farar V Supreme
II Always.
Make your ourtkaio keeo
on tour latinii account.
I St W tae fatnam Sit,
Ho thrifty.