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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1922)
II Your "Waif ' Ad in The Omaha s Guaranteed to Bring as tfor-d or better results as you will secure through any other Omaha newspaper or your money refunded. When you have a room to rent need a girl tor housework sell some furniture, etc. call ATlantic 1000 and ask for a "Want Ad taker. THE OMAHA SEE: WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1022. Bee I iminKHirn conn I fU It ....rilAiJ Ai,4iNfe IteUlled Mi hulea ft.,,., . lio.e Ih I.i riM. i. (tit. AXTI.HT ! w. am fevaidh. Mil' HI. La Illll 4 llarfiet r0 lT it GOOD THINGS TO FAT. API'Lk.i AI-PL.' ah am, kiMiKi. .nun. reur lieakei. ii Herfme A KK. lilt AIH.I ( r Hla, 4111 N, IM sirl, HK 1741 I"H lal A,-ik ( U klnila. l.l KK. Imt. JIu.v iimaVkm for ei. k; u" MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS THAIsK tour ttaail iiia. n a .aw ii Iia Halane. at low aa tit far mania A. Hnirt en, till lieugle r MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE P'lK ele One larg. elerlrln freight l. va'nr in lir.tcl..e rnmliiion. loniplet with .11 MM. Imludlng ll-horaeimwer moiori eia piaiiurm, II rt r. raal. i m eietaior in n .ought at vary A.Vf REW Ml'ltPKT Omaht. Neb. 4 POK, f'MAHA Alhlalio rlub fi.r ) Transfer fa ial. Talaphon .1 ARMY ho.e 701-1 No Ulh Hi, RADIO SUPPLIES. EV Kit YTH INO a H1lo lur-plie. Mall order solicited. Omaha Sfoilln flood I'AllTI ALLY completed radio art for aala " n ina ej'iliar. HA 4i:t. . CLOTHING AND PURS liUNOICB WOOLEN MIIJ.P aim, enaap, alterattona free Northweet Cor. 161b anrl Harnaf It I . ' i'ni.H auu ana Tuaado ror rant .W Hit at, I. reidm.a. AKMY ihwi. II I IV. fl, No. UlTT ' POULTRY AND PET STO C K. TWO Ilnaton bull lerrlar ru., peaia-reed snd wall marked, boih male JA. 17J. STORE & OFFICE SUPPLIES OOOOOO 0000 00000 00 oooooooo TYPEWRITERS. " ANt ALL MAKRfl bought and old, ranted and repaired. Sol a genu for th C'UHONA. 01 our price b for you buy. Every machln f uarantaod. CKNTHAL TTPKWRIT?R EXC. JA. 4120. 1H2 Farnam. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo WK BUY. .-II af. mak. draka, huw re, at. Omh Plmura Supply Co., . w, cirnar llth ami Dounlaa. J A. I7J4. KUKHUUUHS .Hn tnrlna"7i'ri 'fM tnry guaranlaa. H. A. 'lahr, AT. OSat. (IlIAHANTKEl) lypwrllra, lit .ml up. lilwf.t rifflra Supply. 1404 ljoilca OH KAI.K Hlah claaa aalaolad Whle Wyaml.ntaa, Whlta Orplnirlona, whit Mlnorraa, Lakanvaldara, HHvar Kpanirlad Hambuna. Hunalan Orloofa, Haminom Pekln durka and Emhdn ! rmlured prlcaa If purrhaard In Auuat. Frank Juilaon. Palraeraa Cimahf.. T.lnhnn. va s;os. WANT TO BUY DESKS. ' PERKS. DESKS. Naw draka, uatd dk bought, aold and tradad J C. Raad. 1807 Farnarn. AT. 1141. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Want to acll your butinetaT Gat in touch with live proa pact through your "Want" Ad in Th Omaha Morning 11 a THE EVENING IIEE (two panar lor th oVlc of ona). Telcphon AT-lantie 1000. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o o o o o o o o PEANUT MACHINES. 12(1 aluminum toppad peanut and lHI-ball gum machln. all new. Will acll cheap. Ha Mm. Mkhaal, Hotel Roma. o COOOO 0O0O0OO00000 0C000O00 CENTRAL mcri'hnndlac. mrrlheiiatcm Neb. town. A good concern with excellent buat tlon. Invoic about 13.100. Rent raaaon neaa that wll atand the cloaeat Inveallaa ahle. Fireproof building. Term to right party. Addrcaa Ro V-IDI, Omaha Be. CAFKTKKIA equipment fnr aaio. almoat new. Inatallmrnt, 25x100 feet. Wall fix ture Coat lin.oon. Sacrifice for 12.600. Addrcaa Rnx Y-1IK. The Omaha Ilea. 1IOTKU for aula, on actnunt of health will BJ.-ll atnnll notel at bargain. A money mak rr. Crtah puymcnt with turnia. Adtlraa Itox III. I'hnri'-ll. Neb. A WEEKLY NKWrtPAPKH In a town of f'i" Aildreaa, Tha Krnnet Sun, Pnnt, K-b. 4'ONEECTIO.NAHY ature fur l. tiulre la 101 K lath- Call JA. till. In- ROOMS FOR RENT. Plrangar and di.atlfM roomare, too look thro'!nh the.. "Want" Ada each day In .'arch of dctirabl nmm. la our vacani room I,te4 here? Taleahon AT-lantta 100. and t.k for a "Want " tl'.' Ad taker, WELLINGTON INN HAS NICELY 1 1 HMKMKIt H.HMi ; AT VI.RY A rTRACTIVIt R ATES T l KHVtM:Vr Ul'KtTil IVN'T FAIl, I T TIII M , il Z r t S I .:r. riVfuTi'.aaew'T . ! ah ; i, . Mil r-l ... !"( l.i ... .. . r-. ...o, .'Hi l. h. tit tal t t t I. 0 S 1 i' 1 t,B4 - t. -ILL i'N'U 4 r's ..iti I W I fi' iltl 1 ii U N M r. i" ' He. im im4' t 4, ... ! 4 o ft 4 i I Ml i r UiUf I 1 t ' l S ... !' i It ls i t 4. . n i . I. . t'.-e.--- '.-., I . .'.. a .... et . i. . 1 It . . HOtiKkkePlsO KOOMa 4 v T- ! .a.. a . 1 !' t . .. 1 . - . - 1. . I I t I BAIlDANDJRqOM H.l'l hl.T man .ni honi. ln iriT7 ""'r on I amain mr llettiev linn, i. during lr. Adiir.a. Omaha lie. AITMAiTIVK rwm .r I wilk HOAhU and raorn youaf lady, II par -"a, an. wcaloaal car f thildraa. liar. 1741. HOUSES FOR RENT Th. fad waving .Mao trill aoo. ba kar and many pa, pi III b lonalnt, for naw kuiajaa for lh wlnlar, la your nuua liatad kara hr prtianartlt ranlara will il f Talrphnn AT-lanli n. and 4uk for . " Ad lakrr. riVM raoina, aa. lfirlo III hi., bath, loil.t; .mid raiiar, SHI N. IHh SI. Will, laaaa naar J A. Ha houa Ik tilfawood. APARTMENTS FOR RENT If your .nartmant I. not Il.trd hr you will mi. a many pro.partir. lananta who ara looking for naw quartan for lh aomlnf fall and wlnlar mnnlha. Tala phon AT-lantlf! 110. .ml net y.ur "Wnt" Ai it.rud. iJT! two wiekks treb rknt en ll apartmnt rantad during tha month of Auguat; aumm.r ral.a. I4T.II 10 l0i wlntar, 167.11 la II". ftEHEMnPTR Wt PAT TMF! COAL BILL r. If OPEN ii CO.. Ilraltnr JA. 4111. IJ4 Kaalln Mldg Oal our hat of vacant apartmanta .nd houaaa. W nandla k largar varlaty or rant. I proptrttn man any otnar ag.ncy in in i-itv n't PKTFRS TRI'HT COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA HUNTS'1 AT.5I4: I7lh .ndParnam St. OMAHA'S LAHOKST RENTAL, AGENCY Thirty-four apartmant building. Ill apartmanta, rrtnforrad eonrrat. .rao lutaly flraprnof. Murphy bad or bad. room apartment, call u, ana w. win Uk you out. DRAKB RENTAL AflrNCT, Fireproof Apartmant, JA. 1101. AT. 1701, Corner 17th and Howard straat. TUB Chlodo. llth Av. and Marry Nawly daenratad 4-room anta. with l-room accommodation. Alao l-room apt. I'hun J A. HJI FOUR larao rooma, modrrn, avary con-Vfnlm-a; gajaita fraa; ona block to car, l and 141, John Z. Smith. 1001 South lot h Av. POUR larga modarn rooma. hrat and tir furnlahtd, 14(1 lummer, l) wlnlar. 1111 So. a.iii Av UKAI'TIKtlL Apt., l-roum acrnm., cloaa In and In fin Apt. Hllg 141 Mo. Rafar enoaa. JA. 1714. TH.K I-'lorentlne, 111 6. daroratad apta. of S, 3, 15th St. Nawly 4 and I rooma. Phone J A. 1421. DUNDKB APARTMKNT. 4-room, aun room and bath, Sp. It. III. WA. 0b4. MolJtKN 4 and 7 rooma: low rant, cloa In. O P. Slabbln. 1110 Chicago. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. baalrabla l-room aulla; adjoin acrraoad lcp. poroh; walking dlat. l-'OV, N. 13d St. CLAIRMONT HOTEL, on 17th. naar Jack- ann. Do. 2735. 1-rm. and kltchanatta apt. FURNISHED HOUSES. TEL. WAI 4824 Partly furnlahed home In reatrlcted dl.trlct, llenaonhurat. I-ROOM furnlahed bungalow, by Sept. 1. Raf. 1811 Laird Ht. Web. 1311. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT FOR RENT Well lighted offlc room. 20 and up. Wllklnaon Rlilg. 1 31 h and Karnum St. Call Janitor Room nil, DO. 1871. BUILDING for ront, IS month, aultabl.for any amnll Una of buamraa. 4029 8. 16th 81. O. W. Moaner, phone MA. 3(117. OFFICE for ph Bank. Addrcn w-171, Omaha Bee. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth and Jonea St. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACK I NO STORAGE SHIPPING. Houaehold Goodi and Piano. Reduced Ratea Thla Week to LOS ANUELES and CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackaon 0231. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked room for houaehold good and piano, moving, packing and hipping. BEKIN3 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 801 South 16(h. DO. 4111. ESTIMATE furn. on- packing, raov. and torlng. Contract taken by Job or hour. Glob Van Storage Co., JA. 4238, AT. 0330. Groaeman A Son., ownera. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS DETECTIVES, RGLIARLEj Ex. Bid... Delectlv Bureau, Railway J A. Oil; night, KB. till. Independaat Detectlv Bureau, 104 Navlll Bli. AT, HOlI night, WA. 4U4I; KB. 1441 JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Rlk. aecured in all caa. AT. 1111. ACCORDION PLKATINO. ACCORDION, eld., knife, box pleating. covered buttona. all atyte; hematltrhlng, buttonnolee. write Idoai notion a, pleat ing Co., 101 Brown Block. Omaha, N.b. Talaphon. JA. 1131 NKIHIAsKA i'l.KATIMl CO., 10I Far narn St., cioa.'d Aug. 3d lo Sept. I, account of vacation. 104 Farnarn St., w, floor. DEN TISTlt DKNTAL X-RAYH. Id each. II full l. ! tULfllUli" ""1f "'' ''""' CONTHACTORP aARAUKS buiit. . atyl aTi, ll au. Concret work. Sllcklta Lumbar A Hr..-K ('.. Tel. VtfL. tilt. I LA'I KIllN'l. cameMI watk. , hie leltti gar.. i f .ny kind, guar i w..ik U A 7 A c I isstVKli .--li-B.uj.:in .ad x t .11 A F l SJ J'N K "1" 1 i I; r.llaed..m M.i.d; ''.'' ' Reaa jHltr HA I-1! FUUS . ' , iit.-la a w . a PI I A 4 ff I. . ka 4kl rw i, JU Lt 41 FUHS I, .t...L .'.. e 1.. 1 - .- - -- . , . - H 1 v a I tTTiv n" . 4.;...-k.7'r.:.k.""5 i w l! 1 ' k 1 1 s t 11 1 s ""rlS-Vil IIHMII.' .'" t . I .' ). I 4 " " f(flSu " " r, p.. ... r iii t 11 i-. iif a !.!. n . . it !it Hi. f ;-Xtil. fao, l i,a. -I. . ..'! , l ! ,.,.,. 1 . 1 1 . . . . . ... .1 . I I '' lit H I . , . till IM..' " " " . w . . a ','.;- . - 1 I . 1 Mi ll il".ll k I a , , 1 I ,'(. A ''-'-- I . ... t ... ... a .. i - . 1 . , r . 1 ... BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. MiK'' k A.siil'NrllMri.v'lk DIAMONDS piiaaaWllll prHa la br baik at amall arofil. HKu Jk'VMtlhr Cl. Omaha, N.b.. g N Ulh t. Talrphnna li M4I, KM AH A I'llXoW l't alallraaaa mad tar In nw luk al naif ar txda. flllaaa raid ami UP In naw Nalh-r prof iLking old bad Hk waaha.1. Ital Cuming J A I4". I'll. Ula kinrn..ff. diaiaaaa at ouiu and rnildran. Ill N. Hal Ml. AT. '. ,rtr:it,rili,lfirNS tarfulli .impound3 .1 lha I kharman alui Irua aior-a. CHATTEL LOANS C OOOOOOOO 0000 00 00000 00000 IIONKT TO LOAN til Itt t,('K ON ri'HNITl'Rk!. I'lANUS, ETC. I.aa than lagal rata, monthly parmant. qolik, uulal and conflil.nllal. OMAHA LOAN CO. ffil Karha'H IHoi k. Tal. J A. till, koulhaaat l or, lllk Uou.ia. kt. C 00000000000000 00000000 00 LiiW RATE MONEY. IH and I per cm on Improved Omaha l.rupriy. Make application now. W. T. (IKAIIAM. ' JA. HIJ 704 I'eier Truat Hldar. WB htv ca.k o. band la loan on Omaha rid.ce. & If. LOUOEE. INa III k.ellne Bldg. Farm Loans Nab. farm, ranefce. Kink fnveatmanl Co.. Ill Om. Nat l Uk. 1 1 00 TcTllv.OOO liat) made promptly. F. D. WEAU and I). II. BOWMAN, 111 B. llth St. Waad Bldg. At. nllt ouahXTiomics east"neb rAjins 1011 Om. Kal Bk Bldg. Jackaon HI. FIRST morlgag loan nud promptly on Omaha real ratal, nnnpen ai ' tor. JA. 4IH 134 Klln Hldg. ilARvTN IiROH . 441 Omaha Nat. Bldg ON IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. J, u. MITHEN pay mot for LIBERTY BONDS. Ill City pat I "" coa. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o FREE THIS WEEK 50 GALLON BARREL OF OAS WITH EACH USED CAR. BUT TODAY. AND PAT WHILE YOU RIDE. HERE'S THE CARS Buy one thl wek and recelv fro a fllty-tallon barrel of gaa. Ford touring 176 Ford aedan !" F'ord truck 30 Dvda touring 260 Hulck touring ICO Oldemobll muring &r' Chevrolet fli aedar) 171 Reo truck 0 NEBRASKA OLDSMOBILB CO.,' Ued Cr Tht Can Bo Ued. AT. 1770. Howard at Eighteenth. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O . . GUARANTEED USED CARS Drlv one of our uacd car for one week. If not entirely aatlafled bring It back and receive credit on any car we have for sale. We believe that th uacd car pur chaaera are entitled to lho earn amount of valu for their money a thoaa who buy new car. Aak about our aaay payment plan. Willys-Overland, Inc. 2512 Farnlm St. Factory branch. Open evening. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o Blue Book Prices Th National Uaed Car Report al wny quote a very low price. Buy the car at that figure. Overland "4" 1820 Touring Chalmer 1917 Touring. Maxwell 1S17 Touring. Theae car ar In go 'id hp and will give service. Turin. Mid City Motor and Supply Co. 1211-11 F'arnam Street. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o Without a doubt, we have for eale O the beat UkIu roadatcr In town. A Dixie Flyer with five fine lire, good paint and top. Motor U completely overhauled and (K)01. Let ua ahow you thla good n-a-t-atar. Mid City Motor and Supply Co. I2K-M Farnarn Ht. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COO 00 000 00000 0000000 OOOOO o o O Have tha prlc of thla O 0 ilriiinn.lriiilhK car anl lll accept O O a nonihly proposition. O 0 The titr. a (Irani Mix Tnuiin. baa O O fin p.lnt Job, fur brand new r O lirea and la in guaranteed me. hanl- O 0 ..I ronii; O 0 v apteral hundre.1 d OUr ami O O - th'. econ.iiii. al Dht an O O M1U-CITV V'lTHR nt l'Pt.Y CO. o O JIU'U Faroam Ml. O 1-1 It M.l A 11 Ii W1 .eta, oe time, I'ird t4.1 aad thvr tii' la bread a. ri lt i a U acunti lord kdi a. v a a, I u.vil UoLlMlTIH M Al TO SALES CO. t'yea v .uiii . J It. I III! Iltrn.f l I ktiutl eiee i u..l Vi4. an..!, aWlleaey .aw Pei.a MfAPIKKV ta.iroR Ctv, Tke BtaJr lot! lila 10 J. It I. t llS' !. Ot '. lu dil. a ,w Ib.l , A t M - tl l'. ' .l-,.e. ' , . I .11.1.41 1 I .4 . HO'l l Mi f 1 -I a4 v 11 ' - -I LtivK ..a t.l 1 . ..! ' lllli alt iM-UIVa liankKT !?,",iH .r ..IM4' i I.' I I :. '. 4 M I- . I.... via. I '.a illll -,4 ' kal ". I. a . a a . I .41. . A.i-. ! it-1 aa v. n;. v . i. ti I t.' as. t P M H, it it Ii as. JllJl-i It II . .. l H . t I'l 1 t . - . Se.' 1 1 l.i . . ... 4 .... e . , k i t i b i 4' tn.i r , 1 1 . 4 l" ' : , I 1 . I -,. .to. fc- m 4 , I f t " t. I 11 ! t t 1 , ' t4.44 ' - I 4 I. t II.. 4 44 . AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE. CQO00OOU0 00 0000 00000 00000 O All ' eptli.nal bargain la In had In a loll Chainiera flve . o.tfr ear. Ha recrnily been re. painted. Klvw good tire and a tot. tor in tha brat of condlltni, Th prire i. right a rid will oou tin. yuw. I.I HER AL TKIIM. CAN RR GIVEN Mid City Motor and Supply Co. II rarnam Ht. c 000004000000000000000000 TRUCKS. TRACTORS. ETC. Foil rAI.E OK TUAI'K Private owned one tun Neeh truck Call DO M4I. COLORADO LANDS. MKVKIIAL good rrlin jul.biii-nla f ir aala reaeonabie. J, C, llui III, Laa Anltitaa. ( olu., Hent t ounly. KANSAS LANDS. loll MALIv 4 loud Improved M-acta firm, I milea from Tof.eka, Kan. Will exchange ror aiuallur In aouihea.t Nabraaka, J. C Kara. 1' l(ok. N.b. NEBRASKA LANDS Foil fAI.K-An l.Urtl Hfl-.rri ( k fttrni hrutl 6U mtlr from AlitBwort li. Nli., i h he town liotwtrn Nurffiik mifl U liltvk H 1 1 la, Krirrn ni urtu' r J')0 long nt l,nm limy. AV(it 4 'Id IT)- nt piVnilnl l(ivtr of iiif U lunii, J'tu rr uf in lur unit th hrtlnc (iiilr cultiviltn. Nw iK-runm noutitv fin burn, lari hny nhftil, nw Krannry anil rtw hny tiuuvn, two wH wilh windmill, inttkit up tb lm provrHiiitsi. I'Ihc ffiirtd wl(h ulmndpint' nf hutc ptur with woven wira net tiic Horn rrait nna iiminr for rui wr ynru Ifi rm. Fur iirk. trim ami i'nrTi,ili.i4i d riptlon wrlla. lw Airmwrirfh. Sh, Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into f'a.h. NEBRASKA REALTY Al'CTIoN CO. Central City, Neb Information Fre. MISSOURI LANDS FOR HALE 110 down and 16 per month buy 4 acre farm limd near railway In Miaanurl. Price 20. Moa Thrclkeld, Mt. Vernon, Ililnola. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE HAVE CCSTOMEHS WAITING. For ua to get Ibem 6 and l-room modern huuaca. If your price la rlaht your proper ty I a good aa aold when you Hat It with u. GUARANTEE REALTY SALES CO., 110 Arthur HI (lit. J A. 133. HOMES for aala. APTS. for rant. W. J. Palmer Co., Real Eatat alanagement Speclallat. Keeiin llldtr- AT. 0. HAVE client for l-room cottage, will pay 11,000; can pay 11,000 caah. Phon u at once if you hav a home of thl deecrtptlon for sal. Qeorg F. Jonea, Realtor, AT, 8135. Llat your horn Buy your horn. BINDER & OTIS, Real Eatat, Loan. Rental, JA. 2611. Charles W. Young & Son Reel Ftat. Rental. Inauranc. 1101 City Nkt. Bk. AT. I6. To huv or aeM Omaha Real Eatnte eee FOWLER & M'DONALD Member Multiple Mating Ex. Realtor. Reed & Co., Real Eatat and Inauranc. 1207 Farnarn St Phone AT. 14l. SHOLES, D. V. tcor.m"Mn.m bR.V; Multiple Listing Excnange. JA. 004. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sella, Rente, Inaur. 360 Peter Truat Hlrtg. JA. 032. PPTTTcMTP Realty Co. Llat with UXVUriiNlljr u 'for oulck re.ull 141 Flr Nati Bk. Bii JA. 114. riTTt OTJVReal Eatate, Inveatment. VAVlTiOJJ X Let l' Sell Sell Ynur Horn. HI City National Bank. Dougla 6236. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 8403. 617 Pelcr TrUat Bldg. , GOOD LISTINGS COMB TO US. WE SELL THE.Vf. HOME REALTY CO. AT. 1111. STRAIGHT S-year loana, sv, per eont AMOS grant uu 101 8 18th, Arthur Bldg. AT. 1880. WANT I or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by tha first ; hav. caah. Box 131, Omaha Bee. LIST your home for le with u. W have the cuatomer. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO., Realtor. LIST your property with W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1320 Farnam 8t. WUlard C RlabauKh. Realtor. JA. 265. FtjulUbl Truat Co. Realtor. AT 214b. rO SELL ee Glover Morell. AT. 2H33. Weatern Real Eatata Co JA. 107. Mortgag Loan. Omaha Natl Bank Bldf. Wo make s 5V2 Loans on Omaha Property Home and Apartment. Prop.rti.t Monthly Pry man! Loan II Dented -?at Peters THuvr Company rtTERS NAt"0ML IlNK. (IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIMI On ounl tf Ik. wiatKatiUat r.ft .anploy. K.viaf gaa n link, Ik. Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will .aapUf km Ik. tkap, li.a,!kti. ) ... )p.l. aee.l .1 p.a,.., T'laidaJ ) CWa, (a luak tie. t) 4 eJ(ia ( J A )) pe. Inll-t, lial. .aj aaili! .i.tiii. fill Iiapll4.(i liaa 4 kail aaid .11. k. ) fa. $) ..4 lal keli 4 ft Writ r ir II, W. RtDGWAY. Supl. NUliYw Twwsr, REA Lj:STATEl IN VESTM ENTS Close In Investment II r li t, at m a luiil.linf wn rti'J ill rflom riiniivrn tui(4v atlmrt hg j fi0ut Uiaa it, 4 trnmm t)UtHhfja; tnririMa li'l Jyf luunth - oou Callatrher & Nelson, l t'etera Ttiit Hl.lg J A, IHI fi.a r RFalUKM'K XITW Nnrthweal corner, l"lh and Dvanrt, It. Ill (..(, auaela paved, pa una ia,, I'rne. Ir.iO, II AH Tl Mill t, IIEYDKN, REALTORS. ICI4 Harney ht AT. .01. VACANT PROPERTY Quarter Acres Ii on ion i in liunthlv. Liii-aled Buullleeat nf Omaha Field cluU and only a few block eunih of Criiior bi. Pin. I Ik. The Byron Reed Co. DO. ('7. !!! far nam Coin of Kal. tun lot. and acreage (i.'te ajuiv now going on. Spiu'ial t.rma and price made Isn. up: ainall payment down, baln eaay lerina. he or plum M'ewart. Itnl.tnn Ib-W 111 ' 1 1. Dl VI f H I i Erf 7 i" fool, wrat ., 7! mir l,2d hip! Howard pita. SurroutiiU'd by well cuiiatnii lc.1 tinitiea; ton. a ioii In full. OHnrr will aci very leeaonable. Call AT 3.24 nr'VYA. 2:2. LOCKWooli: lara l.Ti" i2uTr imrTn front on JaikMun, ni-nr 13d Street, at br gnln price c. A. (itimmel, J A. I'll. WILL build lo your order on our iaull" fill lol In Edgtwand: vary uy term Atlan'lo 11.40 i Folt HALE: Vacant Int. 3117 Mun.i hi 1"I20. A bargain. Liberal t.-rm. Inuuir of Mr. flri'gury, Hnlel ('arltiiu. Ei?l.RALP!to?.EKTY- YOL'll RKN T Mi IN K Y NEV ER CUMKH HACK. ir,0 a month at I per cent compound In icteat In 10 yeara la II.I42 1. Omaha property, cloaa In la Inrrc-ielnx In valu dally. I'll .oil yon an l-room all umd. hmn where Income will pay for It, imt new. hut In fin repair. 2,0(i down. Imlanc. monthly. Your money will com back IIA. 1341. Mr. Jirown. tit. H. 21th at reef. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY, New Bungalow Large and roomy, one f thi brt built on th market. All oak and enamel flnleh. liurii-lt and other apocial built-in fix ture. Kaat front lot, paved atn-ot. A bargain fur ."ntrone About l,roo caah. Rasp Bros., 211 Keellr Unlg, AT. 0721. FOR White or Colored S-room modern houa on paved atreet, at 2712 N. Slat airet and Miami; 3 lol. Osi'jo feet ench. Lot alone worth 11.210 each. Ju.t think of buvlng thla womlTful home for 3.IF0. Term. 100 caah. 111 per month. Many other at low price, email payment. p. II. Odell, R. E. Inveat meni. WE 4310. THIS IS OllOI). Flve-room cottake all modern, oak floor. Only 14,260. Fin ill.lrn-t; i block from Ame Av. cur. l.2u(l down, balance monthly. Owner mint Mil. M'CAGUB INV. CO., DO. 1345. REALTOR. COLORKIJ 4-room. partly modern. lf0 caah, balance monthly E. M. Davl. 2GI0 utant t. wen 312 WANT offer for I-It. oak : corner lot. 2Sth Ave and Haratoaa St.; anklng 14,100. Call WA. 3471; AT. 6135. 4137 ERSK1NE ST.. Four-rm. mod., oak floor and flnlah. 1750 caah, bat. monthly. Crclgh, 101 Bee. AT. 0200. NEW l-room bungalow, oak finl.h, built in feature, large eaet front lot. KB. 04S0. 6-ROOM modern bungalow Pnrk rhool. Price, 14,850. nenr Miller KE. 2425. BY OWNER 6-room moil-Tn houa, 6'J-ft. front lit; er.iide trece. WE. ll. Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington 4 Quincy Railroad i. now em ploying men for it Shop., Roundhouiet and Repair Tracks at the atandard wage and over time condition! laid down by the United Statet Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hours will be thoie necettary for maintenance of (he lervice. Board and lodging, un der ample protection, furniili.d. Young, active men deiiring to go into railroad tervice will be given an opportunity for training In steady, deiirable employment. Burlington Building, Tenth & Farnam Street. Omaha, N.b. Apply at once, Fint Floor, Ill 1(11 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 ll II i Wanled by the C. H. & ST. P. RY. Mechanic and Help er for permanent positions. Machinitt. Boilermaker. Dlacktmith arj Sheet Mrt aI Workrrt, (event (70) centi per hour, MacKinuU Helper. Hoitermakert Helper. bUtkiirtitht' Helper nJ Sheet Mta Work, er' Helper, furty-Mven (47) cent per hour, Freight Car Repairer anil Impedon, ginty. Ihre) (J) certlt er hoMft tW awe. I , ' . a . ..a .1 ,k d ta 4.d in e 4 A .. i, !. t VM H. M itMAlalA, NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. COOvJOOOOOOCUOOCOOOOOOOOOO KI T riloU OWNER. ktten-roum Mine I ua h"m. liga dining ioumi, aim ftleplei aud booki-e.ea, dll.lna room Willi l.iii: in l.ult.l. kit. ben end break ftai roovn u firt fmor. Thi lU' liedl.M.nia and .e;tng put. Ii, tiled balk, built -in tub up Full tea. mehi, tail i.r aarae. ,!l dove. Will inn.i.lir gtKol bull-ling lol patl ff litel pal lueiit. l-li.-ne Mr. biiav er. KK CO OOOOOO OOOOCOO 00 OOOOOOOO Near Ix)throp School II nv'i-ruling Netea room end bath, atrictly modern, nealv palnlid and Lnirelel, ok floor ihiuoalioiit, lo iiiot . .mil from lot with pavit-g all paid, I M..a..aiun. 2.10 r,tutn.-u Street Osborne Realty Company ISO Patera Tlu-I Hill JA l?H Look A Real Buy In ft fivf-r'M m all ftH-'ti-m h-ima in humiM l tit AilllT farlc i1inui. Kia lir fnum Mlth 7 rlMlhca U'itm Kirii.i ltiiltln kitiliiri tiitiifa. Mn dit l t wii h f he'ikf nixl itutt f -m , lauiftil almfl mty. A t-W h-iiit uti.t lt tfutjit t'lnnti u i ion. U rt-2i frrnia If K. lilTK '. KKAI.TOHI. JA. 74. (.tntha Nut Uk. llldif. Jin.o, VK. N-i...i. KK. 11 U; Iturk. KK It-il ?,M0-Kountze "Place A ra. h'unf. twu-nlnif aijuni, alt itioclvrn, tianlMiMxl fluora, lh:a finti h"iim la till a, rutnr, pavlil (alit Lot It tvaya, ituuM irnrapft. iargi ahl trr. tit, Inwn. W vtnnt jruur r rii t t-in, ('nil Mr. Hp Ira a, AT. or i.filrf m vtt o P m Amos Grant Company REALTORS' AT. mill 21. Ho imh St. I HlTf'K A C.i. huv anal ll borne SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY hkanii ni:w Homes. 2011 So. nth Ht., 6-rnnm and aun room. All ik floor. Built-in feiture. I'rlc IK.40O. 1071 So. 34th SI., l-room bungalow. All onk floor, and built-in featurca In nliovo. I'rli K.Oiiii. 30C2 Ho 24th Ht., l-roum bungalow. All oak floor, mirror ilmira, built-in buffet, bmikcaaea, etc. Thre fin bedroom. Prlc only 17 noo Paved atreet and alley. Cloae to irhnnl, ature ami car. Can ba handled with only ISiiO caah and the Imlanc like rent. C. O. CAIlLllEIKl. Realtor. JA. or.Br, a2 irxnd-l The. Bldg. South Omaha 7 11 1 1 I. MM, 13.000. A dandy owd buy. paved tret. Big lol, born., chicken yard, Huuae in good rupair Term ar mm) caah or offer Shopen & Co., Reiillora, 2:U Keel In Illdx, JA. 4221. WANTED BY THE Wabash Railway Co. Skilled mechanici for the rail way .hop. on their tyttem. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS and other (killed craftt Free transportation, ample pro tection and permanent potitiont. Wage and working condi tion, prescribed by the U. S. Railroad Labor Board. APPLY ROOM 108 Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Neb. iiiB'liiiil1il::liilii!!liilili'liil'ii.illiitiiilli:l'iliilillil'j; I Foremen. ; 3 Boiler Foremen. 1 General Locomotive 1 Foremen. ; Night Roundhouse ? Foremen. ? Coppersmith Foremen. j I Airbrake Foremen. H Machine Shop Foremen. " General Painter Foremen 1 m familiar with coach and loco- -? motive work. " ' Write or wire collect, giv " ing experience and age to . A. P. PRENERGAST, T Z Mechanical Superintendent, Um & Pacific Ry. : Room 703 Text and Pacific 2 General Officei, Dallai, Tex. - I -1 1 1 I'H 1 1 1 11111 I I I I I It I 1 1' $4,000 A roocI house on north side. Ilaa five room with slt'i'p itiR porch, l'nviinr nil paid, Tcrma about $1)00 down (miirht thniln) nd III) pi-r month. Call Mr. Mitchell, VK)ter 535S, ir office open to 9 p, m. AMOS GRANT CO. REALTORS AT Untie 30 110 S.olk llk Sir. I The Last Call: S0UTH SIDE PROPERTY. WHY WORMY t" " Wbe. yo ran bur I and ba'k. cor ner lot, oil pat.d elleel. g,Hd .H-tltin, aparlal paid at 14.11 I ' taah, fehai lea. Mr. Ramae. AT 'III Id iMal MI.Al.TY CO . AT till WEST SIDE PROPERTY EVANSTON LOT Paving end aiit.iala all laid, b.ioln .1 ll.tiv. Call arl II Id..., WA. till. J 1 Mt'LVIIIII.L Mrmk lluidpie l.l.dn (lichen !o lliande Th Bldg JA. lill. Nw llmne Y"iir letme AT 411. 1iUUn.A irt'll Huml.r. UIUIL'WUUVaiU U.and Bldg A Hl! new I lumn boua for "ale, 4'.I4 I hall. St. C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o o n DfNDFK IIAP.OALV O O PRETTY CORNER BUNGALOW. O O O O Nw, old ivory flnl.h very rntv O O vllh five room.; Imal-.l on on f O O Hi .hole coiner In Dundee; oak O O floor Ihrouxhout; very attractive O 0 plumbing fiHuree; built-in kitchen O O rnblnal; tnve rani'py; beautifully O O deimeled with aiir,..-ilve llghlln. O O fi.luiee; full cemented liaaeioenl; O O blah-grad heim plant; floor O O drain, hot and cn!d water. Com- O 0 plel In every way. Located at "01 o O No llth St, Call ua for ppuln. O O O O PATNB A CARNABY CO. O O "Your H'Alture." O O III Omaha Nat Hid. JA. loll. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4834 Farnarn St. 1 Owner wire ua to aell this excellent home, all larg rooma and alo-plng porch, fire pic. buffet, two-car gerag and drlv. Reel valua at price, Ill.OiO. Arrang. In- nectlon. Glover" & Spain, RealtorLf 11-20 City National Bank. JA. IMO. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. l'lll':llll'!lltlllllllllllllllgllllllllllllllun Railroad Mechanics i Wanted by the Illinois Central I Systea Machinist Blackamltha Shot Met.l Workar Toolmakore Boilrmakr Qualified Car Repairmen And Inspector, Etc, Fre tranaportatloa and board and houatng will b. furnihd. Pvrmanenl positions. Wag. standard as directed ky United State. Railroad Labor Board. Apply at once at Room 317 City National Bank Building, 3d Floor. " V OMAHA, NEBRASKA. H Offlc hour 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ? illiil!:li:l:liiliillil!iiilull!nliii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiini $100 ONE HUNDflED DOLLARS REWARD For evidence producing arrest and con viction of parties who kidnaped employes or who otherwise have violated, or who hereafter violate United States Court In junction which prohibits picketing, or any form of interference with this Company's employes present or prospective. Chicago s North Western Ry. Co. Tha Ktatk lalantl line hava a few ion at cr impec lor. machinuU, koiUrmakeri, blatkimith and gar repairer. The julit ara open to men ha fan he that they ara ca ptl ml IkinVing fur themtelva an J ha hai tha interett of tha I'nilevl Slate at heart. Ht at AmrrU ant Apply Sit l.e(U DUIg. Utk aaj Capital FLORFNCK HkOPERl V K KTII AWAY .i and kk ll MISCE LLANEOU 3 V R O P E RTY. Move Right in A dandy brand new I. room ard .unroom bungalow juel rninii.iei. Oak .nd enartiel fipleh, Tiled bath .nd builll. tub other I'UI'l ln l-atiltee Linen eloeet (f of hall to balk l.aige floneed tilr. Pull cemented baeefnent nh auatanleed furnace llur f I nil owner. Aakln but I'.llt with II. laa ra.k. Walnut 1711. c o o o doo o 6 oo o b c b oooooooo cio Ordered Sold 4 o n o O o O O A fin s-room iee1d-nce and ga rag. I'kuaiiallv well bnlll, lined uh lar fell. wk fiul.bed, aouth frnnl and lovely riietrlct Muv right in. I'rlc Ho. Term on h. i'll HA. 0221 ua J A. IX I dev. o COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfOO Brand New Bungalow Choice ft v. room, o.k ftnlsbrd liungalnw. Jil.l being mimnl. led 10 lh new Mgewnod Add'llon, t. Osborne Realty Company lit Peter Ttuat I'M.-. JA. 121. OVS Ni:it'ilH( KM. I,. I rms ., mod, I-.ty. Keiiaetun. oak floor Ihrmighsul located beat Ml in ( lalrmolit. Il.ouo raah will handle, brira right. CHARLfcn E IIKLMAN. AT ? 711 Peter Truat 'JMir. iwOSin-"eTTmodHin. coin! lol, clue lo tarlltie, l 7(.0i IH down, Gallagher & Nelson, 41,3 Peter. Ttuat Bldg JA. Mil M l I I 11 lt MEN WANTED For permanent jobs at rates prescribed by the United Slates Railroad Labor Board as follows: Per Hour MachinStU 70e Blacksmiths 70 Sheet Metal Work.rl.... 70 Electrician. 70o Boilermaker. . . 70. Pattanger Car Men..,.. 70 Fr.ight Car Men 63 H.lpert, All Cl.ssei 47 Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Apply at Division Su perintendent's Office, 15th and Webster Sts., Omaha, Neb. fjiiiiiiiiiiiiiilMiMiiii'iiiiiniiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliilitinJ WANTED Pacific Machinists and Machinist' Helper. ' Bailer Maker and Helper Blacksmiths and Helper Sheet Metal Worker and Helper Car Repairer Car Inspector For St. Louis, Kansas City, S dalla, Omaha, O.awatoml. Coftr vllle. VYIchlU, Little Bock, Tesmr kana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexaat)rta and other ihnps and roundhouses ee th Miiaouri Pacific Raih-oad. Standard wages and working con ditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. $100 1 tU)Akl ASH VOOM K-i t'4t K I'll' t . r. I 11 1 I f li H .. I 4 e. I e i4 f-m I.I 4 i.. i4 t ee ki ll!, A I e 14 4 ,ie-ti , i.4.1, M.. S.I Vk, . , . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHMMIIIM llltMI