THE OMAHA F.EK: TUESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1022. t THE GUMPS r (It IfC V H Mt.1 1011 0K.WT Tvttvt S-bO . MOtl f0H t9 rwt I ft,,, Uo. UNO It VttJrMvT CJa e-. .. LCJ" V."11 e r '-s. levvv stLL H ! I LI B n P " M , Ue. 111 1 1 II II & -"- II YftY&Wd iL.LJ II ti I , f.i ITlltmi 1 I You Can Save Time and Effort in Locating what you want by rending and using the "Want" Ad columns of The Omaha Morning Bee-Thc Evening Bee two papers for the price of one.' Remember, here you get better results at lesser cost. STORE It OFFICE EQUIPMENT Vl IC ',i:V eell eefe make dealt, ehow raeee, . timet,. Fl.nne t.l'piy w, rurnrr lltti and fnualae. l 1114. Polt Hi.v.-i fi ,ho'e.7 t. Louice.h LIVESTOCK VEHICLES, ETC. 00 00000 0000 00 00000 000 0000 DAIHT COW AT AUCTION oirTH OMAHA, KRH. KAI.K PAVItl'JK, TCB, AI.O. JI, BK'JNNIN'J AT il A, M. Th. n'lr r.d diJJ h"l "t K'i'H Itruu farm, rwlltlni tit H ti.ll dairy row.. It niftflit. fi Jtrwyi. a I.') fv li.K.rf. Will U "'1 IIHUI i rv; m'j.t af Ui larm h. rin ."Id and w ar i-lnftlng nut, Tb. m ir. harl pl' kxl and aa kmi aa K'ld, (tik'aliUlln flid, tl Nuatanfa, II. '. I.taaman, tftafiun o o s o o 8 o 0 o 2 8 8 (.00000000000 3000000000000 J O U LT R V A N D P ET ST OCK. riiH tlAI,. Ili cl.a. aalvrtad aui k, IVhua WraiKloOH. Whlla ornlnaiona, Vhita Mlnorraa, tal(anldr, Hilf Kl,nld llamhuraa, Kuaalan Orlwifa, Maiiiirimh Vrktn dmaa and Kmndan ,; railurid rrif If pur.h.a'd In Annual. KranH .f.Mi.on, rairai-rra. Omaha, Talu"i WA UUl WANT TO BUY TKKKa. tlKHKH. PMKt. Htw daaka, ul d'ka bouiht, ald and Ira.lrd. I. C. K-d. J 20 J aariiam. AT. Hit. BUSINESSOPPORTJJNITIp rTKSTaAirmrrhainllae, nnithaaaiam Nat. town, A food KOtu-nrn wl'h airllant Ijual tlon. Itivol' aboui 1,0. Rn raoB nz-aa that wll aand tha laat Invaa'lKa al la J'.rmrm.f liulMln. Tamil to rl-it party. Ad.lraa Una r-HM, imahl'-. lliuifv'tt rTtma for aala Owtiaf cleared 111 fiO' Id thri-a .ara. I"rla I,(M. Hart eaah, F. V. Knlaat, J I'.lera Truat Bid., CAKK for aale; avaraaa I6D to M day. dal. K, V, Knlaat, i'atart Truat Uldf., Omaha, N"l. C'AKKTKKI A atimii for'aala. almnat naw. Inaiallrnaiit, Jlaloo f. Wall fla lura. it IMI fanrlflea for 11,600. Addraaalf'ix T-19. Tna Omaha Ha. PkaTvi;"-? machVn'ks J2 Aluminum topped paanut and l-ball Sum mrhin. All naw, Will aall chaap, Win, Mkhaal, Hoti! Jt'inif. A WKKKI.IT NKWtif'AI'tlt In a mwn of too, Adilraaa, Tba Henn.t Hun, Hannat, NfiJ. ' CONKKt'TloNARV atnre fur aain. In qulra la 101 n. 4h. Call J A. t12. ROOMS FOR RENT. Kli'K Ur front modern foom, aotith a IMiaura; In pilvata home; cloae In; for ona a turn ceranna. Permanent, t'tk ffir ona; HQ for two P!orJlionejlT;l0; , 3A8XHf'TVlliKraly firntahed a-room Apt.; alnfplnir room, $2 .60 p.r wpek; alao lara, rlealrable room, atrlclly modern, vary nlre. for aludenta nr eouple. AT AM. J'fJHN. rim "run prir, nam) warm, om, ihraiful; prloaa reaaonahla, day or u Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTKf, HANI'KOKD. Hth and Farnam. HOTKb HTNRHAW, Hth and Karnam. 8ierlal ratea tn permanent guaata. MAHNKT 8T, 2S7 1'ront room In mod ern home, eonl; eaay walklnit dlatanca; m!i por h and yard. II A. I07H, TWKNTV-HIXTH I2.M1, 1 and 14. 74S".. ST., lit N Booma Cloaa' la, modern. HA. ONK large front room In apartment, near i.VeiBhton college walking dlatanca. AT. Jlul KIl.N iniinii, cloaa in, tin Call HA. m. ti Una. l.AHclK .oi.l aleeplng room and J-roorn apt , rltrht downtown. JA. 6020. JMIjUKHN roiuna. raaaunabla. WK am. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS PA It NAM HTUKKT, . two nlnely fur m.tipil rnoina with kitchen; hot and cold weirr and bth. WK. lni Furniahed, two laraa rooma and kitchenette, Knuntsa l'laee. t'Ot'I., modem houaekaplng raomai rea a.r.lile 6 ' 1 H. IMh Ave. niillKK unlutalalud huueekeeplng room., bath adjolniug. .11 N. I)d Ht, Sli LOfl HT Two roiin for iTht houae Iteaplllg; linlvirnlehd. WK 4;jf, T K.NTV-llrtTiT , MlN I lovely Hani h.iieeltiln rooma. I'rlvaie family. B0ARDANU ROOM,Viaaj wanta hum. In pruale fHiiiilr i far nam r llainey line, em- v.t during day, Addreaa t'tnah Itee, W . Xl HaTtTv io..ta "for with l-ai l. h.n, i.tlliea. Ifanauin Park d il I J A lilt. Vi" U.f' a4 ruam l"i yxung ladr, 1 I"' . ai4 MAaatiietal cat hn tin. liar. U Miti f rK. r. I n, !.-.. W4 M.ael M A I ,,aat )., i4 HOUSES FOR KENT F'K S-l,rl I M H S r- K.ej I lent .l j la ! I - can K im i AI'AKTMKNTS IQH RENT "" ""!; H.H.MM Fl-aj" """ SIX f . t . ... e . I fcew will b ( t -i.4 ant ) I- v .. . witbia te weak ft It l,e I -ai I el HIS eM 1 e -it I' a-i'el t J I. Il U I' f . ..wrAMT. It Fi.l Kill Us l ti" t .lt4. it . , olft It . - II.. J. tin. it.J . . k e- i,., tt W''M 4 U U a. i 4 in 4i f . i i , la . I I Aft, p J, tit Het.l e- i:t . I el t, t, t t e-eh. l a. 14 II.. I i A)fr.'li,f f . w 4 "el I I vi,, i 4 - a. ' a "If TM SUNDAY BEI Sai f Mi -,, t. u,,,- l0, h --.v tt m. iri iHlM I APARTMENTS FOR RENT OOOOOOO 0000 000 00 000000000 M'lllldil APAHTMKKT MOTH, J till AM) IMIMJK HTIlKtll) Affarfinanta rnnalat tt Dvinc roam, draffitf room, iill'livnia arfi l,aih. tVoakly rrnui Includiitii lal, liahl, , prion, and maid a.rv. Ira, Kithr waaaly or iarmannt furala. J'liuna AT. 1210. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo two wccki rnev hknt on all apartmente rented during tha n.onili of A moat f aummer ratea, I4T.M to io; winter, 117.10 to 4., rtKMBMHW WK PAT THE COAL Ml rtHUI'fc.N a, :u Iteallora ' Z4 Kaelina mdg; OMAHAJI LAK'lKttf ItKXTAI, A'lK.M'r" Thirty-four apartment hulidinaa, af aparlmenta, reinforced concrete, alao lu'ely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed' room aparimenta. Call ua, and wa will tako you nut. IiIIAKM RKNTAL, AAKNCT. rirprnof Aiiartmanta, J A. JH5, AT 17 W. Jornr IHh and Howard Wtreere. tt our liet of var-ant apartmenta and houaea, We handle a, larger variety of rental propertl-a than any other agency la the rllv, Hea fKTKItg TBI'dT rOMPANr, "WHKK1C OMAHA IIKNTa)," T- oi l7"' r"1 rtlHi!!!i iL THK riilodo, SCtli Ave. and "iian y (fe'wly depurated 4-room apt.. with 6-ro.,m arr:ommodatlona, Aleo t-room apt, 1'bona j a. itn. FURNISHED APARTMENTS, VAHNAielltTKKJCTrjiuM, eelra I'aTgVwaH furnlahtd front room with kllthenetta and bath. hi;ntkh jnn. Home for the traveling man to leave bl. wlfa In tomfort and aafty. AT. win), TWO and three-room apt, (vl N (lit Ht. Jirowa Apt.., BUSINESS PROPERTY-REN i CA.VDT atore. Inrludlng future, and itock, wltb lean, for aalo at a bargain. W, KAKNAM flMITH U CO., an Karnam atreat. i'?(4' FrB It KNTWelj lighted office rooma. Si and up. Wllklnaon. Wl'lg. 12th and main in. Call Janitor Jloom 218, t0. 7t. ' .' . "I OKK1CU for phyatelan, city National Dank. Addreaa W-171, timaha Ilae, ilR?ANTlI,"B ifoilAOB ANDWABB-llul-Bli CO,, Hth and Jone. Hl. IKSK room In Krellne Illdg., IK. Wl. !. GARAGES FOB RENT KOn RENT Jood cement floor garag. V, per month- 1912 N, 2 1 at Ht. Those KE. 4117, WANT TO RENT WK are In lha market to rent a 10 or 12 room hou.i with garage. In good location, for re.ponaible party. w. FAKNAM UMlTll CO., Reaitora. 1120 Farnam Ht." -. JA, 0664. WANTKD to Rent Five-room hou.e, cloaa cloaa to grhnnl. Appiv W, KAftaiAM M1TK CO., 1320 Farnam atrert. J A. 0(114. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY RTOflAOE A VAN CO. MoVIMI PACKINd HTOHAUF RHIPl'INU. Inuehold Oooda and Planoa. Reduced Ratea Thla Week to I.OH ANGKLEH and CHICAdO. 1107-U Howard St. Jackaon 0211. FIHKPROOK WAREHOU8B Separata locked rooma for houaehold gooda and planoa, moving, packing and ehlpplng. BKKINH OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE o South isth. Do. tie. ftftTIMATB furn. on packing, inov. and atoring. Contract taken by Job or hour, flloiia Vn Hu.rage Co., JA. AT. 01.10, Ornaaman Hone, owner.. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ACCOKUlo? Jl,BATINa ACCOKMON, aide, kmf. box pleating. oovared liultona, all atyleet hern'tltchlng, buttonholea. Writ Ideal Hutton pleat, log Co., 301 Ilrown lilook. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA, lilt NKIIRAHKA I'LKATlNii CO., HO. Far. nam St., clol Aug. 10 to X.'pt. h, account of veiatinn Hot Karnam nt., d floor. U All AO t'S built, any tyl and all, lltt up. Concrete work. Mlcailn Lumber m Wre.kla Co. Tel. we. till I I.ASTKKlNil. work, tulldlti. r.. mmteling garage of any kind, giur.a. te.. work WA. 0r. A c" I.KsSA III) 8Nii R.ntodliBg tal bollle Cell AT. ItH. ""' " "I'MNTtST , I t'STAI. X MAV. la ach. II a full Ml, ei aweuniie ill, ttn and ramant. I'fTyvrlvrn IV M.IA 111. IS l.tertiva lluteau, Rail! to Ili4., JA. l-ttj I.S Mil I ;l i .1 a t Ve l 1 1 ejl mTi 4 "n i 1 1 1 1 In AT Mill nieht. el. ie.t; ml i j AW I t Al i.AM 111 IU....I. me, ,..... aeeur.4 le all if, lilt. "' - , , , - . 'ltev4IN'l ill,. I. !,(..!, mW.,. , 1'" " li4 ta. .1. e II till " H llhlkHS " ' ' Sm!i.4. ,a l. I !fca,4. j VI i,a... t. ft' i. ft we l. lite l.a.e. i -. lb 114 I t j I i n ns"iir l, , 1.,. a, g. el a tat ,e li ; l,ii fl' - , . . ... 1 tint i runs .,.- I I f. 'i I i.,,4, S .!. 14 4, i !k ! lit) ' klt I isiartii.i yil Mi l(iU lll Skei ta b4 I . III! Meant St t M if f .'. iti ii vtrn' i , in i . - s.j , .."rk. 14 nil Tar li.kii'i o a 0 .,,i,lM,lil M l I HVWirttl Ml a". SM."Vtimi ini il TVjf BalSt Vovm UT ( IH TO TtU. NOU I SOMlfvot MVH r 6 f tx-eaaiee .t ,iM,i.g, I.e. ... . V .... ,. e , w . a e . V , .c, .'I Q n:ry;::H,":';":;,:,,'il,!n Mll.iv... . fl e.K .IM..,. i. ' I H4il ; f THAT'S BEATING FSi 1 1 " 1 ' 1 - - I BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS f ATKNT ATTt HNriteJ 1 W. MAHTIN, fa'ent Attorney, 1711 India, roim Alao Waeiungton, l. C, I help Invent- eell their peienta f. W.' Varllg, falent" AUorn.f. 1TII l)o4e, room J" Ala ta.hing'on, U. C I !' Inventor, aeil their patent. m:r.iA.AH ; XMoVHt:miiHV.' DIAMONDS 'l'Kr: to buy back at email profit, ORoNH V CO, Omaha, Neb, 4 M. Hth Ht. Telephone I'O im OMAHA I'll.IJVV CO. Mlire..a made over In new tcka at half pric of new beda. Pillow, renovated and mad BP In new feather Proof 11. king, old bad tlcka waahed, l0 Cuming J A. 47, 1K. Ixile kmernoff, die.aaea of woman and children, lit N. flat '.AT. t7tt. PitkMCHIPTlONI carefulfr ceuiipounded at the t Mhertnan k MrOnnell drug atnrae. ' CHATTEL LOANS C 0000000 0000000 00000 00 ooo MQNKT TO LOAN UO to '.00 0f rUKNITUKK, MANOS, ETC. fee than Irgal rale., monibly p.ymenla. yuirk, quiet and confidential, OMAHA LOAN CO. tot Karuah Ulo k. Tel. J A, 179.. Bout he. at Cor. Hth Oouglaa Ufa. C'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOANS ON REAL ESTATE UlW KATK MONEY. H4 and t p-r cent on Improved Omaha property, Mak appllretlon now. W, T. OKAHAM. JA. liltr Tel I'atera Truat TIM. WK have caab oo sand to loan so Omaha realdegcea. K. H. l,0!OBB. INC tut Keelln Hlitg. Farm LoaM ZZXZ Klnka Inveatment Co.. 4( Om, Nat'l Mk. Hud TO llu.of'O loan, made promptly. F. D. WF.AD and P, II. BOWMAN, Itt l'h Ht. Wead Bldg. At. 11. OMAHA ifOMKB KAHT NEB FARMS. O XEKrlG H EAI. r.OTA I n w.. IKIt Om. Nat Ilk. Bldg. Jacheon tTlt. b-ltiuv m,ri,. Inane made tiromBtly OO Omaha real eatate, Hhor.en i Co., Real' tora, 1A 422H 2J4 Kaenna niog. OAIIVIN into. (145 Omaha Net. mag. ON IMH. PKOI'KRTr. NO I'lffl.AT J. H. MITHBN paya moat for MBERTT BONUS fZl t:ny nail Hanej eio AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Fords Fords New tnd led. Ca.h or Tim. We hav them all price. alt tnodele. B ur and are u hefor yu bur. McCaffrey Motor Co., "The Handy Ford Service Station." Authorlaed Ford and Lincoln Dealer. 15th and gta. yrt. Q0. MIN wnnte t hi car to drive now thnt Andy la bark, ll'a m IB20 Htudebaker hlg t. overhauled and painted. Call UA. S760 and biiy It br-fore ehe doea. LOOK over our Hat nf uaed car. TUB AUTOMOTIVE! MARKET. 10(1 Farnam St. AT. Tll. ITHKD CAKU. O. N. nonney Motor Co 26(4 Farnam. USUI) Knrd parte at half pric. Prt for all atandard mnkg cara. Nab. Auto Parte, liilJlrney t. . NKW ANrT'HKIl TIHKH, 12. SO A NO UP. It. A n, TlftB AND AUTO CO. 2S Farnam St. HA. T401. t'SKU radmtora, all make., for aala OreennuKh lladlair Repair, jolt Farnam. PATBNTPuliman brd., built Into your auio, at PFKlFFKltS, US! Leavenworth. rVNli;ltwTn eeTTT-pe.. Old. t. Hou.1 con. rlltlon, 1 ldt Turner lllvd. HA. lt. MAXWKI.L apeedater, Ki ellant angina, tun mail. Citll Harney 47t, 1110 MHU) roxil.ter. Vlnlolt tlaraga, 1111 Vinton St. AT. 8i.iT, I HKH Fonle. uli niiidela, Co., Hit Ciimlngi I'aei, roitl Car ONK ""d Ma.well louring fur eala, cheap, AT I 7. HI M ln..1v, Tp.aa., for .ale, A T. tlt. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Ronut of $1 pr day for 30 days' service. JOHN J.GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. oioaoDoaoaonoaoaoDODonoaoDoaoaoaoag Salesmen tm . t, niaen .. .e . -e IIIH s l a -i 4-tt A.,l e4 ...,.. . I t a.ea.e M e. .,. ...ui l e ..! . m k. tkeet, t,,ae.,ee, eee ', l. l4ei Seel (. ii0. S - .-. Ik. 4Ma Wat ftl, Be .4 at . Ie lee,ile. It . g t.e, eoea. Set t.el Meet.. r iree.eii4 a i ,,, " American Live Stock till r-Us , . -.II I. , 'KM TO IT, KID AUTOMOJILESJ'ORALE. 1 0000000 0000000 00000 OOO 00 o o o c 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 O GUARANTEED USED CAKS 0 O 0 8 8 frrlva one of our u.'d ear fnr n week. If not entirely aattafi'd bring It ba.k and re.elv rradit on any rar wa have for aala. Wa believe that the ueed ear pur ibeaera are ,-iitlUed to fha aamo o O o o o o o o o o o o O amount of value for their money 0 aa llioae who buy new aia Aak about our aa.y payment plan. O 0 O O O O Willys-Overland, Inc. till r.rnani Ml. Kartory branch. Open evening.. o 0 C OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fOltO aedan niontha old. Ixioka and rune like new. Thie rar baa only been weed on Sunday einr it wa bought and ha. not hmn driven over 1 100 nil lee. original air In every lira. We will take 1201) lea than price of new car. It muet be ceeh No dealer. Call Kenwood 01. 10 ltKI,IAflf,Kuaed car., ,-aeh or tim Forde, Lodge and other mode la. 10 brand new Forda at a dl. count; Ford bodli-a, new and uaed. UOI.lJfrTHOM AUTO PAt.KS CO, Open avanlnge. JA titn. nil Harney St. SOMK bargain In uaed ForO; prompt delivery or. new Ford M'CAFFRKT MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Hervlc Flatlon. IS I h and HI. I JO. tr,t HOM.Y. a.pert auto trimmer .If .4,n' TRUCKS, TRACTORS. ETC. FOR SAt.B'OR TflAMK I'rivata owned one-tun Neeh truck. Call liO. (Ml. COLORADO LANDS. HKVKKAI, good relln'iul.htnent for aala r.onabl. J, C., Box lot, l.a. aniriia,, ,:mo., iienr tTounty. KANSAS LANDS. Foil HAI.IC Uood Improved leu-aero farm, mile, from Topeka, Kan. Will aachanga for arneller In Nebraaka. J, C. Karaa, Table. Koi k, Neb. NEBRASKA LANDS FOR HAI.K An ideal 1 to-. r at' k farm located IVi mllce from Alnewnrth, Neb., the beat town between Norfolk and the Hlack Hllle. Farm produce tot ton of fin bay. About 400 acre of ailoudld clover or alfalfa land, 100 acrea of paa tnre and th balance under cultivation. New .lii-room houae, fin barn, large hay ahed, new grinary and new hog houaa, two walla with windmill, make up the Im provement. Place well fenced wltb abundance of hog paaturo with woven wlra fencing, Home fruit and timber for fuel for year to come. For price, terma and complete dcai-rlpllon write. Hog 118, Alnewnrth, Neb. Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into Ceah. NEBRASKA RKALTY AUCTION CO. Central City, Neb. Information Free. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE IURKF.TT nEL I'Statb UliVIVXJA X g.n, nntm. Inaur. 310 Petnra Trut Hldg, JA. OKJa. GRIIENIfi lu,lty Co- wUo !4! Flrat Nat'l Bk. B'g JA. lltt. nRMQUV'1""! Eatate, Invaatmenta. UIWUOUI w fa Sell Your Horn. Hit city Naclonal Itenk. Dpuirlaa 11230, REAL KSTATH ANll INSURANCE. II. S. MANVII.I.K, llenltar. AT. 2403. (( Truet Tlldg OOOO MSTINtlS Ct'MK TO U8. WK SKI.L TH KM. IIOM10 RKAI.TY CO. AT. 1111. UTRAIOHT 6-year loam., per cent AMOS GRANT CO., Ill S Hth, Arthur Itldg AT. tttO. WANT I or 7-room, well located. In Dun. dee, by the flrat; bay cuali. Bo 111, Omaha Re. LIST your home for aale with ua. We have the euatomera. PAYNK INVEST M K NT CO., He. 1 1 . I.lttf your properly with W. Farnam Smith Co,, H20 Farnam Ht. WDIatd C. MUbaugh. Realtor. JA. ttt. Fuiiltabl Truat CoRealtore. AT, l4lT ft) Km.L ... (ilover A M or .11. AfTtisi! WANTED -BY THE Wabash Railway Co. Skilled mechanic far hm rail wsy thopg o. ihtlr tjrtlom. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS knot thr iMIIad trtfll Fr Iran.porltlian, tmpU pr. UIU ) irniaieil potitloat, Wtftt sua) wotking nJ. liant irtyih4 ky tft U. S, Railrejael Labor Hoar). Aff LY ROOM I0a fsilatt llul.l, Ornaka, N. Wanted! ea y 1 Insurance Company !, Oeeaks h. g l Drawn for The WANTED REAL ESTATE W iTl I A V F, I ' kfo M K It S ' W A I T I So . For ue in gat them t and t-roo.t, modern hou.' a. If your pric la right your proper ly la aa good aa aold when you Hat II with ua t.'AHANTIf.r HKAl.rr SAI.KS CO., IIP Arthur Itldg JA. HI HOM F.S fof'aele, AFTS. for rank W. J. Palmer Co., Real Katat Mtaagemant Sperlall.ia . Kelln Itldg AT. HAVK client for i-mom eoltag. wlli'p!' 11,0 io ; can pay 11,000 aah. Phone ua at once if you have a home of tin. deecrlptlon for alia. Ueorge F, Jone., Keeller, AT, tUI Charles W. Young & Son Real Ktt, Rental, loaurene. 1101 City Nat, rik. AT MM. To buy or aell Omaha lll Fetet eee FOWLEIl & M'DONALD Mmbf Mutltpl MaMnc K (ltnra titat your hofti Huy your finm, BINDER & OTIS, Real K.tat. Loan. Rental. JA. 11.11. Reed & Co., final .tt wn4 ntur.B(. n7 rurnain HI Vhnnm AT. IM1 SHOLES, D. V.,'or 'ompnny, Heal- tora. M em bar Mulllpla Mating tlacnengii JA, B')4t. Weetern Real" ltetlINl J A. It7. REAL STATEINVESTMENTS Close In Investment , Urlck ator building, well rontedi al-room modern cottage adjoining; IIO.OOii; large lot, 4 frame bulldlnga; Incom 7t per month, lotion. Gallagher & Nelson, tit Peter Truat Bldg. J A. 112. FLAT OR RKSIIJKNCK HITB. Northweat corner, loih and Davenport treat.; K.H24 feet, lloth atreeta paved, paving paid. Price, 16,2.0. HASTINGS HEYOBN, REALTORS. I I4 Harney Ht. AT.0t. NF.W t-room biingalow and garage, near atale normal. Kearney, Neb. For eale or trade for Omaha property, I'hon AT. 8444. SALE OR EXCHANGE, ooooooooo oo 63oooob ooo oooo HOUSE WANTED Will trad my Improver! HO A lown farm for realdence or weetern land. Price 1 2S p-r acre and H a cheap. Locate! cloee to county Beat town, or will eell and you nam your own term. Addree Owner, P, O. Hon SI 7, omalia, Neb. 00 000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iiii.itiiiiiiiii.itiiii'tiiii-iii"t,'ii.i''i"ii,iiiiiitiitiiir MEN WANTED For permanent job3 at rates prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board aa follows: Per Hour Mschini.t. 70c Blacktmitht 70c Sheet Metal Worker.... 70c Electrician 70c Boilermaker . . 70c Paitenger Car Men..,.. 70c Freight Car Men ...... 63c Helper, All Claaae 47c Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Apply at Division Su perintendent's Office, 15th and Webster bts., Omaha, Neb. 1 ?i i i t I I. l I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I v. i'iii''i ii .ri' 'in.j tn i t i . i i i i in a Wm!e. by the C. N. & ST. P. RY. Mechanics and Help ers for permanent poi tioni. Machinists. Doilermabers, Blacksmiths and Sheet Metal Workers, seventy (70) cents per hour. Machinists' Helpers. lloibrtnakers' Helpers, Blacksmiths' Helpers and Sheet Metal Work I ers' Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per hour. Freight Car Repairers nd Inspectors, sUly. (dree (03) cents per hour. Ik.. aua, I m.1,1 eaea, b .e aa, n, a e.a.e.i ike e., w l ie.a t a, let) IMUI ..le4 lent J at .oe M I : luc"ti!lV,!v?.,.l!lnM ; j tM U , M .,, ' s I ea ta Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith ttupttie-M !. SALE'OR EXCHANGE. FOR TKal'K 141 arrea land In Kllrkltat tounty, vteabington, near cnuuly aeel, for email htmie, M JJeet, 4tl 4(11 avenue Sefrementt, Cat, VACANT PROPERTY Grcenlea The Addition Reautlful Prfera '.o in II "Ml It.eirlrted juat em, urn Ilei,r Hurry. The Iiyron Reed Co. I'll Farnam it. Real'ora I'O. HIT Ml ' I I.I . I N( HITI: 78 foot, weel frontage, neat vad and Howard Sla. Surrounded by well ronat rut fed bomee; teiea paid In full, nwo-r will e"ll very rveaoneble. Call AT. 30J4 or WA J2". Coin "t Italaton Iota and acreage t re eta OclH, ow going on. Special terma an It lie. made, K00 lip; email payment down, balanc eaey ferine. Se or pboeo Slew.rt, Reletnn 10-W WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lot In Lilguwuod; very a.y terma Atlapllo 1S40 i LOCKWOOli; large lot. !2tlli nnrih front on Jackeon, near lid Street, at bar gain prloe c A. tlrlmmel, JA. Hit. JNORTH SIDE PROPERTY. 4137 KKHKINK ST., Four-rm, mod., oak floor and, ceah, bl. monthly. CrelKh, o Ilea. AT, C200. UANlJv cottage, real bargain, KH. 4771. :ll,(iliil.:.H. I' ii.i.iHHilll.lH It ' ..t"tUl Great Northern Railway Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest. Machinists Boilermakers Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters Car Repairers Good wages. Time and one half after 8 hours and for Sundays and holidays. Free transportation. APPLY TO A. J. CHEESEMAN Room 120, Millard Hotel 13th and Douglat Stt. OMAHA, NEB. i i i ei i i 1 .iliiiiiilnMliiliiliiliiliiiiiiiilllliiiilMliiiiiiliiiillilil Mechanics ploying men for It Shop, Roundhouaet and Repair Track The Chicago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad it now em at tha atandard wage and over time condition laid down by the United Statet Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hourt will be thoae necetaary for maintenance of the ervice. Board and lodging, ua der ample protection, furniihed. Young, active m.n doming le go inte railroad torvice will fce given aa pperteeity far training in ttedy, detirable employmtnt. Apply at eae, Fir Fleer, Rurliagtoai Building, TnlW A Faraam Slroolt, Omaka, Nob, 'I The Last Call: tit Leflang DlJf, NORTH S-EJ,,5P-5'JX. Near Lothroj) School I I Slit ieeee eeaMwa'aewl Sah, xinlly rao-lera. newt pelnied and geeeraled eek fieatr tar..e.b-(. a M ..iia liel let witk pa.le ail paid, lettiitedlet eeeee)iua, 11 Hmauetl Onborne Realty Company ti t-eiet Tiuel IllJg JA till 'Biiy a Real Bungalow, . $5,250--Terms Cleeer laiae.el.e.1. 4 t.o'i-i. bain luw, fine .ateiioi, eek f'a'.b, e.'ief I-.I, pevc4 irel, gataga, I'rlrad abeolulel rhi. eiaedee, roil HeeOl, VIA, tell AT t dev. na HM'iKiRH INVSaTtlFITt'o, neolloe. J A. Ill II Pundallaad In g five. room tl moderg hem In leeull Ml Miller I'e'S dialtirt yi.e e, laige imjita oMk I alnih.a ilaeie Flreplg.e, built In h'l.ihen rehlnet Nice deep t with fine be.lg end Una fen. e, beautiful anruHxty A real home and e.lra, gaud rneiru.-tln N.e..nei.i leime l K HCl S III, tll.ALTOKS JA ! 711 tlmeb Net Hk,. Hid ll.i.o. Wit ... a., lilt, llu.k, K rf till Ink Mklte w t oUied e tueiu n.udera keue ea paved eireet, at tilt N llel reel and alienu, 1 loie, I. II feel ee. h Lai ! waetn II. II ea'h Joel Ikink of buving I bio wonderful bam ff t l. Terma. " eeeh ta per month Meny atlier nuae t low pn.e. email permente I'. II. Udell, H, F., tiienle. Wg; 4l lit rooma, eiiP'tly nmdern new pavd ei reel ...r Miller peik Will lake ce and a ll"'e reek aa flrel uaymeal. 11.104 uubl garag AT. III! Jar. Mr, Crane WANT otl'l 'lut I H oak Lnleh; earner lot. Illb A. and nerel. . ' , aeklog II. tot. Call WA. Hit; AT !. ?ilOHKIt-rJanh' paHlf modem, lltt ca.h. balanra monthly K. M. I'a.le. tilt tlienl M Wt. lilt NKWt-rcHm boogainw. oak flnuh built In fratue. large eeat front '"'JK ; I knoll ied'rn bunaelow Fark e. h'.l Frlre. 14 tl. Miller KK. lilt. RF owV R t-r.-i-m mod -rn liouee, ti ll. front llll rl" 'ree IVK t'el. BSJ. HllCet A'co 'oue and" aell Some " tiOUTH SIDE PROPERTY .mi ei . "itril HT.-SI a -room l"inalow. 7 210 C n Calll.erg llealtor, 111 Hfell leia Theater It!.) JA l". M I 't'li I' I' I'tol 'I'tnl li' I' l"l"l l"f "." I Foremen. Boiler Foremen. General Locomotive Foremen. Night Roundhouse Foremen. Coppersmith Foremen. Airbrake Foremen. Machine Shop Foremen. Conors! Painter Foremen familiar with coach and loco motive work. Write or wire collect, giv ing experience and age to A. P. PRENERCAST. Mochenical Superintendent, : Texas & Pacific Ry. l Room 703 Teiat and Pacific 2 General Office, Dallat, TK. .f.lnl li'l'il'il iij'il'iit!'iul"l''li!l"rlliiil:'ll't '' il'"l"llt' l"li1iHll't"l'l i I r ..... .1 ,L. I,..!,. I ' crafl employe having gene f on a ttrike, the Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will employ in the thopt, roundhouae and car depart ment at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne, men tuitable for luch - tervlce. Board and lodging free under ample pro taction. Ideal climate and working condition!. Free transportation; time and one half paid after 8 hourt and for Sundayt and legal holi dayt. Write or wire H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo.'!4li','T!,.iii,ililnliri, K ,4 ,, . $100 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD For evidence producing arrest and con viction of parties who kidnaped employes or who otherwise have violated, or who hereafter violate United States Court In junction which prohibits picketing, or any form of interference with this Company's employes present or prospective. Chicago & North Western Dr. Co. The Rock Itlanj lines have few positions as car Uspee tors, machinists, heilsrmakers, klacksmithi nJ car repairers. These Joks are open to men wke tan shew that they are ea pakle of tKinklnf for themselves and who have the interest of the United States at heart. Htal Amrrican Apply WEST fIDE PROPERTY. 120 N. 31st Ave, $7,000 3310 Dodge St., $7,500 IUv vtt l ttrut tH! fvum n 44-t Kr Is iis' ft 4 (kg. trt4 tit - st tf'iHl, -hr ftlt 1MS T1IH f Uflh f lMUttl nto-lsistt littMc in ittit )tHuN mi fr 1 1 i gf I 41 . Fttsig1 ua I t-'tt sJ4, G'lover & Spain, Realtors JA, ltt, III It I Mr helien.l, Foo oo olioo 6 ooo oo o 6 o o oo b o o o ONI X M IS. ft Swa, balance )l per month, will anaaa Ibta luveiy t iuoni, ottl, HHru..m, yuttr ewe hem. AM mul. ra a lniileir built. tn l,.M.k.eeee, buffet, bam la. fciiihrn tebm.t I ", rated at 114 i'aiker Si. tioger, C. K. Aaejarovo, A O O O O o O c oooeooo ooooooo ooooo no ooo NKW NK,V Nta Hy befin cuii.pleie l Frlre e l.enred II not e.ild h. f i -ee roiiiplrii.l luily en nut ."I.I on alth and l ake Joel eter. log, a b-auolul a r.HH,. i.nil i..h..i en fulvi.lere iM.uleverd w.rt of MiMe I elk. Liamloa ih.te i'". Fnf luiiker Hfonnatlaei rail KK 1141 H F 4'I.AHV Co, ltillre Hth en! A m-a Ave. Sltt. jHl' V" llO MIt, ,31 CAeN K'.hl t'Mirn I, i..iv, ell modern hnuee, full remenl baeemenl 1 hi" le a I b), near li 1'e.ainr, Frle Five-inont eoitege. near Hib and npeuld in all modern, new, hot etr furnere; lei l-v.l I.. I Caen Halt. I'rl. a tin, AT lWr J. I'jt, . N-w llom-e - Tour lerina AT Itlt. Grove-Hubbard Co.ZrZ' FLOHKNCK PKOPEHIY NKTIIAWAT eT, and Vr'edea." KK. iH MISCELLANEOUS JJOPERTY. Bungalow Tbla l-moetn Mine la In flret tlea r"n diiioa. Full cemented beaement. I1 PUerka to cer Fine well water; I Ml In good neiehbothood, I coeb; bal ance im rem Payne & Carnaby Co. "V-nir liaeltor." tit Omeba Nal'l Hid JA 10!t. WANTED Pacific Macbinittt and MachiaftU' Helper Bailer Makers and Helper Blacktmitht and Helper Sheet Metal Worker and Helper Car Repairert Car I rupee tort For St. Louie, Kanaae City, ft, dalia, Omaha. O.awatnml. Coffey, villa. Wiehite, Little Rock, Teiar. kana, Monro. MrGehee, Alei.ndrla and other .hop. and roundhouae en th Mlaaoorl I'actfla Railroad. Standard wag, anf working tea ditlon.. - Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb. (, I"m ilioi il.'tiiliiliHliilillarilxliiliilieillMlill'il"!"! Railroad Mechanics Wanted by the Illinois Central System Machlnl.ta '. Blackemlth Sheet Metal Worker Teolmaker Boilermaker Qualtfieel Coe eUpeilrauo Anal laapectora. Etc. , Free trameporlation and board nd houalng will b lurnlihd. Permenent pooiHea. Wag atandard a directed by United State Rallroed Labor Board. 9 Apply at one at Room SIT City ' National Bank Building, Si Floor, " OMAHA, NEBRASKA. " " Offlc hour S:30 a. ra. to 1:30 0. ra. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiituii,f $100 Utk and Capitel O O , O O O O O O ' I ..! 1 11 1 e. I 4.1 I .v . I. e 1 u r - tut . .- I . 'I.I'' I Iti 4.1 ja .in iiacavavUcaoacaoaava(ncuoaeuonca(,tJ tttttttttttittttttr