The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 25, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    THK OMAHA ..EE: FRIDAY. AUGUST 25. 1922.
Market,. Financial'
Omaha Grain
Omaha, Auguit 2.
Wraknrti at Liverpool waa tie
predominating faftor in taming Ihf
esiitrnce of a lather f aiy undertone
in our grain market early, li hough
the change ii trntiment lo the buying
ilr. lighter olferingi and the
trergth in corn brought about a
much healthier feeling, but llni wa
alio vauiihed under the ifrttit el
rather prrtiiirnl selling at the Ut
and the liimh wei wek.
A report received during the diy
laird Out the niiprtivriin nt m Hit
Hour trade and the fact Hut buyrra
are rrnw willing to plae order (or
month ahead indicate a healthy
domestic situation. A ateady milU
ing demand nf volume could easily
b an important maiket influence,
ivrn in Hie ahacme of a big export
trade, if it thoiild develop that the
railroad cannot move the crops In
ll.e normal-altcr-hartrvt quantities
and were lorrrd to curtail llirir oper
ation to a poita) where the nmve
inrnt would be evenly distributed
over the rntire raon.
Aggregated fiteipt of all vsrirties
nf gram on the Omaha markrt were
lft) iU, at compared with at, car
the torrcapotidiiig day bit year.
Wheat coti.tifutilig the bulk claiiurd
W tan, again"! lit car; corn, l
rat, againat JO, and oat. 16 rata,
againat 14 tar lit year. The day'e
shipment totaled 1H cara, at com
pared with 27') car a year ago.
Demand wa moderate for rath
frraiil in the Omaha market. Whrat
tnovrd lo unr tunned to H'e lower
figure, while corn sold at prieri un
changed to Ic up. Oat were tin
chan'd to I.e higher, with rye and
barley not much changed,
No 1 dark Said: I car, II 1; I ear
lemuttv). l It, I tar (very miillrl, II I".
No 4 dark hard t ir lein'tltvl, II la;
I ear laii.uttt, II U, I tar III per
ret, II I".
Mo. I herd iatr; rar (smutty, tl
Ir rent ilr, tl II; I car. tlei rare,
4e; 1 ear. 'i.-; t cere (ehlppel' weight),
9(i : 1 ear (amuHM, II in
. No. I har.l winter: I ear fsmutly, II
per rent dsrkl, II II: I ear lemutly).
II li 1 ear (amutty, tl par eanl datk),
II 1; 1 ear (4 per cent itarki, II 10;
ear (41 per i.nt itarki, II IB, 1 ear, l(c;
1 ear, fine. I 'ara. K.
Nu 4 haril Klnlrr: ' rar ramultr, It
par eanl ilarkl, II 12; I car llmnlii, Jl I
par lent llarkl, II IJi I ear lamully, T4
per irnvda'kl, II 12; I rar (amuiiy, at
per rant ryr), II lit - ar mnuily, H
r rant dark. 4 I pr". anl ra, He.
No i haul winlrr: 1 ear (14 cr rant, i:e
Marnpla hard wlnlrr: 1 rar ramultr,
weevil), lie; I ear, t tar (tour). !..
No. 2 yellow hard: I rar (lilppara'
rlchlal, ItHc; 4 far a. fir.
No I yellow hard: I rar, tr.p.
1 Mampla fallow hard; 1 car (hot and
him,, alir.
No. I anrlriii I rar (dark Borihrrn),
l 20; I ear (dark iiorlhern), II. I; 1
car (northern, aniullcl, II (la
No. I mined: 1 rar (amu(i)'), fie; 1
far, tli; 1 tan (dutum), ".
No I mlird: 1 ear (darum, vary
No. I nilaea; J rar (durum), lie.
No. 4 tnlard: 1 ear (2 par cent aprlne.
14 par crnt hard), l 12; I ear,
ho. I durum; I rar (loaded out), lla.
No. I whlla: I rara. M'Ae.
No I white; I cara, ilVtc; t cart, I4e;
ear, t4e. . .
No. 1 yallnw; I car (ahlpptra walahli),
I4e; cara, 14a,
No. i yallow; rara. He.
No. I yellow! 1 car ( par can! dam
taeil), iie.
No. 1 mlird; I rara, HH.
Ko. I tnlaad; I eara, U'aC.
No, I whlta; I eara, llfcc; 1 car, lte;
' ear (heavy), 22e.
. No. 4 whlta; I cara. Hc f
' N. I: eara, Itc.
No 4' 1 ear, Cfte.
(Carlola) .
Waalc Tear
Bacalpta Today. AJ. .
t orn 1
Oat J J ' J
Hya i ln.
ax.""".T... 71 174 'H
Torn 4 J
-a ;
Hi ' i 'J
IttafUv ............ I '
Wha"'P.',lT.. l.ana.nne j,t.oo I
Torn H(, SSO.OOO 1.4O4.010
o"I m.oo j,iu,ooo
Cr'".1!!? ." !.". J, 470, 010
t'orn .. 4(4,0M M2.OO0 4JS.0O0
oata .. . .. o,ooo 131.000
Wheat, Flour. 1.55MOO 177.000
Corn 214.000
0 n.0
' Oarlotfr- Today. Ao. Aeo.
Tr ::::::::::::::m ' "
Wheat , 2!
Corn II '
OH 13 1
.I -::::.v.v::::: i? i
;n".ktiiwkstehn wheat rk.ceipth.
Mmneapoll I4 JJJ 'J
.Wlnnlpee ,0 "
Jy Vpdlka drain Co. T0. Mil.
Art. I Open. I HlKh. I I '"'- 1 Y'
. wht.
! Pep. 1.01 U
; t.oiu
Pea. 1.0
May. 107H
Ie. ,10i
Mae. .14 'a
ep. .ioh
, ra. ,m
May. .MV
tup. IS
.at v i
Pee. .J(
May .11 V
Hep 1l
VI. II 40
Riha I
.p. it
1.01S 103H
1 02 1.034.
1.0S1, 1.01H
104 104
1.07 1.0IT4
,mh .ni
.704 .71
.16 .1
,io .4oa
.s .k1
,ns ,s
,li M
.I3w .31S
.31 S
.itk .'.
.IIS .'S
II s
ia iii
i r 10 32
I I 41 I 4
to to
If M
10 Jt
l 4
III 44 1 IT
MlnarapuUa (.rain
Mlanaapoiia Ana S haat Caan:
i .ir, ll.44Sll:S: Npim.
l-ar l a H l1"'"'. ll". M.
Ii ts
t or S I J.H.'W, HHfUHe
ata N. while, ' S J " S
Hrl. tHe
H,- S . I ..S !
l'iaa-14 lil '
haaui I lly lintm.
Kaaaat IV.. M - f 14 .Wsaa
Ta.a N- I '. II . I
. ...... t. a ....
law II set!
Mat I .a'ed
t lawk l.rwlw
!. t-e ii a.-4e-xt'
1 1 S I '.' II ' S
,.. a. k, tj I li.-.wifcae,
its ens .....
a' -r,' , - t'ee.
" .,aw
tllwaaaaaalM IVw
Jaaaaa-l.a. kta,A 4-fi'- f.
H4- 4ti
. teak .ael
,.l, t . i, ..! .
. S I -. .' e
i II. . . 4l" I' H !
!. . little, V I a-4 rf,aa.
I.K'aj t I ! V.w .- r '
1 ..a ') . I a- I a I
. a a. X I a. 1 I 4 i ' a t I
I 4 4
.'41. - ! ," 4.'
lot. a.. 1 11 I...' 1. 1 . V t l"
Via at.)i. a,...(4
Chicago Grain
OMte Ha taaaaaj Mae.
Chicago, Auif. 24 firain valuei
fluctuated upidly wilhm a wide
ranee. Whrat averaged lower and
corn liighrr, lonimiaaion houie
and the (oral rlrrnrnt were active on
boih kidri. Whrat cloied Tfill.'C
lower, while corn wae !c (otter to
' tC higher, cat unchanged to ',c
higher and rye unchanged to J.c
Corn wa4 agiin the matkrt leader.
Opening Rightly eaurr with whrat,
it advanced aharply with general
buying by local iradera, Decemher
gitiiiig up to itc and May to tiUc,
new IiikIi figurei tin the nrrirnl
movement, at the oulaide ihowing!c over the finish of the pre
viou day.
ton tn mat inn of damage by con
tinurd hot and dry weather in the
aouthweat waa the bulliah influenrc.
.Seiitrrnlier wa inclined to drag, due
to bcdging alr. Toward the lavt
there wa a nuuk decline in lym
patl.y with wheat and on prrurt
from loial lure who tried to take
profit." Hecript. ?i cjr.
Whaw4 Keratrra laaaa.
W'haat, ad.f ttr.aklne ISO'W aarly la
ayinpaihr Willi Li.arp.Mil, tiiura than ta.
r.,.ra, lha I.HMI laler bwvlne Induied
by ll.a alrangtli In iom. only to lialien
iml later whao rahiea raportM thai tti
Iridlaa eovarnmenl had. partially removed
tha amLareo on eaportera an fho lli,lah
waa wall toward lha low polrit. Thera waa
lima In ilia a a thai wa cooelrued aa
A iiiaforliy of the oral lone want out
(if their lln.a on lha eloame tiraali.
Itaporta renardine It furelgn demand
ero mlaed. auma bvyine 'l futuraa by
eaporlar waa in avldmie, whlla fura en
era r ed aallara aarly. No itialarlal
au.iiunta nt erain war reportml a havlne
teia aold abroad, and aaboard viawa t
lha whole wera pvaaln.latle. W'lnnlpae
ahowed lldla 'hanaa aa compared wlih
iMiil'i. Weaaina.a In aa hana helped
depraaa I.lverp.H.I whuh waa otl ISiil
pen' a at the leal. Kerelpfa, II rara.
t.aia wera tti'Hlerataiy a'-tlvr, but tha
air. oath aa laraaly a 'enaction of thai
la corn and flu.iuallon to a ereat axient
wera foverned lareely by that taln. )(
eeipta, 117 rara
Bpol No. I ra at I'hleaeo ahowed mora
Irene'h than fulurea and eloaad at lUIio
over lha September. Trad In luturaa wa
onlv fair with tha waakneaw In wheat
havlne a depreaeirte tnfluanea. Oermany
tuk tla.Oun buaheia Wedneaday at tha
eeaooard. Tha two norlhweeler.n markala
raealvl 241 rara
I'll N.ilea.
Kuropean whrat crop, a'urlv tit Rua.
aia, la estimated by Kapreaentailva liennta
of tli t:iiltad rltatea lJenartment of Com.
niar.-a, who haa bean maklne an alien
alvo Inveaityaiiun. at l.o&7.ou,A0 buahala,
buahria; Italy, l. lon nod buehela and Oer-
or 117.000 oe buaheia leaa than laat year.
Kranc ahowa a reduction or 44.000.00
many, 23. 400. 00 buaheia a compared with
121. Import needa ara eeilmated at III,-
00.000 buaheia. or J7.0D0.0O0 huahala 10
aaeeaa of laat year. Dlffirultlea in finance
and political outlook eaualns continental
buvera to hold erf.
Confirmation of heavy daiMae to tha
corn crop In part of weatern Nehraaka
era romlne (mm banker. In that aacllon.
It waa vary hot and dry all over tha
aouthweat Wedneaday Willi temperaluree
tha hlaheet of tha aeaeon. Keporte her
of corn beln cut for fodder attracted at
A naa of 14 point In condition of corn
from that of Auauat 1 would alva It at 10.
On the haaia of th September par baaia
It auaraeafa 2,100. buaheia compared
with 2.017,000.000 buaheia Auauat i and 2,
21.000.00 buaheia aa th five-year aver
age. A private report eetlmete th crop
at lea than tha a hove.
A number of local operator who oouant
(ralna early wera fra aellera at th laat,
aaaiatlne la maklne tha lata weakneaa.
Many bought on tha top and aelllne that
ram late In th day carried, prlcea off
eharpiy. resulting In an evening up at
th laat.
It wa ald that raah houeee war aell
era of Heptemb.r wheat and corn on bulge
and bought Der.mber corn on th late
break. There ha been an advance of
6 '40 In December corn from the low point
of laat week with a reaction of l'o from
thej top of yesterday.
"If ' manufactured commodltleg and
wage are to continue to advance, farm
product should at least hold firm at th
praaent level," eald I.. Is. Winters of Hul
burd, Warren Chandler. "Corn, w
think, la too low In view of th moderat
old auppllea, tha Increased feeding de
mand and th uncertain new crop pros
pect. An advancing core market ahould
help wheat."
winnin.. niMi..a aa v hedging prea-
aur there In wheat Is Increasing dally and
lower price are predicted.
Omaha Produce
w h. . . . . , . n t Vahraalca. Am
partment of agrlciiUur, bureau of mar
ket ana mita-unii
... 2045210
...14 0210
23ft :bc
1 JUc
1 Gill 60
Hens, llgnt....
Hens, heavy.,,,
lena ...
Cocka .,
Duck .
No. I ,
,. ,l20o
. . . 144016a
No. 2.
Cao count, per cne 'i.30
Creamery, prints
:3bc a. . u... ....... ..--.T. .
tl,00; No. 1 lowiana, .u..vv,
Country, common I .6.c
Pralrl: No. 1 upland, IIS. 00014 00; No.
2 upland. 111. 0012. 00; No. 2 upland, 7.00
....... . a a. a tnr, 1 a ifl. No. 2
midland,' ll.SOtpll iO; No. midland. 7 jjo
UtW Isinil I7,UU W " "U- All I I " . 4"., , a, a
eJTr'iVo; .l.ndard. II 2. 60 If 18 10: No. 2,
I10 00W1160; No. , I8.00W10 00.
Straw; Out. 17 IOUI 50; wheat, IJ.S04J
f 6
. iK . 1. n f f Clranaea;
rtananaa, par -a - . . -
Si. 2U and larger. IU.001.I0; sine
... ......... .... a.u 1 , 11.1 . al.a 1 i
i;.U, IIBUffll"! aiaa .na, a-"-, ---
14 0041 00. I.emona, according to sue,
per boa, II. 1'earhea; California
Klbertas, per hoi. H Vl California Klber
taa, par hu., 12 .76 ti J t). Plums. I'"X1
cratea, 13.00111. Cherrlea, lugs, 13 60.
Applea: old Wlneaape. per b. 'I'"'
neve cooking, per l.a.ket. 11.40. Peara,
Hartlett, per boa. I! P";n;
haaket crates, ll.lot. rts. t allfor
nia. 21 rarmns l os, 180. "V,;,,''A
la.., CalUornl. 4-basket erale. 3 0U
retainer, new Early ohl... home grown,
per lb ISC' Seet l'l.ialuea. AtUalisaa.
par bu. hamper, l . l.etlu.. Head, par
rial. I4i hes.l. par d..I , 1 1 ii leal,
par dos, 40 . Plant, per dot, II 6
linlona. Tallow, pee ll., 1 S 9 ; Jon.e
grown. i..'; Spaniah. per rata. I. og
(urun.beia. homa aiuwti. per matael
vaahet, Cabl.sae, new. bom ('.
par H, ISe"1- 1m'e. h-ma ri.w.
par basket 1 Ita.i.aha. pet ...
Hlii, Paisi.v, per l, bMO'hea. 4 par lb. IH". aanlaiaupe:
far ..ale, 3tul9: f ataa il .
,'aietv. Michnan. pee ! '
Ttt.aipa C.nui. el I er va.aai, 1..
aai leia par 4l "S
It. a Case at t.amea, 11
Seer 1 a-rk rwHew.
Sew T. Au It-tna w.ark.1 f-i
eella. t iluta i.... l at .
I pi.lala aa4 i lt . a"HI taw p..a
d. in fa ..! Italia water l(.)4l.l.t.
t, ,h ..4 t i.e. la l ' la.ts
w.a a ti4a ie ! iwthe
k,ai, ar, aa I It a H.-aat e
1 la, I lha !'.!. aul .
!. Il.n t al
1.. . ( 1., .1 " ! -
. .a ... at it., l taa a. ia'i"i
I... ..... .. ! l 14 e.'a 0.
,.. I.. S.. UMM" aa...l
I aa,t -a w. a..,l. t ' .
!.. ...... tl ,, a. tmt .!
I. 1. Hi. a. I ta.-, waa, III., J l,
t i.
e. t m i I1 tii III Hi,
! !. 4 4a. . t , lt.
tayawwllwo a4 aV-aavr, ... ..aa ta
I .1 aa .a 4. lei r't 44
i,- ..,i..'v 4 a, ' , n H be. a
it a.- in.. aa . t aa t . ta
'.!,;'. ..ft aa. 1 H.aia t:a a,
H I t M I II I I a
I . . a l 1 t 4 4 41 v
,1.1., . S llnltti, , I a t t 4 .
and Industrial News of
Live Stock
Oeaaka. Ave 14.
Receipt waeaa-a Cattle Hit. eheep
cirr.eiai Xoaday ,,,.II;T a la tit
official Tuee.tey. .. ,a il till 14)11
(ffi.ial Wa-le.a.tay . i lea II 4(4 II la
r.eiiaMie Touredar . t eea II t ie
rear aaa Iftia week 1,o II III I 1;
Bam Oar laat wk It III IISII el III
iiai l.iil.ii.iiiil Ii lie .fill
aama a.14 a ana. It lll 14 71 1411
Bant dale year . 11,111 14,44 11.11,,. a aaa a.. .a -k. ....
ka iii, ateadr a lha few choice
'"" aa atael that weia efrered aed beet
a.tee bioughl ielttl Aai.le from a.e.i.r, tne rtiaiMat waa ei..w and
uae.eaiy Inwee an around, ah.rt (.4 and
Waririe.l top eleata aa w.ll aa tha ......i
aa of arowa ae all 2l40 lower fur lha
week and la aoena raaea more. Tha eei.ia
una tie ( aiwaera and faedeia tha lib.
erely eupply aala eaal.llne buyara la
i .r.e ii.e ntaraat to lower l.vela lur plat.
Itially aiaryihieg m tine Ima.
Hunt Tr.KHa.
Na. A Pr, No. ir pr.
II Ill I 11 l a
is .1111 B 11 i 41 4
II 44 I. .....IIII II
I I lla ' I 1I
) H'l ta 1 It . IHT l l
sTUKsa and iimrEMs.
fce. Aa- Pr N, ii pr
II t J 4
Pr Ne. A. Pr
3 It. I It I HI a
J ! I I I II' 4
1 101 t II
A Pr. N. Av. Pr.
1 4 4 0 14. .. . .44 I 0
Ko Av L'r N Av Pe
I rta. Ill Til I bull.. 144 a 6
fdra. 71 II f,Jra, 731
11 fdra. Ill 7 ta if Mrs, II 7 II
(Vvotatlon on rattle: ( hone t prim I0 I; g,lu 10 hop a
beevee. Iltvmeeo; fair lo good beevea,
la ; common to fair heave, ll 00
44 44; choice to prim yearlings. It 119
l 40, good lo efioire yearlln.. It (10 1
III; fair I good yearling., Illicit mu;
eommwa 10 fair yeamnge, 17.2611131;
good ta rholie graaa be. v. a, 17 214l so;
fair lo good graaa beevea, 1116011.;
common to fair graao beeves. Ii 6ll4 26;
Waal, an. 16 eot140; good to rholrt graaa
helfara. 6 1le4 26; fair lo good graea
helfera. Iteofjlli. good lo choir graaa
'11. 14 24940; medium lo good graaa
euwe, I4 2IOIOO; common to fair graaa
eowa. II"U4J4; good to choice heavy
f-.o-r. 17 404)1 11; fair to good faedere,
Mloaa; common lo fair faedere. 6 It
01 10; good to rholc elockere, 11160
111: fair In good ato. here, I6f0tl0;
e'ock helfera. 14 0a6 24; eiwk cow.
lo4 2l; elo-k calve.,; veal
calvea, HtttfllOO; bulla, stags, ale.,
II 1iel 40.
Hoga Receipt. 1100 head. Light hog
and butcher welghta wera fairly artivo to
day on good demand from ehippere and
ruled moeily strong to lOo higher. Mlsed
load and packing (radea wera leaa active
and moved aicady to 10c lower, Light
hoga sold moeily a- i 0l 10 with
lop prlre or a ID. Medium weight buK h
ara. 4oerllO, and atrong weight butch
er, 11169121. with tha bulk nf heavy
mlaed and perking grades at 14.760 ; 21,
ealreine heavy rough! klnda sold down to
l 60, Hulk of all aale wa at l'..7ttf
No, Av. Sb. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr.
21. .16 ... 76 41. .lot ... 4 0
41. .317 ... 16 2I..I40 40 0
1..274 ... 7 OS 42. .270 lit 7 1
(2. .271 40 7 16 f,..:t! ... 7 26
46. .267 JIO 7 Ii 42. .242 ... 7 60
71. ,2 ... 7 76 4',.. 2.11 ... 1 0
6I..144 ... I 16 22. .244 ... 26
72. .211 ... I 40 26, .111 ... I 40
II 114 ... 17 HI. .217 ... 10
Sheep and Lainbe Receipts, l,7o head.
Trading waa alow today with weak un
dertone with (he market ruling steady to
eaaler on all killing rlaasea early aale
wera moatly Included In the range of
I2 6027I with choke klnda quoted at
III 00. Feeder lamb wera In fair de.
tnand and held ahout eleody beat light
I am be quoted at 112 60. and tha bulk of
movement at 112,00 12, 21V. Sheep wera
generally steadv on very light aupply,
Quolatlona 0,1 sheep and lamba:: Fat
lamia, good to rholc. I2 60912.00; fat
lamba, fair to good, 112.0042)12 60; feed
ing lambs, 11.02I2 60; cull lamba, .l 00
M10 00; fat awea, light, 14.6007. 00; fat
ewea, heavy, 14 0096.00.
Cblcago I.lveetock.
Chicago, Aug. 24 Cuttle -Recelpta, t
000 head; fairly active; beef alear and
yearling. . generally ataady . to airong:
apota on letter grade atrotir weight beef
ateere, afaone to higher; top matured beef
steers, I0.6; beat light beef steers. II 40.
weight, 1,161 pounds; 1.010-pound year
ilnga, 110.60; bulk beef ateere. l.6e
10 26; she stork, steady to atrong; other
claaaes, moatly ready; seven loads Ca
nadian grasser to feeder buyera, 14.40
6.76; bulk fat he-atocK, 11.7607.00; bulk
bologna bulla, 14 00C4.16; bulk vealera,
Hoga Receipt, 22.000 head; mostly 10
to 16c higher; cloalng around ategdy at
early advance; bulk 170-200-pound hoga.
11.400160; top, 12.66; 2IO-240.pound
butrhera. moatly 11.20926; 260-326-pound
butchera, mostly li.60Qt.00; pack
ing aowa, moatly 14.601.00; pigs, alow,
uneven! bulk. 17 76"i1.60; estlmaied hold
over, 12,000 head.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, IS 000
head; western lambs, steady: native
nil aheep cloalng weak; apots, lower; top
natlvo lambs, 112.00 to city butrhera,
112 46 to packera; bulk native, 112.60
12.76; culls, moatly 19.00; top weatern
lambs, 112.00; fat ewes, mostly I4.006?
1.00; beat feeder lambs, 112.76; choice 10
pound feeder yearllnga, 110 00.
St. I-oul Livestock.
F.aat St, Louis, Aug. 24. Cattl Re
celpta, 1.000 head; best steers about
ateady; western grasser 25c to 60c lower;
light yearllnga ateer and helfera and
cannera, atocker steers, steady: beef cow
and bologna bulla, l.'.c to 26c lower; light
calves. 26c lower; bulk follow: best ateere,
17.6001.10; grnsssra, 14 76411.76; light
yearling., Il tuervoo; beef cows, lli,il
1 60; ennners, I3.26&2 HI; bulls, 2 50i
4 00: stork ateera, lfi.00 (& 7.00 ; calvea,
110.60410 76.
Hoga Recelpta ,1.000 head; opened alow,
later fairly active and moatly loo to 16c
higher; owing to poor railroad aervlra only
about half of eatlmatcU run arrived In
time for the market; top. 19.60 paid for
choice light shlppera; bulk of 160 to 200
pound average.. It. 404(9 60; 210 to 260
pound averngea. I9 26&I.40; packing aowa.
I 76 1. 00; pigs mostly steady at It.tOSj)
Shaep and I.amb Rerelpis. 5,600 hesrt;
active and airong to 16c higher on fat
inmha, ateady on culls; fnt aheep and other
aged classes sternly; top lambs, 11015;
bulk, III 60012.76; culls. l.00fe.(0; fat,
light aheap mostly,; heavli 11.0(1.
Kenans City Mve Stuck.
Kansas city, Aug, 24 Cattle Recelpta,
7,000 head; market, beef steers, she atock
find atockera and feedera very dull; morn
ing salee weak to unevenly lower; top
mlaed yearllnaa, 110 40; beat heavy fed
aleera held above I0 60; bulk cowa, 1(00
46611; very few paaelng 14 00; cannera 1
and rutiera active at 12 2603 10; bulk!
bologna bulla, 1116416 60; good and chol
vealera, 110.00(1 10 10
Hoga Recelpta. 6,000 head: market
active, lorflln higher wlih yeaiarday'a
average alilpper top, I o; packer top.
116; 160 lo 310-lb. t 6011 00; 120 10
260-lh, 4.t0fll; 260 to 10. ID, tlOOri
111; bulk nf ealea. a. 20-y I It. ; parking
aowa moatly 26(1 lie lower, bulk of salee
16 0 7 011; ato, k pig aieady; bulk of
aeles. la oof) 4 10
Kiieer Recelpi I tn head; market,
lamba to I'o lower; l.p native.
Ill In; betlar ra.lee gansially III 16?
Iltl; runs, II Ida, a su, ahe.p ateady,
light we. It II; i.ihere li.lvtj 1 (J,
Ml. J.veeaall Ml Stock.
it .toaaph Wo, Au 14 --t all' Re
relpla. I l head, n arw.t aery alnw, only
a few s.lea bait .Let and tear.
li'iia IStalie lower; rann.ia aa I culler
2t lower, heilar roai uneven In lie
,.ei, ralvea a"d ai... ke.a il lee
etaadl ! Kaaial g.eea came eaav. 4i.
nu gtt.Hl natlvaa a 'Id ea,; danel le b-et
.o-a 4MMiiv ll 16 down, law bead
atriei e rti..i e 114, aaitaer ad 4UHt
iH.aiie t lent 1 ...
II.- S.e,pia 14 beat p.a'tel ae.
live. ietiv Uel.i i t.ib a" la
pal aed pa. e. 40e aiMa ll'l""
,ot m-al lop II b H l l
we. bla. I I) ll l' lb. Kl't
l 4,0)4 44, .... e.iaa w... It'
ll aaer. l.l l aa -a 4 I a t 1 ta, a.
4'l.l O 1 1
Pheee.- -He-e.p'a, I Ht keel waiaal
a, ,., I. . aa .a I .. 1. la
a a. I . K4" la.oea en,,. Hill,
ta keel a. -e a.a le.aa
Bbaw lllr laa Ilea
. .1,, la A. 14 ." K.
.a.p'a I 1 I..I i..a a.a a .a t. tal
4. ...a a .4- ea. la .). 4. a
i..i ai. , .... a. I a it 1 4a
aaa a a t 'a II ' .l i.t
. 1... l).in, .... II '';
..... . .41 ,...-.a ijl ll
.e .a 1 1 a. t 1 . .-4 -I !
h. (-,. IktlSi It .' 1 1
fi'.l - h a. 1 '. ' fc.4 t ... I e
lea.. a I ... a.e.C. I 4 ll a
'H'4 IH lot I 114,411, wn.l !.
S ' e a. . I a ie at I a
a .ay - t 4. ha!; in.aal
OmaJ.. rieo ae4 W lee.
New VorW. Aug. H. Todjy'a ir
regular movement on the atock en
change probably reflected in part dis
appointment that the railway thop.
nu n't itnke had not been formally
trilled in the confe rencc t of the
prevmua afternoon,
Silth declines a ficciirretl In
price were, however, moitly reac
tion, irotn the iperulative advaure
Willi which the week began. 'J here
vt little chiinge in the market's
general aliunde; at the end gain
for the day were a nuiiieruu a
limrt, and the railway iharet, aa a
rule, cloied iiighcr. In the Urg(r
apei of the nutter, the litiancial
coinniunitira' jti'lgment un'iueationa
ably approved the action of the rail'
way executives: who. indeed, bad
been ked by the mediating broth
ernooiR, to grant at their instance
ronretaiona to the atriking tliopmcn
which the executive had already re
fued when propoicd by I'reidrnt
Marte lavwiar.
Relaellon nf Ibia proposal apparently
l-ave. im I a Imr ctiaputa In a poeiiion
whara n.aotiatiooa baiweea ih amkine
railway employes and Ih individual totu
panlra la lha ioglial pelt routae
6;cept for aieriing, . whl, h held firm,
moat of th F.uropean aaehangaa showed
tha depreeelng Indued. ut Ih (iarinan
aituailon. Th mark Itself went to oelt;
on Wedneaday th low record pti a waa
1104a,; , weaa ago It waa en'. This la
a "currency panic" of a kind whirl- the
world ha poaalbly never wllnrasad until
now, for th rollat.aed Austrian. Pollah
nd Ruaelen rurrem y valnailona reflected
primarily the lowering of their hide by
dealer In ea'hauge, where., lha present
fall In th mark la directly the run.,
quence of forced aalea by Ocrman holder
at any price obtainable.
ranliky li'imdsilon usually end with
heavy covering by speculative arllera and
punhasea by bargain hunters Th first
Influence muel play Ha part la th pree.
nt market. The bargain hunter la a mora
problematical help to a eliiieilon In wnirS
no on can calculate Intonate valine.
New York Quotations
High. Low. Cloee Cloae.
A., T. A S. F..,.,.l'i't litis 104 S 1031a
It. A 0 61 V 1,4 64'. 6
Canadian Pacific. .147 144 J44' It'.1!
,-aew yorg 1 I'll Ira I. V saa, eia, t
Chea A Ohio 17t 11 77 77 i
Oreat Northern.,, r.i4 tl tt", J'
iiiltioia i,cnirai,.,,ii2 jiz j 1 z
K. (' Snilthnrn.... 21 24 2S 24 44
Lehigh Valley 44', 1; ., r.aa
Missouri I'ailflc... 24S 21S 24S 31
N. Y. A N. II 21 12'4 22 liS
Northern Pai-lfta). , 1014 vc, its H
Chicago N. W,, l to td
i'enn. K. It.,...., 47 "4 47 47 S 47ai
Reading 0S 1 l 71", 7S
C, R, I. aV I' 4'. , 44'i 44 4',",
Southern Pacific,, II'. 14 1414 14'..
Southern Railway. 214. 27 27 27
1-, m, ar nt. r..,. .r,4 11,14
Union Pacific 161 149 161 no
Am. Car Fdry. ,.16 J 111 !,
Allll-I'll. liners ... t.i 67 H 67 4, 67
Am Loco 121 111 111 121
Baldwin Iaio. ...127 126(4 2 12S
llelh. Steel It 74 7 74 'A
Colo. Fuel aV Iron tl'i tl I'S'i 12
Crucible I4H I2S K24 SI 4,
Am. Steel Fdry. .. 42S 42 42 42
Lackawanna Steel. fcOV, 10 40 so
Mldvala Steel .... 1 24 36 24
Preased Steel Car. M 13 12 13
Republic Sll, Iron. 7(1. 73',. 73 72
Ry. Steel Spring. .112 111 111 112
Sloa-S heffield ... 61 4t 60S
I'td. States Steel. ..1C4S l3 104 tM
Vanadium ......... 62 (1 6IA 61
Otis Steel 11
Anaconda 661; r.6 66 (6
Am. Smlt. K(. Co. (4 3S (4 6
Cerro D Pasco ... Xt 2 21 40
Chill ,, 23 22 22 22
Chlno 20 30 10 21
Inspiration , 41 41 41 42
Kennecolt 27 37 27 27
Miami 30'i 30 20 2
Nevada Con 17 17 17 17
Ray Con 16 ! 10 14
Sonera . , . 11
Utall 7i 07 47 64
Oen. Aephalt s, 47 47 44 7
Coaden 44 64 17 4-,
Cal. Peterol 62', 61 61 61
Island oil i S
Invlnclbl Oil .... 14 14 14 14
Mex. 1'etarol 1 12 112 11
Middle Slatcg 114, 13 11 13
Pacific Oil 64 67 67 64
Ian-American ... 1 7 79 7
Phillip 40 41 4 49
rierc on i e ' m
Pur Oil 22 31 32 23
Hoval Dutch 66S 63 62 64
Sim-lair Oil 31 32 12 22
Stand. OH, N. J...144V, 144', 14 146
Texas Co 44 4H 4 44
Cnlon Oil 19 1 !' 1S
White Oil 9 f'4
Chandler M ',0 40 !
(tenors! Motors .. 13 12 13'. 11
Wlllyi-Overland ..7 7 7 7
Plan ...Arrow 12 'i 11 11 12
Whit Motor 4S S 4K
Sludebaker 120 124 121 1264
Flsk 12 12 12 12
(loedrlrh 30 244; 2( 30
Kelley-Sprlngrield. 41 42. 42-4 41.
Keystone Tire .... , 4 S
AJox 12 11 11 11
U. S. Rubber r,ti'4 66 (6 67
Amer. Beet Sugar 47 47 47
At, (lulf ft W. I... 32 2 2 32
Amer. Inter. Corp. 34 3:1 22 34
Amer. Telephone .1224w 11 119 122
American Can ... SIS 6" (0 01
Central Leather . 41 40 40 404,
Cuba Cnne 14
Cuban-Amer. SU... 26 24 25 2i,
torn Hrorlucls ...11 Il ll"j ll'.
Famous 1'luyera .. 01 49 90', 90
(ieneral Klectrle .ltCH 144 ll 147
(It. North'n Ore,. 42 42 42 42'4
Inler. Harvester. . .1 1 1 111 HI 1H
Am. Hide, Lthr pfd 71 73 73 72
II, S. Ind Alcohol. 06 f.4 Bl i, 4
Internet. Paper ... 67 64 64 64
Inler. M. M., pfd. . 67 63 64 47
Am, Sugar R.f. .. ! 43 41 41
Sonrs-llor-huck .... o4 to f 41
Hiromib.rg 6.1 61 n t
Tobacco Pdfts. ... 61', 67 67 64
Unrih'gtnn Pump. 42 42 42 41
Wlleon Co 4.1 (8 43
Weatern Cnfon ...11.. 111. 115 116
Wrat'gh'a Klec... (I (1 0 l
Am. Woolen tl'i 94 tt tl
Am. Cotton Oil .., 27 27 27
Am. Aar. Chem. .. 41 40 41 tl '4
American Linseed. , ..... 36
t'nlon Hag pfd. . . 4t 61 49
llnai h Wagnelo 41
Hklyn Rap. Tran. I& 2S !S
Con'lnl can It' 71 II S 7S
Cel. Packing ... 2S
Col (las Hen.. . 103 ii"H 1UI 11 1
Columbia tlraph... IS 3 1 11 '
Culled prug t -a
Nittlonal Knamel., 4.BI 6 MS
Lulled Fruit I 161 6 6
l.orlllard Tobacco. I lt 144 166
National Lead. , , .l"t l"4 o'i l"l
Phiiadeiphis c.i... H IS tS tiS
Pullman ....177 1.7 127 1!':
I'uit'a 1 Su.r, 4t ( 'S
..uth P H Sneer, tl '4 11 61 S
Mnai S'.'ies 7 74 1fc 7
at I., asf si S ii l -IS
a Car t bam. in a 21 f
Tolel aal.a. tit
XI tnas Cloee. 4 per i.t.i; W.dnea.Uy
rloae, 4 per r-
VI atkl -t'l.-e. ,n3', Wadnaa-tsy !,
. -.
lHl'l. -I lei, tl V 1 Wldliee.lay
a;,..,, II II ,
I..W Ijaia, lottu.
V.w v oa ii in- t..i I II t-4-a
Uiutar fca'lht ef ew otl.rioe i.' t M'
i,,ii., a i...t kj. . U.....I
e -me fl i'i B...nnf t'-aa l .(
tea I aa.1.1 ! I. la I' p-".'. la l a
lual ln hvjua '.' at ..1 ojl.l-la ,
-aa. a ap et ' Ir-'l
-I aa b'f'ia Ola ! tuiU't ...t.
-.e..t a - p -1 l i-. -.1 I.,- a-. ...
4.b kM,u tb-M4H aH- h I ' ' nt 'i1!
I. i.l la" O 1411.. 4' I -
.a. is.-, is ti.t aj.jit
tta.,-,4 le tee we fc-a Oi i-il a a-
.. ie m... m ii.a WK..II..4
i-i ,. .if.iiii ', ii,,,,
a."t Bav I l I 4(1-1 I -a
a.,, ,.4 aa-l I . .,.... we a -
i l. a4aa a. - i v
l. . . 4 a.. i .. i . i -. - A "
l..,l . la I. ...a t.a I - 4t laa ... .
..,4 . a II a Ii . 'it ..-.
I, .1 , .4 -. ' I a'4 J
I ... II Ik II I.. 'I "I e -
.It.. .4 4. -t aw -..' '- 1 "
tt tl ,.a . .. ., . . ...,
1 1 14 11 4 .. .'.'' I i . 4
I r .ts a- ' ae, v-a-a ll- n
.. aa -e M.. ,o It ' - -,
a .... I la . ...-. ti- te i -. a..
'4 ! e l la. i.ln..
the Day
New York Bonds
Near Voik, Aa. II Following at. ta.
day a huh, l,.w and nosing of
buada on in New Tia a'u. a eachaaga sad
Ik lutal seiee uf a, k .eea.
I S, 14444,
I l.lheilr IS Iv. I 11 41 144 4)
111 I.IUertr let It. ,..i4e .4a4 lea 1
eta l.tuerty Id 4 '.a
44) Liberty 14 '.!
Ii Liberty Hh 4 '4
lea Via lory 4a , , ,
lea Vt. iiy 4, ...
lee t (a 1 1 a 11
la 4 le I I 11
14 a 1 (,. it
I a I 111 a lie
lee 14 lea 14 e
I II le I 14 1
. 1 . it. iry s-.
Foreign (.at.ramewl, Blal a4 M.nlra,
4 Ara-niin la
,IO( I4
I a.t a. ta
I'I Itnt'leaui 4a ....
I Cl.riallaltl le . . ,
I I opanhagM) a
14 Ly.tna ee
II llarae.llea 4a . .
,,es-, lesa,
, . US t
, ,! I'K
4 11
I ll.a de Jan.n la . . 14
9 I"
4 Saa Paulo la ,,,,,.ee
I Toklo I 714
I e
tl !
ii. cei-noei -tap aa el, is
4 Dan Muni ta A.,
I'epi Peine la ., .
II Doin l aa I'.e ;
I Hum l as la J I . , .
6 Doni Can le 61. .
14 Dt.rt K Ind le 11
HS ll 1 s
, IIS US 11
.IS lelS l"IS
. I " S aS lS
. tS
16 tiS
I l'' K Ind ., 11 l
II French Rep l ,.,.1H t leia.
64 Fran, h Itep 1a ,, It laa. ia.
II Japeneea lal IS ., 14 14
Japaneea '. . tl
I Heigium 1
,...10t l4
,,..lee je
.... Its
.... '
,,..H2 111
12 llelgiutn Cs
64 Denmark
tl Netharlanda
Norway la , ., ,
1 Sweden te .....
lt 14 14
II 14 1
14 97 tl
3" Pane I r-M.d ...
It Rep llollvia la ....
I Hep 1,'ruanay Is ..lot I oi 1't
11 Wueeaaiand 4 Ill', 111 111
I giteenelatid 4 , , ., .D2' 102 1414,
3 Inn Or do Sul I,. tl tl 11
Swiaa Con te 120 120 114
II K ll II I l It i )a let
II K ll II I la II 101 ! It
It K II H 4 I 6 17.14 11 101
44 If S Hrasil I 1014, )e
17 II S Mexico 6 ..... 64 17 61
IIVI Meal 4 46 41 41
Hallway Bad Mleeetlaaaaal.
1 dems I. 4.,,,,,. 19 14
I Ala Huh la tt 'S
I Am Ag dim 7S..104 I'i4 1 04
I Ain Cot oil I tl tt 92
4 Am Smell 6a ! 14 4S
II Am aug 1 1.4 11 l'il
I Am T T cv 4. .,.114 114 114
11 Am 7 I 7 I I 6a.. 10 11 lo
It Am Wrll Pa 4a .... nt
Armour A C 4. 91 tl tl
14 A T S F gen ... tl tt 11
24 A T A S F erlj 4a., 16 11 41
I At Ref a 101 12 lei
7 It. It A Ohio ..... 1(. 101 jot
29 Hall A Ohio rv 4l 11 17 17
4 Hell Tel Penn 7,,,, oa'. IS 101
Heth St ref 6e 91 9a 41
12 Italhl St p in I.., 91 91 93
12 It. ail.n Cop 49 94 91
I likln VA gen 7a D,.i 104 104
13 llkln It T 7a elf,,,, 14 14
f an North ,...112 112 112
7 l an I'as (1 4s ,,,,
I Cent ;
1 cnt Pae gid 4s.,
12 Cerro d Paaro Is
1 S3 S
. . to
100 oo
to to
J27 J27
7 tl
1 04 Chea a) Ohio rv 6s
7 Che A
Ohio rv 4 91
tl tl
I ('. II A g ref la A. 11 101 1IS
32 C A F, HI 6 ,, tt
24 Chi Ot Weet 4s ... f2
XT i' ar ni r cv .. if
67 (f 4 M W 7 74
11 C A N W 49
27 Chi Rye (a 12
2 C ft P 4a., 14
41 (' It I P ref 4a.. 11
64 Chile Cop t,t t6 94
22 Colo Ind 6 71 71
I Colo it So ref 4., tl . tt
4 Col O A F.I 6 I'.S
26 Cone Coal Md 6a... tl tl
It Cuba Can S d ts, 91 9J
It Cuba Can Sg d 1. to tt
11 Cuba RR 7 A, ,101 106
4 Cub Am Sg ts 10s. 144 J04
2 Del A Hud rv 6s.. t 14 tl
2 ft A R (I liP ts,. 41 41 11
2 Ityt P.d rr ! ....104 14 104
12 Det l td Ry 4s., 44 11 64
4 Dlmnd M'.h 1s..t0l 7 10
Dutiena Lt 4 0 0I 104
27 (I It Y 7 rt. 17 97 97
Krle gen 4 17 e 44
4 Krle pr ilen 4a 61 '9
Flek Rub 107 J07 107
6 Framer I D 7.,,. tl ( tl
Oen Klec d 6 103 101 101
23 (Inodyrar T 31. .100 10
4 (loodvear T la 41, .111 111
2 (in. I Trk Ry C 7a. ..Ill 111
12 (Ind Tnk Ry C .,,04 104
61 Ort North 7 A. .111 111
41 Urt North l D..l3 102 101
lit Hud A. M ref 6 A. 16 14
20 Hud A M ad In 6. 4 44
1 III Cent 6 101 101 101
10 III St d 4 93 91 tl4
2 Int Met 4 13
117 Int Met 4s etf.... 16
121 Int H T ref 6a 72
D4 I A O N ad) (a wl. 66
94 '4
247 Int M M af Cs t44
41 Int Pa ref 6 U 9
6 Invlnc Oil
12 la l ent ref 4. 47
If K ( F( S ac M 4.
K t: Solh 6s tl
Kell Soring T I.... 101 104
I, I 6 II I It II 11. t6 16
b I e n A 4 II 11, II 94
ULAN ref !,.,
104 104 104
t b a K unified 4s .,
14 Mkt St Ry con 6.,
7 Max pet Is ,
Mich Cent d 4s ....
94 94
9 49
2 13
90 tl
0 10
104 101
14 44
42 42 V.
71 71
2 Mid S' cv Is.
17 M A St 1, rf 5a . ...106
62 M St P ASSM . 17
474 M K A T n p I 6 A. 44
11 M K A T n sd 6s A
23 M K A T 1st 4s.
63 Mo Pan con f.s...
102 102
99 t9
914 14
76 76
44 Mo Par gen 4s, , , .
II N B TAT 1st 6a ctf
1 N ii T III Inc 6
32 N V C rol 7a
II N y c con 4s
61 N V F.d ref 6s...
101 107 104
6 46 41
112 111 112
61 Nf Ml A II o I 44 14
III 14
21 It
13 NT Rys ref 4s elf. 39
11 N Y Tel d 41 !0t 107 1f
11 N Y Tel ref (a 41. .106 104 104
44 NT W A Hos 4s. 67 67 67
3 Nor South ts A .. 71 70 71
27 Nor A West cv 6s. .111 111 117
2 Nor A West con 4e.. 92 92 t2
32 North Pae pr lien 4a to 10 10
120 North Par ref s..09 109 10
I North Sis P ref 6s A 14 91 94
4 N W Hell Tel 7s.. 104 107 107
1 o it I, gtd o etr. . .1'ie, jua i
1 o S L ref 4s 14
17 Or-Wa.h RRAN 4s. 4
1 otla Steel ka A lot
16 Pac a A F.I 6s 4
20 Pi. T 4 T 6s 62 ctf. 14
100 44
Pan Am PAT 7s.yil
21 Penn R R ls ...,)S0 1J0 110
20 Penn R It gen 6s,.)ox jnj inx
It I'enn It R gen 4'.s. MS tl 94
1 Per Mara ref 6a... 100 100 100
10 P K Inc 4 34 14 24
2 Pierce Oil d Is .... 17 17 t7
4 Pro A Ref la 102 101 102
11 Pub Srv 6a 47 4 7
17 Reading gen 4 4 44 M'l
13 ll I A A I, 4'i .... 44 44 44
1 St L I Ml A S ref 4 44
114 St I, A S F mil ta.. 14 1 44
(6 Kt I, S F Ine 4s. II 7f 14
16 St I, A S F p In 4s A. 14 74 74S
2 St I, S W 1st 4s..., IS 30 44
14 A A A P 1st 4" 1 1S 0
124 Seaboard A I. cn 4s 11 11 US
It! Seaboard A I, ad 6a 32 11 214
tl Seaboard A I. if 4a 41 44 44
I Sharon Si Hp Is A, t l tt
12 Kim lair Crude 6e. II '4 99 91
II hiflclair on cv 1s.1oi 104 lol
41 SH cla r oil rul I
1 K I Hell T. la. ,
il Sn Pac rv 4.
"l S,i Pao ref (. .
It So P.e rnl Ir 4a
4 Hi lly am l
I Ho Ry rot) I. .
lit Nu Mr n 4a, .
I So I'rt Ho ae le
11 101
I f 99
l1 01
21 Ntand Oil Cal d
tl l'is let
t t-4 A Pae lal ll . . tl
41 Thlnt Ava .11 l 14
If I n H.a A P Ii A el 99
I I' B Huh 1 ISIS
. l
14 I' N Ho le ".
aa ee
I I' I sf la , , ,
1 l ih P A I. Is
I. It, ll .
Ik, 11 II I
I 4 er Ci ret 1
l 14
tl ta
4 4 t-.r Chm ! ctf
I i Hi ta - . ,
, ll
I la )"
. II 41
. .I K'.- Ii , .
V...I M.I .l I.
', ti t at la .
w .l.,:, a . f I
a ea
t'4 la
. a t c i .. a C i. I.
I'I, '
t'4 ..ia nf bwat. Iwl4t ana ll 111
aaa r !.,. t at it la I I ! . priwa Say
inI It a). i a ' as
Sear wl i.,
a,. ? i -
Ii-.ia. ta Ite tea. .vtg.r N.eia4t wh.a
i. .e.4' i auti t aaa tti .1 eie C
i.e ta i.i -.4 at lie- a... a m a ibi
pt . a I, I Ii.Ih.4 4
4 k. .... .. I. at4 w..ket eia
. e eie-a ae ae.a'i a.ea
a,.- 4 I 1 .. e-e l.i. 4 . It I II
y.- . b. I.ii'iej It , .1 l4t aa .
Ii I-. .he a. - I , .e i api-a yi .4
tt I i i,,.t t4 (. lt..l-.. 4I
'a. i a a-l i...kt i.a H-4 aaa
l a p.,. 1 le iae y a..44
I . -4-,. I. 4-eiet4 eat la--
.. .... ... -..t.4 4 lll
a. a-. -... . ...4 l 4'., I-., .4441, I (I.
It.. . a I a 4-4 Mi. I ta.
la Ik. til i.i ea.ta.t aa l-t '
4 .. i I kt4 ttaa " ta I ' e
I .t.a i-l ll .a'4 at.. w.ta
.... I- a It a - " a - n
il- ag ..a,a t ta l.iaaa -I p..!.
lAttonicv General
I Declares' Matliews1
Plans Mean Fraud
Clarrnr Daii Atinnuiirra
Intrntion to Coinltat F,f
fori to Free Uanlrr
From Prison.
I.inroln, Aug, J4 (Special Trie
gram ) lefttrf wriltrn to atotk
holderi of the Colonial Lumber and
Coal rompanv by Willaid V,
Mil hew , prrttdrnt of the defunct
I'loneer Mate hank, now in the peni
tinliary. ttatuig thai oliiectinnt
taiied by the attorney general to Im
feleaic were delaying reorganization
of the company and lott of money
to ihe stock holder, railed forth the
following natenient from Attorney
General Davit:
"Any attempt to reorganise that
company started by Idathrw and
others meani a repetition of the gi
gantic fraud perpetrated in Ihe first
otganiiation of the company, The
t.tlct acquired by Mathewt and hu
gang are abaolutrly fraudulent.
"I undertiand he plans to reor
ganize by having old ttotkholdrri
turn in their atotk certificates in lieu
of new onet, 'J'hii mutt not be
"Mr, Mathewi may at well under
Hand that we are going to fight to a
finish eeery effort he makea to gel
out of Ihe penitentiary."
Jo hi fetter Mathewt ttatei that
he pleaded guilty in order to keep
Walter L. Shekel from being proie
cuted. "I felt," Mathewt aaid, "that if
indictment! were dropped againtl
Stickel that it would leave him un
trammeled in reorganizing the com
pany and getting the Mtnkholdcri
the money they invested.
National Guard Notes.
Sgt , M (Griff, Second hattallion
head'iuarters company, Gering, took
the honor on the pittol range in a
competition with men of his own or
ganization, the howitzer company of
Mitchell, and Krgimenlal headquar
ter! company, Omaha, the result
qualifying him ai an rxt.rrt marki-
John Kilmartm, Omaha, came
down Wednesday afternoon a a
visitor and remained for the regi
mental review that evening.
The new Thompton sub-machine
gun, or riot gun at it ii more com
monly known, wat fired at 35 yardi
on the pistol range uting both ball
and shot ammunition. Gen. Paul
expecta to have it tried out on lontrer
fnngea. This gun will thoot 1,000
hot a minute and i the gun being
uied in Ireland.
Capt. . W. C'riny, assistant
Lnited Statei army instructor, gave
a lecture to the staff and battalion
officer! Wednetday night on their
function! under the new reorganiza
tion plan being out into effect. Cant.
Critscy recently attended a arhoof
where f his wai outlined in detail and
wa the only officer in cemp having
first-hand information of the plan,
which is calculated to greatly in
creae the efliciency of the fighting
Officer! have greatly enjoyed the
terrain problem! given them by
Majs. IVuym and Bendell. These
prphlemi included preparation for
rN.-Y Curb Bonds
...N,.T T"Jk' Au'"t 3 Transaction on
th New York curb miikrt today were a
! fin 11,000) High, riaV. aos.
7 Allied Picker 2 (1 12
14 Allied Pa.ler la tl 94 14
7 Aluminum 7a '12.104 o joiu
Am 1 7 '32.-104 100 100
10 Am Tob 7 '22, ,..102 102 112
27 Ana Copper ta.,,,102 102 102
26 Ana Cop fa '21 ,104 101 104
10 Anglo Am Oil 7'4.10l 101 102
1 Armour A Co 7s. .106 104 tri6
7 A (I W I 6. ., 19 61 M
4 Heth Steel 7a '22.104 mtS in
1 llelh Steel 7. '2.H4 104 104
-10 H u (laa (a ,...106 l iot
I V (Is. 7 120 111 nJ
6 (an Nat Ry 6 . 11 lf 99
?2!ln yt,:i'le ...101 101 101
10 Chartnal Iron la . tl 96 ti
IC Sarv 7a 'D" .. 91 t(i i
20 C j mat la "R" .lt.214 101 10214
1 Com Power I. ., l(u ,,.
1 Con Oaa Halt t ,itl joi joi
1 Cone Textile la . t9 91 t
3 C R A '24 ...102 102 102
6 C K A 4 '26 ,.103 102 102
9 Cuban Tel 7 ..107 o
1 Deer A Co 7a,.102 102 102
6 (len Asphalt Ks.106 106 106
15 flootlrlch Tlr Is. .103 102 103
tl Trunk 17 101
14 (Julf Oil 7 ,..,104 104 104
1 Hood Rubber 7s ,.100 100 100
2 Humble Oil 7, ,.HII) 1 11,04,
4 Inter R T 7a . , , . lot) 100 100
47 In ft T , .,, n ,
1 Kan CI A K 6a ... 67 97 !7
6 King Co K f.4 19 94 91
11 Lacle, (Je la ,101 li 1144
1 L, XI.-N A I, 7,100 100 il)l)
6 Magma C..p 7 ..101 101
12 Manitoba 7a 94 6 tK
2 M A Mfgs 7s .... 91 99 II V
2 Nat Acme 7s .. tl tl ts
I Nat 1' A S 4a ,.106 104 1 01
1 Nat Leather Is ,, 99 9t till
II Nf Nil A II 7 . 47 47 7
I Phil El 6s ...,11 imv Kill!
I Pul, Sar Corp n.i 70 ins loi H jot H
I Robert Oslr "s .... tt tt tl
14 Sears Ro 7a, '21 let 01 101 V
4 SW le Ta 7. .11 lo ,.
IS () N T 7e II, .110 110 au
11 Stewart Warner 112 111 ill
I Sun Oil 1 101 io 0
14 Swift A Co la '14. .101 n ai
7 Swift A Co 7 '11,, iei nt ii
1 V oil Cal Sa 101 101
7 t'n oil Prod ti..ion ms 100
II t'n Ry nf llav 1,,- n )oi til
I Vacuum on J.,,,ni l i
14 Weal Kirn . . , lci vt 14
Fore I a,
I argentine 7a !l ll 4
II 1 aii.,1 hi lit. hip I Hi, )t y.
t K Herb ( reela la i tl 11
I N T N II Fr 7. . 141 7S It',
II Swl. I 'l 4 t4S
11 U I 4a 31 11 544
( llleag Stark,
H.Hie ef iniiea f the leadln Chira
li.aa fmnlened by LogaB A Hrah, III
l it.. Ttual bull lie. 1
fudahr , 11
1 ohtin.niel tioior 1
rati M.ter 1
Il4r1utaa . , , 14,mari Ward 11
riai... h !, , , , , , 41
Bleaatl -Ic elan . 41
Sa.ll a 1. ,,,, 144 4,
Sail! lei . , , US
1 '4 I aiUJe 4i
Sill . , l S
rll4f , 11
Sad Deposit Service
Hoxeg rt ft' from
f .Vno prr nnum
Omaha Saft DepeiKCo.
Ci.aa4 Vwa fteaaS
Nalseiial Sank td(.
fafssat SI lBtBl)
1 lite- attack, the attatk ittell. prrpara
11011 lor the tlctcna and ihe attual
I drlente and although it look torn-
ulerahle time to wotk ihem out,
they proved very interfiling
Extra precaution are being taken
to prevent the importing ot liquor
into the camp, tars dtivtng patt
the entrance are balled and thor
oughly anhrd. One i f eonipany
K t li eu, who thought soldiers were
txempi (mm brstge toll, ran the
I'latte river toll bridge enroute to
camp from Omaha a few mgjiti ago
and rauied a report that a booze car
was enroute to town. ( apt
of company K tent hun bark the
next night to pay the toll.
Practical joken are getting more
numerous. Yetterday a bos wat
j rilling on the different companies
in irarcn 01 liugte notrt.
One thing that rntrred largrly into
the locating nf the encampment at
I'latumotith this year was the near-
lien ol the United States rifle ranee
which ii the only range in the state
at the tiretrnl time. den. Paul state
that Ihe range at Athlatid. which
had only flirt 'butts" lo beam with
hai been allowed lo deteriorate until
mere i little lelt of it.
The finding of the mutt martial
noarn nave iren reviewed iiy Oen.
Paul anil nrtrn. altbciuU 6.
, .,,,i,iii,,i .,.
motfified the moil rvere penalty of
me 11 review ea, 1 ni wa the rate
ot aman aentene4 to Jii fayi' (on
linement, the remaining part of
which alter the encampment would
be served in the county jail of hit
nome county, jut tentence wat cut
tO the OeeiOrl nt Ih amramr.-n.ail
Finding! in the other etc varied
irom mree 10 eigtif clayi tonlinement
ei naro igoor ma in tne more ex
treme catri, forfeiture of pay.
Men from ouUtate were alloy. td
tO Ptirrhase travel ratinna enrnnta.
to camp but on the return trip will
prepare me Rece. ry ration from
men- company kitcheni before break
ing camp. .
foinrianv C. lla.t,,.u. .:,L .-
( . , . a.--,.,. a;-, -a, ,11 an rii-
Ii4tment of Ct officer and
wi C4mp, i one of the intppir t In-
antra, rorrtiianiea aa ih. .,.-... .... . ...
, r . .... 1 ii.aiii.iKin,
Lant, Lawrrnre F. tone. cr,in..,..,d.
ng, nas nati is yean with the Ne
braika National omrrl the
ervice of any company commander
in Camn. f'anl Inn., .a .a;n. .... b:
oU'irrr of the Second batallton and in
arrive command during the absence!
of Ma; O. C. Davii. Ia, J. M. Tur-
IIVH1I. COIiniV Itinera ar Hlalinm etd
U Alexander Rnber are the other
commiiiioned oft.cerg with the com-
' , - - a area w ri'i V IM IS-. J II)
Browning automatic rifln and ha
neen aitignea me complete instruc
tion jn this work at the rifle range.
licit. 7 Ctrl Ctllfw M,llk 6.1a . n .. .
- a, ..'i ana vriy
little. Hastings is represented with
iwc, onicer on tne general atalf
Xfat I t I .
'i. ywtiti i., i.iwjrr, ;nage aovoca'e
general, and (",, 1
-, ---.., a-, mj iiiviiti
I roisnian, of fhe inspector general's
department, (.apt, Crostman, who
I.1 l K of P'ice m " city,
haa had 16 yean' commiioned ser-
vice wim tne national guard, N, H,
Jooei, the oldctt enlitted man in the
camp, i meis sergeant of the com
-Pt. roteet, regimental lup
ply officer, givei the company a high
ratintr nn .la ..i-.M.., ..... .j
from regular army rations and the
piunipiness snu accuracy wrth wUch
'i report! come ihrough.
The Jfaitino- ri trmnv : .1,. 1..
one at the enrampinent owning it
niui, i,wu nuuning which wai
conitructed by the people of the
town and given outrieht to ih erttn.
iNo member of the company ha
been confined to the guard houie,
the men all h et'ntr aa.lf f..l..,.a . .. j
it . -yi "... (-.iv-it attu
equally deteemmed to uiho!d the
noq name ot tneir organization.
IS per line ch day, 1 or I day.
2 per tin each day, I lo ! d.y.
10c par lla ctt dev. 7 a. v. J ,
I k.11. . ' ....runmanii appear
tha ona Zt " .dlllon. al
' Til. .kMi. . .
::: Ia. 'J. ciuiveiy to
" - , - not inciuo aa.
vertl.iBe or iploitln their builtim.
THE nr.m .k. .
nste whit constitutes a uublle want.
effleeei acepio at tn following
m,tu r72Ct '1'lh 4 r.rnam Sta.
South Omaha tlt M St
Council Bluff ............. iliiotl It!
AT-lantla 1401,
Call tjr.M. . a T. . . .
" n u li-rartmini AB ea
perlencad want d taker will rirelve your
d Vd a bill will b mailed later. Th.
rata tiuotad ak... ...i. . - ... ,
or cash order.
cLoaiNd iiourb for want ads.
Keening F.dltlon ., it 41 .
Sunday Edition ...'.V'i'V.' m!' 'saliTrday!
1ui,.f!S "ntertaklng establtahment.
Tntrty-tnlrd and Frnm
Hufse & Riepen.
Funeral Director 2224 Cumlag, .
lhon MA. OHl, uttem fill r.rti.i..
2'NltRAl, DIRFCTORS4Hl (lo ?4TI
H ifci DfilnoN, ll'tt Frnsr7"'iA.' llll
JOHN IIATIf, Hf4 Farnam, JA. 1144.
IvMI-Hn Mary R , hlov'd "wife ' l M
M . Auauit lltk Survived beeld- Ser
Su4bar,d by this ee. Jehu :iaanu-l
id Ftaek, I daushtata. tire Tirnuthyi
neitr lan ei.e -aivtia r. 11 .aall
Funeral aalurday maralng fratw le.ldanr
ef Ml ttlHalhy h-lll, fill Nxlll) IDS
at. at lie t Saei.d H.a.t tftui'h al
I a.le.k Inieimaal ai Il4i4 eiiniteii,
11. an. man aieriuarr ta raatgi
MHI, .-oil. e a. 4 It a ea ta 4 m.nihi
aad I aa. 4 Aatuit II, 11)1, p..
I.... aa 1 1 ar tt.le M1411
l'ii4tal Baitiiday ilmaaia al I ' '
aa 111 a 41 Aa. 11 I'eank
uikua ilaok I til i.i l4aaaaiia
i It I I lalairxeat Wall tint,
oil Pinadi g'i a.i.aai .
klSM-elia Aaa aaa 14 ti.ii al
a I al k-.e.lal Ika'.l.i She 14 a. .i-l
6 lie a.KlBll.l 4 A M tk"44.
a.akaaa 44k, H. lt.4tgiaa lill.i
tun. ttrelkl al ti..t.4 41 4ia
Feiaitar ..aiylai ut Sltaall S S.a Batat ise l,aik ttayal I
lliM.fcl SI ata.f a.i.4.'i
Mi lS- U14 e.'ak 4 e l. I.
- ad a fa el ll,..! I) Fibiar Naia.,if cat ia4.a.aa,
I K.tlli l. h St l I l la H 1. I
1 1 a .4 ,t- B, I e.taak 1.11,.-. el ..f
.ya..l. leehiteiy li4el.4.a 11.1
Iu4. t .k44
ill ll't llcliil ..ikii .1 at a ll I'
a .lla ta ll la.i 4-4 . II Mil
i MK . ti ia aa tkal t. d up meal
head f iihi" l-al lima-
Sa end lai,i aft.iaaj. la
era.r ta a.-., I tiea.ta l.t-tra at i
laallavi.a aek.d Witt pg rewald )tel th
aaa a,Hd S'-ha.i .at.,a, l-l'1,
Sa. H ,,,, Batd St, ttaeain,
1,1. Aaay t.lall.eaT.iTl'aa.ft He
belweeg I'alltatai a-4 I'enlar aliee.
Maiur I Tag i".i Iteo llie. te
aet. le-KKvt Ahli
VOt l. la,4a a It.aa .t lut Stnday
a lata, and feedae r a IJe.ala II B
wae t.l f.i (in
ht'l.l, Teirlar lMBlwTd " nVhT Ml. key'
caller Pieaee rail AT im Reward
IjTbt aiiepHKMD pip srwxsD,
TF.I. HI.Ai U III. COt Hflt. Ri.i ris
ltBT fct.graved weddie tieg. call W K till Rewald.
WooitKai ai.e a-w.a S.eel e lie
ite will ruel etl ad eollapee
r eheald Inelel your and.r.
laaer ateiag a Awtomati Senine 4 op
eret leajrel vaSIti waiar-pfea,f aad
laeilng Maeufai lured anly be Oe cim.K
'ear, a. a Iturial Vault (. Ill N. Itk
Si , Omaha. nepel!a tavlled
tdillTII l.p I f r LIMITS
Ofete al l.inx.ry and I. O0dee
TUB Sai.VATt'iN Army Induetoal Bom rettr aid tlotl.leg fuimiute, enaga
lllll W eellecl. H, ttlalrtlule phono
Do. 4ltt nd ur waeen win .ail (ail
aad Inepect auf Borne, lilt llll 1114
laedge afreet
rltialB wheel arterry -go.roar.d and ot nee
eoareaelorta, or rarpital loriipeny f.-r
Auauat and ll at An'boo, , (ltod
erawd. I.. M Foley, Anthoa, la
iol.l.S, UALl7ioa(."Ri'liir.h " 1UI.I.S
Alk "or relelegua. (i,b Nevelly C ,
12" Fatnam SI, Omaha. Neb
"Th toy epf of Omaha" Autos wat-h.d
fre. I'atking I , m to II p m
PK.ItKINSoiiniy'f.i, at 'Irai,"i7"'''eb , Aug.
I ll, Sept and , II.' F A. td.
warde. Secretary
I. At BCteOl NIOMT S. Moot,
f ntpleta rearaeo la aeeountaney, aaaa
rhino bokbepig, roinplameiry, abarta
Send and lypiwrlliag, railroad aid
wtreleea telegraphy, civil aetvlta and ell
Fngna nd commercial bran. Sea.
Write, rail r phona iaekaon III! tor
largo Illustrated .analog Addrea
Rovlee Hide, Omaha. NeS.
W AN'ry.D M.," tadlea and a-.Ve I 'leer a
barber trade; big demend; wae whlio
' laaraieg; irlrtly ni'edaea Cel. ar writ
1HI Ddge SI. Trl-Clty Peroer
In) yoa went lo your Income f
Writ ih National Auto School, III N.
2th St., Omih. for catalog.
Dy r evening eeavlona
Feed may.. Mm end Farnam AT. 14 IS.
VA( SAT SI'HOOL ill" llTrHI!i.Kk
S K. ( or, Nineteenth aad Dougi.e let) 619.
ANNia; i. uuimtov, valre and" pi ss,
11 Fa-bar rilk. A. Mil '
MOl' IIAR7irilt"l'OLLelie, '
II I It'll, Wrllo for catalog.
HOT SlNliF.ftS.
Agee I le II Selary and training Apply
o offlc of Cholrmaa'er Trinity rglhadral.
Phona AT. 4122, Friday morning, Auguet
Dealred by Ohio corporation marketing a
device for earing hanke: the product la
patent, d and will procur hundred of near
accounta for th bank: our represent etlv
will be pieced on a 10 per rent rotnmle
elon, carrlng wnndeful poaelblllliee; lha
applicant should have th higheet rr.den.
tlale, ability to hand! the banking ele.
ment, and able to finenra htme-lf with
out, Addrea leox MIX, Omaha
To fravs) soa'h central gnd snuihwwafrrn
Iowa selling. WH12! (iiar greaae to ga.
rages, tuto dealers, ete. Muet ba tnar.hai.
dlxera of proven worth and have Ihe punch
nnere oo not apply, oiv run partirulaiy
of past eing record tn firat fetter. Ad,
areas c. A. (Jellagber. Uolk liteas Dept.,
P. O. Vox 70, Chltago,
man. I'nloa Metlree Co, 491 Wtr Street,
moiig city, la
yorJNO man wanted; over 21 yeare JdTt
learn tha undertskltig bualneee Call HA.
0044, between I and 7 p. tn. tnt appolnl
rnen. rot'VO MAM STUDY I.a'vVI r.v.nToZ
downtown eei.loni, Wolverene of Omaha,
Se aecretary, 027 Omah N.I, Hk, Hid.
WANTKDi I men with aoma""Lookkaolr.s
knowledge. Preliminary education, gooit
peraonal appears nee and fixed determina
tion to ononis an accountant Cifwin Ac.
counlancy Co., Ill) Omaha Nal'l Bk.
WA.VTF.D Two clean-tut alnele mcn 'fa
travel for large Chicago ennrern Writ
F. tl, Robinson, c-0 Landatrom Inn Pre.
mont, Neb.
WANTKII .1 .ia. ....... a
eons, (lond pay. Omaha t'onorel Slon Co.,
.-.ii jrm. inn nanier.
IViVTrti i .in..... . . .r.7T .
' - " " .., .....," a,,., a .."..".men,
needy work, Hennlngion ring. Co. Omaha.
FXPFRIENCUD cook. Addreaa Director:
7. W. C, A. Cafeteria, llaatlnas N.h.
Foil shorthand, typewrittna. bookkaaotee
etc., attend the American foil. aa ,.r
ftualneaa. 1112 Farnam. Pnalonna
anteed; alt our era due tea are in t.a.
eltlon. fall AT. 7774or write for ralaloa.
UIRI, for emeriti cleilcal, r.ffTaand"tyi
Ing work. Permanent. Tha 11, f. Ooodtb h
aaaooer tl, znil
.(Hoot, girl ao hrpwitli housvwoikT
av r., avax.
WAN'TCIi , a - , , . .... "J
eral housework. Mrs, JleOiert Jl. Davia,
WA. 4764,
WANTKD Competent ttiald for aener.l
hoitaewotk, Small family. Good wagea.
a.- a r -. a
Reguler ssl nf huuavlteld goods will ba
held el
PR I DA V. A I'll. IV IT III 9 U
Five t onaigiimania of ano l have been
atranged for t hie aale and yuu will find
etery kind of furniture. There i.
Two pianna. Hiking ma. Iilnta, dining
suite, mid ilmlng labia, ntalioauny gale
leg lama, iiiiu-n oak I: ht at .line labia,
ve.y fine golden "in library table duo.
fuitl. walntll badroont aullu. Iltt,h.taatiy
tlreeser. overstuffed parlor sifts In vr-
our, velour end tapemtv -tnit-l et l mil. and
tapealrr: li.i.i.l i, im.'.-.uii . titaa .,v.,.
Ilea and llii'l., i.e intra aid alt.vra;
eiecltli. wallttlig It.a.hltte, la-liaa ftllllt-a
d-ik , aa. ii, .1.41 book .4.. a, lulfet.. .eta
of timing th. Ii, to, k.-t a , tte!a.
forte and i.'l.tlt.g flee u,4ilte.a,e,
pringa; S,ttiM.t'n4 bull; aen.tatr .oiivhr.,
r.tttami, ami tttu ti e'ltr goi,.) p)
l at-u.
1 keaa hut dftti wa e'ut.a.e ta i.ll f .al
what I'll Wael to ..,y A.S l-r ar-
llil r .tl .la lot h..e ti wall ail aft
.'4I..I4 to bate ll a !,!
I'llAVK tl STI.PIII'SStiy AIlTft iXil-FSJ
al Ac l.'il r tt i;, nu when l .a haa
k'iuah.ld ..ta f.'l 4a (a
Ft'R "SAI.K ' I.S" TN4DK--I uiUMla) ' -i
ain .,.ii,a f.r tint hu4-ka.t'it.g fur Whet hat leuf tiki tn-'
l.'il sai. it i n iiti.i.-i -.on.,.. ..t
nine i-t,.a l.i Haiti pj-.a- a.-.), lai
paid u eat hue i n' XI, M
FII'TMh' H A tt I S I UltttlSI
Slta-I.l at a.ka...aie 'l a. Ill It
kaat I' tone lilt.
aXl'l ltf leaits i.i 4- a 1 1.4 t.ya tie
mi ana
III 44 II a I .ea MI II
1 1 itsiii . r U . 1 1 v
lae'M -i.l 1 . - .tt-.M.-tt
to ill . a 4 1 t t 1 1 I H It. l l!
ai'l i i.i ai i' i.i
4 I . I. la..... III. a aaal l Sl4-4 A4 k i. lilt
rt la I Are .. ai all , a -la .., k I
till us l a a I ... a, I n.i
VH b la. aea-l , a, g a. I 4'
i,aa ....a" 4. !- 41 HI 4- w --a
It il a. i .. it I ..4 .1
kaaavaa I ta Pa-A. . H. a-e ilS.iiaa,!
rial l-.-nl' a blea.i 4
4 4 1.' e
f..4 i..t t.'.., anaaai CSB
r. t ,!.... i.i i ta4t4 I X a Sa
yi te, Mil latataa.
alaa.4.. a A ,4 - Ml
4SHt a-. tM X II k St.