THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1922. i - , i I, . i i in i ii Raiding Is Resumed HALE HELP WANTED by federal Agents f :v!,-;;:..r:.!:r.';,r!.htr: Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day j i i ' t I Omaha Grain 1 1 Chicago Grain Live Stock Financial New York Bonds Omaha, Auk. 21 wnh is irnrr! run t.i nrwt father bulluh, grain market dn i plsyed lit mt r iiiiud itnUy n l sentiment artmrq to he moit I friendly tt ilit U'Ktf i'l. Again r ' porlt l hot nl itiy weather in j rirtt of Kamai, Oklahoma n. Nee bruit hid strengthening ellect in corn, which ! great, dcl o ! rrllrciioti on the cither gram, f i licutarly wheat. According 10 a report iituril dur iiif the day, rin i still nrrdr4 in muck of the Ohio valley ati'l lh i southwcil anil ii it alia inirii that it in tK dry (or plowing r winitr hrt in many principal (iruducing I tectums. 1 ..!.. Yl .... .1 ..i.... . - .'l,iy , v. ,' Wllt WtrtJ reived II Omsha, fathrr luluten tial detreai Itnng noted a torn- pared with the c'lfreiitonditig diy I ii year wnrn receipt i mia grain I were V car. The reduction in ar. rivals it dur, ro doulii to certain txlrnt to flic canny of railroad can at the prfrnt lime. Corn receipt j were 57 ran, agamit IK cart with j 17 car of lull, againtt 10 cart tail j year. The out movement for the day iniairq i rt ran at enrnparrq witn a 225-rar rliirracriirnt a year ago. A faitly good demand wa In ex Ittrme for taih grain in the Omaha market, wheat moving at unchanged to higher iigurei, while corn was aluorbed at jirnei generally I -2c up. Oats were -lt. higher, with rye quoted nominal and barley un changed, 1 WHEAT No, t dark hard I ear limnilrl, II 14 No J dark herd; I ear, III) I rr j Isiiiuttrl. II II. I iar lamutitl, l l I N J dark hrd: car lamullyl, II II, I car tsmutiyl. II I I ilark bard: I ear fsmulty), II 14 , I 'sr. II 14 No I hard winter: I far (smutty, 14 rf rent ilariil. II 04; I rara, f Ntf I harl vliifur: I rar (inuffy, It , r I nil ilark I, II 14, I rar (14 r rem ' il.rH. Ilit; I rar lainuitr, 41 i.r nl i rtru, l 1)4: I rar ll prr rrnl rfarki, I II ii 4 rara It HI; I rar, Ilia; I rar, : I rar. I rar, lie; rara. tlr; II rra. lr: I car (aintidy, 73 1 par rrnl cl.rm, l 14 N, I har4 lntr: I rar (rmu'lir, T ft real dark), II II; 1 rar lmutt)r. 11 par dirk), II at: 1ar 111 pr rrnt ' ilurk, lilt: I rara, lint: I rara, II "1. I I at 144 Pr rani dark I, II : I rara. . ' No. 4 hard ulnier: I rar (74 par rani dark), ll ll; I rar 114 per rent dark), ' II 11; I ar (rinili,), l 44. I rar (ainiiiir, ; tl par rent dark. 1.4 par ranf ryal, 11.07. 1 No, I haid winter: I rar, lie j Hampla hard winter: I rar (weavlll, llr, j I iar, 4ir; I iar Ihratlnai. 4r j St. I yrUnw hard: t rara, lH. ! No. I .ll.rr hard: I rar, 41 Wc I No. 1 aprinc I rar (nnrtharn, mul(y), ' II li 1 ar Innrthrrn). II HI. No. t suited: I rar (durum), lie; S rara (durum), IS-; 1 rar. ll ll. No. I miter): I car (34 par rant eprlna:, 4 par rant hard), II at: I rar (amutly), I I4r: rar (durum, amuity), 1r. No. I mined: I rar III per rant aprlna. I II put ent hard), II M; I ear, loo. N. 1 durum: 1 tar trad), lie. I COR!. ! No. I whlla: 1 rar. II H a. No, I wrilta: I rar (apaelat bllllnt), J llVije; I rara, lla. I No. 1 yellow: 1 rara. It He. No. t yellow: t car (eporlal bllllna). lie; T rara, ItHei a aara lanippara' wri(nta), Hample yallowi 1 car, 13c; 1 ear (htat Ina), lie. No. t Bided: 1 ear (eperlal billing), 13 He. No. t mlird: 1 car (near yallow), 1414a; I cart, USac; I can, Uc. OATS. No. I white: 1 rara, lVie; 1 ear (ahlp. para" w(hu), tme. Va a M.kiiA A r Ii,. 1 rar fmiiatvl. 4 N. t : I ear. 44c. OMAHA RECEIPT AND SHIPMENTS (Larioia ) Veek Ao. IDS 63 14 7 Tar ) 10 1" 1 Slill Racalpta Today. i tVhaat 73 ' Corn 17 Oaia IT Hye : Barley I , Mjlpminia Wheat 1 l- Corn 44 43 41 Oaia in 4 1 By. II I 14 Barley 1 rHtMART. RECEIPTS AND (Buahela) Raralpta Today. Wk. Ato. Uhaat Mio.ufti) t.ns.ono Cora 134. ODD 446.0110 0l 1,041, POO 1,114,000 AnUrninte Wheat .....1, 4117.000 I.0R0.00O Corn 411.000 1,041.000 Oat ....... 160,000 131,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES, (Duehrla.) Today. Tr. Ago. Whrat and flour ... .436.000 112,000 I'nrn 111,000 Uata 20,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Waek Carlota Today Alio Wheat Ill ' 1024 Corn 13 :l Oaia 14 417 KANSAS C1TT RECEIPTS, v Week carlota ' Today Wheat 327 Cora 13 omi i :o ST. LOl'IS RECEIPTS. Wrrk Carlota. Today Wheat 1H Corn 14 Oaia 24 NORTHWESTER! WHEAT RECEIPTS. IPMENTS. Tr. Ann. 2,441,0.10 1,413,000 133,000 1,324,000 1,147.000 417,000 Tear Af o 371 lot 127 An 2U Alto 2 40 16 Tear Ago 34 7 ii Year Ann 148 44 14 Carlota Mimieapolla Ouiuth Wtnnipef ' To l'r..:::::::i Today 210 77 Wrelt Ago 14 64 31 Year Ago 4(4 3l 162 Chicago rotntoea. Chicago, Aug, 23. Potatoea Stronger; ro eipta 61 cara; total Vnlted Statea ahlp mruta, 174 cara; New Jamey aarkrd and hulk Irlah eobblorr, moatly IJ Hi et, Ttho aacked round whitra. 11.11 cwt. ; Wioronatn earklvl 1'lrh cobblera, II 0f 1.61; Mlnnaaoia HiKrd early Ohloa, 11.20 rn; Nebraaka early Ohloa, poorly grad ed. 40 'u rl : Nebraaka aavkrd cob blera, alightly heated. II 45 rut. ' New York fionrral. Nw York, Aug. 11. Wheat Spot, tidy: No. 1 northern eprlng,'; No. 1 red,; No. I hard winter. II ll: No. I Manitoba, II t4: No. g inliad du rum. 11.311 e. I. t. tre k New York. aput. Corn Finn; No. I yellow and No. 3 'white, lie; No, 1 mined, use e. I. t New York, all rill, data Spot, gtaady; No. I whin, 44H. Hay atrady; No. 1, 121 0011 e, Pork RtMdler; meaa. Ill ! 10 lrd rirm; mldUlaweat, I14 4lll Tallew Hiaadlar; apeclal looaa, 4c; numiaal eira. I . New York Cert. Naw York. Aug. II Tha market far tmffae futurae opna4 at a decline of I In I eotnie and wai ear during iht day uade Ituutdaiioit by naar ntoath lonaa and aallmg of ether trmnthe ky trad In irrau ko b-tught tha aaae tuattiune, -rianiMr all la I tt and llarrk la I lie, with Ik nrarkel eloeing at a n.i l a lo II piute- aia wr timalr4 gl about 11 44 !, lncluillxg lt,ka ptaixtber, I :rv, iklobar. !, IWeiukar, IV; Januarr I llr, Uifc, I4; Mar. I !; July. I lie rlt. aiaadr) Itia la, ti, gaataa 4a, llillSe he "aeh Welala. Xaw Tk. Aug II pear Kaeiet, altlua ,l aa rwiuiea. II ti ai.l, ayut aa4 , H . Niurea, II It. Iv avrnAg , K tMTIkara lM 14 4. aia, I .! ra. 11141114, N, I exikiu teilea ImI-Hh.Ii, ae.t. Illl4t. a ai4t , a a t ,a rt taaikr aue, t 4V l AUMiMieavei, a . 9m fiwala , a tk aa it - ruwi au4a a .-t wi waxlw akiia I f .l tfrai. lk)ll. eraia l Wkaawataneaa tw. 4aupt a ai" . a .a - e"Wt r. ka'l W l kgket. I - r (a l.g I i .aa I 4f U lkkMaa4 ife Mn . l.rMa ! Hea, II !, BT CHARLES D. MICHAELS, Haul 4aw lexaaaut War. thiiug'i, Au i 4ism niarVeti gav an (ictllrnl account of ihtm iclvri today. Whde the new on heat at generally lrariah, in undertone wai linn. At tha lop, whrat wai .VMlil J d.-, DrcrniHrr louthing f I M H and May f 1 .10, the tint figurci in irveral wrtki, Kealis ing aair mad a good trail iti to ward the lait, nli the fnmh uit ihanoed la I c higher, lorn wai t 'ai c higher with September lead ing. A derided change in aentimrnt a tiotitiMe in wheal. The partial letlletnriit of the coal link and the railing of wane of rommon lahor by the ateef corpora- lion wrr taken ai auggeiting a bet- ter induatrial iituatinn in the- near iufure. Liverpool cloaed l-4'lld higher and while European crop re. porti were favorable, there wai much prenure on that market. Wkeal rraanlaana fleaaae. ( a,h whaat pramluma war firmer her 111 light orrarinaa and eaportara look 114 44 Iriiahaia. wkirk kelpe4 to euaiaia futurag. .i.inUr ada a lutla light at limaa II ghrat prlraa war ma da on a raaumplioa of grnaral ahort eovarlng tanging preaaura at w'lnniiiag la becom ing nn.ra pronounced and pra lhara war H luwar at tha laal. Willi Oriokar li undar Ihkago pi.inbr. Ret.lpta. II rare Oavarnmanl racorta from Oklahoma. Kanaaa an Miaaoutl confirm trraparabie damage t the 60m crop an po raliaf from tha drouth la In alghi. ru'urea fiuituaiad rapidlr w.thm a rang of a t to an rloe4 at Intenriadia figuraa, with keptamner ahnwlna tha moal etrangili llouaaa with ttyt.ul eonnartinna IwugM tie naarbr durr and it ta eaailr Inriuenrad by amall erdera Hhr war On all lha braaka 1 Iho new rap dulivarira ihera waa a good rlaaa of hur Ing. while praaiur inrraaaad on tha tmigre f'ath baaia waa U' higher aa mnrparr wnh lha future Reieipta, ill r- nt had a range of . and rloard ab'-ul H4ralv Trad waa malntv loral mil th anion of corn lha mam Influence ll.r-.i,i, Cara eVIIing of rra against purrhaaoa of whaat had a dnpreaalng effai-t ar tha for niar N"rlhwiatrn hedging prraaur waa murh lightur and a liltio faport nuameaa aa uniior way Tho two norlhwet'rn maikaia r.rlvtd 111 rara Til Nnlea Corn la hi-lng badly damaged In all ear. tiona of Kanaaa, earrpt In tha aouth waiarn rnuntira, affording 10 thi. govi-rn mnt warkljr waathrr rrop report, tjreof- elly avrr tha northnrn and wratrrn roun tlra all rorn la br-lng forrad I'l early maturity, with tha ran It thai murh will le ihalfy About 40 lo 7 per rrnt of fall plowing haa harn lomplrtrd In Mia ourl 71 par ernt of tha mm crop la anfr. Tho halnnio haa aufrared from hrat anl dry wrathrr Tradrra aie divided aa lo damaga la tha torn rrpp. Many are Indlapoard to a'ipt rliilma of aitanalvo ilamaae, while othare 1ak it without (juration. A iradlng rron rtparf la gi'ttlna rtiany had rrpnrie frotri all nvrr tha trading rorn atata. They Indl'-ate a aharp rrdur-fton In rond Hon in tho laat frw werke. Tho tradera hava In tlmallona that the rrop will ha hatwaatl 000 and 1 000. 000.000 huahrla, rompared with the government' akowlna Ailguat I of 3,OI7,OOO.ono huahrle. Whrat rrrrliHa at tho threa anuthweat em nrarkrla wrra 444 rara. rompared with 171 cara a wrk ago and 61 rara laal year. Tha two porthwraiern markrte had III rara, romparrd with lf-4 rara a werk ago and 167 rara laal wark. chlrago hail 244 1 era agalnat 114 i-ara a wck ago and 376 rara laat year. Ixiaara In tha anuth waal wure mora than offart by Inrrgaara In the northwrat. In all aertiona the movement of all grain la only lltnltrd by lh ability of the railroad to furnlah car and motive power CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Ry Vpdlk Oraln Co. DO. 227, Aug. II. Art. I Opan. I frlgh. I Low. I Cloar. I Y. Whl. I Sep. nm 1.034 ioih 1.01s 1024 I 02 4, 1.0344 1 OJi, Dee. 102 4b 10IVI 101S 1.044. 103 4. 10 1.01H l.lll. May ion, 110 104V, lo 101 1.01 IOi'a 1.01'a Rr Hap. ,4S . .IVi . I. .704, .71 H .70' .71 .701 May .74 V .16 .74 .71 .744 Corn Sep. .60 .11 .10 .0 .40 4 .401 .1 .40 Dae. .61 I .61 S. .11 .664 .6 W. .461 66S .66. May .64 .61 .61 .61 .614. .611. 6114 Oat Sep. .114 .11 .114 .3I .114 .314 31' Dae. ,;i4 .34. .34 .344 .14 .344 May .37. .31 .374 -US .374 37. .374 sip!" 110.12 12 26 .!0 12 10 26 10 15 Oct. 110.26 10.32 110.26 10.32 10 21 Rlba I Hap I I 6 I 16 I I It I II Mlnneapnlla Ciraln. Mlnneapolla. Aug 23 Wheat Canh, No. 1 northern, Il 07'4fr1.144: Htptnmbnr, 1.04'4; Derrmber. I1.0.IH'. My. U-OIH- Corn No. 3 yellow, 67V.S7Vifi, (lata No. 3 white, i7tf304o. Harley 3Sfl!4le. Rye No. 3. 644 Flax No. 1. 3U.g230e. New York roultry. Nrw York. Aug. 21. Poultry Uv. alraiiy; by freight, 2327e; by exprena, 262o; fowla, 20ff26r; turkeya, 2324p. Poultry Orraard, Irregular; weatern rhlckena, Q30. Kitnaa City Cirnln. Kanaaa City, Mo., Aug 23 faah: Wheat No t hird, 1 Ooej 1 IS; No. 2 red. 11 021 03. Corn No. I white, 64c; No. ! yellow, 0 4i file. Hay Unchanged, Kanaaa City Orwln. Kanaaa City. Mo.. Aug. 23. Wheat Cloae, September, r, apllt : Oecember, 6V,c aplt. aaked: May. 11.004 naked. Corn Saptemhrr, 614,0: Oerrmber, 4l'o apllt hid; May. 63Tie apllt, bid. St. l.oula ClrnJn, St. T.oula. Aug 21 Wheat Cloee, Sep tember, II 01,; Iiernmbrr, 11 014. Corn September, 61 4e; Ieeember, I44e. Oat Septamher, II t: December, none. Mt. lul UvcMork. Knt St. l.oula. Ill, Aug. 21 Cattle Raralpta. 4 0110 head; beef atrrra. llej'Skr lower: weatern. ahowlng full tlorllne and In apola off mora; barf tuwa. weak to 2&e lower; other rlasaea, atrady; light calvaa opened ateady to 2&e lower; rtoaing a'earlv; bulka follow; B.rf terra. Ii 65 r a T&: tht yearlinga, lit S"i .00; rowa. Itlotri't; (atnera, lJ;..fl!S!; bulla. 41.75 et 4 26 nhil 110 101(11 00; top, 11116: ai,..k ataara. istofmlo l iiga Ra. rlpia, 1 2 00 head; opened dull at prli ra. but with weak umlrrtone, lat aalra, 6 to lOr lower: lop. Ill) freely paid at ilo: bulk of 11 to 200-pound ateraae II HO 40; 31 I" 14pouiida. II104II1I: hravlra. II 764T la; parkin aowa alow; hulk. 4 16 Inn i'ii. turn and In apol tnahir; hulk, l iti . Shaap and t amhaRrlpta 101 head; tamha. 6 10 Ifrc, hiatfr aod ahean ataade: eloaleg alroog; .p laml. Ill 16; hulk. IHStwilie, .'una ate.-lr lo o h ah-r at no4il (at light aheap, lunally , hrata I' a' KaaMt Illy t ! ktw h. k.n.a. r.i), a, 21 t'me Ha. rinla ll.lti hand, laltle tary rttrnltroa, la.rhfl. low ttri, Ivw oaiiv !. on oral aiaai at ah .le- k to i. tooar, k.l aiaai bald arn.l lie 4. am.l r'.aa (o.l,4., ..!.. Ir I. ..,, od a. 1 l.i. ...lata, llaarli wiaar ia,. rud alaadt, 1 .iiniri " .i,y I ;), biik ruitat. iaa I ri..a Ma. aieii T kaa.l anrkil fi; airv. moailr iVlo Uatt. aki. ta- 1 4- kd. II 1 1 lie i . Il tta II 11 I 114 . II l4 II; III 1 i. It ll 41, bxrk t ui II II 4 44, pa.k'ag llll lawar, p. la4e lo la 4o l I i kha-p- Hai.. I a.. I, a-atal t k.t.rag ,.i.ri I 4r 4 h e , I '! tai- ear, a !M il t 4tr , aa 111 11 UK la I M . ; 1 t 1 1 at 4 t X -..- ....,.. Ia4a) 444 4.r4 vi- a"i .4, fea, 'hi,.. ,4 p . .1. a. - 4 a .- 1, - e- a I.. , la .....I I ir- 4 ' a I il ral, . Hal .a --. i. 44 t I i. I ' . I It ... ; l It -,, j tvaowa. lit fewdaeav f. ii)la.k4f Oanaka. A, Raaaipta varan Catita II waa Otn.iai Moadap ,,.,11111 I'lO.ial Txoau.r ... lll till fclla).l W4teo4i, 4,la 4a I 4., Ikl wo. ...II til 4a aaaaa aa laal weak l,a III aa I w 11 444 l ! kam dar t a a a 14 IJ Ban dar fear ..4 4(4 11.161 I. heap 14 411 II 114 40 Il 141 44 447 14 I.I 44 I.I I III Rera p( ( di.poalllaa af llvaatatk al tk I ai,. i,kfd. uraaka. hah, foe III'"" ' 1 1 RKiriPT 4ASI.OT m , . Cam. Mo Ik g Wbk R n , 1 Mo. Ie. Mr , Il I ., t'kloa faufi R, H ..... 11 t t t M W, Ry , !.,., I I ,. C. N W Rr . 4..,. I I ', pi. r. M 4 O. r II f, II y. Ry, aaal.... II 14 f, PI l Hf., Wal..,, 6 ,, !. t " t . R 1. r , wt t 1 llliaot antral Ry. , it , C, U. W. Hy ,, I Tolal Raralpl .. . .. Ill 7 4 OlaiTlrN HKAD I'aitie ll'ga ghaap armour 1 a, ...... air t'udany r.k C I an l-ild f.'k I' Moiri l"'k. 4. ... awift a to... i W. Murphy Swart A ' Park, a. w iiaoa fa.k la ,,,, Hofrmaa Rroa , Mataroatrh Vail . Midwaat laik Id., H 1 1' I tea Omaha Park Co .... J.iho Roih 4 a.rne . , , J M Hull W. II t herk K. II. I'nriatta So. , I'eonle franri ., , y.iua a 10. , fnha llarvav . Hunt linger Olivet,, T J loghram r ft Kellogg. fnat l.undgren r P la. a ... 61 Kan iv C I'l i 11 Root a Co , . . . , Roaenatork llroa , . , W 64 Van Pant a Co, Wertheimor In gen M A Wnlowlt Prnlley llr ift 4 Co Krabh a I'a , ....... I.rulrerger .......... Other buyerg Total III II tl I tl II l II :i 4 n4 14 41 II 44 14 4 1 34 14 43 7 147 .'44 116 61 16 13 4 7 I 417 I ill i H I t HI I HI III 4. llll III I III I 441 ...7, 1 10 oni 114 (alile: Reralpt. loo bead Although receipt aar of moderate proportion th hevy upplle Ihl week hv hd a da prraalng atfei't ort tha market and ther waa further de.llna in prlrea today of 1614260 on all irept lha hrat corn fed atrrra Strictly prima rorn fed old up arouad II 6. but the market wa vary alow on th medium and ahort fed ateer aa well aa nn weatern graaa tiaef nd row luff Tha derlin n prlrea Ihla week amount to 3640o nn everything eirept tha beat i-nrn fe.ia. rttorkera and feedera were in liberal eupply and lrk demand gt unevenly lower price Quotation nn i-atlla; Choir la prim henyr, 110 16914; good In rhnli e heayea. II 607 10 10; fair lo good heevea. II 00 ej I lo; rommon lo fair heovea, 26 III; tholr tq prim yearllnga, lioooej. 0 6; good In rhnlre yearlloga. 11260 10 00; fair lo good yearllnga, la 60 I 26; common to fair yearllnga, ;.76rl40; good to rholr graaa, 17 101121; fair to good graaa heevea, 11.607 40; common to fair graaa breve, 16 641 4 60; Moalran luonkln; good to choke graaa (nwa 16 400 4 16; inadlum In good grata rowa. , l I6r6 26; common to fair graaa inwe, 12 00026; good to choir reader. 17 1014 00; fair lo good feedera. I'. 7641 7 60; common lo fair feeder. 16 76 : good 10 choir aiorkere, 17.110 7 76; fair lo good etorker, 14 ?IJ7 J6; rommon to flr ator-kera, 14.0004 00; aloik hetfora, 4 00t,,26; atork arm, 11 0044 26; etock ralvea, 6047 7l; veal ralvea, ll OOftlO OO; bulla, atag, ate, 1171 1 40. No. Ar, Jr No. Ay. Tr. COWS. i 1011 1 60 BKKF STEERS. No. Av Pe. No. A v. rr. 21 0 1 76 II 1011 I 00 10 1077 40 19 II 10 II 141 1167 10 10 STEERS AND HKITERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 16 II 10 10 14 Ill 1 10 WESTERN CATTLE NEBRASKA Pr. T 20 4 00 Pr. I 0 Pr. a 10 No. Av. Ir. No Av. 21 f'lra. Il 7 36 '34 fdra. 414 63 fdr. (61 7)6 I con 1004 11 cow. 146 I 00 WYOMINO, No. A v. Pr. No. A v. 23 fdr. 747 I 71 73 f'lra. Ill ROCTH DAKOTA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1 fdra. 670 10 1 row. .1310 Hoga: Racelpt. 1,100 head. Trading wa tow on th early round today with buyara hearten on tower report from other mar ket. After a trading baala wa eatab llahed trading wa fairly artlv and ruled moatly I64D26R lower. Light hoga old moatly at .60e 6 76 with a lop prlr of 13.60. flood quality medium wlght butrh era aold at II ooejii 60 and atrong weight butrhrra at 17.764) 1 26 and bulk of heavy mined and pn.-klng gradea at 7. 00O7.60 with extreme heavlea and rough kinda at I4764T7 00, Bulk of all ealee waa it 17 00 1.71. HOOH No. A v. in. .211 44. .321 40. ,314 SI. .23 40. .216 12. .207 Sheep and Trading wa cla.aea todry, Sh. '70 '7 70 120 Ph. 70 160 Pr No. A v. 4 76 41. .33 10 44. .337 7 10 46. .244 7 40 t).,247 I 40 41. .19 I 76 41. .113 latnha: Racalpta, generally alaady on all ,tat lamha moving at about Pr, 40 7 00 T 26 7 66 I 60 I 10 1,400 head the nam range of prlrea largely from 113. 60012. 76 with top prlr of 113 00. On lot of South Dakota lamba. about th flrat of th eaon brought 113.36. Demand for feeding lamb continued good and price ruled generally ateady with bulk of trad ing at Ill.7f.ftl2 26 with beat lot quoted at 112.36. Shr-ep were generally ateady on very light recetpta, good quality medi um weight ewra Belling at 16.60 and light welghta quoted at I4.764J7.00. Quotation nn thcep: Kat lamba, good to choice, H2.60H3.00; fat lainba, fair to good, 12.00rl2 60; feeding Inmba. 111.00 fM2 .11: iull lamba, 140010,00; fat ewe, light, 6 60 7.00; fat ewea, heavy, 14.00 J 5 00. Chicago tilveatork, Chicago, Aug. 23 Cattle Kerelpt. 11, 000 head; uneven; few good rholee elrong weight matured beef atnera, atrong: other ntearly to weak; yearllnga generally weak to 16o lower: top heavy atnnra, 110.76; heat yearllnga, 110.60; hulk beef aleora. K.76f 10,00; butcher row and helfnra, dull, weak to loyer: canner and clve. moatly ateady; bull and atockera, atrong; bulk beef rowa and helfera, 4.76frf.0O; bulk hnlogna bulla, I3.I64T4 16; bulk vealera, II 6HS1100; bulk Blocker! and fxedera, 264T7.26. Hnga Recelpla, 21.000 head; opened atnw; later trading fairly active; 16c to 2!r, lower, moatly 26c lounr; aouio plainer kind off more; hulk 111 lo 110-pounil hoga, II 200 I VI, top. 1140; hulk 210 to 240-pound hutchera, II loej l S; 260 to iflo nound 4utchera. moatly I 261116; pack ing aowa, moatly ri lor4 10; lull trading In pigi; eatlmaied holdover, l.onn head. Mheap end Lamha Rncelpte, 14,000 head: moatly atrady to atrong; apota higher; tup nalv lamba, 1110; bulk, 111 l"'j I! I"; lop weatern lamba. 111 00; good la In 14 pound Montana yearllnga. 110 60, light I-year-otda, I 16; aged wether. 7.lo, beat light fat ewea, II 16; light feeder year llnga, 10 Oil; heat feeder lamba, 111.16, HI, Jnth tit a Slock. St. Joarh, Mo, Aug. 14 4 attla Re. relpi, 4,vn hrad, market How. vary Ul na ri.'tt aarty; frrat Ml natlv alr loui ale. Iv ; btildtng aharply lower on aeaierna, rala and rnnei. nt cutter ateadt; other rowa around lir lower, rhoi. nalit atrai. rrl. 10 lo; year- 1 Iritga ItnnO, few ma.tluiii lo giwd roraa. iai)tl a 1 hole bl. II H, ! .a lop. II 00 lloga He. tpl I hand: ma'kel. fvw early aalaa light and medium m ahi bulrhaia l.i altipper 1 0 1 Ov l" at lhan t-atarlv a hii,ar market; bulk 11 to 1 1 -It,, a.'lh'l llllgl.t p..r going li., Irida i(Millr 71 lower. prk lo .. unevenly lower, few early aalea ! !, ei ii e.i.t.l.a. Ill, are a,.kl 1 . It.. kktap Hai i.ta, 114 kd, enarkat 11 lamb l.a)i. h tkar, l.i alaady I eir-r i f e.n-e lauiba, Ilia. uk el alia. Hi fin I 1.4 mil aiailir t 44, M.l 4 lli.r. Urn. Ill 41(11 !i, tk.ll4 ., Wtr..4 Weiakl 4 II (Up lit kiawk, l Aug ; 1 - . ii . Ra. I M ke, maik.i, aiai H 1. l.r, aiit.'. aa-l 1,1 ... e b,li. . IU4.I. IM l'H, 4 taair.t,. ,a.aa - .- I, hell-'. Il4.. 1,1 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYE8. Oawaha H I ea.ed fl lea. Kew York, Aug. J, Awaiting de cuion by the railway pre4nlrnt'a cn frrrnce on the lernn'of 1'Uling the ihopmen'a strike, with th aube qurnt conferente brlwren the man ager' rommiitee and the mediating bfothrrhooda leadrri, trxlay'i slot k markrt moved uncertainly. There were advancei of s point or more in numerous industrial, hut railway shares rtioitly went lowrr. evidently on the market's lark f infiirmatmn aa to prerurly how ilie managers' reiterated rrlmal to re tor seniority right! lo returning triken would allcrt the attitude of the brotherhood. On this txtiiit the markrt had no other information than the joint statement of the (rro. thrrhood Iradrrs that the ihopmen'a itrike "can he willed hergu.e it mint he ei 1 led." and heratue ' the ptihlir drnundi a etilemrnt,' an attitude, whii h, if tionrommital re garding detail rould at leat he taken a ill arrord with the general puhlir'i opinion. Mark Again lliaii. In lha abnte of other new, a ftrh dirlloa In th Herman mark attracted paaetng noti.e Meaaured in handradth if a rem lha relo ton. bed at kick II 1 l"i Th previoua lw level waa laal frld.yg on IS Sim th prlr le than a month ago waa eoinuj th foreign valuation of lh tlerman rur reary haa fallen twa-thuda within IhaL par of Urn Today renewed derlina waa no! ttn. eaperted for thara I at preaent little or a eunpori to malk value under all ih preaent rlrrumatance. and th lrmn people ar Ihemnelye peralatent etr At II preaent price, th mark tnd e. artly al tno Auatrian rrown ai'hang valuation during fh final diva of laet September and only a httl mora lhan half aa high lh rrown 1 valuation year ago Ihl week. Th Aiiatiian rat I now below n 14 Il doe not follow thai lh mark will depreriat hereafter tn lha earn tent for AoeirUn enheng juat now m ure nol mreiy the rountry' paper In- fisiinn, hut lha virtual rnllapa of Ha machinery r.f government. Rut lha preeen! atatu of th mark, with I na tural effect on prlrea, create a rnndltion In Oerwtany whlrh I In onr way mora bewildering lhan thai of Aoatrla heruo of th far mora rnmplea nierhanl.m f urmn finanra and trade. New York fu4elloe. Range of prlrea of lh leading atork formatted hy txifan t llryan, ill I'.ter Ttuat building HAH, ROADS Tung High, Low Cloaa l'.,a. ....!. I014 lot 4 104 pry r.a. ri avv 14 HI.' 1464 4S 14 l4 lS 4 7. 71 77, iv i4 i'a 1124 1114 11.", I'S 14 24 i 214 23 74 04 .. 7 4 a. 7 .. 44 ... 4e .. 21 .. 314 . no 4 no BTKWI.S. Amer. Car Kdry. I4 I74 144 II Allla-lYialmera .... 674 644 674 67 Amr. Loco 1214 1204 111 llald locomotive 1274 1264. 1246 A , T. S r Hall lihlo cndin I'enflr 4 Y, Central t'hea Ohio Ot Illlnoia Central... K c Southern . . . Lehigh Valley..., Mo, Pacific N T ar N H Northern Pacifio. c S. W enn, R. R Reading , c. R I A P S Pacific Southern Ry. C, M. A HI P... Union Pacific 4 114 324 444 41 4 4'4 74 464 84 364 4S 334 i 4 774 414) III 17 . 21. II 174 14 47 4 , 47 4 74 4 74 4 34 4 37 4 1 164 3 160 11 Hathlnhem Steel Colo r"Ue A Iron Crurlbl Amer. Steal Fdry. Lackawanna Mieel Mldvala Hteel ... Preaaed Steel Car llepuh. Steal Car 1214 117 714 24 4i' no 34 tl 61 71 74 714 7'l 33 32 33 34 414 14 42 4 42 42 4 111 714 o 364 344 344 34 "4 434 34 114 144 Rapub Steel A Iron 71 72 72 4 flail. Si eel Mprg. 1134 1124 1114 111 SlriM-Schefflald 444 It. S. Steel 1044 IOI4 1034 101 14 Vanadium ,61 44 61 604 Otl Steal 114 114 114 114 CoprKHS. Anaronda 664 664 6f, 4 Amer. S. A R. Co. 64 444 64 Cerro II Pro .. 40 4, 114 401 114 13 234 314 II 31 Chill China I'.lu, A Arl. , . Oreen Canane Inaplrvlon . . , . Inaplratlon , . . , Kennecott .... Miami Nevada Con .,, Ray Con ...... Seneca Utah Iftwral Aphalt Coaden Calif Peterol . Inland on Invlnc Oil .... Meiican Pet... MHMIe Rtlteg . Pacific Oil .... Pan-American Phillip Plerr Oil ..... Pure Oil - Royal Dutch .. Sinclair oil ... Standard OH Texaa Co . . Union Oil .. White Oil .. N Chnnfer ... Ileneral Motnra.. Wllly-Overlnd Plerc-Arrow ... Whit Motor.... Studebaker ... 424 ... 42 4 ... 474 ... 30 4 ... 174 ... 14 ... 114 ... 4 OILS. .. I4 . . . 44 ... C34 .... i ... 144 ...144 ... 134 ... 64 . .. 794 ... 49. ... 74 ... J34 ... 64 . .. 33 4 J.U64 ... 44 . ... 20 ... 4 MOTORS ...62 134 7 4 124 44 43 42 374 10 174 14 114 67 4 47 14 4 14 176 134 67 71 41 7 4 224 66 4 32 116 414 14 61 4 134 7 12 414 42 42 174 204 174 14 114 7 4 174 44 3 4 14. 164 0 !2 314 2 4 324 424 424 34 29 '4 174 lS 114 444 4 2 4 4 144 1334 176 114 134 61 4 794 49 74 13 64 32 4 16 44 14 4 14 134 74 12 44 67 4, 74 49 7 4 33 4 61 33 4 14 414 14 14 24 134 7 im 46. 121 136V, 1264 127 4 RUBBER AND TIRK8. 124 124 124 34 464 4 114 64 4 34 464 14 114 67 Fllk . . . Ooodrlch Kelley-Spgfld. Kcyatone Tlr.. AJax U. S. Rubber. . . IVDUSTHIALH. Am Hrat Sugar. . A., O. W. 1 Am. Inter. Corp.. Am, Telephone... American Can ... . Contral Leather.. Cuba Cn Cuban-Am. Sugar corn Producta.... Famous Player.. General Electric, fit. N. Ore Int. Harventer. Am. H. A 1... nfd. U. S. Ind. Alcohol 66 4 34 46 4 114 67 4 12 364 40 4 114 64 474 324 30 . 324 314 3?4 . .111 ;i:is 34 .124 1224 1224 1334 . 41 I4 "1 4 14 . 41 4 404 40. 404 . 144 134 114 144 . 20 4 36 4 26 4 26 4 .1204 1114 n4 4 . 90 4 4 9 4 90 4 00 4 .1411 1K414 J"7 . 424 424 424 ,1114 114 1114 734 724 7Z7 64 Int. Paper 61 4 67 4 Int. M. M , pM .... II 67 Am. Sugur Ref 44 134 Heara-Rneburk .,..! 4 t4 Htromahurg 63 6;1 Tub. Product 6 674 VYnrthington Pump 43 4 04 Weatern I'nlon 11 US Weal Clectrlc 44 II', Am. Wuuin S Ii4 MlSCKLLANEOI S. Am. Cotton t HI ... . Am. Agrl i hrinlcal 414 414 31 4 3. . 4 . 41 . 34 - 74 . 1 .101 , . 114 . 614 .1664 III .164 166 41 7.i 14 114 4 Am. f.Hiaeeil Him. firtu. pfd . Mr... h Magni Hrook II T Cntrl Can Calif l'rk Cnlum OAK, Count Orph . . I'nlted I'ru , , Nation Knarn t'mteil Fun ,., I.orillard Tok , National l.aad. Philadelphia Ca Pullman ..... ...Ill Puma Alegr Sua 6 ulh I'orlo Rio II S Nelall hi. re. ... 16 Ml I. A S ' 114 Vl III t hell 1 p at. li-i, 14 40 Ihlri I l.-ae, tlooay , l ,' ,. liar... atvitiog 4 4 64 174 134 46 4 61 64 " 414 1164 6 4 . 44 414 IH, S." ! 4 14 114 il 3 4 114 "4 166 174 43 4 112 724 664 61 14 I 4 644 14 63 ' 674 44 ll4 il 14 74 414 s4 71 36 4 7 4.4 1014 4 14 66 4 1114 t4 i.i'. t14 l") l"4 ll 41 46, 414 41 314 114 1214 in, 14k it MS II'. 4 1 . 114 04 1 4 41 4 11 144 314 40 1 Tuc4 I 'ina. .'I Tl 4 l Ttieweallaai an Huala. 1 nk. ti. Aug 11-1 '' " Nll 4-ia I ! I "II hi. , lacalpl III IH. , Hi I Hiatal., ?a kbr .1- k it an k' 1 Maa 1'irw. le 114 aa.ka, t j aaiint, I 'II aa.k. ah pna, I III .a., Blea II It. I vuoie- H r- n r n 11, 11114. 1 llll, K llll, 64, 114, N. l", 4 tl. j l l, 44 W, I I -o. '. I aa.tar. I, ,.Ma Itlrai-.. ..., ..l. Ii ..., Il.-wtl , t,, .,-, .- I ) !., I' I il, ., It .. ala.a I B,tf.. I-, 1. an vle.a. an. ,.4 III W...4 a,.... I. 11 l I tti k .4 aaaib.t i a !' i 6- 6- . It t Foreign Exchange ExpUinctl Wall W..k Utik.t I. liar 141.4 I 14 t ar Raejue! H. A n. WOI.F A CO. Ill WALNUT STMcT rrlltAOItPHIA. ril1A aoar sr. rtw voag Naw Voik, Awa I' -elleli.g at la. d high. i.a d litalng pit of bond an ih ha ,a el. e.ifaange, 4 th lul a I. a of aa. h l.d I , Ran), ale On l High l ow Cl.ia lit Liberie 14. ... U'. 0. lIJ 111 I ibetly lal 4 4 , . Ix! , I a I I a 14 HI l.lli. rl p Id I', , .I'll, tea 6. I in.ity j.i 4,i .,a6 li Ina ii If liberty i 4'. ,IB4 In 14 I'I4 III r y 14 ,,,,ltl II. Il laal .11 Virt-iy t,a . Ia ll ri. a i I or rig a lioaeramrwl. Mala and Mualrlpal, tl Aigeutin. la . 111, l i 4 I Mr,... lio.t Ry la. I14 6I6 6I' I H-lgan I I Item a 6 tl.ild.riUB ... , I i'hrt'inl I . , , I Copenhagen 4a II I tuna aa I Heierlll.. la . 4 Mia de Jenrir la II h.n I'aulu 1 1 uri. Ii a lo I Ki hiKlo Rep 1 rlf '. 4 I'-l t peine 1 , , . , 414 11 I '1.111 fan 14a 14 f I' t an 6a 41 , 4 Inun 1 an la 61 .914 ! Inn, I Ind 47 . 111. Ill I't.h K Ind aa 41. e It III Krvnrh beep 1 . . , . 1 0 1 111 Kr.o' h Ren 14a ,. 99 II J.larieae .t 44., IIS II II II III III II 14 II ! ' leiS l" l"4 I'a II Ii'. 114 II II 14 II 114 114 o 1 14 I' a4 11 1114 1114 14 4 0 4 I014 loiuj 114 l4 o I "in. 6 4 4 ' I I4 1-114 iv 4 4 '. I4 ' 14 1014 114 144 inn nn 9 4 114 9 4 4 4' 4 4U 4 iv III III III IMS l"l4 0it 17 4 77 71 4 97 4 14 114 11 14 t4 914 !6 4 114 I"', 114 IU4 1114 11 0!V 14 4 ' US lint. Ii I 14 114 ' 4 14 16 a l.eneB la I' llalgluin 14 ., I lleiglitm a , . , , I Denmark a .... I Italy i',i I Netherlanda la , 10 Nirway la I Seden a 31 Parle l.r-Mrd a 11 Rep II. .11. ia la . Hep rhlla la I . I R.p I'iIIi 6 4 I Rep t'ruguay la 9 Vuena;aad 7a , , 1 1 OuernelBnd e , . 14 It 10 itr do Sul la II Nwlaa Con la ... II K ll It 4 I 14 31 104 1 01 A, 1"IA 21 K O MA I 64 1 II !"', l"l' 44 K l M A I 44a 7 nl, s n, 1 II H la I4 IH4 I4 I I' S .im 6a ..... 61 4 61 61', 30 U Me.lra la ., 444 44 44 4 Hallway and f larellanewiia. I Adam 6;.rea 4.. It', an 4 10 Amer A fhm 74 1014 104 I Amer Col oil .,,. 114 914 17 Amer Smelt 6 lis nu 4 Amir Sug 1014 IM' IM4 I Am T A T rv la . .1114 1114 1114 I Am T A T a I I , 99s 194 !. I Am Writ r la, ... 14 444 14'. 4 Armour A o 4a. IIS 914 911, 101 A T A S r gen 4 914 'I 4 I At C Line lat tun 4a l 4 ' 4 ' I Al Rrf 4 Il, )', 01', Halt A t'hi.i 0j oi4 JfttV) '17 Halt A Ohio rv 44 474 114 174 21 It'll Tel Ian n 7a .,o4 114 ini, I lleth SI p m I.,., 114 IIS I", I llraden Cop la .19 4 194 4 I Hkln Kd gen 7 D.loi l"4 In 21 Lkln It T 7 nf ,, 414 124 114 2 cn North 4 1124 111 1124 ll cn Pai d 4 424 II 4 124 16 Cent (la a I"l 1004 1004 71 Cent par grd 4a.,.. In 4 I" 4 904 11 I'trri, I uar o la ,...127 4 127 127 23 t'hea A r,lo rv la.. 914 97 '4 91 III Chra a "bin rv 44 91 to (0 11 C II A 'J rf I A.. 101 4 1014 I'll '4 17 Chi A K III 6. 6 14 144 9 Chi tit Writ 4 42 114 I4 III c M at Si I' ev 44 16 74 77 II C M A HI I' ref 44 4 I4 r- m ft m r cv aa.. 7 7iT 7 I a N W 7 1 C a N W fi4". 1 t'hi Rya 6a 6 C H I A P gen 4a 1 C R t A P ref 4a 42 C A W Ind 4a,.., 1 Chll Cop 7 .... 114 Chile Cop .... 26 Colo Ind 6 II Colo A Ho ref 4 4 7 I'll II 6 Kl ll 21 C on Coal Md la ,.1094 1094 194 ..1124 1114 1124 424 64 . , Bfr .. 77'4 ..10 ., 96 .. 714 .. I4 . . 9 14 1,9 Cub Cane Sug d la 92 ' 2'4 64 6 77 4 10 96 71 14 il, 3 4 .107 . Ill, . 114 .106 13 13 Cuban Am Sa la 2 Del A Hud rv 6. D A R O Imp 6 10 fiat Kd ref Ca 11 Del t'td It ye 4 4. 1 I'nm Mich 74... 43 Diat Sec 6 I Dpunt Nm 7 4.. Duquean Lt a... Ill Emp OA e-7 4 ctf 17 4 ! &ri gen 4 1 Krl pr lien 4.. Flxk Hub ... Kramer 1 I) 7 4 1 Onn Kleo d la. . . II tl(,ody r T II 3 164 144 77 to 94 71 414 4 I I lS 107 4 4 414 !, 1044 106 14 3 4 I014 101 14 10414 4 iH 44 1074 107 1074 1044 104 104 4 7 4 7S 67 4 674 674 44 4J 4 107 10 4 1004 4 6 4 r.'4 1074 1074 1074 inns 100 100 41 Sa Pv geo 4 ...... I4 . i n at. eg . . I'l I mi l'i a ! I4 I Tea A l it 11 I. It I Tr t.l At ') 4. , 64 Third At fat 4. ., 41 ', I T lair nil lw .. HIS I Tan Pt'-d 1 I iiumruiiii, n't I la P 11 4 I a I a v 4 . 4 I a tank tar ..,. 1-4 I I 14 lnuf I'l II I id Ry lev lt lap I I a Hatity I. .... , I'S I' S ruii 6 44 nn f 4 I. 6a ' '14, Ijfuuii tl.iii AndrrtHii .,1 Itir led. !!v ! era! pi oh. hit ion enf.rt t meitl tiiad It 4 I reiumed raiding ynii-rday and arifil 2 led tvu al'rgrd o.u r vioUtors. I i Sam Loiii.r.,r, "IJ I'ai.iiic sfrrrt. hsd littpiilied hit home wiiii t4hle ii 1 ' ' ' . 1144 4'S 1-14 l ) el I I ll III MS '4 n I fa ltef, I e,ly .,ne I'irtI Oood. nr T I 41.1144 U44 114. I Ond Tnk Ry t! II24 113 14 104 111 111 102 '4 1034 164 I 102 102 04 10 4 3 4 4 1004 104 14 14'a 134 134 704 12. 4 4 JJ4 114 34 67 Ond Tnk Ry C t. I4 33 Ort North 7 A 1114 tlr North 64 B.lolvJ zn nun ar at rcy ia a . 6 49 Hud A M ad Inc 6a. 644 11 III Cent 14 loz 10 III Cent ref 4 9" 4 I III St d 44,,..,.. 1J' t Ind St 6 ...10) 1 lnt Met 44 134 1 IIt Met 44 ctf... 134 106 lnt R .T rf I 71. 101 I A ( N adl t wl. 134 1)111 H f 16 131 lnt Pa ref 6 11.... 694 7 Invlnc Oil la 94 4 I la Cent ref 4a 464 11 K C Ft H A M 4.. II 13 K C Ho 6a 93 I Kell Spring T ...1014 101 St 6 23 100 100 14 Ltcka Ht 6a 60.... 924 '24 I I. M M I 4 ll II, II 94 3 Lehigh Valley is. .1034 I014 1034 4 I.lg A My 6 ......1004 100 100 1 Lorlllard 6 tl'4 4 I L A N ref 14 1044 1064 1044 14 Mkt Ht Ry con I.. 694 4 l4 Mr-x Pat la 1064 1044 1044 6 Mid Ht cv 6a 904 904 0 4 n 11 1 11 1. rer .." 46 M K A T n p I 6g A 17 93 M K A T n d 6 A. 644 27 M K A T lat ... 34 6 Mo Pac con a 103 114 Mo Par- n 4.... 414 1 Mont Pow 6 A.... 39 N E TAT lat 6 otf. 99 4 7 N O T A M Ino 6. 76 6 N Y C col 7 1064 106 66 N Y C d 4H 1044 101 714 64 '4 44 4 14 4 4 l 3 10 100 4 47 4 4 34 64 42 144 434 414 1024 101 61 4 44 4 4 IS 164 106 10 4 N Y Kd ref 4a 112 1114 1114 6 NY Nil A H c a 44 144 134 44 6 N Y Hy rrf 4 ctf. SI 37 34 6 N Y Tel d 6a 4 1074 1074 10744 32 N Y Tel ref la 41. .104 104 10 192 NY W A Ho 4"4.. 64 ', 61 4 t 4 4 Nor A Ho 6 A 70 4 70 4 70 4 2 Nor Weal cv a..l!7 117 117 3 North Pac pr lien 44 904 30 904 HO North Pac rf 6,1094 109 1094 3 North St P rf 6 A 94 1.1 4 93 4 11 N W Hell TrI 7. 1074 1074 1074 16 Or A Cal 11 6 1004 00 4 1004 1 Or R A N let 4a. 91 94 94 10 O S I, ref 4n 6 44 96 Or-Wnh KRAN 4.. 14 4 44 I 6 una St la A 101 1 0 1 l'H 7 Jao O A Kl 6a 91 134 94 61 Pan TAT 'a 62 ctf. 91 944 MS t Packard Motor la. .107 4 1014 1074 4 Penn K R 4 114 U04 1104 11 Penn R R gen 6a..034 IOJ4 I0I4 13 Penn It H gen 441. 16 944 96 10 Per Maiq ref 6. .,.11104 joo 1004 1 1 r at K inc 4a . . 1 . 1 1'lerc 1111 d la. . 6 Pro A Rrf . . , 10 Pub Hrv 6 ill Reading geil 4 . 1 hp 1 a- n 1 111 ;. 3 R ll A W lat 4a. ,'l H I .1 I I, 44a. I HI I, I Mf H ft 4 114 !l HI 1, I H r IJ In, 444 111 m 1, h r inc ., 114 10 SI I, r H r P I In A 7I I HI I' 4 K I' 1. 441, MS 1 a i r 111 4. 104 171 H.nhontd A 1. in la 7." 11 S-ahoaiil A I. 1 I II 4 66 k.h..n. A 1, rf I 44 1 Hhaton HI Hp la A. 94 111 Sinclair i ru.l. 14a . 114 li mm lair mi v 1 u tl Slm-laie OH rul 7. .l'lflW. Ho l' cv 4 , , . , ., 16 11 h.l I'ac rrf 4a. . , . , , II Ho I'ao c I 4. ll'l I 11 r gen IS' 114 VI II hi, Rr not I. ,, Inn, iuit 314 34 4 Kit, 974 974 974 .101 4 ln 4 101 4 67 S 144 40 114 47 vi I4 4 ' 6 4 ' 714 744 4 734 31 4 47 4 MS 14 II4 10 114 in II 14 II H4 MSI M'4 4 hi 14 40 I4H 114 M4 714, 14', 114 lo 714 l"3 4 "4 41 Vi lli Urn ft, 144 I'tS 114 11 v t r 1 km 1 nl iS s M4 1 li Hi I MS M.baah li I ... 114 iS M4 I rie 6a ...,,,l 1' In' Zl Ileal Ud 1st I,,.,. 114 41' 414 Tl l'4 6 64 44 44 f: Wraiiiig ti 1 ... t-i' I'iS l'4 I w eel I, r. ea 4 14 US 14 I Wick kl.rt Si la ... IIS, IIS US 14 4 : if 14a !i4 l l"H I WHeoa A C 1 . 'S l"4 '4 ". I Wlr Cent gen 4.. II 14 44 Tel. I a In of hoed tr ial wet III . 10 mil r i,ii ..'r. With III 11 40 pretrou day and It 4I no a lr gg Total a.i'l, 1 4.1 I ill l.i of 4. till I It' 'li run. lam. ...n la Iiaaei i-rie'i. r.., 1. I W..O I h.t lo et it. we-., a nl 11 l 1 ei. e i.f a . k . It - p k. . 4 If Bull tiei...iti..a ll tea W-.r f .wl Waea. f M ft"' awtk -4 , on it. tW f-.e It'... I -f ea..M t.u gal 6. talia f"r earn h.'ur ttrnl l.tpe-lao .4 aa, hell aii..aeie.a 4n eeal ettie liui.a hi.n.m .nl I .,r.l lien .ta, !.f.,.fi ! Iw .a i rn.lar4 I'll Itolldlog I'malia .1 earn a quart of glrot-td ami J'l quirt ol I ,.O00000000OOOOo oooouougoi brer were ieurd a n Trnly pint of here ai"l a hall pint d niootiihine ln'i'ir uric iUn ! n in a raid on the hmnr of t harlei o Mitfhrll, (Urfc .freel Ig Milcliell wa arretted by ,oln e a'o week ago, but wai r'lrae j J i.riui n N. Y. Curb Bond! flog In Court Wink . at Judfir, Then SUrpn Tu' Dies between the gt f ;l and t lo Hetrl'rp nuHI'rl .4 taieemea la out atoir ll.'t k h gl'.l d frr.f. !.. in or field i. I tha -rr!'y rf ll .erlaii', Hj.i, ,ak tl nsr.e.ari New Ywk Aug l Ttan.a"ir.iB on lha Naw Ink mil oonl riiatket t.-d,y war follow. Iraaaaellr, High teW I In 1 Allied r. k.r la . : I.' 1 1 I Allied I'a.ker . MS MS MS I Aroer 1 "i ml is 91' 914 194 I Am I I' A Trar ae 11 l"1 IH Am T A T la 11 l4 l""t l4 I Am T A T '14 '"14 11 4"l 4 II Ana. 00. la Cop aa 11 n 4 III I Anan Cop If .1 IMS l"S I'I4 I Anglo Am oil 7' 114 114 In 4 II Armour I It ll , IH l"l '4 IH 4 S All O'llf A W I 6. 64 694 614 4 Heih SI 1 Tl ,. I4 14 S I ll-'h t ll 'II ..14 14 l"4 a IIMlyn I'n lie 11 I "4 S 106 II I an N M ' 1 III HI Kl I I Hie Per 7 l ll l 1 line Sery I If l II II I Chin I n Hi r. "Ii ' 114 I"I4 HI4 I Coml'h Power '. MS ' I Con oe l'! 114 I" 1 4 M14 f in fill! '24 124 1014 lJ4 Co K Am I '21 l"IS IMS I"' 4 udahy 7a 101s l"l i"i w. lera A Co 74a lJ4 l"l 4 l14 11 Oen A. ph. it I 164 1014 l64 26 ooodm h rut 1 t Orand Trunk 4 17 a omr tin ia . , . I Hood Rubier 7 1 llnrnlrU llll 7 . , 71 Inter R T 7g . 7 Inter R T la '11. 21 Kin Ob A Kleo a 17 I Kennniotl lop 7a 114 "lirovmir," a fl"g, tied tided llmi 0 iell in t rntral poloe rotlft rirr JJ tlav klll litt fliatice r. vit niitnr4 , r lodged ail. ill. I rnttl 111 V Mr, ( mm .Smith, 1717 ('alifnrPM lrec) Aflef v. Hiking Jtl'tge lu'lei Y l-'tnlrr, "I'.i'ivtnic" irr-ndrd tiim-eK by aleeptng pta'cliilly while v.i'niM ra aigued The trial W4 riilititrd to tint morning, whin "lirov me'" in cr Mill alto be jildaed that -n.tMrl M,r r, an - h'"! I.ah'p .11 Iar r ..fiipelr nl tLftr nt if bet 'fa f il l alum ati. le BEE WANT AD RATES h r Ina'ni. ..ia 1 1 1 O O Willi r lOCMVi A,.,' O O O rf l)i'li,l e A 1 pi , a'- 'I 1 o Oil 1 o O " o A H . 'i r 1 "-ii 01 ! o o o o OSOOOOGOOOOOOOroOOOOOCrO 1 .1114 114 1014 17 17 17 .1044 101 ! inns 4 1 04 ,o4 104 ns , 14 14 JI4 7 ei l'll 144, I Klnaa Co hi ',a 94 14 Ladeda II.. la .114 114 I"I4 J Ll M Nelll I.I IS 104 l"4 1I4 I Minilob 1 4 Mer A Mfar 7.. 114 ' I Mr.rrli A c 14s .14 !"'. n4', 17 Nal Arma 711 ... 7S "4 Nat Uaiher la..,. 94 4 ' 14 S r N II A Hart 7a 14 MS . I Phil Kl a I'44 1044 144 I Phil Kl 14 lt '"I II11I Prt 74 11 II III II I Phil Pet 74 ww 13 13 oi I P N c of N J. 7.I0I lot I'l I H fto-huik 7 '21 I'll, ini. lois I Holvay A Cla Ig ,.ln4 lot 4 14 I S Hell Tel 7s . . I H o N 1 7 '11 I H oil V Y 4 ft H Warner I ... I Sun oil 7 1 Swift A l o 1 '36.101 Hslfl A Co 7 '11.101 .1014 13 ol .ll't l"IS 1114 . I'll 4 1 '' 4 I ol 4 ..111 III II .1014 114 1014 I Il ' 16 14 1"4 IH 1 II oil Cal 1 1"l 4 11 4 101 4 6 II oil prod i ,..,1004 100 4 1 II Ry of II 74. I''I4 l4 14 Vacuum Oil 7a .,,.109' 11114 1014 21 Weal Ktao 7a 104 14 l"4 1 Win. ha.i.r 74a ..101 ini C'l loeely n. Argentine 7a -n 11 1004 14 II Can Halinahlp 7a.. 41V, 964 21 King Set,. CI .. 64 964 9r4 11 Ho.. Ian 4 nf. 1 I 16 24 Swias 64 144 104 0I4 40 U S Maalr 4 .. 14 14 14 Chicago Hlorka. Rang of pore of th leading Chicago stock f'trnlthed by Logan A llryan, 21 Patera Tru.t building: Armour A ca. pfd..., MS Armour Leather 10m 13 4 ConO Motor Hartman 144 Lthtry, new....... I Nat. Lanther, nw.,., Siawart-Warner 444 Swift A Co 104 Swift lnt 204 I'nlon Carbid 104 W'ahl , 0 Wrlglny 101 New York ('of tan. Nw York. Aug, 23. The upward ten dency waa resumed In today cotton fu ture market, hut Httl of an early ad vene ot 26 to it point wrr ha I1 through th afternoon. Aboorhlng power it im proved and renewed hort covering Wall street and Liverpool buying sent th lltl up in th flrat hour, only to alula bck 1 to 12 polnla rnund mldneanlon. Room trader look j-rofitg owing to th contin ued uneettled labor alttiatlon, hut preaaura waa rather well realated. A Httl cttr Ing hort telling from th ring element, added In reallilng. dinlpated the gain until at the alert of th lent hour th market wa point lower to I higher. Cohalder Inr tha volume of lt gelling, price held well, and In th' lent few minute again advanced modm'rly, clnalng I to 12 point! up on th day. Spot wa Heady, 10 polnia advan e. 22 90c for middling upland. Southern spot marlcet; Onlveaton, f2.60r, unchanged; New Orleana, 23 60c. n pnlnfa dncllna; Savannah, 22 36c, unchang ed; Memphis, 2160c, unchanged; Hum ton. 22 46r, 10 point advance; Little Rock, 21,6e, unchanged. New York Hngrtr. New York, Aug. 23. The mrket for raw sugar waa weak and lower, About 30,000 bag of Cuba wer reported aold from atom at prlc.a ranging down from 6 (lie to 4.66r, with ahlpntent Cuban avMiabU at 34c coat and freight. In addition, ihsr w a confirm ton of 30,000 bag Cuba Hold to a refiner iatn Tuedy. tt Augunt Heptember nhipmint, t a prlr qul to 6 lie dnllvcred. Haw sugar fuliirea auntalned another violent brertk, aclllrtg t on tlmn fully 14 :o 16 point under th pr.-vtou 1 loe. It wa Influenced by weakneaa in Ih apnt market, which canard further heavy weatern and local Uuuldatlon. Active cov. ermg developed on the break, however, and aa offerlnga leand lh market had a strong rally and cloned firm at to 7 pr.lnta net decline. Th sale nf 101,000 tone almost reached the record. September closed 1. 31c, Iiacember 1.44c, March I 36c and May 3 lie, all bid. Th refined mrket waa unehangad aa to Hat prlcea, which w . 6 .76c to 7 00o for fin granulated, hut aecond hindi war cutting the nn about 11 polnta. Refined fitturn nominal. 1 1 per tin gar day. I we t data 11 per Ilea ee'tl day, I la a dar lr. par Una h day. f d ar logr. Thea rate aiMy 14 Th Sunday Rea aa wall as ta Tha Mornirg and Kvenirg Itee All warkd.y adrfteitint p.' to ariih morning 4 aaanlng edition at lha ana eoi. , Tn above rale apple 'lualrelv I W'boI Ada ihlil ara rnmmooly tainted "puhli want," and do not In lud ad' vrtiing ar aiploion busine, TIIK nr.r. rrrve lha r'KI In daa'g t what innatllulea a vublln wnl. Want Ada scrapie al id following offtrt MAIN OrrifR ,.7I gnnj rmnm Soaih Omaha II'O N Council Rluffg 16 Seoll t Taiaphona AT-lanoa 10. Call for Want Ad Department A partenred nl ad laker will rrlva your ad and a Mil will be mails later. Th raiea numed abota apply I ellber ehaige or raak aidara, CinSIM'l HOt'Hg rOet WANT ATS Evening Idilioa II 44 . m Morning Kdiitog p. m Sunday P.dltlon ..... en. Saiiirday THE OMAMA MOUNINO Hr.f. THIS KVKNINIB It K K sr riMi.v To tiatel a'.'i'h renliel ant a-ur h e.ien .,a -eiliog V4I11 'i.i r'-tae lo ga fagea rrl'l 4rl.ri at, M.t 1 merr'li.n. rllter t.t i.ti.ten niii'li end h a . e the pui.r-h rc6ii do O'.t sl'l'ir 'in f.iil pn-lii ulara lif part eelllfiB re. ..fd .i tiial letter Al die.a i' A 'lelientier. Itmk '.('.It l'e.l, I' o ll'l ll. I lu ago. I f A I P. I' I X anr., pa. f d lies'! h-.'.t. 11, Le II are, ia II per h' ur long Jr h. Alp'v fli-a-h Pant."l I onl r . "re I l')l'.lTI I I it 114M ).l--4 I ai"'iri1 n an I'm 11 M.ttrr.a 6"l W a'erS'ieel, K'n.if I il) f. I T'rl'NO MAN STl'I'Y I .AW! P.tenin .downtown'.'.a Cnlveraily of Oftr.rie He e. irlair. I". 7 "maha Nal Ilk I'll WAMI.D. I men Ml'h aorn brw.k kaa pir.g knowledge f'leiniilnwry e i.r ,l.,n. good i.eraiin! aiii-arao' end fit-d delermi'ia- I tlon lo ne'irti an a' ruin'a 11' I utwin A'- 'inian'P '"" l "" aha Nat'! Hk FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J, STACK & CO.. Offlihg i . f'1-flf (nr a'-'fit.luhmi'ril1, SITmohA M Ii U LA N CK,,1K Thlrir -n)r1 n-l rrnm t,-,Hr,P i MA mm Hn1rtls If 10 itft btin it'l 1 " WASTlJl fir i irrlrri'-e'ij at'itfi nil 'h Avr Ufi't PK'hl-r W A S t .t I, in- nn!, ft ! nfff'i-ir1rnn, ('iiy orl4 flnntHr tfle-in Ktif I ft., tmm ha , Hulse & Riepen. Puneral Dlrartar 1224 Cuming. HEAFEY & HEAFEY f.'nderiskar ai.d Knibaimer Phnn HA Jii6, offi.2IJ Krnn. LARKIN RROTIIERS PONKRAL fllHKCTORS 4H1 H' 24TII CR0SBY.M00JiE;:;V',' FLORISTS T Pi1"? TD VI "l aTD.i UUJ-I --(-l.Veri W.l ,,,. f, 924 . SAY IT WITH PUIWKItM PHOM H KHS ASWOHOIlA, I4ll PARNAM STRKBT. .. H r.N t V. R 7N , 160 7 Pa rn m . i A , 1 2 6 ToffNTlATH. ll04"Parna"m. JA. 111. ELJ'L !iILWlEAL notices HOIIAN ilrg Sarah. iieii,yd"wlf "r,'f Thomaa J Sh 1 aur-'ived bealde, her husband by two sirs. Tl.oir.a and Ray mond; thre dBUghtrr. I'rg S M N vill, Ka'hlyn and Mudlr; h- ino'her, M'. Ilrldget Currarr, of Whit Water, W. : two enter, and ana brorhrr, Punergl none later, Oentlemcn'i mor tuary In rharge BURIAL VAULTS. WOOOLN bmea anon decay. Steal or Iron vult will rust out and rnllapa. There for you should Insist upon your under taker using n Automatic Dealing ion. oral Ilurlal vault; water-proof and vr laatlng. Manufactured only by th Omaha concrt Burll Vuit Co., 6210 N JOlb St., On.ah. Inapeciton invited. PERSONAL. AGENTS WANTED A OK SI S AN r.SI'HI'AI," llPP'lllTi'NITy I oien In Olrtalr nd never nl nltlay 1st rllfe for tnliill'iua. ittdiiairiou men sod women Irh'f want to alw't a pr"fllabi PUB neaa of their own. Ktirlen'a and cefrilal dealrat.l hut not iiceeasry. A perlnatieot, trie pair,g bualneea, retafllri Hawleiglt rinod ffeajth yood Produr'a, aplrra, flavr.ra, niedl'lfiea, toilet articles, etc. I'll every dav ner.sal'leB used and atir.roOaled every, her. l.iraeat rorn panr; ea'ablinhed 31 yeers products sold on time, Inweat pro e parll'--t j I aa e ae free; give age. n'. Ul r lr,n, reference, W, T lte;gh, Dept. it, Pre. port II FEMALh HELP WANTED WAN'I Kl ho'isework. wa i:.i) ompe'nt maid Sliitfll fanrily. f'rr general Oood wag'a. KXPKRIK.M KD cook Y. W, c. A. cafeteria. Addr-ee Dlte't'tr, Hastings, Neb. KXI'KRIKNCKii whl glr fnrgenral houaework I'hong If A. 0706. Poll horthand. lypewrmng, hookkesplna etc,, arisnd th American Colleg if llualnea. llll far nam. Poalllona guar anteed, all our graduatea ar in po sltlrrna Call AT 77. for writ for catalog. H'-IO"l. girl KK, 2"f to help with h''.irwr.rk. WANT!!!' 'iirl o"-talnr for lop co.t far. lory; muet I. willing lo work Thend"t Hhnfrr Co. IH Pn-riarn, 2d Ilnor. WAN'I Lit- Kti.rrlcnr nl whi'o g.rl lor gen eral hounawork. Mr. Herbert H. Davia, WA 4'4 HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOLMCIKILO OOODR AT AI'CTION, PRIDAY AMI HATCH I MY sti'.Piu'nhov Ai.'c'rio.v iiorsK. THE SALVATION Army induatrial home aollclia VOUr Old clothlne- rurnlliire mnu. flneg W collect, w dletrilui Phonal DO, 4136 and our wton will 'l Call and InaiiB't our new Bom. Ill0-tll2-1114 lino afreet K'lK HA LK OH TKADK Purnltur of nine rootne for light houseUeeuing for Ford What hva you 7 KK, 24SO, I! L M T l l'.T" WArttl IN7"mAC 1 1 SKH Retailed at wholraal price, t.i bua tha best l-hnn Itnugla 4123. r.XPLH'i' nstvltig irim'tilno fpmiiiia( IlKi:i.S. 14th od Hrny. DO 1171 GOOD THINGS TO EAT. LOST AND FOUND. Chicago llll I ter and P-gg. Chicago, Aug 21 nutter Higher, rroaniaty eitraa, 134ttl'14i': fimlB. 2I4 31c; eitraa, flrala, 314911c; an onda, 21 0:t4c; mandarda. 334c Kgga Higher; rrcr.plB. 11.301 rases; fla;s. ".lr ; ;'. ordinary firala. 209:10, lillai ellanenua. 22 41 21c, alorag packed firnn. IIOSIHcv . 1 ll.erlv Mond Price. Naw York, Aug 21 Liberty tonda at I p m ; .141, ion 70; fitnt 44, I'm m. ... mid 44a, l"o It third IS lout"; fourlk 44 inllli; IV IS. uncllnl, 100 to, Vli lory I Si. t ailed, lot 10. Set ittek Dee liootl, Nw York. Aug. 13 Cotton good wt firmer ftnd mora cliv. Yarn firm er and laii.l. l higher In keeping wnh high er rutton Wai goo. la generally war uulel. molt of th liilng being of filling in iharaeter hi 1 a oi, in fair tnlmt. allh dap Ittdl'ig Huilapa " ali I ' niK irty la known that pli ked up mn'a hand grip of clothing, loat between Oma ha and Lincoln. Saturday afternoon. In wrder to avoid trouhl return t one. No nutations atk.d Will pay reward Jim th aame. Hlgned Richard Lawton; Lincoln, Neb. B-2014. 1300 Orchard St., Lincoln, Neb. LOST from Minn ' TearTaT "ifTerT noon, Alrednl puppy flv nimihi old Dark 1 olor wnh four light feet Had irillar. Anawera lo nun, "lllin." He. waid for leiurn or mfoi matlon. No i;ues. tlona aaked Phon KK 6230 Pi 11 'K KT 111 11 'K loat. black pHle7iTlether with 110 hill nod change, iretwncn loth and Larlmor Ave nd 2th and Ini'i t 7 30 . m Aug. 21, Liberal rawan). KM. 3767. WATCH and chain, loat "gold,- KaTiTrdav evening, between Hth and Lak and I7lh and t'harlea. Mooaa charm Initial R K p on back of watch; aulinbl reward. Tel. MA. 2006 o I. A SH KS loal an Mlaxmrl Pa cTflc, "Tra7k between California and Center llreet. Return lo Tha ornaha Ilea office. Hb celva 16 HKWARI). APPLKS) Al'PLKH' All kinds, 60c a bunh.-l Hrlng vrmr haxkirt. 440 rterlman Ave KK. 3191. APPLKS for KK 3741 Bdl. 4112 N. I2d street KOK Hal Apple of all kinds. Call K E. 1447 .1 ELL Y " iTtTpKiFr.ra le" K K iioi. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS TRADE tour need piano on a new player piano linlaor as low aa 110 per mon:n. A HOSI'K I'M r.U Douglas MISi'r I.I ANKOUi; FOR SALE YOI'NO mans brown mat lost Sunil.rr on lot;i and Dodge or on I. In. oln High wv Rejtrard Tel. I). 66'ii PoCNIl Pud. "Valf .THlartdaid Shoe fl" pir On, nil pnrnam. HI I.I. Terrier lost W ert on roltae Plena fall AT N'nitle 'Mli lie)" 3711 Hawaii! BP4 t; A - i S "A Tl ' 11 . mi ' mm A BATH A DAY THE NEW RUttD AUTO MATIC WATER HEATER Number 95 Until t supply enough Hut Walae fm th ver( hum al a pric h vfg hnm owner ran pay, A amall raiment puts n h )ui hmne, balance nmnthly wilti gaa bills I entinuuu satiifat'tury perfurmsnci la g'laratOee.l b WATCH HE ATIR IXTfUUNCr tUaaliag IS aaea. TlVaa t'antaiariiat Dpl NteticpoliUn Uliliti Dial. GAS DEPARTMENT llO Mavear. Sltaal DO ttglaa MAI ATTRACTIONS V A,TKI liiiod, t han t in hm. f r lh I'tiitj, Ouniy Kmr. AMm , in h-imchm hT 1 Th letiiigfi iminty Ir'ttr n otii at lh html rnunty ffiiisi in NHt . , nul ' th t rowtti. )ietintrit )l mnu h. , HAniitr, N'nh rK'HMIH Mh.. Ittiio -lMmnt mf ultifr rum ioh, or miiital nn mny fr AMlfual 30 ami S t AMlh'itt, ),, Oaml fruwita. I. S K'-l.', Anihorii 1 lMtJ,H,"U(-l JhiSH, MitlilK " UAlefi KOVKl.Tllfe At ff r,.sl0gu. (iiti !Nfvli.y , l"ti KiMiin HI, t '"") Nth ""'hanii 1-Tnvr t4A ' " " "Tht )"t f t.i.,.h Aut'iat Wthl ffm lr. i in .l It m I'KKk IN' imM Ult Al .fcin7VprAiit e, ll, ,' I ! i, tt.W V A ( I W ft gilt M' : 1 ft i I FOR Sftts I'tftA) in i j !-tf!r fiflfc-ht Sl y Attir tit fir n' r itii i -iiidH i"n . nnttm fttfri ll iri. hi'llMC I S-hirseipow r m-i!or, ih of (lU'fr-'rm It f-i hy ,j fii. Tlit inlnrtinr t in h h'ttjv I t f r low i-ilrsi. .M;Prt' MPPfHT SO.V, onia!i, Neb, -! . Vl M V .1 Aih!-n.- TlslHyf. lit- ),'. i I f-P RADIO SUPPLIES. KVKHT rillMI In Ka.llo aiinplita MaTl t'ldrla S'llcllrd. '' Ii.niln Ooo.l Co , Itol 1 1. -n, v Hi PAHTUI I.V i.,i,,i I In., on I he il ,i ,r I I,. I., a. I fir .l 111 It., I , CLOTHING AND FURS I'IM'l.rl f.S MII4I ' Por ,'a. fa Ult. laloia.t all wool ' Ddi. tte' t .it. rhaap. e . lie. S'.nhwat i i.r it aid lla'oey f , l i l t I 1(1 ii, a J lilt 101 .4 II 41 V e. I Ha n,i I i.t.i i . h i-in et l i. i.i. dmait. EDUCATIONAL V. N 1 I II it., i.dia m l !., lu H.ta ka'ar l,.l-( big a.e.a., aa. ai.i.t Inaming aiil.Hr m-dai i '.. i ami II I !' l 111 I ,,, l,i .l C..llalf t"' l-u wii la '. ia.a toot lo a..! it r,i. K.i,ei i. g i i N 1-ik at , i 'mak. f..e eaiaieg POULTRY AND PI; I" SI OCK U'.ir. it hAhhi n, i i'ii M i It B llm. Vtrll I. f al . S'VNI) "t).A "ill "iilTi" ,, 4 aHi li - Ii a J, ll'l l'4 . II i,isi.H I a H on. " -a.. ,ia in . ..., ,. an -kina 6. at'., im e.lel-t't Ni kt 4 !.. li a i.,i..4 . I wi,. I .',, . I it i I .,! g'lB . . - It. Hi 1,1 kl... h. vtt !! ,r t-..-a I't4 I -I ' 4li ew t it. Ua tttitl t. 1 1 ill,, ai II till "OH, ' I I 'IK ! 'l'6 STORK A tiUKi: taUPPUK. "OOOaoCKHHlOOOOOOOOOOOOQO'Y til I W HITI H AiO : I, 41 Ihl I . ...eM I a 4 ' d a 1 - .i .ir. t a -' Ini' I' 1 .11 ul , .1 .. I.. . - I k , Met. an. It,, I 6 I 1 I i IMMliiI'lK kt,, I til I., .in, mO'1 ;,.J1 o si i ti nnn ( . " ... . ' .. , l'W',11 t K Si .i.. Matt t.l II , ., I.. "iil S t !(... ! . a U i w,e.i.nia, .. l. 0 t a i t -. 1 -S a. I . ,... ... 1-1 1 t '... ' i . .. I' .-I lnt hi.. ii , t, ., p ..... , ,. , ,,, ""'MUvnlHWvrUHIikA. ft, lilt. ! 4" .i. , !, tl ii. . 4 AM U M ,A, Hi