The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 22, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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buffaloes Give Okrie Poor Support in Pinches and Oklahoma City Wins
- .
Omaha Chucker Holds Indians
Scoreless and Hitless for Five
Innings; Bobbles in 7th Costly
A KING advantage of two Omaha error ilni bobbed up in
the fatal aeventh inning, h Oklahoma City Indians cele
brated the opening ol lhir rie with tha flulfaloes here
yesterday by drfeating Ih herd by scora of J to 2.
The Buffaloes had things going Ihtir way and Frank
Dane wit hurling prrtty good hill on l II the Oklahoma
seventh brcrird (round. 1 hi score at this ceriod of tht
contest was 2 to 1, with ihe herd on tht long end ol tht score, hut after
n Indians had (iroiipeu tnnr war clubs and trotted out to the field the
Buffaloes were on the abort end.
In the eevrnth the Omaha defense'-
'racked and crumbled up like
r1'lcrtiin rraikert.
New York Clubs
Increase Lead
4 'I '
f. ;. .
i --par
Oinglardi, Red-
akin Irft fielder,
i tar ted the
iiniin by wig
gling Okric out
of a bate on
balU. VVindtll
lined one down
to (iiilason for
a perfect double
p I a v but
VV h 1 t e y'
muffed the pel
let and all hands
were safe
Moore was next
mid be planted
the ball down
toward third
where Grantham got hie hands and
fert tied up trying to field the agate,
Again all hand were safe and the
pillow congested.
Poor Support
Witii no hand under and all
tacks loaded, Okrie got aort of
peeved and he had a right to get
that way, for the support given him
in this) inning was of the kid kind.
However, the Buffalo southpaw sent
Long back to the dugout smarting
under a strikeout, but allowed Love
to connect with one of his groove
lor a single, scoring 'lung with the
tying run. The score was knotted
end the bags chucked when Okrie
walked Pitt and forced in the win
ning run. The next two Indians
were easy outs, the second whiffing.
Here of late Okrie ha received
poor support from his teammates. In
the other tames he has started In the
last 10 days the support given him
has not been up to standard. Yester
day. Okrie was turning the Indians
hack in quick order and held the
viiitors hitlesa and scoreless until the
sixth. In the sixth the Redskins
bunched three hits with a hit bats
man for a lone tally, all they de
served and the final count should read
2 to 1 In favor of the Buffaloes. But
those costly bobbles spilled the beans.
Tha Buffaloes got one run in the
first when Bates, former - Indian,
doubled. Ht went to third when
Grantham singled and scored when
Felber juggled Griffin's liner. The
inning came to an abrupt ending
when Manush hit into a double play.
; Oislason Scores.
In the fifth, another Omaha play
er registered a tally. After two out,
Oislason singled through second.
"YVhifev" stole second. Bates stroll
ed and Grantham clouted the ball to field for a double, scoring
Gislason and boosting Bates to third
where he was left perched on the
third sack when Griffin grounded out.
Tha Buffaloes had a chance to tie
the score in the seventh' and win out
in tha ninth, but inability to hit when
hits meant runs, ruined Omaha s
chances of winning in spite of its
blunders. In the seventh, with two
down, Gislason tripled to left. Bates
failed to deliver, alter collecting two
doubles, and the Buffaloes didn't knot
the count. In the ninth after Wilder
ground out, Herman, batting for
Okrie, walked. Gislason forced the
"Babe" at second and went to third
when Bates singled to right. Gran
tham fouled out to the catcher and
ended a perfect day for Oklahoma
okmihoma mt.
a m n htr mm an to a
aTaaattaet Dan Batata,
tM Stomaa, Aug l Far Iht aarand
llrnn (Nit a-iaa a fiat btalnaa alatnry
avar Bl. Joaaph puahad iht laltar
f flrtt plaea. lha lortlf winning S
hilt Tmta wat Hit A bama ma kr
( ui is in mt tunm ihti fund Sumter
ahaad or mm. Had Iht a-ora 14 llima
dtiukla. alnniaa br f'aaaar and daman and
Iwa Wild lhrat kr Bandinr aallad tare
additional runt la ikt him main,
All HO A 1 A MHO A
Diana 14 4 4'Oinln, f 4 I 4
ftrotar, If 4 I S Si W agar. If 4 S I SIS Mum, rf 41
ft, ma, if 4 I I 4' rmtpar, lb 4 114
M l) 10. I 4 I I td.irai 4 I I
Nufar. lb S I I I Turi.on, aa 411
Hro'at, t 1 4 S' funnily, lb SSI
blandiar. 4 S 1 S I liannar, a SIS
Knoll. S 44 ,:llop, a its
unit., t
1 TtltH II II ST
Tottlt If III li
at Joiatil. II St lt I
Hat Mnlilt I4 tl 4l 4
Summary hui.i: Urnvtr, BVinawll, Ma),
far. flrown lianin. Hart a. (oapar III
flannar, lollop Krrarai Nufar. Mandiay
til. Turgaan, f'annalir Name rwnai Jioaa.
wilt. Nufar. C'ullub. T hat hut: Waa
Itr, Uromn. Kandlar, Cuapar Tvriann,
(lanla II, BaeiKlait bill llroamt. b'alan
laaa (tnrmaa. 1(1 aa baaati ' Jna-ph,
IS: Ptt Malnaa. I. Rlrurk aall Mr I Ullop
4:J.r (lovim S. rirai ha n balla: till
CuTUt. I. tin k' iiil. b4 ball 1 Kan'lltr
bv ( ullaa. I'aaaad ball: Kallar. Karn
ar runt and hlia: "if Haviia. 4 n4 II I
f I I Iniiluia. txtlne kiiahan Mnvllk
Imubla alar: Nufr la hraatna la lllaan.
tlmplrat: Dalt and FMitaUkk. Tmt
(f atmai 1 14.
WlSaba AUuabhar ravrbte.
Slaul I'll,. Aug II Wlrhll katlart
ht4 4 fltl4 4V liart. wbllt Maun ba4 mt
I'arkart It flvt arnltaraS bin, Ibt tltl-
tart wlnnlnf 14 In . --aai
All HO A I All II OA
nmllb rf S 4 I S Htmlltn.M S I 1 4 4 1 I Ham 41 4 S 4 l aVlah rf, rf 4 4 I !
li-ritr. tt 4 S IS 4 Oiwry
nraan n IIS 0 Palmar, lb
afrll,lb III HMaill.:b,rr
Maun, p
44 111111,
I 1
1 1
Totals I 127 11
Wirhlia s o 401 is
aioai City " S o
Burnmara Hunt! Smith ft). Bltkttltr
III, Waahfcurn III. Kaat (II, Bar.r Ct),
nulltr, rirt-n. Krrnrt: Wtthburn, Bariar,
Mrlionall, Mtun, Hamilton II). Oalaraar4,
'uarr. Two-baaa hlla- wtansbrn, r.ian,
Maun, ntrmmr. n awaaiar. a.aai. nimmnn.
Tbrtt-baaa hilt: raal, Barftr. Nlnlan
haaa: kmlih Daubla altrt: Palmar ta
Hamilton In Mtlt UI. Trlpln llamll;
inn la Palmar la Malt. Hill and aarnad
runt: Off Taaar, 14 ana 24 In inmnea
inont nut In aavtnthl. Ilat-t on balla:
dtt T-aar, t: alt bulaiitf, 1, Hirurk out:
By Maun. 71 b Tatar, I; be nulantl, 1.
Hit by Bllfhad ball: Br bulantl. Wtth
burn. T'iriplraal Ormtby and Kolintt
Tlma: I houra
Nltun. If 4 t I Orlmm, Ik S I 17
04e, S S I Ooa. b, 4 t
Oatrh'r, p I I t SrhmMi,
naark'a 1 Ha'llioa, I I
M rU'ra p 4 4 II
. ITatala II II it II
Total II T 14 III
rrutiad for Oat.hstr la tishta
Boor be Innlnat:
rlaainn taa 4t4 44l-l
PltitburaH 144 41 S SI a I
Itmmirr Stuna: Kant. Uarantrllla
farajr, Ruattll, Traanor, Uonth. Krrnrt:
Kaff. Traynor. To-haaa hit: Maranvilia.
Hlomt run: Traynor. Biolan btaat: Maran.
'lilt, taray. kaerlfut hlta: Barnbart,
IftmlKnn. Douhla pltya: ford and Holkt
Hnlka, rord and Molkti Tltrnty, Maran
villa and Orlmm. Ift on baaat: Final on
fltlabvrab, I. Haaa an Lalla Off
"aarhfar, S; aff Hamilton, I. Kilt: Off
uaarna.r, t in 7 nnin(t, nfr M-Ntmtrt,
a in 1 inninr. who pMtn: Hamilton.
Maine plt.htr: Oaahfar. tlmplrtt. Bta
Itllt and Klam Tlma: t:ll.
nu, r ....
Tala. Sb
ratbae. lb .
MrOnltM, IK
ftlndnydl. It
Wlndntl, aa .
tlnnra, rf ..
ftne. a
laa, pi ....
Total! ....
0 1
1 I
A t
1 A
o a
a a
A t .
ftranlnaan, Sb
f.rlff In. rf . . . .
ttannah, af ...
ApMraon. If
w W. an . . . .
aObrta, p ....
.. as a 1 a a ti is
Aft n H Ttl BH SBPOJ 16
a 1
.4 1
.4 A
4 A
.4 A
5 A
.4 A
a e
A 0
..ta 1 is is t si 4
1 Harmon walbad foe Okrl In ninth.
baaaro by Innlncat
nklha my ft JAJ-I
rtiiffatirat 1 two
Snamar Karnad runti Oklahoma f lty.
It Omaha. I. Thrao-baaa hilt litalaann.
T-baao bltai lUtaa (li, l.raiilham, Um..
tilt batamani Tola, br Ukrla. Houhla
karat W In.l-ll M. Danlat (i Wilrnt 1.1
(.lalaaMi to Hnlra. ftlrurk ntl lv loa,
Si br Okna, . lUara n balla 1 Otf Ua.
Si nff Okrta. S. ! "aaai liianma
(Itr. ti Omabn. S. Implrnt lla an 4
m-w, . -ttanol
I n.
Athletics Take Fall
Out of Browns, 7-6
Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Philadel
phia made it three out of four from
St. Louis, by winning the final game
of the series, 7 to 5, while the Yan
kees, being idle, gained a half game
on the Browns.
A pair of home runs in the first
Inning by Welch and Perkins off
Kolp and IJavis, helped the locals
in scoring five runs. Williams had
two hits, running his string of hit
tins in consecutive games to 25.
The score:
I'nbln, rf 4 18 0 Toun, !b
roatar, lb
bialar, lb
lacib,, cf
M'M'ut, lb
Wlllla't, If
Savirald, e
Oarhar, tt
tiavia, p
Kolp. p
Vtnall 1..P
t I.Hauaar, lb
S i
S Ol
1 I
3 4
Wtleh. rf
M il an, rf
Millar, if
Parklna, e
Clall'jy, ta
1 SI Walkar, !f
n OiDykaa. lb
i 0 Halm h, p
0 OtMarrla. p
0 01 -
I 1 I
a l i
4 11
4 1
4 1 S
4 4
4 1 1
4 1
1 1
II II 17 It
Totalt MM It ll
iHatltd. for KoKIp Is tha atchth.
St. Loula 0"4 J0 (I II 01
l'hlladalphla 114 100 10a 7
Summary Runa: Tobln, Jteobton, H-
Manua. Willlama. Oarbar, Kolp. Younl,
Hauaar (II, Walch, Millar, Parklna, Dykaa.
Krror: (larbar. Two-baaa httti Hauaar
Walkar, H'alnh, Jacnbaon, MrManua. Hnmt
runt: Vt'alrh, Parklna. biolan haaaa:
Wtllitma, HavaraM, Jacobaon. Rarrlfira
hit: Tobln. Dnubla playt: Tourtf to
Hauaar: Knatar to MrManua to Blalar:
Walrh to Hauaar to Halmach to Toungi
Faatar to blalar. I.-rt on haaaa: Ht.
(.aula, 10: Philadelphia. I. riral baaa an
balla: Off Davit. I off Ralmat'h, I: off
Koip, I: off Harrlt. I Btrunk out: By
Halmarh. I: by Harrla. I: by Kolp, 1
Hlta: (iff Daaia, I: In no Innlne. nont out
In tba flralj off Kolp, 7 In 7 Innlnia: ott
Vanilldar, I In I Innlne: off Halmarh. II
In I Innlnaa, no ono out In tha tlththi
Oft Harrlt, I In I Innlnet. Wild pitch i
Halmarh. wlnnlnf pltrhari Htmaah.
l.olnf pitahtri Davit, vmplrta
trty and Oaana, Tlmt of atmt:
Class A Champions
to Play Monarch
i'lie Towneml and Souih Sl
Merchants will he seen in action hre
Vaturrlay and Sund4V. Sewtember lo
snd 17, against the Kanns City
Monarch, a rtak nrgto me.
On Saturday th r r'er of
ha i amateur li-sms will Hto
(h Ksntts Htvsrts, n on Sunlay
the South S'ders wi'l orvun ths
Monarths let one game ot a double.
hlsr nd th TowBisml !!s
Tigers Pound Out
16-3 Win Over Boston
Hotton, Aug, Detroit won ill
third straight gni from Roiton, 16
to J, A batting sprre in the sixth in
ning gave th vititors 10 runs off
thite Ked Son pitchers. Kallmann
mad two iiii!fi in the inning
.in lin, Annua
New Yoik. Aug. 21 Both New
Vork major leagu teams surged for
ward in the pennant rare by winning
a majority of their games of tha pail
week while their eloteit rivals, the
St. Lotus clubs, wr having d rfitgl
lie. In the Nationals th Giants in
created their lead over tha Cardinals
to three and one-half ismes. while
tha Yankees replaced the Browns at
American leaders.
Joe Uuih, tha nuimuv of the Yan
kees' hurling itaff, did his bit during
tha week and Improevment ss
shown by the other hurters. Wait
lloyt, the IWI star, hurled effectively
after bring out of the game for a
tune. The New York Nationals' bat
ting .though not unusually heavy, was
esecuted at opportune momenta. The
spurt of the Cubs .which brought
id em to within sinking distance of
the lead ,was halted by the Giants,
who took two games of a three game
Hamilton's Mound
Work Beats Braves
Pittsburgh, Aug. 21.-Boston failed
to get a man to third base until the
ninth inning, and Pittsburgh won, S
to I, through Ksmiltoti'a brilliant
pitching. The Israves played listlessly
the rirates drove In three runs in the
first. Powell attempted to make i
shoe. (ring catch of a liner by Ray
nor in the eighth and the ball went
to the flag pole for a home run. Bos
tons run wss the result of three hits
To Battle Andy Schmader
AM HO A I AH H O A, tf 4 I I ft Mama, it t 1 I
Kapf. lb 4 1 4 aray, f S I S
Mrh'an, rf I S'ftara'rt, If S t
Bar'ra, lb 4 I I Rutaall, rf 4 1 S
Holka. ! 4 I 14 I Tlarnar. lb 4 I I
ford, aa 4 S S I'Tray'or. lb 4 S 4
Surf Rider Beats
Morvich at Saratoga
Saratoga Soring,. N. Y.. Aus- 21.
Morvich, Benjamin Block's 1922
Kentucky derby winner, today was
beaten five lengths by Surf Rider,
Montfort Jones' gelding, in the
Greenwich handicao. at aeven fur
It was Morvich's first start since
his defeat at Latonia in the Ken
tucky special, won by Whiskaway.
Ha carried 130 pounds against the
Jones gelding's 115. Taking a long
lead at the start Morvich slowed
after going five and a half furlongs
and finished almost in a walk.
There were no other starters.
inkel and Beerkle
Junior Doubles Champs
Albert Finkel and Wilber Beerkle.
the former city junior tennis cham
pion and the latter star Central hiah
school athlete, won the doubles tennis
championship of the anual junior
tournament at the Field club yester
day wnen they defeated Marshall
Magee and Leslie Swenson in the
finals, 6-3, 6-4 and 8-6.
Morris Beats Crook
for Golf Title
Johnny Morris won the golf cham
pionship of Happy Hollow yesterday
when he defeated B. C. Crook, 3 and
in the finals of the club tournament.
Crook was 2 tip on Morri at the
end of the first 18 holes, -which were
played during the morning.
M -
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l lirco Teams Will
(o to St. I.0IIL?
BayeBatlResulis ifigAf Doutc
nni r 1 . e-
Bob" Martin. A. E. F, heavyweight champion, and Andy Schmader
of Louisville, Neb., will meet in a 10-round bout at Aurora, 111., Wednes
day evening.
First Call for Grid Practice
Goes Out at Big Universities
In another week the thud of the
pigikin will be heard at a number of
universities, col
leges and prepar
atory schoolr.
Call already
have been issued,
but the Navy will
be about the first
big squad to re
port. The midship
men have orders
to get out the lat
ter part of the
With most of
the public schools
opening early
next month, the
future college
stars will loco no
time to get down
to work. The preps like action and
games are slated with only two
weeks of preparation. In most cases
the players nave already started to
train pnd will be in superb condi
tion when they report for official
Warning on Cigareta.
Most coacheo already have sent
out circular letters to all candidates
to lay aside the cigaret and start
to get into shape. John Wilce, coach
at Ohio State, is among the first of
the Big Ten mentors to iistruct his
candidates and he expects them to
report in the best of shape and be
ready for scrimmage a week after
Howard Jones, coach of the Uni
versity of Iowa, last year's west
ern conference champion, has noti
fied his old players and candidates
to get ready and has called their at
tention to the Yale Raine to be
played at New Haven the middle of
October. Coavh Yost of Michigan,
iwho is a stickler for early condi
tion, has also sent out warning let
Disregarding Rule.
Although a rule prevails in the
western conference forbidding intera
sectional games, a number of tne
leading elevens will clash with
teams of other sections. Chicago has
a return game with Princeton, In
diana will clash with West Virginia,
Iowa will journey to New Haven to
meet Yale, while Michigan hae a
game slated with Vanderbilt at
Noire Dame, which has been, one
of the leading elevens in the middle
west ar years, will go into action
against West Point and Carnegie
Tech. Kansas will play the Army,
while other teams have scheduled
contests with eleven of other sections.
Ty Cobb Gains
Chicago, Aug. 21, Ty Cobb, De
troit baying star, gained a point on
his rival, George Sisler, of St. Louis,
in their race for the batting honors
of the American league today. Cobb
cracking out two hits in four times
at bat today while Silcr poled a
like number in five times at hat.
Their records follow:
(. A R.
Blalar Ill 441
Cobb IDS 401
P. I
Oinafia amateur trtnn will go to
St Louis for the intercity 4ene4
either the arrond or fourth week In
September, Jake Itaattofl, inrrlsry,
amioumrd th a morning
It ha not been derided whe'ber
the Mound City will send lis ama
teur (htmpioiit to Omaha.
Winners ol the clan A, H and C
rlumpK.mhipt will grt to make ihe
St, Louis trip. The South Side
Merchant won th riirlit lu nun.
sent Omaha as l lie clan A ehsm
pious )etierday by dr (rating the
Towntrnd (Junnert, 14 to $, ( hsu-1
pious in tne other two divitiom have
not bren frowned.
A meeting to trune for the trip
probably will he hrld ibis week
Tiltlen and Richards
! Wins Tennis Match
lloaion, Aug. .'I. The lounuinent I
wliuh will decide the national1
ddllhlft lawn lailtna rlianiliinn.liin
was begun on the l.ougwood
Cricket club, Chestnut Hill courts,
today, with the dWcnding lilteitts, W.
T. Tilden II and Vincent Kirhard.
winning in impressive form, and sev
eral sectional champion combina
tions that aapired to succeed them
falling by the competitive wayside,
Tlit- vit lory of the iliampinn wat
over Atmo Shimuu, the little Japa
nese whom Tilden considered the
hardrat man in the world to brat.
and K. T. Hunter of New York. It
was in straight sets, 6-3, 6-1. 6 3.
The Australian and the Spanith
Davis cup pairs did not get into ac
tion today, but a team of their sub
stitutes, Joe Alonso and K. C. Wer
tbeim, was eliminated after a hard
tussle by Sam Hardy, former Amer
ican Davis cup champion, and S. 11.
Voshell, The Americans bad won
Ihe first two sets when the foreign
ers evened it, but their strength was
spent in the effort. Scores, 6-3, 0-3,
3-6, aJ-6, 6-1. The team of jean Bor
otra, France, and N. W. Niles, Bos
ton, advanced over B. Hoover and,
H. Cordes, Cincinnati, 6-4, 6-0, 6-3,
Peter Manning to
Try for New Mark
PouglikecDiie, , y Aug, 21
Four days of Grand Circuit racing
will open at the Hudson River Dnv
ing park tomorrow with promise
ot tair weather and good track con
ditions. The 2:08 trot, purse $2,000,
scheduled tor the first day, is ex
pected to be one of the banner events
of the meeting. I'urses of $2,000
each are offered for the 2:16 trot for
3-year-olds and the 2-year-old trot
on Wednesday and a purse of $3,000
for the Hudson Valley Z;D8 pace on
Peter Manning, 1 :57i, unpaced,
did a mile in 2:03 today in a work
out preparatory to his first start of
the season of Wednesday, when an
attempt will be made by Thomas
Murphy to Have the champion lower
the local track trotting record of
Z:0I, held ty St. Frisco, and the
pacing record of 2:QQ$i, held jointly
by Napoleon Direct and Mils Harris
M. at Z:00f4.
i. M
Moat I i.t
tia.ta II 41 .til llal'alaaa
ki joaapa It t Sll ofcl in. tltl t'l
WHbllt tltt III l-a Malaaa tf 14 .!
loan H 41 SI ,1.1 1'aoiai II 14
I aaaardaf'a Maawlu I My, Si MoifaUaa.
lira M !. t, 4l Ja(,k t
Wuniia. II, atawi t nr. 4
lulaa at ar, a an,a
1aata'4 l.aaara
IlkUbwau I He att llanaba
aa al I'aaaaf.
WlrMia al baaa iiir
ai. JuMyh t Jaa kfii.ii
seMasnkA nits itsi.ia
w . f. ii wi.e.i
Vo.f..,a II li ati r.iu.ii.t t n i
t.inia.n rl tt tat rlaxlof. n it tut
aalmt .4 II III U l.lai.4 l It ill
italatdar'a Batolla
I laruiii 4 : raiiiry t
brain, a, s, in and la and I
.Varfala, S, Maatlnta. t
Tadaa'a t.aaaaa
ll-alinaa al N.irli.ih
l.,nc'IA tt S'alll'urr
tliand la'tbd al iia'ii.
bATiostti.Trsi.i r
w r. ivi i
Naa fnrii aall tt Mllia-.uiah
b' l.u nt tt It tat l.n(,
' bliato ' tl II 111' Pbiia tli i Iimall tltl lit
taalrrdar'a Haaalla
I'liitbaitb, t. H'winn. I
,V vtbirt piayad
Tiidat'a l.aaaaa.
Hrnablyn t cm.
Naar Varb at l lnrlnnat:
r-hlltdalpbln al fdanuili
N'i a'liaia a. Iiadulad
a strait aiTTs At.i e
W t, M.-r '
Nia laia lot; .III i I,,.,,,
t U. tt tl .lU'Wiinlal
r.alrmt tl II tit I'hlla
t-'lavaland II II ,ttl: fli.aiuii
laatardar'a tUaolia.
Pbiladaipn.a T, M Uu i. t
I', l; natinn, I
No olhart playad
Taday'a (.antra
' hi tta tl Waablna'oa
Bt. Iiuia at Nttan.
latrolt at I'blla4alili.a
I'lavaland at Naar tara
Plays Made in
State Contest
liaa .. a. kab 4 II -llaair t
tba ta.all.1 l.a. ..t Iht f . .
S itrana laiaad t '.. I Tk. a a a. a aa fa
l-4 far na 4m, tta l a.fM baaa
, i..ai1a-t va b l aa i -a aa 'hiaa m,
i Ira ad lainad. -a.a
, aJArII HI n f HealKfcrt
AM II II A nasi
i b 4 I l il'tiii n
rf I I I I hi IM It
Hia da
, Hahai, rf I I I I kl III It
Mna aa I I t I' M '..a rf
,... r I ill a.M. ... ,f
P'-'.a. Ik t 1 I t .larn .1. rf
at pn t. . I , t I S a " i
. lir....r Ik I S I I aa aa ; .
(i i i 114 I ;a
i.i i a ; t ar a
i al'ni. haid I S I la. n,i p
w I P.i.
tl tl lit ,
LI II 4,1
it i;t ;
I, ft 1 1 I
w I. P'i
lit! III
t li Hi
tl l t-t
II II .11
I I 4
4 4
4 4 4
5 S I
I i
1 S I
I T.H. a II li II it tja'aia II II pit
I liai'4 fr bbui.a niaib
I b. a i.i .nniiiaa
i 'l...,t . and fit t.-l
i II--! -ia . , . . nil Itl ta ..4
Uu. . ntrr - Bkaa llaban Maa bcrabar
IU'lili. i.t, Mxai.,, ILarfa.
I rmr. tl.'. Il.-.r laba't
H...,.'l, ui lli air I .i. r.akrr lai
'.aaa bila llai. an li.aaaar. bwaaba..
rairl'i'a bit Wiaana nia i i.aiat l.'a
. ar u,.a. a. I'aiNiaa-ra i...ia'a pint
lini'M in I" ra.'ia i K r. kna ill,
, la tt iM It. klnlinar (It
I llf.a.r in Krfini ... lianiiry ta Krtnna
a M-ia. b.aa.-a i t"t'.a la Hraoar,
1 llraaar f ana aai.lad t W i,4 pt'rha Haa
. ,riit l-l I rn-. fun Ha1rla 4.
Ilrand I-.. and a tlaaaa Dai l-rlla' llf fta .
'al.. i. nil W bli .a. I auria. b "ll '
II.M.nrll . by M' ai.wia I I'rnprt
Jobnirn T,i't 1 44
MaMI Simla !atrb.
fa ilMlrj S-li. "I - b-..t bald
rai'O'jry la at ar'iaird l.lfa lday ta4
nb irrf; jrr,ari arabir.i Litiioln l
Hin rar tairiftry. 4 I Th4 aa-nra'
rAtnm nr t i incdi v
All II I' A ' AH It n A
rtonmar aa I 4 IIS narr ta I I S I
III! l-air'? if
11 lira. Ik
I III I rk. r
lift i,ih.r., tf
t I a e final. If
till II.IV, tb
111 ll.mkrr Si
14 4 I'lU-ntl, p
Kan r Tt.
M II ull, rf
W'tiuab lb
M-Lhla If
flllaa rf
i land, b
(l i' arr. r
W fuib. p
I s
I S a
t f t a
4 llt i
1 s
English" Women Win
Track and Field Meet
Horace Barton Winn
Interslate Net Title
Sioux (4ty, !.. Aug. 21. Horace
Barton of Sioux Falls won the Inter
state junior tennis title here today
by defeating Franklin Ralston, Sioux
City, in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3. The
match was postponed from August 6.
ma tb
I'm an. tb
Ctaia III
I' ' rf
V...H, If
ti. t a. if
I n-a ta
liana lb
b aai. k
tiata ar
J.,ba.a, p
1H t
I t
II II tt
S til aihulj, tf
I I Mitrbail aa
S t iiuina. lb
I Pal lb
I 4 llarria. I
ti Waa.. rf
I I I a ar k
4lrbaha. 4
t I w '., t p
I 4 I tVi.taa
4 I l i-a p
Si nn p
Vim Ii C.hmiIoiulin.
is le. i 'al. .1 'K !'
anr PiBkii.ttt, 4H i4Bntto, wbi
tb A. A. I'. Baimnal 4"t fc'ah
aliting iliVn'Pittbit si vitUt
iti'l ilay. On'r U1 H"t tj44t4
h m hm Hid Pihtit, 1 1 -gtlt,
bnaant Mti! t t! lH'
4ii. iliig h4Hini.b.J,
Leading Batters
. Tila t 14 t II II
ll"i I ' c.lnaj i. li
in.'ial k. b.aa i i a aib
l i t tit t l Ill It
bun t- at 4 ti I
t-'faer li-t H.t tli Catai-aa)
l.i . k ii In ..,. Hi J a.t
b a-.r b a. Ia. u44.,, lt.
u i ba bn . a I uIj I i bi-t
Ha.ita lialil. k.a laalata b.'t
.ua.a v a l. -a baa ..a but
M, ,a i mi lli'i t a. ,.4 Mail
la la-M m I t; a b a
a. b . ,a ka.a .aia l b.a4
f ail ! ' la l vitia ia
li -..a, I hi a la I'.i'i ia la
r a a i t ..4aa
t twat t a i it l.a.i.i a all
. . all I , nl a I ,l a.wt I
( t.a-ak I t ., I
Ilia id W i I a I all
( rr tooscs tiKc Besi man ) 0uftv
nm'ts U. WlH' CREDIT I
L"tTte f C,0C3 TIME V . .
I TMC Oi iTl TJvJ I SWOCiT' - 1 rtbi CiUk? - -I" !
mucm Gc)o T"- ' '
SAltVBV TV", ) V fC0ME.tAaV)
1 , VCtbi- J r-,-s I
a as a a i at a a v i si
J j U ) I A.ML VlX?t.- - j
Mil foot H; f -SlfVT ', .
its ' 0 i C ' '
V'A fsP'W H !
I I ' Hi 1 f 4aae
r athletes yesterday won the first
international women's track
meet over competitors from the
United States, France. Switzerland
and Szecho-slovakia.
The American team was second,
! ranee, third; Lzecho-Slovakia,
fourth, and Switzerland,' fifth.
1 he points scored were lEnRiand,
50; United States. 31; France. 29;
Czecho-Slovakia, 12; and Switzer
land, 6.
A large crowd gathered at Pershing
Important Boxing
Bouts This Week
Amiiat i MidaS limit h analnat btaw
art Mrilnn, 10 rnunda In Mlnnaatpollt.
Aucnat !IS Jimmy Clabby aanlnat An
thony Ibannfy, 1(1 ronnda la Clnrlnnatl.
Augaat til Hnt Martin amlnt Andy
tklimndar, 10 niinida In Aursra. III.
Anruat S4 ima Tunnry naalnat Tam
my lioiifhrw, nloa rnunda In I'hlladel
pbla. Ai n t4 Paul Mnran aealaal Harry
(Rid) Rrirarn, alhl rounilt In r blind at -
Antnal St (.nirga (K. O.I (hanar
npainat Karl Franela, rlflit. rnunda la
Aiigual It Karl Halrd aalnal "Kid"
natnar, rliht rouiult In Fhlladalphla.
Antual tS llllly Ml.kay aialnat rraal
S'ulliin, 10 mtind la Bl. Fnul.
Auauat Sa Mlabar W alkrr aaalria
"Wll.lral" N ali-in. It rnunda In Jaaarnrb.
Augaat Jtt allmmr ( laabby aialnat fnlay
Hnaru, IB raiundt in I aal C'hliaia.
AUKRIf 44 Annul ISIttira.
V I, V-K I W I. Pi I.
Bl Paul fl 41 lit Kan. I iy is; u sm
Minnrap It II It (..,a villa al II 44
Mllvtub 14 II III1 Toia-la 41 .; ,171
Inlltntp. 44 47 lit (xiluiDOui 14 II 111
Tralardar'a taVnulla.
I.oulanlia. 14; I'alumPua, 4
St oibtit abtdulad.
Teday'a Camaa.
T'lltda nl tndlaaapallt
I'wlumhut t( U.uiavllla.
Stlrwianpoha tl Kanaaa Ci'y
Bl. 1'ml at Slllwaukat
ta-XAB i.e.Aoi b.
At Dtllaa. 4, Raaumnnf I
At Oalraatnn. I; ori Wnrib !
At Mrniatnn, I, Wlrbll ftlK, 4
At Mrmphlt. 4: SloNIr, 4.
At t'baa-tanoi!, 4; Naar Orlaam, I
At I.lil la Korb, 1: Blrmlnmam I
At NaibMlla, Si Allanta. I.
Tola I. it 4 II It. rtli l II II II
bi al a by Innlnat
I Itmi n Irt ata tt... 4
ealniury ti44 Iii4 tl I
f Burnnitrr liant Kninay. bpranear rtra,
Mirny. Ilainaar. Krmra atiai.naT. ffi'an
I nar. Tarr.taaa blla. I'nr.baa tl.-l'aa. Ilnm
runr tin btnlan baaa- ttaniiay, ba'ri.
fl.a blla' liva M (or. Haaaal i.n balla: riff
avail I: nil Svnifaik, I Imuiila plan
i'laaalmd l Wimbuab. Vlmkurh lunat
aiaiadi. I'lav-Iaiid In I ary ta Wlmbuah
Katnkar in Inr la H'nr. Kiina and bin
off, I and S In I. off Wmfnik, 4 ant
II Kii.i'k nut; lly 1; br w.
f'.lb, 4- I mijiia. Wbaalar Tima: 1-1.
, biirfulb Mrnt.
Naifink. Nab Aug. H r.nrflb
r,i.t llailliti btra loday by a f-ara af
I In 4 Br-mt: '
HASTiMiaj 1 monrrn.n
Golf Evcis
S ta llftina a ball from caaual arptar,
la a playar antlllad ta walk ba-k ta lir
aa bt llkaa In dropping It, pravldad ba
kaapi tha point at which It lay In lint
with hlmatlf and lb bolaT
A. ba. Tha rula pratldaa that tha ball
ba droppad within laaa club langtian. Tba
playar doaa not hara la arnp hurl, ,f lha
plaoa whar tba ball lap, to na aa ha
alaaaj not drop anarnr tha haln.
Q. In a faur-ball match, If playar of
en aMa Hop tba ball af a mambar af tba
sppoalne tlda, doaa that dliquallfy him
for furthar play on tht hola, or dnaa 11
Iota tha bols far both faimttjt and hit
A, It Inata tha hata for hi aida,
Q. It thrra any rula In tournament
play that forbldt a playar to tta hia ball
bafora hit apponint hit playtd. whin tht
lauar hat rna Honor for tha noia?
I' b I I I II Athlon, Hill
Moallor. .fall J Ull'all. In 4 S S
Timaa. rf 4 4 4 O Marr, Sb S 4 t
Wilt, lb 4 11 I Saull, it 114
.in. b-JIi 14 4 I'Knnpp. rf 4 S I
thi ar, lb S 4 S S'l'itrb. e SIS
ilrlffm, i I I lOrataa, rf S I S
Willi r If I 4 I Mil Ir, lb 4 III
Kihby, r SIS I'rrdaHa. pill
Norton, V 4 I1 -
Tota la . IS II till
Tenia II 4tll
Hllllnil 44 444 444
.Norfolk S4 444 S
Bummary Bunt: Athartn (SI, Mltohall.
Varr (1). tflauaa, Kraj.p, Clark, Oraraa
Krrora: I'litr. itrlffln, Nnrtnn, Stiiabali.
Two baaa hlta: Knapp. rtltarty. Mltcball.
(Irttria. Ba.rlflca hilt; Sfarr. Tnaaa, Jdii-.
'halt. Struck nut: By falaanbaln, 1; br
Pcdarla. 4. ftaaa an balla: Off Marlon..
I; off Ftdtrlt, 1; off Krlganbaln, S. Mi'
by pltxhad ball: (Clprbl by Jtnrtnn. Wild
pitch: Zaiganbalb. Ift tm baaaa: Kaat
lug. : Norfolk, S i:mti(r! Statara. y-
lug pitchar; Norton. Timt: I. II.
Week's Record of
Major League Games
New York. Aujr 20 The week's
record in each league of games
played, won and lost, together with
runs, hilt and errors, men left on
hairs and runs scored by opponents,
including games of Saturday, is as
p v i . n h
Ma t ib , 4 4 I H tl
ll I'H't 4 I t II 14
i bl. .ta ... I it It
I n-.-.uiial I I I II It
j t I'al- ,ib , . . I I ft
! Hii-klm I I I li it
rkualaipbt. 1 I I Jt II
(Waiva , ,4 I s II It
1 P W I, It H
.a T S I I II l
tl I 'a t It I I .1 1. 1
la I t I I II II
i 'i.a.aad f I I It 1 1
. k . . , I I I al 14
Wl.i aat-ft t I 4 It tt
fa. .l-nfc a I t t 41 It
lll.a . I I I i f tin 4f tl t
Awti.t. a.4 4 at I a I ia
A. Ka. Howayf, th rtlqurt af
liail ranognlara tha right of th playar
with lha honor ta U and play brfora lha
Ofiponrni rrra np. s
Q. If a playar drlvri out of boandt In
a mtdal qualifying round, can ba lakt
tdvtntigt of tit rait whlrh atlont him
to Ha up up at any plica with a panalty
of two alrokat, tuppoting that ha talarta
a placa on tha fairway oppoaltt to whtrt
hit hill lay out of houndt?
A. Na. Thrra In only ana prorndnra
following atroba aut af bnnnda. Play
amrthnr hall from tha anma anot, with a
panalty atroka unilrr V. 8. (I. A. and
Canadian mint, counting tha jimrlatit
atroka aa wall, of rnurta. t'nilrr W. O. A.
mint (hara ta panalty atroka.
Q. If a pltytr-a ball alopa In hub
grata. It thara any panalty, If lia piaya
another ball found thara through init-
A. In match play, thara la na panalty.
If tha arror ta diawnarad and reported
ta tha oiiponaut. brfora ha playa atroba.
If hr haa playad a atroka, tha playar loart
tha hola. In mrdnl play, thara la prn
nlrr for playing ana atroka with a wrong
hall, but If two afrokna ara plnyMt, tba
plnyrr la dlaqunllflad, nnlraa tba mlalnka
nrriirrad In a hnaard. If, In haxard, ha
ant nrnallird. If tha mlalnka na
rararad hrfora a atroka la idayad aftar
rarannrlnc from tha haenrd. In all raara,
la la aiMamMl that Ilia aalaoar on dla.-ar-
arlng hit mlataka. playa hia own hall.
y la it avar parrniaamia to ciaan mua
off a hall on tha putting gram?
A. ' loaning a ball la rorniuuan ny i .
B. . A. rulaa axrant In raaaa whara tha
rommlttaa In rliarga nf n loairnamrnt aa
thnrltira It aa n lcarnl rnla. Of anuria, a
rlub haa tha right In aatahllah aurb a rula
fur apavlal arcaalnna If It aaaa lit. " .
41. A, rolno parmlt tupBi rtranlna. Tba
Canadlta rnl It tha aama na ma i.
B. .. A.
O I kin raad nulla lot abnut Ibt
powar and atrtngih nf Waltrr Milan, al
though It la my Impraaiion that ha la of
madium alia and walght Plraaa tiatt
hit htlght and ipproilmai walht Alio
hit aga
A. Harm la barrly a faad tt Inrhaa In
hatghl and wrlgha apprntlmalalr US
pounda. Ha ta St yrara nf aga. Hia In.
tlmala aaanrlalaa lay ha la airrplbinally
alrnrag an! agiU.
(J. In a mailt match my ball rolird
li.lo a daap aand trap and ainppad on a
tan of a atalraar for antaring and Irav.
Ina tha Iran. Thla Hallway wit licilrtly
tiaktd dna. V hat it ta bt dnt In 4
iitaa nf thai kia.t
A I ndia aoailllbwia naniad. Sad wart
ontltlrd ta tl tha ball and dr It In
Iba hatard rlub Irnglh frum Ibt tlalr
war wllhuul panalty.
g la H pnmiiainla in Iht ctat if a
tburl putt In i Hi an lha ball with Iba
alub Immtdltttlr bab al tba ball and
Ihova lit A
A Ma Tha hall a. Ml ta tllixb, aat
i 4 If 4 pltvat plait aut af turn lb 4
, tlngla aniieh. Ibtl ia akaa bit traainl
I ail luitbar away fiain tha bait (ban bt
I waa. tin ba ra.ill Iba iimaal
4 Sa. tba aa. mutual may raaall II. bat
lha ptaiaf blaaamf aaa Put,
Athletic Bodies'
on Verge of War
Over Olympics
Omaha Haa iMtad Vfbra.
(.'hicago, Aug. 21-Tuesday evej
ning in New York, a meeting will hti
l:eld which may result in (he aHJ
letei of the 320 American college
the United Slates army and navy, tj
Y. M. C. A., Jewish Welfare and tj
Golf and Tennis associations beif
barred from participating in
Olympic games to be held in Cold
bes stadium. France, in 1924.
At this meeting six representatl
of the American Olympic associal
five of whom' are leaders of
Amateur Athletic union, will
six representatives of the Natij
Amateur Athletic federation in a tj
effort to reach a basis of comJ
mise. Unlet the A. A. U, recJ
from its stand and grants the feiV
lion representation on the Oly
committee, American athlete
those sent by the A. A. I'.,
The stand of the A. A. V,
known. Col. A. G. Mills
eonlerence declared tor tj
federation and declared
A. U. would enlist enou
politicians and promint
teershaoow ami wreel
The national feder
covered that throucj
serted in the atreemi
ternatioual Olympic
Amateur Athletic
controls the situnl
Anierii.iii athlete cj
I'rench meet unlri
Ins own (irKtniitt
tion must he viteJ
meaning that the)
trol absolutely s
anv Amfien fii
The joker wj
t l during tht ri
inte riiitionil r i
Golf Balls Will Be
Testcnl at Western
i n 'h
i it it
ata ta ttai-a b.iki
I h ..i In '1 . OMrial till ill i
I, I't in t nl s!l the g"'f hll't nfJ In
'll!4 W4llrlt 4!l IM4lll!'!thP t I
M ; ttt,l4iul II. Ut t!uh, hrtn.,1. (Sis .
t. Msrti I'hiS . I.nn is in I 'lue t I
: tuti ion of pltif't s'l ol whrtm at '
a-r t .1 wilh a itrtite l' lit UP '
'N irgu' ii !", wluiH ta't ' a !! j
4 ahlllaj Bit Hint IbSIt I Iv nilHf I
baa V.rb
a i,i..,
1 1 . k
irtif iet
Rea I Th
Villi will III
bl aa 1
lb Maul A
Sutla Mai
laaaf (taajl
paalail at I
Saalbaaal Cat Itl
4 nil U'l ail lain ik. i,A ,
bat ta- t a' a a. i, ,. i, t ,
a ai.( I- , Iba 1,1. li a ...a, a
J I !.... It . P. . i
tt iial ki- waaaaail l ika a gkik
-"4 a I .-a a ka ,.. it
k " t 1. I ll t , :
I Sinus, fiiy (.Itititip
i i!, Is, Kt Utmt
Dtl wan th t,i Itnn t dpi.'n
Ship for h rid d iiiir(uii4 lnt
UhJas bd I4 ilritSlfl l'iH
tltMM K4tt
4t U
fat , a . a" la 1 I . .... f t s, .. - ..
tab I ( i aat ia. a -a a all
al I b ..a. tl I I 1 'li in II a . a k a I
Omahl is. OMi
SVtakA . . Ml 41 li
itst i,t. . aa it It
aW tt .
H laaot iw
aaaaaV VMM ,
la at tat a. at aal I . a,. .... i ., a . an. . i.. .
b.iil il.u I
. i.i i. i. ....
Ml HI a It tea , I t ai' a-.. I (ar.t
IMIil III III tit i, hi a I kt t tb
..... . k,,..., t 'ie m
i"4 ni'i i,iiit at th
Us CalUtl al l ift
, ' ' a . ,aa a(t ".. a Cl D lt 4i,il
- ' li ' am aw ft a.. .. i. t r '
i Vai - uu - . a nl 4 am a n aaa aa . mmmmm mmmmMm n t-