The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 23, 1922, Page 10, Image 10
t Aw THE OMAHA KKE: WEDNESDAY. AUGl'S'l 23. 1922. THE GUMPSSW IN COLOR UNOAV BIS ROM Twt Not4 rmltiK LtAOUL At n 0n VtlL "TstaVt feat cam lITst Tttl sTttlLieaV Oe Air UT. AM lu..i. - . - lOWATl OH aVH 1Mb MMMV 'wv n WH. g wt wt Ml CMUM, OH "IOW VISIT I weT nftOMa mam owe mu WA M OUTACAL tXFVOeVCM- A UAH toj trMOWTO DIA4- IMnCCMVC CWARACTlt. --l UltEVt fog TO Bi YMAT M. viov 9iroK toy ttott iiKMiru, tt wiwt utcuanxtt omi tmnte. tb fctoiN vttv, wt wta viib A CMtCK l 3t0 tena... ,X 7. TV4 KtCtttARX V6HA"TVtt "TO PVT 1 IMC VAU.0T.O T3T COME ON, LET'S GO Drawn for Tht Om-ha Bee by Sidney Smith ICorrtSI lllll 7 I WAVC Ma Pm lTfA.L It.nlnaur iw. i.i I Llv ATlfl S4 I iiiti i tank k xrv iv lUCnt Tml VtV,l. ViAW NOIUit1 H J 1 L mini ) ewaewsBassa-' . m i rm av i r. - BRINGING UP FATHER r. . rN4 off trc 4ICCS AND MACCIE in rutx PACE OF COLOR IN THE UNDAV HI Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManui (CwrUM twit I rr TO tV. POUCC CONVENTION IVEKt TATCWILU i " - Dm i v f 1 3 1 1 TAATi THE ntW IVe HEARD IN f-ONTM WAJTONTIU L 4' A r l ".,:' SX'CAttYl TCLU 1 MiCS tbHOTI IER TO COMC UP MCKK WANT BREAK tONt tifWb ij win; . ) Cprf)t l2i. tr ImI Pmuu amw, la. o lonm'll tell O PK 7 rM 21- Two Killed as Result of Plot to Wreck Train Chicago, Aug. 22. A Lake county, Indiana, roroner'i jury decidrd that Knginrer Edward Coy and Fireman Frank L. Ubbi, killed Sunday in a wreck of a Michigan Central expretf train near Gary, Ind., came to their death "at a reiult of plot to wrech the train." Thit verdict wai reached after aeveral witnenei had told of iceing ipikei pulled from the raili. It i believed that the terrorist! had planned to wreck a fait patten train but the limited wai preceded by the expren train. Indiana and Illinoif authorities working with the federal invettiga ton are going forward with a vigor out Invritigation of the wreck itself. Railroad officials were definite in charging the wreck to vandals. Pe tectives questioned strikers yesterday in search of clues. One man was ar rested when he is alleged to have said: "It's all killed." a shame they were not Chicago, Aug. 22. Declaring the "real cause" of the Michigan Central wreck at Gary, Ind., early Sunday "was clearly an unfit locomotive," and characterizing the railroad's charges that the wreck was due to plotters at a "hastily patched up ex planation to place the blame for lots of life upon the striking shopmen in stead of on the railroad, where it be long," J. V, McGrath, vice president of the railway employes' department of the American Federation of La l)or, today said the wreck did not di f fcr "a particle from wrecks reported each day from various parts of tht country. The lor u H have descended upon the fertile fields of Aragorf in such numbers that the cop protpects are dark, and peasant have had to fight through cloud t of the petti to avoid tuffocAtion. Re;yl The Omaha Bee every day, you will like it. ImHarhor-Kasleralihe (9mak Dee Want U((, I I II :v . 7 V: Wiiizffl iyr& -smftw Lmu fMr:.., Ask for Jkt Omaha department' Port of Missing Things Ships lost at sea that sailed with colors flying, never heard of again were thought to have drifted around the waters of the world until they found a last port in the whirlpool-bound haven of the Sargasso sea. Every day valuable articles are lost by the people of Omaha purses, watches, pins disappear as suddenly and completely as any ship that ever vanished from the -face of the sea?. There is a Port of Missing Things right here in the heart of Omaha the "Lost and Found" column in the "Want" Ad section of The Omaha Bee. But, unlike the Sargasso sea, this harbor gives back the lost to anxious owners. 'Every honest "finder" in the city watches this column to learn the name of the person who lost the article that has been found. And most everybody is honest. When you lose anything give the finder an opportu nity to return it call ATlantic. 1000 and ask for a "Want" Ad taker. Omaha Ikt "Want" Ad llring Hetter lietuU$ at Ltutr Cont THE JSWSe ESS Woolwine Hooted During Speech ' Attacking Klan Wagon Load of Detective Rushed to Sacramento Meet ing to Quell Personi Heck ling L A. Attorney. Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 22. A riot call brought a patrol wagon load of detectives last night to quell a dis turbance at a meeting where Thomai Lee Woolwine, district attorney of Los Angeles and a candidate for the democratic nomination for governor discussed the Ku.KIux Klan. The disturbance followed what was apparently an organized effort to drive the sneaker from the stand by heckling. When Woolwine start ed to tell of his activities inv'edving the Ku Klux Klan in Los Angeles, cores of persons in the crowd began hooting and cat-calling. ' A man arose near the front row , and called the district attorney a liar. Several personi started toward him and a fight seemed imminent, when City Councilman If. S. Kiernan threatened the men with arrest. The police arrived a moment later. No arrests were reported. Representative! of Mr. Woolwine'i office are prosecuting in Lou Angeles a criminal action against 35 alleeed members of the Klan as a result of raid on a p ace Klan members have said they believed to be an illicit liquor dispensary. One man was killed in the raid. Mr. Woolwine showed a disoosi- tion to talk back to his tormentors on a number of occasions. Near the end he became, angry and told one of them "to go home jf he wanted to." As a parting shot, Woolwine said: "The members of the Ku Klux Klan choose to hide behind a mask rather than come out in the open and fight. If any man hat anything against me let him meet me face to face on the public highway and not behind a mask. "When I started my camoaien against the klan in Los Angeles I took a repeating shotgun to my house. If they ever cross the door I'll pile them up like cord wood." K. of C. Spent $2,000,000 on Yank War Work in '21-'22 New York, Aug. 22. The Knights of Columbus spent $2,794,206.49 dur ing 1921-22 in welfare work for American war veterans, it was an nounced last night. Free technical evening schools, which about 70,000 veteran. attended, cost $954,891.74, and other schools for veterans oper ated by councils through the country ued $.108,578.27 of the fund devoted to educational purposes. More than J50 hospitals, where vet erans are still bring treated for war wouiult and illnrssrt, were provided with recreational opportunities and comforts for men confined tf hed. On this branch of the work $')04,000 was expended. Identification of (irip May Link Omaha Clulnnan On the identification of a luitrate luitgt the decision whether a promi nent tie lirli.r, residing at the Omaha rluii, will be charged with con. piracy to violate the natumal prohibition Uw, true Mitchell, waiter at the cluh, arretted Saturday at he was entering the club with ihe tuitcas tilled with moonihm whuky, told federal vr mi I lie l. belongs la tht nun win bon the iiuinty la buy the liquor. )Ur on Fruit, Yeir-taUci to Ariioiia Point Cut Wi.biiwttm, A. il Rttet on Iff.h ti u.i, st'i'lt. and tfublr I rum l.l.h.i, thHil"t. Moult". Orrgoii and I Ith l lt''e. Inig, l. and i'l, sXrif , ot l.ifd i.tlutf I ttuUi- ly lb intruutt oif iitii Mnt.mrtt..ii lu ibe iif .s.on't 1'idi nt .inn. r ut tt m1 1,1 ' I'SMK lf I b b lld HH l(i!t !" g I' lb r, ihisttl l M lUwt sili I it f I yt hu 4l4 Huahand "Fritters Away His Pay on Autoo," Wife Cbargea John M. N'lcklen earns $160 a monfh, but instead of supporting his family with this "he frittered it away on the support and maintenance of an old automobile and other frivolous thing," according to an answer and cross petition to his divorce suit filed in district court yesterday by his wife, Alice. She asks $75 a month temporary alimony and a final decree of separate maintenance. When they were married she had $850, saved by strict economy, and he had nothing but debts, she alleges. 'Montana Bank Closed. Billing, Mont., Aug. 22. Notice was posted on the front door of the American National bank here, stat ing that the bank had been closed pcndinir instruction from the como troller of the currency. The Ameri can National bank is one of the smaller banks of the city with capital and surplus of $10,000. Preaidfiit Praise Moe to Probe Herri n Maaaacre Chicago Aug 22. President Harding. In a Inter received by lb 1 Union Chamber of Commerce, ex pressed gratification at the organiia I'on't ttale-wide campaign for a fund to bring bom tb detection and prosecution uf those guilty of the recent llernn mine massacre. The Intrr wai in reply to a tele gram from ib t hamber of Com merce following the chief executive'! speech be(or tonurnt in which he centured Illinois for its' failure to tee justice done, It read a follows: "I have your telrgram ol August 19, and ii"le with genuine interest the activities ol your voriaijon to re that justice it done Hi William ton roiiiity. I was riot aware -T the activitira which are under way to re-cttablith justice in that com munity. I hid only the iniblie view of a horrible crime which bit thus far been ignored. "It is a gratifying thing to know that there is a determination that juttire shall be done. It wa ex tremely necessary to refer to the af fair in my addro to the convrett because the general public did not seem lo know that the federal gov ernment was powerless to act in the matter and it wa unbearable to have a widespread impression that ihe federal government wat willing ly or purposely ignoring that inex cusable crime. "There is, of course, a conscience in Illinois which will not tolerate such a disgraceful thing. Il will be very pleasing to me and rea'tur ing to ihe whole country to know that this conscience is finding ej-prrtslon." LOST AND FOUND. BEE WANT AD RATES II pr Unt Mrs Aay, or I dart lis pr Una ..rh d., I In I est, lie pr II no arh dar, f or Isniar, Th-aa rata ai'plr lit Tfis RuiKtar Hn as wall to Tha Mnrnlnc and Kvanlng lira. All rkdar artvrll.m.n'a appaar In oab mnrnlns anal waning edlilnna al Ik en coat. Tha abova ral.a apple srlual-l Want Ada wbiia ara rommonli larmail "puhlla iranla," and alo not lnlud g sarllalng r tiplolllnf Ihalr builn.M. THR PKK raasrvaa lha rlfht I d.elg nafa what ronalllul.a vuklla fiant. Want Ada tecaplag at In (olletrlng ftfriraal MAIN HMO) ..ITta and rarnam Hia. South Omaha tol N HI Council Bluff U acolt at. Talaphon AT-lanil !. Call fir Want A4 Danar'mant. A as- prlnra4 want ad lakar will raralva yoar ad and bill will ba malltd Liar, Tha ralaa quolad abo tpple I allh.r cbaraa ciJntxa noL'Ra roa want idi. Csaning Kdinon ,,, ., 11:4 a. m. Mornlnal Kdltlon t a. m. guodar Rdllloa I p m. gaiurday. THE. OMAHA MORNINO UtlL THK KVRNINU Hr.B , Rvarr laona.t fmjar I Omaha athaa thia alum I laara lha aWr..a ( lha ha loal 'iha arlirla that ha swan faoad Wh. tan k antihia tall Al- lanlla lt aag as far tlXV "Wanf Ad us.r. Ills! pant la kna lhal pna-d up man' hand Slip of rlulh" lal h-io a ha and l.liain. aiyi,lae afiamooai. In aidar a. uid iruiia r.larn al on.'a. No) ou-.tlona a.kul Will pa rasaid Juai tha nun Min-4 M"h"l Uai"., .maln, N.b V im. lit (r.hs4 i. Lmioln, i'i N 'IiVtFiiTm Mh? laM. bla. k palanl Taalhar Willi II hill and rha. l.-l luth and l.arlnuifa Aa. al l'H a4 Ama at f a a. Mi . Aug II. I H-I rswaot. KItJT. , , , WATi'Hand chain. ,i gld. gaiui-laif ar.nin lulwran ad l.asa an ii'n and I'hallaa km. inarm Initial H I, an bark vt al hi aullakl r.waid T.I. MA lal Sitl'Mi, m I,,.. coal loal gutiday a Idlii and llwls" or an IJnrollt H- a H.w.rd Tal IHJ . I,iriias:"i,(Tn" M V nis W I'aii.. a ami ivnlrr auaaia Malum I HI. SI SS PI im rlv- t fanarfl iil.Ai'K " wir apaniLrniial. I.l a IIS H-watd WA ! IIS Nn. ttlh. I ATTRACTIONS FrJIlMIlT ih-l iiirriTinluuiiirand Blnar mat aaainna. or rarnivat mpaiir far Auau.1 a and II si nth, I. Cloud rrawda. I.. M Anlh.m, la. Iilil.17"" S . I TloN PJ. lit IHIKM lVA lTl.a KiVKLTIS: Ask fir ralalosua .Ulka la. 1J Karnain at, nmslia. N-l, rii"rs:niiiNMania,r ).ni,i,..i,lt Sab. Kail f.'SMal Hi.lrii,r II, l and IS. Alan fi-a allrarllnna Jraa A, Harris, . "gAND'ltlllNT'MKAf'H Th Jr apol of iimaha" Aulas walch.4 fraa Hailiing a m II P tn, Fol;tttiaar fr.llval, Au lo P .,a want.4. Amarlran l.rl"n, Orr,.nwood. Nb EDUCATIONAL WANTRO Man, ladira and bora t l"'a karhar Iradai klg drmandi ! whlla laarnlhg. alrlrtlx modarn Call or writ l.ul l'd( Ml Trl-Cltr Marir Collata. ii you want lo Inrraaaa rur Inromat Writ, iha National Auto arbool. lilt N. 201 h l , Omaha, for aalalog. r M Ol.B K II A H H KR " I'OLI.K'I K. II M Itlh. Wrll for ctl. ANNie-!: OLAKOOW. alra d pl 11 Ks'Sifh Hlk. JA. lOI DA t "ist'lii )T N IOM IT .: Hi lOU Complaia raurtaa In orounianoir, sn :hlna booSk-.l ln. romplsniatrr. abort hand and lrpfllln, lallrnad r.d wlr.l.aa trlsgrapb'. civil aaivlra and all Kngllab and aommarclal branrhaa. Wrlla. rail or pbona Jackann Ittl far largo llluairalad caiaiog. Addraa llOrl.K COLl.KOB Bsyla Bld, Omshs, Nsh. ' DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES AlHMtTIMKMKNT. Free Jo Asthm ind lliy Fever Sufferers Fr Trial of M.tbodl That Anyvn Las Us Without Diteomfort or Lois of Tim W hav a mathod or Ui control of Asthm. nd wt want you to try It at our axpans. No matter wbathrr your ess I or long standing or rsctnt davslop mant, whethar It it prasant aa Chronis Asthm or Hay Fever, you should sand ror free Trial of our method. No mat. tar what cllmste you live, no matter whai your age or occupation, if you ara trou dim witn Astnma or Hay raver, our method should relieve you promptly. W especially want to aend it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumea, "patent .mokes," etc., hav failed W want to show everyone at our ex pense that our method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all whetting, and an inoa lemoie ptrosyims. This free offer is too Important to neg leet ainxl day. Writ now and begin the method at one. Send no money. Sim ply mail coupon, below. Do It Today you even ao not pay postage. FREE TRIAL, COUPON FRONTIER ASHTHA CO., Room 186(1. Niagara and Hudson Sts.. Buffalo, N. Y. Bend free trial of your method tot TO THE PUBLIC Notice of Price Reduction on The wholesale price hat of Father been reduced John' Medicine I J tier cent on account of a reduc tion in the cost of tht ingredient! ami manuiacture, Only the finest iiulity ingredient, subletted ta eareiul ttstt by fom petrni research chemist in our laboratory and scientifically pre pared, have ever been used in nuk ing Father John'i Meilitiiie.' For over 7 yira "Tht Gitalin Body Build! AIMaMTIkl.MK. WOMAN'S CCH7LEX LIFE Wonun't tiiniile i( with it multitudinous (llt it given at bt resnn (or nuuy a iirsout brek IUiii wott, sot il (ibba. Iii'iu, drtttmakiiig and Iht est cf thildicn keep tl'4 .1ih itiiuuy wont' tn iii a whiilmnd of tinny amil Kridtibe ilr!i.i,, t)tiv outitr.t and oltviiliMirt moi s.n.uit il!t wIikH at ('tu!ir t Her tea lone, uib w, ui. en should d. s4i, bul l itt 'l'd by lb ltii i iri toibliihed Ht (Hit i.r I'ciH -,'111,11 K fits If'H ittlitied tt besllh by ltl I 'iMvbil rga. MM 1 1 niH'Ul 1 h.s it a I ml j-i I bftb llir.l, u-. b t -ill tun ku il'ugt and ism be Uktn itt Misty t; ny WMtutn, WAUNKR Joa P., aged 9 years. fct. ai"r npniigs, hi). runrral Thursday from Hoffmann Fun eral homo al I J1 a m. to Hi. I'atrl' k rhurrh. llth and I'aafellar at I . m. In terment Holy Mopulrhre earn. I. rr. Lie- raaaed la aurvlvad by two eons, ("laranc m. ana winism I'Mlip: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Haimr; two eisiere. Mra. Itlrhard Wallut.. Omaha, and Mra. Wm. ('r on, hie, Minneapolla, Minn. MAM' (MO Fl.'NKKAl,, COVKllT NU. II. Slambvra of Overt l.oilae. No. 11, A. r. It A. M . are ranu-alrd to met at Mi. sonlo temple, Wrdnexlay. Augual II. 122. at 1:11 si. rn , for the funeral srrvlre ot our let broth-r, Hh-rman O. Clayton. at Maaonlc Temple t 2 10 P. m. John W. Jil.lirow, liastar; Ueorga K. Porter. Bernisry, KVANfl Kdward L, ana It yeara, Aunuat ii, ittl, at ramliy raaidrnre, lost Maaoa llody to be ahlpped from tha N. P. Kwanaon lunerai cnapel to Morland. la . 7:10 Wnl neaday a. m. by the Ureat Western Ry. .o. rort lona, la., papura please copy, liey or evenlnt ara.lona. DWOItAK COLLK-OB, ... Weed hide llth and Karnam AT, 7tit. VAN BANT gi.'HOOl, or HUBINF.IM. t r. 'or. Nineteenih and Iwiuglae. DO. ttl. klANIHH lraa.,na alven J A. ls4. MALE HELP WANTED Dependable. worker ran be secured through the "Help Wanted" column of The Omaha Morn ing Bee THE tVKNINIi hi.t (two papers for the price of onel. Telephone AT-tantie 1000 and ask for "Want" Ad taker. I.AKoKKHM t'evln- For balance of a.a ann about ten werka Iso hour Wa pay Iransporiatlon from Omaha 112.00) and you won't have to pay back If yau work: two werka and return transportation if you work four weeks. If you give aatla fartory work and alay an the job for balance of eraeon you get lo estra for each hour worked. Experienced asphalt ehovelera 40o and extra. Bunk houae and board 11.00 day. Hoport lo room too gtandard OH Ilulldlng, Omaha, at noon. BURIAL VAULTS. WOOMKN boaet soon drray. Beeel or Iron wulta will rust out and collapse. There fore you ahould Insl.t upon your under tsker uaing an Auiomatio Healing Con crete Burial vault; water-proof and ever. Isstlng. Manufactured only by tha Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., 1210 N lOtb St., omana. mepeciion invated. CEMETERIES. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo O O O VISIT FOREST LAWN. O O Foreat Lawn Cemetery la a place O O of peace wbera beautiful green O o lawna and many treea delight tha O O eye and afford pleaaant mem- O O orlea or trie last reetlng plraa. All O O revenuea are used for perpetual o u care ana improvement. Off era at o p the cemetery (north of city lliiilla) O O and 720 Brandala theater. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO.. Omaha'a beat tinil.rtaklng eataMlahment. aAMBULANCE,' Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral PI reel or. 1124 Cuming. HEAFEY & HEAFEY- Unrtrtftkra anil irmhalmarti Phon HA. 25. Offlc 2611 Fira.m. LARKIN BROTHERS" FUNKRAL niBBCTOHS, 411 SO. 14TH CROSBY-MOORE, FLORISTS' LEE LARMON Pnn'n. firsa HA V IT WlTefFI.OWEns FROM HWKt A BWOnOOA. 1411 FAHNAM STHRKT. t. HKNPKHNON. I60T Farnam. JA. flsT JOHN HATH, lsul Farnam. JA. 111. PERSONAL. C 000000000000000000000000 o IN THK SI A TT F, n OF ihs: it.i. OF VII.I,IAM AI.KXAN'iKH WI1.HON OF "Tils! PINKg." I'ORTOIIKI I.O, Iit.NI.I'IN, NKW CKAUA.NU. Tha KseaUlera at ihe UI Wil. Iiam Atesand.r WiliM.n, who was tHirn at Nelun.f4urave!r n-ar i'leraiae lo lieitad In ISIS, and 'inn to K'w if-aland In ISkt, Want ttifrhiallun of the wh.faetiauis ef hie hriiih.te and aieiara, Arrhibeid. J.iita, l.l,t. iMkslla. M..h.l, All... INK Ikaes U1..1H.4 ta J. ha ilnie ' Falktikt a4 I harluile, ar 4-e.eadaai .l.,iKiaila wlik full p.oi.u. I.a ml la,anw.ak:p ttltk fll liml n4 an.ia kaet-4e wf Ike famitv el4 S. a. le the .siB.a r laa will. 'IMsi rsnFi;Tft. tnt att,l.a tsrAt H , ..S. l .1 or h a ito M SS.I l, M ntl IMi" ti T IIKSKT l'K'.4 r, a'l I. T"M it Fsiin. atntstr II Sfcl 4. N S. W te tl.Ail 0 t naoci03f)oor)tfl9aeooaaBj ltd siUifiti. i,i imi..,,i ti ie . is h a, I -M w a.,.iM, ri,. SALESMEN to travel Neb. and Iowa, call and Investigate my proposition. X. J. Olbbe. Merchanla nntcl. PI.ASTbHKS wanted, Saored Heart boapl tal, La Mara, la. II par hour, Ion lob. Apply Hl-aihe A Sanbornr Contracture. KA1.K81IRN WANTED Side Una men to carry atrong line of m-n'a nall-d and welt ahore. packe and hleh to pa, atralalit commission basis. Mention Una now car ried. I.. W. Shoe Company, Chippewa Fa Ma, Wis. c oooooooooooooooooooooooo O SALESMAN WANTED. O O I will ba at the Fontenelle hotel O O Wedneaday afternoon and evening, o O prepared to fill eiclualv termor- O O lea In western Nebraaka, Inclnd- 0 O eluding Lincoln and Missouri. I O O am repreaentlng Tha Blanchard Co., O O of Aurora, III. We manufacture O O an eictuelve Una of art calandara, O O monthly service blotters, fans, O holiday greetings for advertising O O purposes. Also a high-grade Una of O O advertlalng p.nclla and apeclatlze O O In leather, celluloid, metal. Kvery O O hu.lneea possible prospect. We or. o 0 far liberal commission contract, o O with possibt drawing account to O O right party. O Phone for appointment to 0 O E. N. FKKDON. 0 C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOL'NO MAN STUBT LAW I Evanlna downtown seaalons. University of Omaha. Si-e aecretary, 1027 Omaha Nat. Hk. Blag. WANTEDS I men with aome bookkeenlnir knowl.dre. Preliminary education, good peraonar appearance and fixed determina tion to oecom an accountant. Curwin Ac countancy Co., Omaha Nat'l Bk. WANTED at once, experienced atona ma- tona. Good pay. Omaha Concrete Blon Co., zntn Ave. and Hahler. WANTED Linemen and groundmeu. ateady work. Hennlngson Eng. Co., Omaha. 59 FEMALE HELP WANTED Need domestic help office help factory help J Secure good. dependable workers throunh this classification. Telephone AT-lantic 1000 and .k for "Want" Ad taker, Hetter results at leaser eost. COMPTOMETER OPERATORS WANTEll via nvs cans ror It iprlenced romp inmeinr op.rainre that we ate ud.IjI. m fill. He nerd III aludenla to go throueh a als-weeka' tourae lu fit themaelvee for Juat such positions. If you must work why not prepare ao that yuu will gat tha most fur our time? 11 lie I. II oU ahou, l. COM I'll IKTtll Ki'lliKil tot I Mlckel llldg. jl. Illl. 'Th School That Oraduatra Fsperta" for g.n.ra! KM'KRIKNCKIi whlla girl nu wore i-none ha, FOK ahurthand. l etc.. attend Ihe American Collet ef Hualnxa. Illl Farnam. Paaliions guar am d, all our ai.duaira are la l joifna Call AT tlit or write f .r ialai. Mi'i sk.klU I'k.11 WA.VIKIi AT oNi St. f,.r family ut iu ii, I nil ur imiu.i lt l.J Clay Center, N.b. V ASTIil ilirl v..ii,.r fr l,.V',,,i f"J lf. Siinl fee wiilu.f In war Ih.vdue. ghefer lu. 1st I lainam 14 IUr SITUATIONS WANTED Vi't Vit wnntan wilk satr wlehee ! f hMUaak-.pIng In l-.l gl .ll.u al Wma I' il Hue 1st, ,... k S.k HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 41. tlU - a .. t fca kt( nil hit AIH'I AT I M. t M'HtH, a y tk frAltta , on tuttfitiliiinl lkl ! A !. n t l.4.f Wf J I itt isiuKlta it ji 4 Ita Ik yii4t(j aaa wt mti 0 ! It .4 t I ' I 0 l-asttHiAt tastw.. U t seftti4 O i - U)4 V I' is 4 v'w. I . 0 ! fMii a.tb ftii thta, NKi4f Q tM' H te) M IV4 e g. at 411 . I Wf1M4. V Aft , tA4l t With 14 t . kv v , .. r IM -' -. ' S ' 4'Mtk ftfctlfi IH''41 lt 1 (fo..ttV ,tB4V VMM , c i t kWfj 4,44strk t4sr..r tih .ii KeU,,tV fttmltf .4j. ft!.. f . t . ' k t , 4 ta n t f ' 1 - X luajl Id) o 4-4 ;tt sV.aMAt 4 f af sjVS.,1 I n ft. ti, t 4in r i - t I I'djM f -f J WfcM tf t I' t itk . M 4 l H t i t a. f T .! 4 I.OIT AND lOUNtl taf a.. la t-4 ,e-s . ik I'k ik ... . e imi V 1 1 m ,1. , . t, t, .l