The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 23, 1922, Image 4

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(!n;::':;i Chosen
ica(iiiurliTti ol
Synod District
('ourititfi vt Moth North
tin t South Division! of
I.titlirrjn Adjourn!
at Noun.
Radio-Frequency l
iU4 uuu;: navw
Om.ih.i vs chosen ycstrrriav
I rtij(jj4rtrri o( the North Nelirsslu
iiirif( cif t it? Mi"ini ) no'l of the
1 uthrraii rliuich. The convention
f bMli the North and South St
ruailu (IisIimIi, win. Ii surtH Uit
Wednesday, (nljniinird at noon. The
districts nirt ill Jnmt scinn ycstrr
lay morning in J loir I Cattle audi
torium, 1'rof. August Srhuelke of Seward,
treasurer, rrrxirtrd receipts of the
Nebraska Iitrirt for the year ending
July 1 were f l.l.'.OOO.
This ii $K),.M) more than the re
ceipt of the preceding year," he
iJ. "The synod's work hat gone
forward in ime of the prire of torn
and h"K wlni h aitrcts so many of
our nieiiilirri on the farm."
Recommendations Adopted.
The evaluation committee, an
pointed to adjust the finance of the
two newly-created districts, recom
mended that endowment, beginning
Augutt VI, be divided equally be
tween the two districts, that the
preaeut treasurer serve both district
till Urcemlier il and that cash on
hand at tint date be divided accord
ing to the number of communicant
menibera in each district and thai
Ihe rhurch extension fund be divided
grographically. The convention
adopted tlirse recommendationt.
To Hold Joint Sessions.
Rev. C. If. Decker. Key. J. Hoi
atiMii and the two treasurer were ap
pointed the committee to make final
adjustment of finance..
It wa voted to have Rev. Fanl
Matusclika of Lincoln continue a di
rector of mission for both dis
trict; and I'rof. II. Hillmann of
Seward inapt-dor of church achooli
for both districts.
The two district will have lome
joint sessions in future conventions
or will interchange delegates, so at
to keep in friendly touch.
Prominent Lincoln Man
I Killed by Automobile
Lincoln, Aug. ZZ. Elmer Wil
meth, 27. member of a prominent
Lincoln family, was struck by an
automobile late this afternoon and
died an hour later in a hospital eon
ducted by his father, Dr. F. L. Wil
meth. VVilmeth was superintending
a sewer-laying project on an out
lying boulevard and was crossing
the street when struck by the car,
which was traveling rapidly. Wil
meth waa in the aviation service
during the world war and had at
tained celebrity as an amateur flyer.
-ooji Antrim I
Ai.l for Short Dm
Benkleman Men Are Held
on Charge of Burning Store
Lincoln, Acs. V. . inspector
Butcher of the sUe fire marrhul's
office returned ycrtcrday from Benkle
man, where ha conducted an inves
tigation which resulted in the ar
rest of W. M. Stogsdill and Thomas
Bisgard on the charge of setting fire
to a stock of good. The two men
were bound over to the district
court in the sum of $1,500 each. Tfce
fire they are accused of starting de
stroyed a building and stock of gro
ceries on the night of July 14.
A vacuum tu' et with a loop
antenna will receive well over short
distance., but for best result
Radio-frequency amplifier should be
used to build up the energy of the
intercepted waves. 1 he ood antenna
is directional receiver, and reeep
lion it best when the loop it pointed
with H end toward the tending its
lion, me loop intercepts only t
small amount of the energy usually
received by a good antenna, but il is
safe from lightning since it kn be
utcd indoor. It doe not pick up
static like the regular antenna be
cause it does not make u.e ol a
ground connection.
Metallic Lining.
The use of the regenerative ar
rangement complicates the operation
of a set uite a little, but at the tame
time louder signal will be heard
than would be oblained from a tim-
pie receiving circuit. The regener
ative effect give rite to all kind of
noi.e in the telephone receivers.
Oftentimes in tuning there will be
"fading" of the lignalt w hen the
hand i brought near the dial. To
overcome this "capacity effect" of
the body it it found necettary to line
the inside of the panel with a metal
lic shield. Inasmuch t the capacity
of the body materially affects the
delicate adjustments of the regener
ative set, the dials of some instru
ment, ar made of rnul ana are
rounded to art a shield..
Oner adjusted, a regenerative re-
elver will kern il adjustment fairly
welt, except fur an occasional rraula
lion of the filament rheottat.
Radio Seta No Hazard to
Fire, Say t'tate Marshal
De Moines, la., Aug. JJ-I'rob-ability
that installation of the many
radio sets Mould greatly litrte-ite the
hre hazard in the state was discred
ited today by Slate l-ne Martha) J.
A. Tracy of Ie Mnlne, I.
"Although there have been two
fire In the state which were trace
able to radio sett, 1 do nut anticipate
that there will be any appreciable
rumber cau.rd by spark Iroiu these
initruinents," Mr, Tracy said.
He credited tin. assertion to the
fact that there have hern instruc
tion and rule issued by radio rom
ps nit for prevention ol lite damage
with their sets. Kadto sale.mcn,
Mr. Tracy said, were also careful to
warn their buyer afiinit rareh
Installation of their tei. The fire
marshal also expressed the belief that
the radio rraie had abated some
what and that hereafter complete
radix plant with adequate fire pro
tection would be installed rather
than cheap, poorly constructed out-
lit. ,
Edward Conn and Ccome Ikenor.
Omaha musician, entertained radio
audience last night when The Oma
ha llee broadcast icveral piano and
saxophone duet by the artists from
nation WDV.
Conn at the piano and Ikenor with
the saxophone kept the ether re
funding with appealing melodic
from WDV.
The Omaha llee broadcast every
night except Friday from tation
WDV from 7 to 8 and from 9 to 10
Health Course
to Be Given by
Public Schools
First to Eighth Grade Pupils
to Get Comprehensive In
struction Starting This
All That He Needs Are
Lace Ruffles, Ribbons
and Nice Powder Puff
Long Beach, Cal., Aug. 22.
Corduroy trouier with flaring
bottoms inserted with gaudy gus
ts and garnished with long tai
sels, were scored by Police Judge
Carl V. Haskins, when the wearer,
Carlton B. Gilbert, an oil worker,
appeared for sentence on a charge
of improper dancing in a public
dance hall.
"All that is lacking to complete
the picture before me," said the
court, "is lace ruffles about your
cuffs, a few ribbons in your hair
and a powder puff in your pocket.
Fads are fads, but there ia a limit"
A comprehensive course of study
in health education will be included
in the public school curriculum at the
opening ot the new school year Sep
tember 5.
Considerable has been done here
in health and hygiene instruction, but
thi i the first time that this kind of
instruction has been definitely out
lined through a course of study in
the Omaha schools.
The course will run through the
grades, from first to eighth, being
adapted to the capacity of the chil
dren in the various classes.
J. H. Beveridae. superintendent of
schools, stated that he believes edu
cation should orenare the rising gen
eration for the responsibilities of life.
It is his opinion that instruction in
health is surpassed in importanSe
only by moral instruction.
The second grade children will be
taught to sing the following lines to
the tune of "Yankee Doodle"
"Th. .1 beat doctor, anywh.ra,
And no ona ran deny It.
Heat ana Air
Ar. Bun.hlnr, Wnt.r,
Ex.rcl.e and met
U. S. Steel Corporation
Boosts Pay of Laborers
New York, Aug. 22.-(By A. P.)
The United States Steel corporation
today announced that the wage rate
of day labor at all its manufacturing
plants would be increased 20 per
cent September 1, and that other
rates would be equitably adjusted.
At the offices of the corporation
it was said that about 156,000 would
be affected by the new ''scale and that
they would receive 36 cents an hour
under the advanced wages.
The corporation has about 220,000
men on its payroll, but 64,000 are in
the mining and transportation de
partments, it was said.
t The Best
the Least Expensive
The Will. Saint Claire is designed
and built for thot men and women
who are accustomed to and Insistent
upon th really fine things In lit.
And large production, born of popu
larity, make poulble a Wills Saint
Claire price well within th muni of
11 these appreciative men and women "
On Huh) si SOlk
AT twit tan
0 & o
fur Cab ft" 0riUt4 fl
mi rn at tt !
mniiiiii r .
Patrick Kelly, 110,
Noted for War Record,
Dies at Mcrna, Neb.
Man Plunges Into
Devil's TeaKeltlc9
and Dies of Burns
Loaes Footing ami Slips Into,
Hot Springs at Klamath
Falls. Ore. Unable to
Climb Walk
Klamath Falls. Ore., Aug. Z2.
Frank Albert, S' died from burns
received hen he fell into "The
Ieil's Tea Ketile, a hot spring
here, He lost his footing while fill
ing a barrel for house hold utc and
plunged lino the spring, the tempera
ture ol whiih Is about V7 degrees.
Unable to climb the slippery bank
Albert was in the hot water several
minute before his screams broiiKht
Brother and Sister Suicides.
Drs Moines. Ia., Aug. 22 After
his sister, Kinnia, JO, had ended her
life by taking poison, l'aul Ii.irt 1, ii,
hung himself from a rafter in his
barn, brooding over the loss of
115.0(10 invested in oil stock was
thought to have been the cause of
both suicides.
Three Hunters Shot Dead.
Portland, Ore., Aug, 22 Mistaken
for ilcer, three hunters have been
shot since the deer season opened
Sunday, according to reports which
reached here from southwestern Ore-
fon today. Koyal Ostrundrr of
'orlerford was shot by George
Hurst near Marshfield and is be
lieved to be fatally injured. Two
victim, whose name are not known,
were wounded by one (hot, fired by
a hunter near Grant's Pass. One is
said to be in a serious condition.
United States Probes "Life Institute"
Government Takes Hand In Investigation of "Healer
of Ilroken Homes" Head of Cult Facing Charge
of Operating Confidence Game.
Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.)
Survivor of two wars of the Vic
torian period and noted as one of
the oldest men in the United States,
Patrick Kelly, 110, died here yester
day. His first warfare, after having re
ceived a good education in the
schools of Dublin, in which city he
was born March 5, 1912, was with
the armies of the Italian liberator.
Garibaldi. He lost three fingers un
der Garhaldi's banners when one of
hia hands was shattered.
He enjoyed the Crimean war next
and later saw military service in
many foreign lands. In 1870 he
came to the United States and be
came a coal miner in Illinois.
In 1884 Patrick Kelly came to Ne
braska and acquired a homestead
near New Helena, where he lived
until retiring a few years ago to take
up his residence in town. i
Two Killed in Blast.
Houston, Tex., Aug. 22. Two
men were killed and i third injured
at Goose Creek, 25 anile from here,
when a charge of dynamite exploded
today in a blacksmith shop.
Southern Kansas Corn
Crop Threatened by Heat
Topeka. Kan.. Aug. 22. Southern
Kansas and northern Oklahoma near
Coffcevillc, are experiencing the
first hot wind of the summer. The
mercury is near the 100 mark and
corn it being badly damaged by the
f arching wind from the (outhwest.
'armers ay unless relief comes in
the form of rain and lower tempora
tue, the corn yield will be cut in
half by the end of this week. Corn,
until yesterday, gave promise of a
record breaking yield in that section.
At Wichita, the season's heat rec
ord was broken yesterday afternoon
when the official temperature was
102 degree. Hot wind added to the
discomfort. Salina reported 10S de
Tchitcherin Refused
Permit to Cross Belgium
Hcrhcsthal, Belgium, Aug. 22. M.
Tchitcherin, Russian foreign minis
ter, and several soviet colleague pro
ceeding to London on the Cologne
Ostend express were refused access
to Belgian territory today. They
were forced to return to Cologne a
they had failed to obtain the viae of
the Belgian consul in Cologne, The
soviet minister argued that his party
was only passing through Belgium
with no intention of stopping, but
the frontitr officers were obdurate
and the Russians had to leave the
Chicago. Arnt. 2.'. The Kderal
fovernnitnt has taken a hand in the
investigation of the conduct ol "Dr
Albert J, Moore, "brali r of broken
hoiurt" and head of ihe "Lite In
fttituie," The government wants to
lind whether Moore ronductrd cor
respondrndce rourtri in "home heal
"Dr. Moore will be tat coutt to
day to fate a charge of operating
confidence game. Subpoenas have
been issued it Mr, and Mr. W. W
I alcdlt and Mrs. lame II, I art
v.riuht of Oregon, III., wile ol an
associate justice of the (talc aupreme
court, who it expected to be the
rhiif witness against Moore. Mrs,
Talcott it alleged to have paid Moore
2,WX. She ia still "laithhil" to the
"doctor." It i said.
"Nonresistanre," based on the
doctrine of "Resist Not Evil," wa
revealed by investigatorn as the un
derlying tenet of the cult. On litis
same doctrine the three famous cults
conducted by Jacob Ileilhart, "Dr
Otoman Jlaiiisih, and Kvclyn Ar
thur See were established, '
Moore defied hi accuser and de
dared he would beat them if they
appeared in court. Mr. Talcott and
Alvin Proline canted Moore' arrest
Proline's wife defends Moore and
probably will testify in bit behalf
IJolh Mrs. Proline and Mrs. Talcott
were busy at Moore's "institute" to
Dog Hill Paragrafs
By George Bingham
I J fill i
Sim Flinders has a dog that fol
lows him wherever he goes. The
dog thinks Sim is a fine man.
Tobe Moselcy says every town
ha three classes of people: One that
drcsse nice and has some money;
another that hasn't any money and
dresses wel on a credit, in trying to
keep up with the first class; and one
that work hard all the time, and
never ha anything but a milk cow
and a lot of children,
Slim Pickens say jaybird look io
much alike it is hard to tell whether
they are the same ones or not
False Claims
hope there is no Mother who thinks she can treat her sick baby without
calling in a Physician, or with remedies that she uses for herself.
Most Mothers know that Baby requires remedies especially prepared for
babies, yet there are some who think that what is good enough for them is good
enough for Baby, and it is to these Mothers we appeal to give nothing to their
babies that is not specially prepared for babies or recommended by their Physician.
False claims may kill, but false claims can never restore your child.
For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been aiding in the reduction
of the deaths among infants as Mothers have become more and more acquainted
with it. Always keep it in the house.
Proline id he would be able to
prove that Moore' lessons to hi
pupil were unless. He exhibited a
tack of "raeicise" written by Mr,
proline. According to Proline, hi
wife locked herself in her room on
her "rxercie day" and wrote "non
tristncN sentence by the hour.
Hi exhibit started a follows;
"I love all that ha rome, come.
and can come to me. 1 appreciate
my every experience."
Thi w written oner evrrv hour
and during the intermission Mr.
rrohne mediated on the "
sure doctrine which it srt forth.
This kept up for 8 to 10 hours a
Jay, Prohne says.
Man Killed in Train Crash.
Kingman, Ariz., Aug. 22. D, V.
Kinney was instantly killed and si
others seriously but not fatally in
jured last night when two work trains
on the Santa Fe collided at a point
seven miles east of Kingman
Senator Asks Removal
of Federal Dry Chief
Washington, Aug. Represen
tative Hill, rrpubhtstl, Maryland, to
day addressed a tetter to Secretary
Mellon friursting the immcd.ate r
moval of prderal Prohibition Com
missioner llaynes, who Mr. Hill
i barged, "engaged In drfrtudmg the
United States government in that he
is using and causing to be used the
official mail dank c the Treasury
department for the sending out ol
personal political propaganda in the
interest ol hinurlf nd his associates,
the Auti Saloon- league."
T9 inll m. J
n i - o
WT !'
fcl Ox
It.. Lawns
a rm e imut cs t ae
Ffiono Doui 1623
sciMuti i MtTiui ruus CO.
i4 le-ia a.
lie Want Ails Prodinc Crsuli.
Purl Cans Fine Granulated
100 lb. baft-
H HOI S S4I k t il 14 l
The Old
Carriage Maker
Had an
Important Truth
jtf O make each part as strong as the rest," was
his way of "building a wonderful, one-horse
chaise that wouldn't wear out till judgment day."
This illustrates a fact that is keeping many doctors busy
tLcse days human bodies, like chaises, break down be
cause some part isn't as strong as the others.
Very often it's because of ill-balanced food, lacking in
some important element of nutrition. This is especially true
of ills developed in childhood, and carried on through life.
Grape-Nuts, that world-famous, ready-to-cat cereal,
brings the plan of building each part as strong as the rest
to serve human need. Grape-Nuts contains all the nutri
ment of those best of the field grains, wheat and barley,
including the vital mineral elements, and it is a wonderful
food for building and sustaining health and strength.
The delicious flavor and crispness of Grape-Nuts make
jt a welcome dish whenever you're hungry.
"There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Co. Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.
I i un nin i ram
j-M-Jv Content. f5?luid Pnolmi
Children Cry For
1i -.riHOL-3FBR CENT.
.:;i!t;.t th Food tar Rrtvt'
ftnothetomacksand Ucmw
ilaeral. Not
t s..l,X,lttrlMrf H
4W rUkrststani
Wabash Train No. 6
LV. CHICAGO 10:30 A.M.
Via Lackawanna
AR. ELMIRA 6:47 A.M.
AR. SCRANTON ....10:45 A.M.
AR. NEWARK 2:58 P.M.
AR. NEW YORK ... 3:30 P.M.
Wabash Train No. 12
LV. CHICAGO ......11:25 P.M.
Via Lackawanna
AR. NEW YORK ....6:45 A.M.
From Chicago to New York and the East, the Wabash
offers unusual service with its through equipment of all,,
steel sleeping cars and coaches and fine dining car service
Summer Excursion Fares j
are now in effect from Omaha via Chicago to many
Eastern cities and resorts. No excess fare via Wabash-4
the lowest fares, either one way or round trip, apply.
We invite you to write, phone or call for information.
waoaan i tenet unices, 1416 Dodge St., and Union Station
H. C. Shields, Division Pass. Agent, 1909 Harney, Omahoi
Mothers Must Use Care.
Why do we io often call your attention to Imitation! of Fletcher'i
Castoria? Because it la baby'a medicine and imitation! art alwayi
dangeroua, paiticulaxly imitation! of a remedy for infanta.
Your dmggist nay sot keep an imltatioa but they art to be
found oa drug-store ahelm. Reliable druggists think only of the.
velfar of their customer!. The other kind only of the greater
profit to bo mad oa imitation!.
Tour ova judgment tell! you that Fletcher'! Castoria harlng
for crtr thirty year at great eipensa held ap it reputation, must
Jealoualy guard it. Then, it follow! that thi! company must use the
very beat f material. Mut employ tiperta ia th selection of th
herU. Must titain ikUl4 chemist ia lis manufacture,
Yeur !amt good Judgment mutt tell you that these irresponsible
Imitator art trading oa your credulity and the reputation built
up by afr, Fletcher, during all the) years, tot hia Castoria,
ormti twouia n9 iaoitt uu it Kobos mm lotnt oi intcm iciro4
Boars the Stenaturo cf
Unusually low fare round trip
tickets on sale daily via the Chicago
& North Western Fy. to the moun
tain, lake and seashore resorts of
New England, the Atlantic Sea
board and to New York City,
Atlantic City, Boston, Toronto,
Portland, Me., Montreal and
Niagara Falls.
tiberai return limit! and favorable atop,
ever privilege,
Fut train at convenient hour make direct
e-mnectni in Chlcag with all Uuee last.
Mt afford a iplendUl opportunity to enjoy
a lUhUeetnf tour or to vUit your frteod
ia thi Exit.
For hall Inforwfttlea arj'hr
Chicago & North Western Ry.
IM IM laikasa Si, t.l.s. Uff4 i'A
I tSull4.li4 tW-krl (lll -
till I'!-. Its. Mra. (iUaU 4t.
QO h
or a
pacific Jjncr
tone r4 iwaii cm, la iMJ
IraaKM CnsJ. fur r ii.
the iHtur,u Sm l.tK, Uta
ti kut sU a iia as.
. a ri.Mk,. r. a, . a. r rw .