The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 26, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    111 K OMAHA I1KK: sSATl'KOAV. AtlilSl ivx.
Live Stock Body;
IbistJIakc Fight
for. Industry!
i I, J,
"HtuiiirM IlfrtiiirraUns l
Snail Vkvt 'XUt r De-moral-iation
Following War,"
Sir, Frnl II. Jfiiby.
Denser, Colo, Aug. .'5 .ciniiirs
of the American live Nock atsocia
iit.n dunn liie lt year vwe out
bind lit 1 he opening session at III
tnu day ronvetitiutt ( that argiio
tu,p bete txly in the rrpit nt 'r-J
II. ISixby of l;onf Hesih, Cut , prcsi
drat of the astoiiatinn.
ll i up li the American-Live
Steik ats.ui UUMi l)i I t . t (he baltb,'
for the industry, Mr. liixhy declared,
fl h uiffnmy," lir4 tsul, '' very
I'jd! y J' in iMor .1 urr -the'
it rrru.crlii)g 1 l na")'t pace. "
"WtMilwr t'n'iti. ii, jhvrt..e of
Rrl't ami tsatcr ill New Mrxiio,
pjtrt of 'I fri4iiiid pgrfol-Af iia,
lute ijiim'iI in. I wily a itravc julilf.
Initial K t ef production ; hut Alio
til tnanv case Aitual lost. All state
utiiiti ire haviim it rl tunc
liy-inti t i carry on Iht if. iitteiawy
activities when tfi'lr tin n f r arc
alilo! iirtahlc tij support their or
nrnattun," (htiluiiiijl the prnblilut before tire
Muriiiiinn ihiriiiu the coniinx year,
Sit lWKhy enuiiit rati'ij a, vitally up
pittaitt "ronimiitiofi liit'l yardage
chargi s; (o-oprr alive telling grn
nii Ihf i tivittc ai the juH'muI
live stock mil! meat board; more
orderly m,iiktfiny; .further rrdurfirtn
in jfrctxhf rnt' j jinil iififli'd' a'ntcrifl
liientt t.i I lie tiaiiporlali(u act; led
rr.fl aKcm iff for tinatttiiig' the live
icK-k industry; pinpoint -improve-nititi
in, live stock ttatistirt, to a lo
provide hifir fn-i'ficiit report' at to
ttirjphct; (lircatriu d advance In
wit lr "n -national foretln; pernl
iliif tariff legislation; tjic proposition
to admit thm Canadian cattle free of
duty: the ship milr-nty hill and taxa
turn." BiiKfiir Meyer, jr., chairman of
the? war finance rorpomtion,' will jid
dri'si the ronvrntion thii afternoon.
The r!,ion are aM'fndud by itotk
inrn from virtually every section of
th(j I'liit-'il Statr. . .
; ; .
Iloy, 7, DjtigiTouhly Hurt; '
j Hit Ijy.CjOtyJfllile'ii Auto
Marriage of Barry Wicklow
CopyHght. 1922.
Jpe riitclo, 7, ,1.0 ,S,"Mh Twciity
lxli trret, wa dangrrously in
jurtd w hen lie was 'rim down at noon
toikiy at Twentieth and ' Tierce
Mr!:! by a motor car driven by
Kn icrt liryant, ronstahle,
I ryant raid the lad ran in 'front
of ii car from behind another mo
tor; car. . ,
Tlii" boy nufTcred . fracture of the
left leg, two scalp wounds, larera
tioM on the back and a possible frac
ture of the ukull." Jfe was tak'en to
Vie Memorial' hospital.
; v , -
P.wtoffice trt'Givft Tm '
' foil Position Seekers
ffostoTice window No. 11 i re
eeifinif applitivtihn or exatnirfatinns
to ,be held here .September 16 for
scvtral Omaha positions.
'fhe positions .'are letter" carriers,
potolfice clerks and. mechanics,
brljicrs anil garaKc 'nien' in the pest-oflW-e
Rarafre' at' piy of $1,200 to
$2,(l00 a year; topographic drafts
man for Fort Crook, at $1,800 and
boius, and dentists in the ' veterans'
bureau at $2,400 to $4,800'a year.
' Prayer Each Day
n1 bo miri'lful unto u. rtnd blng v;
nl ikiihp Ilin rac lo whine upon irn;
tl'Ht. Thy wuy tuMp U.nttwn uiun nMrili,
Thy hhvJhic hcniih Hmitnii iiil nmlnnii.
1.,-t tti ip"pl iirl Thi-, 11 Onrtj lit
nil (fho prupU pralmi Thm. O lot lh n
llun bo dlnit and for Joy; for TKou
ahn)t juilKo 1h jifjoiila rlKhtodutily. nnd
ftnvfrn the nalluna upon ourTh- PH. 67 : 1-4.
Our God andv Father, we render
J nee our inanks and praise Jor all
thej good of this day. New were
Thy mercies in the? morning, and
sweet is Thy love in the evening
hoiir. We bless. Thee that Thou
lias Riven- tis thi? : day our . daily
briad; that Thou hast not forRottan
us even in tho&e self-centered mo
ments when sve forgot' Thee,
And now we pray Thee-to, vatci
ovr and preserve us, body and soul,
during the hours, of the day and
ni$it. May our Vest and sleep be
sweet to us. May we be brought to
this, new day refreshed and enc'oifr
aged for all its duties and privileges,
its1 sorrows. Mid joys.
When we came at last to' lire's
evening hour, and the night of death'
begins to fall about us, may we hy
faith look, beyoutj-its', darkness to the
breaking, o thu eternal day. We
as.k all in the name and through the
nuirits of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
KoBKHT Ill'dir MORRIS, p. p,
Vhll-i.loil.hl., I'a,
Cnticuri Dow So Much
i Fcr Hair Ami Sk'a
I fat faH4i( 4 an(ibiric
tUt wt W 4 ttt'NMI
Jf Ml 0iRH ufJ !.
CvKmm Ti ai Wl .4,
& 44 '.n M l! WOvM,
4ihMi ii
wiMI' .
PTt'lD Ual,
I Your Saiuhy
: "Want"
il Miiavnl inm rl4l
"I didu'l mean to upt you." h
aid liuarsely, "I I upt. I was
a fool to come. I mr.nt U for the
lie.t." JItf wiitrd momtiit. look
nig at litr-tpucalingly, but sht uuKbt
not have heerd hm for U the no.
tice the look, and a'Ur t moment
he unit iwiy.
"Vou ftmild have refued t see
l.lin " llarl'i maid sroldrd her. I
dnl,niy best to keep him out; but
lhrf .She shrugged her ilioulders.
"He's so big what roul'l we aor
Mn fussed round Haul wild meii
mi; salts. She was ready Very
ii.iinut jliout her.
. Uulbnt bid threatened her with
all' manner of penalties if she allowed
Hair! lo'-n nnet or earned. Mie
was relieved when Jfae illowed her
self to He persuaded to lie down
Atirr all. it was iiuite esrlv. Theie
were bonis belure she need dreS.
I!ut lltl only consented to H" to
her rixiiil so that she, could be, alone
Harry's iiiii ne:ted visit bad oim iu-iI
iKw train of ihought. Supposing he
were null!, and she did not sue
She shut liir eves an. I tried to
leen. but it was impossible. The
niiiht bad all at once become a trr
ror t'i her. The hours aeeined to
raie: it was no tune at pli bMore
thi- maid came to roue lur again.
She bukird herself about the room
laving out 1 fael's new (rock.
white, filmy 'thing ot tulle, verv
youthful looking, with a short, (till
sliirt, and shoulder straps made of
narrow silver bauds.
llael looked away front it. Sup
nrimiif she were a failure! Sup
posing, before a crowded house of
critical ryes, she failed and broke
down! . It made her hot to her hn-
gor-tips to think of it, ' liarrv would
be there, too: somewhere in the au
dienee hew ould be watching her,
and wondering bow soon she would
ai .
The thought stung her to desper
ation. . She won il' not tajl she
would go on and forget everything
except that She meant lo succeed
She would sbow Harry that she was
not so weak and itrexperienred as he
All the while site was- being
dressed she talked away . to try and
disguise her 'nervousness. She was
fussy about her hair, and made the
girl redress it three time's. ' She
was ready an hour before Hulbert
came to (etch her, pacing tip and
clown the little sitting room.
A long glass at one endv reflected
her dainty figure. She .stopped
once or twice and looked at herself
with critical eyes. A.pretty enough
picture she made, she knew, and vet
somehow she did not look 'like her
self in the very 'short 'frock and
high-heeled shoes,, wjth the . elab
orately dressed hah and rouged
cheeks. .' ' .
Barry had said she '.was changed;
'she knew that she was. There was
nothing left of the girl who had first
loved him. She seemed to have
been pushed riut of sight and for
KO'ien. - .
Her heart began to race when she
heard Hulbert s voice m the hall.
Once she had left the fiat with him
there would be no looking back;
she would have to go on on to
whatever awaited, her.
If only Barry had been coming.
The thought was in her mind be
fore she realized it, and she tried in
smile when Hulbert asked her how
she felt. She said that she felt quite
all right.
' "You look .like a fairy," he said.
His eyes scanned her little figure ad
miringly. "After tonight, I suppose,
you will he looking for higher game
than me,j; he saidc jealously,
She tilrnSd away from him. "I
(!on't know wiat you mean, I may
fail altogether.-"!; - ' ' i
He laugfSct,,"You! Fail! It's not
rrinotely possible. ,
His ionficfence cheered her: ishe
fdt happier .ti 'they drove away.
Hulbert was Considerate for once
in his life and let. her alohe: it was"
o:ily when the car stopped that for
a moment he toucned her hand and
gr'pped it hard. J
.,;"irow then, little girl for all i
you re worth!
Hazel nodded; she could not
speak. She would, haee given any
thing in the world to have turned
and run away, but she followed him
into the rather dismal doorwav and
along a stone' passage which seemed
full of men who stood about talk
ing and doinaf nothine in oarticular.
Hulbert introduced her to one or
two of fhem. She supposed after
wards that .she spoke to them and
answered their questions, but the
whole evening was a blank to her.
She felt as if she moved, and spoke
in her sleep.
Then they went in a small, brilliantly-lit
room that seemed crowded
with odds nnd ends, and hung from
floor to ceiling with photographs.
Cireaves was there, and some other
people who stared at her a great
deal, but she never could remember
who they were or what were their
There was one man with a red
noe and great, baggy trousers.
YVhen presently he, moved on to do
his turn he was preeted with roars
ftom the house. Ifanel wondered in
panic what sort of a reception they
would give to anv cue at seared as
she wa she looked appealmgly at
Mis eves met hers, and he smiled
family . He cr.'Mf.J over to where
:.e vlf
"".t fi;k-Knf4'' he ked. She
hk her he,!; the fell m if he
riu.t bun iu trying, )l attJ
i tr '-oiii in
"There's ii"t!iiig t,i be aiiaij tl,
come n, ,t,j!id the winijs you'!)
tf h.-w r ut ll is "
Ve f '''.e I eh r'y 1 1 S n hti;
(he Mr siid M- hhin j On ue
f f '.-r.;i her -tStr lert ,
r v '; ' s, i 4 i" !, umiv.
'"I !J SI i'tut 'Use htf
' ol . iii v 1 . t,f i i( iav
in i,i fitn'f (tatHin i).ih er' inti
were .i.!f.., i, wb;; t.'i'.
1 $ 1 hi
1 ', ! it . (i,n'.. , (..!rf
M ' tne 4 s.itrf'iit
' " H h tin!tet ii I tw
i ' ',11 M. ,1 I it I,.
'ft i' U g H tf
I V l itl lu St -f
!l " ! in-, i.t !'
"l I' ?' S I, .(( f (I fct
'"'.'e. at r"'' !'' 1 ft.t I- oael
W'r II . I lift
and tight rope dancers; they seemed
an emlifss tirttni.
1'resriiily (.iictvrs touthed her
"After this turn."
She Uioked up, not undersianding
"Vou on afier this." he taid
He imiled encouragingly, wNow,
there's nuihink to be nervous about.
You're going to be a great surma."
Hut be had never felt more sure in
hit life that she would be a hoprlets
failure. He felt bitterly atltjiined of
himself as he looked at her white
fare and twitching lips; she would
fail; she must fail, lie was at sure
of it as he had ever beer) of any
thing in hie successful rareer. 1
The em tam rang down and there
was a momentary tilence, llascl
moved a step forward onie one
took her cloak from her the curtain
swung up again. The band tiartrd
the opening bars of the sentimental
roon song which she had practiced
and rchoartrd nil it Jiaunled hrr
dreams. A powdered gentleman in
a heavily braided coat moved across
the stage pompously and stuck I
placard at the side to the effect that
this was an extra turn. As he did
so a big young man in the stalls rose
hurriedly as if to leave the theater,
then stopped and sat down again.
The band repeated the first bars of
the song and the next moment jiarl
stood alone on the big stagr.
Ilarry gave one look at her and
quickly away again. He felt as rf
rough fingers were tearing at his
heart. She looked such a child in
her short, white frock. He leaned
forward with his elbows on bis knees
and hit face hidden in Ins baud.
For a moment he was blind and deaf
to everything.
Hael was singing now. Her small.
pretty vvoice filled the big hull with
the sweet clearness of a bird's a
little tremulous at first, but gaining
in power and confidence as she tang.
The long finger of limelight fol
lowed her dainty figure as she moved
up and. down the wide stage,
(jreaves, from the wings, watched
her with incredulous eyes. She met
his gaze once as tlie turned and
smiled smiled I He looked round
for Hulbert. He gripped Ms arm
with excited fingers.
"She's getting there, nian! She's
going to be a success! 1 never was
so amazed."
Hulbert did not answer. He was
very red in the face and his eyes
never left Hazel.
The little song was ended row, and
she began to dance. There, was
nothing wonderful in her dancing,
'hut it wit pu'iv nd grtiefal, She .hi .1 He m;iirij Harry tt,niifh
' lm.Le.1 Ue a H"), Hi'!'"'! 14 ) Ui tt him diwn. He bad rr :!y I
told her tntilii'i lii n tuiry win ttnnt u. try and he!p them bo'ti by I
' wt hug. 1 enHiiiar d an wtiu putting Hwl uu at tiuj i ami, ran.
' f. iilijruily ep'ted I'1 u.ji tur lo It w la true lltt i tul hern
do the tame. stir that the was di-emrd to failure,
j "There wt h.i!u'e!y nuihn inland he knew thai a failure at the
What she ilid" leii 4 I aiierwaidi,? l antllUHl Wuuld have been uttrr and
aitmilv. "Wluirrr i n r ulii the : tmife,
people taw pi her I iI.mi t know." He wu!d have been pleased to
but that they 111111(111,118 wat'tr llael and Harry reconciled; he
uliniii H. ,, 1 fl m u,lim at la.t I lip had a tneakind ttvard Ilium
rnri.iii .111111,1 ,1,11111 a hut hi att.ili.ilh: hut liinull it.inua had
Itnliv I'litiii'l in Amu of
Mother Slain ly HuInnl
t. Louis, Mo, Auj f ollow
iig a tjuarrtl five tmal! ih.ldren to
day a" innurnuitt the drath of their
iiiiilbre, Mr. JM4rlha J. Ilenibrer,
ai'eged to have Im i u shut to death at
hrr home here lat night by her hua-
band, Allien, who i teld in custody I
of lh police- , HMIi rh Id, too small who fled uer the h"' i.
10 Mal ic what htPprnrd, a babe ir!rr''"l hort nine liter. m
I year, was Lmnd by i.bee,urn "''"' runei.ih.r anytbiiig.
' ' " , w the only reply the mail would
lying in the slam wonuo t arms. glve ,tt ,he qUt ,V,M ' ibcemen.
l our 01 tlie ctiimren witnetsrii tnei
slumting, they told the police, which
folt'iwrd a quarirl over the father's
l ot than 50 prr nut ( the wom
en rl gihle to vu' in Sweden cai
tlrsir tn iimve from the city, think-; their ballut in the tail election in that
ing he might get wotk, Jlem'iree, , country.
plause broki nut ihr"ueh the bnue
liarrjr fatsed bis vhite lace. Ap
plause! T liey were actually applaud
ing lirr! Some youths jiit behind
hint were shouting a vociferous
He larked blindly tuwards the
stage. The b;g curtains wrre tlowly
sw Hitting apart, and for a moment
hinged; Hastl had changed, too,
He no lunar r lonaulrrnl Iter at
pieiiy little girl t whom he was
rather fond, but at great money,
nuking speculation.
One t'nuld never be sure what the
public would take lo its erratic heart.
In lol.l himself at he turned to go
bark behind the stage, However,
Hael stood between them, a Imle , if they wanted the tery simple talent
nervous, 1 bti'e uncertain what to do. ) which was all Marl tiad to ufier
Lint Itany did not notice that; there! them, be was quite willing to see
waa one tllotmht in hit mind I tl at thty got lliem. In bit mind be
a desolating thoiightllott the hadihad already decided what form of
1 . I . - .1. ' ,,-ilrl lo M...t.t ,Lttm u !-
oretl aill irss, aiier aili inm bi, ,., , ,,,, iv uri
nut failed, and that after tonight she
would be further removed from bun
than ever.
As soon at Hael's turn was over
Harry got up and left Die theater,
lie was sick at hrait; he could )ut
imagine what wat going 011 behind
tt Hlmtnt l The ta TaaMeeo
Furtlu r Keiliiciioii in
lVirt? of Forerast, Aug 25. Further re
tliiiii .11 til the pine of gasoline was
forecast today in a preliminary re
port by the special senate commit-
how excited Harrl j mve.t.gat.i.g the Indu.try,
the scenes
would be and what a fnl they would
be making of her,
What was Cireaves thinking he
wondeietl (ireave who bad been
so sure the would fail, or was that
only what he hail sa d? I'rihaps be
had never really thought so at all;
perhaps even now be wis metaphor
ically thumping himself on the bark
and thinking bow inlalli'ile lie was.
As be passed along the foyer be
ran into (weaves himself; tlie elder
man caught him by the arm,
"I was looking for yotij they told
me yott were in front. I'ome along
round ami congratulate your wile.
We're going to have a little supper
to celebrate the occasion, I ihum
admit that I never was to surprised
In my life. It only shows that none
of us are infallible,"
He dug Harry in the ribs playfully.
"I'm going to give her a contract
right away, Hulbert' crowing over
me properly, I can tell you. Come
along, man."
Hut H.irry did not move; be was
scowling fiercely, and bis face wore
its most obstinate look.
"Thanks, but I don't care about
it, I'm glad slie'a been a success."
He stopped, and for a moment their
eyes met, then Barry broke out
"I'm not glad. I never was so
damned sick about anything in my
life, and you can tell her so if you
like. Good night."
He was gone before Greaves could
stop him.
Greaves turned away with a little
l lie committee lired itinn was
luted on the reieut cut in the price
of nude rid, which, it wat eai'd, might
reasonable be expeited to reflect it
self in the cost to the ultimate con
sumer of the refined product,
At the same time the committee
held that small oil producer and re
finers werr gelling the worst of It
under the prracut organization of the
iiuhiMry hreauae nj violent price
Mm which have followed con
trol of a large percentage of stork
by the largest companies. A con
tinuation of this system, the report
said, linist "pc! disaster" to the
small iudi pendent roneeru which I
really produce more than half the na
lion's 1 r 11 ile oil.
Judge TuKi'H Puiioluiiprit
to Decide (Iruelty Charge
Detroit, Aug 25.-Judgc Harry
fi. Keidan, in recorder's court, was
lashed on the hand with a heavy
strap at his own request, i he
judge ordered the blow struck to as
sist him in determining disposition
of the case of George Illackmaii,
.15, charged by state humane of
ficers with assault and battery on
his o-yrar-old stepson,
Afti r feeling the sting of the strap,
Judge Keidan ordered a new war
rant sworn out charging blackmail
with cruelty to children. The court
decided upon the unusual test when
I.lackiiiau asserted slight taps with
the strap were sufficient to discolor
the boy flesh.
Doctor at 82 Finds Mothers Prefer
His Formula to New-Fangled Salts
And Coal Tar Remedies for Babies
Judgment of 1 892 vindicated by world'- approval of Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepain,
a simple vegetable compound for constipation So safe thousand give
it to babe in arms Now has largest sale in the world.
WHEN a mnn f In the 83rd
year of his bk. a I am,
there are certain tilings he hag
learned Hint omy nine can
teach him. The basis of treat
ing sickness has not changed
since 1 left Medical College in
1875. nor since I placed on the
market the laxative prescrip
tion I had used in my practice,
known to druggists and the
public since 18!)2, as Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
Then the treatment of con
stipation, biliousness, head
aches, mental depression.
. indigostion, sour stomach and
other indispositions that result
from constipation was entirely
by means of simple vegetable
laxatives, herbs and roots.
These are still the basis of my
1 Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
which is a combination of
Egyptian Senna and other mild
laxative herbs with pepsin.
Recently new medicines
have been brought out for
constipation that contain cal
omel, which is mercury, salts
of various kinds, minerals, and
coal tar. These are all drastic
purges, many of them danger
ous, and tlie medical profession
From a rMont portrait of
Founder of Dr. c.ldwrll'. Syrup Papain
liurn Shtlbyvllle, Mo., IMS
is warning the public against
them. Certain coal tar products
will depress the heart; certain
salts give rise to intestinal
poisoning, impaction and rupture
of the intestines. If grown peo
ple want to use thorn no one can
deny them the privilege, but
they should never be giv;n to
The simpler the remedy for
constipation, the safer for the
child and for you, and the bet
ter for the general health of
all. And as you can get results
in a mild and safe way by
using Dr. Caldwell's byrup
Pepsin, why take chances with
pills and powders and strong
drugs, even if disguised in
candy? My remedy, loo, costs
less than most others, only
about a cent a dose. A bottle
such as you can find in any
drug store, will'last a family
scvcrnl months, and all can use
it. It is good for the babe in
arms because pleasant to the
taste, gentle in action, and free
from narcotics. In the proper
dose, given in the directions,
it is equally effective at all
ages. Elderly people will find
it especially ideal.
The formula of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin is on the cover
of every bottle, and the
ingredienls have the endorse
ment of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia.
dj A AAA A7rirf rt nf 'n remembrance of my 83rd birthday I have let asiJe the sum of Ten Thoust
yawww Ltojjdrs t0 gtvtn away in half-ounce potilci of my Syrup repjin. (Jnty one
free Trial bottle to a family. All are constipated nmu and then, and hire is an
Cvrn Pancin Ft0 opportunity for you and others to try Dr. Caliiteell'j Syrup Pepsin FREE OF
syjlaas v.mta a s
Cf JAKCJE. Ask for your free bottle today, simply sending name and address to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, jia Washington St., Montiitllo, III. Do not poitjion thii.
CORNS - stop their pain
iti one minute!
by removing the cause. Dr.
t Scholl's Zino-patlsthe only
treatment of its kintl-protcct
while they heal. Thin.antisep
tic, waterproof. Absolutely
immiuHTtiitffnmwn,. sale; win not injure the ten
tlerest toe. So easy to put
jut ou sure 111 Uivc jui(.K una
lasting relief.
Prepared in the laboratories
of Dr. Win. M. SchoU inter
nationally known foot special
ist anil in ventor of the proved,
corrective f wt appliances tear
ing hit name incvp.uii nrc
scientifically correct and sure.
Try them. At your drug
Ijiit'st or shoe dealer'.
IP ' lift e n.MuH4
tftt e J.i
fi ft ktui,
1 f e
MaJ ts) t I.U.s..t.t . 1 tvM
aiig t , tn.Uit it li. U't I s )
I'seH.Sutt A An h flails, ,
IHit one on
the pain is none I
Two Months coulJ not turn in Bed
pountl Finally Restored Health
ping pauta t.rat and could not stand
on my uwi.iwn a
had chills and
fever and sued
pains in my right
auto and bard
lump there. 1
I'l.ulj not turn my
tittlf in b4 a Jul
could nt U'p. I
waa thiaj way for
over twi tn.inth.
trying everv ttiit(
any t-ne tsJd mo,
until m u-f
1'is.ugtit mo a Mitsiff ly.t 4 l.l mka
ham's Vegvt4bh l'iil'suii't. 1 I k
II twiiUriy Unitl U U turdj pin
), t i k it Itid and 1 Wa hU to I lilt
a-ij t i it 117 W. rk ipm. The bar t
I imp lft wy and 1 fl t lJi
i't ail ., I Itttvtw f many .
H bt i t- t,"- Mis. ti- t stsix
li-H, tJOrya t, S-a'!i, Wah,
is -trwe eaais whr t y
t". I'mihan VftaW t'.iu&
t .. results sftef "If
trtt&inj any o Ml raw' iej
f ' k
If ! a' u.?rtsaj ffx-W pain,
.a, . I arsi : a s l-rs-d, If r"l
ti i st ai n l l I
1 n: I .' tn I S V !"
III iv!'.A" '
$4.1.00 Bird's-eye Maple Dressing
r.9 ..-....$23.50.
And Fire Clearance Sale !
Many Itema Being Sold for Less Than Original Cost to Make.
Very seldom docx the wcasion arise when reductions of from 107o to 50 off
our always low value-giving -prices is poBtiibfo, yet this is exactly what we arc
doing. To what degree this will benefit you can be easily determined by pe
rusing this advertisement, then coming to our store and investigating our pres
ent low prices, prices that actually mean a saving to you of 10 to 50- c
suggest coming Saturday
. Remember the Values Shown Here Are Only
a Small Part of the Many to Be Obtained
$5.00 Iron QKn
Dedg .r..:.. ,.. .. i7JV
. $5,00 full slue Bed . QK
Springs IUie
$8.50 Coll dj QC
Springs ?let7J
$10,00 Sanlfary , ", ' tfO QC
(Springs ip&tZfO
i ;,, - .-
$35.00 KUchott. ; .; y g
$38.00 Mahogany d 1 A A A
Tapestry Settee. ... J IVelV
$22.50 Clolden.'Oak ' Q(?
leather Rocker $JtViJ
X. $4.50
$24.60 Ivory Fiber d7 CA
Ilocker J) .01 ,
$2i.50 Frosted Brown tQ QC
Fiber Rocker pIaVJ
$10.00 Mahogany Period o QC
Dining Chairs tpO.IiJ
$75.00 Ivory. Chaise tjftft f-A
Lounge HifJf
s;.Da:: .$24.50
xrr.... $15.00
$65.00 Base J O A C
Burner PlO.7J
Sner6.. $11.00
$40.00 Base ' f Q Q C
Burner $V,OiJ
$2.50 36x72 Grass OA
Rugs , 07 C
$1.75 27x54 Grass AQn
Rugs tt7C
90o 18x36 Gratis )Kf
Rugs SVaOC
$65.00 Golden Oak tOQ fjf
Buffet J)ail7. D
$39.75 Dining tQ Of-
Tables f)UQO
$45.00 Kltchan io 7f
Cabinet PlO. O
$35.00 Fumed Oak tOnr C(
Punfolds . . ., 40 I ioU '
$ 00 and $7.00 Leather Sat
PlnlnR Jt OP
Chairs spi.t4iJ
cjjCi"'. . isitt, a,.,.
Thursday, August 31st, the Last Day
inm in n I U ahout this ItiUiiu. Walnut Uifiiiif Itoout uit iit Mhrr ti'f'il houe.
h,t!4 sr'i. hH that irt -ht ta ;Uety )twolut-l fr Thurs.!, .uk,it at. at p. w.
Nil jtir.'!iiv rvijiiircit.
!Uts ths
Van and 8trat
Co Mjvs Yu
it Pr t si lnnJsy
J. -X. 'siswwss ' ' 'v.
oaaaXI vaiwi fcJviat irco
Howard SI. Btwea 13th ud loth
Iichnt Your
0'.4 FurRUurs,
Huf or Stovt
tor Nw t
. itft a m t.e h .tiv,ttt..