The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 23, 1922, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA PER: WKDNESDAV, AUGUST 23. 1322. Code Injects Business I .4- M Li i 1 J- i System Upftcta Tradition, Installs Time Clock, Limits "Buck Passing", and Uz Rolling and Establishes Hudget. I i rc: By PAUL GREER. I.inroln, Aug. 22. Mol o( he ad-iinitrativa- work rf Nrbrnk4 it don by Ihe code drparttiirmt. The H'm hit jnjrrfed buiinru mrthndt inro government. It hat tintft tradi tion. intialM a jic rnrk. furrf re. ponsihilily. limited "hurlc ra"R" mi lug falling, r.ljMi.iiH a hmlgrt Vilfm illH 111 nital otirce of drrp fnrf to the old-time I'uiiiiciant, III the dear, rfrail il.iv. l,l it,. democratic rty i arrblng to recall mrrr nrrf at ira.f i.-j appointive political jol. at the di.posal of th govrmor. tndrr the civil admliiit. Jrative rod', whote repeal j gought by lharlet W. Hryart and the rut of the democratic ranriidotet. the gov rmor nwxrt iut about II appoint HICIIII. SlI Of tho.a ..,..1. net of the rode department!. '1 here it. in amnion, tne gove rnor ttennR rypher, trrrrtary and frrordmg '"'. " uniim election commit tioner and one memhrr of the board oj ronirol. More nearly than e vrr be fore, the government of Nebraoka ban been put on a buinrt, inntrad of a political hasii. Not Understood. There hit been tome onuoiilion lo he code tyttrm that hat originated berime it wa not properly under stood. It bad llio the minfortiine of going into effect three year ago, when ill cott were ritinir. Hlime for high taxet wa laid it ilt door, and the fart that through it budget bu reau if wu hle promptly to make one-third reduction in taxet for thit vear. amounting to a living of M,755.85, it carefully avoided by ?! roe. The keyttone of the rode tytem It rne department of finance. Thit office doet alt the bookkeeping for the five other code departiurntt and" agenciet directly under the governor, and in many wayt eliminatet dupli cation of work. It hat irt up a uni form method of accounting in a ttate canitol where formerly there were 22 different methodt. Itt purchasing bureau hat taken over the ordering of tupplira. Furthermore, here the budget it prepared and a check kept on the expenditure of all appropria tion!. Example of Saving. Formerly each ttate office bought itt tupplirt teparately, A talesman for typewriter ribbons who drifted back to the capital after four year' absence recalled thit the other day and complained to the governor that he could not git a hearing now. He wat adviurd to tee the purchasing agent inttrad of calling on the ttenographert and watting their time. Four yeart ago thit agent had told coupon hook good for a dozen rib bons at $9. fie found the purchasing agent now buying them in grost lots ac aa .vw a nozrn. i nen ne ire t id a mark that illustrates how waste ha been reduced one department lour veart before had paid $9 for a coupon book that hat not been uted to tmt nay. A. ii. I die. who runt th mir rhatinn bureau with the aid of a ttenographer, anertt that the taving in typewriting ribbon will pay hit talary. And there art bigger itemi than thit! Ink and nanor hv f h rur. and writing nadt in wholetale lott at ii rrntt, wnirn retail at eo cenn for inttanre. Duplication Avoided. The department of public worltt needed tome grader, which had been priced to them at $1,080 each. The pttrchaiing agent began figuring and found out that within the year 70 of lhe Would be needed. He got a wholetale price from the factory of $W, Hie next day the very tame company told a grader to Seward county for. $1,120. Under the code law it wat the intention that roun- net thould ue thit central purchat ing agency and pool thir ordert for road maihinery and other tuppliet, but th't opportunity hat nn-er been utilized. At one time there were teven mineographer duplirating marhinee in the variout officet. If an official wmlird to nd out a form letter he took the lime of an expert ten ographer for it. Now all thit work for every department it handled bv two young women in a central of fice. The code also h tterengthened the printing law. The department of finance hat absolute control over the publication of official report. If one office it getting out a pamphlet which repeatt the tame ttatittict tnat tome other hat printed, the purchat ins agent hat authority to demand their elimination. Hinder and pa per tiet likewise have been stand ardized. Jhete wayt ot cutting out waste have lately been adopted by the budget director of the United Statet. Clearing Houte for State. These "are the tpertacular thing, but even of more importance to the citient and taxnayert of Nebraska i the quiet, unobtrusive work of the bureau of receipt! and budget ot the finance department. Thit office, with eight employe, i the clearing house tor the ttate. The budget law provide for cen tralized control of appropriation through quarterly estimate approv ed by the governor, formerly there wat no check to prevent any office spending it entire appropria tion during the iirtt lew months ana incurring deficiencies Under the present law each office must aubmit to the department of finance a classified estimate of the amount it will require to run for three months. Once this is approved, the book keepers set down the anm to the credit of the particular department. When a purchase i made or a aalary paid the cost is subtracted from the available fund the moment the or der goes out. Before each purchase is made the record is consulted to Drug Store "Best Sellers" SO Toilet and Medicinal Items for Merchant' Market) Week at the 5 Good Sherman & McConnell Drug Store at Money-Saving Prices i 25 Medicinal Item for Market Week $1.25 Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, genuine imported, for,,.08t? 40c Castoria , 24t 60e Caldwell' Syrup Tepsin for 41c 25c Carter' Liver Pills for 14t 50c Cascareti for .39c 60c Doan'a Kidney Pills for 4 le 60c Danderine for 44 $1.50 Fellow's Syr. Hypophos for .....$1.14 $1.50 Gude's Pepto Mangan for 81.34 60c I.avoris 39c Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets for 19 25c Lysol for 19c 70c Miller' Antiseptic Oil. 59c $1.25 Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound ....96c 30c Fhenolax Wafer for.. 19c 50c Riker's Milk of Magnesia for 39 $1.15 Swamp Root 94tf $1.00 S. S. S 81.49 35e Sloan' Liniment for.. 2 It 60e Syrup of Fig 1 it 30c Turpo 19c Victor' Tonic Lotion for.. 75 $1.10 Vitamine, Alexander' or Grant', for . , "Jftf $1.00 Wine Cardui for..,71 75e White Taraffine Oil (inter nal cleanser), pint iie,.!t Toilet Goods at Prices That Will Suit You $1.00 Pyro for Teeth and Gum for 9 50e Djer Kits Compact and Face Powder, ahada for sverjr com plexion, for 39 P5c Triple Kxtraet Perfume tin. tentet, all odor, oi,.,.59c 50c Goodrich Velvetina Vanish ing Cream .....34c 35c Vivadou Vivomint Tooth Paste for 19c 60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Cold Cream Skin Food for... 44c 60c Odor-o-No for ..... .44 85c Mirror Nail Powder Polish for 23 $1.25 Canute Water for Gray Hair for 98c 75c Levy LaBlache Face Powder for 44 For Cleaning False Teeth Caulk'a Denture, in laj-ge tubes 50c L 1 $1.75 Vivadou Lady Mary Con centrated Toilet Water. 94c 25c Mi Johnston's Bando line for Hair 19c 35c Pond'a 'Vanishing Face Cream 2 4 50c Victor' Benzoin Almond and Cucumber Lotion for 34c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Faat for 34c 50e Carmen Face Towder, made in 4 shades, for.. 3 It 50e Mennen' Shaving Cream for 39t 25e Colirate' Talcum Pow. der, Violet, Cashmere Ban quet and I Franca Roue odor, at per can 14c 2Se Cuticura Soap for....l9t 18e Waltka Md. Skin Soap for 12t 65e Oranga Flower Skin Food for Ma SSe Holme' Fro till for 2 It $1.25 HouMgant Quelqua Meurs Tale for 89 50e Hind' Honey and Almond Cream for ........... ,3 l A GOOD ATOMIZER It 5prty Oily e Watery Saluttaot It a tha "Aema Oil Atoraiier." I'nv $1,25. Wa haa 14 th a Atomnr SO year. It chet fir.) ftv tha uer grief. It Dots Not Get Out of Repair Buy at Any One of Our 5 Good Prescription Drug Stores ee if the nefritary amount it on hnd, Crt Weekly Report. The other tode drpjitiuent main tain no bookkeeping lone and only keep a check on the vouihert they it tue. Front the department of finance they lereive a weekly retort tun lut they have spent and wiut their balamt it. One a month the sec retary of dmme luti't a ttatenieul of all etpenditure fir all the ex pending agenciet of the ttate, Thit it mailed out to IrgitlatoM and prt- tf citiient that are interested. When any branrh of the government it found to be spending beyond it meant, it i given an official warn, ing. Thit careful (rutiny of the ttate' financial standing it iietettary to the maintenance of the budxet tyttem. Through the information atthered at tin toutce, (iovernor McKelvie wat enabled to preterit a report to a special tettion of the legitlatitre which led to a reduction of the I1'.'.' late by one-third, Espert Praises Sytttm. The public gradually I coming to appreciate the financial report drawn up by the ecretary of finance, Philip F. lirott. liit chartt and diagram ahowinit that the ttate receivea only 19 centt out of every dollar taken from taxpavert have directed attention to many leak in local and county government, re. suiting in numerout instance in economy all along the line. They have furthermore attracted attention of expert and official all over the nation. I hii. A. N. Ilo! om!r. profettor of government at Harvard univeriity, recently wrote the fol lowing letter: 1'hilip Y. Frotf, Secretary, De partment of Finance, State of Ne braika. Pear Sir: I have received the tet of form uted by you irt the administration of the department of finance, and alto the analyti of I'VJl taxet in Nebratka which hat jut ap( eared I ant Uroilv iMiprrurd v.ith (lie rlrarnett i fofie lulneti with whuh you are presenting the financial tituation in th ttate goxrrntnent to the people of your Ute. 1 hat it the louii'laium for all tound (rogrett In eronom. ami ethi'iency. 1 want to congratulate you on the effec tive pioneer woik you are doing in the held of ttate finance. Check on Employe. The director of the New York r tearch bureau write on another tack to gain information on th (tandard iation ot potitiont and employment All potitiont under the rode laws are ttanlanir( by J it If , wnh a maxi mum and minimum salary. While no examination are held, a full in vrttigation ol experience and titneit to enter the slat employ it made aiKl each employ comet on month' trial. A time record 1 kept for each employe, and from thi monthly report the pay roll it made up. Oftire hour are Irotn 9 a. m to S p. m., and s study of the time sheets show a urprising number of rlerki have worked overtime. No one chimt that the rode sys trm ha been developed to perfec tion. The republican platform, while rndoriing it principle, pledget uch change and improvement at three yetrt experience (how advisable at the next legislative tettion. The democratic platform, on the con trary, rondemnt the tyttem out right and promitet itt repeal. IJrief City New Annwrra fjiirntiona lxya! U. Mole, poalonV Information clerk, who hna antwered 40,000,000 qumtlon In 19 year, today hefln hi 4uth year at th Information wlnilnw. Motorl.U f ilial SIOO Klahty-llx lrtri: law vtolutor paid total of 1400 tn fin wh tried yettcrday hefora Juda VV. F. Wappleh In Bouth Omaha, police court. Mi-krwtt f'autr Itrturn Mr, and Annual August Clearance Sale Broken Lines of Traveling Goods Hundreds of pieces of high-grade luggage from Ameri ca'! foremost manufacturers, affording a choice prac tically certain to meet your every travel requirement and. featuring values which have made every luggage tale here more successful than the last. A few of tht bargains are listed below. Indestructo Dress Trunk 40-inch full size, regular price $55.00; CQC flH Sale Price DOU.UV v tt nvrT' "sriw r i i r 'w.a wr a 36-inch steamer trunk, regular price J- n A A $20.00; Sale Price tplUaUU 'i rTn-iijiiiii -i v - im I I - ..1 :r " r.- v t 36 Inch full site, reKular piico $33.00; COfl 00 Salt T riff , ,vCUUU Traveling Bags ! brown, and black col on; walrus and cowhide leather. $7.03. 910.75 m4 9 II. 7. Freling & Stcinlc 1R03 Farnsm Ct. HiX9 IS VWi Via 4. N. itn rturn.t horn from livnvoe Tutay tnnrnlng due 1 1, th t-rlmi( ii.neaa nt Mr, tlaion KolloMlng Mr. Oaton'a liiirii(iir of hi galvmiUfit Iron plant at I'enver, thy had ilann to upomt a wook' vitiaiLoi at Troutdale m the I'inra, nr Jtivr. Uutlii Huh Me-lii-Tha "luiln trnr" lll ha tU' by tha Intar rlty Jtailio rlub, which has Invited all 1111110111 to it mevtlng at I Wednt-ulity niht at Heventecnth and Howard atreel. ! "H'lilta if'-Noe for a 'whit way' en Kutnth irt, from Culiiing atrtet north, to Twen tieth 'rot and Am avenue. A restitution entering th N.hrmWa I'ower enmpany to Inttall rnnduit waa ntritu-4 yeatrdy In tha rlty eounc-ll by 1(, H. .Imman, ruinruta- aloner Tha tianiting liaht rommlt tre will rioit vn th hi nt MiiihM). II. r Uarr- Hrl , lh rlty rotiiM'll ytrnty rMKlleil in eonnrmation of rhar nl'd aalniit JoMph 7.U Ii, patrolman, hy tip.'A. ilklna. who allg't tht when he aaii4 th patrolman for 1.1 tha aaket, fWyot 'leeT' m my c4p?'" 1.70 last Ii lUiti at (illHitt CubtM.n, Srlj, Aurf .2 i'Spi 'l Trtigrun )- lamlall ot J M !. h rally Ttif.'!' tnornina' urrel l e temperature wluih to'i l at d H't' ' II o'tlofk Monday nitfM, "J he rnoi.ture will a areat help tt the corn and hy "d f tinri. everybody!s store" DepartmentManagers'AugustSellingEv Wednesday Hou.sefurnishing Day Geo. Brown's Household Values for Wednesday "Universal" Cutlery Si Hot bread knife, erf, butcher, and Spatular knives mad of flenbl ateet with white enamel handle. Each, 39c White Enamelware . 85c 6-quart Covered Kettle, 8 and 10 quart Taila. 2-quart Cofea PoU. Round Pith Pans. Bake Pans. Colander. Good Quality Ilrooms (hjh M.da of good fcT-y.JU quality broom corn. Ui Stitched four time. l.arjr aire 111. I .III I" I'D "Universal" Fruit Press 4-qt. Univeraal fruit pre, $9. fl-qt. Univeraal fruit prf, $10. Wood Clothes Pins Four-Inch wooden clothes pins, an exceptional value at 72 for 15c Burfett-Natb HotiMfurnlahfne Dtpt' Fetwtti Floor. Good Grade Garden Hose Moulded of beat quality corrugated tuhber. H-inch, I2e ft. i-inch, 14 ft. 3-14-inch, 16 ft. Coupling free on SO-ft, length. Galvanized Tubs No. 3 iz waah tubs Special at 79c ceo, a. mow. "Soap Saver" Wash Boards. 79c ' Full aized bra wash board, atronjf and durable. Ice Cream Freezers, $3.95 , l. wooden freezer. An exrep tional value, priced at 13 95. John Bannon's Wednesday Specials Turkish Towels La re sized fancy towels with pink, blue or gold stripe. Each, 79c Children's Blankets With scalloped edge of pink or blue. Four attractive de sign. Size 36x50 inches. Each, $1.75 Damask ; Table Cloths Heavyweight bleached table damaak with attractive circular designs. Size 63x63 inches. Each, $1.85 100 Pairs Heavy Weight Blankets Pair, $1.95 These are soft, fluffy blankets . of great warmth. They cone in tan or gray with attractive colored bor ders. The large 66x80-incb size. Triced, pair, $1.95. Burf-Ni.h Linen Shop Steon4 Floor. Crash Toweling Excellent quality towelinjr of part linen, with colored border. Yard, 19c Outing Flannel . 36-Inch wh'ite outing flannel of splendid quality. An excep tional value, priced tt Yard, 25c "Utica" Pillow Cases The celebrated "Utica" pil low cases of serviceable quality. Size 42x36 inches. Priced Each, 39c Notions P.Dtr ShoDoine Baet. A. Coat Hanger, enameled pink, i uhSta r.r titno 9 ti.r 1r ) Duples Safety Pint, runt-proof, six lizes, 3 cards, 25. Shoulder Strap Ribbon, detach able; pink, blue, white; pair, 36c. Bio Tepa, with fancy edges, yard, tt. Rick Rack, all colors, 6 yards, 28. Tattinf, edging in all colors, i yards for 25. , Button for trimming in all colors, 2 card, 28c Hick Hair Curler, pkg., 10e. Unique Hair Waver, 6 on card, 10c. Curios Waver, lOcHini 19c. Baby Paatt, all rubber, 25c. RurMM-NoflftuMala Floor. 000 Marmalade Jars 69c Beautiful band-etched glass marmalade jar with silver-plated spoon and cover. Special at 69e. Burieit-Nh Main Floor. Chinaware for the Home or the Cafe Glass Vases Each, 20c Vane in varioua sizes and shapes choice, 20c. Sherbets Goblets Each, 30c Sherbets and goblets cut in Poinsettia design. 40-piece Sets White porcelain, R a n s o n shape. Breakfast Set, fg05 40-piece English blue break fast set, including cereals and egg cups. Blue Bird China Blue Bird cups and saucers, set of six priced at $1.74. Blue Bird 7-inch plates, set of six priced at 1 1.74. St. Dennis Cups and Saucers First quality cups and saucers of the tall St Dennis shape. Specially priced for Wednesday Cups, each, 10c Saucers, each, 10c Silverware Specials "I count this silver special the best value that I have offered in the Managers August Selling Event." THOMAS REAGAN, Manager and Buyer Silverware. Sheffield Silver Knives and Forks Three attractive patterns from which to select. Set of six, $2.25 Girard' Pattern Tea Spoons An engraved pattern of burnished finish. Special Set of six, 75c Community Silver : Exeter Pattern A 25-year silver, every piece of which in included in the August Sale. We offer the following pieces: Salad forks, butter spreaders, cream and gravy ladles, dessert knives and forks with flat or hollow handle, all at prices exceptionally low. Tea Spoons, set of 1x are priced at. .$1.20 Table Spoons, utt of six are priced. ,$2.85 Riwm N.k SiUo, Hk.e r'lMf. 00 0 Striped ami Plaid Voiles Yard 18c Srt Inch orn stripe and plaid veil., onn of the scMon'a moat popular fabric, in a widn rsnif of rlitr. Kprfil!y pricrd fr Wrdnexday, N. C. O D . N MtB,Jt, No t ! No fkoae Otdot Hosiery and Underwear Kayser Quality Union Suits Each n50 ' Fine mercerized qualify In regu lation and bodice top styles. Closed gore. In white only. Sizes 34.36-38 M, VAN UITIIOVKN Women's Sleeveless Union Suits Priced Suit 150 Sleeveless mercerized union suits made with regu lation lop and loose knee. Mostly small sizes, 30, and a few in size 33. White Stockings for Infants 25c 35c 45c From our complete stock of infant' white hose you may choose any pair at one of these three prices, Fine mercerized hose, most of them woven with triple knee. .Sizes i to 6fc. English Mercerized Hose Very Special, Pair M . 'IIk lew Fiiitluh !rr ftit .1 rddted storking f.r woiiiiii. I'.'xullrnl for fo,( wmr, Imported ulity in while only. All sir. C)e ti aai r 4k eJ !) Cmhi IttW a4 tat I lia a4 M r lk aael ! WihUhh, lHt II . I till St. ft! Ol'we. 14 !, ! 4 , ajMeot Ha a. 4 at nii ioii.a mmmmmsmmmmm v