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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1922)
.'HE OMAHA 1SKK: WKUM-SUAV, AlUU.' Ti. VJ'i'i. Miss Gertrude Koenig toWcd Austrian injv;ienna Word h$ just tan1 from hurop that the hurried plan l-'nu K"nig iftinplfiH 4 gj ihrnl Augn.i 7 purely (or romantic purtott, tor in .Stpitmhtr hi neter. Mitt (iertrude, i 10 ed an Amman in Vienna. Mut Ktnif kid hrr mother, Mm, V, II,' Kornig. U early in Miy i spend itie ummrr n the continent with Mr. and Mrs. Rirkpatnck Koeniir, and pert o( their itinerary included motor trip with relative. Irmil Vienna. Mr. t.uiniami. frirnd o( the Ijm.iI-, at one of tht party, and bfur the? lour ts tonipltted M and Mi Kocriirf hid declared themitlves as advocates ( the love a f.rt sight theory and er, afttanred. i i interest, i.g 14 mnrml.rr ilut Mrs. Knenig's mother wit i!o rtur riel m W'iru. Mi'i Kcrn.g has unt irrn ii Omaha for over rr, n she has been studying it the I'liivi'iiy ft t'ulumhia. in New York City, and before thst she un i student at Vaar, Mie gnd Mr. (ititnunn ill mike their borne in Vienna where Mr. (iuiminn u engaged in the print in if liu.tne.s, Mr. Knni(r "d hrr son will remain in Atutna for time after the wedding ad i!l rnurn home later in the winter. : ft Prayer Each Day Miss Lowry Weds Louis Kavanagh I Tli nurmge of Mi Kathryn l owry. daughter n( Mr, fc.dward l owry, and Louis I). Kavanagh took j lUr ruriday at M. ttrmgets cnurcn, I'ev. I. O't'alUbaii oft'icuiing. Mini Lowry mi attended by Mi iU Klv.naKli, hi!t (if the groom. 'intent Lowry, brotlier of the bruit, served best nun. The bride wore a gown of white tepe de thine with a Itille veil and tarried a shower bouquet of bridr'i roe. Mill Kavanagh's gown was of priniroit and white yeorgrttc. She wore a garden hat and carried pink loses. Following the ceremony a break fw wai served at the home of the Iride'i mother. Mr. Kavanagh and bin lirMe will spend their honeymoon at the Minne sota lakes ami will be at home in 'Omaha after September 15. Connolly-Eckermin. 'I be welding; of Mit Gertrude J'.ikerinan to Karl Connolly, son of JJr. and Mra. J. p. Connolly, was solemnized Tuesday morning: at 6 o'clock it St. I'eteri Catholic church, Mn Eckerman m a nurse at St. Joseph hospital, and came to Omaha from hrr home at ICincrsnn. After a wedding breakfast at the home of the groom's parent! the young couple Irtt for a honeymoon at St. J'anl, Minn,, and in the Canadian Rockies. They will return in three weeks and he at home in an apartment at Twenty-eighth and California itrect. For Mill Joy. Mil De Wecuta Conrad will en tertain Saturday afternoon at bridge at Ler home in honor of Miss Mar garet Joy of Marshall, Mich, who Is visiting Mr. and Mra. V. R. Wood. On Wednesday Mrs. E. If. How land will be, hostcM at luncheon complimentary to Misi Joy, when Mrs. Marshall Walker of New York, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. D. Marriott, will hhare honors. On Friday Mrs. E. 1. Boyer will entertain at luncheon at the Field club for these two popular guests. Program of Omaha Talent. An all artist program fctarriug children under 11 years of age, will be presented at the Brandcis store the week of October 23. Among the children who will ap pear on the program are Samuel Carmel, violinist, who won a gold medal at the 1922 State Teachers convention; Carl E. Tunberg, pian irt. and Bloia Adair Eajrell. dancer and reader. A memory contest will be a feature of the event. Mri. Walker Honored. Mri Raymond Soat entertained at bridge Tuesday aiternoon at her home, complimentary to Mrs. J. C. Walker of Dubuque, la., guest of Mri. John Ploodhart. Mri. Walker will be honor guest at a iwimtning party and dinner Thursday evening at Carter Lake club when Mrs, J. J. Ciillau will be the hostess. Personals Constipation Relieved Without the Use of Laxatives Kujol la m lubricant not a medietas or laxative ao cannot gripe. When you are ecmatipated, not enough of ature'a lubricating liquid in pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waate aoft and moving. Doctora prescribe iS'ujol because it acta like thin natural lubricant and thui replaeea IU Try it to- .day mmm I Resnofe Tiniples and BladheatbFithCuticun miai wttk Cvikw t-t i a 4 l law a iots rv ' r4 IWkwi OlMnM W n4 Mr. Hall i ipending iev era! weeki at Lake Okohoji. Joe Jacobs returned to hi home from St. Jotrpit hospital Monday. Arthur Metr, who recently wider went an operation at the rresbytr rian hospital, is tonvalccing it his lome. Mrs. T. E. Patterson leaves Thurs day for Los Angeles where she will visit her on. Carroll E. Patterson, and Mrs. Pattcrron. Mi-? Maria Tatt-rson leaves nn Thursday for St. Louis, where ihe will visit her uncle, Mr. James A. SMbley, and Mri. Sibley, Mrs. Ralph W. Copenharve and daughter. Jeanette and Doris, are at home after a ten weeks' visit with relatives in Los Angeles. Mrs. J, M, Ha tun and her daugh ter, Miss Katherine, were recently at Wiesbaden And traveled down the Rhine with Ihe Anna Kosi party. Mri. dene J. II use and Mr. and Mr. Arthur Bryer motored in from Norfolk Saturday to meet Oene lluse, who returned Monday from a trip to Europe, Mrs. Marie Uahlstroni rrturned Sunday from Chicago, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. S. C. Erickson, and granddaughter, Caryl. Mrs. Dahlstrom has been visiting in Chicago for the past year. For Mis Mikova. Mrs. William Baxter entertained iniormally at tea Monday aiternoon at her home, complimentary to Miss Marie Mikova, who recently rrturned from Berkeley, Cal.. where ihe gave a series of piano (rcitals at the uni versity summer school. I U.. .," ih 1m4 I a Ik . L4 ! 4 u.-r, III ). Our Esther, Who art in Heaven, we think ihre that Thou art our I 1 ..L.. .L. ... ... . ..... I . I... i inrr, ini ke ire m't vrpiisn, urn soni and daughtrri ol the Lord tjod Almight! lUtlowrd be Thy Name. Miy it be tht work of our live o render holmes to the Name of the Lord in all the earth. Thy Kingdom lome in the plenitude ot it power and the fullne of it blrMiiig, and he spread abroad upon the face of the earth until the king doms of the world shall become the kingdoms of our l.urd and Jits Chritt. Thy wilt be done on earth as it is in llcaen. We know that it is done gladly, joyfully and cheerfully by Thy creatures in 1 leaven, and may it be so done by Thy children on earth. live w from day to day our daily bread, and teach us that, having .food and raiment, therewith to be content, for goillinesi with content mrnt is great gain. Lead u not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil On with all hit power and perils, and Thine shall be the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, through Jcius Christ, our Savious. Amen. m:v . T. HWKKNKT. CnlumbuJ. inrtiBU4. t mmm li FIX i m s ji Fraternal Aid Kensington. The Fraternal Aid kensmgton will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:.W r the home of Mrs. M. C. White, 2564 Meredith avenue. .tCPT-TIMt; TALES MORE TALES or iCUFFY BEAR RYARTH'8 VflTT RA It FY . v.n mini CHAPTER XLV. Chtrriee Are Ripe, "1 don't ire what's Ihe nutter with these children," Mrs. Hear remarked to hrr huband one day. "Iloth t'ulfv and Silkie have completely bit their appetites." "Don't worry about that, my love!" said Mr. He-r as he helped himself to t'uffy'i share of the dinner. "Hut I do worry," Mri. Hear re plied. "1 hope they're not ill." "No doubt they et too inurh he twten meal," Mr. Heir observed. He reached out a paw twittlv and snatched yes, snatched Silkie'i share of the meal. 'N'o doubt," he niiunhledyes mumbled "their ap petites will soon return. So I advise yon, my love, to prepire enough food for four. I'll try to dispose of any. thing that's Irft over. How about that bit of honey that you haven't touched yet? Shall I eat it for you?" "No, thank you I" said Mr. Hear. "I'm saving that for my dessert." Mr. Hear eyed the honey longing ly. He had alieady finished his own. "There's a great deal of talk these dayi about reducing one's weight," be observed. "Sweeti are very fat- Card Party. The Columbian club will entertain at a card party Wednesday afternoon at the hall at Twenty-second and Binncy streets, when Mrs. B. J. Dorsey and Mrs. John McCreary will be hostesses. At Carter Lake Club. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Pickard and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wycotl will en tertain at dinner on Wednesday eve ning at Carter Lake club, when cov ewill be placed for 35. Raise Funds for Convent. The 'alumnae of the Sister of Mercy have raised $3,754.40 towards the building fund for the new Sisters of Mercy convent, to be erected soon at Seventieth and West Dodge ttreets. The money was presented to the sisters by Airs. James Reed, retiring president of the alumnae as sociation. At: Happy Hollow. Miss Helen Garvin had reserva tions for eight for luncheon Tuesday at Happy Hollow club, and Mrs, D. E. Bradshaw had reservations for four. Women in Labor Fields. The wages of chorus girls in Aus tralia have been fixed at $20 a week. In many towns in Belgium there are special -schools where girls are taught, froit) the age of 15, how to make lace. My Marriage Problems Adele Garriion'a New Phase of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" (Corrrisbt nit) The Pretext by Which Lillian Ban iihed Madge for a Moment. My heart warmed to my little maid's defiant protective ik ss toward nie, absurd though it was. Lillian has tened to reassure her. "Vou silly girl!" she said in a tone calculated to arrest Katie's attention. "Did I say that Mrs, Graham would be on the veranda?" Katie's arms dropped from around me, and an embarrassed flush cov ered her face. "Somebody pices take me out vuncc und trow me to schickens," she plead ed. "I no have sense of good green cabbage head. Now I see sure. I shoost tell dot man Missis Graham she sleep on veranda, und ven he go out dcre to try keel her, den he get his goot and plenty. Ees dot eet?" "That is very much it," Lillian re joined. ''Do you think you will re member what you are to dor" Katie wrinkled her forehead per plexedly. "Is dot all vot you tell me shoost now?" "Isn't that" Lillian choked back the very query, then changed the carping question to "Yes, that is r.ll." "Den, I remember eferyting.'' Ka tie returned decidedly. "But I vant somebody to practice me goot before tomorrow night." "Don't worry," Lillian retorted dryly. "You'll have plenty of rehea-s-ing, And we're all very much obliged to you. Katie. Go back to bed now and get all the sleep you can." "All Right, I Feex." "I no can sleep shoost now," Katie, returned. "I tell you vot. If Meesis Graham say so, I tink I fcex some coffee und sandwiches und some Ice tie cakes I had for supper und :ring in here for you folks. Vot you link, Meesis Graham?" "Mrs. Graham, if you dare think of anything but an affirmative answer, we'll let Smith do his darndest," Al len Drake threatened. "That goes here, double," Lillian assented, while my father smiled his approval of my little maid's proposal. Each member of the group around the library fire was as inveterate a coffee fiend a,s Katie herself, and no proposal could have been mor wel come. But Katie made no move toward the kitchen, and I realized, with a lit tle start, that with her usual obsti nacy and her desire to flaunt her loy alty to me on all occasions, she would not go until I gave her formal permission. Problems That Perplex AiMWcntl tj BEATRICE FAIRFAX. It. anil It. P.: Really, girls, I have no advice to give you on this prob lem. Tours Is a problem that many girls fact t your ait. When you Brow older you will readily set that your mother is right, and I think, then, you will both bt a llttlt ashamed of your taite. No one can ever ht hnppy siepptn beneath thrinaelv In their associate. No. t will n't ak you to pied with your mother, as you both say that you M done, to no avail. Why do you object so to going with the hoys and girls of your own 'Uim? This Is renlly a very bad thtnf to dmlt even to yourlvs, that you prfrr pMopU beneath sou. It ts sn itttu,t imt sir I would tt ashamed of. Ho the only a.tvl.t I ran lv I that ttt anulill With Vmit equals. Yu knw h ld sntn, ' water set he tit level " You ehuw by Vaur aclions shtl vou are, The 40it bo . 1 fiiefrp in our Siiusls j I am . f a bit Birirt4 at , )tni yt'iiK Into Oslr circle, I m ile! Yiiisrt a l!ile thln. aVoiil five iOunlt under weiabt, tut I S tent si )tH d4n a lnu It a tvttt iit yott wilt htt to be e-nint : to btk this in I in. W I, I, iMiiS. If y friend. Whether W Is' er IpI. wwiild rtfuee i. re(. i n I fe.,tl.ty wi!. lin.i.ei !n, IS Ihele fileMehm Un t w.Kl, i hii. 'i 'nil nut deir't wills' i p u M ! ., If there j Ii ms h w-u'l lite t.i dsvi! alHIt woi.'d e .rf. t'r I 4 t .r j in stk ii.e (.) f'l-nd le ;M.te v We't, if I "i' t ! I 0t I t3 eel Vi'tif .. iMf u ,,f.;J,4 ftH"l t I li.'l ,U, i? Si'ni ut i, s i-. .l.-n, limes I r t" fi . . -, I t.e ! I e!o , . .( i-r-. u, t -l . I II . h . e !(. t t i i1.- liie"J I. 1 ef see re ft I l'iimi f ii"( t R I i 't I .. i t H i ' ; t lit f e i ., m iin, wvwil tt tats i', I , fear you have nothing to do but obey for somt time yet. When you grow a llttlt older. I bslteve, you will bt find. I hopt so, anyway. ,T. fi. II.: Ths only way to keen hHlr from turning- srsy is to taka oil trsatments reiularly. Ths oil. with a good, he-tvy insssaae, will keeti Him color pigment tn ths hair, and that s sll tliHt will do It. r.o to some rood mnsseure who under-, stands tht business and you will be relieved. Itlonrf anil ItniuriUM tiy nn means' ssk tht oting man whst Hie mat-: trr Is. I'rty nn mors attention to; him. Me. h,is made enmiih ff a fool j of both ff sou without you Klvlnf i him snoihep i bsn. e. I sm sar- prised It took yml such a Ions' tltn tn e. e If Let It be an experience fr you, but the nst unit doirt be i n Inns In seetitf Ihe ftict thai vouri "frh-nde" art silimi a fool tf you. i (.rrailv Tmaldnti Tinrturt tf, treen ')) Will teiuelv both ft vnut . trouble, I Ittet wseh Hour ftkt at nisht with sirni wtrr tml! tlm-turt of green i. Then ! It wl with reel old elr. lee iisii unlv at hiaht Neter s to h,t wunoat wn,!M thriutbsy j with nl wti wtter In the: nuMiiint use ifld winter ity, Afr one no'Hth i t resMler rm.n lis (Ms ! ;i.'il I bt relieved T am sure that will be very nice, Katie," I aid. "Bring a cloth with the tea wagon, and we'll have a table here by the fire." "All right, I feex." The familiar phrase rang out cheerily, and the next instant she had whisked out of the door, and we were free to relax our facet and unite at each other. Lillian's Suggestion. "My dear Mrs. Underwood." Mr. Drake arose and stretched his armi above his head, "you ihould have more pity on in invalid. I know that my laughter muscles are irretriev ably twisted from repression. "I fancy you'll survive," Lillian returned callously, "But I agree with you that Katie is funny." "Aren't you afraid that she is just a little bit too funny?" Allen Drake' voice held a subtle note of disap proval. "Suppose she took 4 tudden notion to confide in the redoubtable Mr. Smith." "She won't," Lillian replied confi dently. "Katie proved herself with me when she told us of changing those codes. Besidei, she'll never have a chance, f, myself, will be the 'man m the hedge.,' beside her and ihe is more afraid of me than she ii of Smith, She will know, also, that I will he within hearing distaace of her all the way to the house. And Madie will be stationed right here in the al cove behind the curtains, end Katie will know it. You realize how she adores Madge, and you can bet she won't pull anything to endanger her 'M'Osis Graham,' even if ihe wanted to help Smith, which I'm sure she doesn't." "Suppose Smith decides to search the room for possible listeners when he comes into it," Mr. Drake per sisted. "Then Madge wouldn't be there." Lillian explained patiently. "There's a door leading to the side hall right behind her station. She will have her hand on that door, which we will make noiseless, and if Smith ap proaches the curtains it will be per fectly possible for her to slip out without his hearing her." "We have to slip, you the choco late cake, as usual," Mr. Drake re plied, and Lillian acknowledged the compliment wilh a deprecatory ges ture. "Wait till tomorrow evening's over," she said, and T suddenly glimpsed beneath her mask of appar ent confidence a very real apprehen sion of what the next night might bring to us. "By the way, Madge," she said suddenly, "better tell Katie to shut her kitchen doors tightly and stop up her keyholes, or the odor of coffee will wake Mother Graham and bring her downstairs. And I don't feel equal to the.tisk of explaining just now." I rose at once and went to the kitchen. But I was certain that her message was only a ruse, and that she wished me out of the way for a few minutes for some potent reason of her own. Anvr.RTisrsir.NT. SIMPLE WAY TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS Tbere U ene simple, eate and sure war that seter fail to el rid ef bla khes.te. I hat It to uiMoke then. To da tk tt te euntee ef ealnnite silr from any true stare -priakle t little on a hat, vet sunserue ever ! Mark hod krukly a iSe rarta and rait ll St eatrUe4 hew tee elaeVaeada aee Suaisean4. Ki( ktatkara.U. little ae smaller wkere tear . eiar!f ttitelva aad tuapseer, lealaf the eerie aiilenl aav sara kettir. H.atk. eU are dwelt a Miature ef Suit sad art e4 trrettMSt ifm the etv tket hum m Ihe aorta ef Ike akia t'lntki,. aiut atMMiiat enl au.e irriialiua. - large a.ue aM 4e mK s tki eut alter ! ke-eme eerl. ke ea'ea te i--r eJ ike ai aie'r i,a the kMt.kSaaaa ik tek ,M . i. ia a-re re al eta aed tn aal4'l n4oiMa Aatuiu tiuMaa tatia tke aa..ekiv ke,iM aot'l eviaiAiy te ik. i.le B.a'k-4 Iriiing, Do yoi I It i 1 Vn'l ought to fa' thst honryV' "Ves, I do!" Mn. flrsr replied it limit aiuppishly "Oh, very well!" her husband wi with ngn, "Wliere are ihe thil dirn now .'" "Ihey're off in the wood, tilay inrf," Mr, llnr told him "I tailed them; hut they taul tliey weren't hungry." "If they come hnme, don't let them difturh me," Mr, Brir ordered with a awn, "lor I'm going tn take a nan " lie was eoon fat attrep, And nnt finding his company very fiitrrestiuii, Mrs. Heir set out to seek her chil dren. No matter what thrir ftlher said, she wis alirtned hecinse they wouldn't eat. She hadn't gone far when she herd noises that told hrr C'li'iv and Silkie were near. A blue jay was scolding, A gray squirrel was rhat lering angrily. Mrs, Bear turned toward thee sounds, coming mil soon into ail old clearing that was now filling tip wilh vouug growth. There, in a flutter of rhokerherrv trees, were her two ymmgMers. Thev uric rating the dark, piukerv. bitter (nut, whi'e the bin jay nd the iir. eeeestJHejrJi ii i 'arr.'S fT9J 4':: 4 S 'OUJnmJ (atesar Cms Sal tut es thst Uee this mttastT Met (mi tlU4 rrl called them name) a tall pitie lirarby. "Children! I llildirn! (niurdtiwn out of Ihat tire this iimlaiil!" Mrs. Bear called. "It's 110 woinlrr that you dun'l rt at honif," said Mrs. Hear neverely. "Don't climb Ihat tr'i again!" "Yri, iiiothtr!" I'nffy and Silkie ihauied sulrmnly. Mr. Car then turned hrr itepi liOiliCMird. ' 1 ihought llieta limit bt somt good reaaon why the children didn't hke thr r meals," she laid 19 Mr. Hear when lie awokt trout his nap. "I caught ihein eating choketherriri. Ihi-y'd oon hivt made themsrlvti ill." "Whrie ait they nosy?" lit ak I. "1 leit IhtTi avtr in tht old tlrae. ing" ' lluw dii you know they won't tat nii'tr?" he inquired. ' I t tn trust them to nby nir," said Ms. Heir proudly. Little did she think that at thai vriy inonirnt Cully and Slkie writ buoly atuifmg ihrin. rKes with tier forbidden (run. No sounrr had Mch. Hear h it them than t miy hrgan lo ihiiih a rhokechriiy trcr. "Mother ssid not l do that," Nfe'r rrininded hmi. "Mie said not lo tlnub that lirr otrr there," he retoited, pointing to the ens in whiih they wrie pertlird when uhrir mother lound them. "Ohh is another lies," said ( u(f. "I hopr you dmi't think I would diobr,' my inolher." Ills rrniarks pleaed Silkie. 1 hrrr wit 'ineilutig about Ihone choke rherrirs that made a person want to rat tiKire and inoiu o them, tjuukly slit joined her brother. Tht ssfii was eiiikii.g when ,Mi. Pear ljfd a wad " l hunted to lo-r d.Mir, She beheld l ulfy and ilkie dragging tltrmarlvcl tip the "'? tuvsitntim, looking vary woe bt gone, "Uhit'l the matter" she railed. "Nt hy a pun,'' said ( urlt "And a tramp" Silkie added. "Herel I fesr You'd he ill." it""' Mrs Heir. "You didn't tat any more of tboe chuket berries, did you''" "Only l lewT Cutly answered. Whall After mir warning "You sud not to climb that l"t again," Luily replied. "Wr only i limbed other tieei." Hy this time Sukit wis whimpei. iug. And they holh looked so inner kbit Hut Mr. Htsr hidn I the Ik ait lo scold thrin. Mie told them l come in and lie down and 0 to alrrp. And knowing that tlitv iMiuldu'l 1st able to eat a luouthlnl ol tiper, she pirparrtl a niral Ihat was only lull the unal air, ' What il iiiinpauy should tome St Ihe latt ll'oinriiir" he fked Ins wife, " I here woiildu't be anything li ft to git e iheui." "Wr inter have i niiipaiiy," laid Sli.. Hear, tut we in .jlit luite oine," he rr lulled. HdiS, J e been looking forward lo a log meal lomght, tor I tl.iiught I'd hate t' eat Ihe clnl tli tn's shatif" , lie lnoLinl tny, very glum, ''( SUGAR 749 Fat Can flat Orattltt4 ft j 100 lb, bff (J MM tet I IS If tHIl list tMII w mxi t ssik. rem r. 'hi WedncBsday-Summer Frocks Reduced for Clearance Now is tiie turn when the clever xliojijitT i-ouim home auJ difplavH to an admirinp; nmily ihe. smart summer frock she has picked up for Jiext-to-iiotbin"; on her uiorninj? trip downlown. Tlifi reduc tions are so reat it's decidedly the time to shop for the woiimii who ratidt consider the cost of her clothes. Cotton Frocks Priced at 1.50, 2.50 and 4.56 Wc still have a verv zood selection of dresnes for 'women and t misses in imported ginghams, doited Swisws, voiles and organ die. They include a great variety of styles in light and dark colors, Summer Silk Frocks 5.00, 10.00 and 25.00 Some very lovely frocks remain among our summer silk models. Pussy "Willows and printed rudi urns are in 6treet shades. Printed crepes and figured georgettes are extremely cool looking in the lighter eolors. Sizes for women and misses. Second Floor -West Brown Coney Coat IWdcIi belted model with large collar sod fane lining. August Qej twee Silt Price tCOe O Black Sealine Coat 40 Inches; 1otji with shawl collar and elaborate lining. August . (( PA Stle Price jJ.OJ Sealine Coat 401nch belted model with , beaver or squirrel collars and ruffs. August Sale Price 145.00 Second Floor Center Announcing Our Display of Fall Fashions in Millinery Our display of smart hats makes our millinery section a charming setting in which to select an exclusive model for advance wear. Here arc models of every typo and color, de signed to suit individual requirements' for street, sport or other occasions. New York's best manufacturers are rep resented in this display r hat in felt, velvet and duvetyn the favored material, in the season's vogue. Prices Range from 10.00 to 18.50 y Special Selling of- Imported Work Baskets Wednesday 1.00 Atfra 'liv in ilupr, artistic in eolorinjr rl cleverly tlrcoratctl with rolornl K'aa heaiN are those import ej work MskiK Some are lined with a draw. drino elosinu, others have the open to;, Thero is a Komi choice ot colora, in rl'ininit royal lilue, hifnter'a fretn, leu, brown and Mack. For an ine. pi'itslva pift or prwe ont of these 1ns l ets woulj he fliarminir. TMrs) PlttiwWts Cutlery Specials luf futlrry iip4rtuiriit flur nt'ty iiircra of the b-t llrrl tm Mult. ! i,nte stnrknianihip. T'i Ors.'tiS jvctAtt if AVt!titiUy t Brandcis Raior Blades 29c Steel Shears it It ll f S't ts (. '. V s1 lif sii I'tif test fet Ism Hair Goods- At lit nifitj 'Jt sat It to I t tit i;iii rei-tr. te 49c Rtmarkable Olhring at Finl Quality Switch$, YrMIxl (.' SIOI"e lut Its! lint! !!.( e l h,. suait ef aamt.l s4l ima hair, at tn,t sr tnaa:t4 setiiit n ti 4, k.ts sir ht at Just ! wasuftr lnrt.t. Ns I'M s'ecU 'if heaty lif!t siraaj. it a I .'tsiet ts.t tiey, l.a(iks II, l' 21, t set ;i a,k. U'fteis r.ttltt ftiej I! I 1 1 H t tae SHseS W t n'ter IS'MI ta tot inni'm't I' k ! tetiM ' l - 3.98, 5.50. 6.98 7.9S and 9.50 Third floor, Wist loom Buy Furs Now for the 1922-1923 Season It is exercising common sense to select your next winter's furs now, actually pocketing the differ ence from higher prices that must prevail in a later choice. Here are a few especially good values: Hudson Seal Coat tO-inrh bslmd model with skunk, squirrel or heavm- collar and cuffs. QQQ Austin Sale Trice COV .IJU Jap Mink Coat 10 Inch belled model with crushed shawl col lar and new lde Mandarin OQQ (( sleeves. AUiUtl Sale rrice SmtJ7 jJ laTwwasmwrraii 1,, frrr. - .,) Ji7ls ii WJ- ' "Ji eaa misS' " Hti 'm&a! AL'i! i'litA " 'at' tar-rSS,, r "mth-mtv, 7 . iT iTTT K KiaTM Wijiiji'i'i''aVi TVM! '1IIIWiV'IIBi ft ila W1 'y'BVaettlaffitMEiaMdaTatea ! aCHH.' Imi mm m-