The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 23, 1922, Page 8, Image 8
HE OMAHA EEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23. 1022. Money Donated Irish Republican . Cause Held Up Injunction IVoliiliitt Hank From Rrliaing KunU lo De Yalrra $2, 300,000 Involvcil. Stm York. Aug 22A tempo rry injuni'lim restraining lo'4l banks, in which r ilrpositrd mnnirt counted (or Htc Irish republican mutr. from rrlraung thein lo Ramon de Valrra or ny ol hit units W3( signed ty Supreme Court Justice iiurr on 4plirtiuti "I attornryt representing- Mkhtrl (ol I nt ami other oriitrtt of the 1 rih Iree tut ltrre. It sas announced that appro,! maicly S.'.JiXUHMJ wat tin up by thr order. Service of complaint on Dc Valrra and the other drlrtnUntt wu ordrrnj to be made thruugh the in srrtion dt ailvrrlii.rinrrili in paperi it; l-'nlaii'l and JrcUnd. Mod ol the funds involved are Mid to be de potilnl Willi the Guaranty Trust company uiid the J Unison Is'- fonal, J lie nu'ii ccmU'iilioii urged against the JJc Valera ni-ludy oi the frith fundi, the application (or au.injuuc lion read, wai llut Ireland it now it nation; llut iJe Valrra ia agaimt the present government and la I fugitive and liui lie ia not entitled to the nmiiry. If De Valera or hia forcea were .'raided the prrtent, fund in Amer ican banks, the free state rctiretrn. Utive contend, it will be devoted to the carrying on of further revolu tion against the present government inn! prolong needles and unjustifi able civil war in a country vvtiuii l,a rprersed by the ballot t it pre ftri'iuu for the Irish free state form of Kovcrnnicnt, It i furlhrr atated that the Irish frtc ute ia prepared to make good tin: bund ol that nation and lhat the rpiu-keat way to end the present re wilt is to deprive Dc Valrra and bis aide) of funds from this coun try. All eliecka on these fiiunV were dc to'id in the local hanks in De V'alcra's name up to the tigning of the Irion peace treaty, it was aaid jratcrduy. Money was tinder the juriilftion of three trustees Archbishop Michael I'ogarty, Irish prelate; .Stephen O'Mara, mayor of Limerick, and De Valera. Tliey in turn wire r sponsible to the Dail Kirianii, Opponent of De Valera charged that: in spite of their protect, not Irs than $250,000 war' withdrawn from the Irish fund in this city during stlie early part of this year. There wai begun sometime ago, a aerie of inquiries concerning the exact statu of the funds. Those who opposed De Valera charged they could obtain no information from him and that legal proceeding: were thu neeestiated. The firm of attorney represent- In or .li frith frea state lie posited with the county clerk a bond of $50,000 guaranteeing the good faith of the applicants. Doup Payroll Bandit Caught in Cleveland Walter Ellingwood, charged with participation in the daylight pay roll holdup at the L. G. Doup com pany lix weeks ago, was taken into custod yesterday in Cleveland, ac cording to a message received by Omaha police. Ellingwood, police allege, planned a series of holdups and robberies, but officers got wind of his presence in Omaha and he fled just in time to escape capture when detectives rattled the rooms lie and a com panion, with two women, had been occupying in a Douglas street room ing house. Omaha police sent out warnings to other ' cities and the fugitive was nabbed in Cleveland, which i said to be his borne. Ford Plant Puts in Oil Burners, Due to Coal Scarcity Detroit, Mich,, Aug. 22. Owing to the shortage of coal, the Ford Mo tor company' Highland Parle plant ha been equipped with oil burners, it was announced today. The change was made without loss of time to any of the 44000 employes. The Ford company, it is under stood, has placed order for 12,000. 000 gallons of fuel oil. Before in stalling oil burners coke screenings and other fuel were tried out, but found unsatisfactory. The oil burner have been placed in all the boilers, of which there are 14. Whether they will be continued in use after, the fuel shortage has passed has not been determined. Marriage of Barry Wicklow By RUBY M. AYRES CopyHiht, 1922. 1 Z rnsGo Blue-jay to your druggist The simplest way to end a com it tyluJy, A touch stops the rain instantly. Then ih tor loosen and comet cut. Mad in a tolorlm rler liquid, (on drop dot tit) and in thin r' tert. lh action it the tame. Pain Stopi Inttantly 'HIM' (aaila4 rrMa )HtMl.r "Mmtf aha raised her darkened brows; the mad a little giinute, "My de4r boy, don't you leabr that th tint it past when 1 could Inch llaiel anything? 1 warned her what to expect if the tsme tier tonight and ht would come. 1 told her yru would be here, and the said the didn t car a damn it you were. "She never said that?" "Mi did not quit in my poetic language perhaps, but the meant the same tlung,' the broke oft. Look at them) Het you didn't know llarel could dance like tlut, eh Harry glanced at the two in the renter ol the rooms, and away (gam: It made nun leel tick to i lael with Helder arm round tier, lie! drr was unite a good chap in hit way, and ilarry had always rather liked him till tonight, but he knew now that he would never rare (or any of this ftohrmian crowd again. He felt a if hitherto he bad only seen them all from across the foot light, and lhat tonight he had been taken round behind the scene, and shown the gaudinrtt and tawdriuen tf it all, the grease-paint and the makeup, and artificiality. fielder was holding Hazel by the waist, both hi hand on her (lender hips, and a Harry looked, he swung her off her feet, catching her under one irm a if the had been a child. Delia clapped her band and lamped her high-hreied shoes on the cat of the chair. "Go it;" she said thrillv: "you'll have them all beaten to fas with a hit of practue." She looked round to tee how Harry wat taking it, but lie had gone, lie went out of the room an- aero the untidy pattage to the deserted supper room, The lights were still baring, sev eral chair were overturned, the table was strewn with torn paper cracker and empty bottle. The whole room bad very mudi of the. "morninx after" look about it. Karry had teen it in a similar con dition many timet before, and thought nothing of jt, but tonight everything wa different. lie kicked a chair out of his way and went Brro to the fireplace, leaned his el hows on the . mantel hrlf, and pressed his hands over hit eyes. Across the narrow pass.ic came the din fram the other room, thrill voire and laughter, and the sound of dancing feet. I Presently the piano started again,: and a man's loud unmusical voice' broke into ong. "Ginger Gin-gab! they call me Captain Gin-gahl" The refrain was taken up py a roaring chorus. ', Barry covered hi ears. However had he thought jt in the very least amusing, he asked himself bitterly, and yet once he had. He had bawled out choruses a loudly a any of them; he had turned night into day, and gone home in the dawnfight afterwards, having thor oughly enjoyed himnelf. 1 It made him writhe now to think that Hazel must know it, too. He had toppled from his pedestal long since, and, the worst part ol it all was that he had dragged her down wi'h liiiu. But for him she would never have been here tonight. She would never have known Helder, or Topsy St. Hclicr, or any of the others ' who were making uch a fuss of her, and slowly, but surely, making her, one of themselves. , The door he had half-closed be hind him was suddenly pu ihed wide and Topsyi entered. The purple flowers which she wore in her red hair were all disarranged and hung untidy picturcsqueness on one side. The reckless look in her ryes soft ened as she saw Barry, Siie crossed the room on tip-toe and stole, her hand through his arm. ', ' ' "What'a up old chap?1; Barry started and tried to laugh. "Nothing. I've got a rotten head ache. I say, what an artful row they're making." She laughed, though there was an anxious expression in her eyes as she looked at - him. "Yes; tliey sound pretty lively." he slipped a hand into Barry's coat pocket and helped herself to a cigarct from his rase. "Got a match?" she held up her face invitingly, with the ciRaret be tween her lips, but Barry did not no tice the obvious invitation. He found a box, and, striking one, held ft to her. She frowned. "You're slow tonight. What's the matter, anyway?" "I told you; I've got a rotten head." "Poor old boy!" she laid her hand on his arm again, and thete was a little silence. From the next room the rowdy chorus broke out afresh. "Ginger. Gin-gahl They call me Captain Gin-gab!" Topsy laughed; she pirouetted round the room in and out of the chairs and tables, on the tips of her toes, keeping time to the music; she came back to where Harry Mood. "I say, what price the Hazel nut!" the said. "Delia told me she was turh a prude! She dofsn't teem very prudish tonight." Parry turned sharply away, "Do you thin she' pretty?" Tnny pursued, "I stippme the is, Hulhert rave about her; but shr'i a bit to fair for my taste, t like a woman with more sparkle, don't you?" H did not mitir, am she clewed her head under hit arm if vifg t. ie his fare The rur and loliicViitg chorus cam neater; ht d Kir H the em opposite bum r,pu. jn, the rsdv prottttion Itsiied. smtpm an.f kn in tun with their tvet te the mutc They cnvofil the hM 4 fame e M lh .hi,i whet Harry and O CD (J SUGAR 749 far C Oranultl ft IPO lb. Hi- (J )tt US tf ! M ! W Hut Stilt" Topsy ttond; Bany roused himtrlf wiiii an eitort. firmer ami another man came first; they rr boln rfY fluked and eacited; they were carrying i lain iii a tedan chair between them. They went th length of the room and round the table, followed by th rest of the party, all tinging at the top of their voicet; they finally came to a tiandttill close to Barry, Her the two men lowered their arm lor Maid to get down, but jutt as her feet touched the ground Helder caught her round the want, and bending toward her tnatchrd a kirn. "That' Just on account." be said. faeitedly. "The rest " II never finished bit sentence. Barry had got him by the coat col lar very much at a big retriever would shake a kitten; he shook hun till hit teeth rattled, then he let him go to violently that he fell back ward! against .th table, scattering plate and glasses all around him. JlaieJ tcreamed; half a-dozeti men mad a rush at Barry, Topsy St. Helier clutched hi arm. "Ilarry I Barry I What ate you do ing? Yon must be mad!" He shook hrr off; hir, face was crimson; the veins stood out like cords on hi forehrad; he looked at Iklder. with blaing eyes. You damned little rat ... I II teach you . . . I'll ..." Ilarry , . ." It was Hazel who topped him now Hazel who tried to hold luni bark, clinging to hi shoulders. There wat a moment of tragic V ence; Topsy broke it with a thrill question. What s the got to do with your What' khe got to do with vou. I ay?" She wa white with jealousy; her eye blaed as she looked from Hazel to Barrv Wicklow. It was Delia who answered Delia, who of iliein all was quite un concerned and merely amused. "She" hi wife," she taid calmly. Didn't you know?" CHAPTER XXXIV. It made quite a melodramatic tableau, Delia thought afterwards a he looked bark on the cene. The discordrd tuppcr-lable, the broken glasses, Barry standing there like some infuriated giant, with clenched fists and blazing eyes, Topsy in her bizarre dress, and Hazel white, startling white, in spit ot her rouge. Delia was thoroughly enjoying it. iminv Helder wat one of her pet aversions, and though the disliked Barry, the wai delighted that he had et about the younger man. and in pite of herself the felt a thrill of ad miration lor him. Perhaps, after all, he was not the' easy-going, frivolous man the had imagined; there was certainly something very primitive in hi anger, very real in hi agitation. lonsy took a step toward him, she caught his arm in vixenish fing ers, her brown eye blazed. "Is it true 1 the your wife?' Barry shook her off. "Yes." She promptly burst into tears, violent hysterical tears that Barry had experienced before; he turned to Hazel. "Come home out of this place," he said roughly. He never drcamvl for a moment that the would refuse; hit own emotion was to deep that it seemed impossible she could be feel ing nothing towards him but anger; it was like a blow in the face when she drew back from him. "My home is not with you; I will not leave here in your company." His hand fell to hi side; he looked rather dazed, his eye wandered routid the crowded room at the flushed curious faces. Then he half laughed; he shrugged his big shoul ders and turned on his heel he went out of the room and out of the flat, and they heard the door slam be hind him. ' The sound seemed to rouse Topsy; she stopped screaming and clenched her hands, sljaking them above her head. "Hcast, beast, I hate him,'' she said violently. She pushed Delia awav. "Oh, leave me alone; vou know all the time, and you never told me; and for you' She ltvkd at i Haiti is if the could ha killed her, ''I nrier want to se you again; 1 knew you were aly; I knew there Wit something deep behind that ! whu far of yourt." 1 Hazel wat tremblmc from head to foot; the frit a if in th latt 10 nunuiet the had been roughly awakened out of tlrep. It wat im possible that the had ever been en joying herself with thi crowd, that the bad ever thought there wat anv thing aitrartivt about Jopiv St Helier, or, indeed, any of ihrm Fveryone m the room wat antasio malic to hrr; nobody cared lhat the wat terrified to death. She looked appealingly at Delia; her lipt were quivering, her eves were full of fnghienrd lean, "You'd better com home." Delia taid shortly. She asked one of the men lo fetch a rah, the brought Hazel coat and threw it down at her feet, the wept out of the rixim with hrr head in the air. Though the had thoroughly en joyed herself, she was going to make Hazel pay for it. At oon at they wrre safely out of the house the told her what the thought of her. "I don't wonder nrry Wicklow was wild, letting Helder rarr'y on with you like that, I thought you weie urh a prude, People with in nocent ryet like you are always the worst. Of rourse, Barry wat wild; even if he doesn't care two tirawt about yon, you're hit wife, and be' got the lanuly name to thing about. I thould think tonight about put the tin lid on," the went on inele gantly, "He washed Ins hand ol you, you mark my word. I hope he hat; I hale him. "You were crying your eye out for hint tint morning. Delia re minded her ironically. "Perhap you're going lo trantfer your alfec- lions to Helder. I don I aoinire your taste if you are; he' an outsider, if ever thrre wat one, I shouldn't have believed you'd got it in you, that I shouldn't; only known the man an hour, and letting him kist you." "I didn't; how dare you say inch things! I didn't know what he wa going to do, I'm glad Barry hit him; he deserved it." Delia had tnuggled closer into her wrapt. "Well, vou've finished Topsy, once and for all," she taid, in a ort of tat itfaction, "She' dead weet on Bar ry, and alway ha been." "I don't need to be told that," (aid Llazel, fiercely, "It wa quite obviou when we canie in." She shivered, re calling Barry as she had teen him then. "Well, if he' disgusted with me, as am I with him, o we're quit," she added, defiantly. "And, as for Topsy St. Helier, I never want to ee her again I" Her tone of scorn made Delia furious. She leaned forward, and in the light of the taxicab, her face wa red, and convulsed, (Continued la Th Re Tomorrow) Rain FalU at Grand Island. Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 22. A fine rain of 1.55 inche fell here last night, greatly aiding much corn and reviving pasturage. How to Keep Well . r J W. A. (VANS Qusllat rantarala hrtkae. wsltaliaa IMn ml Iiihh, suKbIIImI la Dr. ty naawt al Taa In. ill aertaaatlr, sukiMt sa araa iTmiuiims. Hmmp4 a44Mwt aavalaaa u aala4. Pr, f trill aa asaaa slwtaMia star arawriaa tar ktaivia'ital imm, Aaama lattar la tars al Iks Baa, Caprnekii Ittt. .ommon Sense Are You Too "Quick on th Trigger?" Are your feelings easily hurt, and does it take ever so little to make you ready to fight? Instead of arguing a point that an other declare to be true, do you vehemently protest that anyone be lieving as that person dors, must be foolith? . It is only the self-conscious per son who is offended at trifles. Broad-minded folk are too big to be annoyed by little things. The really big somebody never thinks of fighting to settle a score, as long as there is any other hon orable way out. The more learned and just a per son, the more he believe that every man has a right to his opinions, and the more he believesthat he cannot be always right and the other fellow is not always wrong. How many times have you been angry with just cause? Nine times out of 10 you know your anger was foolish. How about it, don't you exhibit such foolishness every day of your life? (Copyright H2J.) If AY FEVER TREATMENT. II a nun it tubject to bay fever be should have hit susceptibility to pollen studied. Thit it simpler lhan it seems, tiuce about 'Mi per cent of the raset belong to typet. I or instanrr, in the eastern and southern tialrt l per rent of the August cast tit due to the ragweed group. In oilier sections and in other seasons the cause it different, but in each instance there it an enor mously predominating group. the best test i that by th Injec tion into the skin oi any standard solution obtainable from any of the larger biological product house. Or a solution can be rubbed Into an abrasion of the tkin, timilar in procedure to vaccination, or dropped in the eye or applied to the mem brane of the nose. Thi thould be done teveral months brlore the season of the at tack. The next step it vaccination again! the trouble. Thil it done by hypodermic injectioni of incretsing dotet of the pollen extract. This should be begun about N) day be lore the attack it expected. The use of calcium chloride, or the more palatable calcium lactate, doet good ofieniitne. Four ounces of calami chloride tryttalt are dn- solved in a pint of water. One tea tpoonful of thit solution, well di luted, It taken three timet a day. After the attack comet on a 5 per cent solution of argyrol may be used in the eyei or nose, or biboraie of soda, IS grains, boracic acid, 15 grains; salt, 3 grains, and distilled water, 1 ounce, may he used in the eyes or the nose. Or solution of rpiuephrin 1-100. I dram; normal salt solution, 2 ounces, Cocaine are too danserou and thould not be uted. During the attack of hav fever Dr. Schrppegrell, who hat had more experience than any one else, in ject a vaccine which can be had from the manufacturing bouse. It is a diferent liquid from the pollen vaccine used prior lo the attack for preventive purposes. this curative vaccine it injected about three time a week until the attack lets up. Just a important from the ttand- point of the sufferer i that he con trols the weeds in the vicinity of bis habitation and learns to avoid what ever cause his trouble or make it worse. While pollen i carried many mile, most of it fall near where it i pro duced, Certain field and road may contribute unduly and should there fore be avoided. A rain clears the air and fbps the trouble for the time being. Sprinkling, therefore, helps. A high wind make the trouble worse. Therefore on very windy day it may pay such a subject to stay indoor behind moist window crcens, or even to wear a face mask for a day. Eat Lei and Work More. Mrs. M. A. R. writes: "I. What is autointoxication? "2. Ts It dangerous? "3. Can it be cured? "4, Do people die from it? "5. Ha the diet anything to do with it?" REPLY. 1. If there is auch a condition a autointoxication, it means a condition due to constipation, overeating, and underworking. 2 No. 3. Yes. 4. No. 5. Yes. To cure it. eat less and work more and develop regular bowel habits. Yellow. Teeth Are Stronger. H. M. writes: "I am troubled with very yellow teeth, and have had them all my life. They teem to grow worse all the time. I brush them with tooth patte three times a day, so it isn t because they are not clean. Could you tell me something to use that would bleach my teeth and make them white?" REPLY, If you tlo not smoke and stain your teeth in any way, you will gain warn very rapidly these hot days. ROBERTS MILK, because of its better and later PASTEURIZA TION, stays sweet until you have used the last drop. Don't put up with ordinary milks. Order ROBERTS MILK and you'll enjoy a real econ omy, as well as liking its flavor and richness. ( Remember, vrhtn you throw away half hottlo of milk beeauto it it tour, you pay twice a much for I that milk at you pay for a bottl of ROBERTS MILK ' Try a bottle of nothing by trying to bleach them with peroxide or oilier bleach. If your teeth are naturally yellow, do not try to change them. Yellowish teeih are far stronger and more durable than whit ones. Who tayt they do not "look bet ter?" Color Blindneta Tricki. A Smcrr Header wriiei; "1 It color hlindiirtt hereditary? What causes it? Neither of the boy'a parent nor grandparents it color blind. He cm distinguish blue only. , "J. Would hit children tend to be color blind? "4. What it the average height of a woman? A man?" KFILY. 1. Yet, 2. A a rule, an inability of the retina and nerve of the eye to reg ister certain colon. S, Color blindness, when typical, it a tex bound Mendelian recessive. It it apt to appear only in miles, but to be transmuted along I lie female lines, Davenport say color blind nutet will have no color blind tout and. typically, no color blind offspring of either se; yet their daughleit mar ried to pirn oj normal ttoik will hast blind tons However, the inhetitame taw have niany exceptions. Mow care fully were the rset l pacemt, grand parents, urn Irs, aunts, and rotisint examined fur rotor blindness? Many pepl are color blind without tut periing it, 4 V our ipiestiun cannot he ant weied. Men and women normally vary gieaily in bright, especially in this cosmopolitan nation, j Miner Allacknl. 1'ninniown, I'a . Aug 22, Two buddings wrte dynamited and a group of nonunion tinners wrre at taiked in l aietle County last nigh', i Al Smiihhrld, near beie, a hotel in which 21 railroad workrrt weie ( quartered wat bombed " and at the same town a miners' trunk house was damaged by an explosion, None was injured Drmrr A.i.t1or (!niilrle I lijtlit I't, Mich. Drtiint, Aug 22 i My A I ) -Aviator lloti l.,an of Denser ioni. pletrd the fut all dayhght right from I'ensrr M Detroit May, ar ming brie eitly this altetnoon, Pianos for Rent Jlijrh-itrnil Upright ftncl lira ml.. Kri-e tun ing and imturanrr, Six month rrnt ntlowrd if you decide to purchase. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. ISI4 I6-I Dodf St. Telephone Douglas 1623 Pur Cane Fina Granulated 100 lb. bag ou r osr. rtii T Till I ft Tilt vt inn s iai K rim r Whol esome If you want a clear, frefih complexion, a vigorous body and all kind of pep, drink Our delicioun, old-fashioned, wholesome butter milk. It is fresh each day and "easy to take." This buttermilk is absolutely our own, as it comes from the chlirn in the- making of our own butter, you get at WELCH'S. It ia kapl cool and watt. Cat a (lass with your al maal. 3' , mmmi mm. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS 212 N. 16th St. 240S Cuming St. 4903 S. 24th St. Special Sirloin Steak 18c Special Round Steak 18c Special Porterhouse Steak 18c SMOKED MEATS Fancy No. 1 Skinned Ham 25c Choice Picnic Ham 16c Fancy Strip Bacon.. 18c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon 22c Choice Freth Sparerib at '. 10c Choice Lean Pork Chop at 22c Evergood Liberty Nut Butterine 20c feex Nut Butterine. ,20c Danish Pioneer Freth Creamery Butter, 1-lb. carton 38c Choice Beef Pot Roaat at 10c Choice Rib Boiling Beef at 6c Choice Corned Beef at 12V.C Freth Hamburger Steak at 15c Freth Selected Egg, per dozen 23c Mail and xprc Orders Shipped From This List Your Neighbor Will Tell You Quality, Service, Low Price H Mills Boy Blu ptr bottls, 9c The Stores of Better, Bigger Qualities in Food Stuffs On Wednesday and Thursday We Offer si , Bo-Petp Ammonls, ro-ox. bottl 29c Carload of Fancy Elbert Freeston Peaches, per crate, , 98c Carload of Fancy Bartlett Pear, per box, $298 Carload of Extra Fin Early Ohio Potatoes, peck, 23c 1,000 Jumbo Sweet Honey Dew Melon each, 38c 1,000 Market Basket Largo Fancy Tomatoe per bakf 25c FOR YOUR PICNIC LUNCH Sweet Gerkin Pickles, 45c Jars 33 Yellowstone Sweet Split Pickles, qt. jars 37 Kamo Thousand Island Dressing, lrg. size 23it Premier Salad Dressing, 60c size 39 Howard' Salad Dressing, 50c size 37 Howard's Salad Dressing, $1.00 size 69 f BUY-RITE SOFT DRINK DEPT. Budweiser "Good Old Bud," per case of 24 bottle $2.75 Fontenelle Olngerale, per rase 2t bottles $2.15 Fontenelle Rootbeer, per rise 24 bottle $2.15 Pop, all flavor, per rate 24 bottle Qgf SOAP CLEANERS SOAP POWDERS P. & G. Naptha' Soap, 10 large bar..,.,.. 454 Omaha Family Soap, 10 lajge bar. ....42fc White L1ly Soap Chips, S lbs 53. Star Naptha Washing Powder, 35c l'-e..27t) Toilet Kleen. two 20c cans for 25 Large box Fly or Roach Powder, special 23ei DAIRIMAID BUTTER More popular every day a real hit, per pound. .. .37 M. J. B. COFFEE WHY! Vacuum packet aa fresh to you as the day roasted. Costs more, but goet farther. Ter lb 47 S lh f $1.35 SOME PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT Button Mushroom, fiOc cans 39f Iiellrloii with steak or roastt. Marola Oil, pints 27c; quart 49 Tall ran Red Alaska Salmon, J for 95f Klnf Oscar Sardine In olive oil, 2 25c can 35 N'lxhna Valley Creamery Butter, h 37 Buy Hit Krenh Roasted Coffee, lb 33 A fresh rarload of Tea lab! t'lmtr a hna old brat flour. Kvery tack guaranteed or money refunded. 4tlb t J: 24 1b. $l .(Vl SALADA TEA Grttn er Black Packages for 43c HUY Hilt PICIAL 1 H AT AMI WUHlM 1 A'rt ran Calumet. Paklnt rJer, per ran '.,,, A S33 pack of Assorted jsugar Wafer tod 1 patkata of l"n U Fina Ttblst Suit. V Ih 4 k Vii'iJ flt. t'ura ("idr weaar, per Ml I Mt taSUiti I'ura V,!i lu kllni mrr, p?r itllon ,, One solid rilot MU n4 ltl'. per l , . . , K!!m I'ura Hk. smtll u. J f"r : Una U. 1 lur .,, !'! Tl, tntttl H, I for 14 J ! u, 1 l'r Quaker I'uffad Hive, par fi k, ....... , , krmnur linns, ! tm I, J t M! lre ,. . WMILI lUscul't for..,. 27 1 Ills . Tht Annual Outing of the Buy Rite Store will b heM at Krug Park Thur chy, August 2tth. Thr Fre Tickets, good for Park, BH Room ami Bathing Beach, ran b had at all B17 Ritd Store.. Ask for chiUiren'i frea rUt tickets. Wilftt 4 MITCMllt, tfrt! smI taswtMk'4 4 t0Ca. Iks ! as. t'.ta sttt iMCtT, tia foB4 ftab,t PtC I NlitUN tts s . a 4 tNoum a invij tia . non, lSt a4 s i t CIWf 4 IOM, V ,i, is 4 .aa Mttssv tut., l u s i. 4 MINNAH, t antes co. Vw a AU.NC Mttftilt t HNHt4 4 fO, a t -t it "UN HO, M wwa fottiy ! L