The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 22, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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x City Girl
St bv Sheriff
Throudi Error
Duffy, Officer of Ne
braska County, Mistake!
Car for One Contain
ing Uamliti.
imi City, la, Aug". 21. Shot
ough the bsrk when the automo-
in which the was riding failed to
t at the sheriffs command, Mm
itrice Ford, 20, datiKhter of Mr.
I Mm. N. J. Ford of Sioux City, is
iff in a critical condition at a local
Mistaken (or a part of automobile
uliti who were believed to have
len a car at Ainiwortli, Neb., and
'vp driven the machine towards
JWl, Sheriff Peter Uufty of Holt
pit1 accosted Mi Ford'a machine
1 he outskirts of O'Neill shortly
rm idni(ht Saturday,
n unidentified youth from Norfolk,
., driver of the car, believed the
riff to he hiiihwayman and re-
d to halt, whereupon Unify fired
shots at the gasoline tank and
of the fleeing machine, accord
M Herbert Ford, brother of the
lindrd girt.
I'eing one of the girla in the ma-
tie rait her armi in protection
nit the supposed "robber, sher
Duffy obierved her ihadow
mat the windshield and ne
ed that a gun was held in her
d. yotina Ford declared.
he bulled penetrated the bark of
""jawfceat, one striking Mint rord
jTuovt tire kirr.
Ait airl received firVt aid at O'Nrill
wai rushed on an early morn
train to Sioux City.
mphr?y Band Returns
From Week a Fishing Trip
SummVev. Neb- Auir. 21. (Spe-
) The Humphrey Lonrert band
returned from a week' fishing
at f.ake Andes, S. D. The band
oed at icveral town on the way
f gave concerts, also distributing a
luster edition" of the Humphrey
Vspaper advertising the city. The
r.i . i t i. i . iaa
iutonists orouRiu uac auoui tuu
k bass, weighing from two to
e pound each. .
tn TTurt Attemntmir to
i -. ;""..
IPut Ring in Bull a Nose
fcumseh, Neb., Aug. 21. (Spe
IWF R I.aflin. stockman and
Ivrr nf frnh Orchard, was seri-
V a L ' I I -- ,A
y mjurrrj wmic rimcavui hir w
a ring in a bull s nose, lhe bun
hrrn tied, hut the rone slioned
he animal dunned forward, and
iligaments and flesh of Mr. Laf
I lait hand were badly, torn by
Cars an Hour Counted On
H. "West of Grand Island
ranrt Talanrl. Nch.. Aub. 21.
ecial Telegram.) State road au-
htiea are making a count 01 rrai
on main highways, the count on
i .inrn n minwav iui wcsi ui
riiv. from 6 o'clock Sunday
Lning to 8 'clock Sunday evening
d 1,125 cars, or SO every hour
wer Form of Iron
rimlj IIIWICIJG llrl
rengthand Energy
ml ba well ' and strong,
rigor, force and power
Mood is rich in iron,"
amea Francis Sullivan,
viififm Rellevua llosm-
lor Department J, flew
in West Chester county
"Ir. in vour red blood
enables you to resist and over-
e disease ana mat nounsnea
y rtsrean in your body. Without
y(ur W?oo becomes nun, paie
rOOT OlOUU caiiuui,
vital organs and as a
,y have pains in your
lys, indigestion, head-
il all run-down and
Lf.ul 4
lierll ah
llr nmtff
lit y
Ml - t
1 tf . i
5lcki Iron do not watte
itlmulating mediclnn or
lit directly enrich your
wer form of iron lold
ider the name of Nux-
i lilra tlm Iron In anin
Rnla and ! In A form
"Tfinto your blood.
luxated Iron today. Take
land it you have not, like
Aiera, obtained most eur
. Sitrength and enemy, the
m f ill promptly refund your
'flowing local druitgiiti will
led Iron with thie "tli
jry back" tuarantee: Beaton
ikfrnian k McConnell, Hainei
; Wrritt Drua Co., Green Drug
malty Priced
hded tn the Back-
Hawaii Begins
Radio Instruction
Radiophone Kerriving Srta to
f Installed in Itural
Schools, Report.
(My lnlrallHia4 Mew twrtb.)
Honolulu, Aug. 21. I'lana for the
uuiiif uration of rural education in
lianati uy niu niipimm itaiv n . n
ainiuimcej by aughaii Mac
l aug'try, suprriittrndrnt of public in
trurtion at lionnlulu.
S u p e r i n t endrnt MarCaughcy's
rlan call for the inttalUtitui of
laii'l.iril ra'lmpliDiie receiving arts
in all rural silioole. which at firt
will be uinl i.riinarily to enable both
schcMil children and adults of the
conimutuiy to "Imtrn in" on the
regular lircaltastuig of musical and
other entrrtainnirnt numbers from
Honolulu, working along the lines of
making rural school houses serve as
Community centrrs.
It i planned to inM.iII as soon as
poisitile a powerful transmitting
lunt at headquarters of the public
inttructinn drpartmcnt in Honolulu
from which it will he possible to
broadcast Irrturrs on various educa
tional subjects at certain hours of
the day. This arraiigciiirtit will also
ir.ake possible the liroadcasting ol
lectures to teachers by the superin
tendent or by educators who may be
in Honolulu, perhaps pasipg
through the city on trans l'acific
l'lans also are bring worked out
for the broadcasting of extrusion
courses, particularly in agriculture.
trout the extension d-;iartiiHnt tf the
I'uimtity of lU4ii at Honolulu, a
fratute which is espected lo prove
of great value to farmers in the but
tying districts.
Tor lot'! and brng distance recep
tion cf broa kamnu stations sm
g!e wire anut Jikj lo l.'u frtt in
Ir th u sulhcirnt.
StrandcJ or solid copper wire
furms the brst material Itom whuli
to construct your aerul,
A splrndid cup for the crystal de
tutor Hid y be made by using th,e
lirats end of a sholtftiri cartridife.
iiig the surface of crystal eoitd.
I Iran this out thoroughly and pack
the mineral into it with tinfoil, rav
A alas bottle netk shoved over
the end of a short stick forms an
excellent and inexpensive insulator.
Good switch Points for tunintf
cum anq receiving iransiorineri may
be made of exploded ,22-raliber ritle
ihrlls. II y insertuiir the wire into
the open end and tuoperly rriDimnii
the cartridge a good connection may
be ttui'le.
Iadio experiments cannot lie ear
r;rd on without fixrd rotidrnrre.
Tin foil and paper or copper tat s
tune, keiiuiiibrr, any two conduc
tors parated by insiiutors- or by
sir possess electro-static capacity.
The greater the area of these two
condnriors. the greater will be their
Creditor! Close Shop.
Sidney, Neb,, Aua. 21. Ouecial.)
The toggery shop of I.eon l ine
was closed by creditors. It is stated
l'me owes about $12,000. the lamer
part to the First National bank of
this city.
How to Keep Well
r OR. W, A. CVAM9
QuMiiaete (wwwsuBf krfwe, wane
lies aavat a,eaiiH4t el iae.
ania So lr. toe kr l
Ik ta, will k aatveeel aHHHllr
kHS 14) aw laMiaisaa. sebee a
laa4, a44i4 Mnlaee M
H4. lr. iaM will Make
SKiaatii mt smuiat Saa InlvMual
. titmt Idlae to m ml
Crt(kti lltl
We offer for prompt delivery the following
high-grade fuel. Very limited stock.
i i
Spadri Lump or Grate Arkansas Anthracite
A fuel that needs no Introduction. Our fonnnge I limited.
This coal freshly mined. Itescreened at yard.
Blue Flame -Semi Anthracite
We ran furnish a limited quantify 0f this excellent foel
- direct from car. Sice lump.
Egg Hard-Perm Anthracite
The most satisfying fuel to born.
Wallenberg Colorado-Lump-Nut
Hie highest grade bituminous coal la this market. Clean,
hot, hard formation. Good stocker.
Petroleum Coke Carbon
An ashless fnel of great beating power for hot air and hot
water furnaces.
SPECIALS Fernwood Pea-Arkansas Anthracite
B. B. Bi-product Coke Nut Size
Especially adapted for base burners. Tery satisfactory and
money savers.
Stored nnder corer on dry, clean, concrete floors. Screened care
fully and delivered to your bin by experienced men.
Retail Office, 303 S. 15th St. AT. 2700. I
Wasm CWarr asA
a - 1 1 ij
600 '495
J - I I a
Tlfrl ana muuc oiott
ItltSt r rl. . C a
ilif suu imm mi i
Pimples Keep
Young Men
They" Malt Women, Too, a Puxzlat
How S. S. S. Stops Skin
Eruptions Positivaly.
Ptmptoa and skin aruptlnns hsra a
fries, you pay (or every pustule,
Mark-hud and pimple on your race,
'lmplia produce prejuillca and prevent
proapontjf. Vour heart mar be golJ,
. R. . wui Kid
( I ha Oaahlat
-3 , , -
- - - -
iml Castle
I ! Ais a t f a
Tea .V
k h iMi tn k ,( fuptiBt
I'lmUr B en 4..i t k. I, a tha u.uate
f i lliln t' siumaH, tu i, a'e
Full i(a a ( a. la an I i.u
l.r, Yjui. mea S'i. xnen, fcaie s
In v' "Hi. I Kei a an I
UIS OUI fall V i( aavl
fa a auiunri Skw4 elMitae. s I i
la vk tua m-ml ) lul ilaalrvtare
l aiuavl Imyuriitaa, leu m ra If e
ns a .! lima. a. n, a h.e
a-l mm mf a Ju'V l t.:Ul.,e l .
ai wet I S ywurwlf. It ei.a,
mt ! SHual ruaarl! ; .a
kl ' af fla-H Hl! 49 l
al.n-e. K t "t tt
a-aaf nioeaKt r.-rie mii ea
et IWi Wtlli(f,SliaSMvUi
k, fcvmi'.e tiKf rr t,"s is e
a-4'k a, a. '( .. ia, o ii
a a . aa4 mm )-r la.e ! t
ai fi riii, ttt ft
r ., t , I W . In .
mmt, a m a la a't at a'l is
e ''. la ta im the aue
e Us av.fa ' al
Made Strong and Well by
Lydia EaPinkham's Veg
etable Compound
St. FauCMinn. "I took Lydia E.
Tinkham's Veiretable Comjiound for
in tired, worn-out
reclinn and pain
ful periods. IoneJ
to set up with a
pain In my head
and pama in my
lower parts and
back. Of ten I was
nut able to do my
work. 1 read Ira
your little book
about l.ydia K
1'ink ham 'a Vag
utablo Comrxmnil
and I nave) taken ic I leei so wn
and strong ani can do every bit of
my work ani not a pain in my back
now. 1 retcommend yiur nivdicioa
and you can uto tins l. tt.-r as a test).
moiiUl.' Mr. 1'iiiu M titR, M
WmsU'W St.,t. I'aul, Mimt.
Jut anuttur csaa ah. ra a womar)
found relief by taking l.ydia Khnk
bsm'a Yeitetiiblt) tVimaund. Many
tunc tbvsei t.rwd, wrn-uvit ftlinif
and rains about the My ara frna
tr,tuiWs many wonwa hava. IhaVefa
tatiltt iVnuvund U'HUiMf aUu
tit Jut this, lh rt I
result ra n.uJ by h dUa;rswiitila ; .inrf ay f'K aft.-r j
ani 1 ne r,
l.ydia I.'. ItnVUm'a 'Vetrrtabla
r.imiHin J I a Wnnian's MeJi. ina f"f
W vttiaA'a Ailmcata, Always ralial'la.
Rupture Cured
In 30 Days or No Pay
r w
it ill
V ,1
Th plants which canst hay fever
have inconspicuous flowers. The
disease i caused by pollen. The
only pollen which causes it is that
which is wind borne,
As a rule (to wiich there art ex- the bay fever plants are
nrles a source of injury to trops
and oi loss to urmrrs.
Occasionally a cold or modified
luy fevrr results from slicking sn
oiloriferous flower to one s nose, but
suth attai ks arc not properly termed
bay fever.
The hay fever plants of one sec
tion are not those ol all sections.
Ihrrelore. occasionally a hay fever
tutlrrtr gets relirf by changing his
tlx (!' even though be changes to
a ibstrirt where tbere is hay fevrr.
Die reouisitt is tlut he change to
a plare where tbrrt art not many of
the pUnts which give him hay fever.
Koses, goMcnroil, lilies of the val
ley, honeysuckle and other pretty.
odoriferous and insect pollinated
flowers An not cause hay fever. The
pollrn of ragweed may be carried
more than five miles by a high wind.
It is not csrrird sa far as fifteen
miles, at least not in such quantities
as will permit a man to inhale a
dose Urge enough to give him hay
fever. Grass pollen is rarely carried
far as a mile.
There are no hav fever weeds at
locations higher than 6.000 fert. All
resorts located more than 7 .OIK; alti
tude tilt bay (net iter. An uUnd tlut I ke rrd free is Salt
it surroua-led by ten miles of water.
, Island clutrr to mainland may be
.tree if weeds ra kept down and
the wind generally comes oil the wa
ter. No resort at low altitudes re
mains permanent! tree from hay
I fever unless the weeds art kept
I Many cities have ami-weed or.Jb
i nances. As a rule these art too se.
vert as to provisions and too lenient
as til administration.
It is not necessary to keep weeds
down to four inches In height. Smct
there is no harm esccot from flower
ing, a twelve-inch limit is enough. If
a man knows which pollrns cause his
trouhte and watrlirs the reads and
del. Is around his neighborhood in
tell igenl ly he stands ahmt as good
a rinnre ol escaping his attack as he
will y going away to a resort.
Few resorts have studied the weeds
snd grasses of the vicinity oe have
kept track of the pollens in the air
and seen to it that intelligent td
control is csrrird out in their vl
When they do ibis they will be
aMe tn otler their patrons a ninth
more s-i'isfartnry servire.
Should the Tceih Co?
M. f. T, writes: "An X-ray of
teeth shows three or f"ur with pus
ssrkS at the roots. My physician
says to have them out. Dentists
ssy to hstig on to my own teeth as
ions' as possible,
YUiat would you advise in a per
son nearly 50 years of sge?
Lately have had pains in calves
of legs, seemingly in muscles, and in
musrlrs at back nf knees, which
come and go. Also, soreness in
muscles at aides pi neck, towards the
"Could theae pains be caused by
Infected teeth?"
Your pains could be csused by ab
sorption of infection from your
teeth. I wish I knew what to tell
)ou to Jo, but 1 am ts much at se
as you aie
I have known of rates of anemia,
diabetes, liright's disease, rheuma
tism and neuritis getting well alter
the teeth wert removed.
1 hava known ol other cases when
estradiol! promised just ts much,
but where no improvement followed
ome casrs that weit cured
showed very little undrr X-ray.
some cases that wert not benefited
showed much.
flow to tell which it which.
frankly, 1 do not know.
Health ASects Vision.
L. K. writes: "Ever since the sge
of 10 1 havt read a great deal. Now,
at 15, 1 was told by my physieitn
wheit I obtained my glasses that I
am half Wind.
"Would you please advise mt lu
this matter?
"if 1 were to go and spend at
least two months in the country or
mountains, living outdoors mostly,
vtould 1 regain my norms! vision?
It is possible.
The state of the general health has
a good deal to do with vision.
Gal! Bladder Suspected.
M. E. II. writes: "Hesse tell me
the cause and remedy for excessive
leli lung during the night. 1 am a
middle-aged woman and careful as
to diet. Will this belching affect my
iieicning wiiu n uevciopt in ine
night generally meant trouble in the
gall bladder.
The danger to your heart it not
LLmt in Milk Useless.
It A u ..'I... t la Ik. ...,t-r
eie lerecfiifur in nf rtti teaanrmnl nt
of lime water in milk or water after
meals twice a day harmful?
I, It the daily use of baking
soda in water, at it recommended by
one medicine agency, bcnrhtul ui
I, Pi i haps set. Moderately so. It
does no good. Soft waters are tome
what belter than hint sajtera
drinking purposes at well as 1 r i
wasiiing cioinet.
L llirniiul.
Parents' Problems
What course should he followed in
the case of a boy of III who is very
slow, dallying over whatever task
ht may, be doing lessons, chores,
loness is of two kinds. The
first arises ftom a somewhat slug
gish mentality for which a child it
nowise to blame. "I ht second,
which may be called "dilly-dallying"
is the child's own f4iilt. In tlralmg
with childrrn who are slow (mm
eithrr cause, a good plan is to set
a task to be completed within a
given time, with a reward for sue
rrss or some penalty for failure.
Zfmo the Clean, Antisrptic
Liquid, Givci Prompt Rrlicf
There Is one safe, dependable
treatment that relieves Itching tor
ture and that cleaners and soothes
the skin.
Aak any druKdst for a I'o or tl
bottle ot Zfino and apply It aa di
rected. Boon you will nnd that Ir
ritations, I'linplee. Work heads.
hesema, Tllotrhea. Klnawnrni and
similar akin troublea will disappear.
Zerno, Ilia tivnatratlnv, tl"fyln
liquid, la all that la needed, for It
banlehea moat skin aruptlona, makes
the akin soft, amooth and healthy, j
AND wear! You'd
HLthlnk lhe Good
year All-WeathcrTrcad
Solid Tire wai made of
iron-lf you didn't
know It Ii aprlngier
even than many ao
called cushion tires.
tlkf0f i mmpm
tae GoaeSear react
TsVes saa 94 trrittJ
hi iki GaWyear Trace
Tire Deafer.
Ft Smith
Truck aad Tractor
Mim IX ailai oass
1)10 Jaiaea Street
lice Want Ads Produce Kesults.
The Omaha Bee's Circulation and Advertising
Figures Both Show Splendid Gains in July, 1922
71,625 76,332
AN increasing circulation of greater
buying power spells ever-increasing
results for advertisers as the trend toward good
business continues.
It is but natural that the splendid gains The
Omaha Bee has been ' showing in circulation
should be accompanied by handsome increases
in advertising for The Omaha Bee gains in
circulation mean gains in business for The
Omaha Bee advertisers.
The Omaha Morning Bee
in ), (-r J (l-
kyJrateJ t st. fut
i.i isivtn e.
.... . , Mi -. t . hi
a- i ' r.
a iron 1 1 lit, arts.
i , i .
jv4 Wui si i.
1 Sa tsmsl. at s ., ttaue s.