The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 22, 1922, Page 5, Image 5
v THE OMAHA BEE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 22. 131 Marriage of Barry Wicklow By RUBY M. AYRES Coprrltht, 1922. CaUaa4 hmm Hmtmimt I Jutt aa iht recognized him the dance twit 4 abruptly; the girl in the ttarlrt Uotk tank to the ground in an exaggerated curtsey, her head drooping torv.rd till he- forehead touched Iht door; then tuddenly ihe iprang up and laughed. "You get more likt a baby tie phant every day," the taid ! Parry. Sha caught hn arm, twinging round it; thrn iht taw Urlia. "Hullo, to you've comer Sht , danced over to her, and ttood on tip toe to kin Iter- "Whfft'i lli" She tripped. Her eyei had lallen on Haiti. "Hullo!" the ind cheerily. She reached up and killed Haiel, too "Coma and have aomt fin, Bar ry!" Barry turned at tht imiitent talT, and acrost the room hit tyea ni't hn wile't. J'crhapt it wat the nio tragic mo- inmt oi all hn life at he itood there, head and ihoulderi above everyone else in the crowded room, the absurd wreath hanging round hi ihouldert, looking at llatet. He could not be lirvt hit eyei, that the iliould he here of all placet. It wai only in a fit of desperation that he had at last yielded to Topiy'i urgent voire over the 'phone, but already he wat tick of the poitc and laughter; moment ago he had been wondering how noon he could make hit excuse! and go. ' And now Hard wai here; every iiMvf. a jo hit big body teemed to quiver lUit itood there. It wat like tome horrible dream Hazel with rouge on hrr cheekt. Hazel in the midit of thii Bohemian crowd. -. Topiy pushed him aside unceremo iriouily. "You're 10 ilow. What't happened to you? Jimmy, open tome more fizz. I'm just dried up." Barry moved mechanically; he dropped the toy tritieakrr to the floor and tore the wreath from hii ihoul dert. Delia had drawn Hazel into the tittle crowd of her own friendi; he could hear 'her laugh, a little ner vout it loumled. He could hear her voice her dear, pretty voice. And it came home to him with crushing force that thii wat all hit fault that whatever happened to Hazel in the future, it would he through him and hit own abominable lelfishneti. He had tried to put her out of hit life, but he knew at he 'itood there with the blood throbbing in hit tem plet that, though he had promised to give her her freedom, and led her to think that he did not care, he adored the very ground ihe trod, and that without her he would never again know a mornent'a happineti. CHAPTER XXXIII. After the first moment Hazel be haved at if the did not know Barry wai in the room. Jimmy Helder attached himself to her at once. He hung over her chair mostly affectionately; he insisted that the had a tip from hit glast before he touched it himself. After ward he tossed it off with exag- erated enjoyment. When, later. they went in to supper, he iat down beside her at the table and refused to move, in ipite of all Topsy St, Helier could say, and the could lay a great deal when the liked. "Other people besides you want to talk to Hazel," the laid. "Don't flat ter yourself that you're the only pebble on the beach. Tell him to go. Hazel." Bui Hazel had no intention of obeying; the looked at Helder with a smile. "Oh, but I like him to itay," the laH. Tne remark wai greeted with a roar of laughter. Delta looked an noyed. She had brought Hazel here this evening because the knew that Brry would be there, and because ahe wanted to anger him. She had not counted on Hazel getting 10 iruch attention. I "When you know him better you'll be glad not to share the same world with him," she said smartly. "He't one of those people who put all their good i in the thop window; thert'i nothing lelt to dueover when you get ii the shop iiielf." Hael did not mind in the least. She wai quite indifferent to Httder or hu attention!. All the cartd about wat to have tomeone apparently de toted for Barry to tee. She did her best to be amusing; she laughed at every joke the man beside her made, although the did not think any of them funny, She let him whisper to her and keep hit arm along the btrk of her chair; the had come to Rome, and the meant to do at the Romant did, or dm in the attempt. The second glast of champagne nuHt her feel giddy. "It wai iuch muck, that't why," Dria laid afterwardi inelegantly. "Topiy'i getting a mean little pig. She might have given ui decent nit, anyway," Hazel didn't know decent fuz from Inferior; the only knew that it made her head ache violently, Hitherto ahc had avoided looking at Barry, though he tat right opposite to her. But after a while the began to feel that it did not matter, Sht wti glad that he looked pale and preoccupied; the hoped he wat tharked tt finding her there. After supper, when they all trooped back tt the other room, the flipped a hand through Topiy St. Helier't arm. "I'm to glad to have met you." the said, deliberately. "I've heard such a lot about you." She hadn't heard a thing, except that one cat ual remark of Delia t, but the knew harry wai close behind them, and that he wat listening. Topsy responded with rather arti ficial warmth; the said the wtt ture they would be great ptlt. She teemed to become aware all at once of Bar ry'i lumbering figure hovering near. She turned to him. "You haven't ipoken to Hazel What't come over you? You're about at cheerful at a funeral." She pinched hit trm. "This ii our Barry," the taid to Hazel. "I don't luppose you know him." "Oh, yet I do; we've met leveral timet," Hazel taid. She raited de fiant eyei to hit face. "But he doesn't approve of me; he thinki I've had my head turned tince I came to Lon don." "He't an old tttck-in-the-mud." Topiy declared. "Nobody takei him r.eriously at all; but I know him, and understand him, and he'i quite a dear, really." Barry listened in helpless tilence; he hated Topiy. He had never realized how common the wat till he law her Handing arm in arm with Hazel. He wondered what would happen if he picked Hazel up and carried her off then and there, out of the noise and glare, away from the pop ping of cork i that teemed never to top and the suffocating fumet of cigaret smoke. Topiy waltzed off into the middle of the room, the wat never still for more than a moment together, the wat to fnll of vitality and energy. Her whole little body looked at if it were itrung together with fine wirei. . For the moment Barry and Hazel were comparatively alone; the teemed to realize it, and made a movement at if to leave him, but he stopped her. "Who brought you here?" he asked, tensely. She raised her eyei iuch bright eyei they were, thining with an un natural excitement. 7c lb. for ...ii-xiat launder ing. (Wet wash with flat work ironed.) .HA 0784. "Brought me I Not y! I came of my own wish. "I don't know how you dared,' he laid under hit breath. Sht laughed, thruggmg a white Ihouiiier. "Why shouldn't I? If it's good enough lor ym, turely it i good enough (or me?" "It a very different a man may do thingt a worn in cannot; beside, it'i no pleasure for me to be here. Her lipt curled tcornfully, "You teemed to be enjoying your elf when I came in." He flushed hotly. "Oh. that I it wn just fooling I I should not have ttayed to tupper if yon had not come in. I hate thit crowd I hate tht life they lead." "I like it; I think it'i great fun,' the laid deliberately. Arrost the room Helder wai ngnalling to her wildly. "Comt and dance come and dtnee with me, little country girl, Barry't hand closed like a vice oa her wrist. "You're not to go: I forbid it: ! hale that fellow. He'i not fit for you to aitoriate with. Let me take you home, Hazel, I beg of you. Her eyei fluhed; the darted aeron the room to where Helder itood igaimt the wait at if he were not quite ture of hit feet. Barry taw him clasp hrr round the waist and the next moment they were dancing together in the center of Ihe room. "She take to it like a duck to water eh?" laid Delia beside htm; the climbed up on to a chair and tat down on the back rail, her feet rett ing on the teat. She blew a puff of rigaret imoke up into Barry't white face. He looked down at her with fur iout eyei. "Thii is your doing," he said under hit breath, rnlln4 la The Ism TMft Taxi Driver Injured When Auto Collides With Wagon Nebraska City, Neb., Aug, 21. (Special.) "Buz" Hawley, a taxi driver of thii city, wat severely in jured while returning from a trip to Omaha. A ihort distance out of Fort Crook his auto lampt failed to work and while trying to get to the next town he collided with a team and wagon. The car wat wrecked and Hawley wat thrown through the windshield, suffering deep cutt on hit arms. One of the horsei wat to badly injured that it had to be killed: ADVKKTIBEMKNT. Famous Hikers REPORT NO MORE BURNING FEET! No More Paint from Coma, Callouaea and Bunions, or Tired, Aching Feet Since Using GYPSY FOOT RELIEF a Secret from the Desert, Which Make the Painaand Ache Disappear At II By Magic! New York:- Mr. Doyer and her son Harvev, tha famous hiker who ara waJJcinf U-m Boatoo, Mai., to Los Angeles, Ctlif., a d uUnca of J.M mile are now tree) from tba foot trembles that threatened to atop their intended record making hik in thia city a short time ago, when Mr. Doyer developed such a pain. I ul crop of coma, callouaca, a bunion and tired, born tne feet, that to continue aeemad impos. aible. Reports now reaching here, however, show wonderful progreaa. even onder moat foot-trying conditions, aincc they treated their feet eo aucceaafulry with GYPSY FOOT RELIEF secret from the desert and con tinued on their way. Mra. Doyer' report says: "Just think, we have walked three days in the rain, our ahoes soaked and wet, and we didn't have the least little sensation of burning feet. Harvey says: "GYPSY FOOT KELIEF i wonderful. I don think we would be able to go without tt." Applied in minute, painaf mm burning feet, eallouaea, com and bunion dis appear aa if by magic. No need to worry over foot-miaery, nor be afraid to take long hike and attend dances, or fear staying on your feet as long as you like if you use GYPSY FOOT R ELIEP. It is positively guaranteed to give too ceaaful results in every cane or you get back the Irttleft coata.GYPSYFOOT R EU EF, that aaved the walking reputation of the Dover's, and used by Violet Mac Millan, the farndua actrea who won the "Cinderella Golden SlipperePnie" at the New York Eipoaitkn, and legions who formerly auffered from coma, burning feet. cat-, louses, buniesia and tired, aching, tender feet, 1 oid in this city by all good druggist including Sherman A MeConnell, Beaton Drug Co., Haines Drug Co, Men-it t Drug Co. and Green Drug Co. V" - - SHissbHBHHHHHIiSHHMHBI IT -i-t ' 1 ii ii i MBiia 1 1 wmmmmmammMmm rr -' J- . f? r M0 t 'V' ? ? t " - r Your Destiny ,, You are master of your own destiny. What it will be de pends upon yourself. Your WILL to do is the decid ing factor, and until you realize this you will merely drift. If you would be a business success, you must, have the ability to save. Save Today for a Sunshiny Tomorrow The Omaha National Bank Farnam at 17th 3trtt Capital and Surplus UfiOOfiM Man and Sister Drown When Boat Capsizes Fill City, Neb.. Ait. 21. (Sp. rial Telegram.) Henijr WeM. H, and hit niter, Mr. CJenruHe Brooks. 20, both tit St. Joeph, Me., were drowned when Ihe betl in which Iher et rawing with itu other per tout, capsited at Missouri Lake. Mo 16 milet tail of thit city, Sun day afternoon. The bodiet were re overed 1$ mmtiiet after the drown. ing, but effort! In restore life were (utile. Wenda wat a good twintmer, and lost hit life only after he had be come eahusted in restumg other membert o( the i4"y- The bodio we,re taken to St Joseph, Showers Break Heat Wave, Benefit Corn Beatrice, Neb, Aug. 21 (Sperial i The iieal wae heie Iht last two wee. wat broken Monday morning f shower. r'nmifH ntuisture (ell to help the of. Stella, Neb., Air, 21,-Speci.l ) E lahty-two he of an mrh of rm early Monday morning sr' the thermonietef baek troni the high tern, (teraturet around which it how ! for neatly a week. 1 hi wat the first ram time a half imh Sundiv, August there hit not been a snaking tain in July II. I inner s are doing fall loin under diltti ultiet, as ground ' niri and dray and heal ailed horsei grratly, Pa.turri, itiyUnd and (' ileus, a well n rorn art in need of a tkuig rain, Mr Went A'ft I'rodure Result. Department Managers' August S elling Event Tuesday s Bargains BOBGESLV- Tuesday 9$ Bargains m EVERYBODYS STORE Sensational Offerings for Tuesday John Durkan Offers Some Startling Values Windsor Crepe Yard-21c Tissue Ginghams Yard, 25c AttreetlTe printed delmi and Kfneh width with tllk plalde In all wanted colore, and t'rtp. ftpocUl value. 2,000 Yards Batiste and Voile 24 and tOlnch batltfe and Toile of excellent quality, In many boauMful colon. A very unutuat value, priced at, yard 8c Figured Cretonne Yard, 19c 14-fneh fliured cretonne In at tractive doilfnt, Bperlal. Table Da ma pic Yard, 49c ISIfnrh bleached table damask In lentbt from 1 to 10 yardt, 1,500 Yards Crepe Tissue 7lncfi width white background with colored trtpe. A fine lightweight fabric that will ma dainty dress, yard frllc Crash Toweling Yard, 14c Very aerviceable quality. Outing Flannel Yard, 12o 27 Inch flannel of aoft finish. Unbleached Muslin Yard, 14c H Inch width, Klrra quality. Bleached Muslin Yard, 14c 34 Inch width; exceptional value. Unbleach Sheeting Yard 39c 74 ihoetlng; excellent qnailty. Seamless Bed Sheets Each, $1.45 JOHN DURKAN Feather Pillows, 95c A food, toft pillow. Pillow Caws, 25c 4JxJfneh aire of (rood l'JHty. 81x94 Inch aheeta, i Inch hem. Bargww-KMh iumMUir Curtain Scrim YanI, 12c 24 Inch lenrth. Plain center wl'h fancy border, Cotton Blankets Pair, $1.95 72xf91nrb alxe. Fancy border. TableCloths Each, $1.49 2x2 yard clot hi; excellent value. Wool Nap Pair, $3.95 eCtitOlncb size. Tan, blue, pink and (ray plaldt. Damask Napkins Each, 18c 30x20 Inch lite; mill atejned. Bed Spreads Each, $1.89 74xlf loch alxe. Special price. Specials In Women's Hose M. VAN UITHOVEN Fiber Silk Hose Fine fiber ellk etocklnsa with double feet and garter top. Black, white and brown. Special at Pair, 38c Mercerized Hose A fine mercerlxed ttockln In brown and white, gubttan dardt that come In broken eliea. Pair, 35c Children's Hose When you buy fine cotton ttocklngt of medium weight at 25o you are getting real values. A full line In white and brown. Pair, 25c Sleeveless Vests To clean tip the remaining tt.ock of women'a aleevelett vetta, we offer size 38 only, priced at 2 for 25c Buegea Weals lis n miasm Mar, Exceptional Values, Towels, Domestics Large Size Towels Each, 59c 25x50-lnch towel of extra fine quality. An exceptional value. . I HuckTowels Each, 10c Made of good .quality buck, with hematltched ende. An exception, al value. I " HuekTowelg Each, 24c 17x341neh elze, of fine quality with attractive damaik border. White Nainsook Yard' 26c 36-tnch width of excellent qual- My much uted for undergar ment, yard, 2se. Turkish Towels Each, 14c Bleached towel of an excellent quality. 17x38 loch alze. JOHN F. BANNON 200 Dresser Scarfs and Center Pieces 49c UxSO-lach tcaxf, trimmed with cluny lace, medallions, 30-Inch center piece trlmmod with 4-lnch filet lace edge. Turkish Towels Each, 39c , 22x44 Inch alxe towels of two ply yam; ipedally priced at tic. Turkish Towels Each, 19c A large tfzed double -thread towel of good quality. Unusual value, Turkish Towels Yard, 24c 20x40-lnch towel of heavy qual ity, Neatly hemmed, endt. White Longcloth' Yard, 19c 3lneh width. A fine quality that will give good tervlce. TniitpftHeCoom"Musiln Double-Bed Size Blankets Yard, 19c Pair, $3.15 The oolebraled "Fruit of the Loom'' bleached mualin, aa unutraal value when priced at, yard, 19c Limit of l yard to a cuttomer. In attractive block plaid deetgne, in all the desired color. Size 66xS0 lnchet. Limit of 2 pair to a cuttomer. Bfee-aafc Unm !-. nonll Floor Fall Silks and Woolens L, A. NORT Plain: Fancy Silks 1,600 yard In all; 3-lnch checked llk; 38-lneh tfrlped taffeUi; 3 6-Inch printed fou lard i and 32-Inch tub alike. Yard, $1.00 Persian Corduroys 3-lnch velvet corduroy In beautiful Paisley patterni. Yard, $1.69 Middy Flannel All-wool flannel In tearlet, emerald green, delft blue and white. Yard, $1.45 . New Woolens 54-lnch, all-wool . material. Lovely aoft woolen In plaidt, stripe and In plain coloring! Yard, $1.50 BarfMa-Naeb Second Plain:. Brocade Satins 3glnch width In attractive ahadet of rote, orchid, tan, henna, orange and spark bine. ' Yard, $1.25 BurgMt-Xnah Main Flea 4 ore bibri oj II aqm JtiT 'am t trtfi 4 r n-tw v HI 600 Pairs Strap Pumps Special Pair 2" CroNi-gtrap and one or two-strap style of black or brown kid. Mads with flexible aolea and military hel. Every pair remarkable value at thk apecial Aarint rri?. For the Men and Boys Harry Suin Often NdJ Mtrchondiu at Sal Pricet Men's Overalls Men' union made overalli of Iwolwenlf denim. OuitrantfM fait eolnr. All aixrt. Limit nf two, Priml, $1.13 Athletic Union Suits Mtn'a atleth tit mud with alaiUe back. HUe 31 to 44. Litnit ef 3 inin. Khaki Pants Beat nnaHty V)akt drill. Suet J, rt Pnir, $U3 'TtllN Oood fjuality work aot In tvrl eoh ra All ill. 12 pain, $1.00 agKakakiaaft ftKaMkak sssvea ssssjssssjtjtrvj nsv tasap Fall Hats Banded Sailors 2.95 Straight and roll brimmed style n black XV ' brown tad V navy. 'J'ains of Iyons Velvet Pricfd 50c f"lat quality velvet In bltci only, Mart lf admitt ing hd lit. New Felts $1.93 0wd h fr ; hm sr, s S V. Biara, brown. 4 4J. aavy a T, kMakt IMlM XoTflty Velvet Hats Trie! $i.M $H eruaftiil bate la elvr trie. Mid p rm a, f t'ter't ! aa ttm Kiddies' Khaki Suits Each V Middy and bloomer outfits for tiny tots. There are aeveral dozens of Hietie practical little suits of khaki in Sirea 2 to 6 yeara. Parf-!tah DawnataJr Btor Ii9i-.H0 M8JUaW "US Baby Blankets Each 37c BUnkttt 5wcA at TAt Spok Volmu for th Rd Arrow Booth Soft liuU blaukelt that keep bahie m cd,l!y laA im. They dainty and hi'e with detifM lad brdr In baby ahadea of jink rr blue, Mas -4 BWj- Haiaiaiafca tsaMJ i i