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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1922)
THK OMAHA PEE: WEU.NKSUAV. AUGUST 23. 1922. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Y Y Omaha Grain Omaha. Auk. 21. Th tlurp advam m Liverpool tablet cut good riral of rnlrciion cut our .ram market early in the rlty. although the hist her nrice rtmta to ttrKt the mention m trailer who later lruan to ivor the .riling tiJe tn value rairij tome what, only to meet with much bet ler demand it the lower leveU. and rui again Advanced near tlx .iiiivh, A report received during h day taler, that Argentine n ottering wheat let freely. i their turplut untold it becoming reduced and no new lu.plirt will be available lor another five motitln at leatt. Wheal rereipfi at Omaha were ma trruHy light a compared with the rurrrK)inliiig day Ut year, HO car being today'i run, while 201 can were received on the utter onation Receipt i of corn were 42 cara, ax.iiiit fR can, and of can, 17 can, pgaitut 23 can bit year. .Shipmenti tor tne day totaled 150 ran tn corn parieon with 356 can a vear auo. Demand wat good for cah (train in the Omaha market. Wheat moved at Jrif.4c higher figurei, while corn iold at prirrattilr-.r up. Oata were Je up, with rye 5jV1c lower, unti narley unchanged, WHKAT. No I hard kanli I rar Omull?), II ID lllr i,mu ""'I ear lemutlyj, is... i flam nam: I rara. 11 11; I rara leuiuityl. II III I car l.inutty), 11.14; ler ismutrir), II 47. No. 4 (lark haul: I rara (smutty), II 11; I rer lemutlv). ill. aampla dark har4i I tar (amutty, Tl per rem rri, vi oi. No. l hart wlntert I ear (amutty), 1 rar. II 1. No. I hard winter: t rar (amutty, It tier rant ilarkl. II 01; I car (einutty) I'll; rar 14 pr rant dark), 110 1 rar, Mr; I rar, Ha; t rar. Mo; 1 car, Hi-: I rar (niufly), II l. Nn. I hard winter! I rara (amulty), ii I'M i car lamuiiy, 71 par cant dark). II M. No- I hard winter: 1 ear (amulty, 71 par rant dark), II 01: I car tamutty, eemt lark, I par ent haat damaged), II. 01; I rara, ju. SampI hard winter: 1 rar (amutty, I iier cant ry), to I rar, 'ir. No, I yallor hard! I oar. 7ci I cara, II' Nn. I yrllnw hard: 1 rar. I8r: 1 ear, Mo, m. 4, yellow nam: 1 car, fid, Kit. 1 (prim: I rar (dark northarn) 111.: I car (north.rn), 11.10; I rara (northarn). II 01: 1 car (noriharn), It til: 1 rar (northarn), 11.07; 1 car (17 per cent nark), ll.zu. No. I aprinai l car (dark northarn, vary smutty), 11.07. Nn. 1 ear, lie. No. I mlaad: 1 car (amutty), It 01; 1 rar (It par cant spring, II par cant hard, I P.r eent dark). No. I mlaad: I ear (durum), lie. No. i durum: 1 car (amber), loo. conn. No. 1 white: 1 car, 6I. Nn. 1 white: 4 cara. 111. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 66 4c; I rara, llr. Chicago Grain Live Stock Financial No. f yellow: t cara, Ifccj 1 car, Me; 1 car, IHo. No. 1 nilaed: t car, -. No. I mlaad: 4 rara, lie. Sampla mixed: I cara, I.e. OATH. No. I mixed: 1 car (heavy), Jlo. RYH. No. 1: 1 car, lie, ....... No. I: 1 car (ehlppara' welihta), o; 1 car (ahlppara1 welghte), IIVsc; I cara, J'4. No. I: 1 ear, lie; I care, 614c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota.) Racalpta Wheat ..... Corn , Oala ....... Hya , Barley . Today .. 10 .. 43 .. 17 .. Si .. 0 Shipment rl f- - Oata Illl Uarley Wheat Corn . Oala , Weak Alto 161 11 II 7 0 Week A10 12 13 41 ' J I Tear Aao 01 III il 31 1 Tear Ago SSI 41 17 4 Today 15 ....... .to- 1 1 CHICAGO RECEIPTS (Carlola.) Today. Wk, Ago. Tr. Airo. ......'.......Ml 1028 437 J77 J84 ,.277 417 261 KANSAS ClTT RECEIPTS. (canon I . Today. Wk. Ao. Tr. Ao. Whrat Ill Hi; 2 Corn , 21 J JJ Data t ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. (Carlota.) Today. Wk. Ao. Tr. Ako. Wheat 12 lfi7 Corn ..I l J; Oata 44 6 8 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. (Carlota.) - Today Wk. Ao. Tr. Auo. Mlnnrapolli 31 244 III Puluth I l f5' Winnipeg 231 3 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Ily UpdIUa Oraln Co, IiO. 2627. Aug. 22. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. llMki Km m4 WW.. Chicago, Aug. 22. Cum came to the firmt at the market leader to day. The government f'irecaat for ! I aa another warm wave 111 the wet. withji;,;;; tZt Vt rteraipt.; rff..iai M..i,ay.,., r.ciui.ia T...i.., 1 . a in k la.l tt.ak Art. I Opan. I Hlrh. Low. Clnae. I Yea. Wht. Kept. l)ao. May Rya Doc. May Corn Kept. Peo. May Oata Kept. Pec. May lrd Pflpt. Oct. Rlta Ppt. il.OtH l.'OJH 1.00 1.02H 1.01 l-oaw 1.03 l.4 1.01H 1.03S l.OS 1"H 11.0741 l.OIH 1.054 1.084 ,1.01 I.0I14 ,IH4 ,i .17 .114 .70 .71 .704 .70 74V4 .76H .744 .744 .! .1014 .5V4 .1014 .60t .H M .634 .66 'a, .644 .67. .IIU -ITU .6i .67. ."i .11 .31 .30 .ll .334 .144 .S3V4 .37 Vi .17 -3' 10.10 10.17 1000 10.11 10.20 1016 10.16 10.26 I I 77 II 177 I. II 100 1.01 1.02 1.024 1.07 1.07V4 .61 .70V4 .74 ,64 .64 67 .31 .33 .17 10.20 10.26 1.76 Kanaiu City drain. Kantaa City. ln., Am. S2 Wheat Ca.h. Nn. 1 hard, IH01.11; No. i red, 11.00101. Com N. white. 61; No. I yellow, MHr; No. I yellow. Mv ll.yHt.ady to II 00 hlaber; Nn. t timolhv. I40"J16 00: No, 1 pralrta. Iiomfl ll l": rhh-a alfalfa. II 1.00 Sr 11.00; clovar. mlaad, I14ol4io. !HtnajeaMlla drain. Vlnn.apolla, Minn, Au 12 W'hral Ca.h No I north.rn. II nl 1: her. ' l.94i rcm(ir, 1103; May, "c'rn No. t y.Hnw. MHtlUHl OataNo I while, 11V,81. Ilarl.y 3aj4r. Hv-S,. J 44S'", ,'miwJ-N 1. U 1141 HH Kanaave Ity irl. Kannl t'n A"l tt haat laa. .1.i..nt..r hid; t'ac.mear, Ma hid: It ! .d aOCl Ipltt Hd, t' if.intMr, 4 a nil M. leak (.el. II lama' u u ilni" vr, ll'wM'a. tl. . !.. 4. I', l , tte aV fc. 1 tmbmr. tj v VI ia ivww. Mxawaiwl.. Mian. Jt r:r (,.. I.- a-i rir.a- ,4l 'roiect ul oeriiive kmperaturf 1 and hot winda in the loutliwrat, brought grnerul buying. A Ian break followed a .null ratly ad' vancc, Jt wai nut until iier ninn i rat the big upward tnovrnicnt gut I'nncr way. At the nuUidc via rhowed gaim of Ij.fjijjic over the low point. The cloc wai J4S1 lc net higher. Wheat fluctuated rapidly within a rantfe r,f J;,4tJ;4c. It cloied I'-44!l4C higher! nat were P yMHc and rye c. Liverpool wheat cloied 4'.i(H't4 higher, the break of the lrrviom day carrying value below a panty with Chicago. The bulge repre irntetl readjuitinent. There wa no material preaaure oil the market, although local telling made a decline of 2c from the high point at one tune. The nrplui wai taken out of the pit by commtiiion bnfl'ea on the break. When corn itartrd upward, ahorti were teded and found wheat offcringi limited. 'huant II nr. At on lima hVl't(irtlr anld at Ilia earn figure aa in. The rovering ot a I. re. Una at a lima whan arlllne ordara w.ra .ran waa a fail'ir. HhnrlB In lha hVpf.mbrr w.ra etjpptlrd hr aprarire who anld that da. Ilv.ry and houaht tha 7ar.nihr. Hmjara with f.atKMird innnartinna v,.ra good buy era tif fulur... draplt talk of a viry alnw fiir.len datnand. I'rrmluma nn .pot war firmer and country ufferlnae tn arrlva anill Tha Inrraae.d movement "f .prime la li.ln inr than offaat by Ilia raiiina nrr in wintera. rrpnrta i t Inrrea.lnc aev.rlty ara helne rM'.lvad r.eardmc the corn crop In lha anuthwr.t. with t.ttipraturaa of 100 and over and with tint wimla. th out. look Ihrra la tree prnmi.lnr It waa ap parent from th atart that th.ra waa no material pree.ure on the market. Mrptem bar arted tlarhl. frrouenily enlna: nn the upertatlnn nf email nrdera. It Innk com paratively little huyina to atart valuta upward around noon. Many nf lha bla ehort llnra were covered on th way up. raantlnn rama toward the laat when anm of lha recent huy.ra etart.d lo lake profile, hut waa rather hulll.h at tha laat. Oata wrr dominated by tha ai-tion nf enrn and averaged hlaher. Herelnta email and raah demanil fair. Arrlvala. at cara. Hya held within narrow ranaa and while there, waa enma huylne by tha era hoard, It waa offer! by northweatrrn h "la in ureaaure. Tha two northwtetern mar kcta had 401. I'll Nntea. Heavy htiylne nt Heptemhef wheat by St.ln Alateln, I.Ooo.OOO or mora, tlihtcnad tho market. Northweelern mar ki.i. wara weaker and lower early due to hedflna lalra. Peremher at Wlnnip.k dropped to 4 4c under Chlreiro. At tha laat, all markela In that auction rallied and cloaed 4" lo So under tha hlxheel of tha day. The advama broucht rum mlaalon houae erlllne In all mark.ta, cauelnc th lata receaalona from tha beat prlrea. Mlllera here, at Mlnneapolla and Kan aaa City reported a better coll for flour. M Inn. .nolle mil era anm rmur ir enip ment elx month, ahead. Thla la th llrat tlm In montha that huyera have ahown dianoaltlnn to antlclnato renuiremente. ljecamber corn In which tha bulk of th trading centera haa gained 1140 on Septem ber lata, waa 60 under at tna rwian. Tha Iierembar May apread waa So at tha laat, gaining 3,o for th la.". Chicago I-lveatork. Chlraan. Aur 22. Callle Recelpta, 11,000 head; market cloalog dull; beef ateera and butcher ah .lock, mint luwer: yearling" off moat; top beef ateera, 110 16: bulk, It.00ttl0.26; bulla, calvea and rannnra. moatly ateadv: atockera. atrong; bulk beef cowa and helfera, 4 0; cannara ana cuttere, largely ez.eo ft 1.65: bulk holngno bull. 13.1004.10; veal calvea, moatly lit 6O&12.00. Hoie nece nta. neaa: generally lCft72fc lower; cloalne; atrong on Hunter welghtai unevenly lowar on otherai late top, II. 10; bulk 1n.2'm.b. welghta. 1140 tit It: hulk 2I0-24U-1U. Dutcnera, l.w 40: hulk 260-126-lb. mixed butchera. It ml II: narklnr anwa mnatty 10. 10 7 26; bulk plga, M.2676; ahlppara took about 4,ooo; eatimatea noinover, ii.uuv. ftheeo Recelnta. 16.000 head: fat ern lamba. moatly ateady; native., 10l6o higher; top weatarna, n.uoi otnera, I2.612 .76; top natlvea, (13.00; hulk, 12.6012 .36; cull, moetly 9,00; light eheep. atronf! othere ateady; too fat handy ewea, 17.76; hulk ewea, 14 00 7 26; feedlne lamha, higher; heat, 112.76; choir 0-lb. waetorn yearling! bracdlnf ewcit, 111.76, Omaha. Aug II r.u'. it. a. Hh .11 H , 6a .! S7 l Ml .It e.r la el? 111.4 II til Catlla He.eipia. I tai .head Helpt f .allia weia liberal again TueeJ.r aol n.a.le up verv largely af aeatei .iiIhi ri-rn tla en. generally ie.y, p..i yearnnae bruuelil liete. lha Mm aa aloao.v. im lha e.aeral run af Keeiern range callle, t,a.f eleara, ma eturr a an feeera th merkel waa aiew and un.vea. wim lha g.n.iel lendeacy l.xaer, he plaln.r vlfriga kelng aen. er.lly quoted I'Cll lower lha la el weag WuoUttnna en ratilei Choice I prim ., lltai g,4 ahaie L.ev.e lltfiiit; fair I good .. l I 44; camui'Hi I fair beevea. M Hay It; choir la prim yearllnge, IIM I a e gr4 .hull arlmge. telle) laee; fair I good yeariinaa. M !; rnnimnn I (ale erlinge. Iflieil; to eh'dr graaa beat., Il l'll 4, fair I g'Hid graaa baeaa, t4t4o; rummoq In fair arae Leave. lllvl; I'iimI la rhnlr graaa heifera. (V Tl 4 f ; fair In good gre.a heifera, II ae t; g... id lo choir gre.a tawa, M till II; medium f ft goad graaa re we, llle)l.t; r niiiinn to fair graaa cowa, IM6 m ih..r. h-avy IT 4llt; fair to gnnd, 4 76a7 60; eftmmon lo fair feedeie 404 7l; iwl la chnlr etiMkere II llfl II; fair I gnnd alorkera. 14 SI f 7 II; rummon la fair eimli.ra. It I r 4 no; etnrk h.lfere, liooeyitl; atnrk 'iv. a, Mfieiiio: einrk ralvee. Illif 7 76; real ralvaa, II 41010 II; bulla, itaga. I , II lfM 71 No. II. . 12. . II. . IX. . 14.. II.. II. . It. . T. 1.. Ar. . e:i .1114 ,1111 .Illl . HI I'r I II II 16 tO 40 10 II No. II... 74... 41... I... Ar. . Ml . 7M , 6f llil tv II II 71 II 11 II . 711 .1011 i: ;o HTKKIt AND HKIKKIIII (.I I It II (17 7& II Il 10 HKirEKS, 60 CAI.VEH I AO WKHTKHN CATTLE. NKIIItAeK A. N. Av. I row ,,..1111 14 rnwa 171 10 ralvra 267 i calvea HI I ralvea , 311 66 feedere IM 21 feeder! .1071 10 enwa tool 11 coo 1040 WYOMING. 22 feeder! 1026 OR BOON. W. M. 11 ANL.ET. Ill 1044 II Pr. II to I 71 I 00 II T 71 7 II 1 i 4 10 a it i II feed r re Ill 16 40 feeder 1044 I 10 II feeder! 1010 4 10 Huge Recelpta. 7.(00 head. Trading waa actlv today on good demand (mm both ahlppara and paikara, prlr.e ruling moetly ateady, with apnta weak tn 10o lower nn narking grade and heavy nli.d Light hnge anld moatly at M7t(7ll. th alter Inn orlr for th day. nood luai. Ity medium weight butchera aold at II 26l I 76 and atrong weight bulrnrra at I7.7irj I II. Heavy mlaed and parking gndei war moetly it I7.10W7 71. witn eom i tram heavlea around 17.00. Bulk of all alaa wai at I7.0I 7I. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES IMaaJv. Haw UaMax) Wlr. New Vwk. Aug. 22 Outaide in- fluencea bearing on financial mar krta were not changed today. The early reaction which occurred cut the link eachauge wai natural enough eiue to the rapidiijr of ynterday'i advance; the decline were aa a rule canceled before the cloie of buii nri and there were aome cutulder able advance! (or the day. No great attention waa paid lo the teriei of proiiouncianiriiioi regarding the railway conference. They contrib uted nothing new to the ailuation, except to emphaaife individual feel ing in the matter. Financial judg ment appeari lo have baied itielf on expectation that the strike will be terminated without surrender of a jtut pontion by the railway man agrmenti po.nUy with tome nomi nal conception to the negotiating unioni, but niiinarily through recog nition by the ihopmen thrmiclvra that their strike hai failed and that the public iniiati on the ending of attempt to rmbarra Iraniporta lion. Mage linnet Interrellag. Th I tili-d giaira Sieei roipuralliin'1 an. nountament f a a per cent ln raaae la wagaa of rommoa labor waa lha day i nt'.el Inlaraatiiie newa. II ntight appear para dt,tiral, coming ge l doea al lha moment nf ih etruggi.e ( the railway rnerhenir again.l wag reducllona With lha et.el corpora tlun, however, rrnl rhangaa la tha aelline pric f the company a prolut ta, lh wag aal hv folloned changee la lha aelline pile of lh company'a proilurta, with tha reeult that lha raduillona between May at. 4 Auguat laet year, lnluatv, were far gi.atar than Inoe which hav ,--n made by th railway labor board, Mul prlrea for etl hav dvned II per cent from th low point ( th year, while railway rate ara lower. A further eonalderatloa governing Ihli erlion In th ateel trad I th fan lhal, even In lh lata eprlng montha deficiency of labor In that Induatry aemd lo b Im p.adiiig Th advanr In wage ainnunta lo rerognlllnn by tha company of antlcl. pal.d activity la production, nulwllhetaeid Ing lh fuel ahorlaga. In I h la reepeel it la a aign or promla. II will undoubtedly com- piirat genarsi niocueeiun nr in wage problem, but It haa been evident that In general Induatry that pruhlam would enter a new phaa wlin actual Irada revival. With lh general opinion In financial cir ri ea that lha railway etrik will hav lo ear ltalf out goon, Induatrtai obeervera aperulated today on tha poaalhlllly of tha road furnlehlng a, aufflelent number of rara to handle the heavy coal production which I eipeeied to begin. Wide intereet waa attached to tha July report or lh I'nlon Paclflo eyetem today, aa lha (Ir-t of th larg rlaea 1 roada lo r'Port. Whether th anopmen'g alrlk. which began July I, wa acrounlabl for lh Inea of 11,071.144 In groaa bualneea nf lh Vnlon Pacifio wai not aacartalned, but tha reault wai h'ld to portend a elinllar ehowlng for oth.r roada. At . (Iv. f A W I Amer Inter Corp, America artn. ,, Anala Teia. Am.rlran Can 'Hal leather , l u..Amee. Sug. Corn Prod fawoii I'leveia oeaer tie. trie (lit North nr .. 11 H.rveeiee ., am II 1. pfd., II S lit Althl.. II Inl peper n M M p(d . Am Ku Ft.f . ... geara rloehurk Mrtiinetvtif g .... i T..b Prod W'erthing Puritp. weefarn l nlni II li v; il W li H Hi l ii .114 111 ).l )ll ,, al t al tl ,. 114 11 H U 4 14 .V, 14 14 ,,111 1144 ll I4 , I" v, 44 lev, tl ,..l l tl 41 ,. 43 41 41 41 ,,111 111 III ll ,. 114 114 11 .. 1 it at 17 M M 11 11 14 11 14 11 1 01 11 11 II II 11 17 11 II II n 1 t IIV ,. l . 47 .in 113 111 111 W'eellughstie KI..H 11 14 Amer Wanlen , ... 14 M UlaV'KLI.ANEOCS. Amer Cut'. .n oil.. 1 17 17 Amer At t'hm .... 41 41 41 Amer l.lo4 .... 11 II 11 tale Wag Id ... II 11 II. riow-aj atag'. itrook n r.. Cam Can . . . Cel. Pa.klag 11 n I t 41 iis 41 14 14 1 IS . ii Col. Oe. 4 t,l.e.,.e ia Idl e 101 lumbl llrapb .. 4 4 4 ,,,, -hii4 orug 11 .... National Enamel.. II 11 11 fnlted Drug. ,..,.114 141 114 .... l.orillard T"ba.ia.ll !! Il 144 National t.ead I"l ll IM o Philadelphia. Co... 41 41 41 41 Pullman 111 111 111 114 Punt Al Sugar., M li II 10 aouln I', M Mugar. II II II Hetall Stniee. 71 11 74 71 w. l 1 1 r ...... it n n it Va Car Chem 10 l"Va 10 Ta p. m. ealee, 111, lot aheree. Money i loeo, 4 per eenlj Monday clue, 4 per rent. Mark Clo, ,001) Monday eloa, ,0"l. rranre Cloa, .0711 i Moaday eln, ,70. nierling loee. it 47 i Moaday rloae, It 4" Total eal.l. Ill III. Stock Quotations w York Nugar. N'ow York. Aug. 22. It developed late In th dny tlint anlea of between 36,00(1 and 60.000 huge of Cubaa had been iold tn eugar reflnere nt price! varying from 15.11 down to 501 and thero waa alao lute rumor to tho effect that a cargo of Cubaa had been aold for September ehlpment at 8 coat and f relght.'enual to S ilo delivered. At tha rloae, the apot prlc for Cuai her waa 6.01c delivered. Weakneai occurred In th market for raw augar future and price! had a aharp decline, cloning 8 to 13 polnta net lower. Liquidation, Influenced by tho heavlnrea In the apot market and the alow demand for refined waa th principal cauao of the break. September cloaed 3.33c; December, 1.56c; March. 3.27c; May, 3 40c. Tha refined augar market waa again QUlet and It wai underatood that lecond handa, which hava ben lupplylng moat of the preaent demand, were offering granulated t .70o nr lower. Refined Hit price remained at .75i7.00. Refined future nominal. Knnina City Ilv Htork. Kaneaa City, Mo., Aug. 22. Cattle Re- celpta. 35,000 head; market, beef ateera ateady to 25o lower; bulk 100150 lower; mixed gradea allowing moat weakening; few fed eteera, !.2610.10; heat bid, 110.10; medium cowa weak to lower: all other gradea and ela.aea around ateady; quality plain and trad alow, with many cara arriving late: part load mled year linse, 110 60: hulk cowa. MSG7TO.0O: few Iota, I.I5I.50; good and cholre vralera, 110 00W 11.00: cannera and cuttori muetly 2.251.60; bulk bologna bulla, Ills J. 7 5. lloge ueceipie. l.inm neon; maraei fairly active, moatly ateady to l"c lower: ahlpper top. I.10; park.r top. 110; 110 to i 1 0-11) . I 7041 I 10; 110 to 260-lb., 11.60 S; 210 to Jon. lb., t !tl.: parking aowa ateady: hulk of eal.a, I7.l"7!&, atoik piga 10f !So higher; bulk uf aalea, ll.tOfl 1. 76. dheep Hm'elpta, MOO head: market, lamba generally etrung to 25e higher; apota Up mre; top nl!ve, 11125; moat .horn Iota, 113 7601100; rulle, 17 6oM 7; ehrrp ateady; fat natlv ewea, DO i( 4 SO. No. Av. 34. .341 64.. 104 32. .24! 24. .241 35. .205 h. 210 Pr. 17 10 7 25 1 60 10 I II Sheep Hocelpta, No. At. 21.. 104 24. .263 14..247 31. .214 6. .211 12.604 head. lh. Pr. 40 17 II 10 7 40 10 7 71 I 10 40 1 00 Trading wag alow on th early rounda, with aell ere a.UIng higher price and buyer alow to atart trading, and tna market rinany worked out about ateady with yeeterday'i inim c lo... beat duality weatern ana natlv lamha aellln at 112.61011.71, with hnlr lota quoted at 112.16. Feedere war ateady to atrong, aalllng largely at 111.76912.00, with beat light lamba quoted at 111 16. Hhrep war ateady, eome good quality weatern wethen aelline at 17.10, and feeding ewea at Ountatlona on aheen: Fat Iambi, good to choice,; fat lamb, fair to good,; feeding iamoa, iii.dv 612.16: cull lamba, 16.00010.00; fat ewea, light, ll.60O7.00; fat a wee. heavy, 14.00 LOO. v St. Iarala Llveatoclr.' - Cat St Loula. 111.. Aug. 22 C.llle Receipt, 7,000 head; good iteen ateady to ahad lower; wraterna, 16 to 26o A T n V ... Halt A Ohio ... Can Pea New York Cent Che 4k Ohio .. Ort North Ill Cent K V Houth .... Lehigh Vblley , Mo Pea N T N H ... North Pan ..... Chi N W..,., Penn R R..... Reading C H I A P South Pad South R ' C It A St P ... RAILROADS. Monday High. Low. Cloee. Cloea. 101 101 104 104 60 6 61 10 144 144 144 141 ,1004 II . li'4 77 77 2 M 112 111 24 27 1 23 11 10 4T 71 4 4 17 16 lower; beat light yearling, atronf to 25c Cruelhl higher: othera ateady; cow., cannera, atnrk ataera and light calvaa. ateady; bulla. 15o to 26o higher; top matured ateera. 110.16: ton light mlaed, 110.26; bulka follow: beat iteera, I2.I00 10.16; weaterni, 16.1007.40; light yearling., I OO4HO.00: cowa. l4.60A6.7l; cannera, 12.2512.40; bull!, 13. 7604.26; cnlvei, 110 50441100: atock ateera. 15.5034.76. Hog. Recelpta, 10,000 'head: market opened alow and moatly llo to !6o lower, hut rallied etrongly In th laat hour, cloa- Ing be ng active and not over loo to lto off; eom butcher and heavlea iold nearly aleady late; top, 19.60 paid freely at th cloae: bulk of 140 to loo-pound average, ID.30erl.4ll: 210 to 250-pound average. 19.164i8.36; heavlea, 3.50$l,10; rough aoivg. moat v zso lower at ii.rooi.ii; plga. unevenly 2Sc to 60o off; bulk, Hi t 00 Sheep and Lamba Receipt. 1.600 head: market active and ateady to 26o higher nn fnt lamba; fat aheep and other claaaea unchanged; top. lamba, 113.35; culli, 18.00: fnt light aheep, moatly 10.00: heavlea, 13.00. Chicago Stnrka. Rang of pricea of the leading Chicago atocka furnlahed by Logan A Bryan, 348 Peter. Trust building: Armour ft Co. pfd ' Armour Leather com 64 Cont. Motor Karl Motor 1 Llbhv. new a Montgomery. Ward 24 V.t T.aathar new ! Plaa-lev Wlarlv -' Stewart-Warner 4BH Swift Co lOB 14 ITnlon Carbid ? Wahl ' oo ew York Metnla. New York. Aug. 22. Copper Steady; olectrolytlc. apot and later, 14c, Tin Ea.ler; apot and nearby, .too. futures, 32 2e. Iron ftteady anil uncnangeo. T mm ITIrm .not. tttierl.OOC. Zinc Steady; Eaat St. Louli, loot and nearby delivery. 4 20tM.25c. Antimony Spot, i.isc. 7 5 ...HI ... 17 ... 10 ... 24 ... tl ... 17 ... 12 ... 47 ... 10 .,, 46 ... Hlk ... 21 ... 3 STKBLS Am. Car Foundry.. Ill 181 181 lit Allla-Chalmer 67 16 67 66 Am. Locomotive ..121 130 121 121 Ilaldwln Lorom'v 121 124 127 124 rietnlenem meal.,, 71 Col. Fuel A Iron... 22 2 23 17 1 47 71 48 4 21 21 71 4 112 27 70 24 11 ! 47 0 6 21 16 New York Bonds Illl l,ihrt i 4t..MM toll I at M l' l 44 ,,,.14 II 0l l el 14 111 Victory 4l ....III It Hill lu ll fee Ian leaf arawtewl, Stm Jt4 MnjUrlpnl. ,.lt 1M 0I la 11 11 14 ,,0I 1I4 I014 ..111 111 111 ,, tl t a ..III III 111 ., ! IIV4 ! .. 11 II 11 ., 11 II ! ,. M ,,oa e4 lea ,. Ill 71 11 .lit lit tit 1 l 114 l o . 114 4 li'. n nu ii, i . M , 11 t , It M M .l'l llv l . H t , t tn ta .I1144 ll lt ,loo M I no M 4 4 7 ! 111 111 IM' 104 17 77 1 H ll !" It l4 lot 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 New York. Aug. 13 Th bond market dlaplayad a firm tana today, deapll aom rather heavy profil-iaklna In acllv Laura wim a had reaih.d thalr peak pric.a in Die laet f.w dy. Railroad mortgagee war again th fa voritoa. new hiajM being mad by Ml, Paul II of 1126, and convertible 4 4a, Seaboard Airline 4a, Krie Al and He, Kl'y adjuet imiit 6 and Krlaio lacom 4. Uaina of I lo 1 polnta war al.o noted la rlaltlmor A Ohio ie, Wlnronain Central 4e, Toledo. Ml. Louie A We.tern 4a, Kanaaa City Southern ta and Peoria A Kaelarn Imomaa, but Cha.apeak A Ohio nvrrtlbl la, Norfolk A Weatern convertible 4a and Lrl con olldated 4a were reactionary, Publlu Ulllltna and Induatrlala alao de veloped eeveral atrong apota, notably Weatern I'nlon la, which ra. ponded to the aubetantlal Inareaaa 1 that company'! lotk; American Cotton Oil le. Montana rnw.r ta, Cincinnati uae 14a, innea Realty la, and Carro d Paero I. Foreign bonda held ateady, aeepit a weakening tendency In foreign rhnge. Japane.a 4 yielded slightly to prefll. tak ing, hut urlch 8a aud other European leuei were firm to atrong. Llberlr bonda war generally reactionary, but lha f.atur ' thla gruup waa a audden purl In aha fliat 4a, juat l.fora tha cloae. After Ulnar down 10 1100 44, they advanced to 1101.10, or 40 point abov laat nlaht'a cloa. Other laauee hardened alightly In aympathy, but war down below la.t night a final rater. No new bond offering! of any alie were mad today, Interrat being centered In Tlmken Hollir Ikarlnge company' eala of 400,000 ahar.e of at k at M0 a ahare, and th new 116.600,000 Chesapeake A Ohio per cent preferred atock laaua which la to be put aoon. It itockholdiri approv. j. ew Borat ikiddi, New York, Aug. 22, Following ar to- day a high, low and lining prlr ea of bonda on tha New York atock eichange, and th total aalea rf each bond: I, S, Moada. Salea (In 11,000) High lw Close 141 Liberty !e 100.10 100.14 100.70 II Liberty let 4 100.70 101.30 1010 Liberty 2d 4l ..100.44 100.1 104.40 61 Liberty Id 4 100.41 100.31 100.41 1 Am. Steal Foundry 42 Lnkawanna Steal... 10 Mldvale Hteel 16 Preaard Steel Cer., II Res. Hteel A Iron., 11 Ry. Steel Spring. ..110 Slosi-Schef field ... 41 IT. a. Steel.. Vinadlum , Otii Steel , Anaconda Am. S. A R. Co.,,, Cerro Da Pasco.,, Chill Chlno 78 78 71 12 12 32 2 2 12 42 42 42 7 10 10 86 26 15 82 II 12 71 72 71 112 112 112 48 46 48 ..104 103 103 104 ... 61 41 t0 10 ... 11 11 11 12 COPI'EKB II 86 41 28 81 Calumet A Arizona 62 Green Cananea .... 22 lln Pao 151 Inspiration -4 Kennecott 38 Miami 30 Nev. Conaol 17 Ray Conaol... 16 Seneca 12 Utah 18 OILS. . s , 47 , 62 44 14 16 3 40 32 30 61 33 61 4 40 22 31 2 2 141 151 41 4 42 Oeneral Asphalt Cosden Cal. Peterol.... laland Oil Invincible Oil. 27 2 17 18 11 tie ',4 s 44 62 13 T4 38 21 17 16 11 68 68 40 62 14 4 hle Note A ' il I mi . .h!i-1 la la- la ike wvooet i-Ur ' re' . ... 11 .1 ! .. ' H lha. light a . 14 la !! ... ! !... fi-v ' a4 eiiia ! t.i'.i h,aa .. rea- , I.. ,1 ... i r 1. imi r -- I., ..4 a- a II h..,ai a. ea-y fc.a,. .v,4lvi. I e,aH W..4 l.,ve 4aa i aa-i l a- ...I - I ... K ..i,.v. aueei 4h 4.m4 ria... V4 t f ..4 i-. i at.". ,e..H.!.Hel i aw- a II', n h. (.:.. it ..1 l.l. 1 M. Jivaeph 1 la Htnrk. St Joaaph, Mo. Au. 21 Cattle lie. relpt., 2.i'0 all cl.e.-a mostly rhnl.-a native beef elr.ra. tin 3 : arlinga, iai; bulk fat steer. and r.arllnea. 1 0 U- Wlnlered Kanaaa gr.aia, l 7S; da.lrahla be col mo.tly II I visa; veal ta If lop III IS, II...-- Hecalpte. I lo hand: fairly ae. Ilv. en t'ghl and medium hull to eMp. l-ara, mi'aiiy wih yaat.rdav'a .hip. p.. ii.ofl huk l; In Slp.nted w-!-,!.. ). I -.i; p kera g'ioa f.w ..ale .!) In . paikln aoaa. KioaLV .taalr, hiiik, ireiitlll: soat va.lar.l.v t 11. weight III Bivunta- ail., a?id I n,ba - It atai .t. I 5-i h.d, fat lam,., .la.i. i. 1 e hiah. Iat aa I lain'-a. Ill .4i : ti.l4kl. I .ally aa in,, r.!, f.w !4 e.a y ' tr at 1 1 1 Mteal I lly I Iv Hal vat I I. i. . A. 1 a- lie- at. i'4 he.!; lu kat .tatk, 4 at ttiW'i. gl.a .1 i IJItl l f ll l ai4 , I.I - .a. r-.a, 4 I .Ann-', 1 1 li. el na I ! il. 4-.I-,., I . ,1 -- Il a 1 l. t4 a aa. 4 o, u. ai ... I llfl 11 M..s.l t I. 0,ia. .ar; , ' t I 4 II. ... a. a a- m m . i a- ..4 tllll aR.h-l '.4 N. Y. Curb Bonds Mexican Peterol. . .178 172 175 Middle Statea 13 13 13 Pacific Oil 67 64 17 Pan-American .... 77 76 78V Phillip 49 47 4 Plerc Oil 7 7 7 Pur Oil 14 22 21 Royal Dutch 56 66 66 Sinclair OH 33 13 83 Standard-Oil, N. J. 188 181 186 Texas Cn 48 48 41 Union Oil 11 11 11 Whit Oil 6 7 1 MOTORS. ... 62 11 .. 13 13 . 7 7 ... 12 13 ... 48 48 ...127 126 RUBBER AND TIRES Flak 12 12 12 Ooodrich 37 16 Kalley.Rprlngflald. 40 46 Keyston Tlr .... 8 AJax 11 11 U. 8. Rubber 68 68 INOUSTKIAI-4. Amer. Heel Bug. 48 47 14 3 40 22 20 81 32 150 41 36 21 17 14 12 17 5 46 62 14 174 13 67 76 48 7 32 66 83 181 48 11 I Chandler Oeneral Mnton Wlllya-Overland Plerca-Arrow . Whit Motor ... Btudebaker 82 1 7 12 62 13 7 12 4 .... 127 127 II 14 48 11 66 46 11 11 47 41 -.lata m k..l, v. v -.a .' a a. t-m- V . a .4 la a ' V.. V ley. Ii-ae4e. II - . i4 al -a gaii-l I f,e an. , IV. y .a V)a.ii. e4 tUaa 4a II .,,,I. ,ii, I,, , . !,,,(, .a. I1 a. e-a . lv a.. H. I til . w m --.aa -a aa .va, ('! . aa'.aa.aa'a 4VI ., ate a 14 III aaa. al-'. I I' f n H ttlait , I. k til. VI I li V t , 4. ta ii.l 1. . at I ! It -aa j I4.. It .an it 4-4 fan eon f . 4 -a it t .. t -l . I....I . . ) II -.)ii., I a. i t ... , l.-av ! eel 4 taa..)' V.a4i. '. It aiaa It a 4 hai. i a.., - e - i . 4 ft. I a a i a -.a. I. . , a.a t, aa . 4 Vi I I -.a. Mining stocks rontlnued In Inrreaaed da. manit Hav H.rrun aold at (W. inn.' pendent Lead waa alao active gnd atrong with buvlne coming In lo tha atock on repnrta of favorable mine developmente. tlnldfield development wai alao In demand from atrong aoutce Haade. g.lee iln It 0011 High Low Cloa S Allied Packer e ., 61 II . 61 I Alllrd Packer e ,. 4 M 4 1 Aluminum 7a II. ...106 !" tH 5 Amer 1'i.llnn Oil a 11 1 Amer T A T a I3..m t 1"4 11 Aai" C"P s ... IM4 Ml 114 t Ana.on Cop 7e li. .! Il l 7 Ana Am Oil 1a. .!! Il !' 1 A 1 1. .our A Co l..,.1"t l4i (4 I llath SI la M 14 H ! I I II. lh HI 7. It I4 ft 14 46 Hkin i n laa l., l4 14 I Kkln 14 la la... Ill 111 " 4 CM i s I1 1"4 lT I Ha. Ball 4a..ll l ll , I t-.a T..tila a . ., : 4 t en Va A. la ll 1l t"l I iv A.n la l..l4 l4 l, I l ut.n T-l 14a ... .Ia ! I Ctt.t.hy 1 "I4 !'" 1 II.'... Big Otl 7 ,! ll Kl I ii.ii i halt 8 11 ii.. ..I.i h T Is I u.aal T'uak ! I 11. 4 H ' kaa tl II li ... I tires t a Kl , 1 1 a. Is te. ta . . . I I it VJ.- A I. t 'a. . II s.l V in. 1 41 . ., I vi mi 4 h ii.. -a I 4.1 4a pr.., 4 ll.M U II. t f-ih ... C M J I. k ...,! it. i. le ... 4 a.,., p le II . l . a w K..I Tal ta l e .a i. ii V I i IHiIv ls . V 1 l II 1-4 H HI 111 HI al I !! l t l1 ) Ml I'l l l t" t' . 4 I'V, t v 1 4 )'4a ! .11 I 4 IM What Shall I Do About My Marks? Wolf Weakly Market Utter will tell you. It Ii fr. Writ for it. H. & B. WOLF & CO. 1329 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. I'ENNA. M BROAD IT, NEW YORK NOW PLAYING Richard Harding Davis' Romantic Story of Advntur in a Banana Republic 90 1 THE DICTATOR Excellently Portrayed by WALLACE LILA REID LEE Theodor Koiloff Walter- Long Her" Comedy af Laughs BULL MONTANA Homely as a Mud Fane, but A LADIES' MAN I arg.atia la I i'hin.. ilovl If la .. 4 Ma. a. la SI IMrdaaua , ... I l'hrielinla I , . Copenhagen II I ten. a II Itare.til.a la ... I Hi de J. nan ia I Han Paulo I ... I Toko. I I Koro h la 14 i ... lio.ii. flap la ill 11 I laj Muni ' A , , . 14 I'ept game la II I'oin C.a 1. II II I'oin Can ta 11 . ,. 114 l orn t an t II. .. II 11 1 h r. Ind a 47 II l't. h K Ind Is II li yranrh Haa le ... lei Prentb Hap e 10 Japene 4e , ., , , 11 luigium 141 II Maigium I ...... II Iwninark ..... il Italy 4 , 4 41 Neihsrland la .... 17 I Norway la ..Ill II Sweden la I"I4 71 Paris l.rooa-M.d la. 77 a Hep liolivia la .... It I Rep Chile le 44. , , ,t"4 Hep I rugu.y la 4 7a , II (jo. an. I. ml !e I"l lo!, I'l I H10 tlr do Sul li ... tt 11 14 kwlae Con 1:4 110 l'"4 II K II II 4 I I II l lulu lull! II K II II I I 14a II III lln III 17 K 0 II A I ! H I"! K'4 ll II II Hrasll Il l"l 4 l"l 4 .... 17 17 17 .... 44 44 4 Nlarellaaevu. ,,,,10 10 I . ... II 4 Amer Al Chm 1a,l4 101 lea. 14 Amer Cut 011 ta,, 414 It Amer Smell ta It 14 Amer Sug aa I"l !! oi 4 A in.r T T cv la. .114 114 11" 1 Am.r 717HII, I Am-r Writ Pa Is., 14 84 44 I Armour A Co 4e. , l 11 l II A T A S " gen 4a., ! 12 tl I A T A a Y adj 4.. " 4 I At Itrf 101 KU 1 II Halt A nhio I lot 101 l"l lo A Ohio ov 4a 17 11 17 Hell T-l I'enn 7s...ot l"l lose. I llelh Nt ref 6 . f llelh SI p m Is. . . I Itkln K.I gen 7a l. 14 Hkln H T 7a etf. II Can North la ... 21 Can I'sc deh 4. ., I Cent Par gid 4a. , , II Cerro Pas. la , . . . Ill ch A Ohio cv ta. Chea A Ohio cv 4a 11 C II A Q ref la A . .101 It N M.iii-o la . ICS M.ilra 4a Hallway and) I Adama ,. 41 ,. It Alaa Rub 8a a is 3 lit ! 17 107 107 12 4 si t 4 111 III to in'; t il 137 124 14 ! 101 1"1'. .in . 1 . II .121 1 ht A II 111 I I 14 II Chi Ot Weat 4 ... 41 l l I C M A l P 44 11 1 1J II C kt A St l r( 14 It C M A at P r ,, IS 1 1J4 I Chi A N W le .....l 1; I l hi A N VV 141 ..M-" H H'H II Cbiisgo tl t .... l II C H 1 A I' i-n 4... M4 M I I.' It I A P "I 44.. 144 4 4 V4 Chi A W Ind 4.. 17 114 "1 44 Chll Cup 11 101 lt 04 1 Chile C. 4 "JH II Cl Ind a 1 J II Cl A So ref 4 . ! it l 1 Inn Cel Md t .. ! l 18 Cut Cana Kg 4 la.. t ' S 4 t ula t an. he 4 le,, 114 ' i-iib Am og a I44 !" I" 11 I '.I A Hid rv la.. Ml 4 I. A H II imp I 1 li a tet ra r.f .....i"i i"; fimnd Mt.h 7a ..loH l" l' I-i.t g.e le 4i 41 4 14 tpnl Nem 1a ,.l' t1 I I'U.IUeene II Il I'l II II A ria ell tl ' ! II Pri gen 4a M 11 d'. It krie .r lien 4 . II I'l.k Hab I 11 I"1 '"''' II Pram.r I H 1a.. I ll.n Hie d le Ill l !"' 4 T te II .104 4 1" 4 .r T le 41.111 111 116 lind Tnk He C 7e III 111 111 II find Tnk Hy C l4 l"l I"" 11 llrt North 7e A 111 III "I'l 1 flit North 14s It .!! M 1l'i 21 Hud M ref ta A . IS Sl II Hod a M ad mc la 144 S ,.I"J .. !, . I"l . . n 7"S t?S tit 17 I 14 I'l t'-iil 64. t III I'.nl ft 4a... I III H' d 4 '..... . rt lo I Kt 6. . 40 Illl Mel 141 il Inl n T r-r 6 . . 114 I A II N adl le wl 41 Inl H M M 41 Int I'a rrf te II .. t I Col raf la 11 K C Ko ta 10 Kll-Spring T is. . , I Lack St le 21. ... 14 Lack SI ta I" 7 Laded li St I, lei '.a 17 I, S M S d 4s 31 I lbigh Vat (a I. IS A Mr 6. II LAN r.f te. . . LAN unified te jl Mkl St Hy con ta 4 Mnrlend ol la , . . 1 Vies Pel S. 31 Mid SI rv It .... . 1 VI a St I. r. f 6a . il VI kl l AhNVf 111 I'lli 14 44 M K A T n p I la A. si 447 M K A T n ad ta A. 11 ' 11 II K t T let 4 J 81 f. 1 Mo Pec con 4s 103 101 16 Mo Par gen 4s. , . . . . 41 4 4 Mont Pow ta A 20 N Y. T A T let (a i t t 20 N K T A M inc le. It 14 12 N V C col 7a 10t lot St N Y C d 8. 104 10S 10 N Y C ran 4s tt 85 I'l II 1 us 7S 11 47 I ll n 4 1 HO 4 I'S S ': t if 1 o. o4 "4 I iiii 4 oo as ; i r tt 4 ' I II II .lot 1 l"J .1004 I'.o loo .!" l'"i l"i , 4 '4 , 'i SI " llil 102 lull, 'I4 0 . l 'A l 41 41 41 l"4 '.4 42 13 I'll 4 It 101 ! 15 12 N Y K.l ref (..lll 111 111 1 4 1, .1 4 "if i4 I 4, I II le 47 si. It NT NM AM 44 14 II ! I M Y Si if 4. .1, 14 ! ! II II I Is r.f l. 41 ls l. 4 ! II N Y W A H I 44- II I Nor A Sa t A " 14 l Nr A Weal re se lis il 1 1 ' S I North Pa .r lie 4. . " 4 N.t I'.a lal ta... ! I" l'"', I Naitk la P let ta A 4 4 4 IN T.I ll .lMV, 1-1 l' f O S I. I'd a if in la l' 14 O S I. ref 4. 4 M4 I Or-Wan H H A J 4 n t 'a I one i le A I !". w t I'a mill ,1 II 4 II Pae T A T t. t nr. 14 4 II Packard Motor sa .1.1 I 14 11' I Paa-Am PATH 11 !' tl Pea N It Ms 114 l'4 It ewa 24 14 Sn 11.. " 111 P A K In 4. ...... It Pierre Oil 4 ' It Pub Rr ta I 14 Heading gen 4a, . . . I kl I, I Ml A 'af 4 14 71 St Ii 6 I f adl a. 4 ! SI I. A S r ine I. 11 4 Ml L A S 1 I 41 A. 14 I SI lr S W 14 4 ... I a P A K C S I. 144 11 I A A A P let 4s. a I K.e board A L rn Se 71 II h, aboard A I. d ta II t Seaboard A I- rf 4a 47 I kharon Si Hs la A. 4 Sinclair Crud ta. a 1 Sinclair 011 te l4 II Hioetalr I'll lot le I"" 4 So Pee e ........ ' 41 Mw I'a let 4....... l H.. I' a a a km tt '4 n e Re ... l",4 l" so Hy ton i" i'y 4s So liv a 4a I a.. 'rl Ilia Kg la., II H'.o Oil Cal 4 la. . Ill Third Ave adt t.. I Third Av laf 4.,. I Tid.wtr oil .,, I T .h Prod 1 I I n II I I'll A elf. I t'e I'ae I.I 4..... 16 I t n Pae cv 4a 1 I n Tank Car l td I '"'! 1 I" I l td Fuel Oaa ... 10 l td Ity In lt tg P I !' M llaalty i I I' S Hub 1 4. la I M Hub is . 1 tt Steel af la ... .104 II Va.c.r ' hoi 7e. .101 I Va far Chm le . If. t Va Ity te Wai.a.h 1.1 la ... Wrat It lee It .... 1 Weal Md lal 4... 4 West P.e ta . . , , . 21 West I'nlon .. I W".l f-la 7a 1 Whell A I, K .-on 4a. 11 :; I'. 11 14 4 114 0 10 ! 41 It 4 at .i I !' U '. 11 1a 11 ,"2 l"'4 l"?1 .)'! 1'''. , 11 114 II , 11 14 ' ,ll 11 1", ot ot4 tot'. s. 4 ' t t". I'UV 101 111 III . M , If I 1 .101 i"i 1" " 1'V 1 lt l"fS 1 1 4 '. , ,lo" I "4 I""'. .. ! ' I"' ., '. ..III ll 114 ..lit 1 1" 14 7S 71 I VV Irk 'Spell SI 7a... I Wilson A C af 1a.I04 104 la, 1 Wilson A C Tl 4S, a .-, Wise Cent gen 4s., 14 Total aalea of honda today war 113 . 101 duo roinpared with lll,4l. prvloul day and 14 110 60 a yar ago. eiii1iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiA' a i .111 l"4 l" 4 H14 ti ,lt l't 11 . 4 l l"4 , M iS . 11 "IS ll 114 ! a l"4 l'4 . SI ' . 41 41 fl lllv, 144 I", 1 v I a 4 .1st I'l 14 ,44 lit 11 ll l'l 1 14 I'l 14 14 I II I It i. w e s. I I It 1 II la t It 1 v l Cal 4a . la . I fa. 4 I kavha. 141 -al 4 , W ..-, .. I at t ta 1 ..". 1, 11 1 ,,... . I. ).,.. t , , . 1 V... .. a 4 . h 11 r , I, : a a I 4 , liea,.t,, V t..k.. ta .. ' lw4 I'm is 4 14 Ii 4 II 4 ;i 444 i it 1 ii i ti 11 , M4 . l I4 ' 4 n Xfrt-nnaitl eerv UaX Xlty(J Price 91 & Interest Yteld(ng 570 !2 Yean to Maturity I'tah McM and Traction fa, tint an.l Kefun.l. Ing M .M,4 (;tl4 PA.. du 0l. t, lit . C.UAMANTKCD vasaadilvaaellf , aa4 tataaa.l t A, UTAH POWIR LIGHT COMf AN Y fle.ka aa raiasl T.i Nattanal City Cimymy rwk-r,t Hal t asvw 4t Tl-awkaft, 4AehA tilt KrugPark Set th Thrilling AERIAL ACT Clven Free Each Evening Thla Wk FOX TROT CONTEST Friday Evaninf, August 25 Winner ta Rscelv a Cash Prlr ol $20 and Silver Trophy Cup Emblematic al lh til Stat Championship Cup la b retailed an year, when it ii t k competed for agaia Free Moving Pictures Each Evanlnf HERE'S "SUM-MY" Proud and IHIappy And Why Shouldn't Kll!r, He Be? HE'S ALL DRESSED UP IN A NICE NEW SUIT Waiting anxiously for Saturday to come so he can show Omaha his new playhouse, which reopens with his first "Sun Wonder Picture." "THE A screen version of George Broadhurst's prod tion of Langdon McCormick s sensational success. Featuring io,.",N'5,': use i'' House Peters Virginia Vaili Matt Moore Josef Swichard First Screen Showing of "THE STORM" in Omaha SUM TIME ATE Two Weeks, Starting Saturday The greatest spectacular melodrama of the year. Don't miss the great Forest Fire the terrific leap for life all incidents woven about one of the most appealing love stories ever filmed! " Sun- ny" Invites You to Be One of His First Guests ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j (QU(KeUrrvx ORrTtfOfii CIRCUIT VAULXVIUI RESERVED SEATS Now Selling OPENS SUN., AUG. 27 A Cteal Skew laavi(ii 4 , l lwi Vawdevlli RfDUCED rRICES ll.liaaae-II., ., ta, 41,1,, .. au., 11a 4 law al l U. Aaa araalealtg l.ana S....4 , 41 I aiallae Weak hiatus, kail Ik ! tksae. It. aavd avaarl kail Ik aiaaa aalg I., K.aaawvaW 4 Hal. a, a, Te A.l iawaaat team .a. al II ativt (,aif Ihaiaiia , Uw dike Vea4..ilh A'H aavd rwlw rv. AN EVENT- OGUY BATES POST IM. 1 aaaal t-aTaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia STARTING SUNDAY STRAND TEMPTATION haUkeel at alaa4't alaal ilal.M.a wilk ta rsatle, paw, a ks 4,Mlm, l aVwit Tilt. U3W ROAU Ikal 14 la 4te4 !. Swl aaaikar, kl bl iaaag, laaavawal lata kl Wa aaaal Ik avilal kaw 14 Bel, (kail Ik k4iawt e4 Ik I l've.s.w.4 Ik el, II. w I A fwal Hallaaei Alt.aalwa. Pltatt 0 Hi "likl aa1 teal., Maiaaa sai, aa,, at.. a Im, ., , a". . ix aaaivaea aai.i . UH al-a Ik,. 4, aaawkt pa -4 l eat to ..a tt. ,i,, 't LAST TIMES TODAY "Afraid to Fight" "Us 0al Ealerlalnaasaf Starts Tomorrow NOAH BEERY "Bell OK Hull" JANE NOVAK A kM aaa) astiaa ttnina f tha rvaria Ywhaa 1 NOW SHOWING ti 8 1 I'll UlMt ,lvv4Jv ., Opont Sat Nlte lusat Mwnstj- "KNICK-KNACKS" Calaa. I va 1 v.. I iilaak PRICKS DOWN lit rst va, 4.) Matt , a lllit, 4Va Ik.,, 1 4 A kl 1 EMPRESS NOW SHOWING till, UMU AT MEM HIT -ak al III I iaa4aa's lastateva al - a teatvata khk kilil n a kai4a 4ia4 aa,k aaak S t ., iea4 awl I.iiia4 aVaava, Ikal aa.i4 k ALICE LAKE la MThi Got. en tilt" A 4ee 1 a aU l Ikaal a4ai A ei ea aaei I .k eeal tk eull, aaeat aa ,1 aaaiaai.